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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vocational education for children with disabilities in East Africa: Uwezo

Byrne, Jennifer Ellen 14 May 2021 (has links)
Children with disabilities (CWD) in East Africa experience occupational injustice in its most severe forms. A number of complex and dynamic factors contribute to this injustice including cultural beliefs about disability, a significant gap between policy adaptation and policy implementation, and physical barriers as a result of poverty. Uwezo is the Swahili word for ability, a name suitable for a program created to empower CWD in low-income countries (LIC) and lower-middle income countries (LMIC) to achieve their maximum potential. Uwezo is a community-owned and community-run vocational education program for CWD that will originate in East Africa with the intent to expand globally to serve additional communities in need. Children with disabilities ages 3-16 will learn three categories of classroom and experiential instruction including: education for everyday living, life skills and vocational study. Designed with sustainability as a priority, the program will be presented to community members as a template, intended to be carefully tailored according to the community’s unique priorities and needs. Ultimately, Uwezo has the potential to rapidly shift cultural perception about disability, enhance the local economy, inspire grassroot advocacy efforts, and improve the and quality of life for children and persons with disabilities.

From Pre-Service to Practice: Exploring Self-Efficacy Development Among Teachers During Their First-Year Teaching Experience

Williams, Anita J. 28 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluering van 'n opleidingsprogram vir vrywillige werkers betrokke by 'n gemeenskapsprojek

Bester, Juanita 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Department of Occupational Therapy of the University of Stellenbosch has been involved in the development of the Volcano Community Project in the Ravensmead area since 1994. A needs assessment conducted in the area has led to the indentification of the following problems: • there are no after school care services in the area; • limited opportunities for individual attention to learners because of a high learner educator ratio; • high incidence of substance abuse amongst the youth; • children loitering in the streets in the afternoon; and • a quarter of all grade one learners in the area repeat their basis year of school. In order to address the abovementioned problems it was decided to recruit unemployed youth within the community as voluntary workers. This group of volunteers received training in the execution of pre-planned developmental stimulation lessons that they then present to grade one and two learners who have problems. The volunteers undergo a training programme in order to equip them to handle the learners. This project is still in progress and it needs to be evaluated in order to gain information which would help to improve the programme as well as the management thereof. The aim of the research was to establish the impact of programme participation on the voluntary workers and that was done by looking at the following: • what the strengths of the project are; • what the weaknesses of the project are; and • which suggestions there are to improve the project. Qualitative formative evaluation research was the paradigm within which the research was executed. Interviews were conducted with the voluntary workers and the following themes/patterns emerged from the data: Strengths of the project: Turnabout in the lives of the voluntary workers; improvement of self-knowledge; development of skills; work satisfaction; and guidance by the students. Weaknesses of the project: Schools where this project is in progress and facilities available at these schools; management of the project; and the group of voluntary workers. Suggestions regarding the project: Encouragement; management; and other logistics. The researcher took each of these main themes and with the help of process/impact rubrics data was interpreted. From these rubrics factors were identified and recommendations made which may contribute to the improvement of the project for example feedback after completion of the task is very important and should be very specific for an individual. Possibilities for the broader application of findings are also suggested. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Departement Arbeidsterapie van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, is sedert 1994 betrokke by die ontwikkeling van die Volcano gemeenskapsprojek in die Ravensmeadarea. In Behoeftebepaling in die area het gelei tot die identifisering van die volgende probleme: • geen naskoolse dienste is in die area beskikbaar nie; • beperkte geleenthede vir individuele aandag aan leerders as gevolg van 'n te hoë leerdertoedeling per onderwyser; • hoë voorkoms van substansmisbruik onder die jeug; • kinders wat in die middag in die straat rondslenter; en • In kwart van alle graad een leerders in die area herhaal hul basisjaar van skool. Daar is besluit om bogenoemde probleme aan te spreek deur werklose jeugdiges in die gemeenskap te werf as vrywillige werkers. Die groep vrywillige werkers is dan opgelei om vooraf opgestelde ontwikkelingstimulasielesse aan te bied aan graad een en twee leerders wat probleme ervaar. Die vrywillige werkers deurloop In opleidingsprogram om hulle beter toe te rus om die leerders optimaal te kan hanteer. Die program is nog lopend en evaluering is nodig ten einde inligting te verkry wat kan lei tot die verbetering van die program en die bestuur van die projek oor die algemeen. Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om die impak wat programdeelname op die vrywillige werkers het te ondersoek deur te kyk na: • wat die sterkpunte van die projek is; • wat die swakpunte van die projek is; en • watter voorstelle daar is om die program te verbeter. Kwalitatiewe formatiewe evaluasienavorsing is die paradigma wat in hierdie navorsing gebruik is om die data in te samel en te analiseer. Onderhoude is met vrywillige werkers gevoer en die volgende hooftemas het uit die data na vore gekom: Sterkpunte van die projek: Ommeswaai in vrywillige werkers se lewens; bevordering van selfkennis; ontwikkeling van vaardighede; werksbevrediging; en leiding deur die studente. Swakpunte van die projek: Skole waar die program aangebied word en die fasiliteite beskikbaar by die skole; bestuur van die projek; en die groep vrywillige werkers. Voorstelle ten opsigte van die projek: Aansporing; bestuur en ander logistieke. Die navorser het elk van hierdie hooftemas geneem en met behulp van proses/impakmatrikse is die data geïnterpreteer vir hierdie projek. Uit hierdie matrikse is faktore geïdentifiseer en aanbevelings gemaak wat mag bydra tot die verbetering van die projek, byvoorbeeld terugvoer na afloop van die uitvoering van take is belangrik en moet spesifiek en individueel gerig wees. Wyer toepassingsmoontlikhede van die bevindinge word ook voorgestel.

Impact of a training programme on food preparation knowledge and skills of food service workers at Sharpeville care of the aged

Sinthumule, Lufune 05 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Hospitality, Faculty of Human Sciences) Vaal University of Technology / Introduction: The education, training and development (ETD) industry has developed fast over the past few years in our country. One need only read the national weekend papers and see all the ETD vacancies advertised to realise that ETD issues are being given increased coverage in this country. The reason for this increased focus on ETD is the need for skilled workers in organisations. Reports on our competitiveness in the world have consistently identified the lack of people development as a major stumbling block for the South African economy in competing in the global market. Objectives: The main objective of this study was to measure the impact of a training programme for the food service workers providing meals to 300 elderly people attending the Sharpeville Care of the Aged centre, in terms of a skills development programme, in order to contribute to increased productivity and provide nutritious meals to the elderly. Methods: A baseline survey was undertaken to determine the nutritional status, food consumption patterns and nutrient intake in a random sample of 300 elderly people attending the care centre five days a week. Socio-demographic and health questionnaires, as well as 24-hour recall questionnaires were completed with the assistance of trained fieldworkers. Anthropometric measurements included weight, height, and Mid-Upper Arm Circumference. Furthermore, the existing menus served to the elderly were theoretically analysed using FoodFinder® version 3 program to determine the energy, carbohydrate, protein and fat content. A developed and tested questionnaire was used to gather information from ten volunteer food service workers at the care centre to determine the training needs. The results of the baseline survey, the menu analysis and training needs assessment were used to develop a training programme that was implemented for a period of ten weeks. Learning was measured after the training programme by administering the same knowledge questionnaire, as well as by a portfolio of evidence and practical assessment. Data analyses: Data for the baseline survey was captured on an Excel spreadsheet. Data analysis was done using the Statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows version 10.0 program for all variables except dietary intake data. Dietary intake and food consumption data were analysed by a registered dietician using the FoodFinder® version 3 program, developed by the Medical Research Council (MRC). Daily nutrient intakes were reported as means and standard deviations and compared to RDAs. Paired t tests were done to determine correlations between knowledge of the food service workers before and after the implementation of the training programme. Results: The results indicated that the majority of the elderly had an income of between R500 and R1 000 per month and most of them reported an occasional lack of funds to meet basic household needs, confirming the presence of food insecurity. Daily dietary intakes (mean ±Standard Deviation [SD] were 5 041,2 ± 2 299,6 kilojoules (kJ) energy, 50,4 ± 28,2 gram (g) protein, 38,9 ± 28,2 g fat and 149,0 ± 76,6 g carbohydrates. The majority (29.5%) were overweight (body mass index [BMI] ~25) or obese (BMI ~30) whilst 33.5% had a mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) of ~21.7 centimetres (em). Mean intakes of micronutrients were low in comparison with the reference standards. The volunteer food service workers were literate as the majority had higher than grade 10-12 training and 80% had previously received on-the-job training. The training programme was successfully implemented and the knowledge of the voluntary food service workers improved after the training programme was implemented. However, because of the small sample size no significance could be determined. Conclusions: The findings of this study confirmed that poverty, malnutrition, both under- and over-nutrition, as well as household food insecurity and poor health were the major problems observed in this elderly community. These findings correspond to other studies, however limited, conducted amongst the elderly in South Africa. The results indicated that, although the food service workers were literate and had received prior training, they still had a poor knowledge of appropriate food preparation method and practices, as well as nutrition, especially related to the elderly. On completion of the training programme, the knowledge of the food service workers improved. This study emphasises the importance of continued on-the-job training Recommendations: The recommendations of further research include: 1) A more detailed study to evaluate the influence of the training programme not only on knowledge and skills, but also on behaviour and attitude. 2) Periodically measuring such influence over a year to measure knowledge retention. 3) Implementation of a NEP for the elderly and its impact on nutrition knowledge and dietary intake behaviour tested. / National Research Foundation (NRF

Organisation de la formation et perception de l’identité professionnelle : le cas des formations des métiers du bois au Gabon

Nsi Be, Rolie 14 November 2013 (has links)
Le Gabon, depuis 2010, a interdit l'exportation des grumes. À travers cette décision, les autorités prônent la valorisation du bois sur le territoire national avant son exportation. Ceci à poser la problématique des disponibilités de la main-d'œuvre formé dans les institutions de formation pour transformer ce bois sur le plan local. Les structures existent en nombre suffisant pour la deuxième transformation où les entreprises sont plus artisanales qu’industrielles et le nombre d’entreprises dans la fabrication industrielle est inexistant. Cela ouvre un grand champ pour questionner les possibilités d’adéquation : des formations, de l’efficacité de leur action de formation ou de l’engagement des acteurs(élèves, enseignants, formateurs en entreprises…) engagés dans ces formations. De fait nous sommes allées questionner les élèves pour identifier les réalités de satisfaction, d’apprentissage et d'adaptation afin de cerner les éléments qui leur permettent de se construire une identité professionnelle utile à leur adaptation à leur profession pour une meilleure adéquation. Les résultats de ce travail permettront d’avoir un regard critique sur les réelles attentes des jeunes qui s’orientent vers l’enseignement technique et la formation professionnelle au Gabon. Pour l’administration et l’industrie du bois, ce regard doit encourager des analyses concrètes sur les besoins en terme de réforme pour l’industrie et la formation afin d’identifier les facteurs d'efficacité à prendre en compte pour l'évaluation, l’optimisation des formations et des facteurs d'adaptation de la main-d’œuvre destinée au travail dans ce secteur actuellement. / Gabon, since 2010, has banned the export of logs. Through this decision, the government encourages the processing of wood in the country before it is exported. This to raise the issue of availability of trained manpower in training institutions to transform the wood locally. Structures exist in sufficient numbers for the second transformation where companies are more artisanal than industrial and the number of companies in the industrial manufacturing is non-existent. This opens a large field of possibilities to question the adequacy: training, the effectiveness of their training action or commitment of the actors (students, teachers, trainers companies) engaged in such training. In fact we went to ask the students to identify the realities of satisfaction, learning and adaptation in order to identify the elements that allow them to build useful professional identity in their adaptation to their profession for a better fit. The results of this thesis will take a critical look at the real expectations of young people are moving towards technical education and vocational training at Gabon. For the administration and the wood industry, this look must encourage practical analysis of the needs in term of reform for the industry and training to identify efficiency factors to be taken into account for the evaluation optimization training and adaptation of the workforce for work in this sector currently factors.

Os serviços de apoio à reabilitação aos usuários do Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais: diagnóstico das necessidades de capacitação de reabilitadores / The support services for Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies patients: focusing the needs for further training of rehabilitators

Custodio, Silvana Aparecida Maziero 04 October 2007 (has links)
Este estudo mapeou os serviços de reabilitação no Brasil utilizados pelos usuários do Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais da Universidade de São Paulo (HRAC/USP) e faz um diagnóstico das necessidades de capacitação dos profissionais que os atendem nas áreas de fonoaudiologia, odontologia, psicologia e serviço social. Os objetivos dessa pesquisa foram: identificar formas de articulação dos serviços/reabilitadores com órgãos locais e HRAC; levantar o perfil dos reabilitadores e conhecer suas necessidades e o interesse em participar do programa de capacitação do HRAC; propor a ampliação das formas de intercâmbio e articulação dos serviços/reabilitadores com diferentes organizações e contribuir para a construção de um pólo de capacitação, tendo como compromisso a humanização e qualificação da atenção. O estudo teve dois momentos: 1º) remessa de questionário para os pacientes do Projeto Florida (475) - projeto interdisciplinar desenvolvido em parceria com a Universidade da Flórida - para identificar os serviços / reabilitadores de seus municípios e/ou região de origem; 2º) remessa de questionário aos serviços/reabilitadores identificados (61). Dentre esses, obtivemos resposta de 21 serviços em 19 cidades, oito Estados e três regiões, em sua maioria de natureza pública e do Terceiro Setor, prestando serviços de reabilitação e assistência social, estabelecendo relações de parceria/convênios com o próprio HRAC, com Prefeituras Municipais/Secretarias de Saúde e Associações de Pais e Pessoas com Fissura Labiopalatina. Os profissionais (72) relataram dificuldades para a prática profissional na área da fissura, com destaque para área de fonoaudiologia, o que sugere medidas urgentes no sentido de se estabelecer estratégias. (95,4%) dos profissionais demonstraram interesse e a necessidade de participar de cursos de capacitação. As sugestões para o atendimento dessa demanda são: aprofundamento no conteúdo dos cursos específicos ministrados no Curso de Anomalias Craniofaciais, ampliação do conteúdo da disciplina de Política de Saúde e Reabilitação ministrada nos cursos de Pós-graduação, chegando à criação de um Núcleo de Telessaúde do HRAC/USP, Articulação da Rede Nacional de serviços na área da fissura labiopalatina que podem impulsionar a criação do pólo de capacitação do HRAC na área, em parceria com outros pólos de educação permanente do SUS no Brasil e do programa de descentralização do HRAC/USP. / This study investigated the services/programs accessed by patients from HRAC-USP, at their cities of origin, focusing on the professionals? reported need for further training in the areas of communication disorders, dentistry, psychology and social work.The objectives of this research were: 1) to identify the route followed by professionals/services in the hospital and other organizations to locate and to have access to out-services/programs for continuity care in craniofacial area; 2) to describe the profile of professionals serving the HRAC?s patients in their cities of origin and to learn about these professionals need and interest in further training in the craniofacial area; 3) to propose means to expand exchange of services and exchange between professionals among existing organizations serving patients with craniofacial anomalies; and 4) to contribute to the development of a network for continuing education focusing on humanization and quality of services. The study had 2 phases: 1) during phase 1 a Questionnaire investigating the existence and the access to outservices/professionals in the patients? city of origin, was distributed to 475 patients participating in another research involving the HRAC and the University of Florida (Florida Project); 2) during phase 2 another questionnaire was sent to the services/professionals serving the HRAC?s patients in their cities of origin and to learn about their profile need and interest in further training in the craniofacial area; was sent to all 61 services identified during phase. Out of the 61 services contacted a total of 21 replied to the second questionnaire. These services represented 19 different cities, 8 states and 3 regions of the country. Most of the services were supported with public or non governmental organizations resources and offered social or rehabilitative services by means of partnerships with the HRAC, local city government or parent/patients? support groups. The 72 professionals from the 21 services investigated that replied to the second questionnaire reported limited abilities to practice in the craniofacial areas, mainly Communication Disorders, suggesting the urgent need for the development of a network for continuing education. A total of 95.4% professionals indicated need and interest to participate in further training programs. The author?s suggestions for attending the reported needs are: 1) to advance the content of already existing courses at HRAC in the Craniofacial Area; 2) to improve the content of the Political Health and Rehabilitative Services discipline already ministered at the Graduate Program at HRAC; 3) the development of a Center for Interactive-Distant Learning at HRAC (Telessaúde HRAC-USP), 4) the organization of all national services in the Craniofacial Area fostering the development of a National Network for Training in Craniofacial Anomalies in a partnership with other networks supported by the Ministry of Health (SUS) and in agreement with HRAC goal for decentralization of services.

Educação em economia popular solidária: experiências pedagógicas que libertam?

Pielke, Luciane Rocha Ferreira 17 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-03-16T16:56:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Luciane Rocha Ferreira_.pdf: 4806009 bytes, checksum: a948f1f3bab6fdaa12db88c6fe2f9f20 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-16T16:56:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luciane Rocha Ferreira_.pdf: 4806009 bytes, checksum: a948f1f3bab6fdaa12db88c6fe2f9f20 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-01-17 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente Tese tem como tema o fenômeno educativo que acontece no universo do Movimento Social da Economia Popular Solidária. A investigação aconteceu em duas experiências de educação, nascidas de projetos de política pública, regidos por editais financiados pela SENAES: a segunda versão do Centro de Formação e Assessoria Técnica em Economia Solidária (CFES Regional Sul/2013-2017) e o Projeto Municipal de Ações Integradas de Economia Solidária de São Leopoldo/RS (2013/2016). O objetivo principal foi investigar os sentidos e significados – individuais e coletivos - atribuídos pelas pessoas que participaram dos processos educativos, bem como perceber neles possibilidades e limites para a construção/consolidação de uma política pública de educação e assessoria técnica em Economia Solidária. Nas entrelinhas desta (re)leitura compreensiva, intencionou-se perceber como o processo pedagógico aconteceu por meio das práticas de participação, do diálogo, verificando de que modo as experiências de vida contribuem para uma possível conscientização e libertação das pessoas envolvidas. O referencial teórico teve por base a fenomenologia desde Merleau-Ponty, em sintonia com a Educação Popular em Paulo Freire e com a Sistematização das Experiências conforme Oscar Jara e Danilo Streck e Telmo Adams. Valorizamos também dimensões teóricas das epistemologias (des)coloniais com base em Frantz Fanon, Catherine Walsh, Walter Mignolo, Fernanda F. Bragato, e feministas que colaboram para ampliar as reflexões tecidas na pesquisa. Entre os resultados, destaca-se: o potencial do conceito de sororidade como mediação pedagógica entre as mulheres; as epistemologias do cotidiano feminino como base existencial da produção de sentidos, significados e saberes libertadores de si; a (re)significação de conceitos e práticas fundamentais à vivência da educação em Economia Solidária como estratégia de fortalecimento da política; o desafio de viver a educação solidária como princípio educativo da formação/educação em Economia Popular Solidária; a resignificação dos sentidos e práticas da participação e do diálogo como instrumentos da autogestão possível. / The present thesis has as its theme the educational phenomenon that happens in the universe of the Social Movement of the Popular Solidarity Economy. The research took place in two educational experiences, born of public policy projects, governed financed by SENAES: the second version of the Centro de Formação e Assessoria Técnica em Economia Solidária (CFES Regional Sul/ 2013-2017) and the Municipal Project of Integrated Actions of Solidarity Economy of São Leopoldo/RS (2013/2016). The main objective of this study is to investigate the meanings - individual and collective - attributed by the people who participated in the educational processes, as well as perceive in them possibilities and limits for the construction/consolidation of a public policy of education and technical advice in Solidary Economy. Between the lines of this comprehensive (re)reading, it was intended to identify how the pedagogical process happened through the practices of participation and dialogue, verifying how the life experiences contribute to a possible awareness and liberation of the people involved. The theoretical reference was based on the Phenomenological view from Merleau-Ponty, in line with Popular Education in Paulo Freire and with the Systematization of Experiences according to Oscar Jara and Danilo Streck e Telmo Adams. The theoretical dimensions of the (de)colonial epistemologies according to Frantz Fanon, Catherine Walsh, Walter Mignolo, Danilo Streck and Telmo Adams, Fernanda F. Bragato and feminists collaborate to broaden the reflections in the research. Among the results, we highlight: the potential of sorority as pedagogical mediation among women; the epistemologies of the daily feminine as existential basis of the production of senses, meanings and knowledge liberating oneself; the (re)signification of concepts and practices that are fundamental to the experience of education in Solidary Economy as a policy strengthening strategy; the challenge of living solidarity education as an educational principle of training/education in Solidary Popular Economy; the re-signification of the meanings and practices of participation and dialogue as pedagogical instruments of self-management possible.

Formação docente para a prática de educação sexual nas escolas: uma análise a partir dos relatos dos professores de uma escola pública em São Bernardo do Campo, SP

Bartasevicius, Daniela Maria Manna January 2015 (has links)
Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Meiri Aparecida Gurgel de Campos Miranda / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa De Pós-Graduação em Ensino, História, Filosofia das Ciências e Matemática, 2015. / A adolescência e a juventude ocupam um lugar relevante no contexto das políticas públicas, já que as questões sexuais que antes eram tradicionalmente associadas às famílias, passaram a ser tratadas como um problema social. O Ministério da Educação (MEC), em 1998, através dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN) passa a estimular os projetos de Educação Sexual nas escolas, com sua inclusão nos temas transversais em seu caderno de Orientação sexual. Porém, após 17 anos da introdução dos PCN no plano de políticas públicas em educação do governo Federal, muitas das orientações parecem não ser observadas no ambiente escolar. No Estado de São Paulo, as medidas propostas pelos PCN, foram em grande parte substituídas pela obrigatoriedade no cumprimento do Currículo de São Paulo. Para que a escola possa cumprir seu papel na orientação dos jovens a respeito dos temas de sexo e sexualidade, os professores precisam ser acompanhados por um processo contínuo de formação e debates. Entretanto, estudos relatam que o processo formativo desses professores, não os tem preparado para abordar a questão da sexualidade no espaço da escola, aumentando assim seus sentimentos de insegurança e preocupação. O trabalho pretende discutir as necessidades formativas dos professores para as aulas de Educação Sexual, usando como parâmetro as concepções relatadas por um grupo de professores de uma escola estadual de São Bernardo do Campo, SP. Para realização desta reflexão foi realizado um grupo focal com professores dessa escola. Os resultadosforam obtidos a partir da relação entre os dados adquiridos pelo grupo focal e os referenciais teóricos, analisadas sob uma perspectiva hermenêutico dialética, que consiste na análise da fala do(s) sujeito(s), buscando nas mesmas, elementos que descrevam as concepções e as contradições da realidade dos fenômenos observados. Quanto aos resultados, percebemos uma mudança nos conceitos dos professores sobre a Educação Sexual aplicada na escola, o que os levou a refletir sobre a necessidade de serem formados para sua aplicação. Como sugestões apontadas pelos professores para essas capacitações, podemos destacar a mudança nos currículos dos cursos de formação inicial e a formação continuada dentro da própria unidade escolar, preconizando dinâmicas, discussões sobre o tema e trocas de experiências entre os pares. / TThis research is based on the work of Deborah Ball (BALL; THAMES; PHELPS, 2008; Stylianides; BALL, 2004) and Shulman (1986) and seeks to understand how the concept of symmetry is manifested in school algebra through the analysis of official documents and teacher manuals. The methodology was developed in view of a document analysis, and the analyzes were based on Bardin's Content Analysis (2011), which features several document analysis methods, speech, among other genres. This work was conceived from the experience of the researcher in the internship and the research group. During the study, it was necessary to determine a mathematical theme that would enable a dialogue between algebra and geometry, so we chose the theme "symmetry". The goal at that time was to identify what knowledge the teacher mobilized to teach symmetry with aspects of algebra. The next step, the literature review, it was shown little about this approach, as well, it was chosen the theme set forth above. The developed analyzes revealed the poor conditions that addressed the concept of symmetry articulated to algebra or it inserted. However, it was observed that when such a concept appeared in algebra, even under the bias of the geometry, several promising ways for its development in algebra were identified.

Os serviços de apoio à reabilitação aos usuários do Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais: diagnóstico das necessidades de capacitação de reabilitadores / The support services for Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies patients: focusing the needs for further training of rehabilitators

Silvana Aparecida Maziero Custodio 04 October 2007 (has links)
Este estudo mapeou os serviços de reabilitação no Brasil utilizados pelos usuários do Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais da Universidade de São Paulo (HRAC/USP) e faz um diagnóstico das necessidades de capacitação dos profissionais que os atendem nas áreas de fonoaudiologia, odontologia, psicologia e serviço social. Os objetivos dessa pesquisa foram: identificar formas de articulação dos serviços/reabilitadores com órgãos locais e HRAC; levantar o perfil dos reabilitadores e conhecer suas necessidades e o interesse em participar do programa de capacitação do HRAC; propor a ampliação das formas de intercâmbio e articulação dos serviços/reabilitadores com diferentes organizações e contribuir para a construção de um pólo de capacitação, tendo como compromisso a humanização e qualificação da atenção. O estudo teve dois momentos: 1º) remessa de questionário para os pacientes do Projeto Florida (475) - projeto interdisciplinar desenvolvido em parceria com a Universidade da Flórida - para identificar os serviços / reabilitadores de seus municípios e/ou região de origem; 2º) remessa de questionário aos serviços/reabilitadores identificados (61). Dentre esses, obtivemos resposta de 21 serviços em 19 cidades, oito Estados e três regiões, em sua maioria de natureza pública e do Terceiro Setor, prestando serviços de reabilitação e assistência social, estabelecendo relações de parceria/convênios com o próprio HRAC, com Prefeituras Municipais/Secretarias de Saúde e Associações de Pais e Pessoas com Fissura Labiopalatina. Os profissionais (72) relataram dificuldades para a prática profissional na área da fissura, com destaque para área de fonoaudiologia, o que sugere medidas urgentes no sentido de se estabelecer estratégias. (95,4%) dos profissionais demonstraram interesse e a necessidade de participar de cursos de capacitação. As sugestões para o atendimento dessa demanda são: aprofundamento no conteúdo dos cursos específicos ministrados no Curso de Anomalias Craniofaciais, ampliação do conteúdo da disciplina de Política de Saúde e Reabilitação ministrada nos cursos de Pós-graduação, chegando à criação de um Núcleo de Telessaúde do HRAC/USP, Articulação da Rede Nacional de serviços na área da fissura labiopalatina que podem impulsionar a criação do pólo de capacitação do HRAC na área, em parceria com outros pólos de educação permanente do SUS no Brasil e do programa de descentralização do HRAC/USP. / This study investigated the services/programs accessed by patients from HRAC-USP, at their cities of origin, focusing on the professionals? reported need for further training in the areas of communication disorders, dentistry, psychology and social work.The objectives of this research were: 1) to identify the route followed by professionals/services in the hospital and other organizations to locate and to have access to out-services/programs for continuity care in craniofacial area; 2) to describe the profile of professionals serving the HRAC?s patients in their cities of origin and to learn about these professionals need and interest in further training in the craniofacial area; 3) to propose means to expand exchange of services and exchange between professionals among existing organizations serving patients with craniofacial anomalies; and 4) to contribute to the development of a network for continuing education focusing on humanization and quality of services. The study had 2 phases: 1) during phase 1 a Questionnaire investigating the existence and the access to outservices/professionals in the patients? city of origin, was distributed to 475 patients participating in another research involving the HRAC and the University of Florida (Florida Project); 2) during phase 2 another questionnaire was sent to the services/professionals serving the HRAC?s patients in their cities of origin and to learn about their profile need and interest in further training in the craniofacial area; was sent to all 61 services identified during phase. Out of the 61 services contacted a total of 21 replied to the second questionnaire. These services represented 19 different cities, 8 states and 3 regions of the country. Most of the services were supported with public or non governmental organizations resources and offered social or rehabilitative services by means of partnerships with the HRAC, local city government or parent/patients? support groups. The 72 professionals from the 21 services investigated that replied to the second questionnaire reported limited abilities to practice in the craniofacial areas, mainly Communication Disorders, suggesting the urgent need for the development of a network for continuing education. A total of 95.4% professionals indicated need and interest to participate in further training programs. The author?s suggestions for attending the reported needs are: 1) to advance the content of already existing courses at HRAC in the Craniofacial Area; 2) to improve the content of the Political Health and Rehabilitative Services discipline already ministered at the Graduate Program at HRAC; 3) the development of a Center for Interactive-Distant Learning at HRAC (Telessaúde HRAC-USP), 4) the organization of all national services in the Craniofacial Area fostering the development of a National Network for Training in Craniofacial Anomalies in a partnership with other networks supported by the Ministry of Health (SUS) and in agreement with HRAC goal for decentralization of services.

Dialogue or discipline : distance education support in the Department of Defence

Xabanisa, Llewellyn Mxolisi 11 October 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study was to identify what were the requirements placed on the design of distance education programmes as regards discipline or dialogue and how did these factors impact on student-support in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF). Education in general is used to classical behavioural objective that outlines precisely for the student what has to be done and is one way of structuring the learning materials. The South African National Defence Force (SANDF), by its very nature, is very familiar with this formal structure and style of doing things. It prescribes the way teaching has to happen and how the outcomes have to be achieved and at times in a very formal way. Opposed to the above is dialogue that calls for a move away from the prescriptiveness of doing something. Doing and thinking now becomes more open through dialogue. Education stakeholders now debate the value of certain content, since content is no more fixed, the admission of students into the programme is not fixed any more and the way examinations are set is also not fixed or prescriptive. There is now a move away from the disciplinary way of thinking, that is, thinking in terms of fixed boundaries or discipline any longer – dialogue has opened up options and opportunities. This research is based on the belief that distance education problems in the Department of Defence (DoD) are as result of outdated and inadequate instructional or programme design methods or approaches, and thus lack student-support. The four sub-research questions that emanate from the main research question as posed in this research are summarized as follows: (1) What is the distance learning teaching and learning character of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF)? (2) What is the role dialogue in the design of teaching and learning? (3) How are ‘outcomes’ in transactional distance or dialogue achieved? (4) What is the role of dialogue in student empowerment or student support? The design of this research was based on qualitative approach. The feasibility of the research was assured by focusing on distance learning institutions and practitioners. Literature study and document analysis was utilized as data-collection method. Face-to-face interviews with focused groups and individual interviews utilizing unstructured, open-ended questions on interview schedules were also conducted. In addition, anonymous student reports collected by programme managers at the end of a programme replaced the unavailability of student interviews were utilised. The findings of the study were that the character of structural design of distance learning programmes in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) resembles that of the disciplinary approach, and is thus prescriptive. Structure, in terms of the teaching and learning strategies and the substance of the content is largely the mode of practice in the SANDF’s distance education system. Communication finds its way into the distance learning system of the Department of Defence as authoritative power source. The main function of dialogue in the system is to vest the interest of this organization as programme directors and instructors are not fully emancipated. Students and instructors find it difficult to engage constructively academically. Learner-to-learner interaction and freedom of academic discourse is hampered as the result of authoritarian and prescriptive doctrine of a structured curriculum. It is then concluded that student support in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) distance education settings does not address requirements of dialogue. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Science, Mathematics and Technology Education / unrestricted

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