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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metodologia para integração de novas tecnologias na formação de professores / Methodology for technology integration in the teacher education

Magalhães, Mônica Giacomassi de Menezes de 24 November 2004 (has links)
O presente trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento, implantação e avaliação de uma metodologia para auxiliar o professor no uso de novas tecnologias em suas aulas, orientando-o na integração de informações para a produção do próprio material educacional multimídia. Pesquisou-se o uso de tecnologias em sala de aula e na formação de professores, com o objetivo de apresentar uma visão geral do que tem sido feito na área. Realizou-se ainda, um levantamento de propostas de autores sobre a formação do professor mostrando-se a importância do uso da tecnologia em sua formação inicial, no seu modo de ensinar e da aprendizagem da docência. A metodologia proposta constitui-se de quatro fases: Preparação, Produção, Integração e Visualização/Distribuição. Para ser utilizado, na fase de Integração, foi desenvolvido o software InMid, cujo objetivo é permitir que o professor integre diversas mídias obtidas antes, durante e/ou após a aula, possibilitando a sincronização das mesmas. A metodologia e o InMid foram aplicados no curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Exatas da USP/São Carlos, onde realizou-se uma avaliação, para que os futuros professores pudessem expressar dificuldades e facilidades encontradas com a utilização dos mesmos. / The present work consists on development, implementation and evaluation of a methodology to aid teachers using technology in classroom and integrating information for the production of their own educational multimedia material. Technology applications in classroom and in the initial teacher education were researched. Proposals about the teacher education were still presented. The importance of the technology in the initial teacher education, the importance of how the teacher teaches and the importance of the teacher learning were showed. The methodology was constituted by four phases: Preparation, Production, Integration and Visualization/Delivery. The software InMid was developed to be used in the phase of Integration and its objective is to allow the teacher to integrate several medias obtained before, during and after the class, facilitating the synchronization of them. The methodology and the InMid were applied in an initial teacher education course of the USP/São Carlos and they were evaluated to know about the future teachers´ difficulties and facilitates in using them.

Metodologia para integração de novas tecnologias na formação de professores / Methodology for technology integration in the teacher education

Mônica Giacomassi de Menezes de Magalhães 24 November 2004 (has links)
O presente trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento, implantação e avaliação de uma metodologia para auxiliar o professor no uso de novas tecnologias em suas aulas, orientando-o na integração de informações para a produção do próprio material educacional multimídia. Pesquisou-se o uso de tecnologias em sala de aula e na formação de professores, com o objetivo de apresentar uma visão geral do que tem sido feito na área. Realizou-se ainda, um levantamento de propostas de autores sobre a formação do professor mostrando-se a importância do uso da tecnologia em sua formação inicial, no seu modo de ensinar e da aprendizagem da docência. A metodologia proposta constitui-se de quatro fases: Preparação, Produção, Integração e Visualização/Distribuição. Para ser utilizado, na fase de Integração, foi desenvolvido o software InMid, cujo objetivo é permitir que o professor integre diversas mídias obtidas antes, durante e/ou após a aula, possibilitando a sincronização das mesmas. A metodologia e o InMid foram aplicados no curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Exatas da USP/São Carlos, onde realizou-se uma avaliação, para que os futuros professores pudessem expressar dificuldades e facilidades encontradas com a utilização dos mesmos. / The present work consists on development, implementation and evaluation of a methodology to aid teachers using technology in classroom and integrating information for the production of their own educational multimedia material. Technology applications in classroom and in the initial teacher education were researched. Proposals about the teacher education were still presented. The importance of the technology in the initial teacher education, the importance of how the teacher teaches and the importance of the teacher learning were showed. The methodology was constituted by four phases: Preparation, Production, Integration and Visualization/Delivery. The software InMid was developed to be used in the phase of Integration and its objective is to allow the teacher to integrate several medias obtained before, during and after the class, facilitating the synchronization of them. The methodology and the InMid were applied in an initial teacher education course of the USP/São Carlos and they were evaluated to know about the future teachers´ difficulties and facilitates in using them.


Palilonis, Jennifer Ann 17 April 2015 (has links)
To study a text, learners often engage in active reading. Through active reading, learners build an analysis by annotating, outlining, summarizing, reorganizing and synthesizing information. These strategies serve a fundamental meta-cognitive function that allows content to leave strong memory traces and helps learners reflect, understand, and recall information. Textbooks, however, are becoming more complex as new technologies change how they are designed and delivered. Interactive, touch-screen tablets offer multi-touch interaction, annotation features, and multimedia content as a browse-able book. Yet, such tablet textbooks-in spite of their increasing availability in educational settings-have received little empirical scrutiny regarding how they support and engender active reading. To address this issue, this dissertation reports on a series of studies designed to further our understanding of active reading with tablet textbooks. An exploratory study first examined strategies learners enact when reading and annotating in the tablet environment. Findings indicate learners are often distracted by touch screen mechanics, struggle to effectively annotate information delivered in audiovisuals, and labor to cognitively make connections between annotations and the content/media source from which they originated. These results inspired SMART Note, a suite of novel multimedia annotation tools for tablet textbooks designed to support active reading by: minimizing interaction mechanics during active reading, providing robust annotation for multimedia, and improving built-in study tools. The system was iteratively developed through several rounds of usability and user experience evaluation. A comparative experiment found that SMART Note outperformed tablet annotation features on the market in terms of supporting learning experience, process, and outcomes. Together these studies served to extend the active reading framework for tablet textbooks to: (a) recognize the tension between active reading and mechanical interaction; (b) provide designs that facilitate cognitive connections between annotations and media formats; and (c) offer opportunities for personalization and meaningful reorganization of learning material.

L'actitud crítica sobre el culte al cos des de l'educació física. Investigació-acció entorn del disseny, aplicació i avaluació d'un recurs educatiu multimèdia

Tirado Ramos, Miguel Ángel 12 July 2010 (has links)
Aquest context de cultura del consum en què ens trobem, on la mercadotècnia ha aconseguit associar un determinat model corporal a l'èxit personal i social -relació que s'intensifica en l'adolescència, quan l'aspecte físic és objecte de la màxima atenció i preocupació- ha motivat la realització d'una intervenció específica des de l'educació física a través d'un procés d'investigació-acció.L'objectiu de la recerca ha consistit en desenvolupar l'actitud crítica de l'alumnat cap al culte exacerbat al cos mitjançant el disseny, aplicació i avaluació d'un recurs educatiu multimèdia. Tot això en el marc d'una unitat didàctica de condició física i salut per a 4t d'ESO.En la investigació s'analitzen els fonaments curriculars i pedagògics d'aquesta intenció educativa i es delimita conceptualment el principal objecte d'ensenyança: l'actitud crítica. Posteriorment es dissenya, es descriu i s'avalua un pla d'acció aplicat de manera sistemàtica i amb el rigor científic que requereix una recerca que naix i es desenvolupa en la pràctica. / El contexto de cultura del consumo en que nos encontramos, donde la mercadotecnia ha conseguido asociar un determinado modelo corporal al éxito personal y social -relación que se intensifica en la adolescencia, cuando el aspecto físico es objeto de la máxima atención y preocupación- ha motivado la realización de una intervención específica desde la Educación Física a través de un proceso de investigación-acción.El objetivo de la investigación ha consistido en desarrollar la actitud crítica del alumnado hacia el culto al cuerpo exacerbado mediante el diseño, aplicación y evaluación de un recurso educativo multimedia. Todo ello en el marco de una unidad didáctica de condición física y salud para 4º de ESO.En la investigación se analizan los fundamentos curriculares y pedagógicos de esta intención educativa y se delimita conceptualmente el principal objeto de enseñanza: la actitud crítica. Posteriormente se diseña, se describe y se evalúa un plan de acción aplicado de manera sistemática y con el rigor científico que requiere una investigación que nace y se desarrolla en la práctica. / The consumer society in which we live, together with certain merchandising campaigns, has resulted in the fact that people tend to associate more and more the idea of a "perfect body" with personal and social success. Needless to say, people are more and more concerned about their physical appearance during adolescence. All this has inspired a thorough study on this topic from the perspective of the physical education and by means of an "Action-Research" process.The aim of this research was that some students in the fourth year of ESO (the last compulsory school year in the Spanish educational system) should acquire a critical attitude towards the body-building and body-care obsession. This study has been carried out by designing and using an Educational Multimedia Resource.This educational research is to be justified in the curricular foundations of the Spanish educational system and it aims to define clearly the core of this study: the development of a critical attitude. Several teaching strategies are designed, described and assessed, so that students can develop this critical thinking.All in all, the final goal is that students are able to develop a critical attitude while working from their own experiences.

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