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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dyzelinio variklio, dirbančio rapsų aliejaus ir benzino mišiniais, darbo rodiklių tyrimas / Research of the diesel engine performance parameters when operating on rape oil and petrol blends

Čebyla, Kornelijus 07 June 2005 (has links)
The theme of the Kornelijus Cebyla Master degree final project is „Research of the diesel engine performance parameters when operating on rape oil and petrol blends“. The research work consists of 71 pages, 6 tables, 46 pictures and 14 appendixes. There were used 24 references. The research was started in year 2003 and finisched in 2005 at Lithuanian University of Agriculture. The purpose of this project – to quality a develop of usage rape oil and petrol blends as a fuel in diesel engines, and the a connected with the problem is direct – injection diesel engine D – 243, to make conclusions and suggestions. Analysis of the to reduce viscosity rape oil and petrol blends shows that negligible quantity of petrol is use ful researchimprone atomisation of rape oil. 36 0C temperature B2,5 blends on the decrease viscosity 5,76 %, B10 blends the viscosity is 26,84 %, ≈ 36,10 % to reduction than rape oil. When engine is operating on B2,5 blends its power increases on 1,31 – 10,41 %. Mass metric fuel consumption, is functioning B2,5 blends, reduces 1,5 – 3,8 %, and on other the blendss its increases on 1 – 17 %. When engine operates on rape oil and petrol blendss CH emission increases on 10 – 25 ppm depending on to load. Load the increscent CO emission increases. The addition of petrol in to rape oil nitirc oxides NO and nitric dioxides NO2 concentration increases. When engine is operating B2,5 blends increases of smoke 5,97 – 27,31 %, and on other the blends reduction of smoke 3,9... [to full text]

Ekologiškų produktų rėmimo sprendimų formavimas / Formation of ecologic products promotion solutions

Pūraitė, Eglė 18 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti ekologinių produktų rėmimo situaciją šios dienos rinkoje. Pirmoje šio darbo dalyje analizuojama ekologiško marketingo, vartotojo ir ekologiškų produktų samprata. Vienas iš pagrindinių taškų skatinimo ekologiškų produktų yra suteikti visą būtiną informaciją potencialiam vartotojui apie ekologiškus produktus ir skatinti juos įsigyti. Šiam tikslui yra naudojamos reklamos priemonės – tai reklama televizijoje, spaudoje, tiesioginis bendravimas su ūkininkais. Taip pat yra rengiamos specialios TV laidos, straipsniai spaudoje, seminarai apie ekologiškus produktus ir jų naudą vartotojui. Prekybos centrai organizuoja degustacijas, loterijas, žaidimus skatinant kuo daugiau informuoti ir parduoti ekologiškų produktų. Antrojoje darbo dalyje pateikiami anketos apklausos rezultatai ir jų analizė. Atlikto tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad pakankamai nemažai informacijos apie ekologiškus produktus vartotojai gauna žiūrėdami televiziją 29%. 15% respondentų su ekologiškais produktais susipažįsta parodose ir mugėse. Nemažai informacijos vartotojas suranda internete 31%, bei spaudoje 9%. Baigiamajame darbe analizuojama ekologinio marketingo vystymasis ir raida, ekologiškumo samprata, ekologinis vartotojas ir produktas, bei ekologiškų produkto rėmimo kompleksai pasitelkiant mokslinę literatūrą, pagal tai padarytos išvados: 1. Stipriai besikeičiantis vartotojų požiūris į ekologines problemas, koreguoja įmonių veiklas. Taip pat vartotojas skatina organizacijas taikyti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim - to analyze the situation in the promotion of eco-products on the market today. In the first part of this work analyzes the eco-marketing, consumer and organic conception. One of the key points to promote eco-friendly products is to provide all the necessary information to potential consumers about environmentally friendly products and encourage them to buy. For this purpose, it is used for promotional tools - it is advertising on TV, print, direct communication with farmers. It also held a special TV broadcast, press articles, workshops on eco-friendly products and their benefits to the user. Supermarkets organizes tastings, lotteries, games to promote more awareness and sell organic products. The second part of the questionnaire survey. The survey results indicate that a considerable degree of information about organic products consumers receive television watching by 29%. 15% of respondents familiar with organic products in exhibitions and fairs. A number of information the user finds the internet 31% and 9% in the press.

Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų ir Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetų studentų požiūrio į buities ekologiją sąsajos su studijų programa bei praktine veikla / Lithuania health sciences and Alexander Stulginskis university students approach to household relationships with ecological studies programs and practical activities

Varžgalytė, Ligita 20 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Nustatyti LSMU ir ASU studentų požiūrio į buities ekologiją sąsajas su studijų programa bei praktine veikla. Uždaviniai. Išanalizuoti aukštųjų mokyklų studijų programas, susijusias su ekologijos mokslais; įvertinti studentų, studijuojančių ekologijos mokslus, žinias apie namų ūkio ekologiją bei jos poveikį sveikatai; nustatyti žinių apie buities ekologiją sąsajas su studijų programa bei praktine veikla. Tyrimo metodika. Empirinio tyrimo analizės objektas - studentų elgesys buityje ir studijų programų bei praktinės veiklos atspindys. Darbe naudoti tyrimo metodai: studentų anketinė apklausa; lyginamoji, vertinamoji ir statistinė analizė. Rezultatai. Apklausti 374 studentai, studijuojantys 17 – oje skirtingų Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų ir Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetų studijų programų, susijusių su ekologijos mokslais. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad daugumos studijų programų studentai turi palyginti geras deklaratyviąsias žinias, tačiau nustatytas reikšmingas procedūrinių ir veiksmingumo žinių trūkumas. Išvados ir praktinės rekomendacijos. LSMU ir ASU studentai, studijuojantys ekologijos mokslus, turi pakankamas žinias apie namų ūkio ekologiją bei jos poveikį sveikatai. Nustatyti statistiškai reikšmingi skirtumai tarp skirtingų studijų programų studentų turimų žinių buities ekologijos srityje bei nepakankamos teorinių žinių apie buities ekologiją sąsajos su praktine veikla. Atsižvelgiant į tyrimo rezultatus, studijų dalykuose, susijusiuose su ekologijos mokslais... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. Identify Lithuanian university of health sciences and Aleksandras Stulginskis university students approach to the ecological household links to study program and practical activities. Objectives. To analyze the high-school study programs related to ecological sciences; assess students, studying ecological sciences, knowledge of household ecology and its impact on health; to identify knowledge about the ecological household links to the study program and the practical activities. Methods. Research object - student behavior at home and its connection to study programs and practice reflection. Methods: structured group of individuals (students) questionnaire; comparative, evaluative and statistical analysis. Results. Interviewed 374 students studying in 17th different Lithuanian university of health sciences and Aleksandras Stulginskis university undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs, related to the ecological sciences. The study found that the majority of students have relatively good declarable ecological knowledge, but it is a significant lack of procedural (performance) and effectiveness knowledge. Conclusions and practical recommendations. No statistically significant differences has been identified between the different study programs students existing household ecology knowledge. However, the study established a weak knowledge of the ecology interface with domestic practices. It is recommended, in study subjects related to ecology, to seek... [to full text]

Ekologija i zoonotski potencijal nematode Capillaria aerophilaCreplin 1839 (Trichurida: Trichinellidae) kod crvene lisice (Vulpes vulpes L.) na području Vojvodine / Ecology and zoonotic potential of nematode Capillaria aerophila Creplin 1839 (Trichurida: Trichinellidae) by red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) on the terirory of Vojvodina

Simin Verica 23 May 2014 (has links)
<p>Imajući u vidu opasnost od zoonotske i antropozoonotske transmisije<em> Capillaria aerophila&nbsp;</em>po&nbsp;zdravlje životinja i ljudi, u ovom radu je ispitivana prevalencija kapilarijaze kod lisica&nbsp;poreklom sa različitih lokaliteta područja Vojvodine. Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno 146&nbsp;le&scaron;eva lisica. Uzorci lisica su prikupljani od decembra meseca 2009. do decembra meseca&nbsp;2012. godine. Sagledavanjem rezultata patolo&scaron;ke sekcije traheja i bronhija pluća 146 lisica,&nbsp;dobijena je izuzetno visoka prevalencija kapilarijaze od 77%, na osnovu čega se može&nbsp;zaključiti, da je područje Vojvodine novo područje u svetu sa izuzetno visokom prevalencom&nbsp;<em>C.</em> <em>aerophila&nbsp;</em>kod crvene lisice. Primenom koprolo&scaron;kog metoda ispitivanja kapilarijaza je&nbsp;dokazana kod 55 (41%) od ukupno 133 ispitivane lisice. Najveći broj lisica pozitivnih na&nbsp;prisustvo <em>C.</em> <em>aerophila&nbsp;</em>je bio iz Južnobačkog (24,7%) i Sremskog okruga (21,2%), a najmanji&nbsp;iz Južnobanatskog okruga (1,4%). Lisice Vojvodine su visoko infestirane kapilaridama.&nbsp;Ukupno je izolovano 1249 jedinki respiratorne nematode <em>C.</em> <em>aerophila</em>. Srednji broj nađenih&nbsp;parazita u traheji je bio 11,0, sa varijacijama od 1 do 60 kod pojedinih lisica. Među&nbsp;kapilaridama dominirale su ženke (67%), visoko reproduktivno sposobne, u odnosu na&nbsp;mužjake (33%). Korelativnom analizom između sezonskih količina padavina u Vojvodini i&nbsp;srednjeg broja nađenih adulta <em>C. aerophila&nbsp;</em>u traheji i bronhijama lisica utvrđeno je postojanje&nbsp;srednje značajne povezanosti. Patohistolo&scaron;kom analizom sluzokože traheja i tkiva pluća kod&nbsp;14 lisica, nisu bile utvrđene značajne patolo&scaron;ke promene. Ni u jednom slučaju nije bilo&nbsp;utvrđeno prisustvo parazitskih elemenata u tkivu pluća, koji bi ukazali na postojanje&nbsp;verminozne pneumonije kod lisica.&nbsp;</p> / <p>Having in mind an animal or human health hazard from zoonotic and anthropozoonotic transmissions of <em>Capillaria aerophila</em>, this paper is investigating a prevalence of capillariasis in foxes from different sites in Vojvodina.<br />Research included 146 fox corpses. Samples were gathered from December 2009 to December 2012. The resulting extremely high prevalence kapilarijaze of 77%, based on the results of pathologicalsections of the trachea and bronchi of the lung in 146 foxes, on the grounds thatit can be concluded that the area of Vojvodina new area in the world with an extremely high prevalence of&nbsp; <em>C. aerophila&nbsp;</em>in red foxes. Coprology proved capillariasis in 55 (41%) out of&nbsp; 133 examined foxes. The majority of positive foxes were from the South Bačka District (24,7%) and Syrmia (21,2%), and the smallest number of positive ones were from South Banat District (1,4%). Foxes in Vojvodina were highly infested with capillary worms. A total of 1249 <em>C. aerophila&nbsp;</em>nematode has been found. Average number of found parasites in trachea was 11,0 with variations from 1 to 60 in somefoxes. Among capillary worms, females prevailed (67%), very reproductivly capable, compared to males (33%). Correlative analysis showed the existence medium significance level of correlation between seasonal precipitation in Vojvodina, and the mean number found nematode <em>C. aerophila</em> in the trachea and bronchi fox. Pathohistology of tracheal mucosa and lung tissue in 14 foxes did not determine significant pathological changes. In neither one of the cases was determined the presence ofparasite elements in lung tissue, which would point to the existance of fox verminous pneumonia.</p>

Ugdymosi natūralioje aplinkoje sistema ir jos poreikio analizė / The system of environmental education and analysis of its demand

Radkevičienė, Irma 05 August 2013 (has links)
Šiame darbe tiriama pasaulinė ugdymosi natūralioje aplinkoje sistema, bei pristatoma jos praktinė patirtis, taip pat atlikus tyrimą atskleidžiamas šios sistemos poreikis tarp ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų ir vaikų tėvų. / This master thesis is investigating the system of environmental education and its practice. The second part describes a research of the need for such a system among preschool educators and childrens parents.

Funkcionalni karakteri i modelovanje distribucije vrsta osolikih muva (Diptera: Syrphidae) jugoistočne Evrope u proceni rizika od izumiranja / Functional traits and species distribution modelling of hoverflies (Diptera:Syrphidae) in Southeast Europe in assessment of extinction risk

Miličić Marija 27 December 2017 (has links)
<p>U radu je izvr&scaron;ena podela 572 registrovane vrste osolikih muva sa područja jugoistočne Evrope na funkcionalne grupe, na osnovu registrovanih funkcionalnih karaktera. Za<br />odabrane 44 endemske i nativne ne-endemske vrste koje su svojim klimatskim ni&scaron;ama ograničene na istraživani prostor, kreirane su mape sada&scaron;nje i buduće potencijalne distribucije (za dva perioda, 2041 -2060 i 2061-2080) upotrebom MAXENT algoritma. Na osnovu dobijenih mapa, izračunata je potenijalna promena areala za odabrane vrste, čime je procenjen efekat klimatskih promena na distribuciju vrsta sirfida. Detektovane su vrste koje će najvi&scaron;e biti pogođene klimatskim promenama, kao i prostori sa najvećim potencijalnim bogatstvom vrsta u budućnosti i područja predviđena da će izgubiti deo diverziteta sirfida. Pokazano je da vrste sa ograničenim arealom neće u budućnosti iskusiti veće smanjenje areala u odnosu na &scaron;iroko rasprostranjene vrste. Takođe, na osnovu mapa potenicijalne sada&scaron;nje distribucije i procenjene retkosti vrsta, izvr&scaron;ena je prioretizacija područja značajnih za opstanak osolikih muva u jugoistočnoj Evropi. Primenom linearnih regresionih i linearnih modela sa me&scaron;ovitim efektom ispitana je međuzavisnost&nbsp; funkcionalnih karaktera vrsta i procenjene promene veličine areala. Definisani su&nbsp; funkcionalni karakteri koji utiču na promenu veličine areala osolikih muva. Ustanovljeni koncept može biti upotrebljen za detekciju vrsta koje se jo&scaron; uvek ne smatraju ugroženim, ali zbog svojih biolo&scaron;ko-ekolo&scaron;kih karakteristika imaju potencijal da to postanu, te stoga zaslužuju pažnju konzervacionista. Dobijeni rezultati mogu u velikoj meri poslužiti za kreiranje sistematskog konzervacionog plana za očuvanje osolikih muva na teritoriji jugoistočne Evrope.</p> / <p>In this paper, the division of 572 species of hoverflies registered in Southeast Europe into functional groups was conducted, based on their functional traits. For 44 selected&nbsp; endemic and native non-endemic species that have their climatic niches limited in the study area, maps of current and future potential distributions were created (for the periods, 2041-2060 and 2061-2080) using MAXENT algorithm. Based on the obtained &nbsp; maps, changes in potential area of occupancy were calculated, in order to estimate the &nbsp; effect of climate change on the distribution of hoverfly species. Species that will be most affected by climate change were detected, as well as the areas with the greatest potential species richness in the future and areas predicted to lose part of the diversity of hoverflies. It is shown that species with limited distribution in the future will not experience a greater reduction of its area in relation to the widespread species. Also, based on the current maps of potential distribution and assessed rarity of species,priority areas important for the survival of hoverflies in Southeast Europe were established. By using linear regression and linear mixed effect models, the interdependence between functional traits and the estimated changes in the range size was tested. Traits affecting the changes in range size of hoverflies were determined. The established concept can be used for the detection of species that are not yet considered endangered, but because of their biological and ecological traits have the potential to become threatened, and therefore deserve the attention of conservationists.&nbsp; This results can largely be used to create a systematic conservation plan for the preservation of hoverflies in Southeast Europe.</p>

Gazdovanje šumama u zaštićenim područjima u Srbiji i realizacija konzervacionih ciljeva / Forest protected area management in Serbia and realisation of conservation objectives

Trifunov Sonja 23 October 2019 (has links)
<p>U&nbsp; radu&nbsp; je&nbsp; analizirano&nbsp; gazdovanje&nbsp; &scaron;umama&nbsp; u&nbsp; za&scaron;tićenim&nbsp; područjima&nbsp; u&nbsp; Srbiji,<br />posmatrajući:&nbsp; 1)&nbsp; ekolo&scaron;ke&nbsp; efekte&nbsp; gazdovanja,&nbsp; i&nbsp; 2)&nbsp; procese&nbsp; prilagođavanja&nbsp; gazdovanja&nbsp; konzervacionim&nbsp; potrebama.&nbsp; Povr&scaron;ina&nbsp; za&scaron;tićenih&nbsp; područja&nbsp; je&nbsp; značajno&nbsp; porasla,&nbsp; ali&nbsp; ima malo&nbsp; informacija o njihovom doprinosu u realizaciji konzervacionih&nbsp; ciljeva. Po&scaron;to se u većini za&scaron;tićenih &scaron;umskih područja u Evropi aktivno gazduje, i dozvoljeno je kori&scaron;ćenje drvne&nbsp; biomase,&nbsp; informacije&nbsp; o&nbsp; efektima&nbsp; gazdovanja&nbsp; su&nbsp; neophodne.&nbsp; Glavna&nbsp; barijera&nbsp; u ekolo&scaron;kim&nbsp; evaluacijama&nbsp; gazdovanja&nbsp; je&nbsp; nepostojanje&nbsp; indikatora&nbsp; kojima&nbsp; bi&nbsp; se&nbsp; mogle izmeriti promene u ekosistemu, a&nbsp; koje&nbsp; nastaju kao rezultat primenjenih mera&nbsp; gazdovanja. Poslednjih&nbsp; godina&nbsp; se&nbsp; sve&nbsp; vi&scaron;e&nbsp; ističe&nbsp; potencijal&nbsp; primene&nbsp; funkcionalnih&nbsp; indikatora,&nbsp; tj. indikatora&nbsp; koji&nbsp; se&nbsp; oslanjaju&nbsp; na&nbsp; informacije&nbsp; o&nbsp; funkcionalnim&nbsp; karakteristikama&nbsp; vrsta.&nbsp; U radu je stoga primenjen funkcionalni pristup za analizu ekolo&scaron;kog efekta gazdovanja. U te&nbsp; svrhe&nbsp; su&nbsp; odabrane&nbsp; karakteristike&nbsp; koje&nbsp; se&nbsp; povezuju&nbsp; sa&nbsp; sposobno&scaron;ću&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; za&nbsp; brzo<br />usvajanje&nbsp; ili konzervisanje resursa, tj.&nbsp; određuju odgovor vrsta na promene u dostupnim resursima, a koje, na primer,&nbsp; nastaju usled uklanjanja drvne biomase: visina, specifična povr&scaron;ina lista, sadržaj suve materije lista, sadržaj ukupnog azota i ukupnog fosfora. Iste se&nbsp; dovode&nbsp; i&nbsp; u&nbsp; vezu&nbsp; sa&nbsp; primarnom&nbsp; produktivno&scaron;ću&nbsp; i&nbsp; dekompozicijom,&nbsp; procesima&nbsp; od značaja&nbsp; za&nbsp; očuvanje&nbsp; integriteta&nbsp; ekosistema.&nbsp; Po&scaron;to&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; odgovora&nbsp; funkcionalnih indikatora&nbsp; zahteva&nbsp; duži&nbsp; vremenski&nbsp; period&nbsp; posmatranja,&nbsp; u&nbsp; radu&nbsp; je&nbsp; osmi&scaron;ljen&nbsp; drugačiji pristup za izvođenje eksperimenta. U te svrhe su iskori&scaron;ćeni Landsat satelitski snimci, tj. tri snimka sa vremenskim razmakom od 10 godina: 1994.,&nbsp; 2005. i 2015. godina. Izvr&scaron;ena je&nbsp; digitalna&nbsp; klasifikacija&nbsp; snimaka&nbsp; prema&nbsp; sastavu&nbsp; &scaron;uma,&nbsp; nakon&nbsp; čega&nbsp; su&nbsp; detektovane promene&nbsp; u&nbsp; sastavu&nbsp; &scaron;uma&nbsp; za&nbsp; period&nbsp; od&nbsp; ukupno&nbsp; 20&nbsp; godina.&nbsp; Ovi&nbsp; podaci&nbsp; su&nbsp; spojeni&nbsp; sa podacima&nbsp; o&nbsp;&nbsp; funkcionalnim&nbsp; karakteristikama&nbsp; vrsta,&nbsp; kako&nbsp; bi&nbsp; se&nbsp; utvrdile&nbsp; promene&nbsp; u funkcionalnoj kompoziciji. Poslednji korak je bio formiranje modela &scaron;umske krune, kroz koji&nbsp; je&nbsp; određen&nbsp; intenzitet&nbsp; seče.&nbsp; Koristeći&nbsp; podatke&nbsp; o&nbsp; promenama&nbsp; u&nbsp; gustini&nbsp; krune&nbsp; i<br />promenama&nbsp; u&nbsp; funkcionalnoj&nbsp; kompoziciji,&nbsp; sproveden&nbsp; je&nbsp; eksperiment,&nbsp; tj.&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; efekta različitih&nbsp; nivoa&nbsp; intenziteta&nbsp; seče&nbsp; na&nbsp; promene&nbsp; u&nbsp; funkcionisanju&nbsp; &scaron;umskog&nbsp; ekosistema.&nbsp; Za sprovođenje ovog eksperimenta je odabran samo jedan deo Fru&scaron;ke gore, jer je cilj bio da se osmisli&nbsp; pristup za evaluaciju, prilagođen trenutnom konceptu gazdovan ja za&scaron;tićenim &scaron;umskim&nbsp; područjima,&nbsp; i&nbsp; ispita&nbsp; njegova&nbsp; praktičnost.&nbsp; Kao&nbsp; propratni&nbsp; podatak&nbsp; ovoj&nbsp; analizi, sprovedena&nbsp; je&nbsp; i&nbsp; komparativna&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; upravljača&nbsp; za&scaron;tićenih&nbsp; &scaron;umskih&nbsp; područja&nbsp; u&nbsp; Srbiji, kako&nbsp; bi&nbsp; se&nbsp; ispitao&nbsp; nivo&nbsp; ulaganja&nbsp; u&nbsp; konzervacione&nbsp; sposobnosti,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; ključnog&nbsp; procesa&nbsp; u implementaciji&nbsp;&nbsp; konzervacionih&nbsp; ciljeva.&nbsp; U&nbsp; digitalnoj&nbsp; klasifikaciji&nbsp; je&nbsp; postignuta&nbsp; visokapreciznost,&nbsp; sa&nbsp; ukupnom&nbsp; precizno&scaron;ću&nbsp; 94,5%&nbsp; i&nbsp; Kapa&nbsp; koeficijentom&nbsp; 0,93.&nbsp; Potpuno spektralno razdvajanje je postignuto samo za&nbsp; <em>Q. petraea&nbsp;</em> od<em> Tilia tomentosa</em>, i&nbsp; sastojina u<br />kojima se kao dominantne pojavljuju <em>F. silvatica i Tilia tomentosa</em>. Utvđeno je prodiranje<em> F.&nbsp; moesiaca&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em>u&nbsp; &scaron;ume&nbsp; <em>Q.&nbsp; petraea,&nbsp;</em> i&nbsp; apsolutno&nbsp; &scaron;irenje&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; <em>Tilia&nbsp; tomentosa,</em>&nbsp; posebno&nbsp; u periodu&nbsp; nakon&nbsp; 2005.&nbsp; godine,&nbsp; a&nbsp; koja&nbsp; prema&nbsp; podacima&nbsp; o&nbsp; karakteristikama&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; ima najveću&nbsp; kompetetivnu&nbsp; sposobnost&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; druge&nbsp; ispitivane&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; drveća.&nbsp; Rezultati modela gustine krune ukazuju na postepeno proređivanje &scaron;ume od 1994. ka 2015. godini, sa&nbsp; potpunim&nbsp; nestankom&nbsp; &scaron;uma&nbsp; guste&nbsp; krune&nbsp; na&nbsp; prelazu&nbsp; između&nbsp; 1994.&nbsp; i&nbsp; 2005.&nbsp; godine. Utvrđen je značajan efekat proređivanja &scaron;ume na promene u funkcionalnoj kompoziciji. Sa&nbsp; vi&scaron;im&nbsp; intenzitetom&nbsp; proređivanja,&nbsp; CWM&nbsp; indikator&nbsp; se&nbsp; pomerio&nbsp; od&nbsp; konzervativnih karakteristika ka onima koje ukazuju na dominaciju vrsta sklonih brzom sticanju resursa. Prelaz&nbsp; koji&nbsp; je&nbsp; imao&nbsp; značajnog&nbsp; efekta&nbsp; na&nbsp; promene&nbsp; je&nbsp; prelaz&nbsp; iz&nbsp; &scaron;ume&nbsp; sa&nbsp; gustinom&nbsp; krune većom&nbsp; od&nbsp; 65%&nbsp; u&nbsp; &scaron;umu&nbsp; gustine&nbsp; krune&nbsp; između&nbsp; 50-65%,&nbsp; a&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; bi&nbsp; moglo&nbsp; ukazivati&nbsp; i&nbsp; na prelaz u drugi režim funkcionisanja&nbsp; ekosistema.&nbsp; Konzervacioni ciljevi su jo&scaron; uvek slabo integrisani u gazdovanje &scaron;umama u za&scaron;tićenim područjima.</p> / <p>In&nbsp; this&nbsp; work,&nbsp; the&nbsp; forest&nbsp; management&nbsp;&nbsp; in&nbsp; protected&nbsp; areas&nbsp; of&nbsp; Serbia&nbsp; was&nbsp; analysed, following:&nbsp; 1)&nbsp; ecologic&nbsp; effects&nbsp; of&nbsp; management&nbsp; and&nbsp; 2)&nbsp; investments&nbsp; in&nbsp; capabilities essential&nbsp; for&nbsp; integration&nbsp; of&nbsp; conservation&nbsp; objectives.&nbsp; The&nbsp; size&nbsp; of&nbsp; protected&nbsp; areas&nbsp; has significantly&nbsp; grown,&nbsp; but&nbsp; there&nbsp; is&nbsp; a&nbsp; little&nbsp; information&nbsp; on&nbsp; their&nbsp; contribution&nbsp; to&nbsp; real conservation&nbsp; goals.&nbsp; Since&nbsp; in&nbsp; most&nbsp; of&nbsp; European&nbsp; protected&nbsp; forest&nbsp; areas&nbsp; is&nbsp; employed active management, the information on ecological&nbsp; effects of management&nbsp; is necessary. The&nbsp; main&nbsp; barrier&nbsp; in&nbsp; ecologic&nbsp; evaluations&nbsp; of&nbsp; managing&nbsp; is&nbsp; the&nbsp; absence&nbsp; of&nbsp; indicators, which&nbsp; could&nbsp; measure&nbsp; the&nbsp; changes&nbsp; in&nbsp; ecosystem,&nbsp; resulting&nbsp; from&nbsp; applied&nbsp; measures. Recently, the potentiality of&nbsp; functional indicators is more&nbsp; emphasized, i.e. indicators, which lean on information about functional traits of species. So, in this work functional approach&nbsp; was&nbsp; taken&nbsp; to&nbsp; analyse&nbsp; ecologic&nbsp; effects&nbsp; of&nbsp; forest&nbsp; management.&nbsp; For&nbsp; this&nbsp; sake were chosen characteristics, which are connected to capabilities of specie s to acquire or&nbsp; conserve&nbsp; resources,&nbsp; i.e.&nbsp; define&nbsp; the&nbsp; answer&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; species&nbsp; on&nbsp; changes&nbsp; in&nbsp; available resources,&nbsp; caused&nbsp; by&nbsp; elimination&nbsp; of&nbsp; wooden&nbsp; mass,&nbsp; i.e.&nbsp; logging:&nbsp; height,&nbsp; specific&nbsp; leaf area, leaf dry matter cont ent, nitrogen content and&nbsp; phosphorus&nbsp; content. The same are connected to the processes of significance for conservation of ecosystem integrity&nbsp; (net primary&nbsp; productivity&nbsp; and&nbsp; decomposition).&nbsp; Since&nbsp; the&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of&nbsp; functional&nbsp; indicators response&nbsp; demands&nbsp; a&nbsp; longer&nbsp; period&nbsp; of&nbsp; observation,&nbsp; another&nbsp; attitude of&nbsp; performing&nbsp; the experiment was conceptualized. For that purpose Landsat&nbsp; satellite&nbsp; image was&nbsp; used,&nbsp; i.e. three&nbsp; images&nbsp; in&nbsp; interval&nbsp; of&nbsp; ten&nbsp; years:&nbsp; 1994,&nbsp; 2005,&nbsp; and&nbsp; 2015.&nbsp; A&nbsp; digital&nbsp; image classification of&nbsp; forest composition was&nbsp; performed, after which the&nbsp; changes&nbsp; in&nbsp; forest composition&nbsp; were&nbsp; detected&nbsp; over&nbsp; the&nbsp; period&nbsp; of&nbsp; 20&nbsp; years.&nbsp; These&nbsp; data&nbsp; were&nbsp; then connected with the data on functional characteristics of species to determine changes in functional composition.&nbsp;&nbsp; The last step&nbsp; was forming of forest canopy&nbsp; density model, through&nbsp; which&nbsp; was&nbsp; determined&nbsp; the&nbsp; intensity&nbsp; of&nbsp; logging.&nbsp; Using&nbsp; data&nbsp; on&nbsp; changes&nbsp; of forest&nbsp; canopy&nbsp; density&nbsp; model&nbsp; and&nbsp; changes&nbsp; in&nbsp; functional&nbsp; composition,&nbsp; an&nbsp; experiment was&nbsp; performed,&nbsp; i.e.&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of&nbsp; effects&nbsp; of&nbsp; different&nbsp; levels&nbsp; of&nbsp; logging&nbsp; intensity&nbsp; on changes&nbsp; in&nbsp; forest&nbsp; ecosystem&nbsp; function.&nbsp; For&nbsp; the&nbsp; performing&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; experiment&nbsp; was chosen&nbsp; just&nbsp; a&nbsp; part&nbsp; of&nbsp; Fruska&nbsp; gora,&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; goal&nbsp; was&nbsp; to&nbsp;&nbsp; try&nbsp; to&nbsp; construct the&nbsp; evaluation approach,&nbsp; adapted to&nbsp; momentary&nbsp; concept of&nbsp; managing&nbsp; in&nbsp; protected&nbsp; forest&nbsp; areas&nbsp; and inspect&nbsp; its&nbsp; feasibility.&nbsp; As&nbsp; an&nbsp;&nbsp; accompanying&nbsp; data&nbsp; with&nbsp; this&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; was&nbsp; performed&nbsp; a comparative&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of protected forest area managers&nbsp; in Serbia, to&nbsp; examine&nbsp; the level of&nbsp; investments&nbsp; in&nbsp; conservation&nbsp; capabilities,&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; key&nbsp; process&nbsp; in&nbsp; implementing conservation goals.</p>

Distribucija i dinamika populacija najznačajnijih grupa polinatora u agroekosistemima Vojvodine / Distribution and dynamics of populations of the most important groups pollinators in the agro-ecosystems of Vojvodina

Mudri Stojnić Sonja 29 August 2018 (has links)
<p>U&nbsp; radu&nbsp; je&nbsp; prikazana&nbsp; distribucija,&nbsp; dinamika&nbsp; i&nbsp; diverzitet&nbsp; insekata opra&scaron;ivača iz reda Hymenoptera&nbsp; -&nbsp; Apiformes (Anthophila) i Diptera Syrphidae)&nbsp; na&nbsp; stepskim&nbsp; fragmentima&nbsp; i&nbsp; na&nbsp; suncokretu&nbsp; u agroekosistema&nbsp; Vojvodine.&nbsp; U&nbsp; cilju&nbsp; uvida&nbsp; u&nbsp; strukturu&nbsp; predela&nbsp; injenog&nbsp; uticaja&nbsp; na&nbsp; sastav&nbsp; i&nbsp; brojnost&nbsp; polinatora,&nbsp; kartirani&nbsp; su&nbsp; tipovistani&scaron;ta&nbsp; oko&nbsp; svakog&nbsp; stepskog&nbsp; fragmenta.&nbsp; Na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; podataka dobijenih kartiranjem, odabrano je sedam stepskih fragmenata kojiu&nbsp; svom&nbsp; okruženju&nbsp; imaju&nbsp; visok&nbsp; udeo&nbsp; suncokreta&nbsp; kao&nbsp; masovnocvetajuće&nbsp; kulture&nbsp; i&nbsp; sedam&nbsp; stepskih&nbsp; fragmenata&nbsp; koji&nbsp; su&nbsp; bez&nbsp; ili&nbsp; saniskim&nbsp; udelom&nbsp; suncokreta.&nbsp; Iz&nbsp; reda&nbsp; Hymenoptera&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; Apoideazabeleženo&nbsp; je&nbsp; &scaron;est&nbsp; familija:&nbsp; Andrenidae,&nbsp; Apidae,&nbsp; Colletidae,Halictidae,&nbsp; Melittidae&nbsp; i&nbsp; Megachilidae,&nbsp; 114&nbsp; vrsta,&nbsp; a&nbsp; iz&nbsp; reda&nbsp; Diptera(Syrphidae),&nbsp; registrovano&nbsp; je&nbsp; ukupno&nbsp; 11&nbsp; vrsta.&nbsp; Predstavnici&nbsp; familija Andrenidae, Apidae i Halictidae su distribuirani na svim lokalitetima,predstavnici&nbsp; familije&nbsp; Megachilidae&nbsp; su&nbsp; distribuirani&nbsp; na&nbsp; 15&nbsp; od&nbsp; 16lokaliteta,&nbsp; a&nbsp; najmanje&nbsp; su&nbsp; zastupljene&nbsp; jedinke&nbsp; familija&nbsp; Colletidae&nbsp; i<br />Melittidae,&nbsp; distribuirane&nbsp; na&nbsp; pet&nbsp; lokaliteta.&nbsp; Polinatori&nbsp; reda&nbsp; Diptera familije&nbsp; Syrphidae&nbsp; su&nbsp; distribuirani&nbsp; na&nbsp; svim&nbsp; lokalitetima.&nbsp; Rezultati Kruskal-Volisovog H testa ukuzuju da je tokom sve tri sezone (2011.,2012.,&nbsp; 2013.)&nbsp; na&nbsp; stepskim&nbsp; fragmentima&nbsp; najvi&scaron;e&nbsp; bilo&nbsp; zastupljeno vrsta&nbsp; solitarnih&nbsp; pčela,&nbsp; zatim&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; osolikih&nbsp; muva,&nbsp; a&nbsp; najmanje&nbsp; vrsta bumbara.&nbsp; Istim&nbsp; testom&nbsp; je&nbsp; dobijano&nbsp; da&nbsp; je&nbsp; tokom&nbsp; sve&nbsp; tri&nbsp; sezone&nbsp; na stepskim&nbsp; fragmentima,&nbsp; registrovano&nbsp; najvi&scaron;e&nbsp; jedinki&nbsp; osolikih&nbsp; muva,<br />zatim&nbsp; medonosne&nbsp; pčele,&nbsp; solitarne&nbsp; pčele,&nbsp; a&nbsp; najmanje&nbsp; jedinki bumbara.&nbsp; Fridmanovim&nbsp; testom&nbsp; su&nbsp; utvrđene&nbsp; razlike&nbsp; u&nbsp; brojnosti (dinamici)&nbsp; polinatora&nbsp; kroz&nbsp; sezone,&nbsp; uočen&nbsp; je&nbsp; porast&nbsp; broja&nbsp; jedinki medonosne pčele i opadanje broja jedinki solitarnih pčela.Rezultati&nbsp; dobijeni&nbsp; Man-Vitnijevim&nbsp; U-testom&nbsp; pokazuju&nbsp; da&nbsp; je&nbsp; na<br />stepskim&nbsp; fragmentima&nbsp; koji&nbsp; imaju&nbsp; niži&nbsp; udeo&nbsp; suncokreta&nbsp; u&nbsp; predelu zastupljeno&nbsp; vi&scaron;e&nbsp; jedinki&nbsp; i&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; bumbara.&nbsp; Istim&nbsp; testom&nbsp; je&nbsp; dobijen rezultat&nbsp; da&nbsp; je&nbsp; na&nbsp; stepskim&nbsp; fragmentima&nbsp; sa&nbsp; visokim&nbsp; udelom suncokreta&nbsp; ima&nbsp; vi&scaron;e&nbsp; jedinki&nbsp; medonosne&nbsp; pčele.&nbsp; Vilkoksonovim testom&nbsp; sume&nbsp; rangova&nbsp; je&nbsp; pokazano&nbsp; da&nbsp; su&nbsp; jedinke&nbsp; i&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; bumbara zastupljenije na stepskim fragmentima nakon cvetanja suncokreta, za&nbsp; vreme&nbsp; cvetanja&nbsp; suncokreta&nbsp; na&nbsp; stepskim&nbsp; fragmentima&nbsp; je registrovano&nbsp; vi&scaron;e&nbsp; jedinki&nbsp; <em>Apis&nbsp; mellifera</em>,&nbsp; osolikih&nbsp; muva&nbsp; i&nbsp; solitarnih pčela.&nbsp; Modeli&nbsp; regresionih&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; linearnih&nbsp; me&scaron;ovitih&nbsp; modela&nbsp; su pokazali&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp; sa&nbsp; porastom&nbsp; udela&nbsp; suncokreta&nbsp; u&nbsp; predelu&nbsp; smanjuje broj jedinki divljih pčela i jedinki i vrsta bumbara. Sa porastom udela polu-prirodnih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; u&nbsp; predelu&nbsp; i&nbsp; većom&nbsp; cvetnom&nbsp; pokrovnosti, povećava se udeo jedinki i vrsta osolikih muva.</p> / <p>This&nbsp; paper&nbsp; shows&nbsp; distribution,&nbsp; dynamic&nbsp; and&nbsp; pollinator&nbsp; diversity Hymenoptera&nbsp; -&nbsp; Apiformes&nbsp; (Anthophila)&nbsp; and Diptera (Syrphidae)&nbsp; in semi-natural&nbsp; habitats&nbsp; and&nbsp; in&nbsp; sunflower&nbsp; crops&nbsp; in&nbsp; Vojvodina&nbsp; agroecosystems.&nbsp; Around&nbsp; each&nbsp; of&nbsp; 16&nbsp; selected&nbsp; steppe&nbsp; fragments,&nbsp; habitat types&nbsp; were&nbsp; mapped&nbsp; to&nbsp; test&nbsp; how&nbsp; do&nbsp; landscape&nbsp; structure&nbsp; affects pollinator&nbsp; diversity&nbsp; and&nbsp; abundance&nbsp; in&nbsp; semi&nbsp; natural&nbsp; habitats&nbsp; and&nbsp; in sunflower&nbsp; crops.&nbsp; Based&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; results&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; by&nbsp; mapping,&nbsp; seven study sites with high % of sunflower like mass flowering crops, and eight&nbsp; study&nbsp; sites&nbsp; with&nbsp; no&nbsp; or&nbsp; low&nbsp; %&nbsp; of&nbsp; mass&nbsp; flowering&nbsp; crops&nbsp; are selected. In total, there were 114 species from 6 families&nbsp; from order Hymenoptera-Apiformes:&nbsp; Andrenidae,&nbsp; Apidae,&nbsp; Colletidae, Halictidae, Melittidae and Megachilidae, and 11 species from order Diptera&nbsp; (Syrphidae).&nbsp; Insects&nbsp; from&nbsp; families:&nbsp; Andrenidae,&nbsp; Apidae, Colletidae&nbsp; and&nbsp; Halictidae&nbsp; were&nbsp; distributed&nbsp; on&nbsp; all&nbsp; study&nbsp; sites,&nbsp; while insects&nbsp; from&nbsp; family&nbsp; Megachilidae&nbsp; were&nbsp; distributed&nbsp; almost&nbsp; on&nbsp; all study&nbsp; sites&nbsp; (15&nbsp; sites).&nbsp; At&nbsp; least&nbsp; only&nbsp; on&nbsp; five&nbsp; study&nbsp; sites&nbsp; were distributed insects from family: Colletidae and Melittidae. Hoverflies were distributed on all study sites.&nbsp; Kruskal-Wallis H test shows that an&nbsp; all&nbsp; three&nbsp; seasons&nbsp; (2011.,&nbsp; 2012.,&nbsp; 2013.)&nbsp; in&nbsp; semi&nbsp; natural&nbsp; habitats wild bees species were most abundant, followed by hoverfly species, and bumblebee species at the end. Same test&nbsp; shows that&nbsp; in all three seasons in semi natural habitats individuals of hoverflies were more abundant than individuals of honey bees, wild bees&nbsp; and individuals of&nbsp; bumblebees,&nbsp; which&nbsp; were&nbsp; least&nbsp; abundant.&nbsp; Friedman&nbsp; test&nbsp; shows differences in densities of pollinator through the seasons, and these results&nbsp; shows&nbsp; increasing&nbsp; in&nbsp; Apis&nbsp; mellifera&nbsp; densities&nbsp; and&nbsp; decline&nbsp; of wild bees densities through seasons. Man-Whitney&nbsp; U-test&nbsp; shows&nbsp; that&nbsp; there&nbsp; were&nbsp; more&nbsp; species&nbsp; and individuals of bumble bees in semi-natural habitats which landscapes are without&nbsp; or low % of sunflower. Same test shows that there were more&nbsp; individuals&nbsp; of&nbsp; honey&nbsp; bees&nbsp; in&nbsp; semi-natural&nbsp; habitats&nbsp; which landscapes&nbsp; have&nbsp; high&nbsp; %&nbsp; of&nbsp; sunflower.&nbsp; Wilcoxon&nbsp; signed-rank&nbsp; test shows&nbsp; that&nbsp; in&nbsp; semi-natural&nbsp; habitats&nbsp; species&nbsp; and&nbsp; individuals&nbsp; of bumblebees&nbsp; were&nbsp; more&nbsp; abundant&nbsp; after&nbsp; blooming&nbsp; sunflower,&nbsp; while species&nbsp; and&nbsp; individuals&nbsp; of&nbsp; wild&nbsp; bees&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; individuals&nbsp; of hoverflies and&nbsp; <em>Apis mellifera</em>&nbsp; were&nbsp; more abundant during blooming sunflower.&nbsp; Linear mixed-effect model shows that with increase of % of&nbsp; sunflower&nbsp; in&nbsp; landscape&nbsp; number&nbsp; of&nbsp; individuals&nbsp; of&nbsp; wild&nbsp; bees&nbsp; and species and individuals of bumblebees decreasing, and individuals of hoverflies increasing. With an increase of % of semi natural habitats and&nbsp; increase&nbsp; of&nbsp; flower&nbsp; cover,&nbsp; abundance&nbsp; and&nbsp; species&nbsp; of&nbsp; hoverflies<br />increases.</p>

Ефекти интердисциплинарног учења еколошких садржаја у гимназији / Efekti interdisciplinarnog učenja ekoloških sadržaja u gimnaziji / Effects of Interdisciplinary Teaching of Ecological Conteints in The High School

Niklanović Mirjana 07 July 2015 (has links)
<p>У докторској дисертацији је најпре анализирано теоријско утемељење корелације (интердисциплинарности) и њена заступљеност у настави природних наука, а затим заступљеност и реализација еколошких садржаја у средњим школама у Србији.<br />На основу те анализе дошло се до сазнања да је&nbsp; због&nbsp; познавања еколошких појмова у животу савременог човека и њиховог бољег разумевања и усвајања од стране ученика неопходно применити ефикасније моделе њихове реализације у средњим школама. Сходно томе&nbsp; је обављено педагошко истраживање у коме је наставна тема&nbsp; Екологија, заштита и унапређивање животне средине&nbsp; у другом<br />разреду гимназије друштвено-језичког смера, реализована током 13 часова применом различитих модела наставе у експерименталној (Е) и контролној (К) групи. Ова наставна тема је у Е групи обрађена интердисциплинарним приступом (корелацијом појмова из биологије, географије, хемије, физике и<br />математике), а у К групи традиционалном наставом. Узорак истраживања чинило је 150 ученика из две гимназије у Београду. Истраживање је реализовано школске 2011/2012. и&nbsp; 2012/2013.&nbsp; године, након чега су анализирани његови резултати.<br />Експериментална и контролна група ученика уједначене су на почетку истраживања на основу општег успеха ученика на полугодишту, оцена из биологије, географије, хемије, физике и математике и на основу резултата иницијалног теста знања из биологије. Након обраде наставне теме&nbsp; Екологија, заштита и унапређивање животне средине&nbsp; на различите начине у Е и К групи извршено је финално тестирање, а затим и ретестирање ученика обе групе. За утврђивање значајности разлика у постигнућу ученика Е и К групе на<br />сва три теста примењен је t тест. За сва три теста израчунати су статистички параметри: број ученика (N), аритметичка средина (М), стандардна девијација (SD), стандардна грешка (SЕ) и граница значајности (p). За испитивање ефекта интеракције фактора тестирање и фактора група, коришћена је комбинована анализа варијансе (Mixed-design ANOVA). За поновљена мерења у циљу испитивања значајности разлика у постигнућу ученика током различитих тестирања, у оквиру сваке групе ученика (Е и К) спроведена је<br />анализа&nbsp; варијансе за поновљена мерења (ANOVA). Поменута мерења односила су се на целину теста и&nbsp; когнитивне домене.<br />Ученици Е групе су остварили знатно бољи успех на финалном тесту (просечно 70,60 поена) и на ретесту (просечно 57,60 поена) од ученика К групе (просечно 51,80 поена на финалном тесту и 40,60 поена на ретесту) од максимално остварљивих 100 поена. Резултати финалног теста и ретеста су показали да&nbsp; је<br />применом модела интердисциплинарног учења садржаја из екологије у гимназији остварен већи ефекат на квантитет и квалитет знања ученика Е групе у односу на традиционални приступ њиховог учења у К групи.<br />Они су такође показали да су знања ученика стечена повезивањем појмова из биологије, географије, хемије, физике и математике олакшала не само разумевање нових&nbsp; појмова из екологије, већ омогућила њихову интеграцију и формирање функционалних знања.<br />Остварени резултати ученика Е групе на финалном тесту и ретесту у односу на ученике К групе&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; указују на потребу&nbsp; веће заступљености интердисциплинарног модела у настави&nbsp; екологије, биологије и других природних наука у односу на традиционалну наставу. У прилог томе су и изражени поз итивни ставови ученика у Е групи према интердисциплинарном моделу учења биологије (екологије).</p> / <p>U doktorskoj disertaciji je najpre analizirano teorijsko utemeljenje korelacije (interdisciplinarnosti) i njena zastupljenost u nastavi prirodnih nauka, a zatim zastupljenost i realizacija ekoloških sadržaja u srednjim školama u Srbiji.<br />Na osnovu te analize došlo se do saznanja da je&nbsp; zbog&nbsp; poznavanja ekoloških pojmova u životu savremenog čoveka i njihovog boljeg razumevanja i usvajanja od strane učenika neophodno primeniti efikasnije modele njihove realizacije u srednjim školama. Shodno tome&nbsp; je obavljeno pedagoško istraživanje u kome je nastavna tema&nbsp; Ekologija, zaštita i unapređivanje životne sredine&nbsp; u drugom<br />razredu gimnazije društveno-jezičkog smera, realizovana tokom 13 časova primenom različitih modela nastave u eksperimentalnoj (E) i kontrolnoj (K) grupi. Ova nastavna tema je u E grupi obrađena interdisciplinarnim pristupom (korelacijom pojmova iz biologije, geografije, hemije, fizike i<br />matematike), a u K grupi tradicionalnom nastavom. Uzorak istraživanja činilo je 150 učenika iz dve gimnazije u Beogradu. Istraživanje je realizovano školske 2011/2012. i&nbsp; 2012/2013.&nbsp; godine, nakon čega su analizirani njegovi rezultati.<br />Eksperimentalna i kontrolna grupa učenika ujednačene su na početku istraživanja na osnovu opšteg uspeha učenika na polugodištu, ocena iz biologije, geografije, hemije, fizike i matematike i na osnovu rezultata inicijalnog testa znanja iz biologije. Nakon obrade nastavne teme&nbsp; Ekologija, zaštita i unapređivanje životne sredine&nbsp; na različite načine u E i K grupi izvršeno je finalno testiranje, a zatim i retestiranje učenika obe grupe. Za utvrđivanje značajnosti razlika u postignuću učenika E i K grupe na<br />sva tri testa primenjen je t test. Za sva tri testa izračunati su statistički parametri: broj učenika (N), aritmetička sredina (M), standardna devijacija (SD), standardna greška (SE) i granica značajnosti (p). Za ispitivanje efekta interakcije faktora testiranje i faktora grupa, korišćena je kombinovana analiza varijanse (Mixed-design ANOVA). Za ponovljena merenja u cilju ispitivanja značajnosti razlika u postignuću učenika tokom različitih testiranja, u okviru svake grupe učenika (E i K) sprovedena je<br />analiza&nbsp; varijanse za ponovljena merenja (ANOVA). Pomenuta merenja odnosila su se na celinu testa i&nbsp; kognitivne domene.<br />Učenici E grupe su ostvarili znatno bolji uspeh na finalnom testu (prosečno 70,60 poena) i na retestu (prosečno 57,60 poena) od učenika K grupe (prosečno 51,80 poena na finalnom testu i 40,60 poena na retestu) od maksimalno ostvarljivih 100 poena. Rezultati finalnog testa i retesta su pokazali da&nbsp; je<br />primenom modela interdisciplinarnog učenja sadržaja iz ekologije u gimnaziji ostvaren veći efekat na kvantitet i kvalitet znanja učenika E grupe u odnosu na tradicionalni pristup njihovog učenja u K grupi.<br />Oni su takođe pokazali da su znanja učenika stečena povezivanjem pojmova iz biologije, geografije, hemije, fizike i matematike olakšala ne samo razumevanje novih&nbsp; pojmova iz ekologije, već omogućila njihovu integraciju i formiranje funkcionalnih znanja.<br />Ostvareni rezultati učenika E grupe na finalnom testu i retestu u odnosu na učenike K grupe&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ukazuju na potrebu&nbsp; veće zastupljenosti interdisciplinarnog modela u nastavi&nbsp; ekologije, biologije i drugih prirodnih nauka u odnosu na tradicionalnu nastavu. U prilog tome su i izraženi poz itivni stavovi učenika u E grupi prema interdisciplinarnom modelu učenja biologije (ekologije).</p> / <p>The doctoral dissertation first analyses the theoretical foundation of correlation (interdisciplinarity) and its use in teaching natural sciences, then the use and implementation of environmental content in high schools in Serbia.</p><p>Based on this analysis, it was discovered that due to the importance of environmental concepts in the life of modern man, it is necessary to implement more efficient learning models in high schools in order to facilitate better understanding and&nbsp; acquisition by students. Therefore, pedagogical research was conducted during which the unit&nbsp;&nbsp; Ecology and Environmental Protection and Enhancement&nbsp; was taught to the second-grade students of social sciences-languages stream in 13 lessons by applying different teaching models in the Experimental (E) and Control (C)&nbsp;groups. This unit was done in the E group through an interdisciplinary approach (correlating concepts from biology, geography, chemistry, physics and mathematics), and in the C group using a traditional approach. The study sample consisted of 150 students from two high schools in Belgrade. The survey was conducted in academic&nbsp; years 2011/2012 and 2012/2013, after which the results were analysed.</p><p>At the beginning of the research the experimental and control groups were equal in terms of students general success at the end of the term, grades in biology, geography, chemistry, physics and mathematics and the results of the initial biology test. After the unit Ecology and Environmental Protection and Enh ancement was done in different ways in the E and C groups, students in both groups were given a final test and then retested. The t -test was used to determine the importance of differences in results in the E and C groups in all three tests. Statistical parameters were calculated for all three tests: number of students (N), arithmetic mean (M), standard deviation (SD), standard error (SE) and the limits of significance (p). To analyse the effect of the interaction between a testing factor and group factor,&nbsp; a combined variance analysis was used (Mixed-Design ANOVA). Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted within each group of students (E and C) to analyse the importance of differences in results of the various tests. The above measures were related to the whole test and cognitive domains.</p><p>Students from the E group achieved better results in the final test (70.60 points average) and retest (57.60 points average) than students from the C group (51.80 points average in the final test and 40.60 points in the retest) of maximum 100 points. Results of the final test and retest showed that the model of interdisciplinary learning of environmental content in high schools had a greater impact on the quantity and quality of knowledge in the E group compared to the traditional approach used in the C group. They also showed that the students&#39; knowledge acquired by linking concepts&nbsp; from biology, geography, chemistry, physics and mathematics facilitated not only the understanding of new environmental concepts, but also their integration and formation of functional knowledge.</p><p>The results achieved by the E group students in the final test and retest compared to the C group suggest that the interdisciplinary model should be used more in teaching ecology, biolo gy and other natural sciences than the traditional approach. This is supported by positive attitudes of E group students towards the interdisciplinary model&nbsp; of learning biology (ecology).</p>

Turistička organizacija rekreativnih aktivnosti Savezne Republike Nemačke i mogućnosti njihove primene na Srbiju i Crnu Goru

Živanović Radovan 27 December 2006 (has links)
<p>Savezna Republika Nemačka predstavlja optimalan primer za proučavanje turističke rekreacije u kojima se sve razvojne faze mogu posmatrati sa aspekta pozitivnih i negativnih faktora koji to uslovljavaju. Visoko razvijena država, visok životni standard i izgrađena svest o značaju rekreacije uz maksimalnu za&scaron;titu prirodne sredine su i glavni motiv za izradu ove doktorske teze. Nemačka predstavlja i zemlju emitivnog i imitivnih turističkih kretanja. Doktorska disertacija predstavljena je kroz &scaron;est tematskih poglavlja da bi se metodom komparacije i sinteze do&scaron;lo do navedenih zaključaka. Tematska poglavlja imala su za cilj da prikažu i analiziraju sve validne prirodne i antropogene elemente koji sačinjavaju osnov proučavanja turističke rekreacije. Turističko-geografski prikaz Srbije i Crne Gore dat je u najkraćim crtama i služio je samo kao osnov identifikovanja mogućnosti nemačkih iskustava mogu realno biti primenjeni. Na osnovu &scaron;est komplementarnih delova metodom sinteze i komparacije izvedeni su navedeni zaključci.</p> / <p>Federal Republic of Germany is an optimal example for study of tourist recreation because its all developing phases can be observed from the aspect of positive and negative factors, influencing the above stated phases. This highly developed country with high level of living standard and awateness concerning significance of recreation with maximum protection of the environment are main motive for preparation of this doctor&#39;s thesis. German is a country of emitive and imitive tourist mevements. The doctor&#39;s thesis has been presented through six thematic chapters, reaching the conclusion by methods of comparations and syntesis. Thematic chapters were aiming at showing and analyzing of all valid natural and anthropoid lements which are a base for study of tourist recreation. Tourist-geographical survey of Serbia and Montenegro has been give briefly and saved only as a base for kind of identification with German expiriences that can be really implemented. According to the all six complementary parts, the conclusions have been reached by method of syntesis and comparations.</p>

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