Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ekologija"" "subject:"ėkologija""
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Kėdainių rajono ūkininkų ūkių analizė / Kedainiai district farmers analysisZakarevičiūtė, Agnė 03 June 2009 (has links)
Žemės ūkis yra ir visada buvo esminė ekonomikos dalis. Taip yra visose šalyse visame pasaulyje. Daug kas siekia būti savarankiški, bet tai pavyksta ne visais atvejais. Lietuva yra šalis, apdovanota derlingomis žemėmis, be to, mes gyvename toje pasaulio dalyje, kur klimatas vis dar yra palankus žemės ūkiui. Ūkininkavimo metodai ir maisto produktų gamyba smarkiai keitėsi laikui bėgant. Susirūpinimas aplinkos apsauga ir svarstymai dėl gyvulių gerovės Lietuvoje plinta kaip ir visoje Europoje. Ekologinis ūkininkavimas - tai tausojančiosios ūkininkavimo sistemos dalis ir gyvybinga alternatyva tradiciniam ūkininkavimui. Ekologinis ūkininkavimas skiriasi nuo įprasto, nes atsisakoma sintetinių pesticidų, herbicidų, cheminių trąšų, augimą skatinančių hormonų ar manipuliavimo genais. Ekologiniai ūkiai naudoja įvairią techniką, padedančią palaikyti ekosistemas ir sumažinti taršą. Laikantis būtinų produkcijos kokybės standartų, gaunamas mažesnis pirminės produkcijos kiekis, palyginti su tradiciniu ūkininkavimu, tad išauga ekologiškos produkcijos gamybos kaštai. Augalinės produkcijos ekologiniame ūkyje pagrindas - dirvožemio struktūros ir derlingumo gerinimas. Ekologiniu būdu gali būti auginami ne tik grūdai, vaisiai bei daržovės, kopiamas medus. Galvijai ir paukščiai ekologiškai auginami, laikantis gyvulių gerovės standartų bei šeriant juos natūraliais produktais. / Agriculture is and has always been an essential part of the economy. This is all the countries around the world. Many who seek to be independent, but this is not successful in all cases. Lithuania is the country awarded the fertile earth, in addition, we live in that part of the world where the climate is still favorable for agriculture. Farming methods and food production has changed over time. Concerns about environmental protection and animal welfare considerations for the spread of Lithuania and throughout Europe. Ecological farming is a part of sparing farming system and viable alternative for traditional farming. Ecological farming differs from the traditional one because this farming refuses synthetic pesticides, herbicides, chemical manure, hormones that stimulate growing or manipulate genes. Ecological farms use various techniques that help to maintain ecosystems and reduce pollution. Bearing all these necessary standards of production quality there is received smaller amount of original production in comparison with traditional farming. It causes bigger expenses of ecological production. The basis of vegetative production in the ecological farming is development of soil structure and fertility. Not only grain, fruits, vegetables and honey are received in the ecological way. Cattle and birds are grown ecologically, bearing standards of welfare of livestock, feeding them in natural products.
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Ekologinis švietimas mokant suaugusiuosius Utenos rajone / Ecological Education of adults in Utena regionIlčinskienė, Marija 17 June 2005 (has links)
Ecological Education of adults in Utena region Ancient people were inseparable from nature. They depended on environment and this dependence was reflected in their way of live, customs, creation and rituals. Civilized people don’t connect themselves with nature as much as their ancestors did. They don’t have a strong feeling of harmony with surrounding environment. However people today feel concern about endangned nature and devastated environment. And this is not only aesthetic problem, but necessity to preserve nature and man. That is why more and more attention is paid to ecology and ecological education. Ecological education is one of the fields of integrated education. It’s role is to help adults realize ecological problems, acquire cultural and social competence, be independent, active and responsible. The main good of ecological education is to form ecological consciousness, ethics world outlook, to develop responsibility for survival of nature. Ecological education is effective when work is organized gradually. Adults should acquire this education in one or another way all their lives, only then we can successfully form an ecologically educated personality.
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Žaliojo marketingo taikymas kuriant visuomenei draugišką aplinką / The application of green marketing creating friendly environment to the publicGrigas, Saulius 05 July 2011 (has links)
Darbo objektas – žaliojo marketingo raiška kuriant visuomenei draugišką aplinką.
Darbo tikslas – nustatyti žaliojo marketingo taikymo kuriant visuomenei draugišką aplinką galimybes.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. išnagrinėti žaliojo marketingo sampratą, ypatumus ir atsiradimo prielaidas;
2. išanalizuoti žaliojo marketingo perspektyvas Lietuvos turizmo sferoje;
3. nustatyti žaliojo marketingo vaidmenį kuriant visuomenei draugišką aplinką Lietuvoje.
Tyrimo metodai: Mokslinės literatūros analizė, situacijos analizė, anketinė apklausa.
Tyrimo rezultatai/Išvados:
1. Žaliojo marketingo perspektyvos Lietuvos turizmo sferoje yra gan didelės, atsižvelgiant į tai, kad žaliasis marketingas organizacijoje siejasi su visa įmonės veikla ir jos filosofija. Organizacijos, besiremiančios ekologine koncepcija, dėmesys turi būti nukreiptas trijų išorės suinteresuotųjų šalių link: vartotojų, visuomenės ir aplinkos, o turizmo sferos organizacijos šioje srityje turi daugiausia galimybių. Nors žaliasis marketingas vaidina svarbų vaidmenį laisvalaikio organizavime, tačiau šioje srityje labai daug kas priklauso ir nuo privataus ir valstybinio sektoriaus bendradarbiavimo pateikiant informaciją, bei skleisti tausojančio ir ekoturizmo idėjas.
2. Atlikus teorinę žaliojo marketingo vaidmens draugiškos aplinkos kūrimui analizę, galima teigti, kad žaliasis marketingas savo prigimtimi ir pobūdžiu bei veiklos kryptimis yra vienas efektyviausių instrumentų kuriant visuomenei draugišką aplinką.
3. Atlikus tyrimą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Žaliojo marketingo taikymas kuriant visuomenei draugišką aplinką.
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Ekologinės paukštininkystės plėtros Lietuvoje tyrimas / Ecological aviculture development in Lithuania: making and risk evaluationStacevičius, Lauras 16 March 2006 (has links)
Ecological products become more and more popular in Lithuania and worldwide every year. Therefore, its demand is growing rapidly. The analyst of the market of ecological products professor Ulrich Hamm forecasts that trade in this section will increase by 20-40% or even 50% in some countries per year. Sociological researches show that each year people consume more and more of meat and its products, including chicken and eggs. Researches of consumers’ opinions show that the need for safe, quality and ecological food products grows in our country too. In consequence, a real possibility for the development of the farms growing ecological birds, for new work places, and additional income for people living in the country appears.
The aim of the work: Having analyzed the regulation and the conditions of the market of ecological poultry raising in Lithuania, the European Union and worldwide, to assess factors influencing the development of ecological poultry raising.
Lately the demand for fowl is growing because cattle meat and pork are becoming more expensive in Lithuania. However, statistic data claim that only one farm of ecological chicken from all those certificated in Lithuania is growing a limited number of chickens and does not satisfy the demand in the market. Lithuanian farmers are looking for new fields of activity such as the growing of exotic birds and animals, and are not interested in the possibilities of the development of ecological poultry-yards. It has to be noted... [to full text]
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Tapybos paveikslų ciklas „Sąvartynas“ / Thepaintingseries “Dump”Mazrimienė, Silvija 11 February 2012 (has links)
Norai nuolat didėja. Žmonija juda į priekį. Kuo aukštesnis visuomenėspragyvenimo lygis, tuo daugiau buitinių atliekų. Jas tenka pašalinti drauge su milijonais tonų kitų susikaupusių, perdirbimui neparuoštų šiukšlių. Taip sąvartynai ir pilnėja. Drobėse vaizduojamos atliekos, prieš užverčiat jas žemėmis. Tai yra šių dienų aktuali problema. Masinis žmonių vartojimas po savęs palieka neišnaudotas galimybes. Kūriniai orientuoti į ateitį, išsiskiria drąsiais sprendimais, yra originalūs, todėl skatina naujas ir aktualias mintis. Ekologai ir žalieji jau senokai gąsdina žmoniją, kad Žemė vieną kartą “atsirūgs“ atliekomis darkančiomis gamtą, nuodijančiomis dirvožemį, upes ir jūras, tiesiai mums į veidą. Ir tada bus per vėlu atgailauti. Bet Žemė kantri. Kol kas ji kantriai saugo mūsų kūrybines atliekas. Nagrinėjant ekologijos temą per pastaruosius metus buvo sukuti penki tapybos darbai. Jie pateikti aprašomojoje dalyje. Pagrindiniai trys 150x190 dydžio paveikslai, įgyvendinti tapybos technika, svarbūs šiai dienai, skatinantys susimąstyti apie vartojimo įpročius bei harmonija su gamta. / Theexpectations are constantlychanging. Mankindisdeveloping. Thehigherthelevelofpeople’slivingis, themorehouseholdwasteexists. It must be removedtogetherwithmillionsoftonesofotherwaste, accumulatedbutnotpreparedforrecycling. Thisisthereasonofdumps’ expanding. Wastebeforethelandfillingisdepictedontheclothsand it representstheproblemofnowadays. A lot ofmissedopportunities are leftbehindthemassivehumanconsumption. Theworks are focusedonthefuture, they are unique to bravedecisions, originalityandthey also encouragenewandrelevantideas. TheecologistsandtheGreens are alwaystrying to frigtenthehumanitythatonedaytheEarthwill „belch“ thatwastewhichdeformsthenature, poisonsthesoil, theriversandtheseas. Howeverthen it will be too late to apologize. Fortunately, theEarthispatientand it isstillsavingourcreativewaste. Whileexaminingthetopicofecologyduringthelastfiveyears, fivepaintingworksweredesigned. They are representedinthedescriptivesection. Themainthree 150 x 190 sizepictorialpaintings are significant to thesedaysastheyencourage to thinkaboutthehabitsofconsumption. It isveryimportant to remembertheancestry, theirbalanceandharmonywithnature.
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Ekologinių prekių ženklų panaudojimo aplinkosauginėje politikoje galimybės Lietuvoje / The possibility of using eco-labeling in development of environmental policy of lithuanianVinokurova, Justina 26 June 2014 (has links)
Europos Komisija ieško būdų mažinti gaminių daromą poveikį aplinkai, vertinant visą jų būvio ciklą. Siekiant šio tikslo taikomos ekologinio projektavimo ir būvio ciklo vertinimo priemonės saugesnių aplinkos atžvilgiu gaminių gamybai ir ekonominės (pvz., mokesčių diferenciacija, gamintojo atsakomybė) bei informacinės (pvz., ekoženklinimas) priemonės tokių gaminių paklausos kūrimui. Yra daug veiksnių, skatinančių ūkio subjektus taikyti ekoženklinimą. Viena iš paprastų priežasčių – aplinkos apsaugos (ar darnaus vystymosi) pokyčiai, vykstantys visuomenėje. Darbo tikslas – atlikti ekologinių, prekių ženklų panaudojimo plėtros aplinkosauginėje politikoje galimybių tyrimą Lietuvoje. Šio tikslo bus siekiama atliekant tokius uždavinius: 1.Remiants užsienio ir lietuvių mokslininkų teoriniais ir empiriniais darbais išnagrinėti aplinkosauginių, socialinių ir etinių ženklų vaidmenį aplinkosauginėje politikoje 2.Išanalizuoti ekologinių ženklų vaidmenį įgyvendinat ES aplinkosauginę politiką bei kitų šalių patirtį, diegiant ekologinius prekių ženklus; 3.Išanalizuoti apinkosauginę Lietuvos politiką ir Lietuvoje naudojamus aplinkosauginės politikos instrumentus, taikant SSGG analizę; 4.Aprašyti ekologinius ir kt. prekių ženklus taikomus Lietuvoje, bei išnanalizuoti jų plėtros tendencijas ir palyginti su kitų šalių; 5.Nustatyti ekologinių ženklų panaudojimo perspektyvas, kliūtis ir skatinimo priemones Lietuvoje; 6.Parengti rekomendacijas Lietuvai dėl ekologinių ženklų plėtros. Darbo objektas –... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / European Commission is constantly looking for ways of reducing the whole product life cycle impact on environment. Means of ecological engineering and valuation of product’s life cycle are being implemented in order to produce environmentally friendly products together with economical and media tools for creation of demand for such products. There are many factors stimulating economical entities to use eco-labelling. Environment protection change taking place in the society is one of those factors. Demand for ecological products is one of the main factors forcing companies to produce such products, taking into consideration influence on environment through the all stages of production. The aim of this paper – is to analyze the possibility of using eco-labeling in development of environmental policy of Lithuania. Such tasks have been formulated in order to reach this aim: •To analyze the role of social, ethical and ecological labeling for environmental policy based on works of foreign and Lithuanian authors. •To analyze the role of eco-labeling in EU environmental policy and the experience of other countries in usage of eco-labeling. •To analyze environmental policy and its instruments in Lithuania, by using SWOT analyze. •To describe ecological and other labeling used in Lithuania, and its development tendencies and compare it with experience of other countries. •To prepare recommendations of eco-labeling development in Lithuania. The object of this work is the possibility of... [to full text]
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Rasprostranjenost, biološke karakteristike i suzbijanje Asclepias syriaca L. / Distribution, biology, ecology and control of weed species Asclepias syriaca L.Popov Milena 02 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Poslednjih godina u balkanskom regionu pa i u Srbiji, zabeleņeno je ńirenje i invazivne korovske vrste Asclepias syriaca. Pretpostavlja se da je u Srbiju dospela iz susedne MaĎarske gde se dugi niz godina gajila kao medonosna biljka. Zahvaljujući alelopatskim osobinama i jakoj kompetitivnosti, ova vrsta ne dozvoljava regeneraciju starih peńčanih polja Najčeńće se javlja u zapuńtenim voćnjacima i vinogradima, na peskovitim terenima pored puteva i ņelezničkih pruga, nasipima, formirajući pri tom čiste sastojine asocijacije ili se javlja sa joń nekoliko korovskih vrsta ali uz apsolutnu dominaciju A. syriaca. Konstatovano je njeno ńirenje sa parloga na obradive povrńine na kojima obrazuje „oaze“, naročito u usevima pńenice, ječma, suncokreta, soje, u uljanoj repici, voćnjacima i vinogradima. Imajući u vidu sve negativne aspekte nekontrolisanog ńirenja A. syriaca na ruderalnim i poljoprivrednim povrńinama, ciljevi rada bili su praćenje ńirenja i izučavanje njenih biolońkih i ekolońkih karakteristika kao i utvrĎivanje mogućih načina za njeno suzbijanje. Populacija svilenice na teritoriji Vojvodine ima tendenciju ńirenja i ustaljivanja posebno uz puteve i vodene tokove. UtvrĎena je na skoro svim tipovima zemljińta u Vojvodini. Uspeva na zemljińtima od slabo do jako karbonatnih, kao i od slabo do jako humusnih. Podnosi zemljińta čiji je sadrņaj pristupačnih oblika fosfora i kalijuma ispod donje granice optimalne obezbeĎenosti zemljińta, ali i na zemljińtima gde je sadrņaj vrlo visok do ńtetan. Analizom biolońkog spektra sastojina ass. Asclepiadetum syriacae Lániková in Chytrý 2009, utvrĎeno je da su one hemikriptofitsko-terofitskog karaktera sa dominacijom hemikriptofita. Godińnja produkcija semena A. syriaca po m2 je od 1.336,53 do 10.109,61, a sa povećanjem gustine biljaka po jedinici povrńine smanjuje se produkcija plodova. Udeo semena svilenice u ispitivanoj zemljińnoj banci semena je vrlo nizak pa A. syriaca ne formira permanentnu banku semena. Dormantnost semena prekida se njegovim izlaganjem niņim temperaturama tokom nekoliko meseci a vlaga igra značajnu ulogu u povećanju klijavosti semena.<br />Alelopatska svojstva svilenice potvrĎena su ispitivanjem uticaja vodenog ekstrakta iz korena na klijavost semena kukuruza, soje i suncokreta u koncentracijama 0,05-0,1g suvemase korena po 1ml destilovane vode. UtvrĎena je i značajna osetljivost gajenog i divljeg sirka na primenjene ekstrakte. Od ekstrakata korena svilenice pripremljenih sa različitim rastvaračima, najveći inhibitorni uticaj na klijavost semena soje imao je butanolni, a na klijanje semena gajenog sirka etil-acetatni i butanolni ekstrakt. Isto je i sa divljim sirkom i ńtirom, dok na klijavost semena kukuruza i soje ni jedan primenjeni ekstrakt nije imao negativan uticaj u značajnijoj meri. Ogledi u poljskim uslovima pokazali su uticaj alelohemikalija iz korena A. syriaca na redukciju prinosa kukurza i sirka. Vodeni ekstrakt korena u koncentraciji primene 0,04g/ml umanjio je prinos kukuruza za 10-15%, krmnog sirka za 12,5% a sirka metlańa za 23%. Ispitivanja mogućnosti hemijskog suzbijanja A.syriaca u poljskim uslovima pokazali su najveću efikasnost herbicida na bazi glifosata, 2,4-D i tembotriona. kao i nakon trogodińnje primene bentazona, bentazona + dikambe, a najmanja efikasnost ustanovnjena je prilikom primene dikambe. Terbutilazin i klomazon u većim preporučenim količinama primene efikasno suzbijaju svilenicu iz semena ako se herbicidi primene pre nicanja, dok imazamoks i oksasulfuron efikasno suzbijajuu tek iznikle biljke svilenice kada se u preporučenim dozama tretiraju biljke u fazi 2-4 lista.</p> / <p>In previous years in the Balkan region, including Serbia, spread of invasive weed species Asclepias syriaca L. was recorded. It supposedly arrived to Serbia from neighbouring Hungary, where it was grown as honey plant. Due to allelopathic properties and strong concurrence, this species does not allow regeneration of old sand fields. It is most common in neglected orchards and vineyards, sandy terrains along roads and railways, embankments, where form pure A. syriaca association, or several additional weed species occur, but with absolute dominance of this weed. From uncultivated areas on which it forms "oasis" its spread was noted especially in wheat, barley, sunflower, soybean, rapeseed crops, in orchards and vineyards. Considering all negative aspects of uncontrolled spread of A. syriaca on ruderal and agricultural areas, the aims of the paper were monitoring of its spread and the study of biological and ecological properties, as well as the establishment of possible ways of its control. On the territory of Vojvodina, common milkweed population has a tendency of spread and colonization, particularly near roads and water flows. It is established on almost all soil types in Vojvodina. It grows on poor to very calcareous soils, as well as on poor to very humic ones. Common milkweed withstands soil with the content of available forms of phosphorous and potassium below the optimum , but also the soils with high to damaging content of these elements. The analysis of the biological spectrum of stands of ass. Asclepiadetum syriacae, Lániková in Chytrý 2009, established that it is hemicryptophyte and therophytein, with a domination of hemicryptophytic character.<br />Annual seed production of A. syriaca seed per m2 is from 1.336,53 to 10.109,61, and with the increase in plant density per unit area, production of fruits is reduced. The share of milkweed seed in soil seed bank is very low, and therefore A. syriaca does not form permanent seed bank. Seed dormancy is stopped by its exposure to lower temperatures for several months, and moisture has an important role in the<br />increase in seed germination. Allelopathic properties of common milkweed were confirmed by examination of root water extract effects on maize , soybean and sunflower seed germination at concentrations of 0.05-0.1g of dry root weight per 1ml of distilled water. Significant susceptibility of cultivated sorghum and Johnson grass to the applied extract was recorded. From common milkweed root extracts prepared by various solvents, the highest inhibiting effect to soybean seed germination had butanol extract, and to germination of seed of cultivated sorghum, ethyl acetate and butanol extract. It was the same with wild sorghum and redroot pigweed while none of the applied extracts had significantly negative effect on maize and soybean germination. In field trials, allelochemicals from A. syriaca root reduced maize and millet yield. Root water extracts at the applied concentration of 0.04g/ml reduced maize yield by 10-15%, of fodder sorghum by 12.5% and broomcorn by 23%. In studies regarding chemical control of A.syriaca in field conditions,the highest efficiency was recorded for herbicides based on glyphosate, 2.4-D and tembotrione, as well as for bentazone and bentazone + dicamba after tree-years long application.Dicamba was recorded as the least efficient. Terbuthylayine and clomazone herbicides in pre-emergence application at higher label rates efficiently control common milkweed from seed, while imazamox and oxasulfuron applied at lable rates efficiently control young plants of common milkweed at the phase of 2-4 leaves.</p>
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Europos Sąjungos fondų remiamų aplinkosauginių projektų viešinimo vaidmuo aplinkosaugos komunikacijoje / The role of publicizing environmental projects supported by european union funds in environmental communicationČepaitė, Živilė 25 November 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas – Europos Sąjungos (ES) fondų remiamų aplinkosauginių projektų viešinimas, visuomenės informavimas spaudoje aplinkosaugos tematika. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti Europos Sąjungos fondų remiamų aplinkosuginių projektų viešinimo vaidmenį aplinkosaugos komunikacijoje remiantis straipsnių spaudoje analize. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai: apibrėžti aplinkosaugos komunikaciją, pažvelgti kas jai būdinga, išanalizuoti modelius; apžvelgti ES fondų remiamų projektų informavimo ir viešinimo programas; atlikti spaudos analizę aplinkosaugos tematika; palyginti ES fondų remiamų projektų viešinimo vaidmenį su kitais aplinkosaugos tema pasirodžiusiais straipsniais. Remiantis mokslinių straipsnių ir dokumentų analize bei atliktu tyrimu, prieita prie išvados, kad aplinkosaugos komunikacijos terminus dažniausiai galima aptikti socialinės komunikacijos, rizikos, nelaimių sektoriuose. Vienas iš ekologinės komunikacijos tyrimo būdų yra pažvelgti kaip praktiškai, kokiomis priemonėmis yra perduodamos žinios aplinkosaugine tematika visuomenei, su kokiomis kitomis komunikacijos priemonėmis tai siejasi. Prieita prie išvados, kad aplinkosaugos komunikacijos modeliai dažnai nėra veiksmingi, nes aplinkosaugos komunikacija yra kompleksinė. Atlikus spaudos analizę aplinkosaugos tematika matomi skirtumai tarp aplinkosauginių projektų informavimo straipsnių bei tarp kitos su aplinkosauga susijusios informacijos. Taisyklių buvimas ES fondų remiamų straipsnių viešinimui ne tik drausmina... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this global world environmental issues and communication are one of the priorities these days. Environmental communication is the planned and strategic use of communication processes and media products to support effective policy making, public participation and project implementation geared towards environmental sustainability. The object of the present paper is the information ard publicity of the environmental projects supported by European Union Funds. The goal of this paper is to analyze the conception of environmental communication, to discuss the institutions that are related to ES funds and environmental objects. Also to make the analysis and research what is the role of the articles that shows the use of the environmental projects supported by ES Funds in Lithuanian newspapers. The main goals of this paper are to discuss the show what the environmental communication is, what it is common to it, analyze its models. Also to discuss programs and the rules for information and publicity measures concerning the activities of the ES Funds, to make the analysis of the articles of the environmental issues in newspapers, compare it with the articles that are written to inform about environmental projects that are supported by ES funds. According to the articles and documents analysis, results showed that environmental communication is very complex and its vertical and horizontal models should be used in a relation t oeach other to achieve better results. Article analyses... [to full text]
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Ekologinės triušių mitybos tyrimas ir pritaikymas Lietuvoje / Ecological research of rabbit’s nutrition and use in LithuaniaŠliaudarytė, Raimonda 15 April 2005 (has links)
Introduction. Ecological farming occupies a special position among various technologies in agriculture. It is based on modern, environment friendly technologies which do not use synthetic chemical substances (fertilizers, pesticides, drugs, growth enhancers, etc.), but use their substitutes instead. Ecological rabbit breeding is a novelty in Lithuania; however, the observations prove that the number of those willing to run such farms is increasing. The conditions of rabbit keeping must be as close to natural as possible to assure that the wellbeing and health requirements for the animals are fulfilled. Rabbits must have a possibility to move freely, satisfy their instincts.
Goal of research. The research aims to study the digestibility of nutrients in rations used for feeding rabbits with ecological feedstuffs.
Method of research. The research has been carried out at the vivariums of Lithuanian Veterinary Academy using New Zealand rabbit breed. To study digestibility 3 groups were formed, 10 rabbits aged 60days were selected from each group. The rabbits were kept in individual cages and had sufficient of water. The same feedstuffs as on ecological farms were used. The research consisted of the following stages: 1. Adaptation (duration – 3 days); 2. Preparatory stage (duration – 5 days); 3. Collection of faeces and stale (duration – 5 days).
Review of research data. The crude protein and raw fat in ration perform a specific function of life-support and production, in case of... [to full text]
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Dyzelinio variklio, dirbančio rapsų aliejaus ir benzino mišiniais, darbo rodiklių tyrimas / Research of the diesel engine performance parameters when operating on rape oil and petrol blendsČebyla, Kornelijus 07 June 2005 (has links)
The theme of the Kornelijus Cebyla Master degree final project is „Research of the diesel engine performance parameters when operating on rape oil and petrol blends“. The research work consists of 71 pages, 6 tables, 46 pictures and 14 appendixes. There were used 24 references. The research was started in year 2003 and finisched in 2005 at Lithuanian University of Agriculture.
The purpose of this project – to quality a develop of usage rape oil and petrol blends as a fuel in diesel engines, and the a connected with the problem is direct – injection diesel engine D – 243, to make conclusions and suggestions.
Analysis of the to reduce viscosity rape oil and petrol blends shows that negligible quantity of petrol is use ful researchimprone atomisation of rape oil. 36 0C temperature B2,5 blends on the decrease viscosity 5,76 %, B10 blends the viscosity is 26,84 %, ≈ 36,10 % to reduction than rape oil. When engine is operating on B2,5 blends its power increases on 1,31 – 10,41 %. Mass metric fuel consumption, is functioning B2,5 blends, reduces 1,5 – 3,8 %, and on other the blendss its increases on 1 – 17 %. When engine operates on rape oil and petrol blendss CH emission increases on 10 – 25 ppm depending on to load. Load the increscent CO emission increases. The addition of petrol in to rape oil nitirc oxides NO and nitric dioxides NO2 concentration increases. When engine is operating B2,5 blends increases of smoke 5,97 – 27,31 %, and on other the blends reduction of smoke 3,9... [to full text]
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