Spelling suggestions: "subject:"elasticplastic"" "subject:"elasticoplastic""
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Model Development and Simulation of the Response of Shape Memory PolymersGhosh, Pritha 1983- 14 March 2013 (has links)
The aim of this work is to develop and validate a continuum model for the simulation of the thermomechanical response of a shape memory polymer (SMP). Rather than integral type viscoelastic model, the approach here is based on the idea of two inter-penetrating networks, one which is permanent and the other which is transient together with rate equations for the time evolution of the transient network. We find that the activation stress for network breakage and formation of the material controls the gross features of the response of the model, and exhibits a "thermal Bauschinger effect". The model developed here is similar to a thermoviscoelastic model, and is developed with an eye towards ease of numerical solutions to boundary value problems. The primary hypothesis of this model is that the hysteresis of temperature dependent activation-stress plays a lead role in controlling its main response features. Validation of this hypothesis is carried out for the uniaxial response from the experimental data available in the literature for two different SMP samples: shape memory polyurethane and Veriflex, to show the control of the evolution of the temperature sensitive activation stress on the response.
We extend the validated 1D model to a three dimensional small strain continuum SMP model and carry out a systematic parameter optimization method for the identification of the activation stress coefficients, with different weights given to different features of the response to match the parameters with experimental data. A comprehensive parametric study is carried out, that varies each of the model material and loading parameters, and observes their effect on design-relevant response characteristics of the model undergoing a thermomechanical cycle. We develop "response charts" for the response characteristics: shape fixity, shape recovery and maximum stress rise during cooling, to give the designer an idea of how the simultaneous variation of two of the most influential material parameters changes a specific response parameter.
To exemplify the efficacy of the model in practical applications, a thermoviscoelastic extension of a beam theory model will be developed. This SMP beam theory will account for activation stress governed inelastic response of a SMP beam. An example of a three point bend test is simulated using the beam theory model. The numerical solution is implemented by using an operator split technique that utilizes an elastic predictor and dissipative corrector. This algorithm is validated by using a three-point bending experiment for three different material cases: elastic, plastic and thermoplastic response. Time step convergence and mesh density convergence studies are carried out for the thermoviscoelastic FEM model. We implement and study this model for a SMP beam undergoing three-point bending strain recovery, stress recovery and cyclic thermomechanical loading.
Finally we develop a thermodynamically consistent finite continuum model to simulate the thermomechanical response of SMPs. The SMP is modeled as an isotropic viscoplastic material where thermal changes govern the evolution of the activation stress of the material. The response of the SMP in a thermomechanical cycle is modeled as a combination of a rubbery and a glassy element in series. Using these assumptions, we propose a specific form for the Helmholtz potential and the rate of dissipation. We use the technique of upper triangular decomposition for developing the constitutive equations of the finite strain SMP model. The resulting model is implemented in an ODE solver in MATLAB, and solved for a simple shear problem. We study the response of the SMP model for shear deformation as well as cyclic shear deformation at different initial temperatures. Finally, we implement the thermomechanical cycle under shear deformations and study the behavior of the model.
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Characterization and Prediction of Fracture within Solder Joints and Circuit BoardsNadimpalli, Siva 31 August 2011 (has links)
Double cantilever beam (DCB) specimens with distinct intermetallic microstructures and different geometries were fractured under different mode ratios of loading, ψ, to obtain critical strain energy release rate, Jc. The strain energy release rate at crack initiation, Jci, increased with phase angle, ψ, but remained unaffected by the joint geometry. However, the steady-state energy release rate, Jcs, increased with the solder layer thickness. Also, both the Jci and Jcs decreased with the thickness of the intermetallic compound layer.
Next, mode I and mixed-mode fracture tests were performed on discrete (l=2 mm and l=5 mm) solder joints arranged in a linear array between two copper bars to evaluate the J = Jci (ψ) failure criteria using finite element analysis. Failure loads of both the discrete joints and the joints in commercial electronic assemblies were predicted reasonably well using the Jci from the continuous DCBs. In addition, the mode-I fracture of the discrete joints was simulated with a cohesive zone model which predicted reasonably well not only the fracture loads but also the overall load-displacement behavior of the specimen. Additionally, the Jci calculated from FEA were verified estimated from measured crack opening displacements in both the continuous and discrete joints.
Finally, the pad-crater fracture mode of solder joints was characterized in terms of the Jci measured at various mode ratios, ψ. Specimens were prepared from lead-free chip scale package-PCB assemblies and fractured at low and high loading rates in various bending configurations to generate a range of mode ratios. The specimens tested at low loading rates all failed by pad cratering, while the ones tested at higher loading rates fractured in the brittle intermetallic layer of the solder. The Jci of pad cratering increased with the phase angle, ψ, but was independent of surface finish and reflow profile. The generality of the J =Jci(ψ) failure criterion to predict pad cratering fracture was then demonstrated by predicting the fracture loads of single lap-shear specimens made from the same assemblies.
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Characterization and Prediction of Fracture within Solder Joints and Circuit BoardsNadimpalli, Siva 31 August 2011 (has links)
Double cantilever beam (DCB) specimens with distinct intermetallic microstructures and different geometries were fractured under different mode ratios of loading, ψ, to obtain critical strain energy release rate, Jc. The strain energy release rate at crack initiation, Jci, increased with phase angle, ψ, but remained unaffected by the joint geometry. However, the steady-state energy release rate, Jcs, increased with the solder layer thickness. Also, both the Jci and Jcs decreased with the thickness of the intermetallic compound layer.
Next, mode I and mixed-mode fracture tests were performed on discrete (l=2 mm and l=5 mm) solder joints arranged in a linear array between two copper bars to evaluate the J = Jci (ψ) failure criteria using finite element analysis. Failure loads of both the discrete joints and the joints in commercial electronic assemblies were predicted reasonably well using the Jci from the continuous DCBs. In addition, the mode-I fracture of the discrete joints was simulated with a cohesive zone model which predicted reasonably well not only the fracture loads but also the overall load-displacement behavior of the specimen. Additionally, the Jci calculated from FEA were verified estimated from measured crack opening displacements in both the continuous and discrete joints.
Finally, the pad-crater fracture mode of solder joints was characterized in terms of the Jci measured at various mode ratios, ψ. Specimens were prepared from lead-free chip scale package-PCB assemblies and fractured at low and high loading rates in various bending configurations to generate a range of mode ratios. The specimens tested at low loading rates all failed by pad cratering, while the ones tested at higher loading rates fractured in the brittle intermetallic layer of the solder. The Jci of pad cratering increased with the phase angle, ψ, but was independent of surface finish and reflow profile. The generality of the J =Jci(ψ) failure criterion to predict pad cratering fracture was then demonstrated by predicting the fracture loads of single lap-shear specimens made from the same assemblies.
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Numerical simulation of the crack propagation in a pipeline subjected to third-party damageJackson, Marshall 11 January 2016 (has links)
With over 830,000 km of operating pipeline in Canada alone, their safe and continued functioning underpins much of daily life. A key type of risk associated with pipelines is third-party damage, damage caused by actions not associated with the pipelines normal operation. The question of whether the pressurized structure like pipeline or pressure vessel would undergo “unzipping” due to the third-party impact is crucial for the safety of pipelines or pressure vessels in service needs to be answered. Thus, we endeavour to develop a methodology for assessment of design solutions effectiveness to prevent a pipeline or pressure vessel failure in an abrupt explosion-like fashion due to third-party damage.
Model of crack propagation determining whether the “unzipping” rupture will occur is viewed as a key element in the safety-driven design procedure providing significant effect on the safety of operation. The crack propagation modeling is achieved through the use of nonlinear fracture mechanics technique. The method of singular integral equations is used to calculate the critical stress required for the catastrophic failure of pipeline or pressure vessel damaged due to third-party interference. The model was implemented as a FORTRAN program. Testing of the developed numerical tool was performed using experimental data available in the literature, with the results showing promising agreement. / February 2016
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[pt] Corrosão sob tensão (SCC), que consiste na iniciação e propagação de trincas devido ao efeito combinado de tensões mecânicas e o ambiente corrosivo, é um dano potencial para estruturas e componentes. Além do mais, SCC pode ser explicado por diferentes mecanismos dependendo do par material ambiente corrosivo considerado, o que dificulta o uso de um modelo geral para predizer o comportamento de trincas em SCC. Sendo assim, projetos frequentemente utilizam um critério conservativo que desqualifica materiais susceptíveis à SCC sem analisar de maneira apropriada a influência dos campos de tensão que a
induzem. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o efeito de tensões elastoplásticas na corrosão sob tensão. Esta abordagem mecânica considera que todos os efeitos corrosivos envolvidos na corrosão sob tensão podem ser apropriadamente quantificados pelas tradicionais resistências do material à iniciação e propagação de trincas para um ambiente corrosivo específico. Corpos de prova de flexão em Alumínio fragilizados por Gálio líquido serão utilizados para prever o efeito de tensões residuais induzidas por deformações plásticas na iniciação de trincas por corrosão sob tensão. Além disso, uma análise quantitativa baseada no comportamento de trincas não propagantes a partir de entalhes será usada para estimar a tensão necessária para iniciar e propagar trincas em corpos de prova entalhados em aço AISI 4140 sujeitos à corrosão por sulfeto de hidrogênio em ambiente aquoso. O comportamento de trincas curtas e a carga máxima suportada pelos corpos de prova entalhados são analisadas considerando campos de tensões
lineares elástico e elastoplásticos através do modelo proposto que será validado através de dados experimentais. / [en] Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC), which consist in the initiation and propagation of cracks due to the combined attack of mechanical stresses and a corrosive environment is a potential danger for structures and components. Moreover, SCC can be explained by different mechanisms depending on the metal environmental pair, what makes difficult to create a generalized analytical approach to predict the crack behavior in SCC. Therefore, projects often use an over-conservative design criteria that disqualify a material susceptible to SCC without properly evaluate the influence of the stress fields that drive them. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effect of elastic-plastic stress in SCC. This mechanical approach assumes that all chemical effects involved in SCC problems can be appositely described and quantified by traditional material resistances to crack initiation and propagation at under specific environment. Aluminum bending specimens in Gallium environment are used to predict the effect of the residual stress induced by plastic deformation in the crack initiation under SCC conditions. Furthermore, a quantitative analysis based
on the non-propagating crack behavior departing from notch tips are used to calculate the necessary stress to initiate and propagate SCC in AISI 4140 steel notched specimens under aqueous hydrogen sulfide environment. The non-propagating crack behavior and the maximum load supported by notched specimens are analyzed under linear elastic and elastic-plastic stress field through the proposed model that will be validated by experimental data.
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Caracterização das propriedades mecânicas e metalúrgicas do aço API 5L X 80 e determinação experimental de curvas J-R para avaliação da tenacidade a fratura. / Experimental investigation of ductile crack growth in an API 5L X80 pipeline steel using J-R curves.Maurício de Carvalho Silva 29 October 2004 (has links)
Caracterizar propriedades de resistência à propagação de trinca em materiais dúcteis é um elemento central em métodos de avaliação de integridade estrutural de dutos destinados ao transporte de gás, petróleo e seus derivados que utilizam os aços ARBL. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as propriedades de fratura dúctil do aço API 5L X80, através da obtenção da curva de resistência à propagação estável de defeitos (curvas J-R) do material. O ensaio de tenacidade à fratura para obtenção da curva J-R foi conduzido utilizando a técnica do corpo-de-prova único (single specimen) empregando o método da flexibilidade no descarregamento (unloading compliance), segundo a norma de ensaios ASTM E1820-96. Os corpos-de-prova compactos C(T) apresentaram espessura B=15mm, largura W=2B e uma relação aproximada entre o tamanho de trinca (a) e a largura, a/W=0,6. O ensaio foi conduzido numa máquina universal de ensaios (MTS) servo-controlada e capacidade máxima de 250kN. Adicionalmente, foram conduzidos ensaios convencionais de tração (limite de escoamento 550MPa, limite de resistência 676MPa e alongamento total em 50mm 27%), ensaios de impacto Charpy (energia absorvida de 220J à 0ºC sentido longitudinal) e análises metalográficas (microestrutura refinada composta por ferrita, colônias de perlita e presença do constituinte MA). Tais caracterizações permitirão uma maior precisão na comparação da curva J-R do aço API 5L X80 em estudo com estudos futuros de tenacidade à fratura. / Assessments of crack growth resistance in ductile materials play a key role in structural integrity procedures for high strength, low alloy (HSLA) pipeline steels commonly employed in gas and petroleum trasmission systems. This work presents an investigation of the ductile tearing properties for an API 5L X80 pipeline steel using experimentally measured crack growth resistance curves (J-R curves) for the material. Testing of the X80 pipeline steel employed compact tension (C(T)) fracture specimens to determine the J-R curves based upon the unloading compliance method using a single specimen technique in accordance with the ASTM E1820 standard procedure. The C(T) specimens have thickness B=15mm, width W=2B and a ratio between crack size (a) and width, a/W=0,6. The experimental tests utilized a 250 kN MTS universal machine. Conventional tensile tests were also performed to determine the tensile properties for the tested material: yield strength of 550MPa, tensile strength of 676MPa and elongation of 27% (gage length of 50 mm). The Charpy V-notch impact tests also provided and absorbed energy of 220J at 0ºC. The metallographic analysis showed colonies of perlite and MA constituent islands in a ferrite matrix. This experimental characterization provides additional toughness and mechanical data against which the general behavior of X80 class pipeline steel can be compared.
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Avaliação da estabilidade de trincas em componentes estruturais por meio do parâmetro elasto-plástico integral-J e comparação com resultados obtidos via mecânica da fratura elástica-linear / Crack stability assessment on structural components by using elastic-plastic J-integral parameter and comparison to results obtained from linear-elastic fracture mechanicsJosé Ricardo Tarpani 17 October 1995 (has links)
Neste trabalho são comparados os resultados analíticos de previsão de falha de um vaso nuclear PWR destinado à propulsão naval, contendo oito diferentes tipos de trinca, obtidos segundo a Mecânica da Fratura Elástica-Linear (MFEL) e a correspondente Elasto-Plástica (MFEP). Os resultados são fornecidos em termos da pressão interna e do gradiente de deformações ao longo da espessura da parede do componente estrutural, sendo diretamente aplicáveis às condições impostas e desenvolvidas em ensaios isotérmicos de hidro-pressurização. O elevado nível de conservativismo dos resultados derivados segundo a MFEL, via critério KIC de disparo de clivagem, quando comparados àqueles obtidos por meio da MFEP, através do critério de iniciação de rasgamento dúctil, Ji, e em especial dos critérios J50 e Jinstab.dúctil de falha com base na Teoria da Instabilidade do Rasgamento Dúctil ou Elasto-Plástico (TIRD/TIREP) por intermédio de diagramas J x T (integral-J versus módulo de rasgamento), foi avaliado e quantificado. O intenso efeito das dimensões dos corpos de prova nos resultados obtidos a partir de ambas abordagens, assim como o papel determinante dos entalhes laterais nos ensaios da MFEP foram definitivamente comprovados. Foi também demonstrado o saudável conservativismo das previsões segundo o critério J50 para projeto e serviço seguros de plantas nucleares frente às condições reais em que se verifica analiticamente a instabilidade dúctil do componente trincado, tais como definidas por Jinstab.dúctil, assim como das previsões decorrentes dos processos de extrapolação linear de curvas J-R no espaço J x T quando comparadas às resultantes de extrapolações não-lineares mais frequentemente utilizadas. Com relação aos efeitos exercidos nos resultados de previsão de falha pelo tipo, profundidade e comprimento da trinca contida na parede do vaso de pressão, ficou demonstrado que as trincas de superfície são muito mais críticas que as sub-superficiais de idênticas profundidade e comprimento, assim como que as avaliações de integridade são muito mais sensíveis a mudanças na profundidade da trinca relativamente a alterações no seu comprimento. As aproximações entre os resultados obtidos via J50 e através de Jinstab.dúttil, e entre os resultados obtidos pelos procedimentos de extrapolação linear e não-linear de curvas JMAT-TMAT, são muito mais nítidas para as trincas de superfície menos profundas e, em especial para as embutidas, mesmo aquelas mais críticas. Deste modo, a metodologia aqui aprimorada, destinada em última instância a avaliações de integridade estrutural de vasos PWR em transientes de potência durante a sua vida em serviço, se mostrou absolutamente efetiva no caso das trincas mais prováveis em tais circunstâncias, quais sejam, as de pequenas dimensões e situadas superficialmente na parede do vaso. Ainda, foi verificada a tendência da ocorrência do vazamento do meio pressurizante anteriormente à falha do vaso por instabilidade dúctil nos casos da presença das trincas mais profundas, independentemente de serem elas de superfície ou sub-superficiais e, novamente, de seu comprimento, contribuindo assim para a percepção visual da iminência da falha bem como para eventos de freamento de trinca dúctil, impedindo a falha catastrófica do vaso PWR. Por outro lado, trincas rasas ou meno·s profundas tendem a entrar no regime de instabilidade dúctil muito precocemente, com a essência da propagação se dando de modo instável, causando fratura rápida ou súbita do vaso sem sinal anterior. Finalmente, foi comprovada nesse estudo a aplicabilidade da técnica analítica de normalização linear para o levantamento de curvas J-R, e como consequência JMAT-TMAT, para a avaliação de integridade estrutural de componentes robustos falhando de modo dúctil após considerável, e mensurável, crescimento estável de trinca; também, foi aqui proposto o ajuste logarítmico de dados de curvas J-R, em oposição ao hoje consensualmente utilizado via lei de potência, de modo a computar os efeitos do fenômeno de saturação de J, permitindo assim extrapolações conservativas e seguras para as condições em que se verifica a falha do componente nuclear. / In this work the analytical results related to a nuclear pressure vessel failure conditions as obtained by Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) and the Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics (EPFM) were compared for eigth different crack types. The results are supplied in terms of internal pressure and strain gradient through the wall thickness of the structural component, and might be directly applied to isothermal hydrotests experiments. The high conservatism of LEFM approach, by using KIC criterion of cleavage triggering, as compared to results obtained via Ji of ductile crack initiation from EPFM approach, and specially to the J50 and Jduct.instab. criteria based on ductile Tearing Instability Theory through J x T (J-integral x tearing modulus) diagrams, was evaluated and quantified. The overriding effect of specimens size over LEFM and EPFM results were definitely proved, as well as the very strong influence of side-grooving the EPFM specimens. It was demonstrated the healthy conservatism of the predictions following the J50 criterion for safe design and service in the nuclear industry facing the real conditions where ductile instability takes place as analytically defined by Jduct.instab.. In the same way the conservatism of the predictions from the linear extrapolation procedure of J-R curves on J x T space, as compared with the most common non-linear process was proved as well. With respect to the effect exerted by type, depth and length of the crack over the results it was demonstrated that surface cracks are more critical than the embedded ones with identical dimensions, being the analytical evaluation much more sensitive to changes in the crack depth than in its length. The approximations among the results obtained from J50 and Jduct.instab. criteria as well as among the results from the linear and non-linear extrapolation procedure are best verified for the less depth surface cracks and specially for the embedded cracks even the largest ones. So, the methodology here improved, aimed in last instance to structural integrity assessment of PWR vessels on power transients during their service life has been shown to be a powerful tool in evaluating the most expected cracks under such circunstances, that is, those having small dimensions and located on surface wall. Still, it was demonstrated the trend for leak-before-ductile instability in the presence of the deepest surface and internal cracks, allowing the visual perception of the threshold of the vessel failure and the development of crack arrest events avoiding catastrofic rupture of the component. Otherwise, shallow cracks are prone to get very fast in the unstable regime of growth, with the essence of the propagation occuring under this condition, conducting to suddenly fracture of the vessel without any prior evidence. Finally, it was proved in this study the accuracy of the linear normalization technique in deriving J-R curves for the assessment of structural integrity of massive components which fail in a ductile way after undergo large stable crack extensions; it was suggested here the logarithmic fit of J-R data points taking in account more properly the J-saturation phenomena and leading to more safe and conservative extrapolation results when compared to resulting from power-law fit.
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Počítačová simulace kolapsu budovy zplastizováním kloubů / Computer simulation of building collapse due to formation of plastic hingesValeš, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to create an analytical 2D model of a multi-storey building and its consequent loading until the point of collapse which occures due to formation of plastic hinges. The first part is going to present a linear analysis of the problem; it focuses on location and level of load when the plastic hinges are formed. Then a nonlinaer analysis is going to be performed by RFEM programme using postcritical analysis and dynamic relaxation. Differences between the results of mentioned types and methods of analysis are going to be compared and an impact of variables is going to be evaluated .
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Identification de lois de comportement de tôles en faibles épaisseurs par développement et utilisation du procédé de microformage incrémental / Idefntification of behavior laws of thin sheet metals by developing and using micro-incremental forming processBen Hmida, Ramzi 18 December 2014 (has links)
La miniaturisation des composants est aujourd’hui un challenge mondial. La fabrication de ces composants est rendue difficile par un certain nombre de phénomènes liés aux effets d’échelle. Il est ainsi nécessaire de répondre à ces contraintes de réduction d’échelle en termes de conception, de réalisation et de fonctionnement de ces systèmes. Cette étude aborde la problématique de la miniaturisation des procédés et plus particulièrement du procédé de micro-formage incrémental « mono-point » (micro-SPIF) à travers des études expérimentales et numériques. Le micro-formage incrémental de tôles est présenté comme une approche intéres sante de fabrication de structures minces. La géométrie désirée est assurée par la trajectoire d’un outil imposant une déformation locale sur la tôle serrée en son contour. Dans un premier temps, une approcheexpérimentale consistant à analyser le comportement mécanique des éprouvettes en alliage de cuivre avec différentes tailles de grains par des essais de traction a été proposée. L’interaction entre la géométrie et la microstructure est évaluée à l’aide du ratio de l'épaisseur par la taille moyenne de grains Φ=t/d. Un pilote de formage incrémental « mono-point » instrumenté a été également développé. Une campagne d'essais expérimentaux de micro-SPIF a été ainsi réalisée sur des flans par différentes tailles de grains afin d'étudier les effets de la microstructure sur la géométrie, l’état de surface, la distribution des épaisseurs et sur l’évolution des efforts. Dans un second temps, un modèle paramétrique de type éléments finis simulant le micro-SPIF a été développé en langage MATLAB®. Le code de calculs LS-DYNA® a été utilisé pour simuler le procédé en adaptant une loi de comportement élastoplastique. Ensuite, les résultats obtenus en termes de géométrie,d’évolution de l’épaisseur et d’efforts de formage sont confrontés aux relevés expérimentaux afin de valider la procédure numérique. Dans un troisième temps, une loi élastoplastique endommageable décrivant les principaux phénomènes physiques intervenant durant le formage des métaux en grandes déformations a été présentée. Une procédure d'identification de cette loi basée sur une analyse inverse de l’effort au cours du procédé de micro-SPIF a été proposée et des tests de validation du modèle ont été discutés. Enfin, une analyse de l'identifiabilité locale basée sur un indice de multicolinéarité des fonctions de sensibilité est effectuée pour valider la procédure d’identification paramétrique et quantifier l’intérêt du procédé pour la caractérisation quantitative des tôlesminces en très grandes déformations / The miniaturization of components is now a world challenge. The manufacture of these componentsis difficult because of several phenomena related to the so-called size effect. It is thus necessary to fulfill theserequirements of scaling down in terms of design, implementation and operations. This study deals with theproblems of miniaturization processes, especially the “micro-Single Point" Incremental Forming process (micro-SPIF) through experimental and numerical studies. Micro-single point incremental forming process is presentedas an interesting approach for thin structures manufacturing. The desired geometry is provided by the tool pathrequiring a local deformation in a sheet clamped along its contour. Firstly, an experimental approach consistingin analyzing the mechanical behaviour of copper alloy specimens with various grain sizes by tensile tests hasbeen proposed. The interaction between the geometry and the microstructure is evaluated using the ratio of thethickness by the average grain size Φ=t/d. An instrumented micro-SPIF device was also developed. A set ofsingle point incremental sheet forming experimental tests were conducted on blanks with several grain sizesusing two forming strategies in order to study the effect of microstructure on the geometry, the surface topology,the thickness distribution and the forming forces evolutions. Secondly, a finite element parametric model capableof simulating the micro-SPIF process was developed in MATLAB® language. The commercial LS-DYNA® codewas used to simulate this process using an elastic-plastic constitutive law. Then, the results obtained in terms ofgeometry, thickness evolution and forming forces are compared with the experimental results in order to validatethe numerical procedure. Thirdly, an elastic-plastic damage model describing the main physical phenomenainvolved during metal forming by large deformation was presented. An identification procedure of thisbehaviour law based on the inverse analysis of the axial forming force during micro-SPIF process was proposedand several validation tests of the model were discussed. Finally, local identifiability analysis based on an indexof multicollinearity of the sensitivity functions was performed in order to validate the parameters identificationprocedure and quantify the advantage of the process for quantitative mechanical behaviour characterization ofthin metal sheets at large strains
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Popis napjatosti a deformace na čele trhlin zatížených ve smykových zátěžných módech / Description of Stress and Strain States at the Front of Cracks Loaded by Shear ModesŽák, Stanislav January 2014 (has links)
The main goal of this work is the comparison of the size of the plastic zone at the crack tip for two analysis methods: an analytical linear method and an elastic-plastic analysis employing the Finite Element method (ANSYS software). All calculations were made for a crack loaded under pure shear modes. These types of loading are not sufficiently described in the literature. The first part of this work introduces the problem with the crack tip plastic zone using both linear and nonlinear fracture parameters. The second part is dedicated to the construction of the Finite Element model in the ANSYS software. The geometry of the samples and the loading levels were chosen to match an existing experimental test of the impact of shear modes on the crack behavior. In the third part of this thesis, the plastic zone radii for pure shear modes II and III are estimated using several methods and the results are compared. In the last part of this work, the same procedure as in the previous part is applied on a mixed-mode II+III loading. A result of this thesis is the assessment of the application limits of the linear analysis method used to estimate the size of the plastic zone at the crack tip for a specific geometry and material model.
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