Spelling suggestions: "subject:"elastomeric"" "subject:"plastomeric""
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Design And Modeling Elastomeric Vibration Isolators Using Finite Element MethodArdic, Halil 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, a process is developed for designing elastomeric vibration isolators in order to provide vibration isolation for sensitive equipment being used in ROKETSAN A.S.&rsquo / s products.
For this purpose, first of all, similar isolators are examined in the market. After that, appropriate elastomeric materials are selected and their temperature and frequency dependent dynamic properties are experimentally obtained. Parametric finite element model of the isolator is then constituted in ANSYS APDL using the properties of elastomeric materials and the conceptual design of the isolator. Then, according to design requirements, final design parameters of the vibration isolator are determined at the end of design iterations. In the next step, vibration isolator that was designed is manufactured using the elastomeric material chosen, by a local rubber company. Finally, design process is verified by comparing analysis and test results.
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Base Isolation of a Chilean Masonry House: A Comparative StudyHusfeld, Rachel L. 16 January 2010 (has links)
The objective of this study is to reduce the interstory drifts, floor accelerations,
and shear forces experienced by masonry houses subject to seismic excitation. Ambient
vibration testing was performed on a case study structure in Maip�, Chile, to identify
characteristics of the system. Upon creating a multiple degree-of-freedom (MDOF)
model of the structure, the effect of implementing several base isolation techniques is
assessed. The isolation techniques analyzed include the use of friction pendulum
systems (FPS), high-damping rubber bearings (HDRB), two hybrid systems involving
HDRB and shape memory alloys (SMA), and precast-prestressed pile (PPP) isolators.
The dynamic behavior of each device is numerically modeled using analytical
formulations and experimental data through the means of fuzzy inference systems (FIS)
and S-functions. A multiobjective genetic algorithm is utilized to optimize the
parameters of the FPS and the PPP isolation systems, while a trial-and-error method is
employed to optimize characteristic parameters of the other devices.
Two cases are studied: one case involves using eight devices in each isolation
system and optimizing the parameters of each device, resulting in different isolated
periods for each system, while the other case involves using the number of devices and
device parameters that result in a 1.0 sec fundamental period of vibration for each baseisolated
structure. For both cases, the optimized devices are simulated in the numerical
model of the case study structure, which is subjected to a suite of earthquake records.
Numerical results for the devices studied indicate significant reductions in
responses of the base-isolated structures in comparison with their counterparts in the
fixed-base structure. Metrics monitored include base shear, structural shear, interstory drift, and floor acceleration. In particular, the PPP isolation system in the first case
reduces the peak base shear, RMS floor acceleration, peak structural shear, peak
interstory drift, and peak floor acceleration by at least 88, 87, 95, 95, and 94%,
respectively, for all of the Chilean earthquakes considered. The PPP isolation system in
the second case (yielding a 1.0 sec period) and the FPS isolation systems in both cases
also significantly reduce the response of the base-isolated structure from that of the
fixed-base structure.
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Υβριδικές δοκιμές σεισμικά μονωμένης γέφυραςΔημητροπούλου, Ευριδίκη 04 December 2012 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διατριβή παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα ψευδοδυναμικών δοκιμών σε γέφυρα από οπλισμένο σκυρόδεμα, πολλών ανοιγμάτων, σεισμικά μονωμένης με απλά ελαστομεταλλικά εφέδρανα χαμηλής απόσβεσης. Το μέγεθος της γέφυρας καθιστά αδύνατη την προσομοίωση ολόκληρου του φορέα στο εργαστήριο σε πλήρη κλίμακα ή έστω σε μικρότερη αλλά ρεαλιστική κλίμακα. Παράλληλα, η απόκριση του καταστρώματος και των βάθρων αναμένεται να είναι ελαστική κατά την διάρκεια της σεισμικής διέγερσης ενώ η ανελαστική παραμόρφωση θα εντοπίζεται στην στάθμη της σεισμικής μόνωσης. Για αυτό το λόγο, ο οικονομικότερος και πιο κατάλληλος τρόπος δοκιμής είναι η χρήση της μεθόδου των υπο-κατασκευών. Με τον τρόπο αυτό τα εφέδρανα χρησιμοποιούνται ως δοκίμιο και η απόκριση τους μετράται εργαστηριακά, ενώ η υπόλοιπη κατασκευή (κατάστρωμα και βάθρα) προσομοιώνονται αναλυτικά. Οι ψευδοδυναμικές δοκιμές έγιναν με την μέθοδο αυτή εφαρμόζοντας ως διέγερση το πραγματικό επιταχυνσιογράφημα του σεισμού της 15ης Απριλίου του Montenegro, τροποποιώντας το κατάλληλα, ώστε το φάσμα του να είναι συμβατό με το φάσμα του Ευρωκώδικα 8 για έδαφος τύπου C. Το τυπικό όμως πρόβλημα το οποίο εμφανίζεται κατά την εκτέλεση ψευδοδυναμικών δοκιμών μη πραγματικού χρόνου σε συσκευές, των οποίων η απόκριση επηρεάζεται από την ταχύτητα παραμόρφωσης, όπως είναι τα εφέδρανα, είναι η διαφοροποίηση των μετρούμενων δυνάμεων με την πραγματοποίηση της δοκιμής σε διεσταλμένη κλίμακα του χρόνου. Συνεπώς είναι απαραίτητο να χρησιμοποιηθεί μια διαδικασία, ώστε σε κάθε βήμα η μετρούμενη δύναμη αντίδρασης των εφεδράνων, η οποία εκφράζει την δυσκαμψία τους, να διορθώνεται ώστε να αντιστοιχεί στην δύναμη που θα μετριόταν εάν η δοκιμή ήταν πραγματικού χρόνου. Για τα λόγο αυτό πραγματοποιήθηκαν προκαταρκτικές δοκιμές χαρακτηρισμού, με στόχο αφενός τον προσδιορισμό των μηχανικών χαρακτηριστικών των εφεδράνων σε διάφορα επίπεδα παραμόρφωσης και αφετέρου τον υπολογισμό απαραίτητων συντελεστών διόρθωσης, οι οποίοι θα χρησιμοποιηθούν στην ψευδοδυναμική δοκιμή για να ληφθεί υπόψη η επιρροή του ρυθμού παραμόρφωσης. Οι δοκιμές αυτές πραγματοποιήθηκαν σε επίπεδα διατμητικής παραμόρφωσης των εφεδράνων που έφταναν το 100% της αντοχής τους και σε συχνότητες που ήταν κοντά στις ιδιοσυχνότητες που αναμένονται για την κατασκευή κατά την διάρκεια της σεισμικής διέγερσης. Κατά τη διεξαγωγή των δοκιμών τα εφέδρανα υποβάλλονται σε καθορισμένη ιστορία φόρτισης που αποτελείται από συνεχείς ημιτονοειδείς κύκλους μειούμενου εύρους και ένα τμήμα τυχαίας χρονοϊστορίας. Μετά τον προσδιορισμό των διορθωτικών συντελεστών πραγματοποιήθηκαν οι ψευδοδυναμικές δοκιμές σε διάφορα επίπεδα έντασης της εδαφικής σεισμικής επιτάχυνσης. Για τις δοκιμές χρησιμοποιήθηκαν δύο ζευγάρια εφεδράνων, για καθένα από τα οποία έγινε ξεχωριστή δοκιμή χαρακτηρισμού. Η ταχύτητα εκτέλεσης των δοκιμών επιλέχθηκε να είναι μια τάξη μεγέθους πιο γρήγορη από αντίστοιχες προηγούμενες δοκιμές. Τα αποτελέσματα των δοκιμών έδειξαν καταρχάς ότι η διαδικασία που επιλέχθηκε για να ληφθεί υπόψη η επιρροή του ρυθμού παραμόρφωσης ήταν επιτυχής. Επιπλέον, κατέδειξαν ότι η μόνωση γεφυρών με χρήση του συγκεκριμένου τύπου εφεδράνων δεν αποτελεί αποτελεσματική μέθοδο αντισεισμικής προστασίας καθώς τα εφέδρανα αστόχησαν σε επίπεδα παραμόρφωσης χαμηλότερα από αυτά που απαιτούν οι κανονισμοί. / The results of hybrid tests performed on a multi-span RC bridge are presented. The bridge, typical example of bridges employing only plain, elastomeric, low damping isolation devices, is sub-structured for testing purposes: the isolators are physically tested while the response of the remaining structure is simulated numerically. Hybrid
testing is performed quasi-statically and - to account for the actual influence of real-time loading on the properties of the isolation devices - a pre-testing phase is carried out in which isolators are strained dynamically at different velocity levels to determine the relation of the real-time response to that during static conditions.
Following this phase of characterization, pairs of isolators in a back-to-back (parallel) configuration are tested with the hybrid method, with on-line modification of the measured restoring forces based on the results of the pre-test campaign. The experimental program revealed that the specific type of elastomeric bearings used in the study do not comply to current code provisions as they rupture at deformation levels considerably lower than the code-prescribed ones.
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Influence de la formulation sur les propriétés en fatigue d'élastomères industriels / Influence of the formulation on the fatigue properties of elastomeric materialsMasquelier, Isaure 03 December 2014 (has links)
Cette étude concerne l’influence de la formulation sur les propriétés en fatigue des élastomères. Pour cela, douze matériaux ont été préalablement choisis de façon à ce que leur formulation soit simplifiée mais représentative de celles de matériaux industriels. La première partie de l’étude vise la description des mécanismes et des scénarios d’endommagement par fatigue, pour différents matériaux, niveaux de sollicitation et pourcentages de durée de vie. Une vaste campagne d’essais de fatigue interrompus a été menée permettant une analyse statistique de la population de défauts. Ces données ont permis d’une part de proposer des scénarios de ruine pour les différents matériaux étudiés, et d’autre part d’identifier deux types de mécanismes d’amorçage autour d’inclusions de différentes natures. La deuxième partie de l’étude vise à comprendre les mécanismes d’amorçage de fissure de fatigue. Un protocole expérimental permettant d’obtenir les champs d’énergie dissipée directement à partir des champs de température mesurés a été mis en place. Ce protocole a d’abord été développé à une échelle macroscopique et validé grâce à des simulations par éléments finis. Il a ensuite été appliqué avec succès à l’échelle des inclusions pour des cas 2D. Enfin, la troisième partie de cette étude propose un critère énergétique basé sur un protocole d’auto-échauffement permettant une détermination rapide des propriétés en fatigue. L’approche proposée utilise un critère à deux paramètres et permet de prédire la courbe de Wöhler déterministe avec une seule éprouvette, en une demi-journée d’essai et uniquement à partir de mesures thermiques. Ce critère a été validé sur une large gamme d’élastomères, et s’avère capable de rendre compte de l’influence de la gomme, du taux et du type de charges. / This study deals with the influence of the formulation on the fatigue properties of elastomeric materials. Twelve materials have been chosen so that their formulations are simplified but representative of these used in the industry. The first part of the study aims to describe the fatigue damage mechanisms and scenarios, for different materials, strain levels and fatigue life durations. A large experimental campaign of interrupted fatigue tests has been performed enabling a statistical analysis of the defects population. On one hand, these data led to propose damage scenarios for the studied materials, and on the other hand, to identify two classes of initiation mechanisms around different nature of inclusions. The second part of this study aims to better understand the fatigue crack initiation mechanisms. An experimental protocol enabling to obtain directly the dissipated energy fields from the measurement of the temperature fields has been set up. This protocol has been first developed at the macroscopic scale and validated thanks to numerical simulations. Then, it has been applied successfully at the scale of inclusions for 2D cases. Finally, the third part of this study suggests an energetic criterion based on a heat build-up protocol leading a fast determination of the fatigue properties. This approach uses a criterion with two parameters and is able to predict the deterministic Wöhler curve with one sample, in half a day and thanks to thermal measurements only. This criterion has been validated on a wide range of elastomeric materials and is able to reflect the influence of the gum, the type and the amount of carbon black.
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Elaboration de mousses solides par émulsions hautement concentrées. Etude de la relation liant le comportement mécanique avec la structure mésoscopique et la nature physico-chimique / Elastomeric foams from High Internal Phase Emulsion (HIPE)Barrand, Charles 13 October 2017 (has links)
Les matériaux poreux sont omniprésents dans la société grâce à leurs remarquables propriétés provenant de la combinaison de leur structure mésoscopique et de leur nature physico-chimique très versatiles. L’objectif de cette thèse est l’étude du lien entre les propriétés mécaniques de mousses élastomères et leur structure mésoscopique (porosité ouverte ou fermée et diamètre des pores) et la nature physico chimique de matrice élastomère. Pour ce faire il a été nécessaire de synthétiser des matériaux modèles dont il est possible de décorréler les effets dus à la structure et ceux dus à la nature de la matrice polymère. La technique de ‘template’ par émulsion hautement concentrée HIPE (High Internal Phase Emulsion) a été sélectionnée car elle permet de faire varier la structure et la composition chimique de la matrice. Le contrôle des paramètres de l’émulsion (fraction de phase dispersée, nature des monomères et des réticulants, quantité de tensioactif et de réticulant) permet de moduler la morphologie des matériaux. De plus il est possible de changer un des paramètres indépendamment de tous les autres. Cette technique a permis d’obtenir une série de matériaux avec une structure poreuse et une nature physico-chimique contrôlées à façon. Dans le cas particulier des mousses solides élastomères très faiblement réticulées un phénomène d’effondrement des pores peut être observé. Ces mousses sont caractérisées mécaniquement en compression en fonction de trois paramètres physiques : la température de transition vitreuse de la matrice polymère, le taux de réticulation et le diamètre des pores de la mousse. Une étude du module élastique et de la dissipation d’énergie des mousses élastomères a été effectuée dans le but de mieux comprendre le lien avec la nature physico-chimique et la structure mésoscopique des mousses à l’origine des propriétés mécaniques originales. Les réponses temporelles particulièrement lentes de nos élastomères observées lors des essais mécaniques ont conduit à des études de recouvrance des mousses ainsi que la détermination d’un modèle théorique. / Foams are everywhere in the society thanks to their remarkable properties resulting from the coupling of their structure and their physico-chemical nature which are very adaptable. The main goal of this thesis is the study of the relationship between mechanical properties of elastomeric foams and their mesoscopic structure (open or closed-porosity and cells diameter) and their physico chemical nature of elastomeric matrix. In this context, it was necessary to synthesize model porous materials with well-controlled densities and structure. HIPE (High Internal Phase Emulsion) template technique was used thanks to its ability modifying matrix chemical composition and structure. Control of emulsion’s parameters (internal phase ratio, monomers and crosslinker nature, surfactant and crosslinker content) enables tuning foam morphology. Moreover it enables to vary one parameter without changing others. Thanks to this method we were able to synthesize elastomeric foams with well-controlled structure and physico-chemical nature matrix. In the real special case of very low crosslinker content, foam collapsing effect has been detected. Foams are mechanically characterized in compression test depending on tree parameters: glass transition temperature of the polymer matrix, crosslinked ratio and cells diameter of the foam. Elastic modulus and dissipated energy are studied to inverstigate more deeply the relationship with physico-chemical nature and mesoscopic structure. Time behavior response of foams leads us to study recovery ratio of foams and we try to determine a theoretical model.
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A novel mooring tether for highly dynamic offshore applicationsParish, David Nigel January 2015 (has links)
The mooring of vessels and other floating bodies at sea, such as offshore platforms has necessitated the development of specialised moorings technology. The marine renewable energy (MRE) sector is now at a stage in its development whereby floating devices are adding new challenges to the moorings industries. Floating MRE devices are smaller than, for instance offshore platforms, and are usually targeted for deployment in highly energetic environments. The extreme conditions and the highly dynamic response of an MRE device present challenges in terms of peak loading within the mooring system itself and load transfer to the floating body. Compliant mooring systems provide advantages by reducing the peak loads and fibre ropes are an important asset in achieving such compliance. However, the extent to which existing fibre ropes can safely extend axially to provide compliance is insufficient and is strongly associated to the minimum breaking load (MBL) of the rope. A novel fibre rope mooring tether is presented here that provides advantages over existing ropes. The tether employs a hollow fibre rope containing an elastomeric core, this mechanism de-coupling the extension properties from the strength of the line. The load path is carried through the polyester rope which is terminated conventionally by eye splices, thus minimising any new risks to reliability. Very low axial stiffness is achieved and is shown to be selectable within limits. For comparison, the prototype tether’s MBL of 222 kN is assigned to polyester and Nylon reference ropes. The axial stiifness of these ropes are 590 kN and 463 kN respectively when measured by a secant between the origin and 30% MBL; the novel tether displays an axial stiffness of 72 kN by the same method. This enables the novel tether to achieve more than two and a half times the extension of a comparable Nylon rope in its working range. Numerical modelling of a moored installation demonstrates a threefold reduction in peak load magnitude compared to the existing Nylon rope solution. The tether exhibits two distinct stages of extension, the first having very low axial stiffness. It is demonstrated that the extent of this soft phase can be selected by design and that this might add another useful element of control to moorings design work.
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In vitro comparison of force decay between three orthodontic sliding retraction methodsSteiger, Pamela 01 January 2014 (has links)
Objective: The purpose of this in vitro study was to determine if there is a difference in force decay between three sliding retraction methods under a standardized force delivery system (200 gm at 25 mm stretch) at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks. Background: In order to achieve proper esthetics, occlusion and stability, orthodontic treatment may require extractions. Elastomeric chains, Nickel Titanium (NiTi) coils, and active ligatures are commonly used to close these extraction spaces. Methods: Twenty samples of each retraction method (elastomeric chains, NiTi Coils and active ligatures) were evaluated under standardized conditions (200 gm at 25 mm). The force of each retraction method was measured at 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks on a customized force gauge test stand (Shimpo FGV-1XY force gauge; Shimpo Instruments, Itasca, IL). Ten control samples were evaluated at 0 weeks and left un-stretched until the final measurement at 8 weeks. All samples were stored in a bath of Fusayama/Meyer artificial saliva (Pickering Laboratories, Mountain View, California) at 37°C in order to simulate the oral cavity. Results: At 2 weeks, the NiTi coils maintained their force while both the elastomeric chains and active ligatures experienced a statistically significant decrease in force over time. At 4, 6, and 8 weeks, the force of the elastomeric chains and active ligatures continued to decay and demonstrated a statistically significant decrease in force as compared to the NiTi coils and each other. At 8 weeks, the NiTi coils, elastomeric chains and active ligatures maintained 94.0%, 66.8% and 50.9%, respectively. This signifies a hierarchy of force decay with NiTi coils maintaining the largest amount of force, followed by the elastomeric chains and then the active ligatures. Conclusion: There is a significant difference in the amount of force decay of the three retraction methods over time under a standard initial force delivery of 200 gm over a 25 mm stretch. NiTi coils provide the light and constant force desired for efficient and biologically compatible tooth movement. The elastomeric chains maintained a larger amount of force than expected and have proven to achieve comparable tooth movement to NiTi coils in clinical studies. Active ligatures do not appear to be an effective means of force delivery. A force gauge is recommended to evaluate all forces placed clinically.
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REHABILITAION OF MAJOR STEEL BRIDGES IN MYANMAR UNDER SEISMIC RISKS / 地震リスクを有するミヤンマーの鋼製橋梁の補修・補強に関する研究Khin, Maung Zaw 24 November 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第20760号 / 工博第4412号 / 新制||工||1686(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科社会基盤工学専攻 / (主査)教授 杉浦 邦征, 教授 白土 博通, 教授 清野 純史 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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The Performance of SU-FREIs (Stable Unbonded - Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators)Toopchinezhad, Hamid 12 1900 (has links)
<p> Steel-reinforced elastomeric isolator (SREI) bearings are currently the most commonly used type of seismic isolators. However, high manufacturing and associated installation costs prohibit their application in ordinary residential and commercial buildings. Fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolator (FREI) bearings are comprised of alternating layers of elastomer bonded to fiber-reinforcement layers. Research studies have shown that FREI bearings can be used as an alternative to SREI-bearings with comparable performance.</p> <p> FREis are much lighter in weight than traditional SREIs. In addition, their manufacturing cost can be lower, if individual FREI bearings, with the required size, are cut from a large sheet or a long strip, fabricated through mass production manufacturing techniques. An appealing application which simplifies the installation of FREI bearings is when they are placed between the substructure and superstructure with no bonding at their contact surfaces. This specific application is denoted as "unhanded application".</p> <p> When an unbonded FREI bearing is deformed laterally, it shows "rollover deformation" due to lack of flexural rigidity in the fiber-reinforcement sheets. The rollover deformation, as a beneficial feature, reduces the lateral stiffness of the bearing and enhances its seismic isolation efficiency, compared to the same bearing employed with bonded contact surfaces. However, it is important that the bearing is properly sized to maintain its lateral stability and hence exhibit ''stable rollover" (SR) deformation. Such a bearing is termed in this thesis as "stable unbonded" (SU)-FREI bearing.</p> <p> The main objectives of this research were to investigate the influence of geometry on the lateral response behavior of unbonded FREI bearings, and to evaluate the feasibility of employing SU-FREI bearings for seismic mitigation of low-rise buildings. The first objective was accomplished by conducting an experimental study on full-scale square FREI bearings. To achieve the latter objective a shake table study was performed on a 1/4 scale 2-storey steel frame which was seismically isolated with 1/4 scale SU-FREI bearings. The mechanical properties, including vertical and lateral stiffnesses and effective damping, of prototype samples of the 1/4 scale SU-FREI bearings were evaluated by vertical compression testing and cyclic lateral shear (under constant compression) testing. In addition, the influence of parameters such as lateral displacement amplitude and rate, amplitude history, and variations in the vertical pressure on the lateral response of the 1/4 scale SU-FREI bearings, were investigated.</p> <p> It was found that for FREI bearings having identical material properties and shape factor (the plan area of the bearing divided by the perimeter area of a single elastomer layer) the aspect ratio (length to total height of the bearing, also called second shape factor) plays an important role in achieving stable lateral response. All tested prototype 1/4. scale SU-FREI bearings exhibited SR-deformation with sufficient lateral flexibility and damping. Lateral response was found to be nonlinear and dependent on the amplitude and history of lateral displacement. However, due to the application of a relatively low design vertical pressure of 1.6 MPa, the influence of ±50% variation in the design vertical pressure on the lateral response was found to be insignificant. Lateral displacement capacity of the SU-FREI bearings was attained when their originally vertical faces fully contacted the upper and lower horizontal supports. This was accompanied with a significant increase in the lateral stiffness of the bearings which maintains the overall stability of the bearing to unexpectedly large ground motions. Shake table tests clearly demonstrated that SU-FREI bearings were efficient in seismic mitigation of the test-structure.</p> <p> The final component of this thesis involves investigating the applicability of two simplified
analytical models in seismic response prediction of a base isolated structure. The two models use different techniques to simulate the lateral load-displacement hysteresis loops of prototype SU-FREI bearings which are obtained from cyclic shear tests (under constant
compression). Model 1 includes the rate and the amplitude of bearings' lateral displacements to simulate the hysteresis loops through a multi-parameter curve fitting function. Model 2 uses bilinear idealization to simulate the hysteresis loops. Due to the highly nonlinear lateral response of SU-FREI bearings, these models utilize an iterative time
history analysis approach to improve their accuracy. Comparisons with shake table results of a 1A scale structure show that both models can be used in response prediction of ordinary structures which are seismically isolated with SU-FREI bearings.</p>. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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