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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

E-mobility - gå mot strömmen : En studie om elbilen som fenomen och dess förutsättningar i framtiden.

Blom, Hedvig, Lopar, Nikolina January 2015 (has links)
Syfte & forskningsfråga: Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att utreda och analysera hur olika faktorer kan påverka efterfrågan och försäljning av elbilen. Syftet är också att identifiera förutsättningar för elbilens framtid och betydelse inom bilsektorn. Uppsatsens forskningsfråga formulerades utifrån uppsatsens syfte och frågan är följande: Vad krävs för att elbilen ska nå ut till en bredare målgrupp i framtiden? Metod: Vår uppsats är baserad på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod för att vi ska få en djupare förståelse kring det valda forskningsområdet. Vi har strävat efter en induktiv ansats i studien men vi är medvetna om att vi har deduktiva inslag, vilket har bidragit till att uppsatsen har en abduktiv karaktär. Vi valde att ta med respondenter med olika positioner från både bilföretag, bilmagasin samt en intresseorganisation för att få en mer bredare syn på forskningsområdet. Sammanlagt har vi sju respondenter samt två fokusgrupper som har bidragit med information till det empiriska materialet i uppsatsen. Slutsatser: I vårt avslutande kapitel besvarar vi våra delsyften som vi har i studien samt vår forskningsfråga om vad som krävs för att elbilen ska nå ut till en bredare marknad i framtiden. Vi anser att elbilen har goda förutsättningar till att utvecklas ännu mer samt spridas till fler kundsegment. Vi har genom vår teoretiska och empiriska analys identifierat att statliga incitament och förmåner, en ökad medvetenhet bland kunderna samt en sänkning av priset är de främsta faktorerna som kan bidra till en utökning av elbilen på marknaden.

Planning and policy guidelines for introducing electric vehicles into the community

Elrick, William T. January 1996 (has links)
This paper is designed to assist communities with the successful introduction, integration and support of electric vehicles. It provides an introductory look at electric vehicle technology and its application within the community, and should act as a springboard for further investigation and plan development for interested communities. This paper outlines the basic history of electric vehicle technology, the recent forces which have prompted increased research and development, and the leading causes for this evolution in personal transportation. The core of the document describes the steps a community will need to take in order to successfully develop a local electric vehicle program. Initial steps include developing community goals, understanding the community and its transportation environment, and creating an organizational structure to successfully develop a local Electric Vehicle Action Plan. The organizational structure provided is divided into three basic elements; Policy, Infrastructure, and Public Awareness. The analysis of each element includes the identification and discussion of the critical issues, a description of the key participants who should be involved, and recommended methodology for initiating and supporting local electric vehicle commercialization. Furthermore, each element includes a short analysis of three separate market niches that are ripe for early electric vehicle introduction. These applications can be used by the community to develop a local electric vehicle demonstration program and establish a foundation on which to build an electric vehicle community. This paper, if used to its potential, can help communities develop a program which will successfully introduce and integrate electric vehicles into the local transportation mix and bring America a little closer to a sustainable transportation system. / Department of Urban Planning

Workplace Electric Vehicle Solar Smart Charging based on Solar Irradiance Forecasting

Almquist, Isabelle, Lindblom, Ellen, Birging, Alfred January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to investigate different outcomes of the usage of photovoltaic (PV) power for electric vehicle (EV) charging adjacent to workplaces. In the investigated case, EV charging stations are assumed to be connected to photovoltaic systems as well as the electricity grid. The model used to simulate different scenarios is based on a goal of achieving constant power exchange with the grid by adjusting EV charging to a solar irradiance forecast. The model is implemented in MATLAB. This enables multiple simulations for varying input parameters. Data on solar irradiance are used to simulate the expected PV power generation. Data on driving distances are used to simulate hourly electricity demands of the EVs at the charging stations. A sensitivity analysis, based on PV irradiance that deviates from the forecast, is carried out. The results show what power the grid needs to have installed capacity for if no PV power system is installed. Furthermore, appropriate PV power installation sizes are suggested. The suggestions depend on whether the aim is to achieve 100 percent self-consumption of PV generated power or full PV power coverage of charging demands. For different scenarios, PV power installations appropriate for reducing peak powers on the grid are suggested. The sensitivity analysis highlights deviations caused by interference in solar irradiance.

Evaluation environnementale du véhicule électrique : méthodologies et application / Electric vehicle environmental assessment : methodologies and application

Picherit, Marie-Lou 27 September 2010 (has links)
Le véhicule électrique est aujourd’hui présenté comme l’une des solutions alternatives sérieuses au véhicule à moteur à combustion interne, visant à limiter la consommation d’énergies fossiles, ainsi que les émissions de polluants locaux et de gaz à effet de serre. L’évaluation des forces et faiblesses de cette technologie au regard de l’environnement est aujourd’hui limitée, compte tenu notamment du peu de retour d’expérience sur ce type de véhicules.L’objectif de ce travail de recherche est de proposer une approche combinant une connaissance fine du véhicule étudié (obtenu notamment par des essais expérimentaux et l’utilisation de modèles de consommation) et de la méthode d’évaluation environnementale Analyse de Cycle de Vie (ACV), pour identifier les paramètres clefs du bilan environnemental, et par différentes analyses de sensibilité, d’en proposer une analyse détaillée. Pour y parvenir, des essais expérimentaux ont été réalisés sur un véhicule électrique à usage essentiellement urbain et son équivalent thermique. Un modèle permet d’estimer les consommations de véhicules selon leurs spécificités (chimie et capacité de batterie, rendement de la chaîne de traction) et leurs conditions d’utilisation (trafic, usages d’auxiliaires). Des hypothèses et scénarios sont également établis sur la durée de vie des batteries qui équipent le véhicule. Les jeux de données obtenus sont mis en œuvre dans l’ACV d’un véhicule électrique, et les résultats obtenus interprétés puis comparés à ceux du véhicule thermique équivalent. Enfin, analyses de sensibilité et test de divers scénarios permettent l’identification des paramètres clefs du bilan environnemental. / Today, the electric vehicle is seen as a potent substitute to the internal combustion engine vehicle, aiming at reducing consumption of fossil fuels, and emissions of local pollutants and greenhouse gases. The assessment of strengths and weaknesses of this technology from the environmental viewpoint is currently limited, especially considering the lack of experiment feedbacks.The objective of this research is to offer an approach combining a deep understanding of the studied vehicle (through experiments and use of consumption patterns) and the environmental assessment method “Life Cycle Analysis” (LCA), to identify the key parameters of environmental appraisal, and relying on different sensitivity analysis, to propose a detailed analysis.To achieve this, experimental tests were carried out on an urban electric vehicle and its internal combustion engine equivalent. A model was built to estimate the consumption of electric vehicles according to their characteristics (chemistry and battery capacity, vehicle energy efficiency) and use (traffic, use of auxiliaries). Assumptions and scenarios are also made on the lifetimes of batteries in the vehicle. The data sets obtained are implemented in the life cycle analysis of an electric vehicle, and the results are interpreted and compared to its internal combustion engine equivalent vehicle. In the end, sensitivity analysis and test of various scenarios allow the identification of key parameters for the environmental assessment.

Développer la mobilité électrique : des projets d’acteurs au projet de territoire / Developing electro-mobility : from stakeholders’ projects to territorial prospects

Sadeghian, Shadi 18 December 2013 (has links)
Partant de la sociologie d'innovation, des organisations et d'attentes et en se basant sur une démarche empirique d'enquête (plus de 30 entretiens conduits durant 2010-2013 en France), la première partie de cette thèse traite de la variété des acteurs de l'électromobilité et de l'abondance combinatoire des possibilités relationnelles. Elle procède à une analyse historique, théorique et systémique, afin de recenser et établir une typologie des acteurs potentiellement concernés par son développement, d'évaluer leur position stratégique et leur inclinaison envers l'électromobilité, leurs intérêts et facteurs de résistance potentiels. Enfin, le croisement du caractère offensif ou défensif de la stratégie propre à chaque acteur avec le degré variable de maturation de celle-ci a permis de préciser les ressorts de l'adhésion au système d'électromobilité et les conditions d'évolution de celui-ci. La thèse met un accent particulier sur la nécessité de maîtriser la zone d'incertitude la plus majeure du système qui est la recharge. Les ambiguïtés et les difficultés d'installation d'équipements de recharge révèlent une certaine réticence de la société. Combler les lacunes, surtout celles particulières à la recharge privée, mérite une attention collective des constructeurs, opérateurs immobiliers et fournisseurs d'équipements de recharge, ainsi qu'une concentration particulière des efforts publics et ce, à tous les niveaux réglementaire, financier et surtout organisationnel. Cela devrait permettre de raccourcir le décalage qui se manifeste aujourd'hui entre la mise sur le marché des véhicules et la disponibilité des infrastructures de recharge, qui pénalise le démarrage du système en constituant un grand blocage psychologique pour ses usagers potentiels. Dans un deuxième temps, est explorée l'électromobilité dans un cadre systémique éclaircissant les relations d'interdépendance entre mobilité et territoire. En effet, chaque territoire définit son système de mobilité en fonction de ses caractéristiques intrinsèques telles que sa géographie, sa composition démographique et socioéconomique et les autorités territoriales jouent un rôle crucial dans sa mise en œuvre et assurent son bon fonctionnement. Ainsi dans le cadre d'une étude de cas, le diagnostic socio-économique du territoire de Paris-Saclay, suivi par l'analyse de son système de mobilité, permettent de dégager l'avenir possible du territoire en matière de transport, au vu de la dynamique générale créée par le projet de Grand Paris Express. Une fois que l'image future du système de mobilité du territoire est dessinée, la place de l'électromobilité dans ce futur système et le degré de réceptivité du territoire de Paris-Saclay est discutée. L'évaluation du potentiel d'équipement en VE en tant que voiture particulière montre que le territoire de Paris-Saclay constitue un terrain favorable : de par l'adaptation du VE à leur comportement d'auto mobilité et par l'accès à la recharge, 37% des ménages motorisés du territoire sont susceptibles de s'équiper d'un VE (contre 20,5% en IDF). Enfin, la France est le pays où toutes les conditions d'émergence de l'électromobilité se réunissent. Son électricité issue du nucléaire permet d'espérer un bilan carbone très promoteur pour le VE. Les deux constructeurs historiques du pays sont parmi les premiers de l'industrie d'automobile à proposer les modèles électriques de la nouvelle génération. Le déploiement massif des infrastructures de recharge divise. L'éventail des suites à donner est large, allant de l'abandon total de l'électromobilité par peur qu'elle devienne un gouffre financier jusqu'au renforcement des mesures de soutien dans l'espérance de favoriser la dynamique créée. Parmi les options, on soutient une politique de territorialisation du déploiement de l'électromobilité à définir sur la base d'une connaissance approfondie du territoire et de son système de mobilité / Over the past few years, socioeconomic and political developments, environmental and energy concerns, and ongoing technological progress nourish the prospect of substituting conventional gasoline cars with upcoming electric alternatives. A real success of the electric vehicle (EV) has become increasingly conceivable but is still subject to a certain number of conditions. Electromobility differs from the currently prevailing form of automobility mainly due to a larger range of the involved stakeholders, and a stronger dependence on the territory where the system is to evolve. These differences motivate the present doctoral research studying the emergence of electromobility in France from two major points of view: the stakeholders' organization and the territory's adaptation. Adopting a historical and empirical approach, the first part of this thesis discusses the results of over 30 interviews conducted with representatives of potential electromobility stakeholders that are likely to have a major influence on the developing electromobility system in France. It deals with the large variety of potential actors and their possible relationships by following a systematic and sociological approach. The applied methodology allows to detail and characterize the actors and to evaluate their likely strategies as well as their inclinations towards electromobility conveyed by various motives of interests and factors of resistance. Analyzing the probable forms of interdependence between the actors in the electromobility system also helps to highlight the lack of some essential links in the current system of actors. The second part of this thesis explores electromobility in a systematic framework in order to shed light on the interdependence between mobility and its territory. Indeed, each territory is endowed with a transportation system of its own on the basis of its diverse intrinsic characteristics. Local authorities have a crucial role to play in the process of deploying the system and of facilitating its functioning. This part of research therefore examines the potential for electromobility development at the local level: the semi-urbanized area of Paris-Saclay located within the Greater Paris area about 20 km southwest from its center serves as study area. The local transportation system's configuration and its dynamics including all relevant projects that will partially or integrally influence the area are discussed. The prospective analysis takes into account a wide range of considerations and potential determinants so as to render the assessment as realistic as possible. The study's findings shed light on the initial phase of the electromobility system's emergence while highlighting the flaws and complexities that hinder its future development. By these means, this research provides decision aid for policymakers and others stakeholders that are potentially involved in the electromobility system's deployment in France

Contribution à l'analyse de l'impact des véhicules électrifiés sur le réseau de distribution d'électricité. / Contribution to the analysis of the impact of electric vehicles on the electricity distribution grid

Gaonac'h, Thomas 28 September 2015 (has links)
Depuis quelques années de nombreux modèles de véhicules électriques et hybrides rechargeables sont disponibles à la vente. Les prévisions annoncent des niveaux de pénétration importants pour ces prochaines années. En effet, l’État français a annoncé deux millions de véhicules électrifiés pour 2020. Les véhicules électriques impactent les réseaux d’électricité en se rechargeant, c’est alors que les flux électriques dans les réseaux évoluent. Cette recharge qui induit un changement du dimensionnement du réseau est abordée dans ce manuscrit, qui s’attache à évaluer ce changement. De plus, avec le développement de la thématique des “smart grid”, les véhicules électrifiés peuvent avoir un intérêt pour la conduite du système électrique. Cette étude a pour objectif s’attachera aussi à tenter de déterminer l’équilibre entre intérêts des véhicules électrifiés dans ce contexte et difficultés (sous la forme de coûts) qu’ils pourraient rencontrer s’ils participaient à la conduite du système.L’impact des véhicules électrifiés se concentre principalement sur les réseaux de distribution d’électricité. Dans les réseaux de distribution d’électricité, les lignes et les câbles sont des infrastructures indispensables. Alors que de nombreuses études s’intéressent au dimensionnement des transformateurs du réseau d’électricité, peu d’entre elles analysent les lignes et les câbles du réseau. Une volonté de combler ce manque est alors apparue. Ce manuscrit traite la problématique du dimensionnement des conducteurs, des lignes et des câbles du réseau de distribution d’électricité. Les véhicules électrifiés peuvent également être utilisés comme moyen de stockage de l’électricité, afin d’améliorer la conduite des réseaux d’électricité. L’étude s’intéresse également à l’évaluation de l’impact sur les conducteurs de l’utilisation des véhicules électriques et hybrides rechargeables comme moyen de stockage (donc comme moyen de conduite du système). / In recent years many models of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles are available for sale. The forecasts predict high levels of penetration in the coming years. Indeed, the French government announced two million electric vehicles by 2020. Electric vehicles impact the electric grid by recharging, changing electricity flows in the grid. Electric vehicles charging changes the manner of sizing the grid which is the topic of this manuscript. Moreover, with the development of the smart grids, electric vehicles may have an interest as actor of the electrical system. This study also focuses on trying to determine the balance between interests of electrified vehicles in this context and challenges (in the form of costs) they might encounter if they are involved in the operation of the electric system.The impact of electric vehicles mainly focuses on the distribution grid lines and cables are a major infrastructure of the distribution grid. While many studies focus on electric transformers sizing, few of them analyze the lines and cables of the grid. A desire to fill that gap then appeared. This manuscript deals with the problem of sizing lines' and cables' conductors of the electric distribution grid. Electric vehicles can also be used as electricity storage device to improve the operation of electricity networks. The study also assesses the impact on grid conductors of electric vehicles use for storage (i.e. as a means for operating the system).

High Level Synthesis for Optimising Hybrid Electric Vehicle Fuel Consumption Using FPGAs and Dynamic Programming

Skarman, Frans January 2019 (has links)
The fuel usage of a hybrid electric vehicle can be reduced by strategically combining the usage of the combustion engine with the electric motor. One method to determine an optimal split between the two is to use dynamic programming. However, the amount of computations grows exponentially with the amount of states which makes its usage difficult on sequential hardware. This thesis project explores the usage of FPGAs for speeding up the required computations to possibly allow the optimisation to run in real time in the vehicle. A tool to convert a vehicle model to a hardware description language was developed and evaluated. The current version does not run fast enough to run in real time, but some optimisations which would allow that are proposed.

Avaliação do desempenho dinâmico de veículo, devido ao incremento de massa não suspensa, decorrente de sistema de propulsão elétrica. / Evaluation of vehicle dynamics performance due to unsprung mass increase in decorrency of electric motors propulsion system.

Terra, Rafael Tedim 04 September 2017 (has links)
A utilização de motores elétricos diretamente nos cubos de roda é uma alternativa de propulsão para um veiculo elétrico ou híbrido muito interessante, pois não necessita do uso de sistemas complexos de transmissão, tornando o conjunto mecânico muito mais simples e, consequentemente, reduzindo a sua massa, atritos e custos. Entretanto, a adição dos motores nas rodas causa o incremento da massa não suspensa, e isto irá afetar o comportamento de dirigibilidade do veículo. Dessa forma, com ajuda da ferramenta de multicorpos, será identificado o que ocorrerá devido ao acréscimo de massa compatível com os motores elétricos de última geração. Para isto, uma série de análises comparativas será realizada, com modelos de veículos baseados na técnica de multicorpos, para o caso de um carro de passeio compacto. Primeiramente, uma análise modal comparando um carro convencional aos carros com a utilização dos motores, no eixo traseiro ou no dianteiro, e uma posterior avaliação das frequências obtidas. Em sequência, também foram realizadas manobras padrão com o modelo de veículo completo e foram observadas maiores influências nos resultados das análises em regime transiente, como a manobra de troca de faixa e a manobra do anzol (\"fishhook\"). Com a ajuda destes resultados, foi possível identificar que as instalações dos motores elétricos nos cubos traseiros causam uma menor influência negativa no desempenho de dirigibilidade, quando comparado com o caso instalado no eixo dianteiro. Através de uma otimização realizada com a ajuda de uma análise de sensibilidade das variáveis do sistema (D.O.E.), baseada na manobra do anzol, foi possível identificar que alterações nas molas, amortecedores e barra estabilizadora são capazes de mitigar os efeitos indesejáveis causados pelo incremento de massa não suspensa. / The electric motors directly in wheel hubs usage is an alternative of propulsion for a electric or hybrid vehicle, since it does not need the use of complex systems of transmission, making the mechanical assembly simpler and, consequently, reducing its mass , frictions and costs. However, the addition of the motors in the wheels causes an increase unsprung mass, and this will affect the vehicle handlings behavior. In that way, with the assistance of the multibody tool, it will be identified the consequences of mass addition, compatible with the moderns electric motors of. In this work, a series of comparative analyzes will be carried out, with vehicle models based on multibody techniques, in the situation of a compact car. First, a modal analysis comparing a conventional car to with the vehicle using hub driven motors, in rear or front axle, and an evaluation of the obtained frequencies. In the sequence, standard maneuvers were also performed with the complete vehicle model, and greater influences were observed in the transient analysis results, such as lane change and fishhook maneuver. With help of these results, it was possible to identify; that the installation of the electric motors in the rear hubs causes a smaller negative influence on the handling performance when compared to the case installed on the front axle. Through an optimization performed with the aid of a system variable sensitivity analysis (D.O.E.) based on the fish hook maneuver, it was possible to identify thtat changes on springs, shock absorbers and stabilizer bar are able to mitigate the undesirable effects caused by the increase of unsprung mass.

Análise da mobilidade urbana voltada para inclusão de veículos elétricos de carga visando uma logística sustentável. / Sem título em inglês

Chaud, Carolina Attas 27 May 2013 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo elaborar uma metodologia integrada de análise do impacto e do desenvolvimento do veículo elétrico ao longo do tempo atrelado à inserção de estações de carregamento em grandes cidades. Esta metodologia está dividida em duas etapas. A primeira representa a caracterização do veículo em termos das variáveis que determinam o seu desempenho, tais como: avaliação das velocidades em (Km/h); a distância percorrida em (Km); fonte de energia (acumuladores eletroquímicos); sistema de acionamento dos veículos elétricos determinado como motores elétricos em função da potência (W) e da Tensão (V). Ainda, metodologicamente foi desmembrado em 4 ciclos. A segunda retrata sobre um estudo voltado para inserção de estações de carregamento em uma metrópole como a cidade de São Paulo analisando o comportamento otimizado da oferta de energia elétrica na cidade em questão, diante de diferentes taxas hipotéticas de penetração de veículos elétricos, para diferentes perfis de recarga dos veículos (recarga inteligente e sem controle). Foi realizado um estudo comparativo de possíveis ganhos ambientais, econômicos, sociais e políticos com a inserção desses veículos movidos a bateria substituindo os movidos a diesel. Bons resultados, tanto do ponto de vista ambiental (dada a redução do número de emissões e de veículos), quanto de competitividade (custos em geral), puderam ser observados, ratificando e estimulando o uso desse tipo de conceito. Assim, com o intuito de promover a mobilidade elétrica com vistas à sustentabilidade do setor de transportes, surgem novas propostas de arranjos das formas de entregas nas cidades como meio de solucionar os transtornos dessa circulação de mercadorias (seja pela intrusão poluição sonora e visual, aumento do número de emissões). / This thesis aims at developing an integrated methodology for analyzing and impact the development of electric vehicle over time pegged the inclusion of charging stations in major cities. This methodology is divided into two stages. The first step is the characterization of the vehicle in terms of the variables that determine its performance such as: evaluation of speeds (km / h); energy source (electrochemical batteries); drive system of electric vehicles such as electric motors determined as a function of power (W) and voltage (V). Still, methodologically was divided into 4 cycles. The second case of the study portrays the insertion of charging stations in a metropolis like São Paulo investigating the optimal mix of electricity supply in Brazil, in the long term, for different hypothetical rates of electric vehicles penetration, and different recharging profiles for vehicles (smart and dumb recharging). Good results, either under the environmental point of view (reduction of pollution levels and of moving vehicles), or under the competitive framework (cost reduction), were observed, which endorse and stimulate the adoption of this novel concept. But, due to the growing volumes of urban cargo, mainly in the CBDs, the subject urban cargo is receiving much more attention recently, particularly when proposing measures to improve environmental conditions in these centers.

Development of a Smart Charging Algorithm for Electric Vehicles at Home

Segelsjö Duvernoy, Rebecca, Lundblad, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to develop a smart charging algorithm for electric vehicles (EVs) and examine the potential of the smart charging scheme, compared to uncontrolled charging scheme at residential houses with an installed photovoltaic (PV) system. The thesis examines if smart charging can increase the photovoltaic self-consumption and self-sufficiency of houses. Also, the thesis will evaluate if the smart charging scheme can reduce the household peak loads compared to the uncontrolled charging scheme. The presented results show that the implementation of the proposed algorithm will reduce the household peak load on average by 38.64 percent at a house with an installed PV system. The self-consumption and self-sufficiency increased by 4.69 percent and 4.97 percent when the smart charging algorithm was applied. To increase the credibility of the developed model a sensitivity analysis considering a number of houses and vehicles was done.  From the results, it can be concluded that the proposed smart charging algorithm could be an option to reduce the household peak load and increase the usage of renewable energy sources.

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