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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A modern representation of the flow of electromagnetic power and energy using the Poynting's vector and a generalized Poynting's theorem

Hsu, Hsin I 08 July 2011 (has links)
A comprehensive and rigorous description of instantaneous balance of electromagnetic power defined as the derivative of energy with respect to time is offered by the Poynting's theorem. Such theorem is expressed as the sum of a series of volume integrals representing the volume densities of densities of different components of electromagnetic power and the power flow through the general surface surrounding the entire domain in which the Poynting's vector expresses the instantaneous power leaving the domain (the positive normal is the outward normal to the enclosing surface). The original feature of the present approach is the introduction in the electromagnetic power balance and conservation of the electromechanical energy conversion by the use of the flux derivatives of the fields [D with vector arrow] and [B with vector arrow]. For the moving points (rotors) involved in electromechanical energy conversion, the surface of integration is driven together with them and [permittivity] and [permeatility] remain substantially constant--(a point in movement maintains its properties as [formula]). Then the balance of energy (and power) can be written at each infinitesimal time interval for the electromagnetic energy in which case the elementary mechanical work is produced by mechanical forces of electromagnetic origin. The thermal energy accounts for the Joule (and hysteresis) losses in the system. A treatment of the flow of electromagnetic energy is given for a complete of illustrative relationship in time and frequency domain. / text


Wu, Wei 01 August 2017 (has links)
Harvesting energy from ultra-low-power vibration energy sources typically employs a rectifier circuit as the first power conditioning stage. The Schottky diode has a 0.15 V - 0.2 V threshold voltage and can not extract energy efficiently at low voltage. Other technologies such as MOSFET bridge or active diode are designed to minimize the voltage drop to reduce the conduction loss. However, these designs require either additional power supplies to operate comparators or have a larger threshold turn-on voltage than Schottky. Therefore, most rectifiers have an unresponsive or significant low-efficiency zone when the input power is low. This dissertation will elaborate on a backward diode based self-powered micro-circuit diode that will operate in the extremely weak or low alternating source applications, where the existing approaches offer poor outcomes. This proposed micro-circuit diode was compared to a Schottky diode in several experiment setup. The micro-circuit based half-wave rectifier circuit harvested 3.1 mV DC at a 239.5 Ohm load when the input magnitude is 50 mV while the Schottky diode was unable to convert this ultra-low AC power. This dissertation also provides the analysis of two alternating sources, the oscillatory electromagnetic generator and the piezoelectric energy harvester, to conduct experiments in a more realistic context. The micro-circuit diode shows excellent advantages in electromagnetic generator experiment, the micro-circuit based half-wave rectifier circuit harvested 5.16 mV DC at a 0.5 kOhm load when the input magnitude is 40 mV. However, due to the large leakage current in negative resistance region, this micro-circuit is unable to show advantages in piezoelectric energy harvester applications.

Contribution à l'étude de la transmission d'énergie à distance par µondes / Contribution to microwave power transmission

Merabet, Boubekeur 10 December 2010 (has links)
La transmission d’énergie sans fils (TESF) a été initiée dans les années soixante afin de répondre à des préoccupations énergétiques de tout premier ordre. Un demi-siècle plus tard, la question énergétique reste une préoccupation majeure qui ne se pose plus uniquement en termes de ressources mais également en termes d’autonomie et de portabilité. La TESF s’est adaptée à cette situation et est actuellement orientée vers le développement de structures capables de convertir des densités de puissance faibles afin d’améliorer l’autonomie des systèmes électroniques portables ou d’alimenter à distance des dispositifs électroniques inaccessibles ou nomades.Le travail proposé est subdivisé en trois parties : une première partie qui traite de la conversion de puissances faibles et qui présente un circuit rectenna (rectifying antenna) mono-diode fonctionnant sur une gamme de puissance allant de 1 mW à 10 mW. Une seconde partie, traitant de la conversion de puissances importantes, basée sur un convertisseur en pont de diodes capable de convertir des puissances allant jusqu’à 200 mW, et une dernière partie dédiée à l’élévation de la puissance transmise à la charge au travers d’associations de rectenna dont nous présentons plusieurs variantes.La comparaison technologique est à la base de ce travail. En effet, les développements récents des composants CMS permettent aujourd’hui de les utiliser pour la réalisation de circuits RF fonctionnant à des fréquences allant jusqu’à plusieurs gigahertz. Nous proposons dans cette thèse plusieurs circuits basés sur cette technologie que nous comparons à une technologie intégrée qui s’impose comme une alternative aux circuits micro-rubans. Ce travail a également été l’occasion d’introduire certains principes de l’électronique de puissance dans la conception de circuits RF. / Microwave power transmission (MPT) was first presented in the 60th as a possiblesolution to the decrease of fossil energy resources. Actually, energy problematic is not only based on the finding of new resources but also in the autonomy of mobile electrical equipments.The recent MPT researches focused in this second point and several converters were developedfor transmitting low level power at low distances.Three types of circuits were developed in this work: first one is mono-diode rectenna that converts power from 1 mW to 10 mW. The second type is a bridge based rectenna, which converts RF power up to 200 mW. The third type is an association of rectenna circuits that permits an increase of DC power.This work presents a comparison between two technologies: SMC technology, which the recent developments make its use in RF applications possible, and integrated technology witch is more and more used as an alternative to micro-strip line technology. Also, this work introduces power electronics concepts in rectenna design.

3D-Multimaterialdruck für die Fertigung von Komponenten elektromagnetischer Energiewandler

Rudolph, Johannes, Lorenz, Fabian, Werner, Ralf 19 November 2019 (has links)
Bei dem 3D-Multimaterialdruck handelt es sich um ein Verfahren, mit dem es erstmals möglich ist, mehrere Materialien mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften in einem Arbeitsgang zu verdrucken. Um die geometrischen und physikalischen Beschränkungen aufzubrechen, wurde an der Professur Elektrischen Energiewandlungssysteme und Antriebe ein Verfahren entwickelt, mit dem es möglich wird, ganze elektromagnetische Energiewandler in einem Arbeitsgang herzustellen. Gleichzeitig lassen sich völlig neue Bauformen von Maschinen realisieren. Durch den Austausch von konventionellen Isolationsmaterialien durch Keramikisolation, werden die thermischen Eigenschaften von Elektromotoren signifikant verbessert.

Design of vibrational and solar energy harvesting systems for powering wireless sensor networks in bridge structural health monitoring applications

Adams, Jacob Allan 03 February 2015 (has links)
Structural health monitoring systems provide a promising route to real-time data for analyzing the current state of large structures. In the wake of two high-profile bridge collapses due to an aging highway infrastructure, the interest in implementing such systems into fracture-critical and structurally deficient bridges is greater now than at any point in history. Traditionally, these technologies have not been cost-effective as bridges lack existing wiring architecture and the addition of this is cost prohibitive. Modern wireless sensor networks (WSN) now present a viable alternative to traditional networking; however, these systems must incorporate localized power sources capable of decade-long operation with minimal maintenance. To this end, this thesis explores the development of two energy harvesting systems capable of long-term bridge deployment with minimal maintenance. First, an electromagnetic, linear, vibrational energy harvester is explored that utilizes the excitations from passing traffic to induce motion in a translating permanent magnet mass. This motion is then converted to electrical energy using Faraday’s law of induction. This thesis presents a review of vibrational energy harvesting literature before detailing the process of designing, simulating, prototyping, and testing a selected design. Included is an analysis of the effects of frequency, excitation amplitude, load, and damping on the power production potential of the harvester. Second, a solar energy harvester using photovoltaic (PV) panels is explored for powering the critical gateway component of the WSN responsible for data aggregation. As solar energy harvesting is a more mature technology, this thesis focuses on the methodologies for properly sizing a solar harvesting system and experimentally validating the selected design. Fabrication of the prototype system was completed and field testing was performed in Austin, TX. The results validate the selected system’s ability to power the necessary 14 W DC load with a 0° panel azimuth angle (facing direct south) and 45° tilt. / text

Multi-source Energy Harvesting for Wildlife Tracking

Wu, You 06 July 2015 (has links)
Sufficient power supply to run GPS machinery and transmit data on a long-term basis remains to be the key challenge for wildlife tracking technology. Traditional ways of replacing battery periodically is not only time and money consuming but also dangerous to live-trapping wild animals. In this paper, an innovative wildlife tracking collar with multi-source energy harvester with advantage of high efficiency and reliability is proposed. This multi-source energy harvester entails a solar energy harvester and an innovative rotational electromagnetic energy harvester is mounted on the "wildlife tracking collar" which will extend the duration of wild life tracking by 20% time as was estimated. A feedforward and feedback control of DC-DC converter circuit is adopted to passively realize the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) logic for the solar energy harvester. A novel electromagnetic pendulum energy harvester with motion regulator is proposed which can mechanically rectify the irregular bidirectional swing motion of the pendulum into unidirectional rotational motion of the motor. No electrical rectifier is needed and voltage drops from diodes can be avoided, the EM pendulum energy harvester can provide 200~300 mW under the 0.4g base excitation of 4.5 Hz. The nonlinearity of the disengage mechanism in the pendulum energy harvester will lead to a broad bandwidth frequency response. Simulation results shows the broadband advantage of the proposed energy harvester and experiment results verified that at some frequencies over the natural frequency the efficiency is increased. / Master of Science

Espalhamento de ondas eletromagnéticas por esferas e cilindros magnéticos: confinamento e transporte de ondas no limite de pequenas partículas e independência da energia armazenada com relação à forma do centro espalhador / Electromagnetic wave scattering by magnetic spheres and cylinders: waves confinement and transport in the small particle limit and independence of the stored energy with respect to the shape of the scatterer

Arruda, Tiago José 01 October 2010 (has links)
O espalhamento eletromagnético por uma esfera com propriedades ópticas e raio arbitrários, conhecido como espalhamento de Lorenz-Mie, ou por um cilindro circular infinito, pode ser resolvido analiticamente e é comumente tratado dentro da abordagem de espalhadores dielétricos. Na região óptica, tanto meio circundante quanto partícula espalhadora possuem o mesmo valor de permeabilidade magnética. A ausência do magnetismo nessa região do espectro torna o índice de refração relativo entre os meios interno e externo ao espalhador homogêneo equivalente ao respectivo índice de impedância óptica. Em regiões espectrais de micro-ondas ou radiofrequências, entretanto, materiais ferro- e ferrimagnéticos podem exibir valores absolutos de permeabilidade magnética extremamente elevados, reduzindo então a impedância óptica em comparação ao valor correspondente de índice de refração relativo. Uma característica marcante vinculada ao magnetismo no centro espalhador é que pequenas partículas comparadas com o comprimento de onda (parâmetros de tamanho na região de Rayleigh) podem apresentar grandes seções de choque de extinção a despeito de suas pequenas seções de choque geométricas. Isso torna possível, fisicamente, a presença de picos de ressonância morfológica na energia eletromagnética interna ao centro espalhador mesmo na região de parâmetros de tamanho inferiores à unidade. Em especial, mostramos que essa energia eletromagnética possui, no regime de fraca absorção, uma relação funcional simples com o comprimento de onda incidente e a seção de choque de absorção da partícula espalhadora, independentemente do formato geométrico da mesma. No espalhamento por uma coleção de partículas magnéticas, a velocidade de transporte de energia pode ser estimada a partir da energia eletromagnética média que é armazenada no interior de um centro espalhador isolado. Dessa maneira, a validade da relação universal que encontramos entre o fator de aumento da energia eletromagnética interna ao centro espalhador e sua correspondente seção de choque de absorção (no regime de baixa absorção óptica) implica na possibilidade de estimarmos de maneira simples a velocidade de transporte de energia em um meio desordenado. Um resultado decorrente dessa aproximação é que mesmo na região de Rayleigh a velocidade de transporte de energia em um meio magnético desordenado é drasticamente reduzida, levando, por conseguinte, à redução do coeficiente de difusividade dos fótons no meio. O estudo analítico e numérico da energia eletromagnética armazenada por uma esfera e por um cilindro magnéticos irradiados por ondas planas homogêneas são os temas em foco nesta dissertação de Mestrado. / Electromagnetic scattering by a sphere with arbitrary optical properties and radius, known as the Lorenz-Mie scattering, or by an infinite right circular cylinder can be solved analytically and is widely treated in the approach of dielectric scatterers. In the optical range, both embedding medium and scattering particle have the same magnetic permeability. The absence of magnetism in this spectral range leads to the equivalence between the relative refraction and impedance indices associated with the scatterers. However, in microwave or radio-frequency ranges, ferro- and ferrimagnetic materials can exhibit extremely huge values of magnetic permeability, which reduce the optical impedance in comparison to the corresponding value of relative refraction index. One striking feature associated with the magnetism in the scatterer is that particles smaller than the wavelength (Rayleigh size region) can present large extinction cross sections in despite of their small geometric cross sections. This becomes physically possible the presence of morphology-dependent resonances in the electromagnetic energy within the scatterer even in size parameters region smaller than unity. In particular, we show that this time-averaged electromagnetic energy has, in the weak absorption regime, a simple functional relation with the incident wavelength and the scatterer absorption cross section which does not depend on the shape of the scatterer. In the multiple scattering regime, the energy-transport velocity can be estimated from the time-averaged electromagnetic energy stored in a single scatterer. Thereby, the validity of the universal relation between the internal energy-enhancement factor and the absorption cross section respective to an arbitrary scattering center (in the weak absorption regime) implies that the energy-transport velocity in disordered media can be evaluated in a simple way. From this approximation, we obtain that even in the Rayleigh size region the energy-transport velocity in disordered magnetic media is dramatically reduced, which consequently leads to a reduction of the diffusion coefficient of the photons. The analytical and numerical studies of the time-averaged electromagnetic energy within magnetic isotropic spheres and cylinders irradiated by plane waves are our aim in this Master\'s degree dissertation.

Espalhamento de ondas eletromagnéticas por esferas e cilindros magnéticos: confinamento e transporte de ondas no limite de pequenas partículas e independência da energia armazenada com relação à forma do centro espalhador / Electromagnetic wave scattering by magnetic spheres and cylinders: waves confinement and transport in the small particle limit and independence of the stored energy with respect to the shape of the scatterer

Tiago José Arruda 01 October 2010 (has links)
O espalhamento eletromagnético por uma esfera com propriedades ópticas e raio arbitrários, conhecido como espalhamento de Lorenz-Mie, ou por um cilindro circular infinito, pode ser resolvido analiticamente e é comumente tratado dentro da abordagem de espalhadores dielétricos. Na região óptica, tanto meio circundante quanto partícula espalhadora possuem o mesmo valor de permeabilidade magnética. A ausência do magnetismo nessa região do espectro torna o índice de refração relativo entre os meios interno e externo ao espalhador homogêneo equivalente ao respectivo índice de impedância óptica. Em regiões espectrais de micro-ondas ou radiofrequências, entretanto, materiais ferro- e ferrimagnéticos podem exibir valores absolutos de permeabilidade magnética extremamente elevados, reduzindo então a impedância óptica em comparação ao valor correspondente de índice de refração relativo. Uma característica marcante vinculada ao magnetismo no centro espalhador é que pequenas partículas comparadas com o comprimento de onda (parâmetros de tamanho na região de Rayleigh) podem apresentar grandes seções de choque de extinção a despeito de suas pequenas seções de choque geométricas. Isso torna possível, fisicamente, a presença de picos de ressonância morfológica na energia eletromagnética interna ao centro espalhador mesmo na região de parâmetros de tamanho inferiores à unidade. Em especial, mostramos que essa energia eletromagnética possui, no regime de fraca absorção, uma relação funcional simples com o comprimento de onda incidente e a seção de choque de absorção da partícula espalhadora, independentemente do formato geométrico da mesma. No espalhamento por uma coleção de partículas magnéticas, a velocidade de transporte de energia pode ser estimada a partir da energia eletromagnética média que é armazenada no interior de um centro espalhador isolado. Dessa maneira, a validade da relação universal que encontramos entre o fator de aumento da energia eletromagnética interna ao centro espalhador e sua correspondente seção de choque de absorção (no regime de baixa absorção óptica) implica na possibilidade de estimarmos de maneira simples a velocidade de transporte de energia em um meio desordenado. Um resultado decorrente dessa aproximação é que mesmo na região de Rayleigh a velocidade de transporte de energia em um meio magnético desordenado é drasticamente reduzida, levando, por conseguinte, à redução do coeficiente de difusividade dos fótons no meio. O estudo analítico e numérico da energia eletromagnética armazenada por uma esfera e por um cilindro magnéticos irradiados por ondas planas homogêneas são os temas em foco nesta dissertação de Mestrado. / Electromagnetic scattering by a sphere with arbitrary optical properties and radius, known as the Lorenz-Mie scattering, or by an infinite right circular cylinder can be solved analytically and is widely treated in the approach of dielectric scatterers. In the optical range, both embedding medium and scattering particle have the same magnetic permeability. The absence of magnetism in this spectral range leads to the equivalence between the relative refraction and impedance indices associated with the scatterers. However, in microwave or radio-frequency ranges, ferro- and ferrimagnetic materials can exhibit extremely huge values of magnetic permeability, which reduce the optical impedance in comparison to the corresponding value of relative refraction index. One striking feature associated with the magnetism in the scatterer is that particles smaller than the wavelength (Rayleigh size region) can present large extinction cross sections in despite of their small geometric cross sections. This becomes physically possible the presence of morphology-dependent resonances in the electromagnetic energy within the scatterer even in size parameters region smaller than unity. In particular, we show that this time-averaged electromagnetic energy has, in the weak absorption regime, a simple functional relation with the incident wavelength and the scatterer absorption cross section which does not depend on the shape of the scatterer. In the multiple scattering regime, the energy-transport velocity can be estimated from the time-averaged electromagnetic energy stored in a single scatterer. Thereby, the validity of the universal relation between the internal energy-enhancement factor and the absorption cross section respective to an arbitrary scattering center (in the weak absorption regime) implies that the energy-transport velocity in disordered media can be evaluated in a simple way. From this approximation, we obtain that even in the Rayleigh size region the energy-transport velocity in disordered magnetic media is dramatically reduced, which consequently leads to a reduction of the diffusion coefficient of the photons. The analytical and numerical studies of the time-averaged electromagnetic energy within magnetic isotropic spheres and cylinders irradiated by plane waves are our aim in this Master\'s degree dissertation.

Optimalizace provozu indukční pece ve slévárně Vsetín / Optimalization of Induction Furnace Operation in foundry Vsetín

Trachta, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this work is optimalisation of induction furnace in foundry for company PROMET FOUNDRY a.s. The company has two induction furnances. There are installed as identical construction. They have 2 modes of operation. First mode is founding and second mode is mode, where is temperature in maintain mode. Only one induction furnance can work in the founding mode at a time though. Inducion furnances are in the single-phase connection and they cause unbalance in the distribution network. Near the foundry there is a small network area whitch it is operated by company Zásobování teplem Vsetín a.s. The consumption of electrical energy in foundry so big, that in the year 2009 was made elaborate for Zásobování teplem Vsetín a.s. It was write at Laboratoře diagnostiky výkonů (Laboratory of performance diagnostics), which is a part of Electrotechnic Department at Technical Univarsity of Ostrava. The ordered study was named “Verification of causes of increased reactive energy consumption during transition from electricity delivery to electricity consumption”. The conclusion of this assignment confirms that in distribution network in the Jiráskova area in Vsetín there is unbalance of electrical energy and there is high part of reactive power. The next conclusion is crucial to find the customer who made the unbalance and to set relevant remedy. The last step will be the identification whether such device can actually be effectively balanced. It was subsequently proved that the Promet Foundry was causing the unbalance and that balanced consumption would be reasonable. Promet Foundry thus addressed Autel a.s. company with an inquiry to make a study of removing the causes of the unbalance which is caused by current induction furnaces operation at a minimum possible cost, least possible influence on the performance and minimum construction changes concerning the building. In this thesis there will be some topics. The result of which will be introducing of used heating technology, introducing of company and of effective plant performance and subsequent suggestions of possible unbalance removal or reactive power decrease. Several ways which are being implemented in the industry in order to balance consumption will be described. A suitable balancing plant will be subsequently chosen and its parameters will be calculated.

Spatial technology as a tool to analyse and combat crime

Eloff, Corné 30 November 2006 (has links)
This study explores the utilisation of spatial technologies as a tool to analyse and combat crime. The study deals specifically with remote sensing and its potential for being integrated with geographical information systems (GIS). The integrated spatial approach resulted in the understanding of land use class behaviour over time and its relationship to specific crime incidents per police precinct area. The incorporation of spatial technologies to test criminological theories in practice, such as the ecological theories of criminology, provides the science with strategic value. It proves the value of combining multi-disciplinary scientific fields to create a more advanced platform to understand land use behaviour and its relationship to crime. Crime in South Africa is a serious concern and it impacts negatively on so many lives. The fear of crime, the loss of life, the socio-economic impact of crime, etc. create the impression that the battle against crime has been lost. The limited knowledge base within the law enforcement agencies, limited logistical resources and low retention rate of critical staff all contribute to making the reduction of crime more difficult to achieve. A practical procedure of using remote sensing technology integrated with geographical information systems (GIS), overlaid with geo-coded crime data to provide a spatial technological basis to analyse and combat crime, is illustrated by a practical study of the Tshwane municipality area. The methodology applied in this study required multi-skilled resources incorporating GIS and the understanding of crime to integrate the diverse scientific fields into a consolidated process that can contribute to the combating of crime in general. The existence of informal settlement areas in South Africa stresses the socio-economic problems that need to be addressed as there is a clear correlation of land use data with serious crime incidents in these areas. The fact that no formal cadastre exists for these areas, combined with a great diversity in densification and growth of the periphery, makes analysis very difficult without remote sensing imagery. Revisits over time to assess changes in these areas in order to adapt policing strategies will create an improved information layer for responding to crime. Final computerised maps generated from remote sensing and GIS layers are not the only information that can be used to prevent and combat crime. An important recipe for ultimately successfully managing and controlling crime in South Africa is to strategically combine training of the law enforcement agencies in the use of spatial information with police science. The researcher concludes with the hope that this study will contribute to the improved utilisation of spatial technology to analyse and combat crime in South Africa. The ultimate vision is the expansion of the science of criminology by adding an advanced spatial technology module to its curriculum. / Criminology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Criminology)

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