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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude de la dynamique conformationnelle de FhaC, le transporteur membranaire de l'hémagglutinine filamenteuse de Bordetella pertussis / Conformational dynamics of FhaC, the TpsB transporter of filamentous hemagglutinin of Bordetella pertussis

Guérin, Jérémy 30 September 2014 (has links)
La voie de sécrétion bactérienne de type V permet l’exportation à la surface cellulaire de protéines dont certaines ont été identifiées comme d’importants facteurs de la pathogénicité bactérienne. Le type V regroupe la sécrétion des autotransporteurs et la sécrétion à deux partenaires (TPS). Les autotransporteurs sont constitués d’un domaine en tonneau β; et d’un domaine passager. L’interaction de l’autotransporteur avec le complexe protéique Bam, dont la pièce centrale est le transporteur BamA, permet l’insertion dans la membrane externe du tonneau β; et la sécrétion du passager. En revanche, la sécrétion à deux partenaires fait intervenir deux protéines, l’une appelée TpsA correspondant à la protéine exportée et l’autre, TpsB, formant un tonneau β qui contrôle le transport à travers la membrane externe. Les protéines TpsB sont spécifiques à leur(s) TpsA associée(s), et font partie de la superfamille des transporteurs Omp85 qui effectuent l’insertion de protéines dans la membrane externe bactérienne comme BamA, et dans celles des organites eucaryotes dont les chloroplastes et les mitochondries. Au cours de mon doctorat, je me suis intéressé à la sécrétion de l’hémagglutinine filamenteuse (FHA), qui est l’adhésine majoritaire de Bordetella pertussis, l’agent étiologique de la coqueluche. Cette adhésine qui permet à la bactérie de coloniser le tractus respiratoire de l’hôte est une protéine TpsA de 220 kD. Elle est très efficacement sécrétée par la voie de sécrétion à deux partenaires grâce à son transporteur spécifique TpsB nommé FhaC. L’étude cristallographique de FhaC a révélé un tonneau β; à 16 brins qui forme un canal dans la membrane externe obstrué par l’hélice-α; amino-terminale, H1, partagée par la majorité des TpsB, et par une boucle de surface, L6, conservée dans la superfamille Omp85. Cette conformation suggère un état au repos dans lequel le canal bouché ne pourrait pas transporter son partenaire. Afin de comprendre comment la FHA transite à l’intérieur du pore, il est donc nécessaire de connaître les changements de conformations que subit FhaC. Durant mon travail de thèse, nous avons apporté une vision plus dynamique de la sécrétion à deux partenaires en utilisant le couple FHA/FhaC comme modèle d’étude. Pour cela nous avons utilisé principalement la Résonance Paramagnétique Electronique (RPE). Cette technique de biophysique permet d’étudier FhaC en solution ou réincorporée dans une bicouche lipidique et de rendre compte de la mobilité à un site donné par l’utilisation de sondes paramagnétiques. Ainsi nous avons pu montrer que FhaC est en équilibre entre plusieurs conformations, avec H1 dans le pore ou du côté périplasmique de FhaC. La présence de la FHA déplace cet équilibre, favorisant ainsi la sortie de l’hélice hors du pore. Nous avons, par ailleurs, pu démontrer expérimentalement que la FHA transitait bien à l’intérieur du pore formé par FhaC et que l’hélice H1 se trouvait alors dans le périplasme. L’étude de la boucle L6 nous a permis de montrer que la mobilité de cette boucle était fortement contrainte à l’intérieur du pore même lors de la reconnaissance avec la FHA. Ce ralentissement de mobilité est lié, en autre, à une interaction avec un résidu d’un motif conservé présent sur le brin β13 qui influence la taille du pore. De manière plus générale, cette étude de la dynamique de FhaC contribue à la compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires de la voie TPS et des transporteurs de la superfamille Omp85. / Type V secretion in bacteria mediates the export to the cell surface of proteins, some of which have been identified as important factors of pathogenicity. Type V includes the secretion of autotransporters and the ‘Two-partner Secretion’ (TPS) pathway. Autotransporters consist of a β barrel domain and a passenger domain. The interaction of autotransporters with the Bam complex, of which the BamA transporter is the central component, allows the insertion of the β; barrel in the outer membrane and the secretion of passenger domain. In contrast, the two-partner secretion involves two proteins, the exported ‘TpsA’ protein and its TpsB partner that controls its transport across the outer membrane. TpsB proteins are specific to their associated TpsA(s) and belong to the superfamily of the Omp85 transporters, which carry out the insertion of proteins into the bacterial outer membrane, like BamA, or in the outer membranes of eukaryotic organelles including chloroplasts and mitochondria. For my PhD work, I have been interested in the secretion of filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA), which is the major adhesin of Bordetella pertussis, the causative agent of whooping cough. This adhesin allows the colonization by this bacterium of its host’s respiratory tract. This protein corresponds to a 220kD TpsA protein efficiently secreted by its specific transporter TpsB named FhaC. Crystallographic studies have revealed that FhaC harbours a 16-stranded β;-barrel occluded by both the N-terminal α;-helix, H1, shared by the majority of TpsB proteins, and by a surface loop, L6, that carries a conserved, hallmark motif of the Omp85 superfamilly. This conformation suggests that FhaC is in a resting state in which the channel does not transport its partner. To understand how the FHA passes through the FhaC pore, it is necessary to address the conformational changes undergone by FhaC. During my thesis work, we provided a more dynamic view of the TPS pathway using the FHA/FhaC couple as study model. For this we used Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). This biophysical technique allows to study of FhaC in solution or reincorporated into a lipid bilayer and it reports the mobility at specific sites of the protein by using paramagnetic probes. Thus we have shown that FhaC is in equilibrium between multiple conformations, with H1 in the pore or at the periplasmic side of FhaC. The presence of FHA displaces the conformational equilibrium, promoting the exit of the helix going from the pore. We have also experimentally demonstrated that FHA does transit through the pore formed by FhaC while helix H1 is then in the periplasm. The study of the L6 loop enabled us to show that the mobility of this loop is highly constrained in the pore and remains so upon the recognition of FHA. Its slow mobility is linked to an interaction between an invariant L6 residue and a conserved motif present on the β; strand 13 of the barrel. This interaction affects the size of the FhaC pore.More generally, the study of the dynamics of FhaC contributes to the understanding the molecular mechanisms of the TPS pathway and of transporters of the Omp85 superfamily.

ESR and Magnetization Studies of Transition Metal Molecular Compounds

Aliabadi, Azar 13 January 2016 (has links)
Molecule-based magnets (molecular magnets) have attracted much interest in recent decades both from an experimental and from a theoretical point of view, not only because of their interesting physical effects, but also because of their potential applications: e.g., molecular spintronics, quantum computing, high density information storage, and nanomedicine. Molecular magnets are at the very bottom of the possible size of nanomagnets. On reducing the size of objects down to the nanoscale, the coexistence of classical properties and quantum properties in these systems may be observed. In additional, molecular magnets exist with structural variability and permit selective substitution of the ligands in order to alter their magnetic properties. Therefore, these characteristics make such molecules suitable candidates for studying molecular magnetism. They can be used as model systems for a detailed understanding of interplay between structural and magnetic properties of them in order to optimize desired magnetic properties. This thesis considers the investigation of magnetic properties of several new transition metal molecular compounds via different experimental techniques (continuous wave electron spin resonance (CW ESR), pulse ESR, high-field/high-frequency ESR (HF-ESR) and static magnetization techniques). The first studied compounds were mono- and trinuclear Cu(II)-(oxamato, oxamidato)/bis(oxamidato) type compounds. First, all components of the g-tensor and the tensors of onsite ACu and transferred AN HF interactions of mononuclear Cu(II)- bis(oxamidato) compounds have been determined from CW ESR measurements at 10 GHz and at room temperature and pulse ELDOR detected NMR measurements at 35 GHz and at 20 K. The spin density distributions of the mononuclear compounds have been calculated from the experimentally obtained HF tensors. The magnetic exchange constants J of their corresponding trinuclear compounds were determined from susceptibility measurements versus temperature. Our discussion of the spin density distribution of the mononuclear compounds together with the results of the magnetic characterization of their corresponding trinuclear compounds show that the spin population of the mononuclear compounds is in interplay with the J values of their corresponding trinuclear compounds. The second studied compounds were polynuclear Cu(II)-(bis)oxamato compounds with ferrocene and ferrocenium ligands. The magnetic properties of these compounds were studied by susceptibility measurements versus temperature to determine J values. In addition, the ESR technique is used to investigate the magnetic properties of the studied compounds because they contain two different magnetic ions and because only the ESR technique can selectively excite different electron spin species. These studies together with geometries of the ferrocenium ligands determined by crystallographic studies indicate that the magnetic interaction between a central Cu(II) and a Fe(III) ions changed from the antiferromagnetic coupling to the ferromagnetic coupling when a stronger distortion of the axial symmetry in the feroccenium cation exists. Therefore, the degree of the distortion of the feroccenium cation is a control parameter for the sign of the interaction between the central Cu(II) ion and the Fe(III) spins of the studied compounds. The last two studied molecular magnets were a binuclear Ni(II) compound (Ni(II)-dimer) and a cube-like tetranuclear compound with a [Fe4O4]-cube core (Fe4-cube). HF-ESR measurements enabled us to determine the g-factor, the sign, and the absolute value of the magnetic anisotropy parameters. Using this information together with static magnetization measurements, the J value and the magnetic ground state of the studied compounds have been determined. In Ni(II)-dimer, two Ni(II) ions, each having a spin S = 1, are coupled antiferromagnetically that leads to a ground state with total spin Stot = 0. An easy plane magnetic anisotropy with a preferable direction for each Ni(II) ion is found. For Fe4-cube, a ground state with total spin Stot = 8 has been determined. The analysis of the frequency dependence and temperature dependence of HF-ESR lines reveals an easy axis magnetic anisotropy (Dcube = -22 GHz (-1 K)) corresponding to an energy barrier of U = 64 K for the thermal relaxation of the magnetization. These results indicate that Fe4-cube is favorable to show single molecular magnet (SMM) behavior.

Elektronenspinresonanz an Iridaten in Doppelperowskitstrukturen

Fuchs, Stephan 13 August 2018 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Promotion werden zwei ausgewählte Iridate mit Elektronen-Spin-Resonanz untersucht. Bei der ersten Probe handelt es sich um das Doppelperowskit Ba2YIrO6, das nach simpler theoretischer Auffassung kein paramagnetisches Signal besitzen sollte. Allerdings zeigen unterschiedliche magnetische Messungen schwache magnetische Spinkorrelationen. Mit Hilfe von ESR kann die Ursache dieser Signale paramagnetischen Verunreinigungen zugeschrieben werden. Zudem kann der Ursprung dieser Defekte mit zwei unterschiedlichen Oxidationsstufen des Iridiums assoziiert werden.    Bei der zweiten untersuchten Iridat-Probe La2CuIrO6 handelt es sich ebenfalls um ein Material mit Doppelperowskit-Struktur, allerdings interagieren hier zwei grundlegend verschiedene Spinsorten miteinander. Zum einen der sich aus der starken Spin-Bahn-Kopplung ergebende Jeff=1/2 Pseudospin des Iridats und zum anderen der reine S=1/2 Spin des Kupferions. Innerhalb der Kristallstruktur ergibt sich daraus eine komplexe antiferromagnetische Spinstruktur mit einer kleinen Verkippung der Spins. Diese nicht-kollineare Spinanordnung geht auf die Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-Wechselwirkung zurück und führt letztendlich zu einem kleinen ferromagnetischen Nettomoment. Mit ESR konnte dabei vor allem die temperaturabhängige Wechselwirkung der einzelnen Untergitter gezielt untersucht werden. Zusätzlich zum experimentellen Teil war eine der Kernaufgaben dieser Arbeit die technische Realisierung eines Fabry-Perot Resonators. Ziel des Resonators ist dabei die Erhöhung des Signal/Rauschverhältnisses sowie die Implementierung die Probe innerhalb der Messapparatur zu rotieren. Um ein besseres Verständnis des zugrundeliegenden Resonanzverhaltens zu erhalten, wurden zudem einige Simulationen zum Verhalten der elektromagnetischen Wellen innerhalb des Resonators durchgeführt.

Electric field effect in metallic polymers

Hsu, Fang-Chi 07 October 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Functionalization of endohedral fullerenes and their application in quantum information processing

Liu, Guoquan January 2011 (has links)
Quantum information processing (QIP), which inherently utilizes quantum mechanical phenomena to perform information processing, may outperform its classical counterpart at certain tasks. As one of the physical implementations of QIP, the electron-spin based architecture has recently attracted great interests. Endohedral fullerenes with unpaired electrons, such as N@C<sub>60</sub>, are promising candidates to embody the qubits because of their long spin decoherence time. This thesis addresses several fundamental aspects of the strategy of engineering the N@C<sub>60</sub> molecules for applications in QIP. Chemical functionalization of N@C<sub>60</sub> is investigated and several different derivatives of N@C<sub>60</sub> are synthesized. These N@C<sub>60</sub> derivatives exhibit different stability when they are exposed to ambient light in a degassed solution. The cyclopropane derivative of N@C60 shows comparable stability to pristine N@C<sub>60</sub>, whereas the pyrrolidine derivatives demonstrate much lower stability. To elucidate the effect of the functional groups on the stability, an escape mechanism of the encapsulated nitrogen atom is proposed based on DFT calculations. The escape of nitrogen is facilitated by a 6-membered ring formed in the decomposition of the pyrrolidine derivatives of N@C<sub>60</sub>. In contrast, the 4-membered ring formed in the cyclopropane derivative of N@C<sub>60</sub> prohibits such an escape through the addends. Two N@C<sub>60</sub>-porphyrin dyads are synthesized. The dyad with free base porphyrin exhibits typical zero-field splitting (ZFS) features due to functionalization in the solid-state electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrum. However, the nitrogen ESR signal in the second dyad of N@C<sub>60</sub> and copper porphyrin is completely suppressed at a wide range of sample concentrations. The dipolar coupling between the copper spin and the nitrogen spins is calculated to be 27.0 MHz. To prove the presence of the encapsulated nitrogen atom in the second dyad, demetallation of the copper porphyrin moiety is carried out. The recovery of approximately 82% of the signal intensity confirms that the dipolar coupling suppresses the ESR signal of N@C<sub>60</sub>. To prepare ordered structure of N@C<sub>60</sub>, the nematic matrix MBBA is employed to align the pyrrolidine derivatives of N@C<sub>60</sub>. Orientations of these derivatives are investigated through simulation of their ESR spectra. The derivatives with a –CH3 or phenyl group derived straightforward from the N-substituent of the pyrrolidine ring are preferentially oriented based on their powder-like ESR spectra in the MBBA matrix. An angle of about is also found between the directors of fullerene derivatives and MBBA. In contrast, the derivatives with a –CH₂ group inserted between the phenyl group and the pyrrolidine ring are nearly randomly distributed in MBBA. These results illustrate the applicability of liquid crystal as a matrix to align N@C<sub>60</sub> derivatives for QIP applications.

Estudos de ressonância de spin eletrônico (RSE) em isolantes topológicos dopados com terras-rara / Electron spin resonance (ESR) studies on rare-earth doped topological insulators

Souza, Jean Carlo, 1993- 30 June 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Pascoal José Giglio Pagliuso / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-02T11:57:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Souza_JeanCarlo_M.pdf: 4438731 bytes, checksum: aaba7a375b2b45b638619e944111c41b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / Resumo: A ideia de topologia na Física da Matéria da Condensada, apesar de ter surgido com o efeito Hall quântico inteiro, só voltou a ser explorada recentemente na busca de novas fases da matéria depois do surgimento dos Isolantes Topológicos (ITs) 2D. Após a previsão teórica, e a descoberta experimental, foi proposto que esta nova fase poderia ser generalizada para sistemas 3D, em que o volume do material seria isolante com estados metálicos de superfície que possuiriam canais de spin polarizados. Apesar de diversos experimentos e o surgimento de outras fases topológicas da matéria subsequentes, ainda há dúvidas sobre a natureza dos ITs 3D. Os efeitos topológicos mais claros ainda não foram observados de forma inequívoca e reprodutível experimentalmente e ainda seria de extrema valia encontrar técnicas experimentais que possam complementar os mais discutidos experimentos de ARPES. Nesta dissertação foram estudadas duas famílias distintas de materiais propostas como possíveis ITs 3D: os binários Bi2Se3 e Sb2Te3 e o half-Heusler YPdBi. Utilizando a técnica de auto-fluxo e a fusão estequiométrica, os sistemas foram sintetizados dopados com os terras-rara Gd3+, Nd3+ e Er3+ para realizar estudos de ressonância de spin eletrônico (RSE) e do papel dos efeitos de campo cristalino (CEF) - no caso do half-Heusler. Para o ternário YPdBi foram feitos dois estudos. Na família dos half-Heuslers, a ordem topológica surge da relação entre o acoplamento spin-órbita e a hibridização, que está ligada com a mudança do parâmetro de rede, então os efeitos de CEF poderiam estar refletindo a transição entre a trivialidade e a não-trivialidade. A partir das medidas de susceptibilidade magnética em função da temperatura das amostras dopadas com Nd3+ e Er3+ combinadas com os estudos de RSE, foi possível extrair os parâmetros de campo cristalino (CFP) de quarta e sexta ordem. Comparando esses dados com resultados anteriores para o material, supostamente, não-trivial YPtBi, observou-se uma mudança sistemática no sinal dos CFP. Resultados prévios para as amostras de YPtBi dopadas com Nd3+ mostram uma evolução não usual para uma forma de linha difusiva com a potência de micro-onda. Neste trabalho também foi realizado um estudo da forma de linha em função da potência. Apenas a ressonância do Nd3+ para os monocristais de 10% de Nd em YPdBi mostrou uma forma de linha difusiva que evolui com a potência da micro-onda. No caso dos binários Bi2Se3 e Sb2Te3, o objetivo era otimizar a rampa de tratamento térmico para obter monocristais melhores que poderiam permitir a observação de um espectro totalmente resolvido do Gd3+. Após mudanças no crescimento dos monocristais, o espectro totalmente resolvido foi obtido para as amostras de Bi2Se3. No caso do Sb2Te3 apenas uma linha central com a estrutura fina colapsada foi observada. Acompanhando o deslocamento g e a evolução da largura de linha dH da RSE do Gd3+ com a temperatura, o comportamento negativo do deslocamento g para toda a faixa de temperatura indica que elétrons do tipo p são os grandes responsáveis pela formação da superfície de Fermi residual destes sistemas. Um aumento no coeficiente angular de dH em função da temperatura, a taxa Korringa b, foi observado em baixas temperaturas, logo diferentes concentrações de Gd3+ foram utilizadas para estudar este comportamento. Novamente observou-se um comportamento anômalo em baixas temperaturas, o que poderia estar relacionado com a evolução dos CFP com a temperatura. Todos esses resultados foram discutidos levando-se em conta a possibilidade de existência de topologia não-trivial na estrutura eletrônica desses materiais, com foco particular na relação da interação spin-órbita e os efeitos de campo cristalino com a manifestação da topologia não trivial nesses sistemas / Abstract: The idea of topological systems in Condensed Matter Physics, although already explored in the Quantum Hall Effect, has recently become a topic of intense scientific investigation. In particular, great efforts have been dedicated to the search for new quantum phases since the proposal of the Topological Insulators (TIs) in 2D. After the theoretical prediction and the experimental discovery of the TIs in the 2D case, the existence of the Quantum Hall Spin Effect in 3D, 3D TIs, was proposed, where an insulator bulk and metallic surface states with spin polarized channels could be experimentally realized. Although many experiments have been performed, and some groups claimed the direct observation of such new topological phases, there is still a lot of controversy about the nature of the 3D TIs and about the actual microscopic origin of the metallic states on the surface of the studied materials. Other signatures of the topological phases have not been unambiguously and repeatedly measured yet and there is an obvious lack of a supplementary lab technique to be compared to the most used technique to probe these states, which is ARPES. In this work we have studied two different classes of 3D TIs: the binaries Bi2Se3 and Sb2Te3 and the half-Heusler YPdBi. We have been able to grow single crystals of these materials pure and rare-earth doped with Gd3+, Nd3+ and Er3+ using the self-flux technique and the stoichiometric melting. The aim was to use these crystals to study Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) as a potential probe to investigate the existence of the metallic surface states and to explore the possible of the crystalline electrical field (CEF) effects on the formation of the non-trivial electronic structure of these materials. Regarding the YPdBi, our ESR and magnetization studies have revealed that, in the half-Heusler family, the topological order emerges from the interplay between spin-orbit coupling and the hybridization, which is connected with the changes on the lattice parameter. Thus, the CEF effects could reflect the transition from trivial to nontrivial topology. From the magnetic susceptibility data as a function of temperature from the Nd3+ and Er3+ doped samples combined with the ESR studies, it was possible to extract the fourth and sixth order crystal field parameters (CFP). Comparing our data with the previous results from YPtBi, which is a putative non-trivial material, a systematic change in the sign of the CFP was observed. Previous results with the YPtBi Nd-doped samples show an unusual evolution of the Nd3+ ESR line to a diusive-like line shape as a function of the microwave power. In this work we have performed a similar study of the Nd3+ ESR line shape as a function of the microwave power. Only for the single crystal of 10% Nd in YPdBi resonance shows a diffusive-like line shape that evolves with the microwave power. In the case of the binaries Bi2Se3 e Sb2Te3, the aim of this work was to optimize the heat treatment used in previous works of our group to obtain better single crystals that could allow the observation of the full resolved spectra from Gd3+. After many changes in the single crystal growth method, we were able to observe fully resolved Gd3+ ESR spectra in the Bi2Se3 samples. Regarding the Sb2Te3 single crystals, only a single Gd3+ Dysonian ESR line was observed. Following the Gd3+ ESR dg and dH as a function of temperature, the observed negative behavior of dg, in the whole temperature range studied, indicates that p-type electrons are the main source for the formation of the small the Fermi surface of these materials. An increase of the angular coefficient of dH as a function of temperature, the Korringa rate b, at low temperatures was observed and different concentrations of Gd3+ were required to investigate this anomaly. Again this anomalous behavior at low temperatures was observed for the all Gd-doped samples, which could be related to an evolution of CFP with temperature. We discuss our results taking into account the existence of non-trivial topological states in our samples and the role of spin-orbit and CEF effects might have in the formation of such states / Mestrado / Física / Mestre em Física / 132653/2015-0 / CNPQ / CAPES / FAPESP

Electron spin resonance studies of frustrated quantum spin systems

Kamenskyi, Dmytro 24 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Since the last few decades frustrated spin systems have attracted much interest. These studies are motivated by the rich variety of their unusual magnetic properties and potential applications. In this thesis, excitation spectra of the weakly coupled dimer system Ba3Cr2O8, the spin-1/2 chain material with distorted diamond structure Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2 (natural mineral azurite), and the quasi-twodimensional antiferromagnet with triangle spin structure Cs2CuBr4 have been studied by means of high-field electron spin resonance. Two pairs of gapped modes corresponding to transitions from a spin-singlet ground state to the first excited triplet state with zero-field energy gaps, of 19.1 and 27 K were observed in Ba3Cr2O8. The observation of ground-state excitations clearly indicates the presence of a non-secular term allowing these transitions. Our findings are of crucial importance for the interpretation of the field-induced transitions in this material (with critical fields Hc1 = 12.5 T and Hc2 = 23.6 T) in terms of the magnon Bose-Einstein condensation. The natural mineral azurite, Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2, has been studied in magnetic fields up to 50 T, revealing several modes not observed previously. Based on the obtained data, all three critical fields were identified. A substantial zero-field energy gap, Δ = 9.6 K, has been observed in Cs2CuBr4 above the ordering temperature. It is argued that contrary to the case for the isostructural Cs2CuCl4, the size of the gap can not be explained solely by the uniform Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, but it is rather the result of the geometrical frustration stabilizing the spin-disordered state in Cs2CuBr4 in the close vicinity of the quantum phase transition between a spiral magnetically ordered state and a 2D quantum spin liquid.

Magnetic Properties of Molecular and Nanoscale Magnets

Krupskaya, Yulia 20 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The idea of miniaturizing devices down to the nanoscale where quantum ffeffects become relevant demands a detailed understanding of the interplay between classical and quantum properties. Therefore, characterization of newly produced nanoscale materials is a very important part of the research in this fifield. Studying structural and magnetic properties of nano- and molecular magnets and the interplay between these properties reveals new interesting effects and suggests ways to control and optimize the respective material. The main task of this thesis is investigating the magnetic properties of molecular magnetic clusters and magnetic nanoparticles recently synthesized by several collaborating groups. This thesis contains two main parts focusing on each of these two topics. In the first part the fundamental studies on novel metal-organic molecular complexes is presented. Several newly synthesized magnetic complexes were investigated by means of different experimental techniques, in particular, by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. Chapter 1 in this part provides the theoretical background which is necessary for the interpretation of the effects observed in single molecular magnetic clusters. Chapter 2 introduces the experimental techniques applied in the studies. Chapter 3 contains the experimental results and their discussion. Firstly, the magnetic properties of two Ni-based complexes are presented. The complexes possess different ligand structures and arrangements of the Ni-ions in the metal cores. This difffference dramatically affffects the magnetic properties of the molecules such as the ground state and the magnetic anisotropy. Secondly, a detailed study of the Mn2Ni3 single molecular magnet is described. The complex has a bistable magnetic ground state with a high spin value of S = 7 and shows slow relaxation and quantum tunnelling of the magnetization. The third section concentrates on a Mn(III)-based single chain magnet showing ferromagnetic ordering of the Mn-spins and a strong magnetic anisotropy which leads to a hysteretic behavior of the magnetization. The last section describes a detailed study of the static and dynamic magnetic properties of three Mn-dimer molecular complexes by means of static magnetization, continuous wave and pulse electron spin resonance measurements. The results indicate a systematic dependence of the magnetic properties on the nearest ligands surrounding of the Mn ions. The second part of the thesis addresses magnetic properties of nano-scaled magnets such as carbon nanotubes fifilled with magnetic materials and carbon-coated magnetic nanoparticles. These studies are eventually aiming at the possible application of these particles as agents for magnetic hyperthermia. In this respect, their behavior in static and alternating magnetic fifields is investigated and discussed. Moreover, two possible hyperthermia applications of the studied magnetic nanoparticles are presented, which are the combination of a hyperthermia agents with an anticancer drug and the possibility to spatially localize the hyperthermia effffect by applying specially designed static magnetic fifields.

Elektronenspinresonanz in Yb-basierten Kondogitter-Systemen

Wykhoff, Jan 27 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Elektronenspinresonanz (ESR) untersucht die im quasistatischen Magnetfeld resonante Absorption eines an die Probe angelegten Mikrowellenmagnetfeldes. Es wurde das System Yb1-w A1-w (Rh1-x Cox)2 (Si1-y Gey) 2 mit A=La, bzw. Lu, sowie das System YbIr2Si2 mittels ESR untersucht. Unter Kondo-Wechselwirkung vieler Leitungselektronen mit einem lokalen 4f-Moment des Kondo-Ions bildet sich ein nicht-magnetisches Grundzustands-Singlett, was zur Abschirmung des magnetischen Moments führt. YbRh2Si2 ist das erste Schwere-Fermionen-System mit Kondo-Ionen, das ohne Dotierung zusätzlicher ESR-Sonden ein ESR-Signal unterhalb der Kondo-Temperatur aufweist. Es zeigt sich, dass das ESR-Signal nicht mittels gängiger ESR-Theorien konsistent beschrieben werden kann. Die Messungen, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit angestellt wurden, flossen in die Entwicklung von weiterführenden Theorien (z.B. [1], [2]) ein. Die Temperaturabhängigkeit des ESR-g-Faktors konnte damit erfolgreich beschrieben werden, womit erstmals der Nachweis einer Kondo-Wechselwirkung in Kondo-Gitter-Systemen mittels ESR gelang. Ferner konnte die Bedeutung von ferromagnetischen Fluktuationen für eine kleine, beobachtbare Linienbreite beschrieben werden. Der ESR-Methode ist somit die Kondo-Spindynamik direkt zugänglich. Dieser Zugang ist neu und einzigartig, denn andere Methoden (NMR, inelastische Neutronenstreuung) charakterisieren die Kondo-Spindynamik auf indirekte Weise. [1] P. Wölfle und E. Abrahams. Phenomenology of esr in heavy-fermion systems: Fermi-liquid und nicht-fermi-liquid regimes Phys. Rev. B, 80(23): 235112, 2009. [2] B. I. Kochelaev, S. I. Belov, A. M. Skvortsova, A. S. Kutusov, J. Sichelschmidt, J. Wykhoff, C. Geibel und F. Steglich. Why could electron spin resonance be observed in a heavy fermion kondo lattice? Eur. Phys. J. B, 72(4): 485, 2009.

Estudo da atividade fotocatalítica de nanotubos de titanatos dopados com nitrogênio via técnica de ressonância paramagnética eletrônica

Souza , Juliana dos Santos de January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Wendel Andrade Alves / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do ABC. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia/Química, 2016. / Nanotubos de titanato tem atraído muita atenção devido a suas propriedades únicas, que permitem sua aplicação em catálise, fotocatálise, e no desenvolvimento de dispositivos de conversão de energia. No entanto, esses materiais são capazes de absorver somente radiação UV, o que torna necessária sua sensibilização frente à radiação visível que pode ser feito através da dopagem ou sensibilização com corantes. Neste trabalho, nanotubos de titanato foram preparados através da síntese hidrotérmica alcalina e dopados usando um método de troca iônica seguida por uma etapa de calcinação a 200 ºC e 400 ºC, resultando em duas séries de catalisadores: nanotubos de titanato dopados com nitrogênio (NTiNTs) e nanotubos de dióxido de titânio dopados com nitrogênio (NTiO2NTs), respectivamente. A caracterização destes materiais revelou que a temperatura de calcinação afeta a intensidade de cor, área superficial, energia band gap e natureza da espécie de nitrogênio dopante. Os catalisadores NTiO2NTs reúnem as propriedades que os qualificam como melhores fotocatalisadores, sendo capazes de degradar de 1,8% (m/m, massa de corante degradado por 100g de catalisador) a 2,9%, enquanto os NTiNTs foram capazes de degradar somente de 0,17%mg mg-1 a 0,60%. Os catalisadores NTiNTs e NTiO2NTs também foram sensibilizados com ftalocianina de cobre(II) tetracarboxilada. Observou-se que a sensibilização não afeta a forma nem a estrutura cristalina dos nanotubos, no entanto, ela promove alterações nas propriedades superficiais levando a interações diferenciadas entre os tubos. Esses materiais foram aplicados na degradação de rodamina B através de mecanismos de fotocatálise e catálise mediada por H2O2. Observou-se que os catalisadores sensibilizados apresentam eficiência fotocatalítica cerca de 50% menor do que os materiais não sensibilizados. No caso da catálise mediada por H2O2 a sensibilização aumenta a atividade catalítica, podendo atingir 100% de eficiência. Por fim, foram desenvolvidos novos eletrodos multi-hierárquicos baseados em filmes de nanobastões de óxido de zinco (ZnONR) decorados com nanotubos de titanato, utilizando glicina como uma ponte para promover o aumento da interação entre as estruturas. Estes eletrodos foram aplicados como fotoanodos no desproporcionamento fotoeletroquímica da água, gerando O2 e H2. Os resultados mostraram que a heterojunção dos dois óxidos metálicos leva a um aumento da eficiência fotoeletroquímica. Desse modo, os eletrodos multihierárquicos são capazes de produzir correntes de geração de O2 de 0,90 mA cm-2 (a 1,23 V vs ERHE), enquanto os eletrodos de ZnONR puros produzem 0,45 mA cm-2. O potencial de evolução de O2 também diminui de 0,8 V (vs ERHE) para eletrodos de TiNTs para 0 V no caso dos eletrodos multi-hierárquicos. / Titanate nanotubes have attracted much attention due do their unique properties which allow their application in catalysis, photocatalysis and energy conversion devices development. However, this material is able to absorb only UV radiation making necessary its sensibilization toward visible radiation that can be done through doping or dye sensibilization. In this work, titanate nanotubes were prepared through alkaline hydrothermal synthesis and doped using an ion exchange methodology followed by a calcination step at 200 ºC and 400ºC, resulting in two series of catalysts: nitrogen doped titanate nanotubes (NTiNTs) and nitrogen doped titanium dioxide nanotubes (NTiO2NTs), respectively. The characterization of these materials revealed that the calcination temperature affects color intensity, surface area, band gap energy and nature of doping nitrogen species. The NTiO2NTs catalysts gather the properties that qualify them as better photocatalysts, being capable of degrading from 1,8% (m/m, degraded dye mass by 100 g of catalyst) to 2,9%, whereas the NTiNTs are capable of degrading only 0,17% to 0,60%. The catalysts NTiNTs and NTiO2NTs were also sensitized with tetracarboxylate cooper(II) phthalocyanine. It has been observed that the sensibilization does not affect the morphology or crystalline structure of the nanotubes; however, it promotes changes on the surface properties leading to differentiated interactions between the tubes. These materials were applied on rhodamine B degradation through mechanisms of photocatalysis and catalysis mediated by H2O2. It was observed that the sensibilized catalysts exhibit photocatalytic efficiency of about 50% lower than nonsenbilized materials. In the case of catalysis mediated by H2O2 the sensibilization increases catalytic activity, which can reach 100% of efficiency. Finally, new multihierarchical electrodes were developed, based on zinc oxide nanorods (ZnONR) films decorated with titanate nanotubes, using glycine as a bridge to promote the increasing of the interaction between the structures. These electrodes were applied as photoanodes for photoelectrochemical water splitting, producing O2 e H2. The results show that the heterojunction of the two metal oxides leads to an increasing of the photoelectrochemical efficiency. Thus, the multi-hierarchical electrodes are capable of producing O2 evolution currents of 0.90 mA cm-2 (at 1.23 V vs ERHE), whereas the pure ZnONR electrodes produce 0.45 mA cm-2. The O2 evolution potential also decreases from 0.8 V (vs ERHE) for TiNTs electrodes to 0V for the multi-hierarchical electrodes.

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