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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contracting in the days of eBusiness

Hümmer, Wolfgang, Lehner, Wolfgang, Wedekind, Hartmut H. 30 May 2022 (has links)
Putting electronic business on a sound foundation --- model theoretically as well as technologically --- has to be seen as a central challenge for research as well as for commercial development. This paper concentrates on the discovery and the negotiation phase of concluding an agreement based on a contract. We present a methodology how to come seamlessly from a many-to-many relationship in the discovery phase to a one-to-one relationship in the contract negotiation phase. Making the content of the contracts persistent is achieved by reconstructing contract templates by means of mereologic (logic of the whole-part relation). Possibly nested sub-structures of the contract template are taken as a basis for negotiation in a dialogical way. For the negotiation itself the contract templates are extended by implications (logical) and sequences (topical).

The Digitalisation of Maserhallen Aqua Nova : Obstacles and Pathways / Digitaliseringen av Maserhallen Agua Nova : Utmaningar och Möjligheter

Moberg Delgado, Kevin, Omonhinmin, Oisezobor January 2021 (has links)
Background Digitalisation is transforming our society in several ways, bringing sev-eral new opportunities and challenges. It changes how organisations in-teract with their customers and generally has a positive effect on reve-nue. Maserhallen AB is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Borlänge municipality and wants to grow as an organisation. Maserhallen AB aims to improve its quality of service, customer value and increase rev-enue by implementing a digitalised system into its organisation. The study is needed to construct a framework and strategy that can aid Maserhallen AB on the challenges and pathways of adopting new tech-nology. Aim This study highlights the challenges and pathways that await a tradi-tional organisation when trying to adopt a new digital system. Method There are two sources of data collection; the first is a literature study, and the second is a questionnaire. In the questionnaire, nine volunteers have participated, the age ranging of volunteers are from 24-60 years old. The targeted participants were the organisation management team and receptionist. Results The results gathered from both the case study and questionnaire indi-cate that the case company needs a new digital system. The thesis exam-ines two core areas: digitalisation strategies and the use of new technol-ogy to develop an analysis framework. The outcome is a framework that blends theoretical and digital strategy principles with successful ap-proaches in concepts and new technologies. Conclusions For Maserhallen AB to avoid obstacles when facing implementation of digitalisation, it is necessary to adopt new technology with the help of digital strategy and framework. This is not only needed for efficiency and cost reasons, but also it will assist in increasing customer value and quality of service. The framework provided in this case study will aid Maserhallen AB in adopting a new digital system.

E-handelns påverkan på distributionsföretag : En kvalitativ studie av distributionsföretag i Sverige / The impact of e-business on distribution companies

Öst, Andreas, Johannisson, Erik January 2016 (has links)
Fler konsumenter väljer att handla på internet. Vare sig det handlar om bekvämlighet eller priser har denna ökning en påverkan på hur detaljhandel sköts och distribueras. Kundkraven ändras och konsumenten har mer att säga till om. Rapporten syftar till att beskriva hur en ökad e-handel har påverkat och fortsatt kommer att påverka distributionen av detaljhandelsvaror nationellt. Den beskriver även hur ökningen påverkar distributionsföretagen och hur dessa i sin tur valt att agera för att bemöta förändringen som sker på marknaden. Vad som påverkar distributionsbolagen mest kommer också att beröras och rapporten ger en bild av e-handelns påverkan på distributionsföretagen. De slutsatser som kunnat dras av rapporten är att de ökande volymerna av gods från e-handel i dagsläget inte påverkat företagen nämnvärt, men att förändringar förmodligen kommer att behöva ske inom vissa områden i framtiden. Ökningen av e-handelsgods har gett distributionsföretagen en högre volym att hantera. De ökade volymerna för även med sig ytterligare kostnader i den mest kostsamma delen av distributionen, the last mile, genom att det blir fler leveranser till konsumentens hem. På grund av denna ökade kostnad ser distributionsföretagen ett behov av att öka sina vinstmarginaler genom att erbjuda konsumenten olika tilläggstjänster. Ytterligare ser företagen att det har blivit förändringar i de krav konsumenterna ställer. Krav på leveransservice blir allt högre och pressen på distributionsföretagen att ha kvalitet i sin produktion ökar. I dagens läge konstateras att volymerna alltjämt är för låga för att motivera en omfattande affärsutveckling med dyra investeringar för att möta den nivå av ökning som hittills skett. Detta kommer förmodligen vara nödvändigt i framtiden om ökningen fortsätter i samma takt som nu. Att utöka kunskapen och arbeta mer aktivt för att främja leveransservice är därför någonting som i rapporten framkommer som viktigt inför framtidens utmaningar. / More consumers choose to shop online. Whether it is because of convenience or prices this increase has an impact on how retailing is managed and distributed. Customer demands change and the consumer has more power. This report aims to describe how an increase in e-commerce has affected and will continue to influence the distribution of retail goods nationally and how it affects the companies providing transportation of e-commerce goods. The report also discuss how the distribution companies act in response to these changes in the market and which areas that have been affected the most. The conclusions drawn from the report is that the increasing volume of goods from e-commerce have not currently affected the distribution companies significantly, however in the future changes are believed to be necessary in certain areas. The increase of e-commerce goods has contributed to a higher volume of goods for distribution companies to manage. These increased volumes bring additional costs to the most expensive part of the distribution, the last mile, by bringing more deliveries to the consumer’s home. Because of this increase in costs, the distribution companies need to increase their margins by offering consumers additional services. Additionally, the companies see a change in the customer demands. Customer demands on delivery service are increasing and the pressure on the distribution companies to have a high quality in their production increases. Today the volume is still too low to justify a heavy business development with costly investments to counter the increasing volume. These changes will probably be necessary in the future if the increase continues at the same rate. To increase the knowledge and evolve the delivery service is something that this report indicates to be important in the future.

Bevielės technologijos elektroninio verslo paslaugų išvystymui / Wireless technologies for development of electronic business services

Juknevičius, Povilas 04 February 2009 (has links)
Magistriniame darbe buvo įvertinti elektroninio verslo ir bevielio ryšio technologijų taikymo aspektai, atliktas elektroninio verslo paslaugų plėtros galimybių panaudojant bevieles technologijas tyrimas. Darbe pateikiama susisteminta bevielio ryšio technologijų ir paslaugų kaip mokslo problemos analizė, įvertinamos Lietuvoje veikiančios technologijos, paslaugos ir sprendimų sistemos, kurioms įgyvendinti panaudojamos bevielės technologijos. Pirmoje magistrinio darbo dalyje buvo išanalizuotos bevielės technologijos, taikomos elektroninio verslo ir mobilaus verslo organizavimui. Antroje magistrinio darbo dalyje buvo išanalizuotos bevielio ryšio technologijų taikymo galimybės elektroninio verslo ir elektroninio verslo paslaugų srityse. Trečioje magistrinio darbo dalyje buvo išplėstos elektroninio verslo paslaugų teikimo modelio komponentės, taikant bevielio ryšio technologijas. Ketvirtoje dalyje buvo atliktas eksperimentinis tyrimas, kuris leido įvertinti elektroninio verslo plėtros galimybes panaudojant bevieles technologijas Lietuvoje. / In this master work the aspects of application of electronic business and wireless communication technologies were evaluated, the research of electronic business services’ development, while using wireless technologies, was completed. In the work systemized analysis of wireless connection technologies and services is provided as analysis of scientific problem; technologies, existing in Lithuania, services and solution systems, the implementation of which uses wireless technologies, are also evaluated. . In the first part of this work wireless technologies applied in organization of electronic business and mobile business were analyzed. The second part of master work analyzes the possibilities of wireless communication technologies’ application in the field of electronic business and services of electronic business. In the third part of master work the components of model of e. business’ service provision were enlarged by applying wireless communication technologies. The fourth part presents experimental research, which allowed evaluating the possibilities of electronic business development by using wireless technologies in Lithuania.

Návrh podpory prodeje elektronického obchodu / Proposal of Sales Promotion for E-shop

Liebscher, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
The content of this master’s thesis is the proposal of partial solutions from the internet marketing tools for electronic cigarettes ecommerce. The thesis is focused on the field of sales promotion and direct marketing, which contain tools for increase size of sales, better linking of products and accessories, better communication and customer access. These thesis is based on the analysis of company, requirements and options, which are appearing with modern internet marketing tools. The main component of the thesis is proposal of partial tools of cross-selling, up-selling and loyalty system. For direct marketing it is a proposal of e-mail marketing and online chat.

Электронная переписка студентов и преподавателей: стилистический и коммуникативно-прагматический аспект (на материале переписки студентов и преподавателей) : магистерская диссертация / Electronic correspondence of students and teachers: stylistic and communicative-pragmatic (on the material of correspondence of the teachers and students)

Ли, Ш., Li, S. January 2023 (has links)
В выпускнοй квалификациοннοй рабοте рассмοтрены особенности электронной коммуникативной среды в целом и электронного письма в частности. В работе содержится стилистическая характеристика электронных писем, выявлены закономерности их использования в различных эпистолярных жанрах интернет-коммуникации в соответствии с условиями и целями коммуникации, рассмотрены причины коммуникативных неудач в русскоязычной среде, определена роль этикетных речевых формул, употребляемых в электронной переписке между преподавателями и студентами. / In the final qualification work, the features of the electronic communication environment in general and e-mail in particular are considered. The paper contains the stylistic characteristics of e-mails, reveals the patterns of their use in various epistolary genres of Internet communication in accordance with the conditions and goals of communication, considers the causes of communication failures in the Russian-speaking environment, determines the role of etiquette speech formulas used in electronic correspondence between teachers and students.

A Unified Framework for e-Commerce Systems Development : Business Process Pattern Perspective

Jayaweera, Prasad M. January 2004 (has links)
<p>In electronic commerce, systems development is based on two fundamental types of models, business models and process models. A business model is concerned with value exchanges among business partners, while a process model focuses on operational and procedural aspects of business communication. Thus, a business model defines the what in an e-commerce system, while a process model defines the <i>how</i>. Business process design can be facilitated and improved by a method for systematically moving from a business model to a process model. Such a method would provide support for traceability, evaluation of design alternatives, and seamless transition from analysis to realization. This work proposes a unified framework that can be used as a basis to analyze, to interpret and to understand different concepts associated at different stages in e-Commerce system development. In this thesis, we illustrate how UN/CEFACT’s recommended metamodels for business and process design can be analyzed, extended and then integrated for the final solutions based on the proposed unified framework. Also, as an application of the framework, we demonstrate how process-modeling tasks can be facilitated in e-Commerce system design. The proposed methodology, called BP<sup>3</sup> stands for Business Process Patterns Perspective. The BP<sup>3</sup> methodology uses a question-answer interface to capture different business requirements from the designers. It is based on pre-defined process patterns, and the final solution is generated by applying the captured business requirements by means of a set of production rules to complete the inter-process communication among these patterns.</p>

Моделирање и имплеметација убрзаног развоја електронске управе / Modeliranje i implemetacija ubrzanog razvoja elektronske uprave / The objective of modelling and implementation of accelerated development of Vojvodina’s e-administration

Paroški Milan 05 February 2013 (has links)
<p>Циљ - Циљ истраживања је да се дефинише модел развоја еУправе за<br />регинални и локални ниво управе који ће омогућити да се, уз уважавање ограничења над инфраструктурним и финансијским ресурсима, смањи заостајање у односу на развијене земље у овој области и омогући даљи континуиран развој еУправе.<br />Методологија &ndash; Разматрани су аспекти увођења еУправе, и извршен је преглед постојећих резултата истраживања из предметне области у земљама ЕУ, земљама у развоју, земљама у окружењу и посебно у Републици Србији и АП Војводини. Стање еУправе је за све наведене земље описано са становишта истих аспеката (историја развоја информационог друштва, законски оквир, степен развоја, електронски јавни сервиси, делегирање надлежности и расположива инфраструктура). За развој модела су коришћене савремене методологије за пројектовање и имплементацију комуникационе и информационе инфраструктуре, софтверске архитектуре, јавних сервиса као и примери добре праксе у развоју еУправе, посебно у државама ЕУ. Резултати &ndash; Предложени су модели реализације еУправе у АП Војводини у области : надлежности и организације, људских ресурса, рачунарско-комуникационе инфраструктуре, софтвера (методологија развоја, софтверска архитектура и јавни сервиси), стандарда и интероперабилности и информационе безбедности. Ограничења истраживања /импликације - Предложени модели се могу пре свега користити у регионалним и локалним срединама у којима није достигнут висок степен развоја еУправе. Практичне импликације &ndash; Препоруке и модели дати за увођење еУправе у АП Војводини могу бити од користи за увођење еУправе у различим локалним срединама а посебно у локалним самоуправама АП Војводине.<br />Оригиналност/вредност -Верификација предложених модела је извршена на реалном примеру развоја еУправе у АП Војводини. Резултати указују да адекватно планирање и управљање реализацијом планова омогућава убрзан развој еУправе и премошћавање дигиталног јаза.</p> / <p>Cilj - Cilj istraživanja je da se definiše model razvoja eUprave za<br />reginalni i lokalni nivo uprave koji će omogućiti da se, uz uvažavanje ograničenja nad infrastrukturnim i finansijskim resursima, smanji zaostajanje u odnosu na razvijene zemlje u ovoj oblasti i omogući dalji kontinuiran razvoj eUprave.<br />Metodologija &ndash; Razmatrani su aspekti uvođenja eUprave, i izvršen je pregled postojećih rezultata istraživanja iz predmetne oblasti u zemljama EU, zemljama u razvoju, zemljama u okruženju i posebno u Republici Srbiji i AP Vojvodini. Stanje eUprave je za sve navedene zemlje opisano sa stanovišta istih aspekata (istorija razvoja informacionog društva, zakonski okvir, stepen razvoja, elektronski javni servisi, delegiranje nadležnosti i raspoloživa infrastruktura). Za razvoj modela su korišćene savremene metodologije za projektovanje i implementaciju komunikacione i informacione infrastrukture, softverske arhitekture, javnih servisa kao i primeri dobre prakse u razvoju eUprave, posebno u državama EU. Rezultati &ndash; Predloženi su modeli realizacije eUprave u AP Vojvodini u oblasti : nadležnosti i organizacije, ljudskih resursa, računarsko-komunikacione infrastrukture, softvera (metodologija razvoja, softverska arhitektura i javni servisi), standarda i interoperabilnosti i informacione bezbednosti. Ograničenja istraživanja /implikacije - Predloženi modeli se mogu pre svega koristiti u regionalnim i lokalnim sredinama u kojima nije dostignut visok stepen razvoja eUprave. Praktične implikacije &ndash; Preporuke i modeli dati za uvođenje eUprave u AP Vojvodini mogu biti od koristi za uvođenje eUprave u različim lokalnim sredinama a posebno u lokalnim samoupravama AP Vojvodine.<br />Originalnost/vrednost -Verifikacija predloženih modela je izvršena na realnom primeru razvoja eUprave u AP Vojvodini. Rezultati ukazuju da adekvatno planiranje i upravljanje realizacijom planova omogućava ubrzan razvoj eUprave i premošćavanje digitalnog jaza.</p> / <p>The objective of modelling and implementation of accelerated development<br />of Vojvodina&rsquo;s e-administration is to achieve a level of e-administration development of the developed countries as soon as possible, with the existing infrastructure and financial limitations. The Doctoral thesis research programme encompasses three main segments: a research of the existing findings in the relevant field (information communications technologies, the standards and interoperability, the software architecture), an analysis of the existing methods and experiences in introduction of electronic administration at the state level, particularly in the EU countries, development of a new model for introduction of e-Administration and verification of the developed model for introduction of e-Administration.</p>

Модели за идентификацију и квантификацију фaктoрa кojи утичу нa прихвaтaњe инфoрмaциoних тeхнoлoгиja у лoгистичким прeдузeћимa / Modeli za identifikaciju i kvantifikaciju faktora koji utiču na prihvatanje informacionih tehnologija u logističkim preduzećima / The models for identification and quantification of the determinants of ICT adoption in logistics enterprises

Ilin Vladimir 03 September 2018 (has links)
<p>У докторској дисертацији је разматрано прихватање информационих технологија у логистичким предузећима. Формирана су два истраживачка модела: DOI-TOE-1 и DOI-TOE-2. На основу DOI-TOE-1 модела утврђено је да фактори директне и индиректне предности, подршка топ-менаџмента, регулаторна подршка државе и ресурсна подршка државе имају позитиван статистички значајан утицај на прихватање е-пословања у предузећима која пружају логистичке услуге и предузећима која имају развијен сектор логистике. Испитивање је извршено над прикупљеним подацима у Републици Србији, Републици Хрватској, Босни и Херцеговини, Црној Гори и Републици Македонији. На основу DOI-TOE-2 модела утврђено је да у предузећима која пружају логистичке услуге у Републици Србији статистички значајан утицај имају фактори: број запослених и број инжењера логистике у предузећу на прихватање система за управљање складиштем, број инжењера логистике у предузећу и обим логистичких услуга на прихватање система за управљање транспортом, обим логистичких услуга на прихватање технологије електронске размене података, број запослених у предузећу на прихватање cloud computing технологије, број ИТ инжењера у предузећу на прихватање технологије радио-фреквентне идентификације и број запослених у предузећу на прихватање бар-код технологије.</p> / <p>U doktorskoj disertaciji je razmatrano prihvatanje informacionih tehnologija u logističkim preduzećima. Formirana su dva istraživačka modela: DOI-TOE-1 i DOI-TOE-2. Na osnovu DOI-TOE-1 modela utvrđeno je da faktori direktne i indirektne prednosti, podrška top-menadžmenta, regulatorna podrška države i resursna podrška države imaju pozitivan statistički značajan uticaj na prihvatanje e-poslovanja u preduzećima koja pružaju logističke usluge i preduzećima koja imaju razvijen sektor logistike. Ispitivanje je izvršeno nad prikupljenim podacima u Republici Srbiji, Republici Hrvatskoj, Bosni i Hercegovini, Crnoj Gori i Republici Makedoniji. Na osnovu DOI-TOE-2 modela utvrđeno je da u preduzećima koja pružaju logističke usluge u Republici Srbiji statistički značajan uticaj imaju faktori: broj zaposlenih i broj inženjera logistike u preduzeću na prihvatanje sistema za upravljanje skladištem, broj inženjera logistike u preduzeću i obim logističkih usluga na prihvatanje sistema za upravljanje transportom, obim logističkih usluga na prihvatanje tehnologije elektronske razmene podataka, broj zaposlenih u preduzeću na prihvatanje cloud computing tehnologije, broj IT inženjera u preduzeću na prihvatanje tehnologije radio-frekventne identifikacije i broj zaposlenih u preduzeću na prihvatanje bar-kod tehnologije.</p> / <p>Doctoral dissertation overviews the adoption of information technologies in logistics enterprises. Two research models were developed: DOI-TOE-1 and DOI-TOE-2. Based on the DOI-TOE-1 model, it was established that the determinants of direct and indirect advantage, top management support, government regulatory support and government resource support have a positive statistically significant influence on adopting e-business in companies providing logistics services and in companies with a developed logistics sector. The research was conducted using data from the Republic of Serbia, Republic of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and FYR Macedonia. Using the DOI-TOE-2 model, it was determined that in companies providing logistics services in the Republic of Serbia, statistically significant impact can be attributed to the following determinants: the number of employees and the number of logistics engineers in a company influences the warehouse management system adoption; the number of logistics engineers and the range of logistics services in a company influences the adoption of transportation management system; the range of logistics services in a company impacts the adoption of electronic data interchange technology; the number of employees in a company influences the cloud computing technology adoption; the number of IT engineers in a company impacts the adoption of the radio-frequency identification technology; and the number of employees in a company impacts the barcode technology adoption.</p>

A Unified Framework for e-Commerce Systems Development : Business Process Pattern Perspective

Jayaweera, Prasad M. January 2004 (has links)
In electronic commerce, systems development is based on two fundamental types of models, business models and process models. A business model is concerned with value exchanges among business partners, while a process model focuses on operational and procedural aspects of business communication. Thus, a business model defines the what in an e-commerce system, while a process model defines the how. Business process design can be facilitated and improved by a method for systematically moving from a business model to a process model. Such a method would provide support for traceability, evaluation of design alternatives, and seamless transition from analysis to realization. This work proposes a unified framework that can be used as a basis to analyze, to interpret and to understand different concepts associated at different stages in e-Commerce system development. In this thesis, we illustrate how UN/CEFACT’s recommended metamodels for business and process design can be analyzed, extended and then integrated for the final solutions based on the proposed unified framework. Also, as an application of the framework, we demonstrate how process-modeling tasks can be facilitated in e-Commerce system design. The proposed methodology, called BP3 stands for Business Process Patterns Perspective. The BP3 methodology uses a question-answer interface to capture different business requirements from the designers. It is based on pre-defined process patterns, and the final solution is generated by applying the captured business requirements by means of a set of production rules to complete the inter-process communication among these patterns.

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