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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Falola, Adekunle Samuel 29 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Study of Methods to Create and Control Electrospun Liquid Jets

Sunthornvarabhas, Jackapon 03 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Development of Precise Femtosecond Laser Micromachining Processes for Metals and Electrospun Nanofibers

Park, ChangKyoo 01 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Wettability Modification of Electrospun Poly(ε-caprolactone) Fiber Surfaces by Femtosecond Laser Irradiation

He, Lingna January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Engineering electrospun scaffolds to treat myocardial infarction

Guo, Xiaolei 16 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Metodologické řešení detekce odpovědi scaffoldů na mechanické namáhání v závislosti na stupni hydratace / Methodological detection solution scaffolds response to mechanical stress, depending on the degree of hydration

Mejzlíková, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
Title: Methodological detection solution scaffolds response to mechanical stress, depending on the degree of hydration Objectives: Determining the extent of lateral deformation u scaffolds made of PVA polymer electrospinning technique. Identify the extent of differences in transverse deformation for different groups of nanofiber scaffolds made of PVA polymer electrospinning technique. Methods: Research scaffolds, we used a measuring device μ-tester, which has two jaws. For the measurement, we chose uniaxial tension test in -tester and record the fluorescence microscope was used with HD camera Olympus 320 for online video recording. Results: The results of this study showed that the ratio of the samples U: L and crosslinking time affects the degree of lateral deformation of the samples scaffolds. Samples scaffolds are compressible, some groups even reached the limits of incompressibility 0.5 Poisson's ratio. Keywords: Poisson, Poisson's ratio, scaffold, nanofiber scaffold, scaffold hydrated, electrospun scaffold, lateral deformation

Nanofilms de platine supportes sur des nanofibres de carbone et de nickel : nouveaux catalyseurs pour piles à combustible / Platinum Thin Films Supported on Carbon and Nickel Nanofibres as Catalyst for PEM Fuel Cells

Farina, Filippo 26 November 2018 (has links)
De nouveaux électrocatalyseurs avec nanofilm de platine pour la réaction de réduction de l'oxygène avec application dans des piles à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons ont été développés. Ces catalyseurs comprennent des films minces de platine déposés sur des réseaux de nanofibres de carbone. Des supports de nanofibres de carbone et de nanobrosse ont été préparés par électrofilage suivi de traitements thermiques pour la stabilisation et la graphitisation. Une méthode innovante d’électrodéposition pulsée à surpotentiel élevé a été développée pour le dépôt de nanofilm de platine sur des supports de nanofibres de carbone et de nanobrosse, ainsi que sur du graphite pyrolytique hautement orienté dont la planéité permet de caractériser le dépôt avec microscopie à force et électronique. Ces approches ont conduit à des électrodes en nanofibres autosupportées avec une porosité qui a été accordée à un matériau de plus en plus dense d'un côté à l'autre, où le côté présentant la plus grande surface était utilisé pour déposer du platine. Les électrodes ont été caractérisées ex situ en utilisant voltampérométrie cyclique, en démontrant une activité plus élevée pour la réaction de réduction de l'oxygène et une durabilité contre des cycles de tension plus élevée que les catalyseurs classiques au platine sur carbone. Ces électrodes ont été assemblés directement avec une membrane et une anode et caractérisés in situ dans une pile à combustible. Des films minces de platine ont également été préparés à la surface des nanofibres de nickel en utilisant le nouvelle approche de l'échange galvanique assisté par micro-ondes ; divers paramètres expérimentaux ont été étudiés pour déterminer leur effet sur l'échange et la morphologie du platine. Les fibres de nickel@platine résultantes ont présenté une électroactivité élevée pour la réaction de réduction d'oxygène et ont été caractérisées comme des électrocatalyseurs non supportés à la cathode d'un assemblage d'électrodes à membrane; des travaux supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour les stabiliser contre la perte de nickel de l’électrocatalyseur vers l’électrolyte. / Novel platinum thin film electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction of proton exchange membrane fuel cells were developed. These catalysts comprise platinum thin films deposited on carbon nanofibrous webs. Carbon nanofibres and nanobrush supports were prepared by electrospinning followed by thermal treatments for stabilisation and graphitisation. An innovative pulsed high overpotential electrodeposition method was developed to deposit platinum thin films both on carbon nanofibre and nanobrush supports, and also on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite, the planarity of which allowed detailed characterisation of the conformity, contiguity and thickness of the platinum films using atomic force and electron microscopy. These approaches led to self-standing nanofibre electrodes with porosity that was tuned to increasingly dense material from one side to the other, where the side presenting highest surface area was used to deposit platinum. The electrodes were characterised ex situ using cycling voltammetry where they demonstrated higher activity for the oxygen reduction reaction and greater durability on voltage cycling than conventional platinum on carbon catalysts. They were also assembled directly with a membrane and anode and characterised in situ in a single fuel cell. Thin platinum films were also prepared at the surface of nickel nanofibres using a novel approach to galvanic exchange assisted by microwaves, and a range of experimental parameters was investigated to determine their effect on the extent of exchange and the resulting platinum morphology. While the resulting nickel@platinum core@shell fibres demonstrated high electroactivity for the oxygen reduction reaction and were characterised as unsupported electrocatalysts at the cathode of a membrane electrode assembly, further work is required to stabilise them against nickel leaching from the catalyst to the electrolyte.

Development of Temperature Buffering Material Concepts Based on Electro-Hydrodynamic Processing of Interest in the Food Cold Chain

CHALCO SANDOVAL, WILSON 01 January 2016 (has links)
[EN] The use of latent heat storage materials containing phase change materials (PCM's) is an effective way of buffering thermal fluctuations and has the advantages of high-energy storage density and the isothermal nature of the storage process. The aim of this work was to develop novel heat management materials based on the encapsulation of PCM's for different applications of interest in refrigerated foods. To this end, the electro-hydrodynamic processing was used to encapsulate commercial PCM's with transition temperatures of interest in refrigeration and superchilling within different polymer and biopolymer matrices. Initially, materials with heat management capacity to be used in refrigeration equipment and packaging applications were designed. To this end, thick slabs, multilayer heat storage structures and polystyrene foam trays containing ultrathin fiber-structured polystyrene/PCM coatings were fabricated through the encapsulation of commercial phase change materials (specifically paraffin's) within different polymeric matrices. The morphology, thermal properties, encapsulation efficiency and temperature profile of the just prepared structures and after three months of storage at 4 and 25ºC were evaluated. However, the developed electrospun heat management materials showed a multiple crystallization profile, increased supercooling degree (difference between the melting and crystallization temperatures), low encapsulation efficiency and partial diffusion out of the PCM from the electrospun structures during ageing. Therefore, different strategies were been carried out to counteract these drawbacks. One the one hand, thermal energy storage systems including a PCM which crystallize at -1.5ºC were optimized by adjusting the solvent composition in order to obtain hybrid electrospun fibers with thermal properties similar to those of the neat PCM. On the other hand, a hydrophilic shell material based on polyvinylalcohol (PVOH) was used to encapsulate the PCM by using the emulsion electrospinning technique in order to improve the encapsulation efficiency. However, the hybrid structures thus prepared were highly soluble in water at high relative humidity conditions and an extra layer of a more hydrophobic material (polycaprolactone) through coaxial electrospinning was used to protect them from swelling. The use of the coaxial configuration was a good strategy to preserve the morphology of the electrospun structures when exposed to high relative humidity. / [ES] El uso de materiales de almacenamiento de calor latente que contienen materiales de cambio de fase (PCM's) es una manera eficiente de amortiguar las fluctuaciones de temperatura y presenta las ventajas de proveer alta densidad de almacenamiento de energía y la naturaleza isotérmica del proceso de almacenamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar nuevos materiales con capacidad de gestión de calor mediante la encapsulación de PCM's para diferentes aplicaciones de interés en alimentos refrigerados. Para ello, se utilizó el procesado electrohidrodinámico para encapsular PCM's comerciales con temperaturas de transición de fase de interés en refrigeración y superenfriamiento dentro de matrices poliméricas y biopoliméricas. Inicialmente, se diseñaron materiales con capacidad de gestión de calor para ser utilizados en equipos de refrigeración y aplicaciones de envasado. Con este propósito, se fabricaron bloques, estructuras multicapa y bandejas de poliestireno que contenían un recubrimiento de fibras nanoestructuradas ultrafinas mediante la encapsulación de materiales de cambio de fase (especialmente parafinas) dentro de diferentes matrices poliméricas. Se evaluó la morfología, propiedades térmicas, eficiencia de encapsulación y perfil de temperatura de las estructuras recién preparadas y después de tres meses de almacenamiento a 4 y 25ºC. No obstante, se observó que los materiales electroestirados con capacidad de gestión de calor presentaron un perfil de cristalización múltiple, un incremento en el grado de subenfriamiento (diferencia entre las temperaturas de fusión y de cristalización), baja eficiencia de encapsulación y una difusión parcial del PCM de las estructuras electroestiradas durante el periodo de almacenamiento. Para contrarrestar estos efectos, se llevaron a cabo dos estrategias diferentes. Por un lado, se optimizaron los sistemas de almacenamiento de energía térmica incluyendo un PCM que cristaliza a -1.5ºC mediante el ajuste de la composición de los disolventes con el fin de obtener fibras hibridas electroestiradas con propiedades térmicas similares al PCM puro. Por otro lado, para mejorar la eficiencia de encapsulación se utilizó un material hidrófilo basado en polivinilalcohol (PVOH) como material de recubrimiento para encapsular el PCM usando la técnica de electroestirado a partir de una emulsión. Sin embargo, se observó que las estructuras hibridas preparadas fueron altamente solubles en agua y en condiciones de alta humedad relativa. Por tanto, para protegerlos se incorporó una capa adicional de un material más hidrofóbico (policaprolactona) mediante la técnica de electroestirado coaxial. El uso de la configuración coaxial fue la mejor estrategia para preservar la morfología de las estructuras electroestiradas cuando éstas fueron expuestas a condiciones de alta humedad relativa. / [CAT] L'ús de materials d'emmagatzematge de calor latent que contenen materials de canvi de fase (PCM) és una manera eficaç d'esmorteir les fluctuacions tèrmiques. A més a més presenta els avantatges de posseir una alta densitat d'emmagatzematge energia així com la naturalesa isotèrmica del procés d'emmagatzematge. L'objectiu d'aquest treball va ser desenvolupar productes amb capacitat de gestió de calor mitjançat l' encapsulació de PCM per a diferents aplicacions d'interès en la conservació d'aliments refrigerats. Amb aquesta finalitat, es va utilitzar el processament electro-hidrodinàmic per encapsular PCM comercials dins de diferents matrius polimériques i biopolimériques, amb temperatures de transició d'interès en el procés de conservació d'aliments refrigerats. Inicialment, es van dissenyar materials amb capacitat de gestió de calor per ser utilitzats en equips de refrigeració i en el envasat d'aliments refrigerats. Per a tal fi, es van dissenyar blocs, materials multicapa i safates de poliestirè que contenien un recobriment nanoestructurat i ultrafí amb encapsulats de materials de canvi de fase comercials (específicament parafines) dins de diverses matrius polimèriques. Es va caracteritzar la morfologia, les propietats tèrmiques, l'eficiència de encapsulació i la capacitat d'emmagatzematge d'energia just en el moment en el que es van preparar i després de tres mesos d'emmagatzematge a 4 y 25ºC. No obstant això, els materials desenvolupats van mostrar un perfil de cristal·lització múltiple, un augment del grau de subrefredament (diferència entre les temperatures de fusió i de cristal·lització), una baixa eficiència d'encapsulació i una difusió parcial del PCM de les estructures electroestirades durant el període d'emmagatzematge. Per tant, diferents estratègies han estat portades a terme per contrarestar aquests inconvenients. D'una banda, amb la finalitat d'obtenir fibres híbrides electroestirades amb propietats tèrmiques similars a les de la PCM pur, es van optimitzar els sistemes d'emmagatzematge d'energia tèrmica que incloïen un PCM que fon a -1,5 ºC variant la composició dels dissolvents. D'altra banda, es va utilitzar un material de la closca hidròfil basat en polivinílic alcohol (PVOH) per encapsular el PCM mitjançant l'ús de la tècnica d'electroestirat d'una emulsió per tal de millorar l'eficiència d'encapsulació. No obstant això, les estructures híbrides així preparades van ser altament soluble en aigua a altes condicions d'humitat relativa i va ser necessari utilitzar una capa addicional d'un material més hidròfob (policaprolactona) a través de la configuració coaxial de l'equip d'electroestirat. L'ús de la configuració coaxial va ser una bona estratègia per preservar la morfologia de les estructures electroestirades quan s'exposen a altes humitats relatives. / Chalco Sandoval, W. (2015). Development of Temperature Buffering Material Concepts Based on Electro-Hydrodynamic Processing of Interest in the Food Cold Chain [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/53349 / TESIS


Naagarajan Narayanan (8081408) 31 January 2022 (has links)
Skeletal muscle injuries and muscle degenerative diseases pose significant challenges to the healthcare. Surgical interventions are restricted due to tissue availability, donor site morbidity and alterations to tissue biomechanics. Current cell-based therapies are hindered by low survival and long-term engraftment for the transplanted cells due to the lack of appropriate supportive microenvironment (cell niche) in the injured muscle. Therefore, there is a critical need for developing strategies that provide cellular and structural support in the regeneration of functional muscle. In the present work, a bioengineered cell niche mimicking the native skeletal muscle microenvironment has been developed for skeletal muscle regenerative engineering. It is hypothesized that the bioengineered scaffolds with appropriate structural and cell instructive properties will support myoblast alignment and function, as well as promote the myogenic responses in clinically relevant skeletal muscle injuries. The current work utilized a three-pronged approach to design biomaterial scaffolds to aid in skeletal muscle regeneration. In the first part, aligned poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) fiber scaffolds mimicking the oriented muscle fiber microenvironment with fiber diameters of 335±154 nm (nanoscale), 1352±225 nm (microscale) and 3013±531 nm (microscale) were fabricated and characterized. Myoblasts were found to respond to fiber diameter as observed from the differences in cell alignment, cell elongation, cell spreading area, proliferation and differentiation. <i>In vivo</i> study demonstrated the potential of using microscale fiber scaffolds to improve myogenic potential in the <i>mdx</i> mouse model. In the second part, we designed, synthesized, and characterized an implantable glycosaminoglycan-based composite hydrogel consisting of hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate and polyethylene glycol (HA-CS) with tailored structural and mechanical properties for skeletal muscle regeneration applications. We demonstrated that HA-CS hydrogels provided a suitable microenvironment for <i>in vitro</i> myoblast proliferation and differentiation. Furthermore, <i>in vivo</i> studies using a volumetric muscle loss model in the mouse quadriceps showed that HA-CS hydrogels integrated with the surrounding host tissue and facilitated <i>de novo</i> myofiber generation, angiogenesis, nerve innervation and minimized scar tissue formation. In the third part, we investigated the effects of PC12 secreted signaling factors in modulating C2C12 myoblast behavior. We showed that PC12 conditioned media modulated myoblast proliferation and differentiation in both 2D culture and 3D aligned electrospun fiber scaffold system in a dose dependent manner. We also demonstrated the biomimetic HA-CS hydrogel system enabled 3D encapsulation of PC12 cells secreting signaling factors and promoted survival and proliferation of myoblasts in co-culture. Further proteomics analysis identified a total of 2088 protein/peptides from the secretome of the encapsulated PC12 cells and revealed the biological role and overlapping functions of nerve secreted proteins for skeletal muscle regeneration, potentially through regulating myoblast behavior, nerve function, and angiogenesis. These set of experiments not only provide critical insight on exploiting the interactions between muscle cells and their microenvironment, but they also open new avenues for developing advanced bioengineered scaffolds for regenerative engineering of skeletal muscle tissues.<br>

Synthesis and Antimicrobial Properties of Silver(I) N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes

Melaiye, Abdulkareem M. 23 September 2005 (has links)
No description available.

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