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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les négociants rochelais au XVIIIe siècle : formations, évolutions et révolutions d'une élite / The rochelais merchants in the XVIIIth century : formations, evolutions and revolutions of an elite

Martinetti, Brice 30 November 2012 (has links)
Au XVIIIe siècle, La Rochelle vit au rythme de son grand commerce colonial, né à la confluence du marché canadien, de la droiture avec les Antilles et de la traite négrière. Au sein de la ville atlantique, se démarque dès lors une élite tenant le haut du pavé : les négociants. Moteur de la croissance et de l’emploi, à la tête des plus grandes fortunes et propriétaires des plus beaux hôtels particuliers, ils forment un milieu socioprofessionnel ouvert et disposent d’un esprit de corps autour duquel se cristallisent une conscience et une culture partagées. Regroupés derrière leur chambre de commerce et valorisés par l’honorabilité de leur profession, les négociants réussissent sans mal à se positionner comme des figures incontournables de la société rochelaise, ayant une influence certaine sur la vie de la cité et pesant de tout leur poids face aux élites traditionnelles d’Ancien Régime.Les constats issus d’une pesée historiographique et bibliographique sont toutefois sans appel : si les travaux jusqu’ici menés sont majoritairement restés inféodés à l’étude des rouages de l’économie rochelaise, force est de constater que nous n’avons aucune vision d’ensemble du milieu négociant. Il y a là un vide scientifique certain qu’il est nécessaire de combler. En usant de protocoles et de questionnements plus mosaïques, cette thèse a pour ambition d’être la première étude socioculturelle vouée aux grands entrepreneurs du commerce rochelais. A l’appui de plus de dix mille documents d’époque mis en articulation, surgissent 738 négociants qui, au XVIIIe siècle, constituent l’âme et le cœur de La Rochelle. / In the 18th century, the pace of life in La Rochelle was dictated by the rhythm of its great colonial commerce, at the confluence of the canadian market, the direct route to the Caribbean and the slave trade. Within this atlantic town, an elite soon reached the top of the ladder : the merchants. Prime movers for economic growth and employment, owners of the greatest fortunes and most beautiful mansions, they formed an open socio-professional class with a group spirit centred on a common consciousness and shared culture. United behind their chamber of commerce and esteemed as a result of their honourable profession, the merchants easily established themselves as indispensable figures of Rochelais society, exerting a considerable influence on city life and bringing pressure to bear against the traditional elites of the Ancien Régime.However, any historiographical and bibliographical study of the subject reveals an inescapable fact : to date, the work undertaken has largely concentrated on the workings of the local economy, and there is no global overview of the merchant world. This scientific void needs to be filled. By using more varied methods and forms of inquiry, this thesis aims to be the first socio-cultural study of the great trading entrepreneurs of La Rochelle. Drawing on more than ten thousand documents from the time, 738 merchants stand out, who, in the eighteenth century, constituted the body and soul of La Rochelle.

Les Maréchaux de France au XVIIIe siècle. Histoire sociale, politique et culturelle d’une élite militaire / The Marshals of France in the Enlightenment. Social, political and cultural history of a military Elite

Surreaux, Simon 26 November 2011 (has links)
Dans la société d’Ancien Régime, les maréchaux de France avaient pour fonction la conduite des armées du roi. Au XVIIIe siècle, la plupart des quatre-vingts officiers généraux distingués par le maréchalat le furent à un âge avancé. Cette thèse montre dans une première partie l’évolution d’une dignité accordée à l’origine pour commander à la guerre vers une faveur décernée en période de paix. Les parties suivantes sont consacrées à la place de cette élite dans la société. Par l’étude des alliances matrimoniales, il s’agit de comprendre dans quelle mesure l’endogamie ou l’exogamie nobiliaires s’inscrivirent dans une stratégie de préservation patrimoniale et d’enrichissement.Les actes notariés contribuent à étudier l’assise de leur fortune. Le patrimoine, les dettes ainsi que les revenus informent sur les mouvements de cette fortune, indiquant qu’il s’agissait d’un groupe économiquement dynamique et cantonné aux formes traditionnelles de placements. On peut ainsi déterminer la place des maréchaux dans la ville au travers de leur quotidien, dans leurs demeures et par la gestion de leur fortune. La dernière partie s’interroge sur la culture de cette élite militaire. Une analyse systématique des testaments informe sur leurs attitudes devant la mort. Les curiosités intérieures de cette élite militaire renseignent sur les comportements de collectionneurs de certains maréchaux. La place des maréchaux dans la vie sociale du temps, dans les académies parisiennes ou provinciales, dans les loges maçonniques et certains salons, achève cette réflexion. / In the society of the Ancient Regime, the marshals of France were in charge of the king’s military. In the 18th century, most of the eighty general officers were quite elderly when granted marshalcy. In a first part, this PhD highlights the shift from a title initially acquired to command during wartime to a favour granted during peacetime. The following parts explore the place of this elite within society. Through the study of matrimonial alliances, it is to be understood to what extent nobiliary endogamy or exogamy were part of a strategy of heritage maintenance and enrichment. The notarial deeds contribute to study the base of their wealth. The analysis of their heritage, debts and incomes permits to identify the fluctuations of their wealth, which shows that the marshals were an economically dynamic group and depending solely on traditional forms of investment. One can thus rebuild the marshals’ place in the city through their daily lives and their heritage’s management. The last part focuses on the culture of this military elite. The systematic analysis of wills testifies to their attitudes towards death. The internal curiosities of these noble men of war informs us about their behaviours as collectors. The marshals’ place in the social life of the time, in the Parisian or provincial academies, in the Masonic lodges, and certain salons, ends up this social, political as well as cultural history of a military elite that had been forgotten so far.

Ett liv i idrottens tjänst - vad händer sen? : En studie om elitidrottares idrottsavslut och positionering efter idrottskarriären

Hörberg, Hampus, Saedén, Lina January 2017 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to deepen the knowledge of elite athletes termination of their sport careers. The study also tries to understand the reasons behind where the former elite athletes position themselves in the labor market. The empirical data consists of interviews with 8 former elite atheltes, who all ended their careers within the last five years. The data was analyzed in light of Pierre Bourdieus theory, cultural capital and the related field concept. Based on Bourdieu's concept of capital, we understand elite athletes careers as a capital accumulation by something we call the elite sports capital.   The results of this study indicates that the termination of´a sports career is a complex process, where it proved important to have the decision to terminate into their own hands. We have also been able to show differences in capital compositions between those who experienced anxiety about life after their sporting careers and those who did not. In cases where the termination of career was associated with feeling anxious, we could show that the level of concern was dependent on informants' equity compositions, in which the resource-poor tended to experience more anxiety than them with strong resources.   Common to those who stayed in the clear sports related careers after own sporting careers, was their capital composition. Their assets are mainly in elite sports capital, which refers to the exact position in the sports field. For those who positioned themselves outside the sports field, made up of their resources above all a cultural capital along with elite sports capital.

Gentes do mato: os \"novos assimilados\" em Luanda (1926-1961) / People of the kill: the \"new assimilated\" in Luanda (1926-1961)

Nascimento, Washington Santos 07 October 2013 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo compreender como pessoas da zona rural angolana utilizaram-se das possibilidades de ascensão social institucionalizadas pelo Estatuto do Indigenato (1926-1961) para constituir-se numa elite letrada, de origem rural, em Luanda. A tese a qual defendo é a de que, em decorrência da maior presença de portugueses e angolanos vindos do interior, acentuou-se, na capital de Angola, uma cisão entre a cidade, representada em grande parte pelos portugueses, mas também pela elite letrada crioula, e o mato, cujos expoentes que mais se expressaram em forma de entrevistas, depoimentos e obras literárias foram os novos assimilados. Para entender essa história, utilizaram-se como fonte central as memórias (e esquecimentos) de angolanos que viveram em Luanda entre os anos 1926 e 1961 e que obtiveram o estatuto de assimilados. Tais memórias foram entendidas à luz da teoria de Paul Ricoeur (2007), em uma relação dialógica entre o eu (memória individual), os próximos (memória compartilhada com sua geração) e os outros (memória coletiva, social, pública). / This thesis aims to understand how Angolan interior we used the reduced opportunities for social advancement created by the Statute of Indigenato (1926-1961) to constitute themselves as a literate elite, assimilated, country of origin, within the capital of the colony, Luanda. The thesis which I argue is that due to the increased presence of Portuguese and Angolans from inside, deepened, the capital of Angola, a split between the \"city\", represented largely by the Portuguese, but also by literate elite Creole, and \"kill\", whose exponents that best expressed in the form of interviews, testimonies and literary works were the \"new assimilated.\" To understand this story we used as the central source memory (and forgetting) of Angolans in Luanda who lived between the years 1926 to 1961 and obtained the status of assimilates. Such memories were understood from Paul Ricoeur (2007), in a dialogical relationship between the self (individual memory), the next (memory shared with his generation) and others (collective memory, social, public) and are present in interviews, memoirs and literary works.

Reforma dos costumes: elite médica, progresso e o combate às más condições de saúde no Brasil do século XIX / Change of habits: medical elite, progress and fight against poor health conditions in Brazil in the XIXth century

Eugênio, Alisson 10 September 2008 (has links)
Até a Ilustração, em decorrência da grande influência da religião no imaginário popular, das enormes limitações do saber médico e da ausência de serviço público de saúde, o êxito do processo de cura dos enfermos era predominantemente concebido antes de tudo como uma graça de Deus, concedida aos que fossem dignos de merecê-la. Por essa razão, a maior parte da população ficava entregue à sua própria sorte quando se via ameaçada pelas doenças. A partir de então, com o impulso dado à ciência, que já vinha sendo estimulada desde a Renascença, a elite médica começou a reformular as bases da medicina. Em meio a isso, foi mostrando a possibilidade de os problemas de saúde serem combatidos, inclusive preventivamente, por meio da combinação entre as técnicas de tal campo de conhecimento e ações governamentais. Assim, ela mobilizou-se para, por um lado, aprimorar os seus recursos contra as enfermidades com novas descobertas, por outro, elaborar propostas destinadas à melhora das condições da saúde pública, uma vez que essa melhora estava sendo cada vez mais compreendida como um pré-requisito do avanço da civilização e como uma necessidade humanitária. No Brasil, a elite médica que aqui atuou no século XIX, em sintonia com a reformulação do seu saber que estava ocorrendo na Europa e com alguns ideais da Ilustração, sobretudo o de progresso, empenhou-se para apresentar meios que pudessem superar a péssima situação sanitária do país. Dessa forma, seguindo a tendência de seus pares europeus, ela buscou promover a institucionalização da medicina, criando instituições de pesquisa e divulgação de conhecimento, para defender seus interesses corporativos e combater as causas que muito comprometiam a saúde dos indivíduos em geral, inclusive dos escravos. Entre elas, dedicou especial atenção àquelas que poderiam ser superadas com a mudança de costumes, tanto em relação ao corpo das cidades, quanto aos corpos dos seus habitantes. Com esse objetivo, os médicos que integravam a elite do seu campo de conhecimento no Brasil defenderam a intervenção governamental na vida social para impor novos hábitos condizentes com os preceitos da higiene à população, bem como a necessidade de a saúde ser transformada em objeto de interesse público, de acordo com o que estava ocorrendo na Europa desde a Ilustração, o que, com efeito, aos poucos foi aproximando o seu saber ao poder do Estado. Desse modo, eles acabaram, por meio dessa aproximação e do seu esforço destinado a promover uma reforma dos costumes prejudiciais à saúde, sendo convertidos na sociedade brasileira em um dos seus principais agentes reformadores a partir do século XIX. / Until the Enlightenment, due to the large influence of religion in peoples lives, the great limitations of medical knowledge and the absence of a decent public health service, the success of the healing processes was mainly conceived as Holy Grace, presented to those who were found worthy of it. Thus people were forced to rely on their own luck when threatened by diseases. From then on, with the throttle in science, which had already been encouraged ever since the Renaissance, the medical elite began to reformulate the basis of medicine. Meanwhile, it began to show a possibility of effective treatment for health problems, including preventive medicine through by combining its techniques along with governmental action. Hence it was mobilized so that on one hand it could develop its resources against diseases with new discoveries while on the other hand elaborating propositions to improve public health conditions, since it became clear that this was a requirement for the advancements in society and a human necessity. In Brazil, the medical elite had its major influence during the XIX century, in synchrony with the reformulating of its knowledge, the same went on in Europe enforced by Enlightenment ideals, particularly that of progress, working its way to change the decadent sanitary system of the country. Hence, following a European tendency, it struggled to promote the institutionalizing of medicine, creating research institutions and means to spread knowledge, to defend its corporative interests and fight the cause of health problems among the general public, including the slaves. Among which special focus was dedicated to those that could be overcome by the change of habits, in terms of city prospects, as well as its inhabitants. With this in mind, physicians who were part of the elite in their field of work in Brazil defended government intervention within social aspects to impose habits condescend with the hygienic precepts of the population, as well as the need of making health an object of public interest, accordingly to what had been happening in Europe since the Enlightenment, which, as a result, little by little approximated its knowledge to State power. Thus it was accomplished through this approximation and struggle destined to promote change in the habits which were prejudicial to health, having thus been converted in Brazilian society in one of its main reforming agents since the 19th century.

Elite agrária e processo de urbanização: o município de Varginha-MG (1882-1920) / The agrarian elite and the urbanization process: the city of Varginha - MG (1882-1920)

Ferreira, Natânia Silva 19 December 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata da formação e urbanização do município de Varginha, situado no Sul de Minas Gerais, do período de sua emancipação (1882) até 1920. Varginha foi uma das cidades sul-mineiras emancipadas num contexto de expansão da atividade da cafeicultura pelo estado, sendo elevada à categoria de vila justamente quando o Brasil como um todo passava por modernização de padrões de consumo, com destaque para o processo de urbanização, ou seja, a transição do século XIX para o século XX. Abordou-se o processo de urbanização do município por meio, sobretudo, de atas de Câmara, registros de imóveis e inventários post-mortem pertencentes ao município, formado pela cidade de Varginha e, na época, os distritos de Pontal e Carmo da Cachoeira. Com as atas da Câmara Municipal, foi destacado o processo de urbanização local conduzido pelos vereadores, com a aprovação de projetos e leis relativos às melhorias urbanas; por meio dos registros de imóveis, partindo de análises das transações de imóveis rurais e urbanos, foi possível compreender como parte da população lidava com as transformações do espaço urbano; por fim, com a utilização dos inventários post-mortem, considerando a estrutura de riqueza do conjunto de inventariados e de membros da elite, entendemos quem eram as personagens que mais se beneficiavam das transformações urbanas. Com esses três grupos de fontes primárias além de demais fontes e bibliografia empregadas na dissertação foi possível reconstruir a História Econômica de Varginha, dando atenção para as especificidades de seu processo de urbanização. Varginha passava por transformações em seu espaço urbano, porém, ao mesmo tempo, contava com grande peso de atividades ligadas ao campo, daí o processo de urbanização marcado pela presença de uma elite agrária. / This research describes the development and urbanization of the city of Varginha, located in southern Minas Gerais, from the period of their emancipation (1882) until 1920. Varginha was one of the emancipated towns from the south of Minas Gerais in a context of expansion of the coffee growing activity by the state, it was elevated to a village just when Brazil as a whole was undergoing modernization consumption patterns, highlighting the process of urbanization, that is, the transition from the nineteenth to the twentieth century. Its urbanization process was dealt with, mainly, by using records of the city council, property registrations and postmortem inventories belonging to the municipality, which was formed by the city of Varginha and, at the time, the districts of Pontal and Carmo da Cachoeira. With the records of the city council, the local urbanization process conducted by city councilors was highlighted, with the approval of projects and laws relating to urban improvements; by the property records, from analysis of rural and urban real estate transactions, it was possible to understand how a share of the population dealt with the transformation of urban space; finally, with the use of postmortem inventories, considering the wealth structure of the set of inventoried and members of the elite, we understand who were the characters who most benefited from the urban transformations. With these three groups of primary sources in addition to other sources and references used in the dissertation it was possible to reconstruct the Economic History of Varginha, focusing on the specifics of its urbanization process. Varginha was undergoing changes in its urban space, but at the same time, had a great amount of activities related to the countryside, hence the process of urbanization marked by the presence of agrarian elite.

The search for public sphere in modern China: the case of Shanghai 1843-1914.

January 1994 (has links)
by Lai Yiu Keung. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 217-236). / CHAPTERS: / Chapter ONE. --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter A. --- The Problems of Civil Society --- p.1 / Chapter B. --- What does Habermas say? --- p.6 / Chapter C. --- Criticism on Habermas´ةs Concept --- p.15 / Chapter D. --- Public Sphere in recent Historiography of China --- p.21 / Chapter E. --- The Conceptual Framework of this Study --- p.26 / Chapter F. --- Justification of this Study --- p.30 / Chapter G. --- Why Shanghai? --- p.33 / Chapter H. --- A Methodological Note --- p.36 / Chapter TWO. --- Shanghai: City and People --- p.38 / Chapter A. --- Shanghai before the Arrival of Foreigners --- p.38 / Chapter B. --- The Political Significance of the Settlements --- p.42 / Chapter C. --- The Favourable Location of Shanghai --- p.48 / Chapter D. --- Structural Changes --- p.51 / Chapter E. --- Concluding Remarks --- p.60 / Chapter THREE. --- Shanghai as a Community --- p.65 / Chapter A. --- Traditional Merchant Organizations in Shanghai --- p.66 / Chapter B. --- From Exclusiveness to Inclusiveness --- p.72 / Chapter C. --- Toward Community-Wide Leadership --- p.73 / Chapter D. --- The North China Famine Relief and Macroregional Mobilizations --- p.79 / Chapter E. --- Western Influence and the Rise of Civic Consciousness --- p.82 / Chapter F. --- Concluding Remarks --- p.87 / Chapter four. --- Public Sphere in Shanghai: Institutions and Actors --- p.90 / Chapter A. --- Moving toward Constitutional Government --- p.90 / Chapter B --- . Institutional Bases --- p.99 / Chapter a. --- The Shanghai City Council --- p.101 / Chapter b. --- The Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce --- p.106 / Chapter c. --- Political Press and the Formation of Public Opinion --- p.111 / Chapter C. --- The Urban Reformist Elite --- p.114 / Chapter D. --- Concluding Remarks --- p.120 / Chapter FIVE. --- Public Sphere in Action I: The Anti-American Boycott in1905 --- p.122 / Chapter A. --- Background --- p.122 / Chapter B. --- The Development of Boycott --- p.126 / Chapter C. --- Organization and Leadership --- p.128 / Chapter D. --- Methods --- p.130 / Chapter E. --- Supports --- p.134 / Chapter a. --- Mercantile --- p.134 / Chapter b. --- Non-mercantile --- p.136 / Chapter F. --- Effects of the Boycott --- p.140 / Chapter G. --- Concluding Remarks --- p.141 / Chapter SIX. --- Public Sphere in Action II: The Constitutional Movement in1910 --- p.145 / Chapter A. --- Background --- p.146 / Chapter B. --- Development --- p.149 / Chapter C. --- Organization and Leadership --- p.153 / Chapter D. --- Methods --- p.157 / Chapter E. --- Political Demands --- p.160 / Chapter F. --- Result and Effect --- p.163 / Chapter G. --- Concluding Remarks --- p.165 / Chapter SEVEN. --- The 1911 Revolution in Shanghai and the Closure of Public Sphere --- p.168 / Chapter A. --- Revolutionary Activities in Shanghai --- p.168 / Chapter B. --- The Merchant Militia --- p.171 / Chapter C. --- Cooperation between the Revolutionaries and the Reformist Elite --- p.174 / Chapter D. --- The Revolution in Shanghai --- p.179 / Chapter E. --- Assertion of Political Power of the Reformist Elite --- p.182 / Chapter F. --- The Second Revolution in 1913 and the Demise of Elite --- p.186 / Chapter G. --- Concluding Remarks --- p.191 / Chapter EIGHT. --- Conclusion --- p.192 / Chapter A. --- The Degeneration of the Public Sphere --- p.192 / Chapter B. --- Nationalism and Public Sphere --- p.195 / Chapter C. --- Concluding Review of the Study --- p.205 / Chapter D. --- Discussions --- p.211 / BIBLIOGRAPHY

Entre a politização e o autocentrismo : os efeitos do recrutamento judicial na Argentina e no Chile

Bandeira, Julia Veiga Vieira Mancio January 2017 (has links)
O presente artigo tem como objeto as dinâmicas geradas pelos modelos de recrutamento empregados nas Supremas Cortes da Argentina e do Chile. Sendo tais modelos antagônicos, visto que na Argentina o recrutamento se dá por indicação presidencial, enquanto no Chile se configura uma cooptação indireta, busca-se compreender qual é o papel que assumem na institucionalização, hierarquização e independência dos poderes judiciais em questão. Parte-se da hipótese que o recrutamento por indicação presidencial estabeleceu na Argentina uma elite judicial integrada ao desenvolvimento sociopolítico do país, apesar de ter facilitado o cerceamento à independência do Judiciário pelo Executivo. Já a cooptação chilena, ainda que tenha assegurado a independência judicial, incentivou a formação de uma elite com traços aristocráticos, autocentrada e que dificulta a renovação da interpretação judicial, deixando o Judiciário anacrônico. A hipótese do presente artigo será sustentada através da apresentação de um panorama histórico-estrutural da institucionalização dos judiciários em questão, observando o efeito dos modelos de recrutamento adotados, e das disputas para defini-los, em sua hierarquização e independência. Também se recorrerá ao método prosopográfico para aprofundar a apreensão da relação entre os padrões de recrutamento das Corte Suprema e a evolução do poder judicial. / This article has as object the dynamics generated by the models of recruitment employed by Supreme Courts in Argentina and Chile. Once these models are antagonistic, since in Argentina's recruitment happens through presidential appointment, while in Chile, it is a result from indirect cooptation, this paper is sought to understand the role they play in the institutionalization, hierarchization and independence of the referred judicial powers. The main hypothesis points out the recruitment by presidential appointment, established in Argentina, has generated an attentive and integrated judicial elite, concerned to the socio-political development of the country, despite having facilitated the retrenchment of the Judiciary independence by the Executive. On the other hand, Chilean cooptation, although it has ensured judicial independence, encouraged the formation of an elite with aristocratic traits, self-centered and reluctant in renewing judicial interpretation, leaving the Judiciary anachronistic. The hypothesis of this article will be sustained by the presentation of a historical-structural overview of the institutionalization of the both judiciaries, observing the effect of the recruitment models adopted, and the disputes to define them, in their hierarchization and independence. The prosopographic method will also be used to deepen the understanding of the relationship between the Supreme Court's recruitment patterns and the evolution of the judiciary. / El presente artículo tiene por objeto la dinámica generada por los modelos de reclutamiento empleados en las Cortes Supremas de Argentina y Chile. Una vez que estos modelos son antagónicos, ya que en Argentina el reclutamiento es por indicación presidencial, mientras que en Chile es por una cooptación indirecta, se busca comprender el rol que desempeñan en la institucionalización, la jerarquización y la independencia de los poderes judiciales en cuestión. La principal hipótesis es que el reclutamiento por indicación presidencial estableció en Argentina una élite judicial integrada al desarrollo sociopolítico del país, a pesar de haber facilitado la reducción a la independencia del Poder Judicial por parte del Poder Ejecutivo. Por otro lado, la cooptación de Chile, a pesar de que aseguro la independencia judicial, promovió la formación de una élite con rasgos aristocráticos, centrada en sí misma y que dificulta la renovación de la interpretación judicial, dejando el poder judicial anacrónico. La hipótesis de este artículo será sostenida mediante la presentación de un panorama histórico-estructural de la institucionalización del poder judicial de Argentina y Chile, observando el efecto de los modelos de reclutamiento adoptados, y las disputas para definirlos, en su jerarquización e independencia. También se utilizará el método prosopográfico para profundizar la comprensión de la relación entre los patrones de reclutamiento de la Corte Suprema y la evolución del poder judicial.

A SocioanÃlise da formaÃÃo de um Deputado Estadual: O Caso TomÃs Figueiredo Filho / The analysis of the social formation of the habitus of a state legislator: the case TomÃs Figueiredo Filho

Pedro Jorge Chaves MourÃo 21 March 2012 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Como se constrÃi socialmente um deputado estadual? Este trabalho discute o processo de formaÃÃo sÃcio-histÃrica de 1 (um) deputado estadual da 27 Legislatura (2007-2010) no Cearà atravÃs do relato biogrÃfico, da anÃlise documental e da observaÃÃo direta do trabalho desse parlamentar, a fim de compreender como se deu o seu aprendizado polÃtico. Quais sÃo as influÃncias sociais que o posicionaram no campo polÃtico e como essas influÃncias se manifestam em suas aÃÃes polÃticas? Essas sÃo as principais perguntas a que busco responder nesta pesquisa. As bases desse trabalho estÃo na descriÃÃo e anÃlise das disposiÃÃes adquiridas pelo pesquisado em sua trajetÃria de socializaÃÃo. Portanto, essa pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar os mecanismos de formaÃÃo do habitus polÃtico e da relaÃÃo do binÃmio indivÃduo/sociedade. / How is socially constructed a state deputy?This study discusses the process of social formation of a state deputy of the 27th Legislature (2007-2010) in Cearà through biographic account, documental analysis and direct observation of the work of parliamentary to understand how he gave his political apprenticeship. What are the social influences that have positioned in the political field and how these influences manifested themselves in his political actions?These are the principal questions i seek to answer in this research. The groundwork of this study are the description and analysis of the provisions acquired by the researching in his trajectory as socialization. Therefore, this research intends to analyze the mechanisms of formation of the habitus and political relationship of the binomial individual / society.

Gentes do mato: os \"novos assimilados\" em Luanda (1926-1961) / People of the kill: the \"new assimilated\" in Luanda (1926-1961)

Washington Santos Nascimento 07 October 2013 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo compreender como pessoas da zona rural angolana utilizaram-se das possibilidades de ascensão social institucionalizadas pelo Estatuto do Indigenato (1926-1961) para constituir-se numa elite letrada, de origem rural, em Luanda. A tese a qual defendo é a de que, em decorrência da maior presença de portugueses e angolanos vindos do interior, acentuou-se, na capital de Angola, uma cisão entre a cidade, representada em grande parte pelos portugueses, mas também pela elite letrada crioula, e o mato, cujos expoentes que mais se expressaram em forma de entrevistas, depoimentos e obras literárias foram os novos assimilados. Para entender essa história, utilizaram-se como fonte central as memórias (e esquecimentos) de angolanos que viveram em Luanda entre os anos 1926 e 1961 e que obtiveram o estatuto de assimilados. Tais memórias foram entendidas à luz da teoria de Paul Ricoeur (2007), em uma relação dialógica entre o eu (memória individual), os próximos (memória compartilhada com sua geração) e os outros (memória coletiva, social, pública). / This thesis aims to understand how Angolan interior we used the reduced opportunities for social advancement created by the Statute of Indigenato (1926-1961) to constitute themselves as a literate elite, assimilated, country of origin, within the capital of the colony, Luanda. The thesis which I argue is that due to the increased presence of Portuguese and Angolans from inside, deepened, the capital of Angola, a split between the \"city\", represented largely by the Portuguese, but also by literate elite Creole, and \"kill\", whose exponents that best expressed in the form of interviews, testimonies and literary works were the \"new assimilated.\" To understand this story we used as the central source memory (and forgetting) of Angolans in Luanda who lived between the years 1926 to 1961 and obtained the status of assimilates. Such memories were understood from Paul Ricoeur (2007), in a dialogical relationship between the self (individual memory), the next (memory shared with his generation) and others (collective memory, social, public) and are present in interviews, memoirs and literary works.

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