Spelling suggestions: "subject:"émergents"" "subject:"emergents""
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Les mutations géographiques et technologiques de l’industrie automobile : une analyse par l’approche gravitationnelle / Geographical and technological mutations of the automotive industry : an analysis by gravitational approachAbi Zeid, Antoine 04 June 2018 (has links)
Les pays émergents dotés d’un marché dynamique sont devenus l’« espace » principal de la production automobile. Les pays développés restent les principaux exportateurs. Dans cette thèse nous mesurons la valeur des exportations théoriques des pays émergents par rapport aux paramètres (PIB, coûts d’échange) d’un modèle de gravité augmenté. Les exportations de voitures de la plupart des pays émergents risquent de stagner à cause de la faible économie de la connaissance et des coûts élevés d’échange dans ces pays. L’Iran a une opportunité pour augmenter ses exportations automobiles en améliorant la qualité de ses produits domestiques ou en construisant des plateformes exportatrices pour les FMN. Les exportations de la Turquie et du Mexique risquent de stagner à moins que le Mexique augmente ses exportations vers l’Europe et l’Asie, et que la Turquie améliore la valeur ajoutée de son industrie. Le véhicule électrique et la batterie lithium-ion incarnent l’avenir de l’industrie automobile. Il est prévu que la Chine et les États-Unis soient les principaux exportateurs de la batterie li-ion. Il est fort probable que les exportations américaines augmentent surtout vers les pays les plus avancés en matière des technologies de l’information et de la communication. / Emerging countries (EC) endowed with dynamic markets became the main automotive production area. Developed countries are still the main exporters. In this thesis, we measure the theoretical value of exports of EC based on the parameters (GDP, trade costs) of an augmented gravity model. The car exports of the majority of EC risk stagnation because of weak knowledge economy & high trade costs in these countries. Iran has an opportunity to increase its automotive exports under the condition of improving its domestic products and/or building export-platforms for global automakers. The exports of Turkey & Mexico risk stagnation unless Mexico increases its exports to Europe & Asia, and Turkey increases the added-value of its industry. Electric vehicles and lithium-ion batteries are the future of the automotive industry. China & the USA are expected to be the main exporters in the field of li-ion batteries. The growth of American batteries exports is highly probable notably to countries with advanced ICT infrastructure.
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Ozonation of Emergent ContaminantsFalcão Dantas, Renato 05 July 2007 (has links)
ENGLISH SUMMARY:In this work, the ozonation of emergent contaminants represented by pharmaceuticals (Sulfamethoxazole and Bezafibrate) and surfactants (Quaternary Ammonium Compounds) was studied. Results in terms of target compound degradation and mineralization along with the biodegradability and toxicity assessment of formed intermediates are presented. Moreover, a previous study about the suitability of the combination ozonation-Sequencing Batch Biofilm Reactor (SBBR), using the model compound 4-chlorophenol, is shown. The preliminary runs aimed to assess the mineralization of 100 and 200 mg L-1 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) solutions by ozonation and ozonation-biological treatment (SBBR). The experimental results showed that with an ozone flow rate of 5.44 and 7.57 g h-1, 4-CP was completely removed from the solution in 15 and 30 minutes of ozonation, respectively. By the other hand, at the 4-CP abatement time, on average only 26 % of total organic carbon (TOC) removal was achieved. The biodegradability (BOD5/COD) of the pre-ozonated solutions increased from 0 until a range between 0.2-0.37. The combination of ozonation and aerobic biological treatment in an aerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR) gave an abatement of more than 90 % of the initial TOC.The Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QACs) ozonation was carried out in order to assess the mineralization potential of ozonation processes for this class of compounds. To perform this study, the QACs 16-BAC (Benzyl-dimethyl-hexadecylammonium-chloride) and 18-BAC (Benzyl-dimethyl-stearylammonium-chloride) were treated by ozonation at different O3 dosage. According to experimental results, from an initial TOC concentration of 50 mg L-1, 90 minutes of ozonation reached at most 50% of mineralization at the used conditions (ozone flow rate 7.57 g h-1). In order to observe the mineralization of QACs by means of photo-Fenton, the runs were carried out with the same QAC concentration used in ozonation runs. Besides, two different lamps were used (UV and Xe). According to experimental results, after 90 minutes of treatment, the photo-Fenton process achieved up to 80% of mineralization when the UV lamp was used. The efficiency of the photo-Fenton with Xe lamp was lower.To carry out the study of the sulfamethoxazole (SMX) ozonation, 200 mg L-1 SMX solutions were treated by ozonation at different pH. Results showed that ozonation was proved to be an efficient method to degrade sulfamethoxazole. After 15 minutes of ozonation (corresponding dose = 0.4 g of ozone L-1), the complete antibiotic abatement was almost achieved with just 10 % of mineralization. The biodegradability and toxicity of the ozonation intermediates were also studied. A biodegradability enhancement (increment of BOD5/COD ratio) from 0 to 0.28 was observed after 60 min of ozonation. The acute toxicity of the intermediates was followed by the Microtox® test and the toxicity profile showed a slight acute toxicity increment in the first stage of ozonation. The second order kinetic constants for the ozonation of the SMX in an order of magnitude of 105 L mol-1 s-1 were also determined for pH 5 and 7.Concerning the Bezafibrate (BZF) ozonation, the results showed that ozonation is an efficient method to degrade BZF: after 10 minutes of treatment (corresponding to a dose of 0.73 mmoles L-1 of ozone), the complete BZF abatement is achieved, starting from an initial concentration of 0.5 mmoles L-1. However, only a small part of the substrate is mineralized. The identification of main intermediates, attempted by HPLC-MS technique, indicates that the oxidation of BZF develops through both the hydroxylation of the aromatic ring and the attack of ozone on the unchlorinated aromatic one. The assessment of by-products biodegradability and acute toxicity demonstrates that ozonation is a suitable technique to improve the biodegradability and reduce the toxicity of waters containing BZF.
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La gestion disputée d'un mal public impur : économie politique des ordures / Contested management of an impure public good : political economy of wasteCavé, Jérémie 21 February 2013 (has links)
Sur la base d'investigations empiriques dans deux villes ordinaires de pays émergents –Vitória au Brésil et Coimbatore en Inde- nous expliquons pourquoi la gestion des déchets municipaux au Sud ne peut pas exclure les acteurs dits « informels » sous peine d'aboutir à des fiascos. Ce constat est désormais unanimement reconnu, sans qu'en soient pour autant explicitées les raisons. Nous partons de l'observation empirique de conflits d'appropriation, qui apparaissent lors de l'introduction de schémas municipaux de collecte sélective et transcendent la dichotomie entre gros opérateurs privés et petits wastepickers. Ces heurts nous amènent à formuler la question centrale suivante : à qui appartiennent les déchets, res derelictae, objets précisément définis par leur abandon ? C'est ici que réside l'apport de notre recherche : en confrontant la théorie économique à une approche d'aménagement urbain, nous démontrons que le gisement de déchets urbains correspond à un bien (ou un ‘mal') public impur : rival, mais non excluable. Cette caractéristique est due autant aux ruptures de charge du service d'évacuation, qu'à la valeur marchande d'un nombre croissant de matériaux -à condition qu'ils soient captés à la source. Enfin, en abordant la question à une échelle plus macro, nous affirmons que le négoce local de revente des déchets secs est directement influencé par les cours des matières premières vierges, ou secondaires (lorsque de tels marchés existent). Cette prégnance de l'économie globale sur un service urbain local permet de repérer des stratégies émergentes d'extraction minière urbaine qui aboutissent à poser avec une acuité renouvelée la question de la légitimité des appropriations / Grounded on empirical investigations in two ordinary cities of emerging countries – Vitória in Brazil and Coimbatore in India – we argue that solid waste management in Southern cities cannot be conceived excluding the so-called “informal” actors at the risk of fiasco. Such an assessment is nowadays broadly acknowledged, yet its reasons are not always made explicit. We start from the empirical observation of appropriation conflicts, which arise with the introduction of municipal selective collection schemes and which transcend the “Big private operator versus small wastepickers” dichotomy. These clashes lead us to formulate the following central question: to whom do solid wastes –this res derelictae- belong to, taking into account that their very definition lies in abandonment. That is what our research aims at: confronting economic theory to an urban planning approach we show that the urban solid waste deposit corresponds to an impure public good (or evil!), a blurred object characterized by rivalry and non-exclusion. This is particularly due to transhipments in the evacuation service, as well as to the commodity value of a growing number of items – on condition that they should be recovered at source. Finally, taking a zoom-out in order to apprehend this issue through a global lens, we argue that the local dry waste sales business is directly determined by raw material prices fluctuations. The global economy impact on a local urban service leads us to acknowledge urban mining strategies which renew the appropriations' legitimacy question
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Transfert des terres rares à l'interface géosphère-biosphère : répartition, transfert sol-végétation, et effet sur la physiologie des plantes / Transfer of rare earths in the interface geosphere-biosphere : Distribution, soil-vegetation transfer, and effect on the physiologiy of plantsBrioschi, Laure 13 November 2012 (has links)
À l’origine, les Terres Rares (TR) sont utilisées pour tracer les processus géochimiquesnaturels. Depuis quelques années, elles sont de plus en plus utilisées par l'industrie, la médecine etl'agriculture. Cette utilisation croissante entraîne de nouveaux risques et nous amène à considérerles TR comme des polluants émergents. Dans ce contexte, ce travail de thèse propose une étude dela mobilité et de la répartition des TR dans le système sol-plante, ainsi que leur effet sur lavégétation. La première partie de ce document présente l'approche de terrain employée, soit le choixde sites non pollués avec des contextes géologiques différents (calcaire, granitique et carbonatique),afin de comparer les transferts et la répartition des TR en milieu naturel. La deuxième partie de cemanuscrit est orientée vers une approche en milieu contrôlé, permettant d'étudier l'effet des TR surla germination et la croissance des plantes.Les résultats indiquent que les concentrations en TR ne reflètent pas directement lesconcentrations de la roche, dans la mesure où elles apparaissent dépendantes des processuspédologiques et des teneurs en phases minérales riches en TR. Les sols présentent tous unenrichissement en TR lourdes lié aux complexes formés à partir des TR lourdes et des oxydes defer. La végétation, quant à elle, présente systématiquement un enrichissement en TR légères,résultant en partie de cette liaison entre TR lourdes et oxydes de fer. Les TR montrent un fort lienavec le fer dans le continuum sol- végétation, indiquant que les processus pédologiques etphysiologiques à l’origine de l'absorption des TR, sont étroitement liés à ceux du Fe. Le transfertdes TR dans la plante entraîne leur accumulation dans le système racinaire, où elles seront bloquéespar la bande de Caspary. Ce phénomène limite alors le transfert vers les organes aériens via le fluxnutritif. Les concentrations en macro-éléments de ce flux nutritif pourraient être influencées par laprésence de fortes concentrations de TR dans les racines. L'application de fortes concentrations enTR influencent également la germination et la croissance racinaire des végétaux. / Background and aims Rare Earth Elements (REE) are widely used to trace naturalgeochemical processes. They are also increasingly used by man (electronics industry, medicine,agriculture) and therefore considered as emerging pollutants. The present documents studies REEmobility in non-polluted natural soil-plant systems in order to characterize their environmentalavailability for future anthropogenic pollution. The first part of this thesis is based on a fieldapproach in non-polluted natural sites with contrasting geological environments (limestone, granite,and carbonatite) and highly variable REE contents. The second part consist in an experimentalapproach under controlled conditions, in order to study REE’s effect on vegetation.REE concentrations in soils do not directly reflect bedrock concentrations, but dependlargely on pedogenetic processes and on the mineralogy of bedrock and soil. The soils of all sitesare with respect to bedrock enriched in heavy REE. The REE uptake by plants is not primarilycontrolled by the plant itself, but depends on the concentration and the speciation in the soil and theadsorbed soil water pool. REE uptake by plant roots are linked with those of Fe. Roots absorbpreferentially the light REE. Before translocation, REE are retained by the Casparian strip leadingto much lower concentrations in the aerial parts. The transport of the REE within the xylem isassociated with the general nutrient flux. This nutrient flux could be affected by the addition of highREE concentrations. Thus, the presence of high REE concentrations in the environment has anegative effect on the germination and the roots growth.
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The nature of the church in some post-christendom models and according to some authors in the New Testament : a comparative study with missiological implicationsWeyers, Mario 04 1900 (has links)
In this thesis the researcher has investigated which of the two concepts: believing before belonging or belonging before believing, is a more accountable perspective in regards to ministry in post-Christendom society.
With the final stages of the modern period the power of hegemonic ideologies is coming to an end as people identify less with grand ideologies and more with subcultures related to technology and social and economic networks of different kinds. The post-Christendom phase has begun and is radically challenging Christendom notions of ministry.
We have to assume that among post-Christians the familiarity with Christian concepts will fade as the decline of Christendom has meant that Christianity has been losing its status as a lingua franca, only to be understood in the long run, by those who are professing Christians. It is therefore important that the church will anticipate longer journeys towards faith and not move on to disciple new converts too quickly. Post- Christendom evangelization will consequently take longer, start further back and move more slowly.
In the context of post-Christendom, knowledge of Christianity is rather limited and people need to come to an understanding of what Christianity entails. For those seekers, exploratory participation at first is safer than making a definite commitment.
Postmodern society is also suspicious of institutions and eager to find whether Christian beliefs also work in practice and not only in theory. Therefore is belonging before believing very much necessary for seekers to test whether Christians live out in their communities what they claim to be true? / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)
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L'influence du gouvernement corporatif des entreprises familiales sur son comportement financier : le cas de la République Dominicaine / The influence of the corporate governance of the family business in his financial behavior : the Dominican Republic CaseSeverino Bueno, Illuminada del Carmen 23 June 2012 (has links)
Long term family fortune preservation is a matter of human behavior; it is a dynamic process of activity or group governance that has to be reenergized successfully in each successive generation to overcome the threat of falling into entropy. Each successive generation has to reaffirm its participation in such government system.Family enterprises are the fundamental actors of the economic activity, and also constitute a stability factor of the productive system, because the majority of them is small or medium-sized (SMEs), and that is why it is interesting to investigate their financial behavior.There is little knowledge concerning financing decisions of enterprises on emerging markets. There is a particular need of empirical work that identifies the financial patterns of developing countries enterprises. It is possible that these enterprises are creating a new financial structure that results convenient for their particular environment. / Long term family fortune preservation is a matter of human behavior; it is a dynamic process of activity or group governance that has to be reenergized successfully in each successive generation to overcome the threat of falling into entropy. Each successive generation has to reaffirm its participation in such government system.Family enterprises are the fundamental actors of the economic activity, and also constitute a stability factor of the productive system, because the majority of them is small or medium-sized (SMEs), and that is why it is interesting to investigate their financial behavior.There is little knowledge concerning financing decisions of enterprises on emerging markets. There is a particular need of empirical work that identifies the financial patterns of developing countries enterprises. It is possible that these enterprises are creating a new financial structure that results convenient for their particular environment.
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La gestion disputée d'un mal public impur : économie politique des orduresCavé, Jérémie, Cavé, Jérémie 21 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Sur la base d'investigations empiriques dans deux villes ordinaires de pays émergents -Vitória au Brésil et Coimbatore en Inde- nous expliquons pourquoi la gestion des déchets municipaux au Sud ne peut pas exclure les acteurs dits " informels " sous peine d'aboutir à des fiascos. Ce constat est désormais unanimement reconnu, sans qu'en soient pour autant explicitées les raisons. Nous partons de l'observation empirique de conflits d'appropriation, qui apparaissent lors de l'introduction de schémas municipaux de collecte sélective et transcendent la dichotomie entre gros opérateurs privés et petits wastepickers. Ces heurts nous amènent à formuler la question centrale suivante : à qui appartiennent les déchets, res derelictae, objets précisément définis par leur abandon ? C'est ici que réside l'apport de notre recherche : en confrontant la théorie économique à une approche d'aménagement urbain, nous démontrons que le gisement de déchets urbains correspond à un bien (ou un 'mal') public impur : rival, mais non excluable. Cette caractéristique est due autant aux ruptures de charge du service d'évacuation, qu'à la valeur marchande d'un nombre croissant de matériaux -à condition qu'ils soient captés à la source. Enfin, en abordant la question à une échelle plus macro, nous affirmons que le négoce local de revente des déchets secs est directement influencé par les cours des matières premières vierges, ou secondaires (lorsque de tels marchés existent). Cette prégnance de l'économie globale sur un service urbain local permet de repérer des stratégies émergentes d'extraction minière urbaine qui aboutissent à poser avec une acuité renouvelée la question de la légitimité des appropriations
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Développement d’outils analytiques et méthodologiques pour l’analyse et le suivi de composés vétérinaires et stéroïdes hormonaux à l’état de traces dans l’eau et le sol / Development of methodological and analytical tools for the analysis and the monitoring of veterinary antibiotics and hormonal steroids at trace levels in water and soilSalvia, Marie-Virginie 05 April 2013 (has links)
De nombreux produits chimiques se retrouvent dispersés dans l'environnement avec des conséquences parfois néfastes pour les hommes et les écosystèmes. Parmi ces substances figurent les antibiotiques et les stéroïdes hormonaux. Peu de données sont disponibles quant à la présence et le devenir de ces substances dans l'environnement notamment pour le sol, par manque de méthodologies. Nous avons donc mis au point des procédures d'analyse de traces de ces contaminants émergents, dans l'eau et le sol. Nous avons développé des méthodes multi-résidus et inter-familles basées sur des analyses LCMS/ MS. Pour les échantillons aqueux, l'extraction est menée sur phase solide (SPE, OASIS HLB). Les MLQs sont comprises entre 0.09 et 34 ng/L. Pour la matrice solide, la procédure d'extraction est inspirée de la méthode appelée QuEChERS suivie d'une purification SPE. Elle a été validée et des MLQs entre 0.013 et 3 ng/g ont été atteintes. Les tétracyclines et les fluoroquinolones, ont été étudiées séparément car elles ont des propriétés physico-chimiques bien spécifiques les rendant difficiles à extraire correctement du sol avec une méthode inter-familles. La méthode développée sur la matrice sol a permis une étude statistique mettant en exergue l'impact de certains paramètres du sol sur les rendements d'extraction et les effets matrice. Les méthodes ont été appliquées à une étude en colonnes de sol pour obtenir des données sur le transfert, l'accumulation et la dégradation des composés dans le sol / Several chemical products are dispersed in the environment and the consequences can be sometimes harmful for humans and the ecosystems. Among these substances appear the antibiotics and the hormonal steroids. Nowadays, only few data are available on the presence and the fate of these substances in the environment in particular for solid matrices, mainly due to a lack of methodologies. Consequently, methods to analyze traces of « emergent » contaminants in water and soil were carried out. Therefore, multi-residues and inter-families procedures based on LC-MS/MS analysis were established. Concerning the aqueous samples, 23 analytes are extracted with the SPE technique (OASIS HLB). MLQs are between 0.09 and 34 ng/L. For the solid matrix, the extraction procedure of 31 compounds is inspired from the method called QuEChERS and followed by a purification step. This methodology was validated and MLQs between 0.013 and 3 ng/g were obtained. Two antibiotics families, tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones, were studied separately as they have specific physical/chemical properties and are therefore difficult to extract from soil with an inter-families method. Then, the method developed for the soil matrix allowed a statistic study which showed the impact of the soil parameters on the recoveries and matrix effects. Finally, the methodologies were applied to a soil column study which allowed obtaining data on the transfer, accumulation and degradation of the substances in soil
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The nature of the church in some post-christendom models and according to some authors in the New Testament : a comparative study with missiological implicationsWeyers, Mario, 1973- 04 1900 (has links)
In this thesis the researcher has investigated which of the two concepts: believing before belonging or belonging before believing, is a more accountable perspective in regards to ministry in post-Christendom society.
With the final stages of the modern period the power of hegemonic ideologies is coming to an end as people identify less with grand ideologies and more with subcultures related to technology and social and economic networks of different kinds. The post-Christendom phase has begun and is radically challenging Christendom notions of ministry.
We have to assume that among post-Christians the familiarity with Christian concepts will fade as the decline of Christendom has meant that Christianity has been losing its status as a lingua franca, only to be understood in the long run, by those who are professing Christians. It is therefore important that the church will anticipate longer journeys towards faith and not move on to disciple new converts too quickly. Post- Christendom evangelization will consequently take longer, start further back and move more slowly.
In the context of post-Christendom, knowledge of Christianity is rather limited and people need to come to an understanding of what Christianity entails. For those seekers, exploratory participation at first is safer than making a definite commitment.
Postmodern society is also suspicious of institutions and eager to find whether Christian beliefs also work in practice and not only in theory. Therefore is belonging before believing very much necessary for seekers to test whether Christians live out in their communities what they claim to be true? / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)
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Marchés émergents : excès de liquidité mondiale, investissements de portefeuille et prix des actifs / Emerging Markets : global Excess Liquidity, Portfolio Capital Flows and Asset PricesMoussavi, Julien 18 March 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse tente d’analyser qualitativement et quantitativement les impacts, parfois déstabilisateurs, de l’excès de liquidité mondiale sur les prix des actifs des marchés émergents. Cet excès de liquidité mondiale s’est notamment matérialisé par un essor des investissements de portefeuille vers les marchés émergents, essor dont l’étude est devenue un thème central que ce soit pour les décideurs politiques ou pour l’industrie de la gestion d’actifs. A ce titre, nous nous proposons de contourner les faiblesses des données de la Balance des Paiements en construisant un indicateur non-retardé et à haute fréquence des flux de portefeuille, et ce, grâce aux données EPFR. La dynamique de recherche de rendement induite par la mise en place de politiques monétaires non conventionnelles par les principales banques centrales des marchés développés a eu pour effet une forte inflation des prix des actifs, au premier rang desquels figurent les marchés d’actions émergents, marchés sur lesquels de potentielles bulles ont pu faire leur apparition dans la période qualifiée de « Nouvelle Normale ». / This thesis aims to qualitatively and quantitatively analyse the sometimes destabilising impacts of global excess liquidity on emerging markets asset prices. This global excess liquidity has particularly manifested in a rise in portfolio capital flows towards emerging markets. The study of this rise has become a central topic both for policymakers and asset managers. As such, we propose to circumvent the Balance of Payments weaknesses by building a non-lagging and high frequency indicator of portfolio capital flows using the data provided by EPFR. The search for yield trend caused by the unconventional monetary policies undertaken by the main developed markets central banks has caused significant inflation in asset prices, most prominently in emerging equity markets, where potential bubbles have appeared during the so-called “New Normal” period.
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