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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Contextualization of Tikkun Olam in American Reform Judaism

McClanahan, Erin M 16 July 2010 (has links)
American Reform Judaism currently associates the Kabalistic term, tikkun olam, with one of its core principles, social justice. This association is relatively new, dating roughly to the 1950s. The appropriation of a Kabbalistic term by American Reform Judaism is unusual given the historical animosity of American Reform Judaism toward the Kabbalah. The purpose of this thesis to explain this appropriation by contextualizing the use of tikkun olam within American Reform Judaism. The method through which this will be accomplished is the analysis of official documents, journal articles and theological discussions found within the American Reform movement. The thesis concludes that American Reform Judaism chose to appropriate tikkun olam and associate it with social justice in order to locate social justice in a historically Jewish context. This reworking of the concept of social justice to place it within a specifically Jewish frame work reflects the theological shift which occurs in reaction to the Holocaust, fears over Jewish assimilation and other social factors taking place during the 1940s and 1950s.

Krogen, kamratskapen och kroppen : En kulturhistorisk analys av svensk dekadenslitteratur

Virkkula, Casper January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats visar hur representationen av dekadent maskulinitet i svensk dekadenslitteratur från tiden strax innan sekelskiftet 1900 konstruerades. Genom att se till de tre författarna Ola Hansson (1860-1925), Emil Kléen (1868-1898) och Axel Wallengren (1865-1896) visas hur den dekadente mannen – dekadenten – skapas som karaktär och litterär figur. Dekadenten var, menar denna undersökning, extremt bunden av rum, socialitet och kropp, och kunde endast agera inom mycket snäva ramar skapade av dessa kulturella kategorier. Vad som framträder är närmast en schablon enligt vilken dekadensförfattarna arbetade, och rum, umgängesformer och kroppsligheter är så gott som utbytbara från verk till verk och författarskap till författarskap. I likhet med tidigare forskning på ämnet styrker denna uppsats bilden av den dekadenta maskuliniteten som en nervös och förment feminiserad maskulinitet, men vill till detta även tillföra att den, i egenskap av en motmaskulinitet i opposition mot den normativt borgerliga maskuliniteten, även var kapabel att erbjuda fysiskt motstånd.

Av denna världen? : Emil Gustafson, moderniteten och den evangelikala väckelsen / Of the World? : Emil Gustafson, Modernity and Evangelicalism

Halldorf, Joel January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between evangelicalism and modernity with the Swedish holiness preacher Emil Gustafson (1862–1900) as a case. This is achieved by comparing Gustafson’s spirituality with Charles Taylor’s characterization of modernity. The investigation identifies five central themes in Gustafson’s spirituality: conversion, calling, suffering, sanctification, and spiritual experience. With regard to these themes paral-lels with modernity are noted. For example, the analysis shows that modern individualism influenced Gustafson’s view of conversion, and that instrumental rationality informed his evaluations of his own work as a preacher. But there are also instances where he distanced himself from modernity. He did not embrace a modern optimistic anthropology, or the view of suffering as purely negative. It is concluded that Gustafson is neither anti-modern, nor identical to Taylor’s depiction of modernity. He represents one kind of modernity. One that is theocentric rather than anthropo-centric. In order to uphold this theocentric character Gustafson’s opposition to the basic struc-ture of modernity had to be grounded in social practices. For instance, his negative anthropol-ogy was grounded in the revival-meeting where outsiders were called to repent and rely on God rather than themselves. Based on the results from this study it is suggested that evangelicalism should be inter-preted as neither in conflict with modernity, nor in continuity with it, but rather as a kind of modernity. There are multiple modernities, and evangelicalism is one of them.

Hope becomes command : Emil L. Fackenheim's "destructive recovery" of hope in post-Shoa Jewish theology and its implications for Jewish-Christian dialogue / Emil L. Fackenheim's "destructive recovery" of hope in post-Shoa Jewish theology and its implications for Jewish-Christian dialogue

Gaudin, Gary A. January 2003 (has links)
Emil Ludwig Fackenheim became a Rabbi even as the Holocaust was claiming the lives of six million Jews. Further study, first in Scotland and then in Canada, brought him to an impressive academic career in philosophy, to which he committed much of his life and writings. Yet he was also driven to try to respond theologically to the Shoa, so as to offer Judaism a genuine alternative to the nineteenth century tradition of liberal Judaism which had not been able to withstand or fight against National Socialism when Hitler came to political power. By going behind that failed nineteenth century tradition, primarily in dialogue with the thought of Rosenzweig and Buber, Fackenheim thought, by the middle of the sixth decade of the twentieth century, that he had rediscovered a solid core for post-Auschwitz Jewish faith: one rooted in a recovery of supernatural revelation, of God's presence in, and the messianic goal of, history. The Six Day War of June 1967 threw his careful reconstruction of Jewish faith into disarray, however. Facing a second Holocaust in one lifetime; and with an acute awareness that once again the Jewish people stood alone, Fackenheim raised questions about God and history and the Messianic which utterly destroyed his reconstruction. Even as he struggled with the crisis, however, he began to discern that hope had become a commandment. He began a process of even more profound reconstruction (or "destructive recovery") of the faith that radically reshaped the possibility of hope for Jewish faith in a post-Shoa world. And Christian theologians in dialogue with him find it necessary to embark on a destructive recovery of hope for the Christian tradition as an authentically Christian response to Auschwitz. Emerging from that dialogue is a fresh appreciation of the self-critical tradition of the theology of the cross.

"Porque não estamos sós" : da veracização da experiência de tratamento no espiritismo à luz da Fenomenologia

Allyde Amorim Penalva Marques 26 February 2014 (has links)
This work has as main objective to understand the experience of treatment in spiritism and specific objectives, describing the types of treatment offered in spiritualism understand the meaning that leads people to seek this mode of treatment, understanding the experience of treatment and its possible contributions to mental health. The research is qualitative phenomenological perspective. Obviously, there are different treatment modalities in spiritism, however the choice of the participants followed the pattern of volunteering without restricting the type of treatment undergone, gender, reason as to demand treatment or age. Participants were followed up at Spiritual Hospital Patrícia Bacelar (HEPB - Camaragibe / PE). As research instruments, the narrative from Walter Benjamin and the field diary were used to get access to treatment experience in spiritualism. The theoretical framework has been constructed based on the theory Frankl, who understands spirituality as the human dimension, in line with results of this research. To analyze the results, we used the philosophical hermeneutics of Gadamer, who reached a final narrative constructed from the dialogue between the participants, the researcher and the theoretical framework that justified the search. Our results reveal an eminent search for other care that not only the doctor, as well as the use of religious resources as complementary to medical practice. Most of the reports demonstrated the continuity of medical treatments simultaneously spiritual treatment. In this context, the stimulus accountability of the individual for self-care while transcendence proved crucial for adherence to medical treatment as well as to overcome situations of intense suffering. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral compreender a experiência de tratamento no espiritismo e, como objetivos específicos, descrever as modalidades de tratamento oferecidas pelo espiritismo, compreender o sentido que leva pessoas a buscarem esse modo de tratamento, compreender a experiência de tratamento e suas possíveis contribuições à saúde mental. A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa na perspectiva fenomenológica. É sabido que existem diferentes modalidades de tratamento no espiritismo, no entanto a escolha dos participantes seguiu o padrão de voluntariado, não restringindo o tipo de tratamento submetido, gênero, motivo quanto à procura do tratamento ou idade. Os participantes estavam em acompanhamento no Hospital Espiritual Patrícia Bacelar (HEPB Camaragibe/PE). Como instrumentos da pesquisa, a narrativa a partir de Walter Benjamim e o diário de campo foram utilizados para se ter acesso à experiência de tratamento no espiritismo. A fundamentação teórica foi construída com base na teoria de Frankl, que compreende a espiritualidade como dimensão do humano, em consonância com resultados desta pesquisa. Para a análise dos resultados, utilizamos a hermenêutica filosófica de Gadamer, que alcançou uma narrativa final construída a partir do diálogo entre os participantes, a pesquisadora e o referencial teórico que fundamentou a pesquisa. Nossos resultados revelam uma eminente busca por outro cuidado que não apenas o médico, bem como o uso de recursos religiosos como complementares à prática médica. Em sua maioria, os relatos apontam para a continuidade dos tratamentos médicos simultaneamente ao tratamento espiritual. Nesse contexto, o estímulo à responsabilização do indivíduo por seu autocuidado enquanto autotranscendência se mostrou fundamental para adesão ao tratamento médico, bem como para a superação de situações de intenso sofrimento.

Česko-slovenská zahraniční politika v období druhé republiky (případová studie k problematice vztahu velkého a malého státu)

Podgorný, Pavel January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce pojednává o zahraniční politice pomnichovské republiky. Pomocí teorií mezinárodních vztahů vysvětluje předválečný vztah Československa k velmocem. Dále se zabývá slovenskými autonomistickými snahami, které následně Hitler využil ke konečnému rozbití Česko-Slovenska. Rozebírán je i základní problém vnější politiky, a to garance a zabezpečení hranic pomnichovské republiky. Závěrem práce detailně analyzuje Tisovu a pozdější Háchovu návštěvu v Berlíně a důsledky vyhlášení Protektorátu pro zahraniční politiku.

Sociologie Emila Lederera a její přínos pro současnost / The Sociology of Emil Lederer and Its Implications for Today

Jáchymová Královcová, Magdalena January 2013 (has links)
Emil Lederer (1882 - 1939), born in Pilsen, Czech Republic, was an important figure of German social sciences. A close colleague of Max Weber and friend of Karl Mannheim or J. A. Schumpeter, he taught at universities in Heidelberg, Berlin and Tokyo. After fleeing Germany, he helped Alvin Johnson, director of the New School for Social Research, found the "University in Exile." Lederer's research centered on contemporary social problems, approaching them in a critical, objective, empirically- based way. One of the first to study the new middle classes before World War I, he also dealt with unemployment, technological progress and business cycles. Additionally, his analysis of state and its sovereignty in war lead him to study the question of totalitarianism. The present thesis first offers a detailed look at the events in Lederer's life which influenced his scientific work. Its central section presents the main ideas of Lederer's posthumous, and sociologically most important, monograph State of the Masses. Placing it within the context of his previous work, the thesis demonstrates the evolution of Lederer's thinking. By comparing the work with Hannah Arendt's Origins of Totalitarianism the thesis confirms existing assumptions that Lederer's text served as an unrecognized inspiration for Arendt. The...

Vývoj mediálního obrazu Emila Zátopka v souvislosti s vybranými letními olympijskými hrami / Development of the media image of Emil Zatopek in connection with selected Summer Olympic Games

Fišarová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The master thesis is focusing on media image of Emil Zátopek using the method of qualitative content analysis. Five periods of time, each of them six months long and sixteen years apart, are examined. These periods of time are represented by the years 1952, 1968, 1984, 2000, 2016 in which the Summer Olympic Games were held. As a representative sample of the printed media during the time of communist hegemony in Czechoslovakia Rudé právo, Mladá fronta and Československý sport that has been thematically involved (there has been no analysis for this one during the year 1952 since the first print was published in 1953) were chosen. The printed media after the revolution time are represented by Právo, Mladá fronta Dnes and Sport. The thesis brings the answers to the main research question how the media image of the most successful Czechoslovak runner was developed in the context of political and that time contemporary situation and it also explains the other questions that are focused on the causes of this possible change and the difference between the presentation of mass media during the communist and later also democratic regime. The features and concepts of media image construct as well as social situation in the country, history of the chosen media and media function in the given periods of time...


Fidjeland, Aron January 2015 (has links)
The thesis project the Descendants of Ancestors explores the eccentric and strangely figurative qualities of Claude Nicolas Ledoux’s (1736-1806) architectural oeuvre.  The project focuses on Ledoux’s engravings and through careful reading (and deliberate mis-reading), transforms them into architectural characters. I regard these characters as Descendants of Ledoux, belonging to the same bloodline but unmistakably shaped by their conception in contemporary times. / Examensprojektet “the Descendants of Ancestors” undersöker de excentriska och figurala kvaliteterna i arkitekten Claude Nicolas Ledoux (1736-1806) verk. Projektet fokuserar på Ledoux gravyrer och översätter dem genom en noggrann läsning till arkitektoniska karaktärer. Jag ser dessa karaktärer som ättlingar till Ledoux, tillhörande samma släktträd men otvetydigt formade av deras tillkomst i samtiden

Barnlitteratur ur ett maktperspektiv : – En textanalys av Astrid Lindgrens böcker Emil i Lönneberga (1963), Nya hyss av Emil iLönneberga (1966) och Än lever Emil i Lönneberga (1970)

Fagrell, Malin, Svedin, Viktor January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en kvalitativ studie där textanalys görs på böckerna Emil i Lönneberga (1963), Nya hyss av Emil i Lönneberga (1966) och Än lever Emil i Lönneberga (1970). Syftet är att undersöka vilka maktrelationer mellan vuxna och barn som kommer till uttryck i de tre böckerna om Emil i Lönneberga. Det didaktiska syftet är att undersöka om dessa böcker skulle fungera att använda sig av i arbetet med värdegrundsfrågor som rör makt, i lågstadiet. Metoden som används är kvalitativ textanalys där karaktär, händelse och miljö utifrån Maria Nikolajevas bok Barnbokens byggklossar (2017b) beskriver vilka maktrelationer som kan utläsas i litteraturen. Slutsatsen av analysen är att makt existerar i alla relationer vi studerat och att den sätts i rörelse beroende på karaktär, händelse och miljö. Och vi anser därför att utvalda händelser utifrån de tre böckerna om Emil i Lönneberga kan användas i ett värdegrundsarbete som berör maktfrågor. Den didaktiska diskussionen belyser hur detta arbete kan se ut i undervisningssammanhang.

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