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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emotional Prosody across languages and genders

Sepanta, Sia Vosh 25 November 2024 (has links)
This dissertation investigates emotional prosody across different languages and gen- ders, with a focus on its role in the development of Automatic Speech Emotion Recogni- tion (ASER) systems. Recognizing the limitations of existing emotional speech datasets, such as their narrow scope, limited number of speakers, and languages, this work intro- duces the Actors Challenge (AC) dataset. The AC is a dynamic, evolving, web-based interactive game designed to generate a rich speech dataset, serving as a valuable resource for studying affective prosody and other speech-related research topics. Participants not only produce emotional expressions but also evaluate the emotional performances of oth- ers, resulting in a dataset enriched with human annotations. Using one of the most advanced speech models available, the dissertation explores cross-linguistic aspects of emotional prosody, examining whether ASER systems can generalize across languages and detect cross-linguistic acoustic markers of emotion. Additionally, it investigates how gender differences play a role in expression and recognition of emotion in speech. The computational approach is complemented by a series of acoustic feature analyses, offer- ing a dual perspective that highlights the challenges and complexities of training ASER systems that accurately recognize emotions across diverse linguistic and gender contexts. The findings emphasize the complexity of emotional speech and the crucial role that di- verse, high-quality datasets play in achieving effective cross-linguistic emotion recognition in speech.

Emotionell prosodi efter högersidig cerebral stroke : Akustisk analys samt skattning av röstens uttrycksfullhet / Emotional prosody after right-hemisphere stroke : Acoustic analysis and rating of voice expression

Johansson, Inga-Lena January 2014 (has links)
Viktiga aspekter av kommunikationen styrs från höger hjärnhalva, däribland emotionell prosodi. Forskningen inom detta område har dock hittills varit ganska begränsad. En aspekt, som inte undersökts än, är jämförelse av deltagarens egen och lyssnares skattning av röstens uttrycksfullhet. Syftet med studien vara att undersöka förmågan att uttrycka emotionell prosodi efter stroke i höger hemisfär. Deltagare var tre patienter med stroke i höger hemisfär samt tre kontrollpersoner utan neurologisk sjukdom/skada eller problem med tal eller röst. Sammansättningen i grupperna av deltagare med stroke respektive kontrollpersoner var likvärdig avseende kön, ålder, dialektområde och utbildningsnivå. Emotionell prosodi undersöktes genom flera metoder: akustisk analys av grundtonsvariation samt deltagarnas egen såväl som lyssnares skattning av röstens uttrycksfullhet. I resultaten framkommer tendenser, som indikerar en skillnad mellan deltagarna med stroke i höger hemisfär och kontrollpersonerna. För deltagarna med stroke sågs mindre grundtonsvariation och lägre skattningar av röstens uttrycksfullhet. Då deltagarantalet var litet, bör resultaten tolkas med försiktighet. De tendenser till skillnader mellan försöks- och kontrollpersonerna som ses i resultaten motiverar dock för vidare studier. / Important aspects of communication, including emotional prosody, are regulated from the right hemisphere. However, the research in the area of emotional prosody has so far been rather limited. One of the aspects that have not been examined yet is the comparison of the participant’s own rating of voice expression with ratings by listeners. The aim of the study was to assess expressive emotional prosody after right-hemisphere stroke. Participants were three patients with right-hemisphere stroke and three controls without neurological conditions or problems regarding speech or voice. The groups of participants with stroke and the controls were matched regarding sex, age, dialect and level of education. Emotional prosody was examined using multiple methods: acoustic analysis of variation in fundamental frequency and the participants’ own as well as listeners’ rating of voice expression. The results show tendencies that indicate a difference between the participants with right-hemisphere stroke and the controls. The participants with stroke showed smaller variations in fundamental frequency and lower ratings of voice expression. Due to the small sample size in the present study, results should be treated with caution. However, the tendencies shown in the results regarding differences between subjects and controls would justify further studies.

The effects of emotional prosody on perceived clarity in degraded speech

Lindqvist, Rasmus January 2021 (has links)
The ability to hear is important to communicate with other people. People suffering from hearing loss are more likely to also suffer from loneliness and depression (Mener et al., 2013; Mo et al., 2005). To understand how degraded speech is recognized, the pop-out effect has been studied. The pop-out effect is the moment when a listener recognizes the meaning of degraded speech. Previous research on the pop-out effect in perception of speech has predominantly been focused towards top-down processes, such as form-based priming and semantic coherence in sentences. The purpose of this study was to research the relationship between emotional prosody and the perception of speech in varying levels of degraded speech. The participants were presented sentences with angry, neutral or happy prosody in varying levels of noise vocoding. The participants were then asked to rate the perceived amount of noise for each sentence, and if the prosody was perceived as positive, neutral or negative for each sentence. The results suggest that the participants' ability to perceive positive prosody in the sentences decreased more rapidly than negative as the amount of noise increased. The result did not show any statistically significant evidence that emotional prosody had any effect on the perceived amount of noise. Future research should further investigate emotional prosody together with emotional semantics, as an emotionally coherent spoken sentence, and the influences on speech perception in adverse listening conditions, in order to further investigate the factors contributing to the pop-out effect.

Emotional Prosody in Adverse Acoustic Conditions : Investigating effects of emotional prosody and noise-vocoding on speech perception and emotion recognition

Ivarsson, Cecilia January 2022 (has links)
Speech perception is a fundamental function of successful vocal communication, and through prosody, we can communicate different emotions. The ability to recognize emotions is important in social interaction. Emotional prosody facilitates emotion recognition in vocal communication. Acoustic conditions are not always optimal, due to either environmental disturbances or hearing loss. When perceiving speech and recognizing emotions we make use of multimodal sources of information. The effect of noise-vocoding on speech perception and emotion recognition can increase the knowledge of these abilities. The effect of emotional prosody on speech perception and emotion recognition ability in adverse acoustic conditions is not widely explored. To explore the role of emotional prosody during adverse acoustic conditions, an online test was created. 18 participants (8 women) listened to semantically neutral sentences with different emotions expressed in prosody and presented with five different levels of noise (NV1, NV3, NV6, NV12, and Clear) using noise-vocoding. Participants’ task was to reproduce the spoken words and identify the expressed emotion (happy, surprised, angry, sad, or neutral). A Reading span test was included to investigate any potential correlation between working memory capacity and the ability to recognize emotions in prosody. Statistical analysis suggests speech perception could be facilitated by emotional prosody when sentences are noise-vocoded. The ability to recognize emotions in emotional prosody differentiated between the emotions on the different noise levels. The ability to recognize anger was least affected by noise-vocoding, and sadness was most affected. Correlation analysis shows no significant result between working memory capacity and emotion recognition accuracy.

Est-ce que la reconnaissance de la prosodie émotionnelle dans la langue française est modulée par les accents régionaux français et québécois ?

Rolinat, Amélie 12 1900 (has links)
Mémoire de maîtrise présenté en vue de l'obtention de la maîtrise en psychologie (M. Sc) / Contexte : La prosodie de la parole, c'est-à-dire les variations du ton de la voix lorsque l'on parle, joue un rôle clé dans les interactions sociales en apportant entre autres des informations importantes liées à l'identité, l'état émotionnel ou encore l'origine géographique. La prosodie est modifiée par les accents d’une personne, en particulier si elle parle une langue étrangère. Ces accents ont un impact important sur la façon dont la parole est reconnue, avec des conséquences significatives sur la façon dont le locuteur est perçu socialement, comme une baisse d’empathie ou encore une moins grande confiance. Cependant, il est moins clair si cet impact, généralement négatif, persiste dans le contexte des accents régionaux qui constituent des variations plus subtiles du signal vocal. Objectif et hypothèse : L'objectif de ce présent mémoire est de comprendre comment des individus francophones de différentes régions (France, Québec) expriment et reconnaissent des phrases émotionnelles prononcées par des personnes originaires de la même région ou non. Plusieurs études suggèrent un avantage de groupe, qui renvoie à l’idée que même si les émotions pourraient être reconnues de manière universelle, nous reconnaissons mieux les productions émotionnelles de personnes de notre propre groupe culturel que de personnes extérieures à ce groupe. Est-ce que cet avantage persiste dans le cas des accents régionaux, pour lesquels deux populations partagent la même langue ? Cette question reste très peu étudiée et ne l’a jamais été avec la langue française. Nous souhaitons 1) créer et valider une banque de phrases émotionnelles prononcées en français avec des accents de France et du Québec ; 2) caractériser les profils acoustiques de ces productions émotionnelles. Sur la base de données de la littérature (e.g., Mauchand et Pell, 2020), nous nous attendons à ce que les québécois (Qc) montrent une prosodie émotionnelle plus expressive que les Français (Fr). Méthode : Nous avons créé de courtes phrases émotionnelles dans 5 émotions (Joie, Tristesse, Colère, Fierté, Honte), prononcées par des acteurs quebecoie.s.es et français. Cette de banque de stimuli a été validé avec une étude en ligne par des françaises et québécoises. 4 Avec un modèle général mixte, nous avons analysé les paramètres vocaux: moyenne et l’écart type de la fréquence fondamentale, l’écart-type et la moyenne de l'intensité, Shimmer moyen, Jitter, HNR, l’indice Hammarberg, pente spectrale et durée des phrases. Résultats : Les paramètres de la fréquence fondamentale moyenne (F0M), d’intensité, de durée, de pente spectrale et d’indice Hammarberg sont significativement différents selon les émotions et entre les origines, Nous avons aussi noté une interaction entre les sexes des locuteurs et leurs origines. De manière globale, sur les cinq émotions considérées, les Fr parlent avec une F0M plus élevée, sauf pour la tristesse. Les Qc parlent eux, pour toutes les émotions, avec une plus grande intensité et une plus longue durée. Au final, nous pouvons considérer que les Qc expriment de manière plus prononcée les émotions que les Fr, sauf au niveau de la colère. En ce qui concerne les différences liées au sexe des locuteurs, nous avons remarqué que les hommes Qc ont une prosodie émotionnelle plus forte que les hommes Fr. Des différences entre les femmes Qc et Fr ont été seulement observées dans les émotions de honte et de fierté, des émotions plus sociales. Conclusion : Nous avons pu caractériser l’expression vocale émotionnelle des Fr et Qc qui, malgré leur langue commune, s’expriment de manière très distincte pour transmettre leurs émotions. Ces résultats ouvrent des perspectives intéressantes sur les interactions interculturelles d’une même langue mais de régions différentes et confirment la prosodie de langage, en particulier émotionnelle, comme un véritable marqueur identitaire. / Context: The prosody of speech, i.e. the variations in tone of voice when speaking, plays a key role in social interactions by providing important information linked to identity, emotional state and geographical origin. Foreign accents have a major impact on the way speech is recognized, with significant consequences for social evaluations, such as reduced empathy towards the speaker. However, it is less clear whether this impact persists in the context of regional accents, which are more subtle variations of the speech signal. Objective and hypothesis: The aim of this dissertation is to understand how French-speaking individuals from different regions (France, Quebec) express and recognize emotional phrases spoken by people from the same or different regions. Given the hypothesis of group advantage, we believe that expression and perception differ according to culture. Based on Mauchand and Pell’s (2020) study, we expect Quebecers (Qc) to show a more expressive emotional prosody than French people (Fr). Method: We created short emotional sentences in 5 emotions (Joy, Sadness, Anger, Pride, Shame), spoken by Quebecois and French actors. This bank of stimuli was validated with an online study by French and Quebecers. Using a general mixed model, we analyzed the vocal parameters: mean and standard deviation of the fundamental frequency, standard deviation and mean of the intensity, mean Shimmer, Jitter, HNR, Hammarberg index, Spectral Slope, Duration. Results: The parameters of fundamental frequency (F0M), intensity, duration, spectral slope and Hammarberg index differed significantly between the emotions, origins and sexes. For example, of the five emotions, Frs spoke with a higher F0M except for sadness, but Qc spoke with greater intensity and longer duration. The Qc expressed the emotions in a more pronounced way than the Fr, except for anger. Also, many significant differences show that Qc men have a stronger emotional prosody than Fr men. Finally, only differences between Qc and Fr women were observed in the emotions of shame and pride, emotions that are not in the 6 primary emotions, but which 6 would be more cultural emotions. Conclusion: We were able to characterize the emotional vocal expression of Fr and Qc who, despite their common language, express themselves in very distinct ways to convey their emotions. These results open up interesting perspectives on intercultural interactions in the same language but in different regions and show that speech prosody, particularly emotional prosody, could be considered as a marker of regional identity.

Approche neuropsychologique des troubles émotionnels dans la schizophrénie / Neuropsychological approach of emotional disorders in schizophrenia

Dondaine, Thibaut 29 September 2014 (has links)
Les troubles schizophréniques stabilisés s'accompagnent souvent de déficits cognitifs et émotionnels. Les plus récents travaux mettent en relation la cognition, la motivation et les émotions dans la présentation cliniques des troubles schizophréniques. L'objectif de ce travail est de décrire les troubles de la reconnaissance des émotions, du sentiment subjectif et des réactions physiologiques liées aux émotions dans les troubles schizophréniques stabilisés. L'influence des troubles cognitifs et de l'apathie sur les processus émotionnels est également explorée. Dans une première étude, nous avons mis en évidence l'introduction de biais dans la reconnaissance des émotions dans deux modalités sensorielles (visuelle et auditive).Dans l'étude suivante, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'influence des troubles des fonctions exécutives dans le sentiment subjectif des émotions. A l'aide d'extrait de films, nous avons montré qu'un trouble des fonctions exécutives pouvait entraîner l'introduction d'un ressenti émotionnel nuancé dans les troubles schizophréniques stabilisés. L'apathie est un trouble fréquent dans la schizophrénie et peut influencer les processus émotionnels. Dans un troisième travail, nous avons étudié l'impact de l'apathie sur les réactions physiologiques induites par les émotions. Nous avons montré que la sévérité de l'apathie était corrélée à une diminution de l'activité électrodermale lors de l'induction d'émotions positives. Les résultats de ces travaux montrent un impact des troubles cognitifs et motivationnels sur les processus émotionnels dans les troubles schizophréniques stabilisés. Ces travaux nous encouragent à explorer les bases cérébrales de l'interaction entre émotion et cognition dans la schizophrénie. Des applications cliniques sont également discutées. / Stabilized schizophrenia is characterized by cognitive and emotional deficits. Recent works adopted a dynamic view of the relationship between cognition; motivation and emotion in schizophrenia. The objective of this work was to describe the impairments of recognition; subjective feelings and physiological reactions related to emotions in stabilized schizophrenia. The influence of cognitive impairment and apathy on the emotional processes was also explored. In a first study on a group of 23 patients with schizophrenia; we highlighted the introduction of bias in the recognition of emotion in two sensory modalities (visual and auditory). In the next study; we investigated the influence of executive function disorders in the subjective feeling of emotions. With film excerpts; we showed that a disorder in executive functions could lead the introduction of a mixed subjective feeling in schizophrenia. Apathy is a common disorder in schizophrenia and may influence emotional processes. In a third study; we investigated the impact of apathy on physiological reactions induced by emotion. We have shown that the severity of apathy was correlated with a decrease in electrodermal activity during induction of positive emotions. The results of these studies show an impact of cognitive and motivational disturbances in emotional processes in stabilized schizophrenia. This work encourages us to explore the neural bases of the interaction between emotion and cognition in schizophrenia. Clinical applications are also discussed.

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