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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biometric of Intent: A New Approach Identifying Potential Threat in Highly Secured Facilities

Al Hamar, J., Chamieh, J., Al-Mohannadi, Hamad, Al Hamar, M., Al-Mutlaq, A., Musa, Ahmad S. 12 June 2018 (has links)
Yes / Biometric of Intent (BoI) is a Computer Vision (CV) automation, using Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, which presents a new approach that extends the reach of the classic biometric identification process. It provides an efficient mechanism which deters the threats raised by unknown individuals who have deceitful intentions and who aim to deploy unlawful operations such as terrorist attacks. In this context, our proposed BoI model is based on a framework constructed upon an automated machine learning facial expression analysis system which can assist law enforcement agencies who intend to deploy a systematic preventive security approach that aims to reduce the risk of potential unlawful attacks by rogue individuals through the evaluation of their emotional state in relation to their malicious intent.

Rôle(s) des motivations naturelles dans la prise décision : bases neurobiologiques et comportementales / Roles of natural motivations in decision-making : neurobiological and behavioral bases

Chabout, Jonathan 30 October 2012 (has links)
La prise de décision est un processus indispensable et vital pour les mammifères. Elle permet à l’individu de s’adapter aux changements qui s’opèrent dans son environnement et résulte de l’intégration d’informations sensorielles, émotionnelles, motivationnelles et exécutives (qui peuvent être internes ou externes à l’individu). Des études, à la fois chez le sujet humain (sujet sain, patients cérébrolésés ou atteints de pathologies psychiatriques), et sur les modèles animaux singe, rats ou souris, ont permis d’identifier le cortex préfrontal comme acteur crucial dans ces processus exécutifs complexes. La mise en place au sein de notre laboratoire d’un test d’interaction sociale permettant de générer des prises de décision rapides et adaptées en présence d’un congénère nouveau, nous a permis d’étudier les bases neurobiologiques et comportementales sous-jacentes à la prise de décision et à la flexibilité comportementale. Il est connu que les rongeurs émettent des USVs dont le rôle et les mécanismes motivationnels et/ou émotionnels restent largement inconnus à ce jour. Mon travail de thèse repose principalement sur l’identification des acteurs cérébraux de cette interaction sociale, et sur le rôle putatif des USVs. D’autre part, je me suis employé à comprendre comment les motivations naturelles (telles que la nourriture, l’exploration d’objet ou de l’environnement, et l’interaction avec un congénère) sont intégrées au canevas de prise de décision et comment elles l’influencent.Dans un premier temps, en utilisant des procédures d’imagerie cellulaire basée sur l’expression de gènes précoces (c-fos), et ce, à la fois chez des animaux contrôles et chez des animaux présentant des troubles des comportements sociaux (β2KO), nous avons pu mettre en évidence l’implication différentielle de sous-parties du cortex préfrontal chez la souris. Par la suite, la mise en place d’un logiciel spécifique d’analyse, ainsi que la modulation de l’état de motivation de l’animal lors de la tâche d’interaction sociale, nous a permis de mieux comprendre l’établissement de comportements adaptés lors de l’interaction sociale. Pour finir, en variant les contextes comportementaux, nous avons montré qu’il existe une relation étroite entre état émotionnel et motivationnel de l’animal et émission d’USVs. Notamment, les USVs semblent porter une information spécifique lors de l’interaction sociale qui reste encore largement à déterminer. / Decision-making is one of the most essential process for mammals. It allows the individual to adapt to environmental changes by the integration of sensory, emotional, motivational and executive information. Numerous studies, in human subject (healthy or not), and on animal models like monkey, rats or mice, have allowed the identification of a major actor in these complex processes: the prefrontal cortex. In our laboratory, we set up a new test, called the social interaction task -SIT-, to generate quick and adapted decision-making in presence of a new congener. This task was used to dissect neural and behavioral bases underlying decision-making and behavioral flexibility during social interaction. It is well known now that rodents emit ultrasonic vocalizations -USVs-, of which roles and mechanisms (motivational or emotional) remain largely unknown. My work was devoted to the identification of brain structures that allow flexible social interactions, and to the unraveling of the putative role(s) of USVs during SIT. I also tried to understand how natural motivations (like social interaction, exploration, and food consumption) take part in the decision-making process.First, by using cellular imaging procedure based on the expression of immediate early genes (c-fos): we were able to highlight the differential involvement of sub-areas of the prefrontal cortex in mice. Subsequently, the development of a new specific software, and the ability to modulate the motivational state of the animal, enabled us to understand better the establishment of adapted behaviors during the SIT. Finally, by varying behavioral contexts, we found a tight relationship between emotional/motivational states and USVs emissions. Notably, USVs appear to carry specific information in social interaction, and this point largely remains to be determined.

O processo de luto do filho da pessoa que cometeu suícidio / The grieving process of the offspring of the person who committed suicide

Fukumitsu, Karina Okajima 07 May 2013 (has links)
O suicídio é uma morte repentina e violenta, que choca. Pode provocar indignação, pois causa em quem ficou um hiato, em relação à experiência de dizer adeus àquele que é amado. A morte autoinfligida causa sofrimento e, por isso, o enlutado por suicídio é reconhecido como sobrevivente. Este estudo teve como objetivo a compreensão do processo de luto do(a) filho(a) da pessoa que cometeu o suicídio. Jamison (2010), Alvarez (1999) e Shneidman (1985; 1993) foram os principais autores que fundamentaram a discussão sobre o suicídio. As obras de Parkes (1998; 2009), Franco (2002; 2010), Kovács (1992; 2003) e Clark (2001; 2007), as fontes básicas consultadas para a compreensão do processo de luto. Trata-se de pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, tendo como participantes 9 (nove) filhos de indivíduos que cometeram o suicídio. Os princípios éticos de sigilo, privacidade, confidencialidade, não identificação dos dados do colaborador e liberdade de participação foram respeitados. Os depoimentos foram gravados com a anuência dos entrevistados e realizados: entrevista para a coleta de depoimento, de aproximadamente 3 (três) horas de duração e 2 (dois) contatos por e-mail para enviar a transcrição das entrevistas, e outro, depois da análise dos dados, para compartilhar com o colaborador a compreensão da pesquisadora. As unidades de significados foram extraídas conforme o método fenomenológico (Moustakas, 1994) e compreendidas pela perspectiva da abordagem da Gestalt-terapia. Observou-se que para alguns entrevistados, a superação da falta do progenitor trouxe ambivalências: vivos, foram ausentes; mortos, tornaram-se presentes. O ato suicida pode denunciar uma dinâmica familiar cujo rompimento de vínculos já acontecia, ou seja, o estresse foi experienciado antes, durante e depois do suicídio. Portanto, o suicídio não foi fator precipitante, mas, sim, o processo como um todo. Quando o filho sobrevive ao suicídio de um dos genitores pode ter uma experiência cujo sofrimento provoca culpa, raiva, ressentimentos, sensação de desamparo e de abandono, solidão, falta de oportunidade por não ter recebido colo, acalanto, cuidado, amor e direção. Considerou-se que, embora a morte seja para sempre, o luto é um processo dinâmico, no qual os enlutados tentam administrar uma diversidade de sentimentos e pensamentos: além da necessidade de compreender a morte, surge a redefinição de seu papel na família. Destaca-se também o calar e o isolamento dos depoentes. O isolamento parece acontecer para que não sejam mobilizados os sentimentos confusos e não compartilhados, que ameaçam a zona de conforto tão arduamente conquistada pelos que sobreviveram. O que se cala é o sofrimento, a dúvida e o estigma. Identificou-se que o suicídio parental é uma vivência ímpar, que permite à pessoa descobrir e desenvolver estratégias de enfrentamento em seu processo de luto / Suicide is a sudden and violent death, which shocks. It may cause outrage, as it causes a gap in those who remained, in relation to the experience of saying goodbye to the one who is loved. The self-inflicted death causes suffering and, thus, the bereaved by suicide is recognized as a survivor. This study had as goal the comprehension of the grieving process of the offspring of the person who committed suicide. Jamison (2010), Alvarez (1999) and Shneidman (1985; 1993) were the main authors who grounded the discussion about suicide. The works of Parkes (1998; 2009), Franco (2002; 2010), Kovács (1992; 2003) and Clark (2001; 2007), the basic sources consulted to the comprehension of the grieving process. It is a research of qualitative nature, having as participants nine (9) offspring of individuals who committed suicide. The ethical principles of secrecy, privacy, confidentiality, no identification of the data of the collaborators and freedom of participation were respected. The testimonies were recorded with the consent of the interviewees and carried out: interview - to collect the testimony, approximately three (3) hours long - and two (2) contacts by e-mail one to send the transcripts of the interviews, and other after analyzing the data, to share with the collaborator the comprehension of the researcher. The units of meaning were extracted according to the phenomenological method (Moustakas, 1994) and understood through the perspective of the Gestalt-Therapy approach. It was observed that for some interviewees, overcoming the lack of a parent brought ambivalences: as alive, they were absent; as dead, they became present. The suicidal act may denounce a family dynamic in which breaking of bonds has already happened, in other words, the stress was experienced before, during and after the suicide. Therefore, suicide was not a triggering factor, but, instead, the process as a whole. When the child survives the suicide of one of its parents, one can have an experience whose suffering causes guilt, anger, resentment, helplessness and abandonment, loneliness, lack of opportunity by not having received lap time, soothing, care, love and guidance. It was considered that, although death is forever, grief is a dynamic process, in which bereaved ones try to manage a diversity of feelings and thoughts: besides the necessity of comprehending death, comes the redefinition of their role in the family. Also noteworthy is the silence and isolation of the deponents. The isolation seems to happen for mixed and not shared feelings not to be mobilized, that threaten the comfort zone so hardly conquered by those who survived. What is silenced is the suffering, the doubt and the stigma. It was identified that parental suicide is a unique experience that allows the person to discover and develop coping strategies in their grieving process

I ir III gimnazijos klasių mokinių socialinės paramos, mokymosi motyvacijos ir adaptacijos mokykloje sąsajos / Relationships among social support, study motivation and adaptation at school among the students of I and III grades of gymnasium

Petrėtytė, Jurgita 17 May 2006 (has links)
Work object: Relationships among social support, study motivation and adaptation at school. Actuality of the work: Students, who have psychological, educational, social and economic problems, often leave the school. There is friendly climate made for promoting progressive learning, as well as for versatile development of personality in the managed social environment. Slower development of their psychological and physical maturity may become the reason for their decreasing study motivation in the unfavourable social environment. We try to analyze relationships between social support and study motivation in this work, as that has been almost unstudied in Lithuania. We also try to review relationships between the indicators of adaptation and emotional state, that influent social support and study motivation. Answers to such questions could help to draw the attention to the importance of social support and emotional state in increasing of study motivation, and would allow extending psychological support to the students of gymnasiums, who have problems of adaptation at school. Goal of study: Analyze the relationships among social support, study motivation and adaptation at school among the students of I and III grades of gymnasium. Tasks of study: 1. Analyze the evaluations of social support at school among the students of I and III grades of gymnasium. 2. Evaluate the study motivation of the students of I and III grades of gymnasium. 3. Determine of the students of I and III... [to full text]

O processo de luto do filho da pessoa que cometeu suícidio / The grieving process of the offspring of the person who committed suicide

Karina Okajima Fukumitsu 07 May 2013 (has links)
O suicídio é uma morte repentina e violenta, que choca. Pode provocar indignação, pois causa em quem ficou um hiato, em relação à experiência de dizer adeus àquele que é amado. A morte autoinfligida causa sofrimento e, por isso, o enlutado por suicídio é reconhecido como sobrevivente. Este estudo teve como objetivo a compreensão do processo de luto do(a) filho(a) da pessoa que cometeu o suicídio. Jamison (2010), Alvarez (1999) e Shneidman (1985; 1993) foram os principais autores que fundamentaram a discussão sobre o suicídio. As obras de Parkes (1998; 2009), Franco (2002; 2010), Kovács (1992; 2003) e Clark (2001; 2007), as fontes básicas consultadas para a compreensão do processo de luto. Trata-se de pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, tendo como participantes 9 (nove) filhos de indivíduos que cometeram o suicídio. Os princípios éticos de sigilo, privacidade, confidencialidade, não identificação dos dados do colaborador e liberdade de participação foram respeitados. Os depoimentos foram gravados com a anuência dos entrevistados e realizados: entrevista para a coleta de depoimento, de aproximadamente 3 (três) horas de duração e 2 (dois) contatos por e-mail para enviar a transcrição das entrevistas, e outro, depois da análise dos dados, para compartilhar com o colaborador a compreensão da pesquisadora. As unidades de significados foram extraídas conforme o método fenomenológico (Moustakas, 1994) e compreendidas pela perspectiva da abordagem da Gestalt-terapia. Observou-se que para alguns entrevistados, a superação da falta do progenitor trouxe ambivalências: vivos, foram ausentes; mortos, tornaram-se presentes. O ato suicida pode denunciar uma dinâmica familiar cujo rompimento de vínculos já acontecia, ou seja, o estresse foi experienciado antes, durante e depois do suicídio. Portanto, o suicídio não foi fator precipitante, mas, sim, o processo como um todo. Quando o filho sobrevive ao suicídio de um dos genitores pode ter uma experiência cujo sofrimento provoca culpa, raiva, ressentimentos, sensação de desamparo e de abandono, solidão, falta de oportunidade por não ter recebido colo, acalanto, cuidado, amor e direção. Considerou-se que, embora a morte seja para sempre, o luto é um processo dinâmico, no qual os enlutados tentam administrar uma diversidade de sentimentos e pensamentos: além da necessidade de compreender a morte, surge a redefinição de seu papel na família. Destaca-se também o calar e o isolamento dos depoentes. O isolamento parece acontecer para que não sejam mobilizados os sentimentos confusos e não compartilhados, que ameaçam a zona de conforto tão arduamente conquistada pelos que sobreviveram. O que se cala é o sofrimento, a dúvida e o estigma. Identificou-se que o suicídio parental é uma vivência ímpar, que permite à pessoa descobrir e desenvolver estratégias de enfrentamento em seu processo de luto / Suicide is a sudden and violent death, which shocks. It may cause outrage, as it causes a gap in those who remained, in relation to the experience of saying goodbye to the one who is loved. The self-inflicted death causes suffering and, thus, the bereaved by suicide is recognized as a survivor. This study had as goal the comprehension of the grieving process of the offspring of the person who committed suicide. Jamison (2010), Alvarez (1999) and Shneidman (1985; 1993) were the main authors who grounded the discussion about suicide. The works of Parkes (1998; 2009), Franco (2002; 2010), Kovács (1992; 2003) and Clark (2001; 2007), the basic sources consulted to the comprehension of the grieving process. It is a research of qualitative nature, having as participants nine (9) offspring of individuals who committed suicide. The ethical principles of secrecy, privacy, confidentiality, no identification of the data of the collaborators and freedom of participation were respected. The testimonies were recorded with the consent of the interviewees and carried out: interview - to collect the testimony, approximately three (3) hours long - and two (2) contacts by e-mail one to send the transcripts of the interviews, and other after analyzing the data, to share with the collaborator the comprehension of the researcher. The units of meaning were extracted according to the phenomenological method (Moustakas, 1994) and understood through the perspective of the Gestalt-Therapy approach. It was observed that for some interviewees, overcoming the lack of a parent brought ambivalences: as alive, they were absent; as dead, they became present. The suicidal act may denounce a family dynamic in which breaking of bonds has already happened, in other words, the stress was experienced before, during and after the suicide. Therefore, suicide was not a triggering factor, but, instead, the process as a whole. When the child survives the suicide of one of its parents, one can have an experience whose suffering causes guilt, anger, resentment, helplessness and abandonment, loneliness, lack of opportunity by not having received lap time, soothing, care, love and guidance. It was considered that, although death is forever, grief is a dynamic process, in which bereaved ones try to manage a diversity of feelings and thoughts: besides the necessity of comprehending death, comes the redefinition of their role in the family. Also noteworthy is the silence and isolation of the deponents. The isolation seems to happen for mixed and not shared feelings not to be mobilized, that threaten the comfort zone so hardly conquered by those who survived. What is silenced is the suffering, the doubt and the stigma. It was identified that parental suicide is a unique experience that allows the person to discover and develop coping strategies in their grieving process

Výkon ve fotbale a jeho vybrané psychologické determinanty / Football performance and its determinants

Macháček, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on enumeration of the essential psychosocial determinants affecting performance of the footballers. These determinants are divided into three sections. Personality of athlete as a key factor influencing his performance is discussed in the chapter one. Social and cultural environment are the subjects of the second chapter. Specifics and partial aspects of sports environments are presented in the third chapter. Definition of performance in football and the possibility of its measurement are defined in a separate section. Relationship between the pre- match emotional state of footballers and their performance in the match are verified in the empirical part of thesis. Comparison of footballers with general population is particular part of analysis. The study results showes significant but weak correlations between emotional state of football players and their performance in the match. Difference was found between certain emotions and personalities of football players and the general population. Keywords: personality of athlete, emotional state, football performance, psychological preparation in sport

Short- and Long-Term Effects of Filial Imprinting on a Model Hen on the Emotional State of White Leghorn Chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus)

Åkerstedt, Lovisa January 2023 (has links)
In layer hen commercial production systems, chicks are not raised by hens and do therefore not receive any maternal care. In the wild, after hatching, chicks undergo filial imprinting where they create a social bond with a stimulus in their surrounding environment, usually the mother hen. Filial imprinting behaviors remain in chicks until adulthood. This bond and maternal care influence the emotional development of chicks. Here, I aimed to investigate short- and long-term effects of filial imprinting on a model hen, on the emotional state of White Leghorn chicks, hatched at Linköping University. To measure optimism, pessimism, and fear, a judgment bias test (JBT), an open field test (OFT), and a novel object test (NOT), was performed and replicated. Before the tests, half of the chicks were imprinted on a model hen, while the other half was not given such a model to imprint on. All chicks were weighed during the entire project. The hypotheses were that the imprinted chicks would be more optimistic in the JBT, show less fearful behavior in the OFT and NOT, and weigh more compared to the non-imprinted chicks. If these results would be found, imprinting could potentially be used to reduce stress in commercially hatched chicks, and thus improve their welfare. The results were inconsistent with all three hypotheses. This indicates that imprinting on a model hen, did not have a positive impact on the chicks’ emotional state. Further studies need to be performed to find methods to improve commercially hatched chicks’ emotional welfare.

Intelligent System for the Classification of Mental State Parameters

Chandrasekharan, Jyotsna 25 July 2024 (has links)
Mental health is essential for overall well-being, focusing emotional, psychological, and social aspects. Assessing and managing mental health requires understanding mental state parameters, including cognitive load, cognitive impairment, and emotional state. Advanced technologies like eye tracking provide valuable insights into these parameters, transformed mental health evaluation and enabled more targeted interventions and better outcomes. Thesis focused towards developing intelligent system to monitor mental health, focusing on cognitive load, cognitive impairment, and emotional state. The research has three main objectives, including creating four eye-tracking-based unimodal datasets and a multimodal dataset to address the lack of publicly available mental health assessment datasets. Each dataset is designed to study cognitive load, cognitive impairment, and emotional state classification using varied stimuli. In addition to dataset creation, the thesis excels in feature extraction, introducing novel features to detect mental state parameters and enhancing assessment precision. High-level features such as error rate, scanpath comparison score, and inattentional blindness are incorporated, contributing to find cognitive impairment scores. Five models are developed to detect mental states by separately monitoring the mental state parameters, cognitive load, cognitive impairment, and emotional state. The models employ statistical analysis, machine learning algorithms, fuzzy inference systems, and deep learning techniques to provide detailed insights into an individual's mental state. The first two models, Eye-Tracking Cognitive Load models (ECL-1 and ECL-2) focus on cognitive load assessment during mathematical assessments and Trail Making Test tasks. ECL-1 model utilizes statistical analysis to understand the correlation between eye tracking features like pupil diameter and blink frequency with the cognitive load while performing mathematical assessments. With the identification of relevant features while performing Trail Making Test (TMT), the ECL-2 model effectively classifies low and high cognitive load states with a notable 94% accuracy, utilizing eye-tracking data and machine learning algorithms. The third model, the ETMT (Eye tracking based Trail Making Test) model, uses a fuzzy inference system and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system to detect mental states associated with cognitive impairment. It provides detailed scores in visual search speed and focused attention, important for understanding the exact cognitive deficits of a patient. This greatly aids in understanding the cognitive states of an individual and addresses deficits in executive functioning, memory, motor function, attentional disengagement, neuropsychological function, processing speed, and visual attention. The fourth model, PredictEYE, utilizes a deep learning time-series univariate regression model based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) to predict future sequences of each feature. Machine learning-based Random Forest algorithm is applied on the predicted features for mental state prediction and identifying the mental state as calm or stressful based on a person's emotional state. The personalized time series methodology makes use of the power of time series analysis, identifying patterns and changes in data over time to enable more precise and individualized mental health assessments and monitoring. Notably, PredictEYE outperforms ARIMA with an accuracy of 86.4%. The fifth model introduced in this study is based on a multimodal dataset, incorporating physiological measures such as ECG, GSR, PPG, and respiratory signals, along with eye tracking data. Two separate models, one based on eye tracking data and the other based on all other physiological measures developed for understanding the emotional state of a person. These models demonstrate comparable performance, with notable proficiency in binary classification based on arousal and valence. Particularly, the Binary-Valence model achieves slightly higher accuracy when utilizing eye tracking data, while other physiological measures exhibit stronger classification performance for the Binary-Arousal model. The thesis makes substantial progress in mental health monitoring by providing accurate, non-intrusive evaluations of an individual's mental state. It emphasizes mental state parameters such as cognitive load, impairment, and emotional state, with AI-based methods incorporated to improve the precision in detection of mental state.

5 ir 8 klasių mokinių mokyklinio nerimo, adaptacijos mokykloje ir emocinės būklės sąsajos / Connection of the school anxiety, adaptation at school and emotional state of the students of the 5th and 8th forms

Bašytė, Ainė 18 June 2008 (has links)
Darbo objektas – 5 ir 8 klasių mokinių mokyklinio nerimo, adaptacijos mokykloje ir mokinių emocinės būklės sąsajos. Darbo aktualumas Mokykloje kiekvienas mokinys pereina kelis vystymosi ir adaptacijos etapus. Vienas iš ryškiausių etapų prasideda, kai mokinys, baigęs pradinę mokyklą, pradeda lankyti penktą klasę ir susiduria su daugeliu jam nežinomų socialinių ir asmeninių problemų: dalykinė mokymo sistema, daug dalykų mokytojų, pereinama į kabinetinę sistemą ir vaikas praranda nuolatinę mokymosi vietą - klasę, prie kurios buvo pripratęs, prasideda pasiekimų vertinimas pažymiais, dažnai keičiama mokykla, klasė, keičiasi klasės draugai, sunkiai išgyvenamas atsisveikinimas su pirmuoju mokytoju. Mokinio adaptaciją 5 klasėje apsunkina ir tai, kad prasideda ankstyvasis paauglystės periodas. Adaptacija mokykloje tęsiasi visą mokymosi joje laikotarpį. Ne tik penktoje, bet ir vyresnėse klasėse keičiasi dėstantys mokytojai, mokymo programa, mokinio asmenybė. Mokiniai dėl šių procesų jaučia įtampą, išgyvena nesaugumo, nepasitikėjimo, nevilties ir nerimo būsenas. Nauja socialinė aplinka pateikia vaikui ypatingų reikalavimų, kurie nevienodai atitinka individualius jo gebėjimus ir polinkius. Visa tai labai apsunkina ir pailgina adaptacijos mokykloje eigą, prasideda mokyklinio nerimo sunkumai, kai kurie mokiniai pradeda jausti emocinės būklės pablogėjimą. Mūsų darbe kompleksiškai analizuojama mokyklinio nerimo, adaptacijos mokykloje ir emocinės būklės raiška ir šių procesų tarpusavio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work object: connection of the school anxiety, adaptation at school and emotional state of the students of the 5th and 8th forms. Actuality of the work: at school every student has several stages of development and adaptation. One of the most specific stages starts when a pupil finishes primary school and starts attending the 5th form, and he/she is confronted with a variety of unknown for him social and personal problems, such as: subject teaching system, a lot of teachers of different subjects; classroom system, because of which a child has lost his/her permanent studying place - a classroom, to which he/she got used; in addition, a new evaluation system - evaluation by marks has started; the school, the class, the classmates are often changed; it is difficult to part with the first teacher. The beginning of the early adolescence makes the situation for pupils of the 5th form more complicated. Adaptation at school lasts during the whole period of studying. Teachers, school curriculum, student's personality are changing not only in the 5th form but in the upper forms. For these reasons students feel tension, he/she can also be in the state of unsafety, distrust, desperation and anxiety. The child is made special demands by specific social surroundings, which not equally match with his/her individual abilities and likes. All these reasons complicate and lengthen the students' adaptational period, difficulties of the school anxiety are starting at this moment, and some of... [to full text]

Įkalinimo įstaigoje bausmę atliekančių asmenų emocinės būsenos bei stresogeninių įvykių įveikos strategijų sąsajos adaptaciniu periodu / Links between the emotional states and strategies to cope with the stressogenic events of the persons, who are serving sentence in prisons, during the adaptation period

Gutmanaitė, Gintarė 14 January 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – patikrinti ar egzistuoja įkalinimo įstaigoje bausmę atliekančių asmenų emocinės būsenos bei stresogeninių įvykių įveikos strategijų sąsajos adaptaciniu periodu. Tyrime dalyvavo 200 nuteistų pilnamečių vyrų, laisvės atėmimo bausmę atliekančių Pravieniškių 1- uose pataisos namuose. Tiriamiesiems 1-ąją atvykimo į pataisos namus dieną ir praėjus adaptacijos laikotarpiui (po trijų mėnesių) buvo išdalinami klausimynai, kuriuos sudarė šios metodikos: nerimo skalė iš HAD (Hospital Anxiety and Depression) metodikos; COPE – įveikos strategijų klausimynas; BEKO (Beck Depression Inventory) testas, skirtas įvertinti nuotaikos pokyčius; psichologinei įtampai įvertinti skirta metodika (Oprosnik travmatičeskovo stresa dlia diagnostiki psichologičeskix posledctvi); tarpasmeniniui bendravimui įvertinti skirta metodika. Siekiant įvertinti nuteistųjų emocinę būklę bei stresogeninių įvykių įveikos strategijų sąsajas tik atvykus į pataisos namus ir pasibaigus adaptacijai, tie patys asmenys buvo tiriami du kartus. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad egzistuoja emocinės būsenos bei stresogeninių įvykių įveikos strategijų sąsajos adaptaciniu periodu: tik atvykus į įkalinimo įstaigą ir adaptacijai pasibaigus, nuteistieji naudoja visas galimas įveikos strategijas, t.y. tiek į problemą nukreiptą įveikimą, tiek į emocijas nukreiptą įveikimą, tiek mažiau adaptyvaus įveikimo strategijas. Pažymėtina, kad adaptacijai pasibaigus, įveikos strategijos naudojamos rečiau nei tik atvykus į įkalinimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of work is to check, whether there are links between the emotional states and strategies to cope with the stressogenic events of the persons, who are serving sentence in prisons, during the adaptation period. 200 sentenced adult men were participating in the research. They serve their sentence in the 1st Penitentiary of Pravieniskes. The questionnaires were distributed to the convicts on the first day of their arrival to the penitentiary and again after the adaptation period (after three months). The questionnaires were made from the following methodologies: scale of anxiety from HAD (Hospital Anxiety and Depression) methodology; COPE – questionnaire of coping strategies; BEKO (Beck Depression Inventory) test meant to evaluate the changes in mood; methodology of traumatic stress (Oprosnik travmatičeskovo stresa dlia diagnostiki psichologičeskix posledctvi); and the methodology meant to evaluate the interpersonal communication. The same persons were analyzed twice in order to evaluate the links between the emotional states and strategies to cope with the stressogenic events of the convicts on the arrival date to the penitentiary and after the adaptation period. According to the research results, there are the links between the emotional states and strategies to cope with the stressogenic events during the adaptation period: on the arrival and after the adaptation period the convicts use all the possible coping strategies, i.e. problem-orientated coping... [to full text]

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