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Describing the relationship between Employer Attractiveness and Internal Brand Equity : A quantitative single cross-sectional studyArrehag, Peter, Persson, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
Background: Differentiation towards one’s competitors is crucial. Brand can symbolize competitive advantages through intangible assets, though the focus in both companies and academia has largely been on adding intangible values to products. To large extent employees has not been consider as an aspects that could add value, i.e. employees as brand builders. Recently gained interest in both areas have make it possible to compared them both the see employees possibility to add brand value. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe the relationship between employer attractiveness and internal brand equity. Methodology: Conducted a quantitative study, with a single cross-sectional design and self-completion questionnaire as data collection method. Descriptive statistics and simple linear regression was thereafter performed. All with ethical principles in consideration. Conclusion: This study provides empirical evidence that confirms a relationship between employees and the brand equity through the concepts of employer attractiveness, and brand equity through the concept of internal brand equity. The study provides a regression analysis between the two concepts that indicates a relationship to a very large extent. The confirmed relationship thus adds new perspectives of how to add intangible value to a brand and thus adds to a potential success.
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Why CSR is a win-win concept : An explanatory study of the impact of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) on the attractiveness towards an employerHolm, Pontus, Banfalvi, Max, Berlin, Alex January 2020 (has links)
Background: The concept of CSR has become a more discussed topic in relation to employer attractiveness in recent years. Recent research pointed in the direction of CSR to be a vital tool to be utilised in order for employers to enhance their employer attractiveness. By implementing CSR within an organisations agenda, will initially increase the number of job applicants. However, employer attractiveness in relation to CSR was still treated as a generic term, and not divided into specific values. Therefore, the authors divided the values within employer attractiveness (Interest, Social, Economic, Development and Application Value) and investigated which of the five values within employer attractiveness that were positively impacted by CSR. Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to explain how CSR impact employer attractiveness. Methodology: This thesis had a quantitative research method based on previous studies, hence, a deductive approach. The purpose was of an explanatory nature and the authors utilized a cross-sectional research design. The authors created an online survey that gathered 280 responses through the use of non-probability sampling in the form of a convenience sample. Findings: In this study, four out of the five hypotheses were accepted meaning that CSR positively impacts employer attractiveness. Furthermore, the authors cross-checked the independent and dependent variables together with control questions such as gender, age and occupation. Resulting in gender, age and occupation not having a significant impact on the result. Conclusion: The authors conclude that CSR positively impacts employer attractiveness through the measured values of Interest, Social, Development and Application Value. The authors could not conclude that CSR had a positive impact on Economic Value meaning that the hypothesis (H3) was rejected.
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Understanding Gen Z: Employer Traits that Matter in Attracting Today's Workforce : A Qualitative Study about Employer Attractiveness and Gen ZBrömster, Ebba, Jatko, Lina January 2024 (has links)
During the years, research has been conducted both regarding employer attractiveness, extended self, and Generation Z. The theories and the concept have sometimes been examined alone and sometimes some of them together. Furthermore, the commonly used EmpAt scale has been used quantitatively several times, but the qualitative use of it is more rare. Additionally, the extended self focus has previously been on consumer brands instead of employer brands. It was found that the theories and the concept have not been brought together in the particular qualitative way the authors intended to do. The aim of this thesis was to bring the three concepts together and fill the gap in the literature. More precisely, the aim was to find a connection between employer attractiveness and extended self, and apply the connection to Gen Z. By bringing them together, the purpose was to examine newly graduates or soon to graduate Gen Z’s perceptions on what actually makes an employer attractive and create a more nuanced understanding. Something that was examined with the help of the extended self and employer attractiveness. The literature review presents the theories and the concept that later lays the foundation for the conceptual framework. The study was deductive, and the approach was qualitative. The conceptual framework was used in order to develop the interview guide that was used for the semi structured interviews. The individuals participating in the interviews were Gen Z that had or currently were studying a degree in Business Administration or Industrial Engineering and Management. The findingings showcased that the participants' descriptions of what an attractive employer is correlated with characteristics and traits they themselves have. Which the EmpAt dimensions does not consider. However, EA acknowledges this to an extent. Furthermore, the findings showed that there were two factors that were not considered by the EmpAt dimensions that the participants found important. These were transparency and communication. Additionally, two dimensions were found to be more important than the rest for the collective. The two most important ones were social value as well as development value. This was important since the individuals found it crucial to have a good social environment and be able to develop within the employer. The other four dimensions were not of as great importance for the collective, but some individual participants found one or another more important. Therefore, illustrating that the importance of the dimensions are based on personal preference. The findings also showed that the participants related the employer brand and social environment to their extended self. This by discussing the same or similar traits and attributes when talking about themselves and a potential employer.
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Vägen till lojala medarbetare : En kvantitativ studie om intern employer brandingGrönvik Möller, Ida, Gustafsson, Malin January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to investigate the attitudes towards the employer brand of an individualcompany from an employee perspective. By applying the Employer Attractiveness scale(EmpAt) (Berthon et al. 2005), it is investigated how the employees perception ofattractiveness of the employer varies depending on selected demographic components.Furthermore, the purpose is to establish whether a statistically significant relationship existsbetween employees loyalty and perception of the employer attractiveness. A quantitativeresearch method in terms of an online survey is used when collecting the data of the study,which is later analyzed using the statistical computer program SPSS. The results indicate thatthere are no significant demographic differences regarding the perceived attractiveness of theemployer. A strong positive correlation has been identified between the attractiveness of thestudied company and its employees loyalty. The results of the study are only applicable to theparticipating population, and cannot be generalized to a different population than the studyparticipatory. / Denna studie syftar till att undersöka medarbetares attityder gentemot ett enskilt företagsemployer brand. Genom tillämpning av Employer Attractiveness-skalan (EmpAt) (Berthon etal. 2005) studeras hur medarbetarnas uppfattning av attraktiviteten hos arbetsgivaren varierarberoende på utvalda demografiska komponenter. Vidare är syftet att ta reda på huruvida ettstatistiskt signifikant samband existerar mellan medarbetarnas lojalitet och medarbetarnasuppfattning om arbetsgivarens attraktivitet. En kvantitativ forskningsmetod i form av endigital enkätundersökning tillämpas vid insamling av studiens datamaterial, vilket analyserasi det statistiska dataprogrammet SPSS. Resultaten visar att det inte råder några signifikantademografiska skillnader vad gäller den upplevda attraktiviteten hos arbetsgivaren. Ett starktpositivt samband har identifierats mellan det undersökta företagets attraktivitetsvärde ochdess medarbetares lojalitet. Studiens resultat är endast applicerbara för den deltagandepopulationen, och kan inte generaliseras till en annan population än den i studien deltagande.
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Identifying Dimensions of Employer Attractiveness in Startups : The Case of Swedish Tech Startups / Identifiering av dimensioner av arbetsgivares attraktionskraft i startups : Fallet med svenska tech startupsGadibadi, Cristina January 2020 (has links)
Human capital is recognized as the foundation of a firm's competitive advantage (Messenböck et al., 2015; Berthon et al., 2005). However, startups are put in a competitive disadvantage in comparison to established companies, as they have limited resources, legitimacy issues and operate under higher levels ofuncertainty (Aldrich and Auster, 1986; Moser et al.,2015). Since startups are important from a labor dynamic perspective for long-term employment growth (Haltiwanger et al., 2008) it is vital to understand what makes them attractive as employers, as such knowledge would help them develop strong and competitive Employer Brands. Through a combination of exploratory and descriptive research, this study aims to answer the research question: "What are the dimensions of employer attractiveness in startups and their perceived levels of importance among startup employees?". Based on the literature review, a framework model has been conceptualized, containing 29 employer attractiveness attributes. Through an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EF A), the model has been tested on a sample of 169 employees in Swedish startups, who ranked each attribute on a 7-point Likert scale. The results of the study suggest that some of the most important employer attractiveness attributes are "interesting and challenging work", "the company both values and makes use of your creativity" and "a high level of flexibility". And the least attractive ones were the "opportunity to teach others what you have leamed" and the "opportunity to apply what was leamed at a tertiary institution". The EF A revealed that the model has seven underlying dimension of attractiveness. Five were discovered in previous studies as well: Social, Interest, Economic, Application, and Development. And the presence of startup specific attractiveness attributes lead to the creation of two new dimensions of attractiveness: Entrepreneurial and Challenge. / Mänskliga resurser är erkända som en grundförutsättning för en organisations konkurrenskraft (Messenböck et al., 2015; Berthon et al., 2005). Startups hamnar dock i en konkurrensnackdel jämfört med etablerade företag då de har begränsade resurser, legitimitetsfrågor och arbetar under högre nivåer av osäkerhet (Aldrich and Auster, 1986; Moser et al.,2015). Eftersom startups är viktiga ur ett arbetskraftsdynamiskt perspektiv för långsiktigt positiv utveckling av sysselsättningsgrad (Haltiwanger et al., 2008) är det nödvändigt att förstå vad som gör dem attraktiva som arbetsgivare, eftersom sådan kunskap hjälper dem att utveckla starka och konkurrenskraftiga varumärken. Genom en kombination av utforskande och beskrivande forskning avser denna studie att besvara frågan: "Vilka är dimensionerna av arbetsgivares attraktions kraft i startups och dessas upplevda nivå av betydelse bland anställda i startups?" Baserat på genomgången av litteratur, har en rammodell har tagits fram, innehållande 29 attribut för arbetsgivares attraktionskraft. Modellen har testats genom en Exploratory Factor Analysis (EF A) på ett urval av 169 anställda i svenska startups, vilka rankade varje attribut på en 7-punkts Likert-skala. Resultaten av studien tyder på att några av de viktigaste attributen för arbetsgivares attraktionskraft är "intressant och utmanande arbete", "företaget både värdesätter och använder sig av din kreativitet" och "en hög nivå av flexibilitet". Och de minst attraktiva är "möjligheten att undervisa andra i andra vad du har lärt dig" och "möjligheten att tillämpa det man lärt sig vid universitet/högskola". EFA avslöjade att modellen har sju underliggande dimensioner av attraktionskraft. Fem upptäcktes även i tidigare studier: Sociala, Intresse, Ekonomiska, Tillämpning, och Utveckling. Förekomsten av attribut specifika för startups attraktionskraft leder till skapandet av två nya dimensioner av attraktionskraft: Entreprenörskap och Utmaning.
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