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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Protection against unfair dismissal of employees living with HIV/AIDS in the workplace: a comparative study

Mbilinyi, Abel Jeru 29 February 2008 (has links)
No abstract available / Jurisprudence / LL.M.

The equity composition of employees in a selected provincial government department in the Western Cape, South Africa

Ryklief, Mogamat Yasien January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Public Administration))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2017. / In 1994 the newly elected democratic South African government inherited a nation deeply scarred by a history of racial division and social, political and economic inequality. The democratic government was determined to create an environment that felt like home to all, a society that welcomed all and a political environment that catered for all. The democratic government therefore introduced laws and structures designed to promote the principle of “equity.” Although these have been in force for more than 22 years, statistics indicate that white people continue to receive preference over other racial groups. This study sought to provide an overview of the equity composition of employees in the Department of the Premier in the Western Cape government. “Equity composition” refers to the categories of race and gender invoked by the Employment Equity Act in order to promote equality. The aim was to reach a set of conclusions and make recommendations that might improve the equity composition of employees in the direction envisaged by the legislation. The researcher has made use of a qualitative research methodology for this study. Unstructured interviews were conducted with twenty research participants purposively selected from the Department of the Premier, and the data gathered from the interviews was analysed using content analysis. The study found that there has been an increase in efforts to accommodate people with disabilities. It recommends that a dedicated training workshop regarding employment equity be designed by the director of the people management practices unit and rolled out throughout the department.

The current state of Black female empowerment in the construction industry measured against broad-based Black economic empowerment scorecard

Podges, Joan Winnifred January 2009 (has links)
The Government of South Africa has placed a lot of emphasis on economic growth and the involvement of Black people in the mainstream of the economy. The implementation of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) created opportunities for direct empowerment of Black females in ownership and management. The Construction Industry is being challenged to increase the number of Black females in management and ownership levels. Due to the nature of the Industry, only a small population of females considers Construction as a career option. The Industry has also lost a significant number of skilled Engineers and is experiencing a shortage of skilled managers in Middle and Senior Management Levels. The research problem questioned the current state of empowerment for Black women in the Construction Industry as measured against the B-BBEE Scorecard. The literature review focused on the requirements of the B-BBEE scorecard and Construction Charter. The second phase focused on gender equality and the achievements of women in Construction. The research design was done by using questionnaires to the South African Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors (Safcec) members in the Eastern Cape. The research design and survey aimed to determine the status of empowerment in the Construction Industry. With reference to both the literature review and the empirical findings the state of female empowerment can be determined. Therefore iv recommendations and opportunities for further research in this regard can be identified.

The implementation of affirmative action as a strategy to promote transformation towards empowerment of women: a case study of Thulamela Local Municipality

Mammbona, Matevhutevhu Albert 16 January 2015 (has links)
MPM / Oliver Tambo Institute of Governance and Policy Studies

Mainstreming black African women into managerial positions in the South African private sector : a critical analysis of transformative legislative interventions, challenges, and prospects

Matotoka, Motlhatlego Dennis January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (LLD.) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / The private sector in South Africa lags in proliferating black African women into managerial positions. This is so despite the Employment Equity Act (EEA) requiring that the private sector must ensure that all occupational levels are equitably represented and reflects the demographics of South Africa. Since the EEA, the private sector has been white male-dominated and white females enjoy preference in terms of recruitment compared to black African women. Despite the legislative gaps in South Africa, the South African private sector demonstrates its unwillingness to transform it's by managerial positions by engaging in race-based recruitment, failing to train and develop black African women within the workplace, failing to create pipeline mechanisms into managerial positions and creating a workplace environment that caters for the needs and interest of women at leadership levels. The progression of black African women requires South Africa to adopt a quota system that will result in the private sector being compelled to appoint suitably qualified black African women. The EEA does require the private sector to apply affirmative action measures to achieve equity in the workplace. It is submitted that since 1998 the private sector has been provided with an opportunity to set their targets to achieve equity, 20 years later black African women are excluded in key managerial positions. Some private sector companies engage in fronting practices to obtain a Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) certificate that enables the company to do business with the State. Black African women who are appointed as a ‘front’ do not obtain the necessary experience in managerial levels and as such limits their economic participation. Exposing black African women in managerial levels enhances their skills and increases their prospects to promotions and assuming further leadership roles in the private sector. Without a clear, a quota law in South Africa, the South African private sector would not be persuaded to accelerate the equitable representation at its managerial positions. xiii

Analysis of the implementation process of employment equity by university nursing departments of South Africa

Maelane, Mapule Ellen 01 1900 (has links)
Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Career opportunities for black youth in the South African Navy

Kubu, Asiel Elias Leaka 02 1900 (has links)
The advent of democracy in South Africa has brought about fundamental changes in the spheres of governance. One of these changes is the transformation of the public service. One of the constitutional imperatives of the country requires all government departments to be representative. The Department of Defence and in particular, the South African Navy (SA Navy) as part of the public service, is also expected to transform to ensure representivity. The SA Navy is not yet representative, specifically in terms of the African composition. The study seeks to establish the extent and knowledge of black youth about careers in the SA Navy. To achieve this, a questionnaire was circulated to various schools for completion. The findings indicate that black youth, specifically those from rural areas are unaware of the available career opportunities in the SA Navy. This could be a major cause of the current equity situation within the department. / Public Administration / M. Admin. (Public Administration)

The Black deaf person in his work situation

Mthembu, Eugenia Makhosazana 11 1900 (has links)
An exploratory study was undertaken to research the effect of hearing impairment on employment and socialisation of black hearing impaired persons and the role of social workers and job placement officers in supporting these hearing impaired persons in their work situation. The Council and Affiliates should disseminiate information on the effect of deafness on employment to the public and also embark on social work services to Deaf employees. Future socio-demographic data with a central register of interpreters and post-lingually hearing impaired employees should be embarked on by the Council as well as the effect of preparation of the hearing impaired for the open labour market and environmental barriers on their employment opportunities. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Work)

The nature, consequences and practical implementation of regulating equity in the workplace

Schwellnus, Teresa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Growth, Employment and Redistribution strategy (GEAR) has not been successful in bringing about growth in the South African economy as planned. The biggest failure of GEAR has however been the fact that employment levels have continued to drop since its implementation. Unemployment levels, as well as the scales and levels of employment are furthermore still dramatically skewed in favour of the previously advantaged, namely white men. That group, is however, still the most highly skilled in our economy. AIDS may furthermore have a dramatic impact on the labour force in South Africa. Studies show that the reduction of inequality in society is a way of promoting economic growth. The upgrading of skills, improving access to jobs, occupations, training and promotion opportunities advance all members of the workforce and makes it possible for them to achieve maximum productivity and efficiency. On a wider scale, the elimination of discrimination raises economic efficiency throughout the economy by ensuring a more rational allocation of labour resources. By increasing the pool of skilled and qualified employees and improving labour market mobility, economic efficiency is enhanced. Given this, it seems that a move to employment equity is the only manner in which the ailing South African economy can be addressed. The legislative framework to serve as the foundation for equity in the workplace is complete. Through the application of the Labour Relations Act (No 66 of 1995) (LRA) and the Basic Conditions Employment Act (BCEA) equitable collective bargaining processes and equitable treatment of employees can be obtained. The Employment Equity Act (No 55 of 1998) not only prohibits discrimination, but actually set up a framework within which affirmative action can take place. The process of transforming the profile of the labour force will, however, not be complete (or successful) if it is not accompanied by a programme to change the skills structure within South Africa. The Skills Development Act (No 97 of 1998) aims to distribute the necessary skills to previously disadvantaged groups in order to empower them to hold jobs at higher levels. If used correctly, this legislative framework will not only transform South African workplaces, but will also bring about much needed societal change. The transformation process at UPE, resulting in the Employment Equity Plan as well as the Policy on the Promotion of Equality, Diversity and Elimination of Unfair Discrimination has been transparent and inclusive in nature. The process and the resulting documents can serve as basis for other tertiary institutions to bring about the required change. Given the solid research and consultation that went into formulating the plan and policy, it is to be hoped that this plan will be consistently implemented and the success constantly monitored. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: GEAR was nie so suksesvol as wat verwag is om groter groei vir die Suid- Afrikaanse ekonomie mee te bring nie. Die grootste mislukking van GEAR was egter die feit dat werkloosheid steeds toeneem. Werkloosheidvlakke, sowel as die verdiensteskale en die vlakke van diensverrigting in Suid-Afrika is verder ook dramaties oneweredig ten gunste van blanke mans. Hierdie groep is egter steeds die groep met die beste vaardighede in Suid-Afrika. Vigs mag ook nog verder 'n dramatiese impak op die Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsmag hê. Navorsing vertoon dat die vermindering van ongelykheid binne die gemeenskap ekonomiese groei kan meebring. Dit is omdat beter opleiding en verbeterde toegang tot werksgeleenthede, opleiding en bevordering al die werknemers begunstig en sodoende dit moontlik maak vir hulle om met maksimale produktiwiteit en effektiwiteit hulle dagtaak te verrig. Op 'n breër vlak kan die verwydering van diskriminasie tot verbeterde ekonomiese effektiwiteit in die ekonomie deur 'n meer rasionele verdeling van arbeidsvaardighede lei. Indien 'n groter groep kundiges geskep word kan die ganse ekonomiese groei verbeter word. Om hierdie rede is billike arbeidspraktyke die enigste manier waarop die kwynende Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie herstel kan word. Die wetgewende raamwerk waarbinne billikheid in die arbeidsmag gereguleer word, is voltooi. Deur die toepassing van beide, die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge (Nr 66 van 1965) en die Wet op Basiese Diensvoorwaardes (Nr 55 van 1998) word billike kollektiewe bedinging en billike hantering van werknemers by die werkplek verseker. Die Wet met betrekking tot Billikheid ten opsigte van Indiensneming verbied nie net diskriminasie nie, maar stel 'n raamwerk daar waarbinne regstellende aksie kan geskied. Die proses van transformasie van die arbeidsmag sal egter nie volledig (of suksesvol) kan wees indien dit nie gepaard gaan met 'n program waardeur die vaardigheidstruktuur in Suid-Afrika verander word nie. Die Vaardighede Ontwikkelingswet (Nr 97 van 1998) poog om die nodige vaardighede aan voorheen agtergeblewe groepe te versprei om hulle sodoende te bemagtig om arbeid op 'n hoër vlak te kan verrig. Indien hierdie wetgewende raamwerk goed gebruik word sal dit nie net organisasies verander nie, maar lei tot 'n verandering binne die breë gemeenskap. Die proses van transformasie by UPE wat gelei het tot die daarstelling van 'n Plan vir Billike Indiensneming sowel as 'n Beleid vir die Bevordering van Gelykheid en Diversifikasie en die Verwydering van Onbillike Diskriminasie was deursigtig en inklusief van aard. Die proses en die beleid kan as basis dien vir ander tersiêre instellings om die nodige verandering mee te bring. Gegewe die navorsing en konsultasie waarmee die daarstelling van die plan en beleidsdokument gepaard gegaan het, sal die plan hopelik konsekwent toegepas en die sukses daarvan deurlopend geëvalueer word.

Employment of people with disabilites in the hospitality sector, Cape Town, South Africa : a multiple case study

Smit, Shannon 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Several legislative documents that promote the inclusion and economic integration of persons with disabilities have been introduced over the previous two decades in South Africa. However, it is still estimated that as many as 99% of persons with disabilities are unemployed (Dube, 2005). Employment equity quotas for persons with disabilities have not been met in either the public or the private sector (CEE Report, 2007).The reasons for this remain largely unexplored in many sectors including the hospitality sector. The hospitality sector - the focus of this study - makes a significant economic contribution to the country and is the largest most diverse labour force sector in South Africa (THETA, 2009). The aim of the study is to examine the employment of persons with disabilities in three hotels in the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront, Cape Town. A descriptive, qualitative case study methodology was implemented for the study. Three purposively sampled hotels in Cape Town`s Victoria and Alfred Waterfront provided the study setting. Participants included managers from these hotels as well as employees with and without disabilities from each of the hotels. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and content analysis was conducted to identify emerging issues according to themes. Findings indicate a medically oriented perception of disability with a focus on physical impairments. A lack of knowledge and guidance in policy documents and from the Department of Labour perpetuate these perceptions. Participants were aware of employment equity policy, but saw it as being orientated to race and gender and did not apply it to persons with disabilities. Application was also not enforced through monitoring by the Department of Labour. Barriers to employment include discrimination and stereotyping, the physical nature and type of jobs, physical access barriers, a lack of education and skills as well as a lack of applications from persons with disabilities. Facilitators included improved Black Economic Empowerment scoring, a motivational aspect, the variety of jobs available and guests and employees with disabilities. Findings on the provision of reasonable accommodation focused mainly on the accommodation of guests and examined physical and structural aspects of the environment. One of the conclusions of the study was that legislation governing the employment of persons with disabilities was poorly implemented in the hotels examined by this study. It is recommended that hotels contract a disability consultant to run disability awareness campaigns within the hotels. In addition, the Department of Labour must monitor policy implementation with regard to persons with disabilities. Disabled people`s organisations should create a platform for communication with government departments responsible for social policy and legislation in an effort to promote and encourage the debate on disability definitions and to act as a watchdog over the implementation of policy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wetgewing met die doel om ekonomiese integrasie van persone met gestremdhede te bevorder is in die laaste twee dekades in Suid Afrika aanvaar. Ten spyte daarvan word daar beraam dat soveel soos 99% van persone met gestremdhede in Suid Afrika werkloos is (Dube, 2005). Nie die staat of die privaatsektor kon nog daarin slaag om die twee present kwota te bereik nie (CEE Verslag, 2007). Die redes daarvoor is tot `n groot mate onbekend in veskeie sektore, insluitende die gasvryheidheidsektor, waar hierdie studie gedoen is. Die gasvryheidsektor maak `n beduidende bydrae tot die Suid Afrikaanse ekonomie en het van die grootste en mees diverse arbeidsmagte in Suid Afrika (THETA, 2009). Die doel van die studie was om die situasie aangaande werk en persone met gestremdhede in drie hotelle in die Victoria en Alfred Waterfront, Kaapstad, te beskryf. `n Beskrywende, kwalitatiewe, geval studie metodologie is geimplimenteer. Drie studie hotelle is doelbewus geselekteer. Bestuurders sowel as werknemers met en sonder gestremdhede uit die drie hotelle het aan die studie deelgeneem. Data is ingesamel deur middel van semi gestruktureerde onderhoude. Ontluikende temas is geidentifiseer tydens analise van data. Deelnemers se persepsies van gestremdheid het gefokes op fisiese en mediese probleme. `n Gebrek aan kennis en te min leiding uit beleidsdokumente en van die Department van Arbeid het die persepsie versterk. Deelnemers was bekend met gelyke indiensnemingsbeleid, maar dit is net ten opsigte van ras en geslag in die studie hotelle toegepas. Toepassing van beleid is nie gemonitor deur die Department van Arbeid nie. Aanstelling van persone met gestremdhede is bemoeilik deur diskriminasie, stereotipering, die fisiese aard van die werk, die tipe werk, `n ontoeganklike fisiese omgewing, `n tekort aan opleiding en onderrig by persone met gestremdhede en geen aansoeke van persone met gestremdhede. Fasiliteerders het Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtigings punte, die verskeidenheid van werk, die motiverings aspek sowel as gaste en bestaande werknemers met gestremdhede ingesluit. Redelike Akkommodasie het meestal op gaste gefokus and was beperk tot fisiese en strukturele omgewings aspekte. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat wetgewing met betrekking tot aanstelling van persone met gestremdhede swak geimplimenteer was in die studie hotelle. Daar word aanbeveel dat die hotelle `n konsultant aanstel om `n interne bewustheidsveldtog van stapel te stuur. Die Department van Arbeid moet implementering van beleid met betrekking tot persone met gestremdhede monitor. Organisasies vir mense met gestremdhede moet `n platform skep vir kommunikasie met die regering ten opsigte van beleids implimentering en om die debat rondom sosiale insluiting en definisies van gestremheid te bevorder.

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