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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Darbo sutarties prieštaravimų įstatymams pašalinimas / Elimination of the employment agreement provisions which are in contradiction to the law

Žala, Alvydas 25 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo sutartis yra viena pagrindinių asmens teisės į darbą įgyvendinimo teisinių formų. Sutarties turinį sudaro jos šalių sulygtos sutarties sąlygos, apibrėžiančios šalių teises ir pareigas. Teisės norminiai aktai nustato daugumą privalomų sąlygų, būtinų aptarti darbo sutartyje, nustato sąlygų minimumą. Taip pat nustatoma laisvė aptarti kitas sąlygas, tačiau sutarties laisvę apriboja taip pat teisinės taisyklės, kurios apima beveik kiekvieną darbo sutarties aspektą. Teisės norminiai aktai užtikrina minimalių darbo standartų laikymąsi, nustato draudimus, apribojimus, įpareigojimus, siekiant išvengti kurios nors šalies piktnaudžiavimo įstatymo suteikta galimybe, suteikiant teisę darbuotojui ir darbdaviui susitarti dėl darbo sutarties sąlygų, apsaugančių darbuotojo socialines teises. Pažeidus minimalių, draudžiamų darbo standartų laikymąsi – pažeidžiamos įstatymų nuostatos ir darbo sutarties sąlygos tampa prieštaraujančios įstatymams. Prieštaraujančius įstatymams santykius privaloma nedelsiant keisti arba nutraukti. Lietuvos Respublikos darbo kodeksas nustato darbo sutarties prieštaravimų įstatymams pašalinimo tvarką. Prieštaravimų pašalinimas – tai darbo sutarties pakeitimas. Konstatuojami ir nepašalintini prieštaravimai, kurių teisiniai padariniai yra dvejopi: darbuotojo perkėlimas jo sutikimu į kitą darbą arba darbo sutarties nutraukimas. Darbo sutarties prieštaravimas įstatymams, esant tam tikrai juridinei sudėčiai (faktui) sudaro savarankišką darbo sutarties nutraukimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Employment agreement is one of the main legal forms of actualizing a person’s right to employment. The content of the agreement consists of the provisions negotiated by the parties, which define the rights and obligations of the parties. The prevailing legal norms and acts regulate most of the obligatory conditions of an employment agreement and define the minimal requirements. There is room left for free discussion of unregulated conditions, yet, the free room is also limited by legal norms, which cover almost every aspect of an employment agreement. Legal norms and acts ensure compliance to the minimal employment standards, define insurance rates, and settle the limitations and obligations in order to prevent any of the parties from being legally abused by the other party and in order to provide the employer and the employee with a possibility to negotiate such employment conditions which would protect the social rights of the employees. When the minimal restricted employment standards are violated, the provisions of the associated legal acts are violated alongside, and the conditions of such employment agreements come to be in contradiction to the prevailing law. The contract which is in contradiction to law should be immediately amended or terminated. The Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania defines the order of elimination of the employment agreement provisions which are in contradiction with the law. Elimination of such provisions means changing the employment... [to full text]

Anställningsavtal : En jämförelse mellan olika anställningsavtal för fartygsbefäl

Devinder, Victor, Dynesius, Per January 2016 (has links)
Detta arbete behandlar anställningsavtalen: det svenska Storsjöavtalet för styrmän/telegrafist, färöiskt anställningsavtal för svenska fartygsbefäl och ITF:s anställningsavtal för besättningsmedlemmar på bekvämlighetsflaggade fartyg. Syftet med jämförelsen var att utröna skillnaderna mellan avtalen, gällande uppsägning, ekonomisk ersättning vid sjukdom och skadefall samt skadeståndsansvar med hänsyn till social trygghet. Metoden som användes för att genomföra arbetet var en kvalitativ litteraturstudie. Storsjöavtalet och det färöiska avtalet liknar varandra relativt väl gällande uppsägning medan ITF:s anställningsavtal skiljer sig från de andra avtalen. Gällande sjukdom och skadefall ger alla avtalen ersättningar. Storsjöavtalets ersättning baseradas på Försäkringskassans utbetalningar medan det färöiska och ITF:s anställningsavtal har separata försäkringar som rederiet upprättar till enskilt fartygsbefäl. Beträffande skadeståndsansvar devierar ITF:s anställningsavtal eftersom det inte behöver finnas synnerliga skäl, som krävs enligt Storsjöavtalet och det färöiska avtalet, för att bli personligt skadeståndsskyldig för fel i tjänsten. Jämförelsen ger en bra inblick hur avtalen är uppbyggda kring nationella lagar och/eller avsaknaden av dessa. Generellt är Storsjöavtalet mer socialt betryggande än vad det färöiska och det internationella ITF-anställningsavtalet är. / This study deals with employment agreements: the Swedish Storsjö Agreement for officers and telegraphists, Faroese Employment Agreement for Swedish officers and the ITF Uniform ”TCC” Collective Agreement for crews onboard flag of convenience ships. The purpose of the comparison was to determine differences between the agreements concerning termination, economical compensation for illness and injury cases and liability in case of default in regards of social security. The method of the work was a qualitative literature study. Storsjö Agreement and the Faroese Agreement is relatively similar to each other regarding termination of the contract, while the ITF Agreement differ from the other agreements. Regarding economical compensation for illness and injury cases all the agreements provides a safety net for the officer. The compensation with Storsjö Agreement is based on the Swedish Social Insurance Agency payouts, while the Faroese Agreement and ITF Agreement have separate insurance policies that the company arranges to individual officers. Regarding liability due to default, the ITF Agreement contract differ since it does not have to be any exceptional reasons for the default, which is required in Storsjö Agreement and the Faroese Agreement, to make the officer personally responsible for the damage. The comparison gives a good insight into how the contracts are structured around national laws and/or the lack of them. Generally Storsjö Agreement is more reassuring than the Faroese Agreement and the ITF Agreement concerning social security.

Skončení pracovního poměru -výpověď / Termination of Employment - Notice

Baťhová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The title: The termination of employment agreement - the notice The aim of this thesis is to illustrate one part of Czech labour law - the institute of termination of employment agreement - the notice. My reasons for choosing this topic are following. This topic is current and it is the object of many disputes. It is interesting part of labour law, which step in to the employee's life significantly. My thesis is composed of 13 chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of notice. Chapter One is the introduction to the thesis and it contains the reasons why I chose this topic. Chapter Two outlines the ways of termination of employment agreement and it is subdivided into three parts. Part One describes the termination of contract of employment by legal event. Part Two concerns the termination of employment agreement by official decision. And finally part Thee explains the termination of contract of employment by legal act. Chapter Three focuses on notice in general way. This chapter has also three parts. Part One deals with subjects of notice. Part Two contains the requirements of the notice - mainly the written form and the delivery. And part Three mentions the cancellation of the notice and the approval with this cancellation. Chapter Four deals with the notice which is given by employee. Chapter...

Det individuella anställningsavtalet : Gränser för anställningsformens innehåll / The personal employment agreement : Boundaries for the agreements legal scope

Henningsson, Dan January 2010 (has links)
<p>The foundations of the Swedish labour market have shifted due to a number of new circumstances affecting its framework. Employment is no longer a right taken for granted but rather something one should work hard to achieve. Given the new conditions, employers are not only trying to ensure their own businesses survival but also uphold the structures of our society. Competition between enterprises forces management to forge new boundaries to maintain profitability.Concerns have arisen whether or not these so called management strategies are within the limitations of the law. As a result and as a response to the design of the labour laws creativity is peaking to overrun the statutory regulations. This thesis sole ambition is to grasp to what extent the employers can enhance and change terms of employment without breaking the law.Employment agreements concerning temporary employment are at large especially focused upon.</p><p>A strict jurisprudential method has been applied throughout the entire thesis to ensure the reliability of the results. The diversity of sources has been analyzed to assure the overall quality. The legal system at large represents important foundations as well as the historical perspectives. To capture the future foundations and limitations of our labour laws consideration should be acknowledged in comparison to our society’s ever changing demands.The laws and regulations concerning employment agreements can be extensively adjusted without influencing the employees’ rights. That enhances the employers’ power to manage the business in accordance to the shifting market conditions. Some consideration should, in the context, be acknowledged. If the laws are stretched to far the employment agreement will be declared invalid by court along with claims for financial retribution.</p>

Det individuella anställningsavtalet : Gränser för anställningsformens innehåll / The personal employment agreement : Boundaries for the agreements legal scope

Henningsson, Dan January 2010 (has links)
The foundations of the Swedish labour market have shifted due to a number of new circumstances affecting its framework. Employment is no longer a right taken for granted but rather something one should work hard to achieve. Given the new conditions, employers are not only trying to ensure their own businesses survival but also uphold the structures of our society. Competition between enterprises forces management to forge new boundaries to maintain profitability.Concerns have arisen whether or not these so called management strategies are within the limitations of the law. As a result and as a response to the design of the labour laws creativity is peaking to overrun the statutory regulations. This thesis sole ambition is to grasp to what extent the employers can enhance and change terms of employment without breaking the law.Employment agreements concerning temporary employment are at large especially focused upon. A strict jurisprudential method has been applied throughout the entire thesis to ensure the reliability of the results. The diversity of sources has been analyzed to assure the overall quality. The legal system at large represents important foundations as well as the historical perspectives. To capture the future foundations and limitations of our labour laws consideration should be acknowledged in comparison to our society’s ever changing demands.The laws and regulations concerning employment agreements can be extensively adjusted without influencing the employees’ rights. That enhances the employers’ power to manage the business in accordance to the shifting market conditions. Some consideration should, in the context, be acknowledged. If the laws are stretched to far the employment agreement will be declared invalid by court along with claims for financial retribution.

Da cláusula de não-concorrência no contrato individual de trabalho

Novo, Catia Guimarães Raposo 29 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:25:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Catia Guimaraes Raposo Novo.pdf: 555202 bytes, checksum: e44448aea27be28bf94d52f9a43c0f9c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-06-29 / With economic globalization and new technologies, know-how and researches developed became more relevant for the economic development of the societies. In addition to the capital and to labor, knowledge became an essential factor in the manufacturing process and generation of wealth, which in this new economic model ensures a company´s competitiveness and, in many cases, its own survival. The aforementioned changes have an impact on the working relationships as the inclusion of specialized employees in strategic areas of the company, including their access to privileged knowledge and information brought the need of new demands for regulating the employment agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the inclusion of the non-competition clause in the employment agreement generates, theoretical deadlocks because it covers a period subsequent to the end of the employment relationship and addresses antagonic interests, particularly, the exercise of full employment in opposition to the property. Furthermore, this discussion covers the issue of the free will principle (autonomia da vontade) vis-à-vis the protectionism typical of the employment agreement. Therefore, considering the lack of laws regulating this theme, this study examines the applicability and prerequisites for the enforceability of the non-competition clause in the Brazilian law system, taking into account historic aspects; principles guiding the employment relationship; and those regulating agreements in general, compared right and the parties´ interest in including this clause. In short, after the analysis of the aforementioned topics, the conclusion was that the non-competition clause included in the employment agreement is an important instrument to safeguard the rights of both parties: employers and employees, and an applicable alternative to prevent conflicts related to manufacturing forms, management of knowledge and business competition practices / Com a globalização econômica e as novas tecnologias, o know how e as pesquisas desenvolvidas se tornaram mais relevantes para o desenvolvimento econômico das sociedades. Além do capital e do trabalho, o conhecimento passou a ser fator essencial ao processo de produção e geração de riqueza, o que, nesse novo modelo econômico, garante competitividade a uma empresa e, em muitos casos, sua própria sobrevivência. Tais mudanças têm impacto nas relações de trabalho, uma vez que a inserção de empregados especializados em áreas estratégicas da empresa, inclusive com acesso a conhecimento e informações privilegiadas trouxe a necessidade de novas demandas de regulamentação ao contrato de trabalho. A inclusão da cláusula de não-concorrência no contrato de trabalho gera, porém, impasses teóricos, haja vista que abrange período posterior à extinção do liame empregatício e trata de interesses antagônicos, notadamente, o exercício do pleno emprego em face do direito à propriedade. Ademais, a discussão passa pela questão da autonomia da vontade frente à rigidez do protecionismo inerente ao contrato de trabalho. Assim, considerando a lacuna legislativa quanto ao tema, são analisados no presente estudo a aplicabilidade e pressupostos de validade da cláusula de não-concorrência no direito pátrio, levando em conta aspectos históricos; princípios que norteiam a relação de trabalho, bem como os que regem os contratos em geral; o direito comparado; e os interesses das partes para sua pactuação. Em síntese, após a análise dos tópicos mencionados, foi concluído que a cláusula de não-concorrência inserida no contrato de trabalho é importante instrumento para garantia de direitos recíprocos entre empregados e empregadores, e meio hábil a se evitar conflitos concernentes às novas formas de produção, gestão do conhecimento e de práticas de concorrência empresarial

Dohody o pracích konaných mimo pracovní poměr / Agreements on work performed outside employment

HRDLIČKOVÁ, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis focused on bringing information about the current utilization of agreements on work performed outside employment, on analyzing their advantages and disadvantages, and up from employees as well as by employers

Souběh pracovního poměru s výkonem funkce statutárního orgánu / Simultaneous performance of employment and directionship

Tomšej, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to analyse implications of simultaneous performance of directorship and employment. The division of the relationship between a company and its manager into two different legal relations, governed by different fields of law (employment and commercial law) is a common practice in the Czech business environment. Despite of this, it is contrary to the Czech Supreme Court case law. Therefore, my research is aimed at verifying the "no simultaneous performance of functions" principle and summarising its legal and practical implications. Another goal of the paper is to analyse the contemplated bill to amend the Commercial Code which is currently subject to political discussions at the Lower Chamber of the Czech Parliament as well as to investigate its implications for the subjects of law. The thesis consists of three chapters, which do correspond to the main goals of the thesis, as stipulated in the Introduction. Chapter One is introductory and defines legal instruments that are material for the conclusions of the thesis. It summarises main legal differences between employment and directorship. Chapter Two is divided into five parts, each of them approaching the "no simultaneous performance of functions" principle from a different viewpoint. The first part examines relevant Czech...

Cláusula de não concorrência no contrato de trabalho: licitude e direitos fundamentais

Martinez Neto, Aldo Augusto 18 September 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:21:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Aldo Augusto Martinez Neto.pdf: 757911 bytes, checksum: 1c69678c8e3179bcd8642b3584bfe737 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-18 / The overcoming of legal positivism, as well as recognition of the normative force of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, led the incidence of human rights in private relations, among them labor relations with emphasis on employment agreement. As employees and employers are both holders of human rights, there are situations in which it checks for collision between the opposing fundamental rights. In order to solve the contradiction of human rights it is necessary to apply the principle of proportionality (adequacy, necessity and proportionality in the strict sense). We applied the principle of proportionality to reexamine the assumptions of non-compete clause to be effective after employment agreement termination in view of the collision between employees‟ human rights of freedom of work and employer's human rights of property. Applying the principle of proportionality it is possible to conclude that non-competition clause is in compliance with Brazilian labor legislation if the agreement observes the following assumptions: (i) justification for the restriction cause, (ii) temporal and geographical limitations, (iii) description of the activities and constraint of the object and (iv) financial compensation / A superação do positivismo jurídico, bem como o reconhecimento da força normativa da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil (CRFB), propiciaram a incidência dos direitos fundamentais nas relações privadas, dentre elas as relações trabalhistas, com ênfase no contrato individual do trabalho. Como empregados e empregadores são ambos titulares de direitos fundamentais, há situações em que se verifica a existência de colisão entre os direitos fundamentais opostos. Para solucionar esta antinomia de direitos fundamentais recorre-se ao princípio da proporcionalidade (adequação, necessidade e proporcionalidade em sentido estrito). Aplicou-se o princípio da proporcionalidade para examinar os pressupostos de licitude da cláusula de não concorrência com vigência após o encerramento do contrato individual do trabalho em vistas à colisão entre os direitos fundamentais de liberdade de trabalho do empregado e de propriedade do empregador. Através do princípio da proporcionalidade chega-se à conclusão da licitude da cláusula de não concorrência desde que observados os seguintes pressupostos: (i) motivação da restrição, (ii) limitação temporal e geográfica, (iii) descrição das atividades objeto da restrição e (iv) compensação financeira

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