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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Workplace wellness, organisational commitment and retention in an insurance company in South Africa

Ncube, Smangaliso 11 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Venda and Zulu / Workplace wellness, organisational commitment and retention play a phenomenal role in organisations. Insurance companies form part of the organisations affected by retention of employees. Employees need to be physically, spiritually, socially, emotionally, intellectually, occupationally and environmentally well to perform, commit and remain in the organisation for longer. The objective of the study was to (i) establish a relationship between workplace wellness, organisational commitment and retention among employees of an insurance organisation in Johannesburg, (ii) to establish whether a relationship exists between the variables and the demographics age, gender, race groups, marital status and education levels. A deductive quantitative research method with systematic sampling was utilized to gather and evaluate the data in a sample of 726 randomly selected participants. A 22.59% response rate was obtained. The findings indicate significant relationships between the respondents', workplace wellness, organisational commitment and retention, also between workplace wellness, retention and education level. This is an indication that workplace wellness and organisational commitment has an influence on retaining employees and that employees with a level of education attest to that. No significant relations found between variables workplace wellness, organisational commitment, retention and the biographical variables age, gender, marital status, employment levels. No significant relations were found between organisational commitment and education level. The findings of this research contribute to the existing body of knowledge by providing human resource managers and practitioners with insights on specific commitment and retention strategies that will make employees commit and remain longer in the organisation. An important understanding gained on retention strategies will assist human resource managers to design relevant interventions to have committed employees and retain them. / Impilonhle emsebenzini, ukuzibophezela kwabasebenzi enhlanganweni kanye nokugcinwa kwabasebenzi kudlala indima enkulu ezinhlanganweni. Izinkampani zomshwalense ziyingxenye yezinhlangano ezithintekayo ekugcinweni kwabasebenzi. Abasebenzi kumele babe sesimweni esihle ngokomzimba, ngokomphefumulo, ngokwemizwa, ngokwengqondo, ngokomsebenzi kanye nangokwesimo semvelo abaphila kusona ukuze bakwazi ukwenza umsebenzi wabo kahle futhi bahlale isikhathi eside enhlanganweni. Injongo yalolu cwaningo kwabe (i) kuwukubheka nokuthola ubudlelwano phakathi kwempilonhle emsebenzini, ukuzibophezela kwabasebenzi enhlanganweni kanye nokugcinwa kwabasebenzi ezinhlanganweni zomshwalense eGoli, (ii) ukuthola ukuthi bukhona yini ubudlelwano phakathi kwezimo ezintathu ezishiwo ngenhla (impilonhle emsebenzini, ukuzibophezela kwabasebenzi enhlanganweni kanye nokugcinwa kwabasebenzi) kanye nezici eziphathelene nabantu ezinjengeminyaka yobudala, ubulili, uhlanga/ibala lomuntu, isimo somshado kanye namazinga emfundo. Kwasetshenziswa i-deductive quantitative research method ehambisana ne-systematic sampling ukuqoqa nokuhlola idatha kubabambiqhaza bocwangino abangama-726 ababeqokwe ngaphandle kokulandela indlela ethile ehlelekile. Kwatholakala izinga lokuphendula (response rate) elingama-22.59%. Imiphumela yocwaningo ibonisa ukuba khona kobudlelwano obukhulu phakathi kwempilonhle emsebenzini, ukuzibophezela kwabasebenzi enhlanganweni kanye nokugcinwa kwabasebenzi; futhi bukhona ubudlelwano phakathi kwempilonhle emsebenzini nokugcinwa kwabasebenzi kanye nezinga lemfundo. Lokhu kuyinkomba yokuthi impilonhle emsebenzini kanye nokuzibophezela kwabasebenzi enhlanganweni kunawo umthelela ekugcinweni kwabasebenzi futhi abasebenzi abanezinga elithile lemfundo bawubufakazi balokho. Abukho ubudlelwano obuphawulekayo obatholakala phakathi kwezimo ezinjengempilonhle emsebenzini, ukuzibophezela kwabasebenzi enhlanganweni kanye nokugcinwa kwabasebenzi kanye nezici eziphathelene nabantu ezinjengeminyaka yobudala, ubulili, isimo somshado kanye namazinga okuqashwa. Futhi abukho ubudlelwano obuphawulekayo obatholakala phakathi kokuzibophezela kwabasebenzi enhlanganweni kanye nezinga lemfundo. Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo ifaka isandla olwazini olukhona njengamanje ngokuhlinzeka abaphathi kanye nabasebenzi beminyango yezindaba zabasebenzi ngolwazi oluzobalekelela ukuthi bakwazi ukuqonda kahle amaqhingasu athile aphathelene nokuzibophezela kwabasebenzi kanye nokugcinwa kwabo emsebenzini okuyinto ezokwenza ukuthi abasebenzi bazibophezele futhi bahlale isikhathi eside enhlanganweni. Ukuqonda amaqhingasu okugcinwa kwabasebenzi kuzolekelela abaphathi beminyango yezindaba zabasebenzi ukuthi bakwazi ukwenza izinhlelo zokungenelela ezifanelekile ukuze babe nabasebenzi abazibophezele futhi babagcine emsebenzini. / Mutakalo mushumoni, u ḓikumedzela ha tshiimiswa na u dzudza zwi shela mulenzhe nga huhulu kha tshiimiswa. Khamphani dza ndindakhombo dzi vhumba tshipiḓa tsha zwiimiswa zwo khwameaho zwa u dzudza vhatholwa mushumoni. Vhatholwa vha tea u vha vhe na mutakalo muvhilini, muyani, matshilisano, mielekanyo, vhuṱali, mushumo na vhupo havhuḓi u kona u shuma, u ḓikumedzela, na u dzula kha tshiimiswa lwa tshifhinga tshilapfu. Ndivho ya ngudo ho vha u (i) thoma vhushaka vhukati ha mutakalo mushumoni, u ḓikumedzela ha tshiimiswa na u dzudza vhukati ha vhatholwa vha tshiimiswa tsha ndindakhombo ngei Johannesburg, (ii) u vhona arali hu na vhushaka vhukati ha zwishanduwaho na vhukale ha tshandukisatshivhumbeo, mbeu, zwigwada zwa mirafho, nyimele ya mbingano na vhuimo ha pfunzo. Kuitele kwa ṱhoḓisiso dzo no itwaho nga vhaṅwe kwa khwaḽithethivi na vhukhethatsumbonanguludzwa kwo shumiswa u kuvhanganya na u ela data kha tsumbonanguludzwa dza 726 dza vhadzheneli vho nangwaho nga nḓila ye zwa itea ngayo. Ho waniwa phimo ya u fhindula ya 22.59%. Mawanwa a sumbedzisa vhushaka ha ndeme vhukati ha vhafhinduli vha mutakalo mushumoni, u dzudza na u ḓikumedzela ha tshiimiswa; na vhukati ha mutakalo mushumoni, u dzudza na vhuimo ha pfunzo. Heyi ndi tsumbo ya uri mutakalo mushumoni na u ḓikumedzela ha tshiimiswa zwi na ṱhuṱhuwedzo kha u dzudza vhatholwa na uri vhatholwa na vha re na vhuimo ha pfunzo vho zwi khwaṱhisedza. A huna vhushaka ha ndeme he ha wanala vhukati ha zwishanduwaho zwa mutakalo mushumoni, u ḓikumedzela ha tshiimiswa na u dzudza, vhukale ha zwishanduwaho zwa nganeavhutshilo, mbeu, nyimele ya mbingano na vhuimo ha mushumo. Mawanwa a ṱhoḓisiso iyi o shela mulenzhe kha ndivho ya tshiimiswa i re hone nga u ṋetshedza ndivho vhalanguli vha zwiko zwa vhashumi na vhashumeli nga ha u ḓikumedzela ho tiwaho na zwiṱirathedzhi zwa u dzudza zwine zwa ḓo ita uri vhatholwa vha ḓikumedzele nga vhone vhaṋe kha, na u dzula tshifhinga tshilapfu kha tshiimiswa. U pfesesa zwi tshi elana na zwiṱirathedzhi zwa u dzudza zwi ḓo thusa vhalanguli vha zwiko zwa vhashumi u dzudzanya u dzhenelela ho teaho u vha na vhatholwa vho ḓikumedzelaho na u vha dzudza. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

The role of management in the in-service training of adult learners in agricultural institutions

Sepheka, Amony Amanda 01 1900 (has links)
Agriculture is one of the most important economic activities, with significant contribution to food security, job creation and gross domestic product (GDP) in many countries. Due to the historical inequalities in the distribution of farming land, agriculture in South Africa has been divided into commercial agriculture and subsistence agriculture. The end result are inequalities in the distribution of land, skills and wealth, with the majority of South Africans living in poverty, being illiterate and with no skills. The newly elected democratic Government has since 1994 attempted to address these inequalities. Among the programmes introduced to skill farmers was the launch of the Agricultural Education and Training (AET) Strategy. The aim of AET was to improve Agricultural production through quality agricultural education and training, and thereby addressing the needs of the country’s economy. Adult in-service training was introduced at agricultural institutions. It is now mandatory for the management of agricultural institutions providing in-service training to skill their workers. Yet there is still no clear understanding of how the farmers, managers and supervisors benefit or do not benefit from their employees’ in-service training. This lack of information has been of concern to the farm managers, training providers, sponsors and other stakeholders. Apart from frequent discussions, little has so far been written on the subject. In particular, there is little known about the role of management of the adult in-service training at the agricultural institutions. The aim of this research was to explore the role of the management of in-service training of adult learners at an agricultural institution with the objective of providing the needed information. The qualitative research approach, using grounded theory, was employed because of its suitability to the study. Information was collected from the participants using both in-depth open-ended questions and focus groups interviews. The data analysis was achieved by using the ATLAS ti. The aim was to provide an in-depth understanding of people’s experiences in the agricultural industry, especially at the two sampled agricultural institutions, both situated in Gauteng. vi The lack of evaluation of the Adult in-service training project was found to be the main reason why there is still no clear understanding of how the farmers, managers and supervisors benefit or do not benefit from their employees’ in-service training. The problem of lack of evaluation was related to the level of literacy of the adult in-service learners, who preferred practical training to theoretical training. At the same time, the farm managers, training providers, sponsors and other stakeholders are anxious to know the training progress results. The knowledge of training progress is also needed for the implementation of improvements or financial sponsorship. This research therefore recommends, among others, that evaluations be carried out among the adult in-service learners in such a manner that both the adult learners and the other stakeholders are satisfied. It is, therefore, essential that the role of management of the Adult in-service training agricultural institutions be well defined, so as to fulfil the purpose of these in-service institutions of skilling the trainees to be productive agricultural farmers for the benefit of agricultural production in South Africa. / Temothuo ke nngwe ya ditirwana tsa botlhokwa tota tsa ikonomi, tse di nang le seabe se segolo mo netefatsong ya lotseno lwa dijo, go tlhola ditiro mmogo le go Palogotlhe ya Dikumo tsa Naga (GDP), mo dinageng di le dintsi. Ka ntlha ya hisitori ya go sa lekalekane mo kabong ya lefatshe la temo, temothuo mono Aforikaborwa e ne ya aroganngwa ka mapahata a le mabedi, e bong temothuo e e totileng kgwebo le e e totileng go iphedisa fela. Kwa bofelong re feleditse ka go sa lekalekaneng ga kabo ya lefatshe, bokgoni le khumo, fao bontsi jwa Maaforikaborwa ba tshelelang mo khumanegong, ba sa rutega e bile ba se na bokgoni. Puso ya demokerasi e e tlhophilweng sešwa, e sa le e leka go mekamekana le go sa lekalekaneng go, go simolola ka 1994. Gareng ga mananeo a a itsisitsweng go neela balemi bokgoni, ke kgakolo ya Leano la Thuto le Thupelelo malebana le Temothuo (AET). Maikaelelo ka AET e ne e le go tokafatsa kumo ya Temothuo ka mosele wa thuto le thupelelo ya boleng, ka jalo go mekamekanwe le ditlhokwa tsa ikonomi ya naga. Go itsisitswe thupelelotirong ya bagolo kwa ditheong tsa temothuo. Gajaana, bolaodi jwa ditheo tsa temothuo bo gapelediwa go neela thupelelotirong gore badiri ba ditheo tse, ba nne le bokgoni. Le gale, ga go ise go tlhaloganyege sentle gore balemerui, balaodi le batlhokomedi ba ungwa go le kae, kgotsa ga ba ungwe jang, malebana le thupelelotirong ya bathapiwa ba bona. Tlhokego e ya tshedimosetso, e tshwentse balaodi ba dipolase, bakatisi, baetleetsi mmogo le banaleseabe. Ga go a kwala go le gontsi malebana le setlhogo se, go fitlha gajaana. Go feta fa, ga go itsiwe seabe sa bolaodi malebana le thupelelotirong ya bagolo mo ditheong tsa temothuo. Maikaelelo a tlhotlhomisi e e ne e le go leba seabe sa bolaodi mo thupelelotirong ya baithuti ba bagolo kwa ditheong tsa temothuo, ka maikaelelo a go neela thsedimosetso e e tlhokegang. Molebo wa patlisiso wa diteng o dirisitswe ka ntlha ya bomaleba jwa ona mo tlhotlhomising e. Go kokoantswe tshedimosetso go tswa go batsaakarolo, go dirisiwa dipotso tse di tseneletseng mmogo le tse di sa tsenelelang jalo, le dipotsolotso tsa ditlhopha tse di totilweng. Kanaanelo ya datha e fitlheletswe ka go dirisa ATLAS ti. viii Maikaelelo e ne e le go neela tlhaloganyo e e tseneletseng ya maitemogelo a batho mo industering ya temothuo, bogolosegolo ditheo tse di supilweng tsa temothuo, bobedi jwa tsona bo le mo Gauteng. Lebakalegolo la gore go bo go se na tlhaloganyo e e edileng ya gore balemerui, balaodi le batlhokomedi ba ungwa jang kgotsa ga ba ungwe jang malebana le thupelelotirong ya badiredi, ga le ise le tlhake. Matsapa a go tlhoka tekanyetso a tsalana le maemo a borutegi a baithuti ba bagolo ba thupelelotirong, ba ba neng ba eletsa thupelelotirong ya tiragatso e seng ya tiro. Ka nako yona e balaodi ba dipolasa, batlamedi ba thupelelo, baetleetsi mmogo le banaleseabe, ba fela pelo go itse dipholo tsa thupelelo. Kitso ya tsamao ya thupelelo e bile e tlhokega malebana le tiragatso ya tlhabololo mmogo le ketletso ya tsa matlhole. Tlhotlhomisi e, ka jalo, gareng gat se dingwe e tshikhinya gore, gareng gat se dingwe, tlhotlhwafatso e dirwe mo baithuting ba bagolo ba thupelelotirong ka tsela e e tlaa kgotsofatsang baithuti ba bagolo mmogo le ba na le seabe. Ka jalo go botlhokwa gore seabe sa ditheo tsa bolaodi jwa katiso ya bodiredi jwa temothuo jwa Bagolo, se lebiwe sentle, gore se kgotsofatse maikaelelo a ditheo tse tsa katisotirong ya ditheo tse, e maikaelelo a yona e leng go nonotsha bakatisiwa go nna balemirui ba ba tlhololo go ungwa temothuo mo Aforikaborwa. / Ezolimo zingomunye wemisebenzi yezomnotho ebaluleke kakhulu, kanti zibambe iqhaza elisemqoka ekutholakaleni kokudla, ukudala amathuba omsebenzi nakusambamkiqizo wezwe (GDP) emazweni amaningi. Ngenxa yomlando wokungalingani ekwabeni umhlaba wezolimo, ezolimo lezi eNingizimu Afrika sezehlukaniswe zaba ngezolimo zokuhwebelana, nezolimo zokungadliwa ekhaya. Umphumela walokhu kube ukungalingani ekwabiweni komhlaba, amakhono, nomnotho, nokuba iningi lezakhamizi zaseNingozimu Afrika liphile ngobumpofu, ukungakwazi ukufunda nokubhala nokungabi namakhono. Uhulumeni omusha wentando yeningi, kusukela ku-1994 ubuzama ukubhekana nalokhu kungalingani. Kwezinye zezinhlelo ezisunguliwe ukuhlomisa abalimi ngamakhono kube ukwethula iNdlela Yokufundisa Nokuqeqesha kwezolimo (Agricultural Education and Training [AET] Strategy). Injongo ye-AET ukwenza ngcono imikhiqizo yeZolimo ngokufundisa nokuqeqesha kwezolimo okusezingeni eliphakeme, ngalokho kubhekanwe nezidingo zezomnotho ezweni. Kwaqalwa ukuba kube nokuqeqeshwa kwabadala okwenzelwa ezikhungweni zezolimo. Sebephoqelekile manje abaphathi bezikhungo zezolimo eziqeqeshela emsebenzini ukuba bahlomise abasebenzi babo ngamakhono adingekayo. Noma kunjalo akukho ukuqonda kahle ukuthi abalimi, izimenenja nababhekile bazuza noma abazuzi kanjani ngokuqeqeshelwa emsebenzini kwabasebenzi babo. Ukungatholakali kolwazi lwalokhu kuyazikhathaza izimenenja zamapulazi, abaqeqeshi, abaxhasi nabanye ababambe iqhaza. Ngaphandle kwezingxoxo ezihlale ziba khona, kuze kube manje kuncane osekubhaliwe ngalesi sihloko. Ikakhulu kuncane okwaziwayo ngeqhaza labaphathi (izimenenja) bokuqeqeshelwa emsebenzini kwabafundi abadala ezikhungweni zezolimo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo-ke bekungucubungula ngeqhaza labaphathi bezikhungo zokuqeqeshela abafundi abadala emsebenzini ezikhungweni zezolimo, inhloso kungukuba kuhlinzekwe ngolwazi oludingekayo. Lapha bekusetshenziswa indlela yocwaningo egxile emsocweni (qualitative) kusetshenziswa ithiyori ezinzile (grounded) ngoba lokhu kuyezwana nalolu cwaningo. Ulwazi oludingekayo beluqoqwa kwababambe iqhaza kusetshenziswa imibuzo ejulayo x kodwa evulekile, nokuba kubuzanwe namaqembu ebekugxilwe kuwo. Imininingwane etholakele ibihlaziywa ngokusebenzisa i-ATLADS TI. Injongo bekungukuba kutholakale ukuqonda okujulile ngalokho abedlula kukho abantu embonini yezolimo, ikakhulu ezikhungweni zezolimo ezimbili eziqokiwe, zombili eziseGauteng. Ukungenzeki kokuba kuhlolwe izinga lephrojekthi yokuqeshelwa emsebenzini kwabadala kwatholakala kuyikhona okuyisizathu esiphambili sokuba kuze kube manje kungacacile ukuqonda ukuthi ngabe abalimi nezimenenja bayazuza yini noma abazuzi lutho ngalokhu kuqeqeshelwa emsebenzi kwabasebenzi. Inkinga yokungabi bikho kwalokhu kuhlolwa kwezinga kuhambisana nezinga lokwazi ukufunda okubhaliwe nokubhala kwabafundi abadala abaqeqeshelwa emsebenzini, ababethanda kakhulu ukuqeqeshwa kokwenziwayo kunalokho okuyithiyori. Kanti ngaso leso sikhathi izimenenja zepulazi, abaqeqeshi, abaxhasi nabanye ababambe iqhaza kulo msebenzi banexhala ngokwazi imiphumela yokuqhubekela phambili kwalokhu kuqeqesha. Ukwazi ngokuqhubeka kokuqeqesha kuyadingeka futhi ukuze zenziwe ngcono ezinye izinto, noma kuhleleke nokutholakala kwabaxhasa ngezimali. Ngakho-ke lolu cwaningo, ngaphezu kwezinye izincomo, luncoma ukuthi kuhlolwe izinga kubafundi abadala abaqeqeshwayo ngendlela yokuba bagculiseke abafundi abadala nabanye ababambe iqhaza kule phrojekthi. Kubalulekile-ke ukuba uchazwe kucace kahle umsebenzi wabaphathi bezikhungo zezolimo zokuqeqeshela abadala emsebenzini, ukuze kufezeke izinhloso zalezi zikhungo zokuqeqeshela emsebenzini mayelana nokuhlomisa abaqeqeshwayo ngamakhono ukuze bagcine sebengabalimi abakhiqiza okomkhakha wezolimo okuzosiza iNingizimu Afrika yonkana. / Science and Technology Education / D. Phil. (Education)

Personal branding and career success : an empirical investigation

Coetzer, Esme 30 October 2019 (has links)
Knowledge about personal branding, the development and sustaining of a personal brand and the link between personal branding and career success did not exist in a scientifically structured manner. The purpose of this study was to understand what the elements of personal branding are and what it takes to develop a personal brand in the corporate environment. It was also important to identify whether personal branding is key to career success. The systematic literature review procedure was used to identify, analyse and critically evaluate both empirical studies and popular literature relating to personal branding. The current body of knowledge was ill defined and a six step model detailing how to develop and maintain a personal brand was developed as a result of a content analysis of the available popular literature. A measure of a complete personal brand within the workplace was subsequently developed. In this study, the hypotheses of a possible relationship between personal branding and career success (performance appraisal score, 360 leadership evaluation and talent board placement) were tested. It was found that talent board placement was statistically significant and practically related to personal branding. The study was the first to provide a measurement tool as well as empirical evidence on the relationship between personal branding and career success and, as such contributed significantly to the body of knowledge. This study also opened avenues for further research. / Daar was min kennis oor ’n persoonlike handelsmerk, die ontwikkeling en handhawing van ’n persoonlike handelsmerk, en die verband tussen ’n persoonlike handelsmerk en loopbaansukses in die wetenskaplike domein beskikbaar. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die elemente van ’n persoonlike handelsmerk te begryp, asook om te bepaal wat dit behels om ’n persoonlike handelsmerk in die korporatiewe omgewing te ontwikkel. Dit was ook belangrik om te bepaal of ’n persoonlike handelsmerk deurslaggewend is tot loopbaansukses. ‘n Sistematiese literatuuroorsig is gedoen om empiriese studies asook gewilde literatuur oor ’n persoonlike handelsmerk te identifiseer, te ontleed en krities te evalueer. Gegewe beperkte akademiese kennismateriaal, en na aanleiding van die inhoudsontleding van die beskikbare gewilde literatuur, is ’n sesstapmodel ontwikkel om aan te dui hoe ’n persoonlike handelsmerk ontwikkel en gehandhaaf kan word. Na aanleiding hiervan is ’n instrument ontwikkel om ’n person se handelsmerk omvattend in die werkplek te meet. Dit is gevolg deur hipoteses van ’n moontlike verband tussen ’n persoonlike handelsmerk en loopbaansukses (prestasiebeoordelingtelling, 360-leierskapevaluasie en talentplasing) te toets. Die studie het bevind dat ’n persoonlike handelsmerk statisties beduidend en prakties relevant is tot talentplasing. Hierdie navorsing lewer ’n omvattende meetinstrument vir die meting van ’n persoonlike handelsmerk, asook empiriese bewyse rakende die verhouding tussen ’n persoonlike handelsmerk en loopbaansukses. Die studie maak in dié opsig ‘n beduidende bydrae tot die gebrekkige akademiese kennismateriaal wat oor hierdie onderwerp beskikbaar is. / Ulwazi nge-branding yomuntu siqu, ukuthuthukiswa kanye nokuqhubekela phambili kwe-brand yomuntu siqu kanye nokuxhumana phakathi kwe-brand yomuntu siqu kanye nokuphumelela emsebenzini bekuyizinto ebezingahlelekile ngendlela yesisayense. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekuwukuqondisisa ukuthi ngabe iyini imikhakha ye-branding yomuntu siqu kanye nokuthi yini okudingekayo ukwenza ibrand yomuntu siqu emkhakheni wezamabhizinisi. Bekubalulekile nokubheka ukuthi ngabe i-branding yomuntu siqu isemqoka kangakanani ekuphumeleleni emisebenzini. Inqubo yokubuyekeza imibhalo ngendlela ehlelekile iye yasetshenziswa ukuphawula, ukuhlaziya kanye nokuhlola izifundo ezinobufakazi ezenziwe kanye nemibhalo edumile maqondana ne-branding yomuntu siqu. Imikhakha yolwazi ekhona ibingachazekile kahle, kanti kuye kwalandelwa imodeli yezinyathalo eziyisithupha echaza imininingwane ngokwenza kanye nokugcina i-brand yomuntu siqu, iye yenziwa ngakho-ke kwase kuhlaziywa ingqikithi yemibhalo edumile ekhona. Kwenziwe i-brand yomuntu siqu ephelele emkhakheni wezemisebenzi. Kulolu cwaningo, kuhlolwe i-hypotheses yobudlelwane phakathi kwe-branding yomuntu siqu kanye nokuphumelela emsebenzini (amaphuzu ohlolo lokusebenza ngendlela efanele, uhlolo lobuholi obungu 360, kanye nokubekwa kwebhodi yamathalente endaweni efanele) kuye kwahlolwa. Kutholakale ukuthi ukubekwa kwebhodi yamathalente endaweni efanele yinto esemqoka ngokwamastatistiki kanti futhi kuhambisana ne-branding yomuntu siqu. Ucwaningo belungolokuqala ukuhlinzeka ngethuluzi lokukala kanye nocwaningo obunobufakazi obubambekayo ngobudlelwane phakathi kwe-branding yomuntu siqu kanye nokuphumelela emsebenzini, kanti-ke, lokhu yikho okuye kwaba nomthelela obabalukile kulwazi. Lolu cwaningo luvule imikhakha lapho okungenziwa khona ezinye izinhlobo nemikhakha yocwaningo. / Business Management / DBL

Developing authenticity: a framework to enhance women's well-being in a male-dominated work environment

Jacobs, Rochelle Dorothy 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Abstracts in English, isiXhosa and Afrikaaans / This study’s primary objective was to create a framework for developing authenticity, by exploring women’s experiences of authenticity and how these relate to their wellbeing in a male-dominated work environment. Twelve purposively chosen women participated in the study, comprising six police officers and six traffic officers from the Western Cape province in South Africa. Data were gathered through narrative interviews by using open-ended questions, and analysed by applying thematic analysis. The research findings revealed that challenges or stressors in their law enforcement environment serve as potential agents for moving the self away from best-self in the authenticity dynamic, resulting in the need for coping and therefore for developing authenticity. The framework for developing authenticity was constructed as an ongoing and unfolding process comprising the following: experiencing challenges or stressors; turning within; recognising possible ways of being; managing perceptions, thoughts, emotions and behaviour; making conscious choices and taking responsible actions; as well as evaluating responses and consequences against best-self standards. During this process various best-self characteristics and associated skills are developed and employed, but also serve as best-self standards against which to evaluate growth and transformation. Secondary objectives aimed to advance the concept of authenticity in the study of well-being as a discipline of psychology. It also aimed to make a methodological contribution by applying hermeneutic phenomenological and transpersonal approaches in a novel way. / Eyona njongo yesisifundo ibikukuphuhlisa umgaqo nkqubo wokwenene, oqwalasela izinto abantu basetyhini abadlule kuzo kwaye nokuba zingqamane njani nentlalontle yabo kwindawo zokusebenza eziphethwe ngamadoda. Ishumi elinesibini labasetyhini elikhethwe ngenjongo, liye lathatha inxaxheba kwesi sifundo, eliquka amapolisa amathandathu kunye namagos’ezendlel'amathandathu, avela kwiphondo Lentshona Koloni eMzantsi Afrika. Kusetyenziswe udliwano ndlebe apho abantu bebe balisa amabali abo, bebuzwa imibuzo efuna impendulo ezingqalileyo ukuqokelela ezinkcukacha kwaye zahlalutywa ngokusebenzisa uhlalutyo oluthile. Uphando lufumanise ukuba imiceli mingeni okanye uxinizelelo lwengqondo kwiimeko zokugunyaziswa komthetho zisebenza njenge arhente zokubasusa ekubeni babalasele kwinguqu yokwenene, nto leyo ebangela kubekho imfuneko yokuba banyamezele kwaye kubekho uhlumo lokwenene. Umgaqo nkqubo wophuhliso lokwenene wakhiwe njenge nkqubo eqhubekayo equka ezizinto zilandelayo: ukudibana nemiceli mingeni okanye uxinezelelo nezinokwenzeka ngayo izinto; ukulawula iingcamango, iingcinga, imvakalelo kunye nendlela yokuziphatha, ukuthatha izigqibo ezi zizo kunye nokuthatha uxanduva lwezenzo zakho; kwaye uphonononge indlela abaphendula ngayo kwakunyegokwase ngqondweni; ukonganyelwa ngaphakathi; ukubona indlela ezinokwenzeka ngayo izinto; ukulawula iingcamango, iingcinga, imvakalelo kunye nendlela yokuziphatha, ukuthatha izigqibo ezi zizo kunye nokuthatha uxanduva lwezenzo zakho; kwaye uphonononge indlela abaphendula ngayo kwakunye neziphumo ezinxamnye nomgangatho wokuba ubalasele. Ngexesha lalenkqubo iimpawu zakho ezihamba phambili nezohlukeneyo, kunye nezakhono ezinxulumene nazo ziyaphuhliswa kwaye uqashwe, kodwa zikwa ncedisa njenge milinganiselo yokuvavanya ukukhula kunye notshintsho. Iinjongo zesibini zijolise ekuqhubekekiseni lemfundiso yokwenene kwisifundo sentlalo-ntle njenge ngqeqesho yasengqondweni. Kwakhona, kwenzelwe ukwenza igalelo leendlela zokwenza izinto ngokusebenzisa iindlela zophando ngokusebenza kwengqondo yomntu (hermeneutic), kunye nophando lwamava kunye neenkolelo zomntu, ngeedlela ezintsha. / Die primêre doel van hierdie studie was om 'n raamwerk vir die ontwikkeling van egtheid te skep, deur vroue se ervarings van egtheid te ondersoek en hoe dit verband hou met hul welstand in 'n manlik-gedomineerde werksomgewing. Twaalf doelgerig gekose vrouens het deelgeneem aan die studie, wie bestaan het uit ses polisiebeamptes en ses verkeersbeamptes uit die Wes-Kaapse provinsie in Suid- Afrika. Data was versamel deur middel van narratiewe onderhoude deur oop vrae te gebruik, en ontleed deur tematiese analise toe te pas. Die navorsingsbevindings het aan die lig gebring dat uitdagings of stressors in hul wetstoepassingsomgewing as potensiële agente dien om die self weg te beweeg van die beste-self in die egtheid dinamika, wat die behoefte aan coping tot gevolg het en dus vir die ontwikkeling van egtheid. Die raamwerk vir die ontwikkeling van egtheid is saamgestel as 'n deurlopende en ontvouende proses wat die volgende insluit: ervaring van uitdagings of stressors; keer na binne; erkenning van moontlike maniere om te wees; hantering van persepsies, gedagtes, emosies en gedrag; maak bewustelike keuses en neem verantwoordelike aksies; sowel as die evaluering van reaksies en gevolge teen die beste-self standaarde. Gedurende hierdie proses word verskeie beste-self eienskappe en verwante vaardighede ontwikkel en aangewend, maar dien ook as die beste-self standaarde om groei en transformasie te evalueer. Sekondêre doelwitte het ten doel om die konsep van egtheid in die studie van welstand as dissipline van sielkunde te bevorder. Dit is ook daarop gemik om 'n metodologiese bydrae te lewer deur hermeneutiese fenomenologiese en transpersoonlike benaderings op 'n nuwe manier toe te pas. / Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology)

The development and validation of a high performance model within an IT organisation

Van Zyl, Anize 05 1900 (has links)
Text in English with summaries and keywords in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Bibliography: leaves 294-314 / How does an organisation turn good results into great results? What makes one organisation good and another great? What defines high performance organisations? Which aspects within an organisation play vital roles into taking an organisation from good to great? Are some aspects more important than others, if so, which ones? These questions have been explored and researched over the years and various researchers have proposed different theories and models that impact high performance as well as definitions around high performance with mixed results. The general aim of this research was to develop and validate a High Performance Model for an IT organisation. The concept of high performance was explored in terms of how to define high performance, which high performance models and frameworks have been developed within the literature and what sustains high performance. These existing High Performance Organisation (HPO) models and frameworks were evaluated against an identified set of criteria to arrive at a definitive theoretical model of high performance. The theoretical HPO model was developed based on the evaluation of the literature reviews together with the existing HPO model of the participating IT organisation. The main purpose of the empirical research was to gather data by means of three questionnaires, over six years, which were used to statistically determine the organisational and behavioural constructs that influence High Performance in an IT organisation in South Africa. Furthermore, the researcher developed an empirical model to verify the theoretical model. A quantitative empirical research paradigm using the survey method was followed and explanatory and descriptive research was used in this study. An HPO questionnaire was developed and administered to employees. Over the six years and three questionnaire administrations, 3,451 employees participated. A new best fitting HPO model was postulated based on new constructs postulated in the factor analysis. The model indicated that Leadership, Knowledge Management – team, Strategic Focus as well as Job Satisfaction especially contributed to high performance within the participating organisation, as well as that strong relationships exist between the HPO factors. This research should contribute towards longitudinal studies on high performance as well as a comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence high performance, within South Africa but also globally. The new HPO model should assist organisations and practitioners in measuring high performance in any organisation after validation. With increased competition and globalisation organisations struggle to survive, this study can provide a roadmap for organisations to obtain and sustain high performance. / Hoe kan ‘n organisasie goeie resultate in uitnemende resultate verander? Wat maak een organisasie goed en ‘n ander een uitnemend? Hoe word hoë prestasie organisasies gedefinieer? Watter aspekte binne ‘n organisasie speel die belangrikste rol om die organisasie van goed na uitnemend te neem? Is sommige aspekte belangriker as ander, indien wel, watter? Hierdie vrae is al deur die jare heen ondersoek en nagevors. Verskeie navorsers het verskillende definisies, teorieë en modelle wat hoe prestasie beïnvloed word ontwikkel, met gemengde resultate. Die algemene doel van hierdie navorsing was om ‘n Hoë Prestasie (HP) Model vir ‘n IT organisasie te ontwikkel en te bekragtig. Die konsep van hoë prestasie word ondersoek, meer spesifiek, die definisie van hoë prestasie, watter hoë prestasie modelle en raamwerke al ontwikkel is in die literatuur en wat hou hoë prestasie in stand. Die bestaande HP modelle en raamwerke word ge-evalueer teen kriteria wat vooraf geïdentifiseer is om sodoende ‘n beslissende teoretiese model vir hoë prestasie te onwikkel. Die teoretiese HP model was ontwikkel op grond van literatuur evaluasies, tesame met die bestaande HP model van die deelnemende IT organisasie. Die hoofdoel van die empiriese navorsing was om data te versamel deur middel van drie vraelyste, oor ‘n tydperk van ses jaar, wat gebruik is om te bepaal watter organisasie- en gedragsveranderlikes beïnvloed hoë prestasie in die deelnemende Suid-Afrikaanse IT organisasie. Die navorser het ook ‘n empiriese model ontwikkel om die teoretiese model te verifieer. ‘n Kwantitatiewe empiriese navorsingsparadigma, insluitend die vraelysmetode, was gevolg in hierdie navorsingstudie, sowel as verklarende en bevestigende navorsing. ‘n HP vraelys was ontwikkel en geadministreer. Gedurende die ses jaar en drie vraelys administrasies, het 3,451 werknemers deelgeneem. ‘n Nuwe en beter-passende HP model word gepostuleer, gebaseer op nuwe konstrukte gepostuleer in die faktoranalise. Die model wys dat Leierskap, Kennisbestuur—span, Strategiese Fokus, asook Werksbevrediging—veral bydra tot hoë prestasie in die deelnemende organisasie en dat sterk verhoudings bestaan tussen dié HP faktore. Die navorsing behoort by te dra tot longutidinale studies van hoë prestasie, asook ‘n omvattende begrip van die faktore wat hoë prestasie beïnvloed, op globale vlak, maar ook binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Die nuwe HP model behoort organisasies en praktisyns te help om hoë prestasie te meet in enige IT organisasie, nadat bekragtiging gedoen is. Met toenemende kompetisie en globalisering, sukkel organisasies om kop bo water te hou, dus kan hierdie studie ‘n padkaart bied na die verkryging en handhawing van hoë prestasie. / Ngabe inhlangano ikwenza kanjani ukwenza ukusuka kwimiphumela emihle ibe nemiphumela yezinga eliphezulu kakhulu? Ngabe yini okwenza ukuthi inhlangano ethile ibe yinhle kanti enye ibe sezingeni eliphezulu kakhulu? Ngabe yini okuchaza inhlangano esebenza ngezinga eliphezulu kakhulu? Ngabe yiziphi izinto kwinhlangano ezidlala indima ebalulekile ekwenzeni ukuthi inhlangano isuke ezingeni elihle iye kweliphezulu kakhulu? Ngabe kukhona izinto ezibalulekile ukudlula ezinye, uma zikhona, ngabe yiziphi? Le mibuzo iye yacutshungulwa nokucwaningwa eminyakeni eminingi kanti abacwaningi abehlukene baphakamise amathiyori ehlukene kanye namamodeli athinta umphumela wezinga eliphezulu kanye nezincazelo ngokusebenza kwezinga eliphezulu, ngemiphumela ehlukene. Inhloso enabile yalolu cwaningo bekuwukwenza kanye nokuqinisekisa imodeli ye-high performance model (HPO) ngokwenhlangano ye-Information Technology (IT). Kuye kwahlolisiswa umbono wokusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu ngokulandela indlela yokuchaza ukusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu, nokuthi ngabe yiwaphi amamodeli okusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu nezinhlaka ezenziwe ngaphansi kwemibhalo, kanye nokuthi yini ukuqikelela ukuqhubeka kokusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu. Amamodeli akhona e-HPO kanye nezinhlaka zahlolwa ngaphansi kwama-criteria aboniwe akhona ukuze kufinyelelwe kwithiyori echazayo ngemodeli yokusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu. Ithiyori yemodeli ye-HPO yenziwe ngokulandela uhlolo lwemibhalo ebuyekeziwe kanye nokulandela imodeli ye-HPO ekhona kwinhlangano ye-IT ebingenele ucwaningo. Inhloso enkulu yocwaningo olunobufakazi bekuwukuqoqa idata ngokwenza uhla lwemibuzo emithathu, esikhathini seminyaka eyisithupha, kanti yasetshenziswa ukunquma ngezinto ezihlukene eziphathelene nenhlangano kanye nokuziphatha kwayo okunomthelela ekusebenzeni ngezinga eliphezulu kwinhlangano ye-IT eNingizimu Afrika. Kanti futhi, umcwaningi wenze imodeli yobufakazi ukuqinisekisa imodeli yethiyori. Kulandelwe ipharadayimi yocwaningo lwamanani ngokusebenzisa inqubo ye-survey kanye nocwaningo lwencazelo nengcaciso okusetshenziswe kulolu cwaningo. Kwenziwe uhla lwemibuzo yeHPO yasetshenziswa kubasebenzi. Eminyakeni eyisithupha kusetshenziwswe uhla oluthathu lwemibuzo, kubasebenzi ababambe iqhaza abangu 3, 451. Imodeli engcono kakhulu ye-HPO iye yasetshenziswa ngokulandela uhlelo olusha olwenziwe kwinqubo yohlaziyo. Imodeli ibonise ukuthi Ubuholi, kanye Nokuphathwa koLwazi – ithimba, Ukugxilisa kwinhloso ethile kanye Nokuneliseka Ngomsebenzi ikakhulukazi yikho okunomthelela ekusebenzeni ngezinga eliphezulu enhlanganweni ebamba iqhaza. Imiphumela ibonise nobudlelwane obukhulu obuqinile obukhona phakathi kwezinto eziphathelene ne-HPO, ikakhulukazi phakathi Kwenhlangano Yokuphathwa Kolwazi, okuhambelane kakhulu ngokuqinile nezinto ezinhlano kweziyisishagalolunye eziphathelene ne-HPO. Ucwaningo lungathela esivivaneni ekuqondisiseni okujulile kwizinto ezinomthelela ekusebenzeni ngezinga eliphezulu, kuwo wonke umhlaba kanye neNingizimu Afrika ngokwayo. Imodeli entsha ye-HPO ingasiza inhlangano kanye nabasebenzi ekukaleni ukusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu kunoma yiyiphi inhlangano ye-IT, ngemuva kokuqinisekiswa. Ngokukhula kokuqhudelana kanye ne-globalisation, izinhlangano zikuthola kunzima ukuqhubekela phambili, lolu cwaningo lungahlinzeka ngomhlahlandlela kwizinhlangano ukuthola indlela yokusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu nokugcina lezo zindlela zokusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Phil. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Development and validation of the career plateauing experiences scale in relation to job satisfaction, motivation, and work engagement in the South African Police Service

Ramgoolam, Shailyn 07 1900 (has links)
Text in English, with abstracts and keywords in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu / The focus of this research is employees’ career development in the South African Police Services (SAPS). The general aim of the research is to develop a valid and reliable measure of career plateauing and to determine whether individuals’ experiences of career plateauing (as antecedent) positively or negatively predict their job satisfaction, motivation, and work engagement (as consequences). The research further aims to investigate whether individuals’ biographical variables (gender, age, race, marital status, rank, and tenure) significantly influence their subjective work experiences (career plateauing, job satisfaction, motivation, and work engagement). A quantitative cross-sectional survey was conducted on a nonprobability purposive sample of employees (N = 410) from different biographical groups at the SAPS. Descriptive, correlational, and inferential statistics were performed. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis provided evidence of the internal consistency reliability and construct validity of the newly developed career plateauing experiences scale (CPES). Structural equation modelling confirmed the predictive validity of the CPES and showed that job content plateau and hierarchical/structural plateau predicted lower levels of job satisfaction. The psychological plateau predicted lower work engagement levels. Maintenance plateau predicted higher job satisfaction and engagement levels. Tests for significant mean differences indicated that individuals from the various biographical groups differed significantly regarding their career plateauing experiences, job satisfaction, motivation, and work engagement. The research extended career development theory by demonstrating the relevance of the new construct of psychological plateau in relation to traditional forms of career plateauing and work engagement in flat organisational structural contexts. Although still in need of further refinement, the newly developed CPES shows empirically promise to provide useful information for measuring and alleviating negative experiences of career plateauing in the SAPS. The findings further provide valuable insights into the unique career plateauing experiences, job satisfaction, motivation, and work engagement of employees of different age, gender, race, marital status, rank, and tenure groups. The study makes an original contribution to career development theory and research and adds value to career development practice in the contemporary organisational setting. / Hierdie studie handel oor die loopbaanontwikkeling van werknemers in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD). Die doel van die navorsing is om ʼn geldige en betroubare aanduiding dat ʼn loopbaanplato bereik is, te ontwikkel, en om vas te stel of individue se belewing dat hulle loopbaan ʼn plato bereik het (as die antesedent), hulle werksbevrediging, motivering en werksbetrokkenheid (as die gevolge) positief of negatief voorspel. Afgesien hiervan word ondersoek of werknemers se biografiese veranderlikes (geslag, ouderdom, ras, huwelikstatus, rang en dienstyd) ʼn beduidende uitwerking op hulle subjektiewe werksbelewing (loopbaanplato, werksbevrediging, motivering en werksbetrokkenheid) het. ʼn Kwantitatiewe dwarssnitopname van ʼn doelgerigte onwaarskynlikheidsteekproef onder werknemers (N=410) uit verskillende biografiese groepe in die SAPD is gedoen. Deskriptiewe, korrelatiewe en inferensiële statistiek is uitgevoer. ʼn Verkennende en bevestigende faktoranalise het bewys dat die nuut ontwikkelde loopbaanplatobelewingskaal (LPBS) as konstruk geldig, intern konsekwent en betroubaar is. Strukturele vergelykingsmodellering het die voorspellingsgeldigheid van die LPBS bevestig en getoon dat die posinhoud- en hiërargiese/strukturele plato laer vlakke van werksbevrediging voorspel. Die sielkundige plato het laer vlakke van werksbetrokkenheid voorspel, terwyl die handhawingsplato groter werksbevredigings- en -betrokkenheidsvlakke voorspel het. Toetse vir beduidende gemiddeldeverskille het aangedui dat werknemers uit verskillende biografiese groepe beduidende verskille getoon het met betrekking tot hul loopbaanplatobelewing, werksbevrediging, motivering en werksbetrokkenheid. Die navorsing het die loopbaanontwikkelingsteorie verryk deur die relevansie van die nuwe konstruk van ʼn sielkundige plato vir die tradisionele vorme van loopbaanplato’s en werksbetrokkenheid in plat maatskappystrukture te demonstreer. Ofskoon die nuwe LPBS verfyn moet word, beloof dit veel wat betref inligting waarmee die negatiewe belewing van loopbaanplato’s in die SAPD gemeet en verander kan word. Voorts bied die bevindings waardevolle insigte in die unieke loopbaanplatobelewings, werksbevrediging, -motivering en -betrokkenheid van werknemers ongeag hul ouderdomsgroep, geslag, ras, huwelikstatus, rang en dienstyd. Hierdie studie lewer ʼn bydrae tot die loopbaanontwikkelingsteorie en -navorsing, en voeg waarde toe tot die loopbaanontwikkelingspraktyk in eietydse organisasies. / Lolu cwaningo lugxile ekuthuthukiseni ubizo lomsebenzi wabasebenzi boPhiko lwezaMaphoyisa eNingizimu Afrika (SAPS). Inhloso enkulu yocwaningo wukuthuthukisa uhlelo lokulinganisa uhlelo olufanele noluthembekayo lobizo lomsebenzi kanye nokuqondisisa ukuthi ngabe isimo somuntu ahlangabezana naso, isimo sesiqongolo sobizo lomsebenzi (as antecedent), njengesilinganiso esikwazi ukubikezela kahle noma kabi izinga lokwaneliswa umsebenzi, izinto ezikhuthaza isisebenzi kanye nokuzibandakanya kwesisebenzi emsebenzini. (njengomphumela). Ngaphezu kwalokho ucwaningo luhlose ukuphenya ukuthi ngabe izimpawu zempilo yomuntu (ubulili, iminyaka yomuntu, inhlobo yohlanga lomuntu, isimo somshado, isikhundla kanye nelungelo lobunikazi) zithinta kakhulu izimpilo zabo zomsebenzi (isiqongolo sobizo lomsebenzi, izinga lokwaneliseka ngokomsebenzi, okukhuthaza isisebenzi Kanye nokubandakanyeka kwesisebenzi emsebenzini. Uhlelo locwaningo lwezigaba olugxile kumanani lwenziwa kusampuli yabasebenzi ngohlelo olungenamathuba okwenzeka olungenanhloso (N = 410), ucwaningo olwenziwe kumaqembu ahlukene ngezimpilo zabasebenzi abasophikweni lwesiphoyisa (SAPS). Kuye kwenziwa uhlelo lwamanani ngendlela yokuchaza, yokuqhathanisa okufanayo kanye nokufunisela. Uhlelo lohlaziyo oluphenyayo kanye nohlelo lohlaziyo oluqinisekisayo lunikeze ubufakazi obuthembekayo bangaphakathi obungaguquki kanti bakha isiqinisekiso z sesilinganiso esisanda kwakhiwa, phecelezi i-Career Experiences Plateauing Scale (CEPS). Imodeli ebizwa phecelezi Structural equation modelling iye yaqinisekisa uhlelo olufanele olubikezelayo lwe-CPES futhi iye yakhombisa ukuthi isigaba sokugcina solwazi lobizo lomsebenzi kanye nohlaka/nesakhiwo sesiqongo sobizo lomsebenzi lubikezele amazing aphansi okwaneliseka ngomsebenzi. Isiqongo sezomqondo siye sabikezela izinga eliphansi lokuzibandakanya kwabasebenzi emsebenzini wabo, kanti isiqongo sobizo lomsebenzi siye sabikezela izinga eliphezulu lokwaneliseka ngokomsebenzi Kanye nangamazinga okubandakanyeka kwabasebenzi emsebenzini wabo. Izinhlelo zokuhlola eziqonde ukuveza umehluko phakathi, phecelezi kwe-mean zibikezele ukuthi abantu abavela kumaqembu ahlukene empilo akhombise ukwehluka mayelana nemisebenzi yesiqongo sobizo lomsebenzi, ukwaneliseka ngokomsebenzi Kanye namazinga okubandakanyeka kwabasebenzi emsebenzini wabo. Ucwaningo luye lwanweba ithiyori yezokuthuthukiswa kobizo lomsebenzi ngokukhombisa izimpawu ezifanayo zesakhiwo esisha zesigaba esiyisiqongo somqondo mayelana nezindlela ezejwayelekile zesiqongo sobizo lomsebenzi kanye nokubandakanyeka kwabasebenzi emsebenzini wabo kwizizinda ezingaguquki zesakhiwo senhlangano. Yize zisadinga ukuhluzwa kabanzi, izinhlelo ezithuthukiswe kabusha ze-CPES zikhombisa isithembiso esiphathekayo sokunikeza ulwazi olusebenzayo lokulinga Kanye nokunciphisa/nokugwema izenzo ezibi zesiqongo sobizo lomsebenzi ophikweni lwe-SAPS. Ulwazi olutholakele luqhubeka nokuveza umnyombo mezenzo zesiqongo sobizo lomsebenzi, ukwaneliseka ngokomsebenzi, izinto ezikhuthaza abasebenzi Kanye nokubandakanyeka kwabasebenzi emsebenzini, okungabasebenzi beminyaka eyehlukene, bobulili, bobuhlanga, besimo somshado, besikhundla kanye namaqembu anobunikazi bempahla eyigugu. Ucwaningo lwenza igalelo langempela kwithiyori ethuthukisa ubizo lomsebenzi Kanye nocwaningo futhi lwengeza ubugugu kwingqubo ethuthukisa ubizo lomsebenzi kwisizinda samanje senhlangano. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

A human resource practitioner framework to support the engagement of academics in research ethics

Uys, Marie 02 1900 (has links)
This study explored academic researchers’ engagement in research ethics at an OpenDistance Learning (ODL) institution in South Africa (SA), with the intention of discovering the way in which human resource management (HRM) practitioners, employed at the same institution, can support academic researchers’ engagement in research ethics. The study’s purpose was to develop a conceptual framework for HRM practitioners to support academic researchers’ engagement in research ethics, at an ODL institution in SA.For this qualitative study, an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach was followed. Data were collected from 13 purposively selected academic researchers, employed at an ODL institution, by means of semi-structured individual interviews, naive sketches and fieldnotes. The IPA approach offers an analysis method that was accordingly employed. Thereafter, the findings were interpreted with the Job-Demands Resource (JD-R) theory.These interpretations were used to construct the conceptual framework according to the organising principles of Dickhoff, James and Wiedenbach (1968) Academic researchers have some resources to support engagement in research ethics, but also face several job demands, which has a negative influence on their ability to engage in research ethics. HRM practitioners have a critical role to fulfil to support academic researchers’ engagement in research ethics, by facilitating a work environment where job resources are readily available. In addition, the ODL institution must be well-balanced, successful, and endorse a culture of ethics within its organisational culture, for academic researchers to engage in research ethics. HRM practitioners have an essential role to endorse a culture of ethics within the ODL institution. The findings will benefit both academic researchers and the ODL institution. The support that HRM practitioners provide, should include, inter alia, a) enabling an engaging leadership style, b) ensuring that ethical values are embedded in the recruitment strategy, and c) revising the performance agreements and performance appraisals of academic employees to include research ethics. This study forms part of a limited pool of qualitative studies to investigate WE, using the JD-R theory as a theoretical framework. This study is furthermore a forerunner in exploring the role that HRM practitioners can play in supporting academic researchers’ engagement in research ethics. It is the first study to use the IPA approach in the field of Management Sciences to investigate WE with the JD-R theory as a theory of engagement. By using the organising principles of Dickoff et al. (1968), for conceptual framework development to explain WE according to the JD-R theory, a seminal contribution was made. / Hierdie studie ondersoek akademiese navorsers se verbintenis tot navorsingsetiek by ’n oopafstandleerinstelling (ODL institution) in Suid-Afrika met die voorneme om ’n manier te vind waarop nslikehulpbronbestuurspraktisyns (MHB-praktisyns) wat by dieselfde instelling werksaam is, akademiese navorsers se verbintenis tot navorsingsetiek kan ondersteun. Die studie se oogmerk was om ’n konseptuele raamwerk vir MHB-praktisyns te ontwikkel om akademiese navorsers se verbintenis tot navorsingsetiek by ’n pafstandleerinstelling te ondersteun. Vir hierdie kwalitatiewe studie is ’n Interpreterende Fenomenologiese Ontledingsbenadering (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis [IPA] approach) gevolg. Data is by 13 doelbewusgeselekteerde akademiese navorsers, werksaam by ’n oopafstandleerinstelling, ingesamel deur middel van migestruktureerde- individuele onderhoude, naïewe sketse en veldnotas. Die Interpreterende Fenomenologiese Ontledingsbenadering bied ’n ntledingsmetode wat dienooreenkomstig gebruik is. Hierna is die bevindings met die werk- vereistes-hulpbronneteorie (job-demands resource [JD-R] theory) geïnterpreteer. Hierdie interpretasies is gebruik om die konseptuele raamwerk te ontwikkel volgens die organiseringsbeginsels van Dickhoff, James en Wiedenbach (1968). Akademiese navorsers beskik oor ’n paar hulpbronne wat ’n verbintenis tot navorsingsetiek ondersteun, maar word ook met verskeie werkseise gekonfronteer wat ’n negatiewe invloed op hulle vermoë om hul tot navorsingsetiek te verbind, kan hê. MHB-praktisyns speel ’n kritiese rol om akademiese navorsers te ondersteun ten opsigte van hul verbintenis tot navorsingsetiek deur ’n werksomgewing te fasiliteer waar werkshulpbronne geredelik beskikbaar is. Verder moet die oopafstandleerinstelling ‘n gebalanseerde etiese organisasiekultuur onderskryf om akademiese navorsers te help om hulle te verbind tot etiese navorsing. MHB-praktisyns speel ’n noodsaaklike rol om ’n etiese kultuur binne die ODL- instelling te ondersteun. Akademiese navorsers, sowel as die oopafstandleerinstelling, sal baat vind by die bevindinge. Die ondersteuning wat MHB-praktisyns bied, behoort onder meer die volgende in te sluit: a) om ’n werksbegeesterde leierskapstyl moontlik te maak; b) om te verseker dat etiese waardes by die werwingstrategie ingesluit is; en c) om die prestasie-ooreenkomste en prestasiebeoordelings van akademiese personeel te hersien om navorsingsetiek in te sluit. / Lolu cwaningo lwacubungula ukulandela nokusebenzisa kwabacwaningi inkambiso yocwaningo enhle nelungileyo esikhungweni seMfundo-buqama Evulelekile (ODL), phecelezi, i-Open Distance Learning institution eNingizimu Afrika (SA), ngenhloso yokuthola indlela engasetshenziswa ngabasebenzi abangongoti bezokuphathwa kwabasebenzi (HRM), abaqashwe esikhungweni leso, ukweseka ukulandela nokusebenzisa kwabacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme inkambiso yocwaningo enhle nelungileyo uma benza ucwaningo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo kwabe kuwukwakha okuthuthukisa uhlaka-kuhlaziya lokuqonda olwenzelwe abasebenzi be-HRM ekusekeleni abacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme ukuze bakwazi ukulandela nokusebenzisa inkambiso enhle nelungileyo uma benza ucwaningo esikhungweni esiyi-ODL eNingizimu Afrika. Kulolu cwaningo olwabe luwucwaningo olugxile ekuxoxisaneni okunzulu futhi okunohlonze nababambiqhaza bocwaningo bakhethiweyo abayingcosana (qualitative research) kwalandelwa indlela-kuhlaziya egxile kwisimo-kuqonda sombambiqhaza ocwaningo, phecelezi i-Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Imininingo yocwaningo yaqoqwa kubacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme abayi-13 abakhethwe ngenhloso, kusetshenziswa indlela-kuxoxisana engagcini nje kuphela ohlwini lwemibuzo ehlelekile, kepha elandelisa nangeminye imibuzo evulekile, phecelezi ama-semi-structured individual interviews, nemidwebo elula kanye namanothi athathwe endaweni okwenzelwa kuyona ucwaningo. Indlela-kuhlaziya i-IPA ihlinzeka ngendlela yokuhlaziya okuyiyona eyasetshenziswa ocwaningweni. Emuva kwalokho imiphumela eyatholakala ocwaningweni yahunyushwa kusetshenziswa ithiyori i-Job-Demands Resource (JD-R) theory. Ngokusho kuka-Dickhoff, James no-Wiedenbach (1968) lezi zihumusho zabe sezisetshenziselwa ukwakha uhlaka-kuhlaziya lokuqonda. Abacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme banazo izinsiza-kusebenza zokulandela nokusebenzisa inkambiso yocwaningo enhle nelungileyo, kodwa-ke zikhona futhi nezingcindezi-zidingo zomsebenzi eziningana ezinomthelela ongemuhle emandleni abo okulandela nokusebenzisa inkambiso enhle nelungileyo uma benza ucwaningo. Abasebenzi be-HRM banendima esemqoka kakhulu okumele bayidlale ekwesekeni abacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme ekulandeleni nokusebenzisa inkambiso enhle nelungileyo uma benza ucwaningo, ngokuthi bakhe isimo sokusebenzela lapho ziyinala futhi zitholakala kalula izinsiza-kusebenza. Ngaphezu kwalokho isikhungo esiyi-ODL kumele kube ngesizinzile nesihleleke kahle, esiphumelelayo futhi eseseka usiko-mpilo lwenkambiso enhle nelungileyo ngaphakathi kusiko-mpilo lwaso njengenhlangano, ukuze abacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme bakwazi ukulandela nokusebenzisa inkambiso enhle nelungileyo uma benza ucwaningo. Abasebenzi be-HRM banendima esemqoka okumele bayidlale ekwesekeni usikompilo lwenkambiso enhle nelungileyo ngaphakathi esikhungweni esiyi-ODL. Imiphumela etholakale ocwaningweni izohlomulila abacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme iphinde futhi ihlomulise nezikhungo eziyi-ODL. Ukwesekwa okuhlinzekwa ngabasebenzi be-HRM kumele kubandakanye, phakathi kokunye, a) ukwakhiwa kwesitayela sobuholi senzebenziswano, ubambiswano nokubonisana b) kuqinisekisa ukuthi izimo-mpilo zenkambiso enhle nelungileyo ziyisisekelo seqhingasu lokuqashwa kwabasebenzi, kanye c) nokubuyekezwa kwezivumelwano zensebenzo kanye nokuhlolwa nokubuyekezwa komsebenzi wabasebenzi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme ukuze kubandakanywe inkambiso enhle nelungileyo. Lolu cwaningo luyingxenye yeqoqwana elincane lomsebenzi osuwenziwe kuze kube manje wocwaningo olugxile ekuxoxisaneni okunzulu futhi okunohlonze nababambiqhaza bocwaningo abakhethiweyo abayingcosana okuhloswe ngalo ukuphenya nokucwaninga i-WE, kusetshenziswa ithiyori i-JD-R njengohlaka lwethiyori yocwaningo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, lolu cwaningo luyivulandlela ekucubunguleni indima engadlalwa ngabasebenzi be-HRM ekwesekeni ukulandela nokusebenzisa kwabacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme inkambiso enhle nelungileyo uma benza ucwaningo. Lolu wucwaningo lokuqala olusebenzisa indlela-kuhlaziya i-IPA emkhakheni wamaSayensi Ezokuphatha ngenhloso yokuphenya nokuhlola i-WE kusetshenziswa ithiyori i-JD-R njengethiyori yokucubungula umsebenzi wocwaningo. Kwaba negalelo elikhulukazi impela ukusetshenziswa kwemigomo yokuhlela ka- Dickoff nabanye (1968), ekwakheni nokuthuthukisa uhlaka-kuhlaziya lokuqonda ngenhloso yokuchaza i-WE ngokuhambisana nethiyori i-JD-R / Human Resource Management / D. Phil. (Human Resource Management)

The development of an incapacity management framework for an Open Distance Learning institution in South Africa / Die ontwikkeling van 'n onbekwaamheidsbestuurraamwerk vir ’n opeafstandsonderriginstelling in Suid-Afrika / Ingqubomgomo yokunqundwa kokuthuthukiswa kokuphatha kohlaka lwemfundo evulelekile yesikhungo esifundisa ngokwasekhaya eNingizimu Afrika

Van Staden, Petrus Jacobus Nicolaas 05 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The study was conducted within the interpretive research paradigm. Anchored in organisational justice theory, the study explored the incapacity management practices at an open distance learning (ODL) institution in South Africa. A qualitative research methodology, which applied a case study design, was used in this study. A purposeful sample of 16 (N=16) participants was chosen based on their experiences, knowledge and understanding on the topic of incapacity management. Semi-structured interviews were used as the primary data collection method, and documents were used as a secondary data collection source for triangulation purposes. The data analysis and reporting of the participants’ lived experiences drew on the thematic analysis technique. At theoretical level, the study provided insight into the notions of incapacity management in the workplace; the regulatory obligations in managing incapacity; and lastly, reasonable practices to accommodate incapacity. The literature review confirmed that an effective incapacity management framework should have four main dimensions, namely a supportive institutional culture; a policy and procedure providing for incapacity management practices; provisions for reasonable accommodation; and a multidisciplinary approach. From the empirical phase it emerged that although the literature presupposes a healthy institutional culture to ensure well-managed incapacity in the workplace, the current institutional culture at the institution under study was negative. This study also found several challenges relating to incapacity management in the ODL institution, namely a lack of knowledge and understanding of incapacity management due to the absence of a policy and procedure; a lack of understanding of the incapacity condition; and a lack of reciprocal communication among the key role players. The findings also demonstrated that reasonable accommodation practices could be improved and that the management of incapacity in the workplace requires a multidisciplinary approach. The study proposes an incapacity management framework for the ODL institution that encompasses the identified prerequisites and challenges. The study also added insights to the human resource management body of knowledge, especially knowledge of the management of incapacity due to ill health in the workplace, with specific reference to the ODL institution. / Hierdie studie is binne die interpretiewe navorsingsparadigma uitgevoer. Geanker in organisatoriese geregtigheidsteorie, ondersoek hierdie studie die onbekwaamheidsbestuurpraktyke by 'n opeafstandsonderriginstelling in Suid-Afrika. 'n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodologie wat 'n gevallestudie-ontwerp toegepas het, is in hierdie studie gebruik. 'n Doelgerigte steekproef van 16 (N=16) is gekies op grond van hulle ervarings, kennis en begrip van die onderwerp van onbekwaamheid bestuur. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gebruik as die primêre data-insamelingsmetode, en dokumente is gebruik as ’n sekondêre data-insamelingsbron vir trianguleringsdoeleindes. Tematiese ontledingstegniek is aangewend in die data-ontleding en -verslagdoening van die deelnemers se geleefde ervarings. Op teoretiese vlak, het die studie insig gebied in die opvattings van onbekwaamheidsbestuur in die werkplek; die regulatiewe verpligtings in onbekwaamheidsbestuur; en laastens, redelike praktyke om die onbekwaamheid te akkommodeer. Die literatuuroorsig het bevestig dat 'n effektiewe onbekwaamheidsbestuurraamwerk vier hoofdimensies moet hê, naamlik 'n ondersteunende kultuur in die instelling; ’n beleid en prosedure wat voorsiening maak vir onbekwaamheidsbestuurspraktyke; redelike akkommodasie; en 'n multi-dissiplinêre benadering. Uit die empiriese fase het dit geblyk dat alhoewel die literatuur 'n gesonde institusionele kultuur vooronderstel wat onbekwaamheid in die werkplek effektief bestuur, die bestaande institusionele kultuur by die instelling wat bestudeer is, negatief was. Hierdie studie het bevind dat daar verskeie uitdagings is wat verband hou met onbekwaamheidsbestuur in die opeafstandsonderriginstelling, naamlik 'n gebrek aan kennis en begrip van onbekwaamheidsbestuur as gevolg van die gebrek aan 'n beleid en prosedure; 'n gebrek aan begrip van die onbekwaamheidstoestand; en 'n gebrek aan wedersydse kommunikasie tussen die sleutelrolspelers. Die bevindings het ook getoon dat redelike akkommodasie praktyke verbeter kan word en dat die bestuur van onbekwaamheid in die werkplek 'n multi-dissiplinêre benadering vereis. Die studie stel 'n onbekwaamheidsbestuurraamwerk vir die opeafstandsonderriginstelling voor wat die geïdentifiseerde voorvereistes en uitdagings insluit. Die studie het ook insig gebied in die menslikehulpbronbestuur-kennisgeheel, veral kennis oor die bestuur van onbekwaamheid in die werkplek te wyte aan swak gesondheid, met spesifieke verwysings na die opeafstandsonderriginstelling. / Ucwaningo lwaqhutshwa ngokocwaningo womgomo wokuhumusha. Yakhelwe phezulu kwethiyoriyezobulungiswa, ucwaningo lwagxila ekunqundweni kwezindlela zokuphatha ezaziwa ngokuthi ukufunda okuvulelekile ngezobuchwepheshe okuthiwa yi-ODel esikhungweni saseNingizimu Afrika. Ucwaningo oluyindlela yokuklama oluphathelene nesimo, okuyinto esetshenziselwa ukufunda ngocwaningo lwesiqephu esithile, luye lwasetshenziswa. Kuye kwenziwa isampule olubalulekile lapho kuye kwakhethwa abantu ababebambe iqhaza abayishumi nesithupha (N=16) olwabe lwakhelwe phezulu kwesipiliyoni, ulwazi kanye nokuqonda ngodaba lokunqundwa kokuphatha. Izinhlolokhono ezihleliwe ezingaphelele ziye zasetshenziswa ngendlela yukuqoqa izibalo zangempela, kwabuye kwasetshenziswa imiqulu yemithombo yokuqoqwa kwedatha yesibili ukuqinisekisa okuhlosiwe. Ukuhlaziywa kwemininingwane kanye nokubika ebantwini abambe iqhaza ngezinto abahlangabezana nazo ezimpilweni zabo ix kwadala ukulethwa kokuhlaziya kwamasu okuhlaziya ezingqikithi ezithile. Ezingeni lesayensi, ucwaningo lusinikeza ukuqonda imibono yokunqundwa kokuphatha emsebenzini; izibopho zokulawula ukunqunda kokuphathwa; okokugcina,izindlela ezamukelekile zokubhekana nokunqundwa kokuphathwa. Ukubuyekezwa kwemibhalo kuqinisekise ukuthi uhlaka olusebenzayo lokunqundwa kokuphatha kumele kube nezinhlangothi ezine, okunguyisiko lokusekela izikhungoinqubomgomo nenqubo yokuhlinzeka izindlela zokunqunda ukuphatha; ukuhlinzeka izindlela ezamukelekile; kanye nenqubo ezihlukene yezifundo. Kusukela esigabeni somqondo wesasayensi kuye kwavela ukuthi nakuba imibhalo igcizelela isiko elihle neliphilasayo lemfundo ukuqinisekisa ukunqundwa kokuphatha kahle emsebenzini, isiko olukhona manje ezikhungweni alulungile. Ucwaningo luye lwathola ukuthi ziningi izingqinamba ezihambisa nokunqundwa kokuphatha ukufunda okuvulelekile ngezobuchwepheshe kuyizikhungo okuthiwa yi-ODL, okungabi khona kolwazi kanye nokuqonda mayelana nokunqundwa ukuphatha okudalwa ukungabikhona kwengqubomgomo nezingqubo ezithile; ukungaqondi izimiso zokunqunda; kanye nokuntuleka kokuxhumana ngokuvumelana phakathi kwabantu abadlala indima ebalulekile. Okuye kwatholakala kuye kwakhombisa ukuthi izindlela ezamukelekile zingathuthukiswa nokuthi ukunqundwa kokuphatha emsebenzini kudinga inqubo ehlukene yezifundo. Ucwaningo luhlongaza ingqubomgomo yokunqundwa kokuphatha kwezikhungo zemfundo evulelekile okuthiwa yi-ODL ezohlanganisa izinto ezidingekayo nezinselelo ezikhona. Ucwaningo lubuye lwafaka ukuqonda kokuba khona kwabantu abazoba umgogodla wolwazi abazoqashwa, kakhulukazi kulwazi lokunqunda ukuphatha okuzodalwa ukungabi esimweni esihle ngempilo emsebenzini, kakhulukazi uma kubhekiswa ekufundeni okuvulelekile ezikhungweni ezaziwa ngokuthi yi-ODL. / Human Resource Management / D. Com. (Business management)

Interrelationship between work calling orientation, work engagement and burnout among nurses in the Namibian health care sector

Wambui, Lydiah 02 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This research investigated work as a calling, the relationship with work engagement and the effect on burnout in the Namibian health care sector. A quantitative survey was conducted on a convenient sample of nurses (N = 261) employed by government and private hospitals in Namibia. Kendall's tau_b correlation analysis indicated a positive correlation between job/calling orientation and total work engagement, and a negative correlation with the burnout sub-dimensions of exhaustion and cynicism/ depersonalisation. The results of this study also suggest that both job/calling and work engagement are statistically related to the respondents’ positive world view, which is an important attribute for quality of life. Additionally, the study revealed that burnout had a partial mediation effect on the interaction between job/calling and work engagement. Selected demographic characteristics had a partial moderation effect on the relationship between job/calling orientation, work engagement and burnout. These findings may provide new knowledge for the design of workplace practices that assess calling orientation, and may enhance work engagement. The study provided a deepened understanding of the interrelationships between work as a calling, work engagement and burnout. On a practical level, the recommendations provided can be used by human resource management practitioners, nurse managers and health care providers to motivate health care workers to become more productive in the provision of quality health care, and to improve the management of employees throughout their employment life cycle. / In hierdie studie is werk as ʼn roeping en die verband tussen werkverbintenis en die uitwerking van ooreising in die Namibiese gesondheidsorgsektor ondersoek. ʼn Kwantitatiewe opname is onder ʼn geriefsteekproef van verpleegsters (N = 261) by private en staatshospitale in Namibië gedoen. Volgens Kandall se tau_b-korrelasieanalise is daar ʼn positiewe korrelasie tussen pos/roepingsgerigtheid en totale werkverbintenis, en ʼn negatiewe korrelasie met die ooreisingsubdimensies van uitputting en sinisme/ontpersoonliking. Die uitslag van hierdie studie dui daarop dat sowel pos/roeping as werkverbintenis statisties met die respondente se positiewe wêreldbeskouing, ʼn belangrike kenmerk vir lewenskwaliteit, verband hou. Afgesien hiervan dui die uitslag daarop dat ooreising ʼn gedeeltelike mediasie-effek op die wisselwerking tussen pos/roeping en werkverbintenis het. Die gekose demografiese kenmerke het ʼn gedeeltelik matigende effek op die verband tussen pos/roepingsgerigtheid, werkverbintenis en ooreising. Hierdie bevindings is nuwe kennis vir die ontwerp van werkplekpraktyke wat roepingsgerigtheid evalueer en dit kan werkverbintenis verbeter. Hierdie studie bied groter insig in die onderlinge verbande tussen werk as ʼn roeping, werkverbintenis en ooreising. Op ʼn praktiese vlak kan mensehulpbronbestuurders, verpleegsterbestuurders en gesondheidsorgverskaffers die aanbevelings gebruik om gesondheidsorgwerkers te motiveer sodat hulle produktiewer in die lewering van goeie gesondheidsorgdienste raak. Dit kan eweneens gebruik word om gesondheidsorgwerkers hulle hele werkslewensiklus deur beter te bestuur. / Lolu cwaningo beluphenya umsebenzi njengobizo lomsebenzi, ubudlelwano bokuzibandakanya emsebenzini kanye nomthelela wokukhathala kakhulu kwabasebenzi emkhakheni wezempilo eNamibia. Isaveyi eyencike kumanani iye yenziwa ngokuthi kuthathwe isampuli efanele yabahlengikazi (N = 261) abaqashwe yizibhedlela zikahulumeni kanye nezibhedlela zangasese eNamibia. Uhlaziyo lukaKendall lwe-tau_b luveze ubudlelwano obuhle obuphakathi kobizo/kokufundiswa umsebenzi kanye nokuzibandakanya ngokugcwele emsebenzini, kanye nobudlelwano obubi bokukhathala kwezigatshana ezincane zokudangala kanye nokwenza into ngesizathu sokuzinceda wena wedwa/ukuqeda ukuzibheka wena wedwa. Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo nayo iphakamisa ukuthi kokubili umsebenzi/nobizo lomsebenzi kanye nokuzibandakanya emsebenzini ngokwamanani kuhlobene nombono omuhle wabaphenduli bemibuzo mayelana nomhlaba, okungumthelela obalulekile kwizinga elihle lempilo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ucwaningo luveze ukuthi ukukhathala kakhulu ngakolunye uhlangothi kunomphumela omuhle wokuxazulula kahle lapho kuhlangana khona umsebenzi/ubizo lomsebenzi kanye nokuzibandakanya emsebenzini. Izimpawu ezikhethiwe zedemografi ngakwenye ingxenye zinomthelela wozinzisa kahle ubudlelwano obuphakathi kohlelo lokungeniswa emsebenzi/obizweni lomsebenzi, kokuzibandakanya emsebenzini kanye nokukhathala kakhulu emsebenzini. Lolu lwazi olutholakele lungaletha ulwazi olusha olumayelana nedizayini yezingqubo zendawo yomsebenzi, okuyizingqubo ezihlola ukufundiswa ngobizo lomsebenzi kanti lokhu kungaqinisa ukuzibandakanya emsebenzini. Empilweni yangempela, izincomo zingasetshenziswa abasebenzi bomnyango wezokuqhashwa kwabasebenzi, abaphathi babahlengikazi kanye nabahlinzeki bezempilo ngesizathu sokukhuthaza abasebenzi bezempilo ukuba babe abasebenzi abaqotho mayelana nokunikezwa kwezinsiza zempilo zezinga eliphezulu, kanyenokuthuthukisa nohlelo lokuphathwa kwabasebenzi empilweni yabo yonke yokusebenza. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)

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