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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo experimental e numérico sobre o uso do solo como reservatório de energia para o aquecimento e resfriamento de ambientes edificados

Vaz, Joaquim January 2011 (has links)
Objetivos: Este trabalho, abrangendo a área da transferência de calor e da mecânica dos fluidos, em seu desenvolvimento envolveu métodos analíticos, numéricos computacionais e experimentais (em ambiente de campo), com a finalidade de analisar o uso de trocadores de calor solo-ar, como estratégia para diminuir o consumo de energia convencional, no aquecimento ou resfriamento de ambientes construídos. Assim, um dos objetivos do estudo foi avaliar, com base em resultados experimentais, a performance do solo como um reservatório de energia, derivada da radiação solar. Buscou-se, pois, identificar parâmetros, procedimentos e condições favoráveis envolvendo esta estratégia. O outro objetivo do estudo foi, usando os softwares GAMBIT e FLUENT, modelar computacionalmente o escoamento do ar no trocador de calor solo-ar. Método: O estudo experimental e numérico foi precedido pela construção de uma edificação, especificamente concebida para a pesquisa, identificada como Casa Ventura. Em continuidade, foram enterrados dutos no solo, que conduziriam ar exterior e água (esta última por um período limitado) ao ambiente interno. No caso da condução de ar, o solo funcionaria como um reservatório de energia, aquecendo ou resfriando a ar. Já, no caso da condução de água, prevista com duto de baixa condutividade térmica, o solo funcionaria apenas como um protetor à radiação solar, para preservar as características térmicas da água, desde um reservatório, de onde a mesma era bombeada, até o interior da casa. Na Casa Ventura foram construídos dois ambientes centrais com características dimensionais e de envolvente equivalentes, constituindo os ambientes monitorados no processo, sendo um, na condição natural, referencial, sem renovação de ar, e o outro, com renovação de ar. Na parte experimental, o ar foi captado do ambiente externo e insuflado por um ventilador nos dutos enterrados, renovou o ar no interior deste último ambiente. Com ajuda de um fan-coil, colocado neste ambiente, o ar renovado trocou calor com a água. Por questões de dificuldades operacionais, o bombeamento de água funcionou por um período muito curto. Durante o experimento, que se desenvolveu por todo o ano de 2007, foram monitoradas e registradas, além da temperatura do solo e da água, a temperatura e a umidade: do ar externo, do ar nos ambientes internos e do ar em escoamento nos dutos enterrados, bem como a velocidade de escoamento nos mesmos. Resultados: De forma geral, o potencial do solo para aquecer foi maior do que o de resfriamento do ar injetado nos dutos enterrados. O potencial de aquecimento foi mais destacado nos meses de maio, junho, julho e agosto, e se mostrou maior que 3K. Para profundidades entre 2 e 3m, estima-se que o potencial possa ser superior a 8K. Por outro lado, o potencial de resfriamento foi maior nos meses de janeiro, fevereiro e dezembro, mas foi baixo para pequenas profundidades (menos de um metro). Para resfriamento, este potencial pode chegar a 4K. Contribuições da pesquisa: Face aos resultados da pesquisa, diversas foram as suas contribuições, dentre as quais se destacam: a construção de um banco de dados experimentais sobre as propriedades e características do solo (índices físicos, difusividade térmica, capacidade térmica volumétrica, condutividade térmica, temperatura e umidade) e do ar ambiente (temperatura e umidade) para o município de Viamão, localizado na região sul do Brasil, e que pode ser usado para a continuidade desta pesquisa ou para a elaboração de novas pesquisas e projetos; e o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para a modelagem computacional de trocadores de calor solo-ar, validada através dos dados experimentais citados acima, possibilitando, assim, o emprego deste procedimento numérico, para a elaboração de projetos ou novas pesquisas nesta área. / Purpose: The development of the present work, comprising the area of heat transfer and fluids mechanics involved analytical, numerical computational and experimental (in field environment) methods, with the purpose of analyzing the use of earth-to-air heat exchanger, as a strategy to reduce conventional energy consumption, for the heating or cooling of built environments. Thus, one of the study purposes was to evaluate, based on experimental results, the earth performance as an energy reservoir, derived from solar radiation incidence on the surface of the ground. We aimed, then, at identifying favorable parameters, procedures and conditions involving this strategy. The other study purpose was, using the GAMBIT and FLUENT softwares, computationally modeling the air flow in the earth-to-air heat exchanger. Method: The experimental and numerical study was preceded by the construction of a building, specially planned for the research, called Casa Ventura. As a follow-up, ducts were buried on the ground, to conduct external air and water (the latter one for a limited period) to the internal environment of the house. In terms of air conduction, the earth would work as an energy reservoir, heating or cooling the air. Concerning the water conduction, planned to use a duct of low thermal conductivity, the earth would only work as a protector from solar radiation, to preserve the water thermal characteristics, when flowing from the water reservoir, where it would be taken from, to the inside of the house. At Casa Ventura two central environments were built with similar dimensional and envelope characteristics, constituting the environments monitored in the process, in which, one in the natural and referential condition, without air renovation, and the other, with air renovation. In the experimental part, the air was captured from the external environment and inflated by a fan in the buried ducts, and it renovated the air inside this latter environment. With the help of a fan-coil, placed in this environment, the renovated air exchanged heat with the water flowing through the ducts. Due to some operational difficulties, the pumping of water lasted for a very short period. During the experiment, which lasted through the whole year of 2007, besides the water and earth temperature, the temperature and humidity of the following were also monitored and registered: the external air, the air in the internal environments and the air flowing in the buried ducts, as well as the flowing speed of the different fluids. Results: In a general way, the earth potential to heat was higher than the cooling of air injected in the buried ducts. The heating potential was higher in the months of May, June, July and August, doing so by more 3K. For depths between 2 and 3m, it is estimated that the potential might be over 8K. On the other hand, the potential for cooling was higher in the months of January, February and December, but it was low for low depths (less than a meter). For cooling, this potential may reach 4K. Research contributions: Considering the research results, several were the contributions, among which we highlight: the construction of an experimental database on the earth properties and characteristics (physical indexes, thermal diffusivity, volumetric heat capacity, thermal conductivity, temperature and humidity) and the environmental characteristics of the air (temperature and humidity) for the city of Viamão, located in Southern Brazil, and that may be used for the continuation of this research or for the elaboration of new researches and projects; and the development of a methodology for computational modeling of earth-to-air heat exchangers, validated through the experimental data mentioned before, enabling, therefore, the use of this numerical procedure for the elaboration of projects or new researches in this area.

Consumo, digestibilidade, utilização da energia e emissão de metano entérico em vacas Holandês e Girolando F1 submetidas a diferentes planos nutricionais durante o período de transição

Matiello, João Pedro January 2018 (has links)
Os relatórios científicos relacionados com o período de transição das vacas leiteiras são principalmente realizados com animais de raças europeias e em climas temperados. Países com clima tropical estão ganhando importância como fornecedores de alimentos para o mundo e o estudo de raças adaptadas e integradas nessas regiões pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento de práticas de manejo alimentar que melhorem a eficiência bioeconômica dos sistemas de produção. Vinte e quatro animais da raça Holandesa (H) e Girolando F1 - ½ Holandês Gir (F1) foram utilizados durante o período pré-parto (12 H e 12 F1) e 16 animais no período pós-parto (8 H e 8 F1). Os animais foram alimentados com ração totalmente misturada, seguindo dois planos nutricionais antes do parto, com ofertas de 1,69 e 1,89% do peso vivo, com base na matéria seca. Após o parto, os animais foram alimentados ad libitum. Testes de digestibilidade aparente e avaliações em câmaras respirométricas foram realizados 21 dias antes do parto previsto e 21 dias após o parto. Utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado e os dados foram analisados por ANOVA e a comparação das médias entre os grupos foi realizada pelo teste de Tukey, com nível de significância de 5%. No período pré parto, houve algumas diferenças entre as composições raciais, com maior escore de condição corporal para os animais F1, sem diferença no consumo de matéria seca. Os animais submetidos ao plano 1,89 % apresentaram maior digestibilidade da matéria seca. A emissão e o rendimento do metano entérico foram semelhantes entre as duas composições raciais. Durante o período pós parto, os animais H apresentaram maior consumo de todos os nutrientes, com maior produção de leite e maior emissão de metano por unidade de peso corporal e peso metabólico. Não houve diferença na emissão de metano entérico por quilograma de leite ou leite corrigido para gordura entre composições raciais e planos nutricionais. A partição energética de ambas as composições foi similar, mas o maior escore de condição corporal, menor produção de leite e emissão de metano entérica total semelhante sugerem que os animais Girolando F1 criados em condições tropicais são menos eficientes energeticamente quando submetidos a planos nutricionais recomendados para manutenção de raças europeias. / Scientific reports related to the transition period of dairy cows are mainly carried out with animals of European breeds and in temperate climates. Countries with a tropical climate are gaining importance as suppliers of food to the world and the study of breeds adapted and integrated in these regions can contribute to the development of food management practices that improve the bioeconomic efficiency of production systems. Twenty-four animals of Holstein (H) and Girolando F1 – ½ Holstein ½ Gir (F1) breed composition were used during the prepartum period (12 H and 12 F1), and 16 animals during the postpartum period (8 H and 8 F1). The animals were fed a total mixed ration, following two nutritional plans before calving, with offers of 1.69 and 1.89% of body weight, on a dry matter basis. After calving, the animals were fed ad libitum. Apparent digestibility assays and evaluations in respirometric chambers were performed 21 days before the expected calving and 21 days after calving. A completely randomized design was used and the data were analyzed by ANOVA and the comparison of the means between the groups was done by the Tukey’s test, with significance level of 5 %. In the prepartum period, there were some differences between the breed composition, with a higher body condition score for F1 animals, with no difference in the dry matter intake. The animals subjected to the 1.89% plan presented higher digestibility of dry matter. The emission and yield of enteric methane was similar between both racial compositions. During the postpartum period, H animals presented higher intake of all nutrients, with higher milk production, and higher methane emission per unit of body weight and metabolic weight. There was no difference in the emission of enteric methane per kilogram of milk or fat corrected milk between breed compositions and nutritional plans. The energy partition of both compositions was similar, but the higher body condition score, lower milk yield, and similar total enteric methane emission suggest that Girolando F1 animals raised under tropical conditions are less energy efficient when subjected to nutritional plans recommended for the maintenance level of European breeds.

Efektivní využití fytomasy v ochranném pásmu NP Podyjí / Effective use of phytomass in the protected area of the National Park Podyjí

FORMANOVÁ, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to evaluate the possibility of the effective use of waste and phytomass specifically grown for energy purposes in the protected area of National Park Podyjí. The task was to characterize the source of phytomass in this environmentally sensitive area. The data were collected by studying documents, visits to enterprises and institutions, and personal consultations with business and other stakeholders. The result of this work is a brief assessment of the production potential and the factors influencing its development. Due to the nature of the territory, to suggest measures for efficient use of land for the production of energy phytomass with regard to the attitudes of farmers and the authority of nature and landscape.

Estudo experimental e numérico sobre o uso do solo como reservatório de energia para o aquecimento e resfriamento de ambientes edificados

Vaz, Joaquim January 2011 (has links)
Objetivos: Este trabalho, abrangendo a área da transferência de calor e da mecânica dos fluidos, em seu desenvolvimento envolveu métodos analíticos, numéricos computacionais e experimentais (em ambiente de campo), com a finalidade de analisar o uso de trocadores de calor solo-ar, como estratégia para diminuir o consumo de energia convencional, no aquecimento ou resfriamento de ambientes construídos. Assim, um dos objetivos do estudo foi avaliar, com base em resultados experimentais, a performance do solo como um reservatório de energia, derivada da radiação solar. Buscou-se, pois, identificar parâmetros, procedimentos e condições favoráveis envolvendo esta estratégia. O outro objetivo do estudo foi, usando os softwares GAMBIT e FLUENT, modelar computacionalmente o escoamento do ar no trocador de calor solo-ar. Método: O estudo experimental e numérico foi precedido pela construção de uma edificação, especificamente concebida para a pesquisa, identificada como Casa Ventura. Em continuidade, foram enterrados dutos no solo, que conduziriam ar exterior e água (esta última por um período limitado) ao ambiente interno. No caso da condução de ar, o solo funcionaria como um reservatório de energia, aquecendo ou resfriando a ar. Já, no caso da condução de água, prevista com duto de baixa condutividade térmica, o solo funcionaria apenas como um protetor à radiação solar, para preservar as características térmicas da água, desde um reservatório, de onde a mesma era bombeada, até o interior da casa. Na Casa Ventura foram construídos dois ambientes centrais com características dimensionais e de envolvente equivalentes, constituindo os ambientes monitorados no processo, sendo um, na condição natural, referencial, sem renovação de ar, e o outro, com renovação de ar. Na parte experimental, o ar foi captado do ambiente externo e insuflado por um ventilador nos dutos enterrados, renovou o ar no interior deste último ambiente. Com ajuda de um fan-coil, colocado neste ambiente, o ar renovado trocou calor com a água. Por questões de dificuldades operacionais, o bombeamento de água funcionou por um período muito curto. Durante o experimento, que se desenvolveu por todo o ano de 2007, foram monitoradas e registradas, além da temperatura do solo e da água, a temperatura e a umidade: do ar externo, do ar nos ambientes internos e do ar em escoamento nos dutos enterrados, bem como a velocidade de escoamento nos mesmos. Resultados: De forma geral, o potencial do solo para aquecer foi maior do que o de resfriamento do ar injetado nos dutos enterrados. O potencial de aquecimento foi mais destacado nos meses de maio, junho, julho e agosto, e se mostrou maior que 3K. Para profundidades entre 2 e 3m, estima-se que o potencial possa ser superior a 8K. Por outro lado, o potencial de resfriamento foi maior nos meses de janeiro, fevereiro e dezembro, mas foi baixo para pequenas profundidades (menos de um metro). Para resfriamento, este potencial pode chegar a 4K. Contribuições da pesquisa: Face aos resultados da pesquisa, diversas foram as suas contribuições, dentre as quais se destacam: a construção de um banco de dados experimentais sobre as propriedades e características do solo (índices físicos, difusividade térmica, capacidade térmica volumétrica, condutividade térmica, temperatura e umidade) e do ar ambiente (temperatura e umidade) para o município de Viamão, localizado na região sul do Brasil, e que pode ser usado para a continuidade desta pesquisa ou para a elaboração de novas pesquisas e projetos; e o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para a modelagem computacional de trocadores de calor solo-ar, validada através dos dados experimentais citados acima, possibilitando, assim, o emprego deste procedimento numérico, para a elaboração de projetos ou novas pesquisas nesta área. / Purpose: The development of the present work, comprising the area of heat transfer and fluids mechanics involved analytical, numerical computational and experimental (in field environment) methods, with the purpose of analyzing the use of earth-to-air heat exchanger, as a strategy to reduce conventional energy consumption, for the heating or cooling of built environments. Thus, one of the study purposes was to evaluate, based on experimental results, the earth performance as an energy reservoir, derived from solar radiation incidence on the surface of the ground. We aimed, then, at identifying favorable parameters, procedures and conditions involving this strategy. The other study purpose was, using the GAMBIT and FLUENT softwares, computationally modeling the air flow in the earth-to-air heat exchanger. Method: The experimental and numerical study was preceded by the construction of a building, specially planned for the research, called Casa Ventura. As a follow-up, ducts were buried on the ground, to conduct external air and water (the latter one for a limited period) to the internal environment of the house. In terms of air conduction, the earth would work as an energy reservoir, heating or cooling the air. Concerning the water conduction, planned to use a duct of low thermal conductivity, the earth would only work as a protector from solar radiation, to preserve the water thermal characteristics, when flowing from the water reservoir, where it would be taken from, to the inside of the house. At Casa Ventura two central environments were built with similar dimensional and envelope characteristics, constituting the environments monitored in the process, in which, one in the natural and referential condition, without air renovation, and the other, with air renovation. In the experimental part, the air was captured from the external environment and inflated by a fan in the buried ducts, and it renovated the air inside this latter environment. With the help of a fan-coil, placed in this environment, the renovated air exchanged heat with the water flowing through the ducts. Due to some operational difficulties, the pumping of water lasted for a very short period. During the experiment, which lasted through the whole year of 2007, besides the water and earth temperature, the temperature and humidity of the following were also monitored and registered: the external air, the air in the internal environments and the air flowing in the buried ducts, as well as the flowing speed of the different fluids. Results: In a general way, the earth potential to heat was higher than the cooling of air injected in the buried ducts. The heating potential was higher in the months of May, June, July and August, doing so by more 3K. For depths between 2 and 3m, it is estimated that the potential might be over 8K. On the other hand, the potential for cooling was higher in the months of January, February and December, but it was low for low depths (less than a meter). For cooling, this potential may reach 4K. Research contributions: Considering the research results, several were the contributions, among which we highlight: the construction of an experimental database on the earth properties and characteristics (physical indexes, thermal diffusivity, volumetric heat capacity, thermal conductivity, temperature and humidity) and the environmental characteristics of the air (temperature and humidity) for the city of Viamão, located in Southern Brazil, and that may be used for the continuation of this research or for the elaboration of new researches and projects; and the development of a methodology for computational modeling of earth-to-air heat exchangers, validated through the experimental data mentioned before, enabling, therefore, the use of this numerical procedure for the elaboration of projects or new researches in this area.

Estudo experimental e numérico sobre o uso do solo como reservatório de energia para o aquecimento e resfriamento de ambientes edificados

Vaz, Joaquim January 2011 (has links)
Objetivos: Este trabalho, abrangendo a área da transferência de calor e da mecânica dos fluidos, em seu desenvolvimento envolveu métodos analíticos, numéricos computacionais e experimentais (em ambiente de campo), com a finalidade de analisar o uso de trocadores de calor solo-ar, como estratégia para diminuir o consumo de energia convencional, no aquecimento ou resfriamento de ambientes construídos. Assim, um dos objetivos do estudo foi avaliar, com base em resultados experimentais, a performance do solo como um reservatório de energia, derivada da radiação solar. Buscou-se, pois, identificar parâmetros, procedimentos e condições favoráveis envolvendo esta estratégia. O outro objetivo do estudo foi, usando os softwares GAMBIT e FLUENT, modelar computacionalmente o escoamento do ar no trocador de calor solo-ar. Método: O estudo experimental e numérico foi precedido pela construção de uma edificação, especificamente concebida para a pesquisa, identificada como Casa Ventura. Em continuidade, foram enterrados dutos no solo, que conduziriam ar exterior e água (esta última por um período limitado) ao ambiente interno. No caso da condução de ar, o solo funcionaria como um reservatório de energia, aquecendo ou resfriando a ar. Já, no caso da condução de água, prevista com duto de baixa condutividade térmica, o solo funcionaria apenas como um protetor à radiação solar, para preservar as características térmicas da água, desde um reservatório, de onde a mesma era bombeada, até o interior da casa. Na Casa Ventura foram construídos dois ambientes centrais com características dimensionais e de envolvente equivalentes, constituindo os ambientes monitorados no processo, sendo um, na condição natural, referencial, sem renovação de ar, e o outro, com renovação de ar. Na parte experimental, o ar foi captado do ambiente externo e insuflado por um ventilador nos dutos enterrados, renovou o ar no interior deste último ambiente. Com ajuda de um fan-coil, colocado neste ambiente, o ar renovado trocou calor com a água. Por questões de dificuldades operacionais, o bombeamento de água funcionou por um período muito curto. Durante o experimento, que se desenvolveu por todo o ano de 2007, foram monitoradas e registradas, além da temperatura do solo e da água, a temperatura e a umidade: do ar externo, do ar nos ambientes internos e do ar em escoamento nos dutos enterrados, bem como a velocidade de escoamento nos mesmos. Resultados: De forma geral, o potencial do solo para aquecer foi maior do que o de resfriamento do ar injetado nos dutos enterrados. O potencial de aquecimento foi mais destacado nos meses de maio, junho, julho e agosto, e se mostrou maior que 3K. Para profundidades entre 2 e 3m, estima-se que o potencial possa ser superior a 8K. Por outro lado, o potencial de resfriamento foi maior nos meses de janeiro, fevereiro e dezembro, mas foi baixo para pequenas profundidades (menos de um metro). Para resfriamento, este potencial pode chegar a 4K. Contribuições da pesquisa: Face aos resultados da pesquisa, diversas foram as suas contribuições, dentre as quais se destacam: a construção de um banco de dados experimentais sobre as propriedades e características do solo (índices físicos, difusividade térmica, capacidade térmica volumétrica, condutividade térmica, temperatura e umidade) e do ar ambiente (temperatura e umidade) para o município de Viamão, localizado na região sul do Brasil, e que pode ser usado para a continuidade desta pesquisa ou para a elaboração de novas pesquisas e projetos; e o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para a modelagem computacional de trocadores de calor solo-ar, validada através dos dados experimentais citados acima, possibilitando, assim, o emprego deste procedimento numérico, para a elaboração de projetos ou novas pesquisas nesta área. / Purpose: The development of the present work, comprising the area of heat transfer and fluids mechanics involved analytical, numerical computational and experimental (in field environment) methods, with the purpose of analyzing the use of earth-to-air heat exchanger, as a strategy to reduce conventional energy consumption, for the heating or cooling of built environments. Thus, one of the study purposes was to evaluate, based on experimental results, the earth performance as an energy reservoir, derived from solar radiation incidence on the surface of the ground. We aimed, then, at identifying favorable parameters, procedures and conditions involving this strategy. The other study purpose was, using the GAMBIT and FLUENT softwares, computationally modeling the air flow in the earth-to-air heat exchanger. Method: The experimental and numerical study was preceded by the construction of a building, specially planned for the research, called Casa Ventura. As a follow-up, ducts were buried on the ground, to conduct external air and water (the latter one for a limited period) to the internal environment of the house. In terms of air conduction, the earth would work as an energy reservoir, heating or cooling the air. Concerning the water conduction, planned to use a duct of low thermal conductivity, the earth would only work as a protector from solar radiation, to preserve the water thermal characteristics, when flowing from the water reservoir, where it would be taken from, to the inside of the house. At Casa Ventura two central environments were built with similar dimensional and envelope characteristics, constituting the environments monitored in the process, in which, one in the natural and referential condition, without air renovation, and the other, with air renovation. In the experimental part, the air was captured from the external environment and inflated by a fan in the buried ducts, and it renovated the air inside this latter environment. With the help of a fan-coil, placed in this environment, the renovated air exchanged heat with the water flowing through the ducts. Due to some operational difficulties, the pumping of water lasted for a very short period. During the experiment, which lasted through the whole year of 2007, besides the water and earth temperature, the temperature and humidity of the following were also monitored and registered: the external air, the air in the internal environments and the air flowing in the buried ducts, as well as the flowing speed of the different fluids. Results: In a general way, the earth potential to heat was higher than the cooling of air injected in the buried ducts. The heating potential was higher in the months of May, June, July and August, doing so by more 3K. For depths between 2 and 3m, it is estimated that the potential might be over 8K. On the other hand, the potential for cooling was higher in the months of January, February and December, but it was low for low depths (less than a meter). For cooling, this potential may reach 4K. Research contributions: Considering the research results, several were the contributions, among which we highlight: the construction of an experimental database on the earth properties and characteristics (physical indexes, thermal diffusivity, volumetric heat capacity, thermal conductivity, temperature and humidity) and the environmental characteristics of the air (temperature and humidity) for the city of Viamão, located in Southern Brazil, and that may be used for the continuation of this research or for the elaboration of new researches and projects; and the development of a methodology for computational modeling of earth-to-air heat exchangers, validated through the experimental data mentioned before, enabling, therefore, the use of this numerical procedure for the elaboration of projects or new researches in this area.

Avaliação de impactos de tecnologias limpas e substituição de combustiveis para cocção em residencias urbanas na Tanzania / Evaluation of impacts of clean technologies and cooking fuel substitution in urban households of Tanzania

Sanga, Godfrey Alois 15 December 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Gilberto De Martino Jannuzzi / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T16:21:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sanga_GodfreyAlois_M.pdf: 971523 bytes, checksum: 2bed5a0581e8c38cc4126dcaca4366bb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004 / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar quantitativamente os impactos de melhoria de eficiência e de substituição de combustíveis para cocção na cidade de Dar es Salaam, na Tanzânia. Neste trabalho foi realizada uma pesquisa, enfocando os países em desenvolvimento, sobre energia para cocção e as características que definem a energia limpa, baseado nos recomendados padrões de eficiência e de emissão de gases poluentes e substâncias particuladas. Discute-se, também os mecanismos de promoção e popularização das tecnologias eficientes e dos combustíveis limpos. E seguidamente, o trabalho apresenta uma análise comparativa entre a melhoria de eficiência e a substituição de combustíveis em relação à demanda de energia para cocção, poluição do ar em ambientes fechados, emissão de gases de efeito estufa e custos. Espera-se que este trabalho seja útil na formação de políticas para melhorar a oferta de energia para cocção em Dar es Salaam como também para reduzir o desmatamento, poluição do ar em ambientes fechados e a emissão de gases de efeito estufa provenientes de uso de combustíveis tradicionais na Tanzânia / Abstract: The objective of this study is to verify quantitatively the impacts of energy efficiency improvements and cooking fuels substitution in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The analysis focuses on developing countries and entails infonnation on access to cooking fuels, technologies and characteristics which defme a clean cooking 'energy based on the recommended efficiency and emissions standards. It also analyses various promotion and dissemination mechanisms for different energy efficient technologies and clean cooking fuels. Finally, the study presents a comparative analysis of energy efficiency improvement and fuel substitution in terms of cooking energy demand, indoor air pollution, emission of green house gases and costs. It is hoped that this work will be useful in policy fonnulation to improve energy supply in Dar es Salaam as well as in reducing tree depletion, indoor air pollution and emissions of greenhouse gases from the use of charcoal in Tanzania / Mestrado / Mestre em Planejamento de Sistemas Energéticos

Managing high environmental performance? : Applying life cycle approaches and environmental certification tools in the building and real estate sectors

Brown, Nils W. O. January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is  to demonstrate and critically assess life cycle approaches’ and environmental certification (EC) tools’ potential for supporting decisions for improved environmental performance in the building and real estate sectors. Using life cycle approaches, the thesis shows that for new build and renovation cases aiming for low operational energy use that embodied global warming potential (GWP) due to material production can constitute a large portion of a building’s lifetime GWP. Therefore life cycle based information about materials’ embodied GWP needs to be made available to and utilized by design process decision makers. It was also shown that applying the Swedish EC tool Miljöbyggnad was useful in highlighting potential positive and negative changes in indoor environmental quality arising from renovation packages aiming at significant operational energy use reduction in existing multifamily buildings. However such renovation packages are not profitable from a property owner perspective. Miljöbyggnad may be useful when designing policy instruments to overcome this.    The thesis also showed that EC and related environmental enhancements contribute to achieving property owners’ and tenants’ overall strategic objectives for value creation. For property owners this arises for example through lower energy costs and attracting desirable tenants. For tenants, value creation arises as support for internal and external environmental communication. For the further development of life cycle approaches’ and EC tools’ application to buildings and real estate it is important to consider how they can be adapted to consider ‘distance to sustainable’ targets referencing for instance the planetary boundaries approach. It is also interesting to investigate how valuation of buildings and real estate may be performed in a way that expands from the current narrow focus on the economic perspective to also include environmental and social perspectives. / <p>QC 20170210</p>

Creation of a Low Energy Building with the help of Energy Simulation

Anastasopoulou, Kyriaki January 2017 (has links)
In this Thesis Project, the creation of a Low Energy building was examined in order to investigate how complex was to select the suitable parameters and systems of the dwelling, aiming to achieve the lowest possible energy consumption in one year period. All the technologies implemented into the system intended to be as energy efficient and profitable as possible. Another objective of this study was also to present the potential of the system to produce a part of the consumed energy, through renewable energy sources, approaching by this way also the standards of a Zero Energy Building. Firstly, the floor plan of the 150 m2 detached house, was drawn in the designing program AutoCAD. In continuation, this 2D floor plan was imported into the simulation program as well as all the initial input data so as for the Base model of the building to be created For the analysis of the building, the Simulation Program IDA ICE 4.7 was used. Gradually, alternations and adjustments were made into the Base model. Different models were created planning to analyze their results and conclude to the proper solution. All the simulations run for one year time period in order to present the total energy usage, system’s losses and demands in each case. In addition, as for the current study, the location of the construction was Athens, all building’s characteristics were chosen to comply with the Greek Regulation for Low Energy Buildings. Finally, through the procedure followed after having accomplished a series of simulations, the final annually energy demands managed to be within the required limits. / <p>Online Presentation</p>

Energy Efficiency in Shopping Malls : Some Aspects Based on a Case Study

Stensson, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
The building sector accounts for approximately 40 percent of our energy use. To reach existing environmental targets energy use will have to be reduced in all building types. At the European level, the main legislative instrument for improving the energy efficiency of the building stock is the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). The EPBD requires all member states to implement the directive in the building code and it also requires energy declarations to be performed at the building level. The first objective of this thesis is to describe energy use in shopping malls in Sweden and to suggest how this energy use can be reduced. The second objective is to determine whether current regulatory requirements are effective in promoting energy efficiency measures in Swedish shopping malls. Only limited background information was found from national energy statistics and scientific papers that deal specifically with energy use in shopping malls. The data available are difficult to analyse and compare due to inconsistencies in terminology regarding nomenclature and system boundaries. An improved terminology is presented in the thesis, with a distinction between organisationally and functionally divided energy, to facilitate future studies. Furthermore, when it comes to designing shopping malls and evaluating their energy use, correct input data are required. For calculations and simulations of energy demand in buildings, internal and external load patterns are important input data. The thesis provides occupancy, lighting and infiltration load data for shopping malls. Energy use in one shopping mall was investigated in detail and resulted in a validated calculation model for the prediction of energy use. To develop the calculation model an iterative empirical-theoretical methodology was used. It involved cross-checking measured data, assumptions related to operational and technical data, and model calculation results. The calculation model was then used for a more general analysis of energy efficiency measures and an evaluation of regulatory requirements. The thesis illustrates how the current building code and energy declarations are implemented in shopping malls today together with associated strengths and weaknesses.

Ropa na svetových trhoch: súčasné trendy a vývoj cien / Crude Oil World Market - Current Trends and Prices Development

Talian, Peter January 2015 (has links)
The crude oil phenomenon has always been a big issue and the current situation does not prove different. Crude oil as a commodity is indisputably considered as one of the most utilized energy source as well as production input which enters into economic processes in the vast majority of countries over the world. The aim of this masters thesis is to provide a detailed description and analysis of the crude oil world market. Furthermore it not only gives a characteristics of the commodity and its energy use it also defines the market and its participants crude oil pricing crude oil trading and it also provides an analysis of the world oil demand as well as supply.The purpose of this masters thesis is among other to thoroughly analyze the crude oil prices development and introduce the contemporary trends present on the market. In the latter part of this thesis there will be a crude oil prices time series modelled and probable future price direction outlined. Moreover the thesis will reflect on the current oil prices drop with its possible effect on world economy.

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