Spelling suggestions: "subject:"engineered"" "subject:"enmgineered""
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Conformação mecânica: efeito da topografia na tansferência de material e no atrito. / Metal forming: the effect of topography on the metal transfer and friction.Leite, Mario Vitor 30 June 2010 (has links)
Com a evolução dos processos de fabricação, aumenta o emprego de topografias engenheiradas com o objetivo de aumentar o desempenho dessas superfícies sob vários aspectos. Apesar do bom desempenho comprovado em algumas aplicações, existem outras em que o desempenho é questionável, como, em condições não lubrificadas e com elevadas pressões de contato. Neste cenário de dúvidas sobre a utilização de superfícies engenheiradas, o presente trabalho objetiva contribuir com as discussões por meio de um estudo do efeito de topografias anisotrópicas na transferência de material e resistência ao movimento em condições de deslizamento a seco com deformação plástica micro e macroscópica. O método utilizado contempla ensaios tribológicos que consistem, basicamente, em deslizar um material sobre superfícies engenheiradas de outro material com maior dureza, em duas condições de deformação plástica: i/ localizada no pico das asperezas em contato (ensaio pino-sobre-disco) e ii/ volumétrica (ensaio de compressão do anel). Os resultados permitiram concluir que os mecanismos de desgaste podem ser reproduzidos nos dois ensaios. Com deformação plástica microscópica (pino-sobre-disco) constatou-se que: i/ os vales e cavidades da topografia atuam de forma a evitar o contato das partículas de desgaste com o corpo em deslizamento; e ii/ os maiores valores do coeficiente de atrito foram obtidos com a superfície com maior quantidade de cavidades, a mesma condição topográfica que apresentou maior área com transferência de material. Com deformações plásticas macroscópicas (ensaio de compressão do anel) constatou-se que os vales da topografia da ferramenta atuaram como bloqueios para o deslizamento do anel conformado, o que resultou num aumento do coeficiente de atrito e redução da transferência de material. / The evolution of manufacturing progresses increases the use of engineered surfaces, seeking the improvement of the overall performance of these surfaces. Despite the enhanced performance under some circumstances, uncertainties still exist in conditions such as unlubricated and high contact pressure conditions. This work aims contributing to these discussions by studding the effect of anisotropic topographies on the material transfer and resistance to movement under dry sliding conditions including micro and macroscopic plastic deformation. The method consisted of tribological tests by sliding a material against engineered surfaces of higher hardness. Tests were conducted under two plastic deformation conditions: i/ localized on surface asperities contact (pin-on-disc test) and ii/ volumetric (ring test). Results allowed concluding that wear mechanisms can be reproduced on both tests. Under microscopic plastic deformation (pin-on-disc test) it was possible to verify that: i/ grooves and cavities have contributed to avoid the contact between wear debris and sliding body; and ii/ the higher friction coefficient was obtained when testing the surface with high amount of cavities, a condition that presented the larger area of material transfer. Under macroscopic deformation (ring test), grooves from tool topography played the role of blocking the ring material sliding, increasing friction coefficient and decreasing material transfer.
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Etude du stroma de tumeurs mammaires humaines xénogreffées et de modèles transgéniques murins / Stromal characterization of patient-derived xenografts and genetically-engineered mouse breast cancer modelsVallerand, David 13 January 2014 (has links)
La progression tumorale est un processus multi-étapes dépendant notamment des interactions entre les cellules cancéreuses et le stroma environnant. Le développement du cancer du sein implique une communication étroite entre les cellules épithéliales mammaires, les cellules inflammatoires, les myofibroblastes et les cellules endothéliales. Ainsi, le microenvironnement tumoral apparaît comme une cible de choix dans le traitement anti-tumoral. L’utilisation de modèles précliniques est une étape clé dans le développement et la validation de nouvelles thérapies. Néanmoins, peu d’études sont disponibles sur le rôle du stroma péri-tumoral dans ces modèles.Dans le but d’étudier le stroma péri-tumoral des modèles précliniques de cancers du sein, nous avons combiné une analyse par cytométrie en flux à une analyse par immunohistochimie afin d’identifier, puis de quantifier, les différentes populations stromales hématopoïétiques (lymphocytes, monocytes/macrophages, polynucléaires) et non hématopoïétiques (myofibroblastes, cellules endothéliales). Vingt et un modèles de xénogreffe de tumeurs humaines de cancers du sein ainsi que 2 modèles transgéniques (MMTV-PyMT et MMTV-ErbB2), ainsi que leurs allogreffes respectives, furent utilisés lors de ce travail.Les analyses des tumeurs humaines et murines ont montré un infiltrat stromal très hétérogène d’une tumeur à l’autre, avec pour composante majoritaire les macrophages. Un infiltrat important en polynucléaires a également été détecté dans les modèles de PDX, caractéristique d’une inflammation locale importante dans ces modèles. L’analyse phénotypique de macrophages a montré une expression variable de marqueurs M1 et M2 dans les modèles de PDX. Les macrophages issus de tumeurs murines transgéniques, spontanées ou allogreffées, présentaient quant à eux un profil majoritairement M1. L’étude transcriptomique de macrophages triés, a permis à la fois de valider les résultats obtenus au niveau protéique mais a également mis en évidence des différences majeures dans l’expression de nombreux gènes, impliqués dans des voies de signalisation variées telles que la croissance tumorale, l’invasion et la métastase.Cette étude nous a permis de mettre en évidence le rôle de la tumeur sur son microenvironnement. En effet, celle-ci est à la fois capable d’attirer un panel de cellules stromales qui lui et propre et ensuite de l’activer de façon spécifique. / Tumor development is a multi-step process influencing by interactions between tumor cells and surrounding stroma. Breast cancer development involves a high level of communication between mammary epithelial cells, inflammatory cells, myofibroblasts and endothelial cells. So, the tumoral microenvironment appears as a prime target for anti-tumoral treatment. The use of preclinical models is a critical step in development and validation processes of new therapies. Nevertheless, the role of stroma in these models is poorly understood.In order to evaluate stromal cell populations in breast cancer preclinical models, we combined flow cytometry analysis and immunohistochemistry to identify, and then quantify, various stromal populations as hematopoietic cells (lymphocytes, monocytes/macrophages, polymorphonuclear leukocytes) and non-hematopoietic cells (myofibroblasts, endothelial cells). Twenty-one breast cancer patient-derived xenografts as well as 2 transgenic mouse models (MMTV-PyMT and MMTV-ErbB2), and their respective allografts, were studied.Analysis of human and murine tumors showed a strong heterogeneity between tumors regarding infiltrating stroma-cells, with a high proportion of macrophages. A significant amount of polymorphonuclear leukocytes was also detected in PDXs, indicating a local inflammation in these models. The phenotypic analysis of macrophages showed a variable expression of M1 and M2 markers in PDXs. Macrophages infiltrating transgenic mouse tumors, spontaneous or allografted, were mainly M1. Transcriptomic analyses of sorted macrophages, allowed us to validate previous results but also highlighted major differences in the expression of numerous genes implicated in various pathways as tumor growth, invasion and metastasis.Finally, this study highlighted the impact of tumor cells on their surrounding stroma. Indeed, we demonstrate that cancer cells are able to attract a specific panel of stromal cells and activate them in a specific way.
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L'impact des tempêtes sur les plages de poche aménagée / Storm impact on engineered pocket beachesDe Santiago Gonzalez, InakiCamus 18 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l'étude du comportement morphodynamique d'une plage de poche, partiellement aménagée, lors des événements de tempête. La plage de Zarautz (Espagne) a été choisie comme site d'étude en raison de son climat de vagues et de sa configuration. La plage est limitée latéralement par des falaises rocheuses. Elle présente un système dunaire sur la partie est et une digue aménagée en promenade sur le reste de la plage. Le climat de houle au large de Zarautz (bouée de Bilbao) est caractérisé par une faible variabilité directionnelle. Dans 95 % des cas, les vagues proviennent de directions comprises entre l'Ouest (O) et le Nord (N). Les conditions de vague à l'approche de la plage de Zarautz sont quasi unidirectionnelles et peuvent présenter une variabilité longitudinale. La variabilité temporelle et spatiale des barres sableuses d'avant côte, a été étudiée à partir de l'analyse d'images vidéo enregistrées quotidiennement sur une période de deux années. Les résultats montrent que d'un point de vue hydrodynamique la plage se comporte la plupart du temps comme une plage ouverte. Toutefois, elle peut également présenter une circulation de type cellulaire au cours des événements de haute énergie. La morphologie de la plage présente une grande variabilité spatiale et temporelle. On remarque également des différences morphologiques notables entre la partie aménagée et la partie est de la plage. Pour étudier la réponse morphologique de la plage à des événements de haute énergie, des relevés topographiques ont été menés avant et après plusieurs tempêtes. Les courants d'arrachement, stables et persistants pendant des conditions énergétiques modérées à fortes peuvent éroder localement la zone intertidale de la plage. Dans des conditions de haute énergie et lors de marées de vives eaux le haut de plage et le cordon dunaire sont érodés. A l'inverse, lors de conditions de haute énergie qui coïncident avec des marées de mortes-eaux, l'évolution de l'estran, de l'arrière-plage et de la dune sont essentiellement contrôlées par les caractéristiques des vagues plutôt que par l'amplitude de la marée. Afin d'analyser et de compléter les résultats obtenus, une étude numérique a été réalisée à partir du code open source XBeach. En raison de l'absence de données de bathymétrie, le modèle d'assimilation de données Beachwizard a été utilisé afin d'estimer la bathymétrie à partir des images collectées par la station vidéo. La possibilité de forcer ce modèle avec des conditions de vagues variables le long de la limite du domaine de calcul a été mise en œuvre. Les résultats montrent que la prise en compte de conditions limites variables améliore la capacité du modèle à estimer la bathymétrie. Les tests de calibration du modèle XBeach révèlent que les résultats peuvent varier considérablement en fonction des paramètres choisis. Toutefois, les résultats du modèle XBeach semblent peu sensibles aux caractéristiques du spectre de vagues utilisé pour forcer le modèle. Une série de simulations ont été réalisées afin d'étudier le cluster de tempêtes de Février 2013 en analysant non seulement l'influence de la chronologie des différentes tempêtes mais aussi du niveau d'eau au cours de cette période. Ces simulations ont permis de mettre en évidence que les mouvements sédimentaires sont dominés par un transfert de sable de la dune vers la zone intertidale sans période de reconstruction de la dune. L'érosion des différentes sections de la plage est fortement corrélée au niveau d'eau. L'érosion de la dune et de l'arrière-plage ne se produit que lorsque les niveaux de marée élevés prévalent alors que la zone intertidale est érodée à marée basse. Il apparaît que l'impact des tempêtes sur la plage est beaucoup plus dépendant du niveau d'eau que de la chronologie des événements énergétiques au cours d'un cluster de tempêtes. / The aim of this study is to understand the response of engineered pocket beaches to storms. To that end, a series of video images, field topographical measurements and depth-averaged (2DH) process-based model have been used. The beach of Zarautz was chosen as a study site due to its wave climate characteristics and beach configuration. It is an embayed beach composed by two well defined regions, a dune system and an engineered section. The offshore wave climate is characterised by a low directional variability. The 95 % of the cases ranges from W to N directions. The high energetic events are seasonally variable. Most of the storms take place during winter and autumn. The wave climate at the beach of Zarautz is almost unidirectional and it presents certain alongshore variability. The temporal and spatial variability of nearshore sandbars, using daily video observations over 2 years was carried out. In general the beach acts as an open beach like circulatory system but it may present cellular and transitional circulation during high energy events. The nearshore sandbars evolution covers a wide range of temporal and spatial variability. Interestingly, the western engineered and more sheltered section of the beach sometimes exhibits a different beach state to that of the eastern section. To study the response of the beach to high energy events, systemically designed topographic surveys were undertaken before and after storm events. The location of the rip currents seems to play a role on the beach erosion. Static and persistent rips during moderate high energy conditions may erode locally the beach intertidal zone. During high energetic conditions and spring tides the beach backshore and dune area is eroded. Dune and backshore sections become important as they act as a buffer, preventing the foreshore erosion. On other hand, during high energetic conditions coinciding with neap tides, the evolution of the foreshore, backshore and dunes might be sensitive to the wave characteristics rather than to the tidal range. The findings obtained from the video images and field measurements were completed by means of the XBeach process based model. Due to the lack of a pre-storm bathymetry the XBeach-Beach Wizard model was used in order to infer the surfzone features. The possibility to force the model with non-uniform alongshore wave conditions was implemented. Results show that this new implementation improves the model skills. The XBeach calibration tests reveal that the results can vary considerably depending on the set of parameters chosen to run the model. Parameters such as short wave run-up, γ, γua, eps and hmin seem to be relevant for the model calibration. A series of storm impact simulations were performed. A chain transport mechanism was found in which the sand is transported from the dunes to the intertidal zone, and never in the other way around. The erosion of the different sections of the beach is highly related to the tidal level rather that to the wave power. The main differences in the beach response between the natural and engineered sections are related to the sand budget. The complete loss of the backshore sand makes the intertidal zone weak to the storms (the chain transport is interrupted). This scenario is only likely to happen at the engineered sector due to the narrow backshore and the absence of a dune system. Some tests were performed in order to relate the 'storm magnitude' to a certain value of beach erosion. These findings point out that, in general, the higher the storm power is, the larger is the beach erosion. However, the wave characteristics that define a given storm play an important role. Furthermore, in some cases a low power storm with high Hs and Tp can produce larger changes on the beach than a large storm with low Hs and Tp.
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An analysis of consumers' knowledge and perceptions in relation to genetically engineered (GE) Cotton : marketing and utilityWatson, Megan Mignon 10 February 2012 (has links)
Cotton makes up a majority of the world’s fiber market, with genetically engineered (GE) cotton the current staple of the US agricultural landscape. With GE cotton’s overall acceptance for US farmers and manufacturers, it is of concern that the majority of literature concerning GE crops primarily compares negative attitudes towards GE food crops in stricter economies such as the European Union. Due to the inadequate literature regarding both the market advantages and consumer perceptions of GE cotton specifically, this study was conceived to provide marketers with a baseline analysis of the factors that affect US consumers’ current attitudes (knowledge, risk perceptions, etc.) regarding GE cotton. Multiple regression analyses were used for our models which measured purchase intentions towards GE cotton and perceived risks of GE cotton based on both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Paired and single t-tests were performed to predict the current positioning of GE cotton as a marketable alternative to organic and conventional cotton, and to determine which institutions consumer’s trust most for information on the risks and benefits of GE cotton. Our studies showed that while knowledge of cotton and agriculture is low, GE cotton was regarded more positively than conventional cotton with the potential to improve in consumer’s opinions. According to our findings, by efficiently communicating the benefits of GE cotton through trusted channels of communication (i.e. scientists, consumer organizations, the media), particularly addressing ethical concerns, policy regulation, and how the product is useful to the consumer individually, GE cotton could become a comparative market alternative to organic, at a greater available supply. / text
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Temperature-compensated silicon-based bulk acoustic resonatorsTabrizian, Roozbeh 12 January 2015 (has links)
Microelectromechanical resonators have found widespread applications in timing, sensing and spectral processing. One of the important performance metrics of MEMS resonators is the temperature sensitivity of their frequency. The main objective of this dissertation is the compensation and control of the temperature sensitivity of silicon resonators through engineering of device geometry and structural composition. This has been accomplished through formation of composite platforms or novel geometries based on dispersion characteristics of guided acoustic waves in single crystalline silicon (SCS) microstructures. Furthermore, another objective of this dissertation is to develop efficient longitudinal piezoelectric transduction for in-plane resonance modes of SCS resonators that have lithographically-defined frequencies, to reduce their motional resistance (Rm).
A uniformly distributed matrix of silicon dioxide pillars is embedded inside the silicon substrate to form a homogenous composite silicon-oxide platform (SilOx) with nearly perfect temperature-compensated stiffness moduli. Temperature-stable micro-resonators implemented in SilOx platform operating in any desired in- and out-of-plane resonance modes show full compensation of linear temperature coefficient of frequency (TCF). Overall frequency drifts as small as 80 ppm has been achieved over the industrial temperature range (-40°C to 80°C) showing a 40x improvement compared to uncompensated native silicon resonators. A 27 MHz temperature-compensated MEMS oscillator implemented using SilOx resonator demonstrated sub-ppm instability over the industrial temperature range. Besides this, a new formulation of different resonance modes of SCS resonators based on their constituent acoustic waves is presented in this dissertation. This enables engineering of the acoustic resonator to provide several resonance modes with mechanical energy trapped in central part of the resonator, thus obviating narrow tethers traditionally used for anchoring the cavity to the substrate. This facilitates simultaneous piezoelectric-transduction of multiple modes with different TCFs through independent electrical ports, which can realize highly accurate self-temperature sensing of the device using a beat frequency (fb) generated from linear combination of different modes. Piezoelectrically-transduced multi-port silicon resonators implemented using this technique provide highly temperature-sensitive fb with a large TCF of ~8500 ppm/°C showing 100x improvement compared to other Quartz/MEMS counterparts, suggesting these devices as highly sensitive temperature sensors for environmental sensing and temperature-compensated/oven-controlled crystal oscillator (TCXO/OCXO) applications.
Another part of this dissertation introduces a novel longitudinal piezoelectric transduction technique developed for implementation of low Rm silicon resonators operating in lithographically defined in-plane modes. Aluminum nitride films deposited on the sidewalls of thick silicon microstructures provides efficient electromechanical transduction required to achieve low Rm. 100 MHz SCS bulk acoustic resonators implemented using this transduction technique demonstrates Rm of 33Ω showing a 100x improvement compared to electrostatically transduced counterparts. Low-loss narrow-band filters with tunable bandwidth and frequency have been implemented by electrical coupling of these devices, showing their potential for realization of truly reconfigurable and programmable filter arrays required for software-defined radios.
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The Effect of Steel Strapping Tensioning Technique and Fibre-Reinforced Polymer on the Performance of Cross-Laminated Timber Slabs Subjected to Blast LoadsLopez-Molina, America Maria 09 October 2018 (has links)
Engineered wood products (EWP) are becoming extremely popular and a viable material option for the construction of residential, commercial, and hybrid buildings. Cross-laminated timber (CLT) is among one of the many EWP available in North America, which can be utilized for many different applications such as: walls, floors, and roofs. Despite the available requirements in the Canadian blast design standard (CSA, 2012) with regard to the design of wood structures, there are currently no provisions on how to retrofit timber structures to improve their performance when subjected to blast loads. The current study is aimed at investigating the effect of different retrofitting alternatives in order to improve the overall behaviour of CLT when exposed to out-of-plane bending.
The experimental program examined the behaviour of seventeen reinforced CLT slabs. Testing was conducted at the University of Ottawa by means of a shock tube capable of simulating high strain rates similar to those experienced during a blast event. The current study was divided into two phases. The first consisted of CLT slabs retrofitted with steel straps where strap spacing, location, and order of installation was investigated. The second phase focused on the development of dynamic properties of CLT panels when reinforced with GFRP. Lay-up configuration and fabric orientation were among the parameters explored.
The results from the experimental program show that reinforcing the panels with steel straps had minimal effect on the ultimate strength, but significant levels of post peak resistance and ductility was achieved. The horizontal straps were able to restrict the failure to small regions and to promote flexural failure by preventing rolling shear failure. It also eliminated flying debris and enhanced the ultimate strength, stiffness as well as ductility. Applying GFRP layers enhanced the overall behaviour of the slab resulting in a significant increase in peak resistance, ductility, and stiffness when compared to the dynamic results of an unretrofitted panel. The post peak resistance was also greatly improved. In particular, applying stacked quadraxial lay-up configuration significantly improved the ductility and resulted in the greatest post peak resistance. The effect of steel straps on damaged and retrofitted was relatively minimal, and only partial recovery of the resistance and the stiffness was achieved. GFRP with full confinement yielded better performance compared to the unretrofitted and undamaged counterpart. More work is needed to quantify the benefits of using GFRP in these applications.
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Investigação do comportamento de Engineered Cementitious Composites reforçados com fibras de polipropileno como material para recapeamento de pavimentos / Investigating polypropylene fiber reinforced engineered cementitious composites as a pavement overlay materialGarcez, Estela Oliari January 2009 (has links)
Uma parcela substancial das rodovias do país apresenta processos de deterioração graves de seus pavimentos, fato que acarreta sérios impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais, resultando em aumento do consumo de combustível, dos gastos com manutenção dos veículos, da frequência de engarrafamentos e do tempo gasto em deslocamentos. A utilização de recapeamentos ou overlays de concreto tem demonstrado ser uma alternativa sustentável e econômica para a reabilitação de pavimentos. No entanto, em muitos casos, os overlays de concreto não tem conseguido prevenir a ocorrência de fissuração por reflexão. Os Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECCs) são um tipo especial de compósitos cimentícios de alto desempenho reforçados com fibras, cuja principal característica é a altíssima ductilidade. Esta propriedade faz com que os mesmos sejam capazes de superar muitas das limitações dos overlays de concreto tradicionais. Fibras de PVA com uma camada superficial modificada foram especialmente desenvolvidas para serem empregadas no reforço de ECCs (ou PVAECC). O custo de tais fibras é o principal responsável pelo elevado custo dos ECCs, o que pode inviabilizar seu emprego em alguns casos. Buscando alternativas, este estudo se focou na investigação da possibilidade de uso de fibras de polipropileno (PP) de alto desempenho. Estas fibras, com custo mais atraente, já são produzidas comercialmente no Brasil, e usadas na produção de fibrocimento. As mesmas se demonstraram adequadas para uso como reforço em ECCs (ou PPECC), sendo capazes de garantir que se atinja um comportamento dúctil através do desenvolvimento de um processo de múltipla fissuração. Um resultado importante foi que a dimensão média da abertura das fissuras nos PPECC foi de 10 m, enquanto nos PVAECC a mesma era 60 m. Este resultado pode resultar em incrementos na durabilidade de estruturas. Além disto, o trabalho investigou o comportamento à flexão e fadiga dos ECCs reforçados com fibras de polipropileno. Os resultados demonstraram que os compósitos produzidos com cimento Portland tipo V-ARI não se comportam adequadamente à fadiga, uma vez que ocorre a deterioração das fibras. Por outro lado, os compósitos produzidos com cimento tipo I, já usualmente empregado em ECCs, apresentaram resultados satisfatórios. Um modelo de previsão de vida útil foi gerado para recapeamentos de PPECC, PVAECC e concreto, em função das espessuras dos revestimentos. O mesmo indicou que os ECCs requerem camadas 1,5 a 2,5 vezes mais finas que as usuais de concreto. O material foi, então, testado especificamente quanto à resistência à fissuração por reflexão. Os resultados demonstraram que o PPECC pode modificar o modo de ruptura frágil dos recapeamentos através do processo de múltipla fissuração. Na última etapa do trabalho foi realizada uma análise do ciclo de vida e dos custos do ciclo de vida de quatro diferentes sistemas de recapeamento – concreto, asfalto, PVAECC e PPECC. Os resultados mostram que os overlays de ECCs são bastante atrativos, pois diminuem tanto o consumo de energia associado aos processos de projeto, construção e manutenção do recapeamento, bem como reduzem a liberação de emissões gasosas à atmosfera, constituindo uma alternativa mais sustentável que as demais. Os sistemas de recapeamento com ECC também resultaram em vantagens econômicas. Apesar do alto custo inicial, a menor frequência de atividades de manutenção resulta em uma redução do custo total ao longo do período de 40 anos considerado. Isto representa uma importante economia em termos de custos diretos para os responsáveis pelas rodovias. De forma geral, o trabalho evidenciou a viabilidade de uso dos PPECCs para reabilitação de pavimentos. / Many old pavements in service today are approaching the end of their design service lives. Others are in dire need of major repair to continue serving, resulting in economical, environmental and social impacts by increasing vehicle fuel consumption and maintenance costs, traffic jam and delays. For pavements subject to moderate and heavy traffic, concrete overlays are increasingly being used as a cost effective and sustainable rehabilitation technique. However, concrete overlays have some physical limitations that contribute to durability concerns, which increase the probability of pavement overlay failure and maintenance frequency. Consequently, alternative materials are being developed to improve overlay performance. Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) are a special type of high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites, designed for high ductility and damage tolerance which may overcome concrete overlay limitations. Polyvinylalcohol (PVA) fibers with special coating are typically used as reinforcement of ECC. Although some successful field application of PVAECC, the use of ECC is restrained by the high cost of the material, consequence of high PVA fibers cost. This research is focused on the investigation of using high tenacity polypropylene fibers as reinforcement of engineered cementitious composites (PPECC). Those fibers are produced and available in Brazil for fibrocement industry by less than half price of PVA fibers. PP fibers have demonstrated good performance in reinforcing ECC, assuring composite strain-hardening behavior through the development of multiple cracking processes. An important finding was the tinier crack opening of PPECC – 10 m average- comparing to PVAECC – 60 m average. This result may result in higher material durability. Furthermore, flexural and fatigue behavior or ECCs reinforced with PP fibers were investigated. Results have shown that Portland cement type V (high early strength) is not adequate for PPECCs subject to fatigue loading, resulting in fiber deterioration and premature rupture. By the other hand, promising results were found with cement ordinary type I, usually used in ECC production. A model of service life prediction was developed for PPECC, PVAECC and concrete overlays correlated to overlay thickness. Results have shown that ECCs may reduce overlay thickness in 1.5 to 2.5 times the usual thickness of overlay concrete. Reflective cracking resistance of PPECC was also testes. From the results it is possible to deduce that PPECC may modify typical rupture mode of concrete overlays through the development of multiple cracking. In the last stage of this work, life cycle analyses and life cycle cost analyses of four different overlays systems – concrete, hot mix asphalt, PVAECC and PPECC – were carried out. The results of this study have shown that an ECC overlay system have lower environmental burdens, reducing the energy consumption related to design, construction and maintenance activities, reducing green house effect as well. Life cycle costs analyses over a 40 years service life revealed that PPECC is the most economical overlay system compared to concrete, hot mix asphalt and PVAECC overlay systems. Agency costs are significantly reduced by adopting PPECC overlays. PPECC is a feasible alternative for pavement rehabilitation.
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Effects of glyphosate on infant Health indicatorsDias, Mateus Ferraz 26 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Mateus Ferraz Dias (mateusdias91@gmail.com) on 2017-06-11T04:22:33Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-05-26 / Este trabalho estima o impacto do glifosato sobre indicadores de saúde infantil no Brasil, no período de 2000 a 2009, explorando a adoção da soja transgênica no Brasil e a estrutura hidrográfica do país (ottobacias). Nossos resultados indicam um aumento nas taxas de nascimentos de baixo peso e mortalidade infantil, concentradas em causas de morte associadas aos efeitos esperados do glifosato e em crianças expostas ao glifosato durante o primeiro trimestre de gravidez (período em que o feto é mais suscetível a efeitos negativos sobre seu desenvolvimento). Assim, os resultados sugerem que a regulação do glifosato como herbicida pode ser melhorada levando-se em conta os efeitos negativos sobre a saúde humana, hoje negligenciados. / This work estimates the impact of glyphosate on infant health indicators in Brazil, between 2000 and 2009, exploiting the adoption of genetically engineered soy in Brazil and the country’s hidrographic structure (ottobasins). Our results indicate an increase in low weight birth rate and infant mortality rate, concentrated on death causes associated to glyphosate’s expected effects and on children exposed to glyphosate during the first trimester of pregnancy (when the fetus is more susceptible to negative developmental effects). Hence, the results suggest that regulation regarding use of glyphosate as herbicide can be improved taking into account the nowadays neglected negative effects on human health.
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Investigação do comportamento de Engineered Cementitious Composites reforçados com fibras de polipropileno como material para recapeamento de pavimentos / Investigating polypropylene fiber reinforced engineered cementitious composites as a pavement overlay materialGarcez, Estela Oliari January 2009 (has links)
Uma parcela substancial das rodovias do país apresenta processos de deterioração graves de seus pavimentos, fato que acarreta sérios impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais, resultando em aumento do consumo de combustível, dos gastos com manutenção dos veículos, da frequência de engarrafamentos e do tempo gasto em deslocamentos. A utilização de recapeamentos ou overlays de concreto tem demonstrado ser uma alternativa sustentável e econômica para a reabilitação de pavimentos. No entanto, em muitos casos, os overlays de concreto não tem conseguido prevenir a ocorrência de fissuração por reflexão. Os Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECCs) são um tipo especial de compósitos cimentícios de alto desempenho reforçados com fibras, cuja principal característica é a altíssima ductilidade. Esta propriedade faz com que os mesmos sejam capazes de superar muitas das limitações dos overlays de concreto tradicionais. Fibras de PVA com uma camada superficial modificada foram especialmente desenvolvidas para serem empregadas no reforço de ECCs (ou PVAECC). O custo de tais fibras é o principal responsável pelo elevado custo dos ECCs, o que pode inviabilizar seu emprego em alguns casos. Buscando alternativas, este estudo se focou na investigação da possibilidade de uso de fibras de polipropileno (PP) de alto desempenho. Estas fibras, com custo mais atraente, já são produzidas comercialmente no Brasil, e usadas na produção de fibrocimento. As mesmas se demonstraram adequadas para uso como reforço em ECCs (ou PPECC), sendo capazes de garantir que se atinja um comportamento dúctil através do desenvolvimento de um processo de múltipla fissuração. Um resultado importante foi que a dimensão média da abertura das fissuras nos PPECC foi de 10 m, enquanto nos PVAECC a mesma era 60 m. Este resultado pode resultar em incrementos na durabilidade de estruturas. Além disto, o trabalho investigou o comportamento à flexão e fadiga dos ECCs reforçados com fibras de polipropileno. Os resultados demonstraram que os compósitos produzidos com cimento Portland tipo V-ARI não se comportam adequadamente à fadiga, uma vez que ocorre a deterioração das fibras. Por outro lado, os compósitos produzidos com cimento tipo I, já usualmente empregado em ECCs, apresentaram resultados satisfatórios. Um modelo de previsão de vida útil foi gerado para recapeamentos de PPECC, PVAECC e concreto, em função das espessuras dos revestimentos. O mesmo indicou que os ECCs requerem camadas 1,5 a 2,5 vezes mais finas que as usuais de concreto. O material foi, então, testado especificamente quanto à resistência à fissuração por reflexão. Os resultados demonstraram que o PPECC pode modificar o modo de ruptura frágil dos recapeamentos através do processo de múltipla fissuração. Na última etapa do trabalho foi realizada uma análise do ciclo de vida e dos custos do ciclo de vida de quatro diferentes sistemas de recapeamento – concreto, asfalto, PVAECC e PPECC. Os resultados mostram que os overlays de ECCs são bastante atrativos, pois diminuem tanto o consumo de energia associado aos processos de projeto, construção e manutenção do recapeamento, bem como reduzem a liberação de emissões gasosas à atmosfera, constituindo uma alternativa mais sustentável que as demais. Os sistemas de recapeamento com ECC também resultaram em vantagens econômicas. Apesar do alto custo inicial, a menor frequência de atividades de manutenção resulta em uma redução do custo total ao longo do período de 40 anos considerado. Isto representa uma importante economia em termos de custos diretos para os responsáveis pelas rodovias. De forma geral, o trabalho evidenciou a viabilidade de uso dos PPECCs para reabilitação de pavimentos. / Many old pavements in service today are approaching the end of their design service lives. Others are in dire need of major repair to continue serving, resulting in economical, environmental and social impacts by increasing vehicle fuel consumption and maintenance costs, traffic jam and delays. For pavements subject to moderate and heavy traffic, concrete overlays are increasingly being used as a cost effective and sustainable rehabilitation technique. However, concrete overlays have some physical limitations that contribute to durability concerns, which increase the probability of pavement overlay failure and maintenance frequency. Consequently, alternative materials are being developed to improve overlay performance. Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) are a special type of high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites, designed for high ductility and damage tolerance which may overcome concrete overlay limitations. Polyvinylalcohol (PVA) fibers with special coating are typically used as reinforcement of ECC. Although some successful field application of PVAECC, the use of ECC is restrained by the high cost of the material, consequence of high PVA fibers cost. This research is focused on the investigation of using high tenacity polypropylene fibers as reinforcement of engineered cementitious composites (PPECC). Those fibers are produced and available in Brazil for fibrocement industry by less than half price of PVA fibers. PP fibers have demonstrated good performance in reinforcing ECC, assuring composite strain-hardening behavior through the development of multiple cracking processes. An important finding was the tinier crack opening of PPECC – 10 m average- comparing to PVAECC – 60 m average. This result may result in higher material durability. Furthermore, flexural and fatigue behavior or ECCs reinforced with PP fibers were investigated. Results have shown that Portland cement type V (high early strength) is not adequate for PPECCs subject to fatigue loading, resulting in fiber deterioration and premature rupture. By the other hand, promising results were found with cement ordinary type I, usually used in ECC production. A model of service life prediction was developed for PPECC, PVAECC and concrete overlays correlated to overlay thickness. Results have shown that ECCs may reduce overlay thickness in 1.5 to 2.5 times the usual thickness of overlay concrete. Reflective cracking resistance of PPECC was also testes. From the results it is possible to deduce that PPECC may modify typical rupture mode of concrete overlays through the development of multiple cracking. In the last stage of this work, life cycle analyses and life cycle cost analyses of four different overlays systems – concrete, hot mix asphalt, PVAECC and PPECC – were carried out. The results of this study have shown that an ECC overlay system have lower environmental burdens, reducing the energy consumption related to design, construction and maintenance activities, reducing green house effect as well. Life cycle costs analyses over a 40 years service life revealed that PPECC is the most economical overlay system compared to concrete, hot mix asphalt and PVAECC overlay systems. Agency costs are significantly reduced by adopting PPECC overlays. PPECC is a feasible alternative for pavement rehabilitation.
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Porous Antibacterial Membranes Derived from Polyethylene (PE)/Polyethylene Oxide (PEO) Blends and Engineered NanoparticlesMural, Prasanna Kumar S January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The steep rise in the contamination of natural water sources, has led to an increasing demand for alternate solutions to cater safe drinking water to mankind. Water treatment by separation technology utilizes semipermeable membranes to filter the contaminants commonly present in potable water. In this context, the current work focuses on the development of membranes that are affordable, exhibit chemical resistance and can be developed at industrial scale. By blending two immiscible polymers like polyethylene (PE) and polyethylene oxide (PEO), different morphologies can be generated and porous structures can be developed by selectively etching the water soluble phase (PEO). Microorganisms in the feed stream often tend to foul the membrane by forming biofilms on the surface that tends to increase the resistance offered by the membrane. Therefore, preventing this biofilm is a key challenge in this field and can be overcome by use of functional group or materials that prevent the attachment or growth of microorganisms on the surface, while maintaining a good permeation rate of water. This thesis entitled “Porous Antibacterial Membranes Derived from Polyethylene (PE)/Polyethylene oxide (PEO) Blends and Engineered
Nanoparticles” systematically studies the various morphologies generated by melt blending polyethylene (PE)/polyethylene oxide (PEO) in presence and absence of a compatibilizer (maleated PE). Porous structures are developed by selectively etching PEO from the blends and the nature of the pores, which is dependent on the blend composition, is assessed by tomography. The potential of these membranes are discussed for water purification application. Further, various modifications either on the surface or in the bulk have been systematically studied. For instance, incorporation of biocidal agents like graphene oxide (GO) and modified GO in the matrix and coating/grafting of membrane surface with biocidal agents like silver (Ag), GO for preventing the biofouling and to meet the specific requirements for safe drinking water.
The thesis consists of ten chapters. Chapter 1 is a review on polymer blends for membrane applications. This chapter covers the fundamentals of polymer blends in transport processes and compares the merits and demerits of the conventional methods. This chapter mainly covers the melting blending technique and the optimizing parameters for obtaining a desired morphology. Further, the various methodologies for stabilization of the morphology against post processing operation have been discussed. The various methodologies for designing membranes (for water purification) that suppress or inhibit the bacterial activity on the membrane surfaces have been discussed elaborately. Chapter 2 outlines the materials, experimental set-up and procedures employed.
Chapter 3 focuses on the morphologies that are developed during the blending of PE/PEO with varying weight ratios. The morphologies developed are supported by SEM analysis. The factors governing the localization of particles in PE/PEO blends are discussed in detail. The gradient in morphology obtained during post processing operations is highlighted. Based on the type of morphologies obtained, the thesis is divided into two parts as (I) membranes designed using matrix droplet type of morphology and (II) membranes designed using co-continuous morphology.
Part I consists of four chapters that involves the development of membranes utilizing matrix droplet morphology. Chapter 4 focuses on the development of morphology, the length scales of which are smaller than a bacterial cell. This ensures sieving of the contaminants that are commonly present in the drinking water though the surface of the membranes may not be antibiofouling. Thus a passive strategy of antibiofouling has been employed by blending biocidal agents like GO and amine modified GO during melt mixing.
The antibacterial mechanism and its effect on bacterial activity have been thoroughly studied.
Chapter 5 focuses on modification of membrane by incorporating silver decorated GO in the bulk. The effect of incorporation of these particles and their effect on bacterial activity have been discussed systematically. Chapter 6 emphasizes on the surface coating of membrane with chitosan to enhance the antibacterial activity and antibiofouling.
Chapter 7 focuses on the development of membrane with pore sizes that are larger than a bacterial cell. These membranes are grafted with antibacterial polymers like polyethylene imine (PEI) and Ag to achieve antibacterial and antibiofouling surface. The possible mechanism of bacterial inactivity is described and the leaching of Ag from the membranes has been discussed.
Part II of the thesis focuses on the development of co-continuous morphology in PE/PEO blends and has been assessed using 3D tomography. Chapter 8 describes the development of co-continuous morphology in PE/PEO blend. 2D and 3D micrographs have been corroborated for understanding the morphology evolution during post processing operation like remelting or hot-pressing. The blend has been strategically compatibilized to arrest the morphology and retain the co-continuity in the blends. GO was anchored onto the surface of the membrane by rendering suitable surface active groups. The antibiofouling and bacterial inhibition was studied in detail. The effect of anchoring GO on the membrane surface has been discussed with respect to their membrane performance and its antibacterial activity.
Chapter 9 discusses the development of membranes using PE based Ionomer (Surlyn) and PEO. The Ionomer provided active sites for reducing silver nitrate directly onto the surface of PE to render antibacterial surface which otherwise requires a two-step protocol in the case of inert PE. The effect of coating Ag on the membrane performance and its antibacterial activity is elaborated.
Chapter 10 sums up the major conclusions from each chapter and highlights the outcome of the work.
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