Spelling suggestions: "subject:"engineering mechanics"" "subject:"ingineering mechanics""
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Integrering av ToolTracker i X-ponentskåpHyttsten, Andreas, Alm, Sebastian January 2010 (has links)
<p>Följande rapport redogör för det utvecklingsarbete som hade som målbild att kombinera två produkter från X-ponent Stålinredningar AB, nämligen ordning-och-reda-systemet ToolTracker och ett verktygsskåp benämnt X-102.</p><p>Detta utvecklingsarbete pågick under kursen KPP305, Examensarbete Produktutveckling, på Mälardalens högskola.</p><p>Uppdragsgivaren X-ponent Stålinredningar AB hade under en tid utvecklat det intelligent ordning-och-reda-system, ToolTracker, och genom en efterfrågan på marknaden har företaget känt ett behov av att vidareutveckla detta system och placera detta i ett verktygsskåp.</p><p>Denna produkt skulle fungera så att användaren loggar in i systemet via en RFID-läsare placerad på utsidan av skåpet, och samtidigt som en godkänd inloggning sker så låses skåpet upp automatiskt och användaren får tillgång till de verktyg som finns i skåpet. Väljer användaren att checka ut ett verktyg registreras tidpunkt för detta samt vem som tagit verktyget i systemets databas för att möjliggöra spårning av verktyget.</p><p>De direktiv som företaget gav för projektet var att det befintliga ToolTracker-systemet skulle verka på samma sätt som tidigare, vilket gav avgränsningar mot att påverka ToolTracker-systemet.</p><p>De problem som skulle lösas var således hur ToolTracker-systemets komponenter skulle placeras i skåpets utrymme, samt hur låskonstruktionen skulle utformas för att uppfylla de krav som ställts. De viktigaste funktioner som låskonstruktionen var tvungen att inneha, var att kunna låsa upp skåpet automatiskt vid inloggning, skåpet ska låsas automatiskt då dörren stängs samt att låset skulle kunna låsas upp manuellt. Dessa krav samt ytterligare en mängd krav kunde formuleras i den kravspecifikation som togs fram och låg som grund för arbetet. Ett genomgående viktigt krav i hela arbetet var att förändra det ursprungliga skåpet så lite som möjligt.</p><p>När kraven tydliggjorts kunde en mängd idéer tas fram och utvecklas vidare till fullgoda koncept. Dessa koncept togs därefter genom en process där koncepten utvecklades och därefter bedömdes efter lämplighet för att sedan utvärderas och ett val av slutligt koncept skedde utifrån resultaten av dessa moment. Det vinnande konceptet uppfyllde de viktiga kraven på funktioner samt hade en väldigt liten påverkan på skåpets ursprungliga konstruktion, vilket var stora bidragande orsaker till att detta koncept valdes. Detta koncept modelleras sedan upp fullständigt med hjälp av CAD-verktyget SolidWorks för att lösa de kvarstående frågetecknen kring hur monteringen av komponenter o.s.v. skulle ske.</p><p>Det slutliga konceptet har ett elektriskt slutbleck som låses upp då en signal läggs på, denna signal kommer då en inloggning sker i RFID-läsaren. Den automatiska låsningen av dörren sker genom att slutbleckets fall är öppet tills dörren stängs och skåpet påverkar fallet till låst läge. Den manuella öppningen sker genom den ursprungliga espanjolettlösningen.</p><p>Analysen av resultatet säger att konceptet uppfyller de krav som ställts upp och besvarar de problemformuleringar som legat till grund för detta arbete. Målet kan därför ses som uppfyllt.</p><p>Slutsatsen av projektet är att arbetet uppfyllde de mål som satts angående problemformuleringen, målet att ta fram en prototyp uppfylldes inte men en CAD-modell att möjliggöra detta i framtiden har tagits fram. En fortsättning på detta arbete bör därför innehålla en framtagning av en fysisk prototyp, för att verifiera att teorin och praktiken överensstämmer på ett tillfredsställande vis.</p> / <p>The following thesis report describes the development that intended to combine two existing products from X-ponents Stålinredningar AB, the orderliness-system ToolTracker and a tool cabinet named X-102.</p><p>This development lasted during the course KPP305, Examensarbete Produktutveckling, at Mälardalen University.</p><p>The outsourcer X-ponent Stålinredningar AB had during a period of time developed an orderliness-system and through a demand from the market, the company felt the need to further develop this product and place the product in a cabinet.</p><p>This product would give the user the opportunity to log on to the system via a RFID-reader placed on the front of the cabinet, and when the approved login appears the cabinet unlocks automatically and the user gets access to the tools placed in the cabinet. If the user chooses to check out a tool then the time and id for the user gets saved in the database to enable tracking of the tool.</p><p>The terms that the company stated for the project was that the original ToolTracker-system should work in the same way, this meant that no work on the ToolTracker-system should be done.</p><p>The problems that would be solved were hence how the components of the ToolTracker-system would be placed inside the cabinet, and how the locking mechanism should be designed to fulfill the demands put on the product. The most important functions that had to be implemented was that the lock should unlock itself automatically when an approved login happened, the locking mechanism also had to lock itself when the door is shut, and the user should also be able to unlock the door by manual force. These demands and more where written in the technical specifications list and became the foundation of this development. An important demand during the entire development process was that the cabinet should be modified as little as possible.</p><p>As the demands clarified a quantity of ideas could take form and develop into concepts. These concepts were thereafter moved through a process were these concepts were developed and then criticized by their feasibility. Thereafter the concepts were evaluated and one final concept could be chosen as a result from these operations. The final draft meets the demands put on functions as well as the modifications on the original cabinet, which were big contributions why this concept were chosen. Thereafter a 3D-model of the construction was made in SolidWorks, this was done to answer the final questions about the assembly and such.</p><p>The final draft possesses an electric strike plate that is unlocked when a signal is sent to it. This signal is sent from the RFID-reader when a login takes place. The automatic locking takes place when the barrier is affected by the door shutting. To open the door manually the user uses the existent espanjolett.</p><p>The analysis of the result states that de final solution fulfills the demands put on the product and also solves the formulated problems which this project where based on. The goal can therefore be stated as reached.</p><p>The conclusion for this project is that the development work fulfilled the goals put. A physical prototype should also be manufactured to verify that the theoretical concept matches reality in a satisfied manner.</p>
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Fracture processes in wood chippingHellström, Lisbeth January 2008 (has links)
<p>In both the chemical and mechanical pulping process, the logs are cut into wood chips by a disc chipper before fibre separation. To make the wood chipping process more efficient, one have to investigate in detail the coupling between theprocess parameters and the quality of the chips. The objective of this thesis is to obtain an understanding of the fundamental mechanisms behind the creation of wood chips. Both experimental and analytical/numerical approaches have been taken inthis work. The experimental investigations were performed with an in‐house developed equipment and a digital speckle photography equipment. The results from the experimental investigation showed that the friction between the log and chipping tool is probably one crucal factor for the chip formation. Further more it was found that the indentation process is approximately self‐similar, and that the stress field over the entire crack‐plane is critical for chip creation. The developed analytical model predicts the normal and shear strain distribution. The analytical distributions are in reasonable agreement with the corresponding distributions obtained from a finite element analysis.</p>
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Strategy Development of Structural Optimization in Design ProcessesMansouri, Ahmad, Norman, David January 2009 (has links)
<p><p><p>This thesis aims toward developing strategies in the area of structural optimization and to implement these strategies in design processes. At</p><p> </p><em>GM Powertrain Sweden </em>where powertrains are designed and developed, two designs of a differential housing have been chosen for this thesis. The main tasks have been to perform a topology optimization of a model early in a design process, and a shape optimization on a model late in a design process. In addition the shape optimization strategies have also been applied on a fork shifter. This thesis covers the theory of different optimization strategies in general. The optimization processes are explained in detail and the results from the structural optimization of the differential housings as well as the fork shifter are shown and evaluated. The evaluation of the thesis provides enough arguments to suggest an implementation of the optimization strategies in design processes at <em>GM Powertrain</em><p>. A Structural Optimization group has great potential of closing the gap between structural designers and structural analysis engineers which in long terms mean that better structures can be developed in less time. To be competitive in the automotive industry these are two of the most important factors for being successful.</p></p></p>
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Development Trends of World EnergyHu, Yuetong January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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En fordonsförares upplevelse av accelerationer som grund för en effektiv simuleringsmodell / A driver's experience of accelerations as a basis for an effective simulation modelLoman, Peter, Lindholm, Peter January 2006 (has links)
<p>Saab Aerosystems has a long tradition and a lot of competence in the field of flight simulation. Their ambition to broaden the market horizon has led to a discussion about also selling vehicle simulation solutions, both for military and civilian use.</p><p>The aim of this thesis is to investigate the driver’s experiences of the accelerations he or she is exposed to whilst driving in rough terrain. The results may be used as a basis for future decisions and can act as a platform for the construction of an effective simulation model.</p><p>To investigate the driver’s exposure of acceleration, some kind of dynamic simulation is needed. A terrain track with both small and large obstacles where constructed. A model of a military vehicle and a civil truck where also constructed with consideration given to the original vehicles’ features. The simulation of the ride along the track was then initiated, which resulted in plots for several parameters, such as acceleration and angular acceleration for the driver relative to the track. The work was focused on the vital properties of the vehicle, such as vehicle length, position of mass centre and wheel size.</p><p>The simulations led to some conclusions concerning vehicle properties. Boogie type suspension and lever arm type suspension, vertical distance to mass centre, driver’s position, vehicle length, spring and damper for the cab and number of wheels all turned out to be vital constituents to the driver’s experience. On the other hand, properties such as coefficient of restitution and wheel size turned out to have no significant impact.</p><p>One more conclusion of the work is that CAD software works well for dynamic simulations such as the ones described in this report. It was also apparent that a quite realistic simulation could be achieved with a fairly simple vehicle model. Furthermore, it is essential to get certain parameters such as the vehicle’s length and other major construction differences realistic, otherwise all fine tuning of the vehicle model will be pointless.</p> / <p>Saab Aerosystems har en lång tradition och stor kompetens inom flygsimulering. Strävan efter ett större marknadsområde har gjort att Saab även börjat undersöka möjligheterna att sälja tjänster inom fordonssimulering för både civilt och militärt bruk.</p><p>Examensarbetet syftar till att undersöka en fordonsförares upplevelser av de accelerationer som förekommer under körning i terräng. Resultatet är tänkt att användas som beslutsunderlag och grund för att bygga upp en effektiv simuleringsmodell för bl.a. terränggående fordon.</p><p>För att undersöka accelerationerna som föraren utsätts för krävs någon form av dynamiksimulering. För ändamålet har CAD-programvaran Pro Engineer Wildfire valts. En terrängbana i form av små och stora hinder samt två fordonstyper, ett stridsfordon och en lastbil konstruerades, med verkliga förebilder som utgångspunkt. Simuleringar av fordonets färd längs terrängbanan genomfördes. Varje försök genererade grafer för en mängd olika mätvärden, såsom accelerationer och vinkelaccelerationer för föraren relativt banan. Fokus har legat på att undersöka centrala egenskaper hos fordonet såsom längd, masscentrums läge, däckstorlek m.m. och hur dessa påverkar förarens upplevelse.</p><p>Efter utförda simuleringar stod det klart att de egenskaper hos fordonet som är vitala för förarens upplevelser är boogie- och länkarmsupphängning av hjul, masscentrums läge, förarens position, fordonets axelavstånd, hyttens dämpning och fjädring samt hjulantal. Mindre relevanta för förarens upplevelse är egenskaper såsom stöttal mellan däck och mark samt däckdiameter.</p><p>Av arbetet framgick även att ett CAD-verktyg med dynamikmodul fungerar mycket väl för dynamiksimuleringar av den karaktär som behandlas i examensarbetet. Det går även att konstatera att relativt verklighetsnära fordonsbeteende går att åstadkomma utan speciellt detaljerad modell av fordonet. Det framgick också att det är av stor vikt att se till att övergripande parametrar såsom fordonets längd och principiella konstruktion överensstämmer med verkligheten. Stämmer inte detta blir alla finjusteringar av fordonsmodellen överflödiga.</p>
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Analysis of Three-Dimensional Cracks in SubmodelsKarlsson, David January 2007 (has links)
<p>A common technique to evaluate load paths in complex structures is to perform FE-calculations with relative large elements. This procedure gives no information regarding stress concentrations at e.g. holes or radius but this phenomenon can later on be investigated in details with local individual submodels. Displacements is taken from the global model and used to analyse stress concentrations and crack driving parameters in the submodel.</p><p>Today, the crack controlling stress intensity factors are in general cases obtained from handbook solutions of elementary cases. This method requires engineering judgements in a conservative manner and one way to improve the solution is to model the crack in its correct surroundings in a local three-dimensional submodel.</p><p>This master thesis is focused on the development of an automated support for analysing three-dimensional cracks in submodels. The results from a global Nastran model can be imported to Trinitas and used for a more accurate stress and fatigue life analysis in a local model. Here a three-dimensional crack tip subdomain can be generated inside an eight point brick volume. The crack tip subdomain is specially designed and adjusted for accurate determination of stress intensity factors along the crack front. For example, all points are adjusted with respect to the brick volume and the crack size, triangular wedge elements are applied around the crack tip, the midpoints for these elements are moved to quarter points and the crack front is curved. The crack tip subdomain is validated against several reference cases and shows sufficiently good results with respect to the stress intensity factor.</p><p>Finally, the automated crack tip subdomain generation is applied to a geometrically complex part of a main wing carry-through bulkhead of a fighter aircraft in order to show the applicability of the procedure in an industrial environment.</p>
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Broms- och styrsystem för möbeljalusierSwalbring, Johan January 2007 (has links)
<p>This report is the result of a master thesis at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Division of Industrial and Economical Development, at Linköping University of Technology. The project was carried out on behalf of Fanerami AB, Mjölby and includes 20 weeks of full time schedule work.</p><p>Cabinets with vertical mounted roller shutters all share the same problem, namely weight balancing. A roller shutter has an equilibrium area where the sum of the different forces acting on the shutter equals zero. As the shutter leaves that area it will pick up speed as it falls towards the bottom. When the shutter hits the bottom of the cabinet there is a potential risk of getting fingers caught and in this project a solution to prevent this from happening was to be presented.</p><p>In this project, three concepts have been generated with the following different purposes:</p><p>•In concept 1 the risk of getting any fingers caught when the shutter closes was to be eliminated in an efficient and inexpensive way.</p><p>•In concept 2 the roller shutter had to be balanced at all time providing the possibility to keep the cabinet open in any position.</p><p>•The last and most challenging task was to create a remote controlled TV cabinet. The shutters were mounted horizontally and were to be opened simply by pushing the bottom either on the remote transmitter unit or the cabinet.</p><p>The first concept uses a small oil damper, often seen in kitchen cabinets and drawers. The roller shutter applies pressure on the damper via a lever that transforms the shutter motion along a certain path to a smaller motion in the direction of the damper. By doing so, a smaller damper with higher pressure can be used. Dampers are available with several different pressures and can be mounted in five different positions; therefore the concept can be adjusted to fit almost any cabinet.</p><p>Concept 2 consists of a thin cord winded around a wheel. The wheel is equipped with a spring that tightens when the cord is pulled in. The spring produces an equal and opposite force that holds the shutter in balance. As the wheel is mounted in the upper front of the cabinet, underneath the shutter, it will almost be invisible. The concept is easy to adjust to most cabinets by simply attach the shutter at different levels. In that way the spring will be tightened to equal the weight of the shutter.</p><p>The design of the TV cabinet has been a working progress throughout the whole project. A couple of prototypes were produced before the final concept. The mechanical solution is based on two pinion rackets placed one on each side of a rotating pinion powered by a motor through a planetary gearbox. To control the cabinet Electronic Solutions AB developed an electronic system that made it possible to open and close the shutters with a remote control or a switch on the cabinet.</p>
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Energy Saving Curtain : ENERGY INVENTORY AND CONSERVATION POSSIBILITIESZou, Fan January 2008 (has links)
<p>This paper presents the energy saving curtains, in order to make the</p><p>consumers be more aware of the energy efficiency of the energy saving</p><p>curtains, the paper gave related analysis and conclusions.</p><p>The work was performed by using the Parasol Program, developed by Lunds University, Sweden. The Program is used for quantifying the influence of window size, glass type, textile type, wall thermal insulation and sun shading on annual energy use and indoor thermal comfort. The results which are obtained from the calculations are applicable to similar climatic and environment conditions. Calculations were performed to investigate the potential for using sunshade devices to reduce annual energy demand for cooling and heating. Different materials and dimensions of the energy saving</p><p>curtain are used as variables in the analysis. The results indicated that for the current climatic conditions and other related factors, the total reduction rate of the annual energy consumption of office used buildings in Stockholm is estimated generally 20% -30% lower comparing to those buildings without energy saving curtain system. That means at least 20% of energy cost can be saved by the energy saving curtain system.</p>
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Energy Efficient Textile DryingBrunzell, Lena January 2006 (has links)
Traditionally, textiles were dried outdoors with the wind and the sun enhancing the drying process. Tumble dryers offer a fast and convenient way of drying textiles independent of weather conditions. Tumble dryers, however, consume large amounts of electrical energy. Over 4 million tumble dryers are sold each year in Europe and a considerable amount of energy is used for drying of clothes. Increasing energy costs and the awareness about environmental problems related to a large energy use has increased the demand for dryers with better energy efficiency. The aim with this thesis is to show how to improve the energy efficiency of domestic tumble dryers. Two types of tumble dryers are available on the market today: the open cycle dryer and the closed cycle dryer. In the open cycle dryer room air is heated and led into the drying drum. The exhaust air leaves the dryer and is often evacuated outside the building. In the closed cycle dryer an internal airflow is recirculated inside the dryer. When the hot air has passed through the drying drum it is led through a heat exchanger where the water vapour is condensed before the air is heated again and led to the drum. The heat exchanger is cooled with room air. Drying at low temperature has been shown to reduce the specific energy use for an open cycle tumble dryer. In Paper I a correlation between the specific energy use, the drying time and the heat supply was established for a specific load by using the exhaust air temperature. It was shown that the total drying time and specific energy use could be predicted from data during the first hour of the process. This result indicated a possibility to create a control system that makes it possible for the user to choose between low energy use or short drying time. The focus of Paper II is to reduce the energy use for a closed cycle tumble dryer. Energy and mass balances were established in order to determine feasible improvements. Energy and mass flows in the dryer indicated that reducing leakage from the internal system of the dryer gave the largest reduction of specific energy use. Insulation of the back cover of the dryer and opening the internal system during the falling drying rate period also gave positive results on the energy use. In total a feasible reduction of the energy use of approximately 17% was calculated.
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Fracture processes in wood chippingHellström, Lisbeth January 2008 (has links)
In both the chemical and mechanical pulping process, the logs are cut into wood chips by a disc chipper before fibre separation. To make the wood chipping process more efficient, one have to investigate in detail the coupling between theprocess parameters and the quality of the chips. The objective of this thesis is to obtain an understanding of the fundamental mechanisms behind the creation of wood chips. Both experimental and analytical/numerical approaches have been taken inthis work. The experimental investigations were performed with an in‐house developed equipment and a digital speckle photography equipment. The results from the experimental investigation showed that the friction between the log and chipping tool is probably one crucal factor for the chip formation. Further more it was found that the indentation process is approximately self‐similar, and that the stress field over the entire crack‐plane is critical for chip creation. The developed analytical model predicts the normal and shear strain distribution. The analytical distributions are in reasonable agreement with the corresponding distributions obtained from a finite element analysis.
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