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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Educa??o matem?tica na p?s-gradua??o da UFRN (1995-2015): vozes, imagens e escritos

Cardoso, Wguineuma Pereira Avelino 21 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-10-04T19:29:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 WguineumaPereiraAvelinoCardoso_DISSERT.pdf: 3264434 bytes, checksum: ced67dd2365a0f817c41c18c2171f9e4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-10-10T00:13:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 WguineumaPereiraAvelinoCardoso_DISSERT.pdf: 3264434 bytes, checksum: ced67dd2365a0f817c41c18c2171f9e4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-10T00:13:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 WguineumaPereiraAvelinoCardoso_DISSERT.pdf: 3264434 bytes, checksum: ced67dd2365a0f817c41c18c2171f9e4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-21 / No Brasil, no final da segunda metade do s?culo XX, pesquisas em Educa??o Matem?tica (EM) despontaram em v?rios Programas de P?s-Gradua??o. No estado do Rio grande do Norte (RN) n?o foi diferente, uma vez que a Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) possui Programas de P?s-Gradua??o que contemplam pesquisas nessa ?rea, a saber: o Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o (PPGED), vinculado ao Centro de Educa??o (CE) e o Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ensino de Ci?ncias Naturais e Matem?tica (PPGECNM), vinculado ao Centro de Ci?ncias Exatas e da Terra (CCET). Neste contexto, elaboramos nossa quest?o-foco: Como iniciou e se consolidou a pesquisa em Educa??o Matem?tica, no Estado do RN? Para responder a esta quest?o, tra?amos como objetivo geral fazer uma descri??o historiogr?fica, no per?odo de 1995 a 2015, dos modos de institui??o e consolida??o de pesquisas em Educa??o Matem?tica presentes nos dois Programas citados. Isto posto, essa pesquisa se justifica pelo fato de, em 1995, ser criada no PPGED a Linha de Pesquisa intitulada Educa??o Matem?tica e, em 2002, desde a cria??o do PPGECNM, ter Linhas de Pesquisas que contemplavam pesquisas nessa ?rea. Para configurar esta pesquisa historiogr?fica, utilizamos a Hist?ria Cultural e as novas tend?ncias metodol?gicas da escrita da hist?ria, entendendo que esta se volta ao estudo da dimens?o cultural de uma determinada sociedade historicamente localizada (BURKE, 2011). Nossas fontes de pesquisa foram os documentos institucionais dos referidos Programas, esses vistos ? luz da teoria de Le Goff (2003), bem como os depoimentos dos professores que foram os percursores nas pesquisas em Educa??o Matem?tica na UFRN. Esses depoimentos foram colhidos por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas (LAVILLE; DIONNE, 1999), realizadas com eles, que, inclusive autorizaram, por meio de uma carta de cess?o, a divulga??o de seus verdadeiros nomes. Al?m disso, por estarmos em um Programa de um Mestrado Profissional, produzimos um v?deo, atrelado a nossa quest?o-foco, como Produto Educacional, que tem por objetivo informar e motivar os professores da Educa??o B?sica e graduandos da licenciatura em Matem?tica, quando formados, a lan?arem m?o de uma forma??o continuada, agregando a sua forma??o inicial melhorias salariais, culturais, sociais, entre outras, assim como fizeram os egressos do PPGED, da ?rea de EM. Ap?s an?lise e triangula??o das fontes (ALBUQUERQUE J?NIOR, 2007) vimos que no PPGED e no PPGECNM h? pesquisas que se voltam para a EM e percebemos que em cada um deles houve uma forma singular do desenvolvimento dessas. Vimos tamb?m que, no PPGED, a Linha EM foi inserida pela Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) na estrutura do Programa em fun??o da exist?ncia dos projetos de pesquisa que estavam sendo desenvolvidos pelo ent?o professor do PPGED, PhD John Andrew Fossa. As contribui??es deste professor ajudaram significativamente na cria??o da Linha EM, como tamb?m ampliaram novas possibilidades de pesquisas em Educa??o Matem?tica no RN, conforme podemos visualizar a partir de uma ?rvore geneal?gica (MENDES, 2015a) que constru?mos, mostrando alguns egressos, orientandos do professor John Andrew Fossa e de outros professores contratados pelo Departamento de Matem?tica da UFRN, que tamb?m contribu?ram de forma significativa para o avan?o na pesquisa na ?rea de EM. Nossas an?lises tamb?m mostraram que, atualmente, h? egressos do PPGED que d?o continuidade ?s pesquisas na ?rea de EM no ?mbito da UFRN. Por fim, ao contarmos essa hist?ria, esperamos ter contribu?do para o entendimento do percurso, da constitui??o e da consolida??o da pesquisa em Educa??o Matem?tica no RN. / In Brazil, at the end of the second half of the twentieth century, research in Educa??o Matem?tica - EM (Mathematics Education) emerged in several Post-Graduate Programs.In the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) it was not different, since the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte) has post-graduate programs that contemplate research in this area, namely: the Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o - PPGED (Post-graduate Program in Education), linked to the Centro de Educa??o - CE (Education Center) and the Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ensino de Ci?ncias Naturais e Matem?tica - PPGECNM (Post-graduate Program in Teaching Natural Sciences and Mathematics), linked to the Centro de Ci?ncias Exatas e da Terra - CCET (Center of Exact and Earth Sciences). In this context, we elaborated our question-focus: How did the research in Educa??o Matem?tica (Mathematics Education) start and consolidate in the State of RN? In order to answer this question, we have as general objective to make a historiographical description, from 1995 to 2015, of the ways of institution and consolidation of research in Educa??o Matem?tica (Mathematics Education) present in the two Programs mentioned. Therefore, this research is justified by the fact that in 1995 the Research Line was created in PPGED entitled Educa??o Matem?tica (Mathematics Education) and in 2002, since the creation of the PPGECNM, there were lines of research that included research in this area. To configure this historical research, we used the cultural history and new methodological trends in history writing, understanding that this is about the study of the cultural dimension of a certain historically located society (BURKE, 2011). Our sources of research were the institutional documents of these Programs, those seen in the light of Le Goff's theory (2003), as well as the statements of the professors who were the forerunners of research in Educa??o Matem?tica (Mathematics Education) at UFRN. These statements were collected through semi-structured interviews (LAVILLE; DIONNE, 1999) with them, including authorizing, through a letter of assignment, a disclosure of their real names. In addition, because we are in a Program of a Professional Master's Degree, we produced a video, linked to our question-focus, as Produto Educacional (Educational Product), which aims to inform and motivate Basic Education teachers and undergraduate students in Mathematics, when graduated, to take on a continuous formation, adding to their initial formation salary, cultural and social improvements, among others, as did the graduates of PPGED, From the EM area. After analyzing and triangulating the sources (ALBUQUERQUE J?NIOR, 2007), we have seen that in PPGED and PPGECNM there are researches that turn to EM and we noticed that in each of them there was a unique form of the development of these. We also saw that in the PPGED, the EM Line was inserted by the Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior ? CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) in the structure of the Program due to the existence of the research projects being developed by the PPGED professor, PhD John Andrew Fossa. The contributions of this professor helped significantly in the creation of the EM Line, but also expanded new possibilities of research in Mathematics Education in the RN, as we can see from a genealogical tree (MENDES, 2015a) that we built, showing some graduates of the master's degree, masters orientated by Professor John Andrew Fossa and other professors hired by the Departamento de Matem?tica da UFRN (Department of Mathematics of UFRN), who also contributed significantly to the advancement in research in the field of EM. Our analyzes also showed that, currently, there are graduates of the PPGED who continue the researches in the area of EM within the UFRN. Finally, as we tell this story, we hope to have contributed to the understanding of the course, constitution and consolidation of the research in Educa??o Matem?tica (Mathematics Education) in the RN.

Dos m?nimos quadrados ? regress?o linear: atividades hist?ricas sobre fun??o afim e estat?stica usando planilhas eletr?nicas

Alves, Juliana Maria Schivani 18 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-08-26T23:52:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JulianaMariaSchivaniAlves_DISSERT.pdf: 12936570 bytes, checksum: a4875e915d131fd0881b9d213cee8765 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-08-31T20:48:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JulianaMariaSchivaniAlves_DISSERT.pdf: 12936570 bytes, checksum: a4875e915d131fd0881b9d213cee8765 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-31T20:48:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JulianaMariaSchivaniAlves_DISSERT.pdf: 12936570 bytes, checksum: a4875e915d131fd0881b9d213cee8765 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-18 / Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de construir atividades pautadas na Hist?ria da Matem?tica, executadas por meio da Investiga??o Matem?tica e das Tecnologias de Informa??o e Comunica??o para abordar, de forma contextualizada, os conceitos de Fun??o Afim e Estat?stica no Ensino M?dio. Para tanto, fundamenta-se no contexto hist?rico de Adrien-Marie Legendre (1752-1833), sua cria??o do M?todo dos M?nimos Quadrados (1805); Francis Galton (1822-1911) e seus experimentos que originaram a Regress?o Linear (1875). A partir desta pesquisa bibliogr?fica, dos momentos hist?ricos selecionados e dos resultados alcan?ados, este trabalho prop?e e valida uma sequ?ncia de atividades para ser usada na primeira s?rie do Ensino M?dio. Esta sequ?ncia ? composta de duas atividades hist?ricas investigativas solucionadas com o uso de um software de planilhas eletr?nicas. A primeira atividade proposta recria, com os alunos, o experimento de Galton acerca do estudo comparativo das estaturas de pais e filhos. Os estudantes coletaram dados e os analisaram ? medida que foram diferenciando fun??o de rela??o, tipos de vari?veis, coeficientes linear e angular, crescimento da fun??o e, aprendendo alguns conceitos de Estat?stica b?sica, explorando o software. A segunda atividade objetiva aplicar os conceitos hist?ricos abordados anteriormente para fazer um estudo comparativo das medidas corporais e de roupas, cal?ados e acess?rios. Nesta ?ltima atividade, os alunos investigaram, em seus dados reais, situa??es de Fun??es Injetoras, Sobrejetoras e Bijetoras, al?m de diferenciarem dom?nio de imagem, vari?veis de coeficientes num?ricos e fazerem estimativas das fun??es encontradas. O uso do recurso tecnol?gico provocou mais motiva??o em estudar os conceitos matem?ticos abordados. Al?m disso, reduziu o tempo da constru??o dos gr?ficos, proporcionando mais espa?o para os alunos investigarem as quest?es apresentadas. Aliado ? Hist?ria da Matem?tica, estimulou o interesse e criatividade dos alunos em realizarem as atividades investigativas propostas. Toda essa pesquisa qualitativa obteve como resultado o produto educacional constitu?do das duas atividades hist?ricas realizadas, com sugest?es e dicas para o professor que deseje aplic?-lo em suas aulas. / This research aims to create guided activities in the History of Mathematics, carried out through Mathematical Investigation, and Information and Communications Technologies, to encompass and contextualize concepts of Affine Function and Statistics in High School. Therefore it is based on the historical context of Adrien-Marie Legendre (1752-1833) and his creation of the Method of Least Squares (1805); and Francis Galton (1822-1911) and his experiments that originated Linear Regression (1875). From this literature research, and from the selected historical moments and results achieved, this study proposes and validates a sequence of activities to be used for students of the first year of High School. This sequence is composed of two historical activities to be supported using an electronic spreadsheet software. The first proposed activity recreates, with the students, Galton?s experiment about the comparative study of the stature of parents and children. The students collected data and analyzed them as they distinguished function from relation, types of variables, linear and angular coefficients and function growth, learning some Basic Statistics concepts while exploring the software. The second activity aims to apply the historical concepts discussed earlier to conduct a comparative study of the body, clothes, shoes and accessories measurements. In this activity, the students investigated, in their real data, situations of Injective, Surjective and Bijective Functions, distinguished domain from image, variables from numeric coefficients, and made estimates of the functions. The use of technology raised motivation to study the addressed mathematical concepts. Furthermore, it reduced the time to create graphs, promoting more space for the students to investigate the presented questions. Combined with the History of Mathematics, it stimulated the students? interest and creativity to perform the proposed investigative activities. All this qualitative research obtained, as a result, the educational product constituted of activities, with suggestions and tips for the teacher that might wish to apply it in class.

Forma??o docente para a inser??o da hist?ria e filosofia da ci?ncia no ensino: textos hist?rico-pedag?gicos em discuss?o

Nic?cio, Jos? Diogo dos Santos 01 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-04-25T22:34:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseDiogoDosSantosNicacio_DISSERT.pdf: 4402224 bytes, checksum: 7d9b6d8e62967a21c0b22e995080934d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-04-27T20:37:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseDiogoDosSantosNicacio_DISSERT.pdf: 4402224 bytes, checksum: 7d9b6d8e62967a21c0b22e995080934d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T20:37:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseDiogoDosSantosNicacio_DISSERT.pdf: 4402224 bytes, checksum: 7d9b6d8e62967a21c0b22e995080934d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-07-01 / A presente disserta??o tem como foco problemas espec?ficos no contexto educacional: os desafios na constru??o de narrativas hist?rico-pedag?gicas, bem como a dif?cil tarefa de utiliz?-las em sala de aula. Nesse contexto, busca-se atuar na forma??o docente para a inser??o did?tica da Hist?ria e Filosofia da Ci?ncia (HFC), sendo as narrativas hist?rico-pedag?gicas elementos para media??o do di?logo com esse p?blico espec?fico. Essa iniciativa vem ao encontro de uma preocupa??o recorrente na literatura da ?rea: um dos principais desafios relacionados ? transposi??o did?tica da HFC seria a falta de prepara??o do professor. Conte?dos hist?ricos, filos?ficos e sobre a Natureza da Ci?ncia ainda s?o pouco presentes em salas de aula. A inseguran?a e o desconhecimento do assunto pelos professores costumam ser apontados como fatores que contribuem para essa situa??o. Torna-se importante, portanto, que docentes (atuantes e em forma??o) participem de reflex?es sobre a inser??o da HFC em sala de aula, conhe?am exemplos de propostas de cunho hist?rico-filos?ficas para a abordagem de conte?dos de ci?ncia e sobre a ci?ncia, desenvolvam compet?ncias que lhes permitam adapt?-las aos seus contextos espec?ficos, bem como elaborar suas pr?prias propostas. Acredita-se que essas quest?es sejam significativas para que realizem iniciativas conscientes de inser??o da HFC em suas salas de aula. Considera-se que adaptar propostas did?ticas a contextos educacionais particulares depende de se compreender de fato o que representam essas propostas e qu?o flex?veis elas podem ser. A fim de contemplar esses objetivos, elaborou-se produto educacional que se configura como um material did?tico voltado para a forma??o docente, o qual foi aplicado em minicurso de extens?o na UFRN. O material discute sobre o papel da HFC no Ensino, a Natureza da Ci?ncia e quest?es historiogr?ficas. Traz uma sequ?ncia de atividades dial?gicas sobre aspectos da transposi??o did?tica da HFC, especialmente significativos no que diz respeito ?s narrativas hist?ricas. Utiliza-se como elemento de media??o nas discuss?es um conjunto de textos hist?rico-pedag?gicos sobre a Hist?ria do V?cuo e da Press?o Atmosf?rica. Abordam-se potencialidades, possibilidades e limita??es desse tipo de material. Para a realiza??o do curso tomou-se como refer?ncia considera??es metodol?gicas da chamada pesquisa-a??o. Almejaram-se transforma??es, modifica??es e a??es efetivas no pr?prio material did?tico de forma??o a partir da viv?ncia do pesquisador-ministrante em intera??es com os participantes do curso de extens?o e das impress?es relatadas pelos participantes. Os desdobramentos nesse sentido foram incorporados ao material did?tico. / The present dissertation focuses on specific problems in the educational context: challenges in the construction of historical narratives for pedagogical use as well as the difficult task of using them in the classroom. In this context, we seek to work in teacher training for insertion of History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) in classroom, and historical narratives become mediation elements to advance the dialogue with this specific audience. This initiative is in line with a recurring concern: one of the main challenges related to the didactic transposition of HFC would be the lack of teacher preparation. Historical contents and Nature of Science are still absent in classrooms. Insecurity and lack of knowledge by teachers are often mentioned as factors that contribute to this situation. It is important, therefore, that teachers (active and in training) take part in discussions concerning the inclusion of HPS in classroom. It is relevant that they know examples of historic-philosophical didactic proposals to address science and contents on science, develop skills to adapt them to their specific contexts and to develop their own proposals. It is believed that these issues are significant to undertake conscious initiatives to insert HPS in classrooms. It is considered that adapting educational proposals to particular educational contexts depends on understanding what these proposals indeed mean and how flexible they can be. In order to address these objectives, we elaborated an educational product, a didactic material focused on teacher training, which was used in an extension course at UFRN. The didactic material discusses the role of HPS in Education, Nature of Science and historiographical issues. It presents a series of dialogical activities on aspects of didactic transposition of HPS, especially those regarding historical narratives. A set of historicpedagogical texts on the History of Vacuum and Atmospheric Pressure is used as a mediation element in discussions. We address potential, possibilities and limitations historical narratives. To carry out the course, it was taken into account methodological concerns of so-called action research. There have been expected changes, modifications and effective actions in the own teacher training material in face of the experience of the researcher-lecturer in interactions with the participants of the course as well as in face of impressions reported by the participants. Developments in this direction have been incorporated into the teacher training material.

Outro olhar sobre a lei de conserva??o das massas: abordagem da natureza da ci?ncia e rela??es de g?nero na ci?ncia no ensino de qu?mica

Lima, Lu?s Victor dos Santos 11 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-10-25T23:47:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LuisVictorDosSantosLima_DISSERT.pdf: 1575562 bytes, checksum: 761fdb9d280d0bb7891a692f3c67f049 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-12-16T22:06:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LuisVictorDosSantosLima_DISSERT.pdf: 1575562 bytes, checksum: 761fdb9d280d0bb7891a692f3c67f049 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-16T22:06:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LuisVictorDosSantosLima_DISSERT.pdf: 1575562 bytes, checksum: 761fdb9d280d0bb7891a692f3c67f049 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-11 / A disserta??o ? fruto de uma investiga??o realizada com professores e estudantes do ensino m?dio sobre suas concep??es de g?nero e natureza da ci?ncia. Com base em referenciais e estudos que tratam das rela??es de g?nero na ci?ncia, quest?es foram levantadas, pesquisadas e discutidas neste trabalho visando promover reflex?es a cerca das consequ?ncias que vis?es distorcidas e ing?nuas podem causar no ensino de ci?ncias. Perante um p?blico participante constitu?do por 91 estudantes e 4 professores do ensino m?dio, realizamos uma pesquisa-a??o no intento de explorar como compreendem ci?ncia e g?nero assim como a rela??o desses campos. Por meio de dois instrumentos de pesquisa, um question?rio e um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado, as concep??es desses indiv?duos foram coletadas, tratadas e discutidas mediante uso da an?lise de conte?do. Os resultados indicam que quase todos os estudantes e alguns professores compreendem a ci?ncia numa perspectiva neutra, salvacionista, positivista, em que a figura masculina de cientista como protagonista ? predominante. Partindo desse diagn?stico foi constru?da uma sequ?ncia did?tica para o conte?do ?Lei de Conserva??o das Massas? em que buscou-se evidenciar o car?ter cooperativo da atividade cient?fica, mediante a exposi??o da colabora??o de outros cientistas para o estabelecimento dessa lei. O uso da hist?ria da ci?ncia no ensino de qu?mica, e demais ?reas das ci?ncias naturais, pode contribuir para que os estudantes tenham uma compreens?o mais humanizada da cultura cient?fica, possibilitando discuss?es e debates pertinentes ? rela??o ?tica e social. / This dissertation is the result of research conducted with high school teachers and students about their conceptions of gender and nature of science. Based on references and studies dealing with gender relations in science, questions have been raised, researched and discussed in this work, to promote reflections on the possible consequences of distorted and naive visions can cause in science education. In Brazilian educational documents, there are recommendations for addressing the nature of science in high school, present constructivist character, however, which is widespread, both in the discourse of some teachers and in teaching materials is far from what is proposed. It is necessary to promote increased scientific literacy of students - not only understanding and mastery of codes and concepts of science, but the understanding of aspects related to scientific culture. With 91 students and 3 teachers and a high school teacher, we conducted a survey in an attempt to investigate how they understand science and gender as well as the relationship between these fields. Through two research instruments, a questionnaire and a semistructured interview guide, the views of these individuals were collected, treated and discussed by using content analysis. The results indicate that almost all students and some teachers understand science as neutral, Salvationists, positivistic, in which the male figure scientist protagonist is predominant; the students and the teachers, there is no knowledge of women scientists in the history of science; as the reasons for the small number of women in the sciences courses, the public assigns founded justifications mainly in biological determinism and essentialism. Based on this diagnosis, it was built a didactic sequence consisting of 4 classes which sought to highlight the cooperative nature of scientific activity through collaboration exposure of other scientists, including women. For each class has produced a text support making use of the history of science in chemistry education and other areas of the natural sciences. The use of history of science assumes that it can help students to have a more human understanding of scientific culture, enabling discussions and debates relevant to ethics and social relationship. The application of this teaching sequence allowed a better understanding of issues surrounding the nature of science, deconstructing myths that were diagnosed at baseline, as well as allowed the discussion of relevant chemical concepts in this level of education. It is necessary that the school curriculum, through the approach of its contents, provides the training of students for citizenship critically. We need to discuss various social issues such as gender, race, ethnicity, with a view to exploring the diversity, in an attempt to promote new learning.

Espa?os formais de ensino: contribui??es de uma a??o formativa para a pr?tica de professores de ci?ncias

Santos, Adriana de Souza 30 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-20T22:39:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AdrianaDeSouzaSantos_DISSERT.pdf: 6849743 bytes, checksum: 70a7e4d0893de572cfee818c6dcbe7eb (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-02-24T00:21:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AdrianaDeSouzaSantos_DISSERT.pdf: 6849743 bytes, checksum: 70a7e4d0893de572cfee818c6dcbe7eb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-24T00:21:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AdrianaDeSouzaSantos_DISSERT.pdf: 6849743 bytes, checksum: 70a7e4d0893de572cfee818c6dcbe7eb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-30 / Os Espa?os N?o Formais de Ensino (ENFE), quando adequadamente explorados, tendem a permitir o desenvolvimento de valores, compet?ncias e habilidades no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de Ci?ncias, al?m de promover a aproxima??o do p?blico com conhecimentos cient?ficos, capazes de auxili?-los a compreender diversos aspectos do mundo que os cerca. Considerando esta perspectiva tornar-se importante formar professores habilitados para realizarem atividades em ENFE de forma que promova a aprendizagem significativa a seus alunos. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo promover a forma??o continuada de professores de Ci?ncias, da rede municipal de ensino de Natal/RN, sobre o uso de ENFE como complemento ? escola, ampliando suas concep??es sobre esses espa?os, visando a aprendizagem de conte?dos curriculares, ? luz da aprendizagem significativa, com ?nfase em abordagens did?ticas inovadoras e divulga??o cient?fica. O percurso metodol?gico envolve a elabora??o, aplica??o e an?lise de uma a??o formativa constitu?da em quatro etapas: (i) constru??o do Roteiro de An?lise do Potencial Did?tico de ENFE (RAPDENFE); (ii) identifica??o das percep??es dos professores sobre ENFE e abordagens did?ticas inovadoras na pr?tica docente; (iii) apresenta??o do conte?do em explana??es dial?gicas e viv?ncias em ENFE; (iv) an?lise do processo formativo da oficina a partir da express?o da aprendizagem e da repercuss?o da pr?tica pedag?gica dos docentes. A pesquisa de an?lise qualitativa descritiva inclui como coleta de dados a aplica??o de question?rio, entrevistas semiestruturadas, registros escritos e a observa??o participante. A an?lise de conte?do foi utilizada para descrever, interpretar e compreender os significados dos dados. Os resultados evidenciam que o uso de ENFE pelos professores, apesar de estar presente em sua pr?tica docente, ? realizado com base em concep??es equivocadas relacionadas ? dificuldade de planejamento das atividades nesses espa?os, al?m de dificuldades quanto ? utiliza??o de estrat?gias e abordagens did?ticas inovadoras. Em rela??o ? an?lise do processo formativo na pr?tica docente, constatou-se que, a partir da forma??o e das viv?ncias, houve um alcance na mudan?a na pr?tica docente, e consequentemente supera??o dos obst?culos para pr?tica de atividades em ENFE. Contudo, enfatiza-se que se faz necess?rio uma forma??o inicial que contemple o uso de espa?os n?o formais em sua grade curricular, como forma de superar essas dificuldades enfrentadas na pr?tica docente futura. Como produto desta pesquisa elaborou-se um Roteiro de An?lise do Potencial Did?tico de ENFE (RAPDENFE), instrumento que avalia o potencial did?tico de ENFE para auxiliar e direcionar o planejamento de aulas de Ci?ncias nestes espa?os, al?m de um Guia Did?tico contendo aspectos relacionados ao uso de espa?os n?o formais, e com sugest?es de sequ?ncias de atividades em ENFE vivenciadas nessa pesquisa. / Spaces Non-Formal Education (SNFE), when properly exploited, tend to allow the development of values, skills and abilities in teaching and learning science process, and promote the approach of the public with scientific knowledge, able to assist them to understand various aspects of the world around them. Considering this perspective, become important to train teachers qualified to conduct activities in SNFE in order to promote meaningful learning in their students. This research aims to promote the continued training of science teachers, municipal school Natal/RN on the use of SNFE as a complement to school, increasing their views on these spaces, aimed at learning curriculum content, the light of the significant learning, with an emphasis on innovative teaching approaches and scientific dissemination. The methodological approach involves the design, implementation and analysis of a training activity consists of four steps: (i) construction of the Didactic Potential Analysis Script SNFE (DPASSNFE); (ii) identification of the perceptions of teachers on SNFE and innovative teaching approaches in teaching practice; (iii) presentation of content in dialogic explanations and experiences in ENFE; (iv) analysis of the training workshop process from learning expression and impact of teachers' pedagogical practice. The descriptive qualitative analysis research includes how data collection the questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, written records and participant observation. The content analysis was used to describe, interpret and understand the meanings of the data. The results show that the use of SNFE teachers, despite being present in their teaching practice, is performed based on misconceptions related to the difficulty of planning activities in these areas, and difficulties in the use of innovative strategies and educational approaches. Regarding the analysis of the educational process in teaching practice, it was found that, from the training and experiences, there was a range in the change in teaching practice, and consequently overcoming obstacles to practical activities in SNFE. However, initial training contemplate the use of non-formal spaces in your curriculum is emphasized that it is necessary, in order to overcome these difficulties in future teaching practice. As a product of this research elaborated a Didactic Potential Analysis Script SNFE (DPASSNFE), an instrument that measures the educational potential SNFE to assist and direct the planning of science classes in these spaces, and a Didactic Guide containing aspects related to use of non-formal settings, and suggestions sequences of activities in SNFE experienced this research.

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