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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Palmolja - en gömd bov? : En enkätundersökning om konsumenters miljömedvetenhet och deras kunskap om palmolja i livsmedel / Palm oil - a hidden thief? : A survey of consumers' environmental awareness and their knowledge of palm oil in groceries

Rosén Sjökvist, Thea January 2019 (has links)
Sedan mitten av 1900-talet har jordbruket genomgått stora förändringar. Det har lett till att mycket av den mat som produceras idag inte är hållbar att konsumera. Oljepalmen är en gröda vars produktion ökat avsevärt de senaste åren och som har stor negativ påverkan på ekosystemen. Dess låga pris och många användningsområden har gjort den populär. För att odla oljepalmer avverkas enorma ytor regnskogar, vilket påverkar klimatet och den biologiska mångfalden negativt. Konsumentens roll är avgörande för produktionen och konsumtionen av palmolja, därför är det viktigt att veta vilka faktorer som påverkar konsumtionen och vilken kunskap konsumenter har. En kvantitativ enkätundersökning har genomförts med syftet att undersöka vilken kunskap konsumenter har om palmolja i livsmedel. Undersökningen visar hur miljömedvetna de är, om de agerar utifrån sin kunskap och om det skiljer sig beroende på kön och ålder. Resultatet visade att konsumenter har en grundläggande kunskap om palmolja i livsmedel och ser sig själva som relativt miljömedvetna. Resultatet visade också att det fanns skillnader i svaren mellan kön och ålder. Kvinnor och gruppen över 31 år i undersökningen hade högre kunskap och var mer miljömedvetna. Slutsatsen är dock att kunskapen om palmolja i livsmedel är för låg, det avgörande vid konsumtion blir därför andra faktorer. / Since the mid-1900s, agriculture has gone through a major change. As a result, much of the food that is produced today is not sustainable to consume. The oil palm is a crop whose production has increased significantly in recent years and which has a major negative impact on ecosystems. It’s low price and many uses have made it popular. In order to grow oil palm trees, huge areas of rainforests are cut down, which affects the climate and biodiversity negative. The role of the consumer is crucial for the production and consumption of palm oil, therefore it is important to know which factors that affects consumption and what knowledge consumers have. A quantitative questionnaire survey has been conducted whit the purpose to investigate what knowledge consumers have about palm oil in food. The survey will show how environmentally conscious they are, whether they act on the basis of their knowledge and whether it differs depending on gender and age. The result showed that consumers have a basic knowledge of palm oil in food and see themselves as relative environmentally conscious. The results also showed that there were differences in the responses between sex and age. Women and the group over 31 in the survey had higher knowledge and were more environmentally aware. The conclusion is that the knowledge of palm oil in groceries is too low, so the decisive factor in consumption is other factors.

University of Gävle Environmental Performance After ISO 14001 CertificationReflected by Students’ Environmental Awareness

Bandoophanit, Thianthip, Ye, Lupeng January 2010 (has links)
<p>Environmental problems are seen as the first priority that all countries try to find as a solution to be more sustainable. These issues arise due to the lack of our responsibility to the world. Researchers agree on that the starting point in changing our society to be green is to increase environmental awareness (Jiang et al., 1999). Several sectors accept this idea like UNESCO which focuses on education as a tool to promote sustainable development (UNESCO, 2002).</p><p> </p><p>Following UNESCO, our study investigates university students’ environmental awareness. The Authors hope that the outcome not only reflects university performance, but also helps to develop the environment in the future.  Hence, the authors selected the University of Gävle or HiG, as a case study because it is a best practice in Environmental Management System (EMS). Moreover, HiG received the ISO 14001 certificate and it has a continuous improvement program (Sammalisto, 2007, p.69). </p><p> </p><p>The study was started by reviewing research literatures concerning Environmental Management System (EMS), Sustainable Development (SD), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Environmental Awareness. The authors found that there are few studies talking about students’ awareness in universities after being awarded ISO 14001. Notice that the research was seen only from environmental perspective (Flint, 2004).</p><p> </p><p>To answer research questions, two surveys were adopted. The first part focused on teachers and officers (or staffs) who work on environmental issues. While, the second part focused on the students which were divided into Swedish and international.</p><p> </p><p>The research outcomes indicate that HiG has a good EMS performance supported by annual environmental audits, regular policy revision and the attempts to minimize non-conformities. Conversely, when the authors pointed at student awareness, it shows that students have insufficient environmental knowledge. Moreover, some students have lower environmental awareness and act in a less ecological friendly way. Nevertheless, a knowledge problem was also found among several university staffs. This is because of the lack of communication about environmental issues inside the staffs community and lack of environmental education for students.</p><p> </p><p>Whatever the university situation is, there are some groups of staff and students eager to develop themselves and their university. This point of strength could be the best driving force. It can push the university forward until the university reaches sustainable development and it brings the aware graduates into society.</p>

Look beyond the bin! : Solid Waste Management and recycling at the Asian Institute of Tecnology

Pietikäinen, Vivi January 2008 (has links)
<p> </p><p>The generation of domestic waste is at present less than 1 kg/day per person in Thailand, but generated amounts keeps steadily growing. This trend is closely connected to an increasing population and economic growth, something that is creating waste management issues. The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) outside Bangkok has the potential of being a leader in sustainable development in the Southeast Asian region, however a substantial opportunity is being missed – best environmental practices are currently not prioritized. Only 4 % of the total waste generated on campus is recycled at AIT, 3 % is composted and 93 % is taken to the municipal waste disposal site. Fluorescent light bulbs and other hazardous household waste are disposed on the campus dumpsite. Some measures have been undertaken in order to improve the solid waste management (SWM) at AIT, e.g. a new waste collection facility has been built in the outskirts of campus, where more space is provided in order to facilitate waste separation.</p><p>The field research for this study was carried out at AIT and the goal was to examine the SWM network, the problems and to analyse the recycling habits on campus. To investigate and visualize the actors involved in the SWM at AIT, the Actor-Network theory (ANT) was applied as an analytical framework. The generation of waste is the macro actor i.e. the reason for the existence of SWM. Other actors are the AIT students and staff (produce waste), the new Campus Environment and Development Committee – CEDC (the controlling part), environmental awareness (attitude towards recycling), and waste collectors.</p><p>The results from the survey witness of that people have a positive but somewhat cautious attitude towards the sustainability of source separation. Separating waste at source is a key mechanism for solving the SWM problem but people are uncertain of how to separate each waste fraction. There is a strong need to designate a coordinator of the SWM at AIT and as long as there is a lack of leadership, a goal of environmentally sustainable practices cannot be reached. The new CEDC is currently not performing any actions towards an integrated SWM.</p><p> </p> / <p> </p><p>Idag produceras mindre än ett kilo hushållsavfall per dag och person i Thailand men mängden växer stadigt med ökad befolkning och bättre ekonomiska förutsättningar vilket leder till sophanteringsproblem. Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) i Thailand har  potential att vara en ledstjärna inom hållbar utveckling i Sydostasien men en stor möjlighet går om intet – den bästa miljömässiga tillämpningen i sophanteringsfrågan prioriteras inte. Endast 4 % av soporna återvinns på AIT, 3 % komposteras och 93 % hamnar på den kommunala soptippen. Lysrör och annat farligt hushållsavfall dumpas på universitetets soptipp. Vissa åtgärder har vidtagits för att förbättra sophanteringen på AIT, t.ex. har en ny sopanläggning byggts i utkanten av campus med ökad kapacitet för sopsortering.</p><p>Fältarbetet för uppsatsen genomfördes på AIT och målet var att kartlägga sophanteringen, nätverket kring den, problemen runtom, samt att analysera återvinningsbeteendet på detta universitetscampus. För att gestalta och utreda aktörerna som är involverade i sophanteringen på AIT, använde jag Actor-Network theory som ett analytiskt verktyg. Själva produceringen av hushållssopor är makroaktören, dvs. skälet till sophanteringens existens. Andra aktörer är studenterna och de anställda på universitetet (skapar sopor), den nya kommittén för Miljö och Utveckling på campus (den kontrollerande delen), miljömedvetenhe (inställningen till återvinning) och sophämtarna.</p><p>Resultaten från enkätunderökningen vittnar om att människorna har en positiv men försiktig inställning gentemot hållbarheten i källsortering. Källsortering är grunden för att lösa sophanteringsproblematiken men folk är osäkra på hur de ska sortera avfallet. Det finns ett stort behov av en avfallshandläggare för sophanteringen på AIT och så länge bristen på ledarskap kvarstår, kan inte målet om miljömässig hållbarhet nås. Den nya kommittén för Miljö och Utveckling på campus genomför för tillfället inga handlingar i riktning mot en integrerad sophantering.</p><p> </p>

Spridningen av miljömedvetenhet inom den svenska stålindustrin : en fallstudie av miljöarbetet hos Outokumpu Stainless AB i Avesta

Ålin, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
I dagens samhälle tas miljöfrågor allt oftare upp i den allmänna och politiska debatten och ett aktivt miljöarbete är något som i allt högre grad krävs av företag från bland annat myndigheter och miljöorganisationer. Stålindustrin är inget undantag och får därför ofta kritik för att de åtgärder som vidtas inte är tillräckliga. Inom stålindustrin genomför företag ofta investeringar för att minska sin miljöpåverkan trots att avkastning på det investerade kapitalet uteblir. Den institutionella organisationsteorin förklarar dessa handlingar som direkta konsekvenser av likriktning. Det fenomen som studeras i studien är spridningen av miljömedvetenhet eftersom denna anses ligga till grund för investeringarna i miljöåtgärder inom den svenska stålindustrin. Formatet för studien är en fallstudie där den empiriska datainsamlingen skett genom tryckt material och intervjuer. Det kan konstateras att det studerade företagets miljöarbete påverkas i stor utsträckning av andra aktörer inom det organisatoriska fält som företaget tillhör. Inverkan på det studerade företagets miljöarbete och således spridningen av miljömedvetenhet varierar mycket mellan olika aktörer. Det är framförallt aktören politiker och myndigheter som genom tvingande mekanismer styr företagets miljöarbete. Beroende på rådande situation kan dock även influenserna från övriga aktörer påverka företagets miljöarbete och spridningen av miljömedvetenhet. / In society today environmental issues more often appear on both the public and the political agenda and an active environmental awareness is increasingly often demanded from companies by regulative authorities and environmental organisations. The steel industry is no exception and therefore receives criticism that they do not undertake the necessary actions to prevent further pollution. Companies within the steel industry often invest in different measures to reduce their environmental impact although it seldom generates a profit. Institutional theory explains these actions as direct consequences of conformity. The phenomenon of interest is the spread of environmental awareness because it is considered to be the reason behind investments in environmental impact reduction within the Swedish steel industry. The study is preformed as a case study where the empirical data is collected through written sources and interviews. It is established that the environmental work of the focal company is largely affected by the other actors within the organizational field of interest. Among these actors the level of impact on the focal company’s environmental work and therefore also the spreading of environmental awareness varies a lot. Politicians and government authorities are the actor which first and foremost through coercive actions affects the environmental work in the studied company. Although, depending on the situation at hand the other actors can also play very important parts in affecting the studied company and the spread of environmental awareness.

University of Gävle Environmental Performance After ISO 14001 CertificationReflected by Students’ Environmental Awareness

Bandoophanit, Thianthip, Ye, Lupeng January 2010 (has links)
Environmental problems are seen as the first priority that all countries try to find as a solution to be more sustainable. These issues arise due to the lack of our responsibility to the world. Researchers agree on that the starting point in changing our society to be green is to increase environmental awareness (Jiang et al., 1999). Several sectors accept this idea like UNESCO which focuses on education as a tool to promote sustainable development (UNESCO, 2002).   Following UNESCO, our study investigates university students’ environmental awareness. The Authors hope that the outcome not only reflects university performance, but also helps to develop the environment in the future.  Hence, the authors selected the University of Gävle or HiG, as a case study because it is a best practice in Environmental Management System (EMS). Moreover, HiG received the ISO 14001 certificate and it has a continuous improvement program (Sammalisto, 2007, p.69).    The study was started by reviewing research literatures concerning Environmental Management System (EMS), Sustainable Development (SD), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Environmental Awareness. The authors found that there are few studies talking about students’ awareness in universities after being awarded ISO 14001. Notice that the research was seen only from environmental perspective (Flint, 2004).   To answer research questions, two surveys were adopted. The first part focused on teachers and officers (or staffs) who work on environmental issues. While, the second part focused on the students which were divided into Swedish and international.   The research outcomes indicate that HiG has a good EMS performance supported by annual environmental audits, regular policy revision and the attempts to minimize non-conformities. Conversely, when the authors pointed at student awareness, it shows that students have insufficient environmental knowledge. Moreover, some students have lower environmental awareness and act in a less ecological friendly way. Nevertheless, a knowledge problem was also found among several university staffs. This is because of the lack of communication about environmental issues inside the staffs community and lack of environmental education for students.   Whatever the university situation is, there are some groups of staff and students eager to develop themselves and their university. This point of strength could be the best driving force. It can push the university forward until the university reaches sustainable development and it brings the aware graduates into society.

Samsara unlimited : towards an ecology of compassion

Pillay, Pravintheran 11 December 2006
This paper describes the philosophical and functional framework of the MFA thesis exhibition Samsara Unlimited: towards an ecology of compassion. Samsara Unlimited was designed as a conceptual social artwork that would engage a network of art students and interested participants in developing a collaborative network. Using established high art aesthetics and familiar consumer based signifiers; the gallery was transformed over a week into a production, design and retail facility. In this torqued capitalist micro-system, financial profit was considered critical for the functioning of the system but secondary to the generation of a field of compassion. <p>The project sought to create a process through which the general public could become familiar with the perceptive processes engaged by artists in reconstructing everyday reality. It was posited that the ability to engage these perceptive processes would potentially lead to an ontological shift in the spectator. Participants who entered the gallery space could alter between the functional reality of a concept store and the altered reality of an art gallery. The public was encouraged to visit over the week of the installation to ask questions, get involved in art making process or simply socialize with the artists and artisans involved in the project.

Samsara unlimited : towards an ecology of compassion

Pillay, Pravintheran 11 December 2006 (has links)
This paper describes the philosophical and functional framework of the MFA thesis exhibition Samsara Unlimited: towards an ecology of compassion. Samsara Unlimited was designed as a conceptual social artwork that would engage a network of art students and interested participants in developing a collaborative network. Using established high art aesthetics and familiar consumer based signifiers; the gallery was transformed over a week into a production, design and retail facility. In this torqued capitalist micro-system, financial profit was considered critical for the functioning of the system but secondary to the generation of a field of compassion. <p>The project sought to create a process through which the general public could become familiar with the perceptive processes engaged by artists in reconstructing everyday reality. It was posited that the ability to engage these perceptive processes would potentially lead to an ontological shift in the spectator. Participants who entered the gallery space could alter between the functional reality of a concept store and the altered reality of an art gallery. The public was encouraged to visit over the week of the installation to ask questions, get involved in art making process or simply socialize with the artists and artisans involved in the project.

Miljömärkningar och medvetenhet : En studie om unga vuxnas medvetenhet kring miljömärkningar / Environmental labels and awareness : A study on awareness of young adults on environmental labels

Mester Pirttijärvi, Josefin January 2014 (has links)
Dagens samhälle är präglat av materialism och dagens konsumtionsmönster är ohållbara ur miljömässig synpunkt. Konsumtionen skapar därmed miljöproblem och ett viktigt styrmedel för att göra den mer hållbar är miljömärkning. Miljömärkta produkter produceras på ett miljöansvarigt sätt utan kemiska bekämpningsmedel och gödsel som är skadliga för både människa och miljö. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka den nuvarande medvetenheten kring miljömärkningar hos unga vuxna på Möckelngymnasiet. Metoden för studien var enkätutdelning till skolklasser som går sista året på gymnasiet. Utfallet av undersökningen visar att medvetenheten kring miljömärkningar är stor hos respondenterna och att respondenterna känner igen många av miljömärkningarna. Allmän kunskap om människans miljöpåverkan och om konsumentansvar visas i de flesta fallen vara knutna till val av miljömärkta produkter. En anledning till att köpa miljömärkta produkter är ansvarskänsla, vilket tyder på ekologiskt medborgarskap hos respondenterna. En anledning till att inte köpa miljömärkta produkter är för högt pris, vilket visar att det kan vara kontextuella faktorer som gör att vissa respondenter inte köper miljömärkta produkter. / Today’s society is characterized by materialism and today’s consumption patterns are unsustainable from an environmental point of view. The consumption is thus creating environmental problems and an important instrument to make it more sustainable is environmental labeling. Environmental labeled products are being produced in an environmental responsible manner without chemical pesticides or manure that both are harmful for humans and the environment. The purpose of this study was to examine the current state of awareness on environmental labels of young adults in a high school called Möckelngymnasiet. The method of the study was to do a survey research in classes with final year high school students. The outcome of the survey shows that the awareness on environmental labels is high among the respondents and that the respondents recognize many of the environmental labels. General knowledge on human’s environmental impact and on responsibility of consumers is shown to in most cases be linked to buying environmental labeled products. One reason to buy environmental labeled products is a sense of responsibility, which indicates on ecological citizenship among the respondents. One reason to not buy environmental labeled products is too high price, which shows that contextual factors can lead to that some respondents not buying environmental labeled products.

Gest?o ambiental na sa?de p?blica: um estudo sobre a percep??o ambiental de gerenciamento de res?duos s?lidos de servi?os de sa?de, dos servidores do Hospital Universit?rio Onofre Lopes do Rio Grande do Norte / AMBIENT MANAGEMENT IN THE PUBLIC HEALTH: A STUDY ON The ambient perception of management of residues of servives of health, the servers of University Hospital Onofre Lopes of the Rio Grande of the North

Camacho, Carlos Leon 12 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:52:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CarlosLC.pdf: 615910 bytes, checksum: 95ed45df182b348344fc8b5fcba2931a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-12 / This research has aimed at studying the perception of University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL) s workers on the environmental management plan of RSSS. They have been interviewed 250 workers: doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, and cleaners. It was used an exploratory and descriptive research of the type Survey, which aims at obtaining of data or information on characteristics, actions or opinions of any group of people. The questions of the questionnaire were of the kind objective", formulated in a model "scale", analyzed in according to the positioning of the interviewee. The wastes of health service have high potential for environmental impact in the activities from HUOL. Actions or environmental protective policy can improve the image of HUOL. They have been detected divergences on the rigor in application of law of ANVISA. The HUOL s workers unaware of the law of ANVISA and they have little or no knowledge about the practices of environmental control, public health and, they do not know the Environmental Management System ISO 14001. They have divergent views on the degree of importance of ISO 14001. There is not a Waste Management Plan for Health Service and / or is not disclosed for most of HUOL workers. It has not carried out audits or defined the goals and objectives. Besides, it has not been identified legal requirements, and there has not been communication about the service is performed or has been made a critical analysis and no control of documents the environmental management plan. The HUOL have not had a committee of environmental management. The direction of HUOL has not been organized courses, training and recycling of waste on environmental control of the health service. On a scale from 01 to 05, the level of aware level concerning to the waste management from health services of the workers, so is at the threshold between 01 and 02. For the reversal of this situation, the first and urgent step is the creation and institutionalization the environmental management committee of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes / Objetivou-se estudar a percep??o dos servidores do Hospital Universit?rio Onofre Lopes sobre o plano de gest?o ambiental dos RSSS. Foram entrevistados 250 servidores: m?dicos, enfermeiras, auxiliares de enfermagem e de limpeza. A pesquisa foi explorat?ria e descritiva do tipo Survey, que visa ? obten??o de dados ou informa??es sobre as caracter?sticas, a??es ou opini?es de determinado grupo de pessoas. As perguntas do question?rio foram do tipo objetiva , formuladas em um modelo escala , analisadas de acordo com o posicionamento do entrevistado. Os res?duos de servi?o de sa?de possuem elevado potencial de impacto ambiental nas atividades do HUOL. A??es ou pol?tica de prote??o ambiental podem melhorar a imagem do HUOL. Foram detectadas diverg?ncias sobre o rigor na aplica??o da legisla??o da ANVISA. Os servidores do HUOL desconhecem a legisla??o da ANVISA e possuem pouco ou nenhum conhecimento sobre as pr?ticas de controle ambiental de sa?de p?blica e ainda, desconhece o Sistema de Gest?o Ambiental ISO 14001. Possuem opini?es divergentes sobre o grau de import?ncia da ISO 14001. N?o existe um Plano de Gest?o de Res?duos de Servi?o de Sa?de e/ou n?o ? divulgado para a maioria dos servidores do HUOL. N?o acontecem auditorias, n?o s?o definidas as metas e objetivos, n?o s?o identificados os requisitos legais, e n?o existe comunica??o sobre como o servi?o ? executado, n?o ? efetuada uma an?lise cr?tica e n?o h? controle de documentos do plano de gest?o ambiental. O HUOL n?o possui uma comiss?o de gest?o ambiental. A dire??o do HUOL n?o organiza cursos de capacita??o, treinamento e reciclagem sobre controle ambiental de res?duos de servi?o de sa?de. Em uma escala de 01 a 05, o n?vel de conscientiza??o com rela??o ao gerenciamento de res?duos de servi?os de sa?de dos servidores, encontra-se no patamar entre 01 e 02. Para a revers?o deste quadro, o primeiro e urgente passo, ? a cria??o e institucionaliza??o da comiss?o de gest?o ambiental do Hospital Universit?rio Onofre Lopes

A atividade pesqueira no Rio Taquari-RS: degradação ambiental e suas relações com a pesca artesanal

Borges, Caroline Maria Cadore January 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como tema a atividade pesqueira e suas relações com a degradação do ambiente e da qualidade das águas do rio Taquari, RS. A pesquisa objetiva analisar a degradação ambiental do rio nos trechos que banham os municípios de Encantado, Roca Sales e Arroio do Meio, através da comparação de dados de qualidade das águas com a percepção ambiental dos pescadores artesanais e, também, com aspectos legais relacionados à temática. Assim, foi necessário contextualizar a problemática socioambiental enfrentada pelos pescadores, através da elaboração do perfil socioeconômico, identificar as causas da degradação ambiental do rio Taquari, geradas tanto pela pesca como pelas demais atividades poluidoras, localizar geograficamente os indicadores de degradação ambiental e, comparar, a partir do cálculo do Índice de Qualidade de Água (IQA), a percepção que os pescadores artesanais têm sobre a qualidade. Com base em trabalhos de campo, referenciais teóricos, imagens de satélite, dados de qualidade da água disponibilizados pela Fepam e entrevistas realizadas, foi possível identificar os principais problemas relativos à poluição, atividade pesqueira, qualidade das águas e degradação ambiental. Os dados obtidos com o cálculo do IQA para os pontos de análise da Fepam tiveram como resultado qualidade da água regular: ponto Encantado IQA=70 e ponto a jusante de Estrela e Lajeado IQA=69,3. A percepção dos pescadores sobre os pontos também resultou na classificação de qualidade da água regular, com 50% dos entrevistados no ponto Encantado e 60% dos entrevistados no ponto a jusante de Estrela e Lajeado. Como resultado temos a concordância parcial entre os dados proporcionados pelo IQA (científico) e a percepção dos pescadores, verifica-se que existe uma relação entre o saber científico e o saber tradicional dos pescadores, no entanto essa não coincide totalmente, demostrando como os pescadores percebem e conhecem o ambiente. / This work has as its theme the fishery and its relationship with the degradation of the environment and the quality of the river Taquari, RS. The research aims to analyze the environmental river degradation in parts that bathe the cities of Encantado, Roca Sales and Arroio do Meio, through water quality data compared to the environmental perception of artisanal fishermen and also with legal aspects related to theme. Thus, it was necessary to contextualize the social and environmental problems faced by fishermen, through the development of socioeconomic profile, identify the causes of environmental degradation of the Taquari river, generated both by fishing and by other polluting activities, geolocate the environmental degradation indicators and compare, from the calculation of the Water Quality Index (WQI), the perception that artisanal fishermen have about quality. Based on fieldwork, theoretical frameworks, satellite images, water quality data available from Fepam and interviews, it was possible to identify the main problems related to pollution, fishing activities, water quality and environmental degradation. The data obtained from the calculation of WQI for the analysis of points of Fepam had quality as a result of regular water: Point Encantado WQI = 69.3 and downstream point of Estrela and Lajeado WQI = 70. The perception of fishermen about the points also resulted in medium water quality classification, 50% of respondents in the Encantado point and 60% of respondents in the downstream point of Estrela and Lajeado. As a result we have a partial agreement among the data provided by the WQI (scientific) and the perception of the fishermen, it turns out that there is a relationship between scientific knowledge and traditional knowledge of fishermen, however this does not coincides fully, showing how the fishermen perceive and know the environment.

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