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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dissecting the Role of Morphogenesis in the Origins of the First Two Cell Lineages in the Mouse Embryo

Stephenson, Robert 11 January 2012 (has links)
Although the mechanisms underlying the divergence of the first cell types in the mouse, the trophectoderm (TE) and the inner cell mass (ICM) have received considerable attention, the upstream signals stimulating their divergence are not well understood. The work presented here examines the roles that morphogenetic factors such as cell adhesion and polarization play in the development of these cell types. I show here that in embryos completely lacking both maternal and zygotic E-cadherin, the normal epithelial morphology of outer cells is disrupted but individual cells still initiate TE and ICM-like fates. A larger proportion of cells than normal expressed TE markers like Cdx2 (a homeodomain containing transcription factor), suggesting that formation of an organized epithelium is not necessary for TE-specific gene expression. Individual cells in such embryos still generate an apical-like domain that correlates with elevated Cdx2 expression. I also show that repolarization can occur in isolated early ICMs from both wild type and Cdx2 mutant embryos, indicating that Cdx2 is not required to initiate polarity. Importantly, I demonstrate a critical role for the Rho-associated kinase ROCK in apical-basal polarization of preimplantation blastomeres. Loss of apical-basal polarization leads to a reduction of Cdx2 expression in outer blastomeres due to activation of Lats1/2 kinase and reduced nuclear Yap1. The influence of polarization upon Lats1/2 kinase is stage-dependent however, as apolar 8-cell blastomeres retain nuclear Yap1. Cell position appears to serve as an additional cue for nuclear localization of Yap and Cdx2 expression from the 8-cell stage to E3.5. Cell polarization plays an additional role in the embryo of maintaining cells in consistently outer or inner positions, thus ensuring that Cdx2 is expressed exclusively in the developing TE. The results of this work demonstrate important links between morphogenesis, cell fate and patterning in the preimplantation embryo. Both cell polarization and cell position act as critical cues to determine gene expression and to pattern this expression within the embryo.

Evidence for partial epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and recruitment of motile blastoderm edge cells during avian epiboly

Futterman, Matthew 06 June 2011 (has links)
Embryonic epiboly has become an important developmental model for studying the mechanisms underlying collective movements of epithelial cells. In the last couple of decades, most studies of epiboly have utilized Xenopus or zebrafish as genetically tractable model organisms, while the avian epiboly model has received virtually no attention. Here, we re-visit epiboly in quail embryos and characterize several molecular markers of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in the inner zone of the extraembryonic Area Opaca and at the blastoderm edge. Our results show that the intermediate filament vimentin, a widely-used marker of the mesenchymal phenotype, is strongly expressed in the edge cells compared to the cells in the inner zone, and that epiboly is inhibited when embryos are treated with Withaferin-A, a vimentin-targeting drug. Laminin, an extracellular matrix protein that is a major structural and adhesive component of the epiblast basement membrane, is notably absent from the blastoderm edge, and shows three distinct morphological regions approaching the leading edge. While these expression profiles are consistent with a mesenchymal phenotype, several other epithelial markers, including cytokeratin, β-catenin, and E-cadherin, were present in the blastoderm edge cells. Moreover, the results of a BrDU proliferation assay suggest that expansion of the edge cell population is primarily due to recruitment of cells from the inner zone, and not proliferation. Taken together, our data suggest that the edge cells of the avian blastoderm have characteristics of both epithelial and mesenchymal cells, and could serve as an in-vivo model for cancer and wound healing studies.

Analysis of genetic interactions and hierarchies of Wnt-signaling components in vivo

Schelp, Nadine 06 December 2012 (has links)
Der Wnt/β-catenin Signalweg reguliert zusammen mit anderen Signalkaskaden die Embryogenese sowie auch die Homöostase und die Proliferation der Stammzellen im adulten Organismus. Mutationen in Komponenten dieses Signaltransduktionsweges führen zu einer aberranten Aktivierung von β-catenin und wurden in vielen verschieden Krebsarten einschließlich Darmkrebs beobachtet. Die transkriptionelle Akivität von β-catenin wird von verschiedenen nukleären Kofaktoren beeinflusst. Hierzu zählen insbesondere die Proteine der Pygopus Familie, die in Drosophila eine essentielle Rolle im kanonischen Wnt-Signalweg spielen, in Vertebraten allerdings vielmehr Kontext abhängig agieren. Insbesondere Pygo2 ist hierbei vermutlich auch an der malignen Transformation verschiedener Zelltypen mit anschließender Ausbildung von Tumoren beteiligt. Auch wenn bereits gezeigt werden konnte, dass Pygo2 in Darmtumoren überexprimiert wird, ist bisher unbekannt, ob es tatsächlich eine Rolle bei der Entstehung von intestinalen Tumoren spielt. Anhand von genetischen Experimenten in der Maus zeigt diese Arbeit zum ersten Mal in vivo, dass Pygo2 für die normale Homöostase des Darms nicht essentiell ist, aber an der Ausbildung von Darmtumoren, welche durch eine Stabilisierung von β-catenin induziert werden, beteiligt ist. Weder im embryonalen noch im adulten Darm beeinflusste der konditionale Villin-Cre bedingte Knock-out von Pygo2 in epithelialen Zellen die normale embryonale Entwicklung oder die Homöostase im adulten Darm. Auch für die Regulation von Zielgenen des Wnt/β-catenin Signalweges unter physiologischen Bedingungen scheint Pygo2 funktionell redundant zu sein. Im Gegensatz dazu verhinderte der Verlust von Pygo2 die Entstehung von β-catenin induzierten intestinalen Tumoren und normalisierte die damit verbundene Hyperproliferation sowie die erhöhte Expression von Wnt/β-catenin Zielgenen und intestinalen Stammzellmarkern. Überraschenderweise konnte die Ausbildungen von Adenomen in ApcMin/+ Mäusen durch Deletion von Pygo2 nicht verhindert werden. Der Vergleich beider Mausmodelle ergab eine erhöhte Expression von BCL9-2 in den Adenomen der ApcMin/+ Mäuse aber nicht in den Hyperplasien, die durch aktiviertes β-catenin induziert wurden. Dies könnte darauf hinweisen, dass in Apc mutierten epithelialen Zellen BCL9-2 für die Tumorprogression verantwortlich ist. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl der knock-down von Pygo2 als auch von BCL9-2 in human Kolonkarzinomzellen die Proliferation reduzierte. Anhand von immunohistochemischen Analysen des Phosphorylierungsstatus von ERK1/2, einem „downstream“ Effektor von K-ras, konnten außerdem pERK1/2 positive Zellen in den intestinalen Adenomen von ApcMin/+ Mäusen, nicht aber in hyperproliferierenden Zellen mit stabilisierten β-catenin nachgewiesen werden. Zusammenfassend weisen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit daraufhin, dass die Funktion von Pygo2 im Darm Kontext abhängig ist. Während in normalen epithelialen Zellen des Darms Pygo2 offensichtlich funktionell redundant ist, scheint es für die Ausbildung von intestinalen Tumoren, welche durch dereguliertes Wnt/β-catenin induziert werden, essentiell zu sein. Daher könnte Pygo2 ein idealer Angriffspunkt für die zielgerichtete Therapie von Darmtumoren mit β-catenin Mutation sein.

Μελέτη της λειτουργικότητας του κροσσωτού επιθηλίου του βλεννογόνου του ιγμόρειου άντρου μετά από έκχυση ραδιοϊσοτόπου 99Tcm-MAA σε ασθενείς με χρόνια ιγμορίτιδα και συσχέτιση με ευρήματα αξονικής τομογραφίας

Αθανασόπουλος, Ιωάννης 26 January 2009 (has links)
Η ρινοκολπίτιδα οδηγεί τους ασθενείς σε συχνές ιατρικές επισκέψεις. Συντελεί σημαντικά στις δαπάνες για την υγεία, τόσο στις άμεσες λόγω ιατρικών επισκέψεων και φαρμακευτικής αγωγής, όσο και στις έμμεσες που συνδέονται με την απουσία από την εργασία, καθώς και με μια γενικότερη πτώση της παραγωγικότητας που οφείλεται σε μείωση της ποιότητας ζωής των ατόμων που πάσχουν. Η βαθύτερη κατανόηση της παθογένειας και αιτιολογίας της χρόνιας ρινοκολπίτιδας είναι απαραίτητη προκειμένου να αναπτυχθούν αποτελεσματικές θεραπείες. Το ιγμόρειο άντρο αποτελεί το συχνότερο κλινικό εντοπισμό της και χώρο εύκολα προσπελάσιμο για την μελέτη της παθογένειας των παθήσεων των παραρρινίων κόλπων. Η καταστροφή του κροσσωτού επιθήλιου ή η δυσλειτουργία των κροσσών του βλεννογόνου της μύτης και των παραρρινίων κόλπων επηρεάζουν αρνητικά την κάθαρση του βλεννοκροσσωτού επιθηλίου, η οποία αποτελεί έναν από τους μηχανισμούς που διαταράσσεται σε ρινοκολπίτιδα. Η ταχύτητα μεταφοράς του βλεννοκροσσωτού επιθηλίου (mucociliary transport velocity – MTV) που εκτιμάται με το ρινοσπινθηρογράφημα θεωρείται μια αξιόπιστη μέτρηση της κάθαρσης του βλεννοκροσσωτού επιθηλίου. Σχεδιάσαμε την παρούσα μελέτη με σκοπό τη διερεύνηση, μέσω του ρινοσπινθηρογραφήματος, της κάθαρσης του βλεννοκροσσωτού επιθηλίου σε ασθενείς με χρόνια ιγμορίτιδα που αντιμετωπίστηκαν συντηρητικά ή χειρουργικά. Επίσης μελετήσαμε την συσχέτιση της με ευρήματα από την αξονική τομογραφία καθώς και με τη βαρύτητα των συμπτωμάτων του ασθενούς. / Rhinosinusitis leads patients to frequent visits to medical doctors. It greatly contributes to healthcare expenses, directly due to medical visits and medication, as well as indirectly due to the subsequent absence from work and a productivity loss due to patients’ life quality deterioration. The deeper understanding of the cause and pathogenesis of the chronic rhinosinusitis is essential to the development of an effective treatment. The maxillary sinus is the most frequent location and it is easily accessible for the study of the pathogenesis of facial sinuses diseases. The ciliary epithelium destruction or the dysfunction of the nose mucosa’s cilia, negatively influences the mucociliary epithelium clearance, which constitutes one of the mechanisms disrupted in a rhinosinusitis. The Mucociliary Transport Velocity (MTV) which is estimated by the use of rhinoscintigraphy, is concerned a reliable measurement of the clearance of the mucociliary epithelium. We have designed the current study, in order to investigate, through the rhinoscintigraphy, the clearance of the mucociliary epithelium in patients with chronic maxillary sinusitis who were treated conservatively or surgically. Also, we studied its correlation with the CT findings, as well as with the quality of patients’ life.

Bothnia dystrophy, a clinical, genetical and electrophysiological study

Burstedt, Marie January 2003 (has links)
A high frequency of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is found in Northern Sweden. In an inventory of autosomal recessive RP patients in Västerbotten County, a great number of cases with a unique phenotype was noticed, denoted Bothnia Dystrophy (BD). The aim of the study was to describe the phenotype, to determine the chromosomal location, and to identify the gene. Patients typically show night blindness from early childhood. Symptoms of defect macular function with a decrease of visual acuity can appear in early adulthood. The retinal fundus shows irregular white spots in a central, and parafoveal pattern along the arcades. Centrally areolar maculopathy develops and round circular atrophies are observed in the periphery. The disease was shown to be associated with a missense mutation in the RLBP1 gene resulting in an amino acid substitution (R234W) in the cellular retinaldehyde-binding protein (CRALBP). The R234W mutation was found in a homozygous state in 61 patients affected with BD. Ten patients were heterozygous for the R234W mutation, and presented a similar phenotype. No additional mutations in the coding sequence or exon-intron junctions were found. CRALBP is localised in retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and Müller cells of the retina. In the RPE, CRALBP functions as a carrier protein for endogenous retinoids. Dark adaptometry and electrophysiologic testing showed an initial loss of rod function followed by a progressive reduction of the cone responses in older ages. A compromised rod function, dysfunction of the Müller cells, and indications of a disturbed function of the inner retina were found. With prolonged dark adaptation, a gradual increase in retinal sensitivity to light and an improvement of the ERG components occurred. The findings indicate a prolonged synthesis of photopigments, retardation of the visual process in the retinal pigment epithelium and a loss of retinal cells probably starting at a relative early age in BD. To evaluate the subjective visual function in BD patients, a battery of objective tests of visual function and composite score of the 25-item NEI-Visual Function Questionnaire (VFQ-25) were analyzed. We found that weighted distance logMAR visual acuity (WVA), had the strongest association with subjective visual function, and that there was a considerable loss of subjective and objective visual function with increasing age in BD patients. The prevalence of BD is as high as 1:3600 in Västerbotten County. The possibility that recycling of retinoids localized in the RPE might be impaired in BD might give future therapeutic possibilities. Due to the large and clinically well-characterized set of patients with this disease, they constitute a suitable study group.

The cytoprotective role of Ras signaling in glomerular epithelial cell injury /

Huynh, Carl. January 2007 (has links)
In experimental membranous nephropathy, complement C5b-9-induced glomerular epithelial cell (GEC) injury leads to breakdown of glomerular peimselectivity and proteinuria. This study addresses mechanisms that limit complement-mediated injury, focusing on Ras. Complement-mediated injury was attenuated in cultured GEC expressing a constitutively active form of Ras (V12Ras), compared with Neo (control) GEC. V12Ras GEC showed constitutive activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways, but inhibition of these pathways did not reverse the protective effect of Ras. V12Ras GEC showed smaller and rounder morphology, decreased F- to G-actin ratio, decreased activity of the Rho GTPase, Rac, and decreased Src activity. In V12Ras GEC, disruption or stabilization of the F-actin cytoskeleton reversed the protective effect of V12Ras on complement-mediated injury. Thus, the protective effect of V12Ras may be dependent on remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton. Furthermore, the reduction of Src activity due to Ras activation may alter the equilibrium in activities of Rho GTPases, a family of proteins known regulate the actin cytoskeleton. Activation of Ras signaling is a novel pathway to consider in developing strategies for cytoprotection in complement-mediated injury.

Classification of Genotype and Age by Spatial Aspects of RPE Cell Morphology

Boring, Michael 12 August 2014 (has links)
Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is a public health concern in an aging society. The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) layer of the eye is a principal site of pathogenesis for AMD. Morphological characteristics of the cells in the RPE layer can be used to discriminate age and disease status of individuals. In this thesis three genotypes of mice of various ages are used to study the predictive abilities of these characteristics. The disease state is represented by two mutant genotypes and the healthy state by the wild-type. Classification analysis is applied to the RPE morphology from the different spatial regions of the RPE layer. Variable reduction is accomplished by principal component analysis (PCA) and classification analysis by the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) algorithm. In this way the differential ability of the spatial regions to predict age and disease status by cellular variables is explored.

The Effects of the Female Reproductive Hormones on Ovarian Cancer Initiation and Progression in a Transgenic Mouse Model of the Disease

Laviolette, Laura 03 May 2011 (has links)
Ovarian cancer is thought to be derived from the ovarian surface epithelium (OSE), but it is often diagnosed during the late stages and therefore the events that contribute to the initiation and progression of ovarian cancer are poorly defined. Epidemiological studies have indicated an association between the female reproductive hormones and ovarian cancer etiology, but the direct effects of 17β-estradiol (E2), progesterone (P4), luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) on disease pathophysiology are not well understood. A novel transgenic mouse model of ovarian cancer was generated that utilized the Cre/loxP system to inducibly express the oncogene SV40 large and small T-Antigen in the OSE. The tgCAG-LS-TAg mice developed poorly differentiated ovarian tumours with metastasis and ascites throughout the peritoneal space. Although P4 had no effect; E2 significantly accelerated disease progression in tgCAG-LS-TAg mice. The early onset of ovarian cancer was likely mediated by E2’s ability to increase the areas of putative preneoplastic lesions in the OSE. E2 also significantly decreased survival time in ovarian cancer cell xenografts. Microarray analysis of the tumours revealed that E2 mainly affects genes involved in angiogenesis and cellular differentiation, proliferation, and migration. These results suggest that E2 acts on the tumour microenvironment in addition to its direct effects on OSE and ovarian cancer cells. In order to examine the role of the gonadotropins in ovarian cancer progression, the tgCAG-LS-TAg mice were treated with 4-vinylcyclohexene-diepoxide (VCD) to induce menopause. Menopause slowed the progression of ovarian cancer due to a change in the histological subtype from poorly differentiated tumours to Sertoli tumours. Using a transgenic mouse model, it was shown that E2 accelerated ovarian cancer progression, while P4 had little effect on the disease. Menopause (elevated levels of LH and FSH) altered the histological subtype of the ovarian tumours in the tgCAG-LS-TAg mouse model. These results emphasize the importance of generating animal models to accurately recapitulate human disease and utilizing these models to develop novel prevention and treatment strategies for women with ovarian cancer.

Role of EphB receptors in intestinal epithelial cell positioning and colorectal cancer progression

Cortina Duran, Carme 10 September 2009 (has links)
In the intestinal epithelium, Wnt signaling drives the expression of the genes encoding tyrosine kinase receptors EphB2 and EphB3 and represses the expression of their membrane-tethered ligands, ephrin-Bs. Eph-ephrin interactions result in cellular repulsion and are involved in boundary formation. The project of this thesis is to understand the mechanism by which EphB−ephrin-B signals restrict cell positioning of cell types (cell sorting) in the normal intestinal epithelium and suppress colorectal cancer (CRC) progression beyond the earliest stages. We have demonstrated that at the onset of CRC EphB receptors impair the expansion of tumor cells through a mechanism dependent on E-cadherin–mediated adhesion. We show that EphB-mediated compartmentalization restricts the spreading of EphB+ tumor cells into ephrin-B1+ territories in vitro and in vivo. Our results indicate that CRC cells must silence EphB expression to avoid repulsive interactions imposed by normal ephrin-B1+ intestinal cells at the onset of tumorigenesis. We have discovered that cell sorting is the outcome of two integrated mechanisms: cell contraction/repulsion and differential cell adhesion. The latter is the driving force to induce EphB/ephrin-B−mediated cell compartmentalization. We have developed in vitro models to analyze the mechanisms that induce E-cadherin remodeling upon EphB activation. We found RhoA, p120-catenin and the metalloproteinase ADAM10 as downstream effectors of EphB signaling involved in the control of cell sorting in CRC cells. / A l'epiteli intestinal, la ruta de senyalització Wnt indueix l'expressió dels gens que codifiquen per als receptors tirosina kinasa EphB2 i EphB3 i reprimeixen la dels seus lligands transmembrana, efrines de tipus B. Les interaccions Eph-efrina causen repulsió cel·lular i estan implicades en la formació de fronteres entre compartiments. La finalitat d'aquesta tesi és entendre el mecanisme pel qual la senyalització per EphB−efrina-B restringeix el posicionament dels diferents tipus cel·lulars a l'epiteli intestinal normal i suprimeix la progressió del càncer colorectal (CRC) en els primer estadis. Hem demostrat que, a l’inici del CRC, els receptors EphB restringeixen l'expansió de les cèl·lules tumorals a través d'un mecanisme depenent d'adhesió intercel·lular a través d’E-cadherina. En aquest treball es mostra in vitro i in vivo que la compartimentalització mitjançada per la senyalització dels receptors EphB restringeix l’invasió de les cèl·lules tumorals EphB+ als territoris efrina-B+. Aquests resultats indiquen que les cèl·lules de CRC han de silenciar l’expressió d'EphB per evitar les interaccions repulsives imposades per les cèl·lules intestinals normals efrina-B+ circumdants al començament del procés de tumorigènesi. Hem pogut discernir que el reordenament cel·lular per senyals EphB−efrina-B és el resultat de dos mecanismes integrats: la contracció/repulsió intercel·lular i l’adhesió diferencial entre diferents poblacions cel·lulars. Aquesta última és la força principal que condueix a la compartimentalització cel·lular mitjançada per EphB−efrina-B. Hem desenvolupat models in vitro per analitzar els mecanismes que provoquen el remodelament de la E-cadherina sota la senyalització per EphB. Presentem RhoA, p120-catenina i ADAM10 com a efectors de la senyalització de la ruta EphB implicats en el control de la compartimentalització cel·lular en el CRC.

Interactions between neural retina, retinal epithelium and choroid /

Ivert, Lena, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2006. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.

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