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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teachers' challenges and the promise of equitable classrooms: why students who need more get less

Wood, Suzanne 28 September 2018 (has links)
The education of youth in the United States has become a highly contested subject over the past decades. This thesis argues that one of the earliest institutions American citizens encounter – the public school system – organizes the work of many teachers in ways that reproduce inequality of opportunity for students. Drawing on qualitative data from fourteen in-depth interviews with experienced elementary school teachers in Los Angeles, this thesis illustrates how teachers experience and navigate specific structural barriers to the pursuit of equity in the classroom. Applying social reproductive theory to teacher interviews, this research discovered how, despite rhetorical commitment to equality of opportunity in education student outcomes continue to vary according to the socioeconomic status of the student population. This will help us understand systemic barriers built into the structure of the education system. These barriers operate as obstacles that teachers and students must navigate, in order to achieve success. This thesis argues that teachers should begivenmore flexibility to assess the needs of each specific class and adapt their curriculum and strategies to meet those needs. Unfortunately, in the current test-score driven system, schools with the lowest performing students are the ones whose administrations are under the most pressure to improve the low scores rather than fix the problems associated with low scores. As such, the teachers that need this flexibility the most, are the ones whose administrations keep them on the tightest rein, further reducing their ability to utilize their knowledge and implement effective strategies in the classroom. The result is the self-perpetuating cycle of inequality reproduction that we can see across North America today. / Graduate / 2019-08-13

La influencia del sueño americano en la inmigración latina

Lantzy, Leah 10 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Programme d’accès à l’égalité : réactions managériales au cadre légal québécois pour combattre la discrimination

Charest, Éric André 06 1900 (has links)
En 1985, la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne (L.R.Q., ch. C-12) du Québec était amendée afin d’inclure une nouvelle section consacrée aux programmes d’accès à l’égalité (PAE). Cet ajout résulte du constat d’une situation d’inégalité sur le marché du travail québécois pour les membres de certains groupes, en raison de motifs illicites de discrimination. Concrètement, on observe une certaine ségrégation professionnelle, de faibles revenus moyens et des conditions précaires d’emploi. L’objectif des PAE est de redresser la situation de groupes victimes de discrimination; pour réaliser cet objectif, ils autorisent la mise en œuvre de mesures spécifiques à l’intention de ces derniers. Plusieurs types de PAE ont été mis en place par les gouvernements québécois successifs afin d’élargir leur champ d’application. Parmi ces différents types de PAE, cette étude se concentre sur ceux associés à l’obligation contractuelle qui obligent toutes les organisations qui emploient 100 employés ou plus et qui obtiennent un contrat ou une subvention du gouvernement du Québec d’une valeur de 100 000 $ et plus, à développer et à mettre en œuvre un PAE. Il s’agit de la principale forme de PAE touchant les organisations privées. Quatre groupes cibles sont identifiés dans ces PAE : les femmes, les membres des minorités visibles, les Autochtones et les personnes handicapées. Parmi ceux-ci, compte tenu de la croissance importante de ce groupe et des situations souvent aiguës de discrimination qu’ils vivent sur le marché du travail québécois, l’attention sera portée sur le groupe des minorités visibles. Très peu de recherches ont été réalisées sur ces PAE en raison d’une obligation de confidentialité de résultats complète. Les rares études effectuées jusqu’à présent ont constaté des progrès très inégaux entre les employeurs : alors qu’un petit nombre d’organisations semblaient progresser rapidement dans l’atteinte de leurs objectifs, la vaste majorité stagnait ou encore progressait très lentement. Ce constat menait à s’interroger sur les facteurs, autres que le cadre juridique, qui peuvent expliquer le niveau de conformité aux objectifs. En se basant sur une analyse de contenu d’entrevues semi-dirigées menées auprès de gestionnaires responsables des PAE dans 31 organisations privées de la région de Montréal, plusieurs facteurs des environnements externes et internes des organisations, ont été identifiés pour expliquer les niveaux de conformité aux objectifs qualitatifs. Parmi les facteurs positivement reliés, on remarque l’engagement des membres de la haute direction en faveur des PAE, la mise en place d’un système d’imputabilité et la perception de certains bénéfices liés à la diversification des effectifs. Au contraire, la confusion entre l’égalité et l’équité, le fait de privilégier les mouvements internes de personnel et les biais des gestionnaires de première ligne semblent être négativement reliés à l’atteinte des objectifs qualitatifs. Ces résultats démontrent l’importance que prennent les facteurs liés à l’environnement interne, surtout lorsque le cadre juridique est peu contraignant et que les gestionnaires croient que les probabilités de sanctions sont faibles. En se basant sur ces résultats, une série de recommandations est proposée, afin d’améliorer les PAE, mais aussi afin d’améliorer la compréhension des gestionnaires des ressources humaines sur ce qu’est la discrimination en emploi et les moyens les plus appropriés pour la combattre. / In 1985, the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms (R.S.Q., ch. C-12) of Québec was amended to include a new section dedicated to Programme d’accès à l’égalité (PAE). This addition was the result of the recognition of a situation of durable inequality in the Quebec job market for members of certain groups, based on prohibited grounds of discrimination. This inequality manifests itself by a phenomenon of occupational segregation, low average incomes and precarious conditions of employment. The goal of the PAE is to correct the situation of discriminated groups. In order to achieve this objective, they allow for the implementation of specific measures for the latter. Several types of PAEs have been set up by successive Québec governments to broaden their scope. Among these different types of PAE, this study focuses on those related to the contractual obligation that require all organizations that employ 100 employees or more that obtain a contract or a grant from the Québec government with a value of $ 100 000 and more, to develop and implement an PAE. This is the main form of PAE affecting private sector organizations. Four target groups are identified in the PAE: women, visible minorities, aboriginal people and persons with disabilities. Of these groups, given its significant growth and the often acute situations of discrimination they face in the Québec labor market, the focus will be on the visible minorities. Very little research has been conducted on the PAE mainly because of a strict obligation of confidentiality of results. The few known studies to date have found very uneven progress among employers: while a few organizations seem to make rapid progress in achieving their goals, the vast majority of them are stagnating or progressing very slowly. This observation led to question the factors other than the legal framework that could explain the level of compliance with the objectives of PAE. Based on a content analysis of semi-structured interviews conducted with the managers responsible for implementing PAE in 31 private organizations in the Montreal region, several factors from the external and internal environments of these organizations have been identified to explain the level of compliance with the qualitative objectives. Among the factors positively associated, we note the commitment of senior management toward the PAE, the establishment of a system of accountability, and the perception of certain benefits associated with the diversification of the workforce. On the other hand, the confusion between equality and equity, a commitment to internal mobility of employees and strong biases of the front-line managers all seem to be negatively related to the achievement of the qualitative objectives. These results demonstrate the importance of taking into account the factors related to the internal environment of organizations in order to understand the process of compliance. This should especially be the case when the legal framework is not very restrictive and when the managers tend to believe that the probability of being sanctioned is low. Based on these results, a series of recommendations are proposed to improve the PAEs but also to improve the understanding of human resource managers on what constitutes discrimination in employment and the most appropriate way to address the issue.

The implementation of affirmative action policy within the Pretoria District of the South African Police Service

Hlongwane, Paulus 13 June 2013 (has links)
The primary aim of this study was to investigate the implementation of the affirmative action policy within the Pretoria district of the South African Police Service. There is a need to examine and understand how the SAPS remove unfair discrimination in recruitment and selection processes in the implementation of affirmative action measures. Prior to 1994 the South African Police Force was male dominated and racism was fully institutionalised. Black people (Africans, Indians and coloureds), women and disabled people were marginalised and denied appropriate employment and advancement opportunities. The focus of the study was to identify challenges or problems encountered by the SAPS during the implementation of affirmative action policy; propose the strategies through which the SAPS can address discrimination in personnel staffing processes; and to assess and describe the criteria utilised by the SAPS in identifying the beneficiaries of affirmative action. The study includes the survey of international and national literature on the implementation of affirmative action. The study was conducted at 35 police stations within the district of Pretoria. The survey questionnaires were distributed to the respondents whereby three hundred and seventy (370) returned completed questionnaires, meeting the required sample figures. The respondents were selected by using a quota sampling. Qualitative research methodology was utilised in the interpretation and analysis of data. In addition, data was also collected through the documentary study. The major findings of this study illustrated that job requirements and responsibilities are seldom adjusted to accommodate disabled people. The communication of affirmative action policy is seen by respondents as being problematic. Respondents believe that affirmative action discriminates against certain groups within the disadvantaged groups. The research has divulged that the usage of interviews and involvement of supervisors in interview panels would minimise unfair discrimination in the allocation of promotional positions. Diversity management is not fully implemented to support affirmative action. People of all races are not employed to positions on the basis of their qualifications, experience and competencies as they deserve. The SAPS does not consider academic qualifications as criterion in the allocation of promotions. / Public Administration & Management / M. Admin. (Public Administration)

The implementation of affirmative action policy within the Pretoria District of the South African Police Service

Hlongwane, Paulus 13 June 2013 (has links)
The primary aim of this study was to investigate the implementation of the affirmative action policy within the Pretoria district of the South African Police Service. There is a need to examine and understand how the SAPS remove unfair discrimination in recruitment and selection processes in the implementation of affirmative action measures. Prior to 1994 the South African Police Force was male dominated and racism was fully institutionalised. Black people (Africans, Indians and coloureds), women and disabled people were marginalised and denied appropriate employment and advancement opportunities. The focus of the study was to identify challenges or problems encountered by the SAPS during the implementation of affirmative action policy; propose the strategies through which the SAPS can address discrimination in personnel staffing processes; and to assess and describe the criteria utilised by the SAPS in identifying the beneficiaries of affirmative action. The study includes the survey of international and national literature on the implementation of affirmative action. The study was conducted at 35 police stations within the district of Pretoria. The survey questionnaires were distributed to the respondents whereby three hundred and seventy (370) returned completed questionnaires, meeting the required sample figures. The respondents were selected by using a quota sampling. Qualitative research methodology was utilised in the interpretation and analysis of data. In addition, data was also collected through the documentary study. The major findings of this study illustrated that job requirements and responsibilities are seldom adjusted to accommodate disabled people. The communication of affirmative action policy is seen by respondents as being problematic. Respondents believe that affirmative action discriminates against certain groups within the disadvantaged groups. The research has divulged that the usage of interviews and involvement of supervisors in interview panels would minimise unfair discrimination in the allocation of promotional positions. Diversity management is not fully implemented to support affirmative action. People of all races are not employed to positions on the basis of their qualifications, experience and competencies as they deserve. The SAPS does not consider academic qualifications as criterion in the allocation of promotions. / Public Administration and Management / M. Admin. (Public Administration)

Problémy sociální spravednosti na pozadí koncepce Johna Rawlse / Social justice issues against backround of John Rawls´conception

KOUBÍKOVÁ, Martina January 2010 (has links)
At first, the thesis aims at general definition of {\clq}qjustice``, it presents principles and typology of justice. Next, it explores a historical-social background of these conceptions of justice in an outline of historical eras. The second chapter introduces principles and distribution of property in social reality. The third chapter offers an overview of John Rawls´ conception of justice, which is one of the most important contemporary accounts. The fourth chapter deals with a social justice on an international level and enlarges upon Rawls´ theory discussing questions of global justice posed by other authors.


Berger, Christian 07 May 2018 (has links)
Mit dem Begriff Diskriminierung wird der benachteiligende, herabsetzende oder abwertende Umgang mit Personen, die (imaginierten) gesellschaftlichen Gruppen zugeordnet werden, beschrieben. Diesem gehen psychologische Dynamiken der Stereotypisierung sowie historisch komplexe soziale Prozesse und Strukturen der Differenzierung und Hierarchisierung voran. Aufgrund sozialer, politischer und wissenschaftlicher Auseinandersetzungen ist Diskriminierung mittlerweile nicht nur als (Menschen-)Rechtsverletzung anerkannt, sondern permanent Gegenstand von Kontroversen über die (Il-)Legitimität von (Un-)Gleichbehandlung.

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