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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die politieke problematiek en hantering van nie-gevestigde minderhede in België / M.M. Smit

Smit, Maria Magdalena January 2009 (has links)
Since the end of the Second World War, several phases of migration to West European states have occurred. These migrants consisted of the so called guest workers who were recruited to fill labour shortages, citizens from former colonies who wanted to settle in the colonial empires as well as asylum seekers and refugees. These migrants generally migrated within the network of a certain ethnic group which led to the formation of ethnic groupings in the West European states (so called new ethnic minorities). These ethnic groupings often live segregated from the host population where they experience a lack of cultural, economical and political integration. This lack of integration of the new ethnic minorities often leads to antagonism, lack of understanding, mistrust and sometimes a racist attitude by the host population towards these groups. The development of a collective policy for the management of new ethnic minorities only became priority in the European Union (EU) by the late 1990s. The current policy for the management of new ethnic minorities consists of guidelines and recommendations to member states on the implementation of a own, unique new ethnic minority policy. Although the current Belgian policy for the management of new ethnic minorities adheres to the guidelines and recommendations of the EU, it still has structural problems and gaps. The purpose of this study was foremost to do a descriptive analysis of the protection of established minorities in Belgium. In contrast to and comparison with this, an in depth analysis of the political problem, management and current situation of new ethnic minorities in Belgian was made in order to identify shortcomings in the current policy for the management of new ethnic minorities. This was done through a literature search as well as an empirical study in the form of semi -structured interviews. The general finding was that the Belgian political system makes adequate provision for the protection of established minorities, but not for the protection of new ethnic minorities. In this regard and in conclusion, specific recommendations were made in order to identify and address the current protective measures of new ethnic minorities in Belgium. / Thesis (M.A. (Public Management and Administration))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2009.

Att integrera i det svenska samhället : En undersökning om kvinnor med invandrarbakgrund och deras syn på introduktion och andra faktorer som påverkar inträdet i det svenska arbetslivet och samhället

Lissollas, Anette January 2008 (has links)
The integration policy in Sweden shall encourage individuals to support themselves and take part in society. It shall alsocontribute to equal rights and opportunities for women as well as for men. In Borlänge this has resulted in a program ofintroduction for new arrivals from other countries. However, at the unit responsible for economic support, they havediscovered that women with immigrant background more often than men seem to have trouble starting or became to anending of the program, which then especially leads women to a long-term dependence for economic support. The purpose of this study has therefore been to investigate what factors affect immigrant women’s participation in theintroduction, and what significance this participation has for their possibilities to become economically self-supporting,and integrated into Swedish society. Previous research shows that some of the obstacles for the integration of immigrant women can be that they give birthto many children, are unskilled or have a low degree of education and that they tend to be living under patriarchalgender patterns. Another problem seem to be that some women are not even known as members of the municipalities.All of these problems are as well what was shown in my own study. I have used theoretical perspectives from Bourdieu, Elias & Scotson, Giddens, Roman and al-Baldawi in my analysis.Bourdieu have interesting thoughts about capital, habitus and field, which can help us to understand how individuals arebeing shaped and are given different opportunities to act in a special way or direction. Elias & Scotson describesthrough their study around established and outsiders how the process of integration can take place and what effects thatcan be shown for the opportunities to succeed in that part. Giddens, Roman and al-Baldawi then give us different waysto look at the patriarchy and family structures around the world. The result of this study shows that the willingness to integrate and be able to take care of your own support for living isan important part for the women for succeeding. For the other women, that don’t succeed, it turns out to be just like theprevious research has been shown. Gender patterns, many children and a low or no education skill all seems to be partof the issue. It is also suggested that the generosity of the Swedish welfare system might hinder rather than help someimmigrant women to become integrated into Swedish society.

Innovate On A Shoestring : Product development for the Least Developed Countries and what we can re-use in the Established Markets

Ottosson, Hans January 2015 (has links)
By understanding current approaches and methods of product development (PD) combined with knowledge of the needs and know-how of customers in the least developed countries (LDCs) associated risks and excessive costs can be avoided. The main purpose of this thesis is to highlight the important need of developing products and services for the LDCs and to look at current practices for PD and to distill these into one method for developing products pertinent to LDC needs and markets. Conversely, the second purpose for this thesis is to examine possible LDC based development tools that can be applicable when designing for the more established markets. There are also crucial social, cultural, economic and political reasons for addressing LDC related issues. The goal is to show companies of all sizes that it can be profitable to expand to new markets in the LDCs and also that the steps used there can help generate new revenue when implemented in their current markets, as well as to provide them a model for it. This thesis includes and clearly demonstrates the importance of development involvement on the local level and the benefit of using complementors. The thesis data and conclusions are based on literature studies and an extended stay in the Dominican Republic. It is here observed that by getting closer to the end customer, a company will get an increased understanding and knowledge that provides an advantage over the competition. And for companies to succeed in the LDCs, the three most significant things to consider are: 1) to find the specific needs of the customer, 2) design for affordability, and 3) to source and manufacture locally. It will be seen that the benefits to such an approach extend outward in essentially all directions.

When Innovation Is Not Enough : Managerial Challenges of Technology Change in Pharmaceutical R&D

Freilich, Jonatan January 2015 (has links)
Innovation is not always enough. In the beginning of the 2000s established pharmaceutical firms had developed several drugs, yet these new products were far too few. Patents of many blockbuster drugs were to soon expire and substantial profit would then be lost. A potential solution emerged: implementing new biomarker technologies in drug development. Biomarkers are required for knowledge creation about the drug effect on underlying causes of a disease. The problem is this: although academia, industry, and policy makers have deemed biomarkers as necessary for successful drug development, pharmaceutical firms have not used them in actual drug development projects.  Since the 1990s, established pharmaceutical firms have invested financially and restructured organizationally in order to implement biomarkers. Still, cases show that more than 50% of project termination in Clinical Phase 2 (the bottle neck of drug development) can be attributed to the lack of implementing biomarkers.   Challenges of established firms transforming in the face of technology change is a commonly studied phenomenon within innovation management literature. Several explanations have attempted to determine why established firms fail in following technology change. However, most of this literature has been based upon an empirical context where technology change is conceptualized as an innovation of the dominant product design in the industry. Consequently, the challenge is to develop or adapt a discontinuous product innovation. Conversely, implementing biomarkers is a case of technology change that impacts R&amp;D. Since drugs lose their value when the patent protection expires, the established pharmaceutical firms need to continuously develop new block buster drugs – not just one product. More research is needed to fill this gap in the literature in order to develop an understanding of the established firm challenge in implementing biomarkers. This thesis builds upon a longitudinal case study of AstraZeneca. Using multiple data sources, the findings show that the dominant architecture of the drug development process during the 2000s impeded the implementation of biomarkers. AstraZeneca required an “architectural process innovation” in order to complete this implementation. The company’s process-based management structures distorted it from recognizing the need for process change. This thesis has three contributions: First, it describes the process change and the firm’s managerial challenges associated with biomarker implementation; Second, it contributes to the literature on the established firm challenge by developing an understanding of the phenomenon of architectural process innovation; Third, it develops a process-based framework for studying technology change that affects R&amp;D. / <p>QC 20151106</p>

Διερεύνηση παραγόντων που επηρεάζουν την ίδρυση μιας μικρομεσαίας επιχείρησης

Γκόγκας, Γεώργιος 10 June 2009 (has links)
Σκοπός της εργασίας αυτής είναι να αναλύσουμε τους πιο σημαντικούς λόγους για τους οποίους ιδρύεται μια μικρομεσαία επιχείρηση με την χρήση του στατιστικού προγράμματος SPSS. Η δομή της εργασίας είναι χωρισμένη σε δυο μέρη. Το πρώτο μέρος αποτελεί το θεωρητικό "κομμάτι" των μεθόδων που χρησιμοποιούμε και το δεύτερο είναι το πρακτικό δηλαδή η εφαρμογή των μεθόδων που αναλύσαμε σε πραγματικά δεδομένα. Το θεωρητικό μέρος είναι χωρισμένο σε τέσσερα κεφάλαια. Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο αναφέρουμε τις δυνατότητες του SPSS για την στατιστική ανάλυση μιας και δυο μεταβλητών ενός ή περισσοτέρων δειγμάτων καθώς επίσης και για το πώς μπορούμε να καθορίσουμε τη σχέση (αν υπάρχει ή όχι) μεταξύ τους. Πριν την αναφορά μας γύρω από τις μεταβλητές τονίζουμε κάποια σημεία στα οποία πρέπει να δίνουμε ιδιαίτερη βαρύτητα, και τα οποία είναι απαραίτητα στο αρχικό στάδιο επεξεργασίας των δεδομένων μας (καθορισμός μεταβλητής κτλ.). Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο κάνουμε μια πρώτη αναφορά γύρω από την Πολυδιάστατη Ανάλυση Δεδομένων τονίζοντας τη χρησιμότητα τους στις διάφορες επιστήμες, τον τρόπο με τον οποίο η ανάλυση αυτή "λειτουργεί" και τα κύρια χαρακτηριστικά της. Γενικά είναι ένα σύνολο μεθόδων οι οποίες ξεκινώντας από τα ίδια τα δεδομένα και χωρίς καμία υπόθεση ερευνούν τις τάσεις, τις σχέσεις και τις ομαδοποιήσεις τους. Στη συνέχεια αναλύουμε μια σημαντική μέθοδο την "ανάλυση των κύριων συνεκτικών συνιστωσών". Είναι μια τεχνική που έχει ως στόχο τη μείωση της διάστασης των δεδομένων διατηρώντας σχεδόν όλη την ολική μεταβλητότητα των αρχικών μεταβλητών. Η ανάλυση γίνεται με τη βοήθεια των μαθηματικών σχέσεων και βασίζεται στους πίνακες (δειγματικής) συσχέτισης, (δειγματικής) συνδιασποράς κτλ. Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο κάνουμε μια προσπάθεια ερμηνείας της Παραγοντικής Ανάλυσης με δυο τρόπους. Ο ένας τρόπος είναι με τη βοήθεια της Γραμμικής Άλγεβρας, της Ανάλυσης και των πινάκων και ο άλλος με τη βοήθεια των γραφικών απεικονίσεων των σχέσεων των στοιχείων του πίνακα που αναλύουμε. Σκοπός της παραπάνω μεθόδου είναι να ομαδοποιήσει ένα μεγάλο αριθμό μεταβλητών σε ένα μικρότερο αριθμό σημαντικών μη παρατηρήσιμων τυχαίων μεταβλητών που καλούνται παράγοντες. Στο τελευταίο κεφάλαιο του θεωρητικού μέρους αναφέρουμε και αναλύουμε την Cluster Analysis η οποία είναι μια μέθοδος με την οποία επιδιώκουμε τη δημιουργία ομάδων, συνήθως ατόμων ή αντικειμένων με ομοειδή χαρακτηριστικά, ομάδες τις οποίες μπορούμε να αποκαλούμε και τάξεις. Και σ' αυτή τη μέθοδο κάνουμε δύό ειδών αναλύσεις. Το πρακτικό μέρος της παρούσας εργασίας διερευνά τους παράγοντες οι οποίοι επηρεάζουν την ίδρυση μιας μικρομεσαίας επιχείρησης (ΜΜΕ). Διεξήχθη εμπειρική έρευνα, ο δειγματικός χώρος της οποίας περιλαμβάνει 140 μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις του νομού Σερρών. Τα αποτελέσματα αναδεικνύουν τη συμβολή και τη βαρύτητα μεταβλητών που σχετίζονται με: το προφίλ του επιχειρηματία (δημογραφικά χαρακτηριστικά, προηγούμενη εργασιακή και επιχειρηματική εμπειρία κ.ά.), τη διαδικασία ίδρυσης της επιχείρησης (πηγές άντλησης πληροφοριών, λήψη απόφαση, αρχική επένδυση, προβλήματα που παρουσιάσθηκαν κ.ά.), τα χαρακτηριστικά της νεοϊδρυθείσας επιχείρησης (αντικείμενο, νομικό καθεστώς, αριθμός απασχολούμενων κ.ά.) και τον 1ο χρόνο λειτουργίας (κύκλος εργασιών, πωλήσεις κ.ά.). Πιο συγκεκριμένα στο κεφάλαιο 5 αναλύουμε σχεδόν όλες τις μεταβλητές με τη βοήθεια της περιγραφικής στατιστικής και "επιμένουμε" λίγο περισσότερο σε εκείνες που αποτελούν τους παράγοντες ίδρυσης μικρομεσαίας επιχείρησης. Στο κεφάλαιο 6 περνάμε στο επόμενο στάδιο "εντοπίζοντας" σχέσεις ανάμεσα σε δυο μεταβλητές του ερωτηματολογίου. Το κριτήριο με το οποίο γίνεται ο έλεγχος είναι ο Χ έλεγχος ανεξαρτησίας και αναφέρουμε μόνο όσα παρουσιάζουν ενδιαφέρον (δηλαδή εκεί που υπάρχει κάποια σχέση ). Προχωρώντας στο κεφάλαιο 7 εισχωρούμε κατά κάποιο τρόπο στην Πολυδιάστατη Ανάλυση. Εφαρμόζουμε την Παραγοντική Ανάλυση με τη χρήση της μεθόδου των ισχυρών συνεκτικών συνιστωσών. Η εφαρμογή γίνεται πάνω στους λόγους ίδρυσης γενικά, μιας επιχείρησης. Αναφέρουμε αναλυτικά όλα τα βήματα και όλο το συλλογισμό μέχρι να καταλήξουμε στο τελικό στάδιο από το οποίο βγάζουμε συμπεράσματα. Και στο τελευταίο κεφάλαιο (8) πραγματοποιούμε την Cluster Analysis των 140 cases ώστε να μπορέσουμε να καταλήξουμε σε κάποια προφίλ επιχειρηματιών με συγκεκριμένα χαρακτηριστικά. Δηλαδή από την Παραγοντική Ανάλυση παίρνουμε κάποιες κατευθύνσεις, με τις οποίες σε συνδυασμό με την Cluster Αnalysis εντοπίζουμε συγκεκριμένους λόγους ίδρυσης μιας επιχείρησης για συγκεκριμένα προφίλ επιχειρηματιών. Τέλος , λόγω της εφαρμογής όλων των παραπάνω μεθόδων , προκύπτει ένας πολύ μεγάλος αριθμός πινάκων, ο οποίος ήτανε αδύνατο να καταχωρηθεί στην εργασία .Για το λόγο αυτό στο Παράρτημα έχουμε βάλει όλους τους πίνακες που χρησιμοποιήσαμε στο πρακτικό μέρος της εργασίας. / Aim of this work is to analyze the most important reasons for which is founded a small to medium-sized enterprise with the use of statistical program SPSS. The structure of work is separated in two parts. The first part constitutes theoretical "side" of the methods that we use and second is the practical that is to say application of methods that we analyzed in real data. The theoretical part is separated in four chapters. In the first chapter we report the possibilities of SPSS for the statistical analysis one and two variables one or more samples as well as for how we can determine the relation ([an] it exists or no) from each other. Before our report round the variables we stress certain points in which it should we give particular gravity, and which are essential in the initial stage of treatment of data our (determination variable [etc].) In the second chapter we make a first report round the Multidimensional Analysis of Data stressing their usefulness in the various sciences, the way with which this analysis "functions" and its main characteristics. In general it is a total of methods that beginning from himself given and without no affair searches tendencies, the relations and their regroupings. Afterwards we analyze an important method of the "analysis of the main cohesive components". It is a technique that aims at as the reduction of dimension of data maintaining almost the all total variability of initial variables. The analysis becomes with the help of mathematic relations and is based on the tables of a (sample) cross-correlation, (sample) codispersion etc. In the third chapter we make an effort of interpretation of Factorial Analysis in two ways. One way is with the help of Linear Algebra, Analysis and tables and the other with the help of graphic depictions of relations of elements of table that we analyze. The aim of the above method is to group a big number of variables in a smaller number of important non notable accidental variables that are called factors. In the last chapter of theoretical part we report and we analyze Cluster Analysis who is a method with which we seek the creation of teams, usually individuals or objects with similar characteristics, teams which we can call also orders. And in this method we make two types analyses. The practical part of present work investigates the factors which influence the foundation of small to medium-sized enterprise (SME). An experiental research was carried out, the sampling space of which includes 140 small to medium-sized enterprises of Serres' prefecture. The results elect the contribution and the gravity of variables that is related with: the profile of businessman (demographic characteristics, previous labour and enterprising experience Mr a.), the process of foundation of enterprise (sources of pumping of information, reception decision, initial investment, problems that were presented Mr a.), the characteristics of newly founded enterprise (object, legal regime, number of occupied Mr a.) and the 1st time of operation (turnover, sales Mr a.). More concretely in capital 5 we analyze almost the all variables with the help of descriptive statistics and we insist a little more in those that constitute the factors of foundation of small to medium-sized enterprise. In capital 6 we pass in the next stage by "detecting" relations between two variables of the questionnaire. The criterion with which it becomes the control is the H control of independence and we only report those who present interest (that is to say there that exists some relation). Advancing in capital 7 we penetrate at some way in the Multidimensional Analysis. We apply Factorial Analysis with the use of method of powerful cohesive components. The application applies on the reasons of foundation of an enterprise in general. We report the analytic all steps and the all reasoning until we lead to the final stage from which we draw conclusions. And in last capital (8) we realise Cluster Analysis the 140 cases so that we can lead to certain profiles of businessmen with concrete characteristics. That is to say from Fractional Analysis we take certain directions, with which in combination with Cluster Analysis we locate concrete reasons of foundation of enterprise for concretely profile of businessmen. Finally, because the application of all the above methods, results a very big number of tables, which it was impossible to be registered in the work. For this reason in the Annex we have put the all tables that we used in the practical part of work.

Cleaning the Nation: Anti-African Patriotism and Xenophobia in South Africa

Matsinhe, David Mario Unknown Date
No description available.

Die politieke problematiek en hantering van nie-gevestigde minderhede in België / M.M. Smit

Smit, Maria Magdalena January 2009 (has links)
Since the end of the Second World War, several phases of migration to West European states have occurred. These migrants consisted of the so called guest workers who were recruited to fill labour shortages, citizens from former colonies who wanted to settle in the colonial empires as well as asylum seekers and refugees. These migrants generally migrated within the network of a certain ethnic group which led to the formation of ethnic groupings in the West European states (so called new ethnic minorities). These ethnic groupings often live segregated from the host population where they experience a lack of cultural, economical and political integration. This lack of integration of the new ethnic minorities often leads to antagonism, lack of understanding, mistrust and sometimes a racist attitude by the host population towards these groups. The development of a collective policy for the management of new ethnic minorities only became priority in the European Union (EU) by the late 1990s. The current policy for the management of new ethnic minorities consists of guidelines and recommendations to member states on the implementation of a own, unique new ethnic minority policy. Although the current Belgian policy for the management of new ethnic minorities adheres to the guidelines and recommendations of the EU, it still has structural problems and gaps. The purpose of this study was foremost to do a descriptive analysis of the protection of established minorities in Belgium. In contrast to and comparison with this, an in depth analysis of the political problem, management and current situation of new ethnic minorities in Belgian was made in order to identify shortcomings in the current policy for the management of new ethnic minorities. This was done through a literature search as well as an empirical study in the form of semi -structured interviews. The general finding was that the Belgian political system makes adequate provision for the protection of established minorities, but not for the protection of new ethnic minorities. In this regard and in conclusion, specific recommendations were made in order to identify and address the current protective measures of new ethnic minorities in Belgium. / Thesis (M.A. (Public Management and Administration))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2009.

Die politieke problematiek en hantering van nie-gevestigde minderhede in België / M.M. Smit

Smit, Maria Magdalena January 2009 (has links)
Since the end of the Second World War, several phases of migration to West European states have occurred. These migrants consisted of the so called guest workers who were recruited to fill labour shortages, citizens from former colonies who wanted to settle in the colonial empires as well as asylum seekers and refugees. These migrants generally migrated within the network of a certain ethnic group which led to the formation of ethnic groupings in the West European states (so called new ethnic minorities). These ethnic groupings often live segregated from the host population where they experience a lack of cultural, economical and political integration. This lack of integration of the new ethnic minorities often leads to antagonism, lack of understanding, mistrust and sometimes a racist attitude by the host population towards these groups. The development of a collective policy for the management of new ethnic minorities only became priority in the European Union (EU) by the late 1990s. The current policy for the management of new ethnic minorities consists of guidelines and recommendations to member states on the implementation of a own, unique new ethnic minority policy. Although the current Belgian policy for the management of new ethnic minorities adheres to the guidelines and recommendations of the EU, it still has structural problems and gaps. The purpose of this study was foremost to do a descriptive analysis of the protection of established minorities in Belgium. In contrast to and comparison with this, an in depth analysis of the political problem, management and current situation of new ethnic minorities in Belgian was made in order to identify shortcomings in the current policy for the management of new ethnic minorities. This was done through a literature search as well as an empirical study in the form of semi -structured interviews. The general finding was that the Belgian political system makes adequate provision for the protection of established minorities, but not for the protection of new ethnic minorities. In this regard and in conclusion, specific recommendations were made in order to identify and address the current protective measures of new ethnic minorities in Belgium. / Thesis (M.A. (Public Management and Administration))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2009.

Cleaning the Nation: Anti-African Patriotism and Xenophobia in South Africa

Matsinhe, David Mario 11 1900 (has links)
The shifting of asymmetric power balances in South Africa e.g. the acceleration of apartheid disintegration in the 1980s that brought to power the first black majority government in 1994 precipitated an unprecedented rise of antiforeigner attitudes and practices. Since then, spurts of aggression and violence against foreign nationals have occurred regularly. The latest outbreak in May 2008, whose images shocked many people around the world with reminiscences of ethnic cleansing, was not an isolated abnormality but a characteristic phenomenon of post-apartheid figurational trends. While xenophobia is a worldwide phenomenon, South African antiforeigner attitudes have specific cultural and historical contingencies. While all non-citizens are generally viewed negatively, African foreign nationals are more likely than other foreigners to be victims of aggressive antiforeigner attitudes and practices. This dissertation explores as a sociological problem the construction and mobilization of the figure of Makwerekwere, that is, the African foreigner through established-outsider nationalistic discourse and practices in post-apartheid South Africa. The study is based on a number of methods of investigation carried out during ten months of fieldwork between October 2006 and August 2007: Focus-group and individualized interviews; participant observation; analysis of nationalistic antiforeigner narratives from media; analysis of data from other scholars, research organizations, and human rights organizations. Figurational sociology, particularly the theory of the established and the outsiders, is the informative analytical orientation of the study. The study is organized around three sets of analysis: (1) the construction and mobilization of the figure of Makwerekwere by citizens (state agents and civil society agents); (2) the construction and mobilization of the figure of Makwerekwere as it is understood and experienced by those who are arrogated this figure and its characteristics; (3) and the concomitant structural atmosphere of the life-worlds and social spaces populated by those who are assigned the figure of Makwerekwere. These figurational dynamics suggest that although apartheid has been largely dismantled, it has left its imprints on South Africas social habitus. Thus the conclusion of the study situates post-apartheid antiforeigner sentiments and practices, particularly the anti-African orientation of the ideology of Makwerekwere, in the shadows of apartheid.

Terrorist som terrorist? : medias framställning av två terrorister med olika grupptillhörighet

Rönninger, Johan, Lidman, Adam January 2015 (has links)
This qualitative text analysis has studied medias portrayal of Taimour Abdulwahab, Anders Behring Breivik and their respective terrorist attacks. The purpose of the essay was to study the newspapers portrayal of the terrorists, with one terrorist being part of an us group and the other one part of a them group. It also aspires to uncover whether the medias portrayal of the terrorists reproduce mechanisms which help sustain the gap between us and them. To answer the essays research questions we have used the media theory about agenda setting and the sociologists Norbert Elias’ and John L. Scotsons theory about established and outsiders. The analysis of news articles the first two days after the terrorist attacks in Swedish newspapers Expressen and Aftonbladet showed a difference in the portrayal of the established Breivik, whos persona and actions were explained on an individual level, whereas the outsider Abdulwahab was connected to groups and his acts explained on a more structural level. The results have also shown how deeply connected terrorism and Islam are, which especially came through in the articles about Breivik, a Christian ethnic Norwegian man. / Denna kvalitativa textanalysstudie har undersökt medias framställning av Taimour Abdulwahab, Anders Behring Breivik och deras respektive terrordåd. Syftet var att undersöka tidningars framställning av terrorister, där ena terroristen tillhör en vi-grupp och den andra en dem-grupp. Den avser även att se om media reproducerar mekanismer som upprätthåller klyftan mellan vi och dem i sin rapportering av terrordåden. För att svara på forskningsfrågorna har vi tagit hjälp av den medievetenskapliga teorin om dagordningen och dess byggstenar samt sociologerna Norbert Elias och John L. Scotsons teori om etablerade och outsiders. Analysen av artiklar från de två första dagarna efter dåden i Expressen och Aftonbladet visade en skillnad i framställningen hos den etablerade Breivik, som framställdes på ett individuellt plan, medan outsidern Abdulwahab kopplades ihop med grupper och förklarades av strukturella skäl. Resultaten har även visat att terrorism är starkt ihopkopplat med religionen islam, även i Breiviks fall, som inte är muslim.

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