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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment of nutrient loading in lake Ringsjön from the catchment of Hörbyån Creek in Southern Sweden.

Singh, Durgesh Kumar January 2013 (has links)
Lake Ringsjön, located in south of Sweden, has been subject of eutrophication since 1950s and received several restoration efforts. Latest restoration effort, “Project Ringsjön”, was proposed in 2003 to improve lake condition against eutrophication by reducing nutrient concentration. This study was done to assess the nutrient loading into the lake from the catchment of Hörbyån Creek, which is discharging into the lake from southeast. Study addresses the nutrient loading conditions from Hörbyån Creek before and after the implementation of “Project Ringsjön” in 1998 and 2010 respectively. Thus a water quality analysis was performed to observe the changes in total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentration in Hörbyån Creek between these years. Effort was also made to investigate nutrients contribution of different watersheds in the catchment. This study also addresses the effect of seasonal variability and land use on nutrient loading. In order to achieve objectives, annual and monthly water quality modelling was performed on the river. HEC-RAS software was used to simulate water quality variables loading from catchment into the lake, such as nitrates, nitrite, ammonium, organic nitrogen, inorganic phosphorus and orthophosphate. Results indicated increase in average annual total nitrogen concentration from 4.18 mg/l to 4.56 mg/l and reduction in average annual total phosphorus concentration from 0.165 mg/l to 0.083 mg/l in the water discharging into the lake from catchment. The watershed occupying mostly agriculture area was observed to have maximum nutrients contribution, which might be due to high fertilizer leakage. It was also observed that maximum nutrient loading was taking place in November and March; probably due to high runoff generated from precipitation and snow melting that carried additional nutrients to the water bodies. Results also indicated that the studied catchment area was contributing high nutrient concentration for eutrophication in both years; however, there was small decrease in total phosphorus concentration in 2010 compare to 1998.

Eutrophication effects on a coastal macrophyte community in the Bothnian Sea

Linder Wiktorsson, Emilia January 2021 (has links)
Eutrophication is a major concern in the Baltic Sea and it is affecting macrophyte communities by promoting the growth of opportunistic algae and decreasing the cover of perennial macrophyte species via shading. It is however uncertain how common eutrophication and its symptoms are in the northern parts of the Baltic Sea, the Botnian Sea. The aim of this study was to evaluate if Sörleviken, a bay in the Bothnian Sea, show signs of increased eutrophication pressure in 2020 compared to 2007 based on changes in macrophyte cover and composition. The macrophyte community was inventoried with under-water video techniques in 2020 along three transects, matching transects previously inventoried by a diver in 2007. The three transects were located in the inner, middle and the outer parts of the bay. The results showed that macrophyte diversity was lower in 2020 than in 2007 along the outer transect, but overall, the total cover of macrophytes, relative cover of opportunistic algae, species richness and evenness remained unchanged. A possible higher presence of Stuckenia pectinata (former Potamogeton pectinatus) and a possible lower presence of Chara aspera in 2o2o compared to 2007 might be evidence of higher eutrophication pressure in 2020. However, by observing the general changes in the macrophyte community, this study only provides weak or inconclusive signs of increased eutrophication pressure, thus Sörleviken shows no signs of either improvement of or further increases in eutrophication pressure by 2020 compared to the observations in 2007.

Effekter av salthalter och ljusexponering på zooplanktonpopulationer / Effects of salinity and light exposure on zooplankton communities

Lindell, Arielle January 2022 (has links)
Abstract Eutrophication and salinization are both major threats to lake ecosystems and the contaminants can alter the structure of freshwater lake ecosystems, resulting in a loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Zooplankton and phytoplankton are key components in all aquatic ecosystems as they maintain a healthy quality of the water and they are also an important part of the food chain. Studies show that eutrophication and salinization have severe negative effects on the zooplankton community. This study compares zooplankton communities in 36 mesocosms of eutrophicated waters with nine treatments of salinity and light exposure. The dataset was provided by Associate Professor Lovisa Lind-Eirell, using a randomized design with three levels salt concentrations (15, 250, and 1000 mg of chloride/L of highly eutrophicated waters, in combination with three levels (10%, 35% and 70%) of ambient sunlight. The hypothesis and expected results were a significant decline in zooplankton species richness and population sizes, in treatments with high salinity and low light exposure. The hypothesis was partly correct as nauplii and copepod populations declined treatments of high salinity, whereas cladocerans and rotifers seem to have a saline tolerance which corresponds with other studies. More research is required regarding the combined effects pollutants have on our environment and our ecosystem services. If we wish to keep freshwater ecosystems healthy, prevent further loss of diversity and keep utilizing ecosystem services such as drinking water of good quality, a change of human actions is necessary. More research of interactive effects is needed to better understand the extent of the damage to freshwater ecosystems. Actions to prevent further loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services are necessary but the threats have been acknowledged and finding solutions is currently a work in progress on a global scale. / Sammanfattning Idag är övergödning och förhöjda kloridnivåer två av de största hoten mot ekosystemen i sötvattensjöar. Föroreningarna kan förändra strukturen i dessa ekosystem, vilket leder till förlust av ekosystemtjänster, såsom drickbart vatten. Zooplankton och växtplankton är nyckelkomponenter i alla akvatiska ekosystem eftersom de upprätthåller vattenkvaliteten och utgör en viktig del av näringskedjan. Studier visar att övergödning och förhöjda kloridnivåer har negativa effekter på zooplankton. Denna studie jämför zooplankton i 36 vattentankar med eutrofa vatten med nio behandlingar av varierande nivåer av salthalt och ljustillgänglighet. Datauppsättningen tillhandahölls av docent Lovisa Lind-Eirell på Karlstad universitet och utgjordes av en randomiserad design som bestod av tre olika saltkoncentrationer (15, 250 och 1000 mg klorid/L) av starkt eutrofierade vatten,  i kombination med tre ljusnivåer (10 %, 35 % och 70 %). Hypotesen och det förväntade resultatet var en signifikant minskning av både arter och populationer av zooplankton i behandlingar med hög salthalt och låg ljustillgänglighet. Hypotesen var delvis korrekt eftersom nauplii och copepoda populationer minskade i behandlingar med höga kloridhalter, medan cladocera och rotifera verkade ha en tolerans mot höga kloridhalter. Mer forskning om interaktiva effekter behövs för att bättre förstå omfattningen av skadorna på ekosystemen i våra sötvatten. Åtgärder för att förhindra ytterligare förlust av biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster är nödvändiga, och att hitta lösningar på dessa problem pågår för närvarande på global skala.

Using Sediment DNA Archives for Interpreting Long-term Cyanobacterial Dynamics in the Anthropocene

Mejbel, Hebah Shaker 29 April 2022 (has links)
Climate change and eutrophication, accelerated by anthropogenic activities, have impacted aquatic ecosystems worldwide. These impacts have stimulated the expansion of cyanobacterial blooms which pose severe threats to ecosystem functioning, environmental health, and the economy. However, the long-term effects of environmental change on bloom-forming cyanobacteria are not well understood as traditional paleolimnological approaches are of limited use in the reconstruction of cyanobacterial dynamics through time. Here, sediment DNA (sedDNA) was used to investigate long-term cyanobacterial trends using sediments from two experimental (fertilized L227 and acidified L223) and two reference (L224 and L442) lakes in the Experimental Lakes Area, Canada. First, to determine whether taxonomic bias might arise from the cyanobacterial sediment record, I performed a 1-year incubation experiment comparing the degradation rates of selected cyanobacterial genes under contrasting environmental conditions. Based on first-order linear decay models, Synechococcus sp. (Synechococcales) decayed the slowest under cold, anoxic conditions, followed by Trichormus (Nostocales), then Microcystis (Chroococcales), suggesting differential preservation of DNA. I then compared the quantitative performance of droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR) and high-throughput sequencing (HTS) for the analysis of sedDNA and found that the ddPCR results were more consistent with the known history of the lakes. Furthermore, ddPCR showed that cyanobacterial abundance increased over the past century in all study lakes, but the greatest increase was observed in experimentally fertilized L227. HTS revealed shifts in the cyanobacterial community towards Nostocales dominance and a decrease in alpha diversity in response to phosphorus-only additions. An increase in abundance of the mcyE gene (indicative of microcystin producing taxa) was uniquely observed in L227 when nitrogen additions ceased. Heating degree days were important in explaining variation in the cyanobacterial community composition in all lakes, but nutrients had a greater influence on the L227 community. When sediment data were compared to historical surface water phytoplankton records, moderate to strong correlations between the two archives were found, validating the use of sedDNA. This research demonstrated that sedDNA can elucidate cyanobacterial trends at the community, population, and species level over multidecadal timescales in response to environmental change.

Les cyanobactéries et leurs toxines dans les sources d’eau potable / Cyanobacteria and their associated toxins in drinking source water

De Boutray, Marie-Laure 23 May 2017 (has links)
La prolifération grandissante des épisodes de fleurs d’eau de cyanobactéries toxiques dans les plans d'eau potable et dans les usines de traitement d'eau potable est une préoccupation mondiale. L’utilisation de sondes in vivo, permettant la détection de la phycocyanine des cyanobactéries par fluorescence, est une technologie innovante, de plus en plus couramment utilisée. Néanmoins, pour favoriser son implémentation à grande échelle, elle doit être validée scientifiquement. De nombreuses sources d’interférences dans ces sondes sont à l’origine de biais de lecture. Les objectifs de cette recherche sont :1. La caractérisation des espèces dominantes et la succession des espèces de cyanobactéries dans deux grands lacs utilisés pour la production de l’eau potable2. L’analyse de la variabilité des espèces de cyanobactéries et d’autres groupes de phytoplancton en fonction de la température et des nutriments3. La validation du suivi des cyanobactéries par sonde fluorométriques aux sources d’eau potable en corrigeant le signal pour les interférences d’autres groupes de phytoplanctonLes résultats de ce travail de recherche ont montré qu’il existe de nombreses sources d’interférences aux sondes à fluoresence YSI, mais qu’il était possible de développer un facteur de correction afin d’éviter de surestimer les cyanobactéries. Suite à la validation de la sonde, celle-ci a été utilisée pour comprendre la dynamique des cyanobactéries à la baie Missisquoi afin de caractériser les espèces dominantes et de mieux comprendre la succession phytoplanctonique de la baie afin d’aider les opérateurs de l’usine de traitement d’eau potable à planifier les traitements en fonction de la qualité biologique de la baie. Parmi les résultats les plus intéressants, notons l’apparition précoce, de plus en plus marquée à travers les années, des blooms de Microcystis sp. et le développement de bloom co-dominés par des Chroococcales et des Nostocales. Le développement de fleurs d’eau dominées par Aphanizomenon sp. ou Dolichospermum sp. est généralement précédé d’une période où le milieu est limité en N ce qui favorise le développement de ces espèces fixatrices d’azote atmosphérique / The increase of toxic cyanobacterial blooms in source waters that can lead to breakthrough into drinking water treatments plants is a worldwide concern. The use of in situ probes allows for the detection of cyanobacterial phycocyanin through fluorescence. It is an innovative technology becoming more widely used. However, to facilitate the implementation of this technology, it must be validated. Several sources of interferences can lead to biases in their application. The objectives of this research are to :1. characterize the dominant species and cyanobacterial succession in two large lakes used for drinking water production2. analyse the variability of cyanobacterial species as well as other groups of phytoplankton as a function of temperature and nutrients3. validate cyanobacterial monitoring by fluorometric probe in drinking water sources by correcting the signal for other groups of phytoplanktonThe results of this research have shown that there are many sources of interference in fluorescence probes, but that a correction factor can be used to prevent the overestimation of cyanobacteria. Following the validation of the probe, it was used to improve our understanding of the dynamics of phytoplankton succession in Missisquoi Bay in order to characterize the dominant species and succession to improve the operation of drinking water treatment at Missisquoi Bay. Among the interesting findings was the earlier apparition of cyanobacteria throughout the years, Micocystis sp. blooms and blooms co-dominated by Chroococcales and Nostocales. The development of cyanobacterial blooms dominated by Aphanizomenon sp. or Dolichospermum sp. was generally preceded by a period where the water body was limited in nitrogen, which favours the development of these species capable of fixing nitrogen

Eutrophication Trends of Bear Lake, Idaho-Utah and Their Effect on the Distribution and Biological Productivity of Zooplankton

Nyquist, David 01 May 1967 (has links)
Zooplankton of the littoral and limnetic zones of Bear Lake, Idaho- Utah, were collected over a 17 -month period. Twenty-three species of zooplankton were recorded, as well as nine other species represented by both flora and fauna. At the time of sampling 17 physical and chemical parameters were a lso measured. Methods of analysis for the plankton and the environment are described and discussed. The objectives of this project were fourfold: To establish a record of the current zooplankton population before changes due to the increase o f organic nutrients occur. To compile a qualitative and quantitative standard against which future populations can be compared. To assess the source and the amount of present nutrients which are being contributed to the lake. To investigate the effect the present addition of nutrients is having on zooplankton productivity. The physical and chemical analysis of the Bear Lake waters showed a number of interesting trends. The measurement of total dissolved solids, when compared with previous investigations, showed a decline: i.e., it appears that a great dilution had taken place in the lake waters since 1912. The measurement of salinity revealed two chemical patterns in Bear Lake waters. First: chloride, sulfate, sodium, and potassium showed a decrease in concentration on a long-term basis. Second, calcium showed a slight rise with a leveling off, and magnesium showed a decline with a leveling off over the same period. Calcium is being precipitated as calcium carbonate, and the removal of sodium, potassium , sulfate, magnesium, and chloride is achieved through the pumping of lake waters outside the basin. Nitrogen was measured with respect to three of its forms--ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Ammonia was comparatively evenly distributed throughout the water column at all depths. The cycling of ammonia appeared to follow that of known oligotrophic lakes. Generally, the nitrite was low in the limnetic and allochthonous waters and higher in the littoral zone. The littoral and limnetic water exhibited lower nitrate levels than the allochthonous sources. This is believed to be due to the prevailing land use patterns. The production of cattle and sheep and the cultivation of extensively fertilized crops appear to give the most plausible answer. The littoral waters appeared to be higher with respect to ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, in the microhabitats that are natural, and in others that are man-made: i.e., harbors, breakwaters, and shore based homes. The distribution of phosphate-phosphorous in the waters varied little during the study. The mean values were quite similar for the littoral and limnetic waters. The allochthonous waters had approximately four times the phosphate concentration of the lake waters. The chemical analysis of the bottom muds revealed that phosphorous as phosphate and as P2O5 were significantly higher in concentration between the 50- and 200-foot contours than at lesser depths. The low levels of soluble phosphate and the slight variation encountered in the water column seem to be related to the orthograde nature of the oxygen curve found in the lake. Relationships between chemical analysis and the zooplankton associated within a particular station in the lake were completed by correlation and regression analysis. Associations between independent and dependent variables apparently defined various environmental preferences or requirements necessary for the maintenance of particular individual species. In light of the basic taxonomic considerations these proposals appear to be within reason. Individual correlation and regression analysis were completed for three lake zones investigated: littoral, limnetic, and the haptobenthos. Individual analysis of variances were completed within the three Bear Lake zones in order to assess the affect of habitat on the plankton population. The statistical analyses were compared to the means for these several stations within one zone, and biological and statistical explanations were made. Supplementary water quality analyses were conducted in order to explain some abnormal chem1cal and biological results. Bacteriological testing of the Bear Lake waters revealed that a large percentage of the littoral and allied limnetic zone presented definite problems with respect to water quality and public use.

Organic Phosphorus Dynamics and Contributions to Eutrophication in a Shallow, Freshwater Bay

Kurek, Martin Roman 07 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Phosphorus (P) is essential for aquatic life; cycling between both inorganic and organic forms to maintain an ecological balance. Its addition into P-scarce freshwaters, either through terrestrial (external) or sedimentary (internal) loading, may disrupt this balance causing blooms of phytoplankton to flourish, often resulting in harmful environmental and anthropogenic consequences. Accordingly, reduction of external P loading has been commonly implemented with a recent focus on sediment-bound legacy P that is mobilized into the water column during dynamic redox conditions. Mobile P species have been identified as both inorganic and organic, with the former representing the most bioavailable fraction, and the latter serving as a source for labile P in freshwaters when in high demand, particularly during blooms. Missisquoi Bay in Lake Champlain, VT experiences harmful cyanobacterial blooms driven by internal P loading and has been the target of numerous geochemical and hydrological studies. This thesis describes a high-resolution investigation of both the organic P and organic matter compositions of the bay with respect to mobility, reactivity, and bioavailability using Fourier Transform-Ion Cyclotron Mass Spectrometry (FT-ICR MS). Sediment from Missisquoi Bay was extracted with a diverse set of reagents, resulting in fractionation of both organic matter and organic P, and illustrating the distribution of various labile and recalcitrant compounds. Many of these molecules are associated with porewater or easily extractable mineral surfaces providing a link to the benthic organic matter and phosphorus fractions available to microorganisms. Additionally, the organic chemistry of the bay was investigated seasonally from May 2017 to January 2018 revealing biological processing from the spring runoff season through the post-bloom summer season. The transition from late summer to under ice conditions in winter was less severe with a higher commonality between both organic matter and organic P compounds, suggesting reduced biological and abiotic degradation. Moreover, short-term anoxic incubations of sediment cores from each season revealed the presence of diverse organic signatures from sorption processes, and a significant contribution of benthic microbial activity to the benthic organic geochemistry.


Yadav, Shweta 25 September 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第20694号 / 工博第4391号 / 新制||工||1682(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市環境工学専攻 / (主査)教授 米田 稔, 教授 清水 芳久, 准教授 須崎 純一 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Effects of eutrophication on juvenile scleractinian corals

Wittenberg, Mark January 1991 (has links)
No description available.

Primary Productivity and Nutrient Relationships in Garza-Little Elm Reservoir

Smith, Jerry Allen 05 1900 (has links)
A large, multi-basin reservoir (Garza-Little Elm Reservoir) in north central Texas was studied to determine the relative effects of various parameters on primary productivity. The basins were impounded several years apart, thus allowing the influence of age on water chemistry and biota to be considered. Another principal influence on water quality was secondary sewage effluent that entered one basin from a nearby source.

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