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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Psychophysiology of Novelty Processing: Do Brain Responses to Deviance Predict Recall, Recognition and Response Time?

Kamp, Siri-Maria 01 January 2013 (has links)
Events that violate expectations are biologically significant and accordingly elicit various physiological responses. We investigated the functional relationship between three of these responses: the P300, the Novelty P3 and the pupil dilation response (PDR), with a particular focus on their co-variance with reaction time and measures of subsequent memory. In a modified Novelty P3 oddball paradigm, participants semantically categorized a sequence of stimuli including (1) words of a frequent category, (2) words of an infrequent category (14% of the trials) and (3) pictures of the frequent category (14% of the trials). The Novelty P3 oddball task was followed by a recall- and a recognition test. Larger amplitudes of the P300, identified by a spatial principal component analysis (PCA), were associated with enhanced subsequent recall as well as faster reaction times during the recognition test, suggesting a close relationship between the cognitive process indexed by the P300 and memory encoding. The PDR was larger for infrequents (which required a response switch) than both frequents and pictures (which did not require a switch). Furthermore, its latency was correlated with reaction time on the same trial and with reaction time on the immediately following trial. There was only weak evidence for a correlation with subsequent memory, suggesting that the cognitive process associated with the PDR might be a direct link in the stimulus-response stream. Larger Novelty P3 amplitudes were associated with both faster reaction times on the same trial and stronger memory traces, suggesting that its amplitude might index resource allocation. These findings suggest that each of the physiological responses carries a distinct functional significance in detecting, processing, or responding to novel events, and we discuss the findings in the light of the prevalent theories of the functional significance of each response.

Effects of Nicotine Withdrawal on Motivation, Reward Sensitivity and Reward-Learning

Oliver, Jason A. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Research on addictive behavior has traditionally emphasized the role that primary reinforcing effects of drugs of abuse plays in the development and maintenance of dependence. However, contemporary behavioral economic theory and animal models of nicotine dependence suggest the need for greater attention to the impact that response to alternative rewards may have on smoking behavior. The present study sought to investigate the impact of nicotine withdrawal on self-report, behavioral and neural indices of motivation, immediate response to rewards and the capacity to learn and modify behavior in response to positive and negative feedback. Heavy smokers (n = 48) completed two laboratory sessions following overnight deprivation, during which they smoked either nicotinized or denicotinized cigarettes. At each session, they completed a reward prediction and feedback learning task while electro-encephalographic recordings were obtained, as well as resting state recordings which were used to extract global indices of motivational state. Results confirmed that nicotine withdrawal produced an avoidant motivational state. This effect was strongly related to numerous indices of smoking motivation. Exploratory analyses also revealed numerous moderators of these effects. Behavioral data from tasks provided some support for the impact of nicotine withdrawal on reward and feedback processing, though minimal impact was observed for neural indices. Together, results confirm the manifestation of a broad-spanning impact of nicotine withdrawal on motivational state, but effects on specific reward systems remains unknown. Future research should examine the impact of nicotine withdrawal on other reward-related constructs to better delineate these effects.

N400 activations in adults who stutter in a picture-word priming task requiring attention to probe word phonology

Pizon-Moore, Angela A 01 June 2010 (has links)
Objective: A neuroscientific picture-word task was used to investigate semantic and phonological activation spreading in adults who stutter (AWS). Method: Fourteen AWS and 14 adults who do not stutter (AWNS) participated. On each trial, a picture was named at a delay. Sometimes, an attended probe word was heard before naming. Some probes were Semantically-Related to the labels. Those same probes also appeared following pictures with Unrelated labels. N400 ERPs recorded to these two probe types were compared (Semantically-Related versus Unrelated). Other probes were Phonologically-Related to the labels. Those same probes also appeared following pictures with unrelated labels (P-Unrelated). N400 ERPs recorded to these two probe types were compared (Phonologically-Related versus P-Unrelated). Results: AWNS exhibited typical N400 priming effects. AWS exhibited non-robust Semantic N400 priming, and a reverse Phonological N400 priming effect. Conclusions: Results suggest that AWS use attentional control strategies to influence the activation of words in the mental lexicon.

Alcohol expectancy cognitions: Psychophysiological perspective

Fishman, Inna 01 June 2006 (has links)
Considerable evidence indicates that the expectations individuals hold about the effects of alcohol determine, to a degree, the amount of alcohol they drink. However, the bulk of this evidence was acquired using verbally-based measures of expectancy. The present study sought to extend the validation network by utilizing an electrophysiological measure -- the P300 component of the Event Related Potentials (ERPs) -- which is thought to index fundamental neurophysiological processes sensitive to expectancy.Previous research has demonstrated that, when presented with various outcomes of alcohol consumption, heavier drinkers endorse statements that assert positive and arousing effects of alcohol, while lighter drinkers endorse sedating and negative effects of alcohol. Given the sensitivity of the P300 to violation of subjective expectancies, it was hypothesized that P300 amplitude elicited by stimuli violating one's alcohol expectancies (e.g., statements describing sedating effects of alcohol for individuals with high positive expectancies) would be correlated with the participants' alcohol expectancies measured by traditional self-report measures.Participants were presented with statements reflecting a wide range of alcohol outcome effects, which either violated or confirmed the participant's own set of alcohol expectancies, while the ERPs evoked by these stimuli were recorded. As predicted, the P 300 amplitude elicited by negative alcohol expectancy stimuli was positively correlated with the degree of endorsement of positive/arousing expectancies on the self-report measure. That is, the higher the individual's positive/arousing expectancies, the larger the P300 elicited by stimuli asserting the negative effects of alcohol. There was no significant correlation, however, between P300 amplitude elicited by positive alcohol expectancy stimuli and the degree of endorsement of negative/sedating expectancies on the self-report measure.In sum, variations in the amplitude of the P300 were consistent with the model of Alcohol Expectancies: Namely, words imputing negative/sedating effects of alcohol elicited a large P300 in individuals with high but not low positive alcohol expectancies. By indexing the brain's electrophysiological response sensitive to expectancy violations, these findings demonstrate concordance between verbal measures of alcohol expectancies, which by their very nat ure are introspective, and a psychophysiological index of expectancy thought to operate automatically and to be independent of overt responding.

Neuronal Adaptation and Formant Transition Direction in Vowels: An MMN Study

Crawford, Nathanael 11 March 2014 (has links)
Examined was whether the mismatch negativity (MMN) varied predictably in response to changes in the direction of frequency-modulated tone glides and equivalent second formant transitions in vowels (e.g., /ɪ/ as in “bit” and /e/ as in “bate”). A novel stimulus presentation paradigm was designed to distinguish the MMN from the N1 component. 10 normal-hearing adults with no neurological diseases were recruited and presented stimuli via insert earphones while they watched a silent, subtitled movie. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 128 scalp electrodes. The MMN was successfully distinguished from the N1, marking participants’ ability to discriminate vowel stimuli only. A significant early P2 component, which decreased in size with successive stimulus presentations, was also elicited for vowels only and is believed to reflect formant encoding. Discrepancies between vowel and tone results are discussed along with clinical implications and contributions to the fields of ERP and vowel research.

An Event-related Potential Investigation on Associative Encoding and the Effects of Intra-list Semantic Similarity

Kim, Alice Sun-Nam 14 July 2009 (has links)
Event-related potentials were recorded as subjects were presented with pairs of words, one word at a time, to examine the electrocortical manifestations of association formation and the effect of intra-list semantic similarity. Two types of lists were presented: Same – all pairs belonged to the same semantic category; Different – all pairs belonged to a different semantic category. Subjects were told to memorize the pairs for a following paired associate recall test. Recall was better for the Different than Same lists. Subsequent recall was predicted by the amplitudes of a potential lasting throughout the epoch and the P555 to each word of a pair (likely reflecting state- and item-related encoding activity, respectively), as well as a late positive wave that occurred after the offset of the second word, which is thought to reflect association formation. A larger N425 was elicited by pairs in the Different than Same lists, likely reflecting semantic integration.

Modulation of Gaze-oriented Attention with Facial Expressions: ERP Correlates and Influence of Autistic Traits

Lassalle, Amandine 09 September 2013 (has links)
The direction in which another is looking at triggers a spontaneous orienting of attention towards gaze direction in the viewer. However, whether the facial expression displayed by the gazing individual modulates this attention orienting is unclear. In this thesis, the modulation of gaze-oriented attention with facial expressions was explored in non-anxious individuals at the behavioral level and at the neural level using Event-Related Potentials (ERP). In the gaze-cueing paradigm used, a dynamic face cue averting gaze and expressing an emotion was presented, followed by a lateral, to-be-localized target. At the behavioral level, a faster response to targets appearing at the gazed-at location (congruent targets) than to targets appearing opposite to the gazed-at location (incongruent targets) was observed (Chapters 3-5). This so-called Gaze Orienting Effect (GOE) was enhanced with fearful, angry and surprised expressions relative to neutral and happy expressions and was driven by emotional differences in response speed to congruent targets (Chapters 3-5). These effects could not be attributed to better discrimination of those emotions when presented with an averted gaze (Chapter 2). These results confirm the impact of fear and surprise on gaze-oriented attention in non-anxious individuals and demonstrate, for the first time, a similar impact for angry expressions. All the emotions enhancing the GOE signal an evolutionary relevant stimulus in the periphery, are threat-related and carry a negative valence, which suggests that one of these attributes (or all combined) is driving the emotional modulation of gaze-oriented attention (surprise is treated like fear in the context of fearful expressions). In Chapter 4, the effect of the dynamic cue sequence on these GOE modulations was investigated. An emotional modulation of the GOE was found only when the gaze shift preceded the emotional expression, but not when the emotion was expressed before gaze shift or when expression and gaze shift were simultaneous. These results highlight the importance of using a sequence closer to real life situations (we usually orient attention before reacting to an object in the environment) in studying the modulation of the GOE with emotions. At the neural level, we investigated the ERPs associated with gaze-oriented attention at target presentation and at cue presentation (Chapters 3 and 5). Confirming previous reports, the amplitude of a target-triggered P1 ERP component was larger in the congruent than in the incongruent condition, reflecting enhanced processing of gaze-congruent targets. In addition, cue-triggered ERPs previously observed in response to arrow cues, were investigated. An Early Directing Attention Negativity (EDAN) and an Anterior Directing Attention Negativity (ADAN) were found, indexing respectively attention-orienting to the cued location and maintenance of attention at the cued location. This is the first study to report both EDAN and ADAN components in response to gaze cues. These results show clear markers of attention orienting by gaze at the neural level, during both cue and target processing. Neither EDAN nor ADAN was modulated by emotion. The congruency effect on P1 was enhanced for fearful, surprised and happy faces compared to neutral faces in Chapter 3 but no differences between the emotions were found in Chapter 5. Thus, the emotional modulation of the brain processes involved in gaze-oriented attention is very weak and protracted or occurs mainly between target onset and response to target. The relationships between participants’ autistic traits and their emotional modulation of gaze-oriented attention were also investigated. Results showed a negative correlation with the GOE to happy upright faces and with the P1 congruency effect, which suggests that individuals with more severe autistic traits are less sensitive to the impact of social emotions like joy. The implication of these results for attention orienting in general and for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder is discussed. Together, the findings reported in this thesis clarify the behavioral and neural processes involved in gaze oriented attention and its modulation by facial expression in addition to demonstrating a relationship between gaze oriented attention, its modulation with social emotions and autistic traits.

Mechanisms of inhibition of return: Brain, behavior, and computational modeling

Satel, Jason 21 March 2013 (has links)
Inhibition of return (IOR) is a cognitive phenomenon whereby reaction times (RTs) are slower to cued relative to uncued targets at cue-target onset asynchronies (CTOAs) greater than approximately 300 ms. One important theory of IOR proposes that there are two mutually exclusive forms of IOR, with an attentional/perceptual form arising when the oculomotor system is actively suppressed, and a motoric form arising when it is engaged (Taylor & Klein, 2000). Other theories propose that IOR is the result of multiple, additive neural mechanisms (Abrams & Dobkin, 1994). Here, we have performed computational simulations and empirical investigations in an attempt to reconcile these two competing theories. Using a dynamic neural field (DNF) model of the intermediate layers of the superior colliculus (iSC), we have modeled both a sensory adaptation mechanism of IOR, and a motoric mechanism resulting from the aftereffects of saccadic eye movements. Simulating these mechanisms, we replicated behavior and neurophysiology in a number of variations on the traditional cue-target paradigm (Posner, 1980). Predictions driven by these simulations have led to the proposal of many behavioral and neuroimaging experiments which further examine the plausibility of a 2-mechanisms theory of IOR. Contrary to our original predictions, we demonstrated that saccades are biased away from cued targets in a paired target saccade averaging paradigm, even at short CTOAs. In paradigms thought to recruit both sensory and motoric mechanisms, we robustly demonstrated that there are at least two independent, additive mechanisms of IOR when tasks require saccadic responses to targets. When similar paradigms were tested with manual responses to targets, additivity effects did not hold, implying that the motoric mechanism of IOR does not transfer from the oculomotor to skeletomotor systems. Furthermore, across numerous experiments using event-related potential (ERP) techniques, we have demonstrated that P1 component reductions are neither necessary, nor sufficient, for the behavioral exhibition of IOR. We propose that a comprehensive framework for behavioral IOR must include (at least) four independent neural mechanisms, differentially active depending on circumstances, including sensory adaptation, saccadic aftereffects, local inhibition, and cortical habituation.

Posed and genuine smiles: an evoked response potentials study.

Ottley, Mark Carlisle January 2009 (has links)
The ability to recognise an individual's affective state from their facial expression is crucial to human social interaction. However, understanding of facial expression recognition processes is limited because mounting evidence has revealed important differences between posed and genuine facial expressions of emotion. Most previous studies of facial expression recognition have used only posed or simulated facial expressions as stimuli, but posed expressions do not reflect underlying affective state unlike genuine expressions. The current study compared behavioural responses and Evoked Response Potentials (ERPs) to neutral expressions, posed smiles and genuine smiles, during three different tasks. In the first task, no behavioural judgment was required, whereas participants were required to judge whether the person was showing happiness in the second task or feeling happiness in the third task. Behavioural results indicated that participants exhibited a high degree of sensitivity in detecting the emotional state of expressions. Genuine smiles were usually labelled as both showing and feeling happiness, but posed smiles were far less likely to be labelled as feeling happiness than as showing happiness. Analysis of P1 and N170 components, and later orbitofrontal activity, revealed differential activity levels in response to neutral expressions as compared to posed and genuine smiles. This differential activity occurred as early as 135ms at occipital locations and from 450ms at orbitofrontal locations. There were significant interactions between participant behavioural sensitivity to emotional state and P1 and N170 amplitudes. However, no significant difference in ERP activity between posed smiles and genuine smiles was observed until 850ms at orbitofrontal locations. An additional finding was greater right temporal and left orbitofrontal activation suggesting hemispheric asymmetry of facial expression processing systems.

Neurophysiological Evidence of a Second Language Influencing Lexical Ambiguity Resolution in the First Language.

Brien, Christie 09 October 2013 (has links)
The main objective of this dissertation is to investigate the effects of acquiring a second language (L2) at later periods of language development and native-like homonym processing in the first language (L1) from the perspective of Event-Related brain Potentials (ERP) using a cross-modal lexical decision task. To date, there is a lack of neurophysiological investigations into the effect that acquiring an L2 can have on processing strategies in the L1, and whether or not there is a precise age at which L2 exposure no longer affects native-like language processing. As such, my goal is to pinpoint this sensitive period specifically for homonym processing. To achieve this, I will present and discuss the results of two studies. The first study employs behavioural response measures using a cross-modal lexical decision task where participants simultaneously heard a sentence and made a decision to a visually-presented pseudoword or real word. The second study employs ERP measures using a novel ERP paradigm which investigates not only the main objective of this dissertation, but the second objective as well. This second objective is for this dissertation to become the first to evaluate the outcome of combining the cross-modal lexical decision task with ERPs. The behavioural and neurophysiological results for the monolingual group support the Reordered Access Model (Duffy, Morris, & Rayner, 1988) while the results for the bilingual groups do not. The results of the current studies indicate that those bilinguals who acquired French as an L2 rather than as a second native L1 show increasing divergence from monolingual native speakers in L1 homonym processing, with later acquirers exhibiting an exponentially marked divergence. This was found even though the task was carried out in English, the L1 (or one of the L1s) of all participants. The diverging performances of the bilinguals from the monolinguals were apparent in behavioural responses as well as in the amplitude, scalp distribution, and latency of ERP components, These differences were unique to each group, which supports the hypothesis that the acquisition of an L2 influences processing in the L1 (Dussias & Sagarra, 2007). Specifically, the early and late bilingual groups exhibited a marked divergence from the monolingual group as they revealed syntactic priming effects (p<.001) as well as lexical frequency effects (p<.001). They also revealed the greatest P600-like effect as they processed target words which were inappropriately- related to the priming homonyms (such as skin in Richard had a shed in the back of the garden). This suggests a heightened sensitivity to surface cues due to the L2 influencing homonym processing in the L1 (Cook, 2003; Dussias & Sagarra, 2007). Comparatively, the monolingual group revealed equal N400-like effects for lexical ambiguities overall compared to the unrelated conditions, and a context-by-frequency-interaction slowing their processing of the target word that is appropriately-related to the subordinate reading of the priming homonym, suggesting that they are not as sensitive to these same surface cues. Importantly, these results confirm that using ERPs along with a cross-modal lexical decision task is a promising paradigm to further study language processing.

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