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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sociální konstrukce nerovností v přístupu k terciárnímu vzdělání a přijímacím řízení / Social construction of inequalities in an access to higher education and admission exams

Rossová, Iveta January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the construction of inequalities in the access to the tertiary education with the special emphasis on entrance exams to the universities. The aim is to explore how the entrance exams as the gate to the universities are perceived by students - the actors who are the most affected by these inequalities in education, according to relevant research of these inequalities. The thesis studies how these actors perceive their position and situation within the entrance process, what situations (if any) are constructed as unequal by these actors, who is affected by such inequalities and how does he/she copes with them. The research question is seen from the perspective of interactionist constructivism and answered by applying methods of grounded theory and semi-structured in-depth interviews.

Fisieke instandhouding en wetstoepassing: 'n Impakstudie op die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (Afrikaans)

Erasmus, Chris 27 October 2004 (has links)
Modern life, which is characterised by automation and mechanisation, causes laziness and inactivity in people all over the world. It in essence deprives one of movement, which negatively affects man and his body. Chronic illnesses caused by an inactive lifestyle lead to unnecessary deaths, which again impacts negatively on the community as a whole. The South African Police Service (SAPS) has far from escaped this worldwide phenomenon. It is, in fact, experiencing an abnormally high death rate, which can be linked directly to police officers’ lifestyle. This study has proven that the average police officer is in extremely poor physical condition, and that this is in all probability the cause of the unusually high natural death rate as well as the high incidence of suicide among SAPS members. The primary objective of this study is the justification of a physical maintenance programme for law enforcement officers. For this programme to be successful, it has to: (i) be relatively inexpensive and provide easily accessible facilities; (ii) be in line with critical physical job requirements; (iii) contribute directly to the maintenance of job-oriented fitness; (iv) include a section that is solely tasked with the physical maintenance of the officers; and (v) form part of the SAPS’s policy on sport. The results of this study show the dire necessity of the immediate implementation by SAPS management of the suggested physical maintenance programme. / Thesis (DPhil (Human Movement Science))--University of Pretoria, 2003. / Biokinetics, Sport and Leisure Sciences / unrestricted

Die Versorgungssituation psychischer Störungen in Deutschland: Eine klinisch-epidemiologische Abschätzung anhand des Bundes-Gesundheitssurveys 1998

Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Jacobi, Frank January 2001 (has links)
Nach Befunden des Bundes-Gesundheitssurveys 1998/99 (Zusatzsurvey „Psychische Störungen“) litten im Jahr der Erhebung 32% (=15,6 Millionen) der erwachsenen deutschen Bevölkerung im Alter von 18–65 unter einer oder mehreren psychischen Störungen. Jeder dritte Betroffene (36%) steht oder stand im Jahr vor der Erhebung wegen der psychischen Störung in Kontakt mit ambulanten oder stationären psychiatrisch/psychotherapeutischen Diensten oder seinem Hausarzt. Der Anteil von Betroffenen, die eine im weitesten Sinne adäquate Therapie nach modernen wissenschaftlichen Kriterien erhalten, kann konservativ auf ca.10% geschätzt werden. Die niedrige Versorgungsquote betrifft dabei nicht alle spezifischen Störungsgruppen in gleichem Ausmaß; niedrige Versorgungsraten ergaben sich insbesondere für somatoforme und Suchterkrankungen. Ferner ergaben sich zum Teil markante regionale Unterschiede (z.B. besonders schlechte Versorgungslage in Regionen, die weder über eine nahe Universität noch über psychotherapeutische Weiterbildungsinstitutionen verfügen).Ungeachtet unterschiedlich weiter oder enger Definitionen des Begriffs Behandlungsbedarf, zeigt sich eine gravierende Unterversorgung von Personen mit psychischen Erkrankungen. Quantitativ bedeutsame Hinweise auf eine Fehl- oder Überversorgung von Betroffenen lassen sich nicht aufzeigen. / Data from the German Health Interview and Examination Survey, Mental Health Supplement (N=4181) reveal that 32% (15,6 million people) of the adult population between 18 and 65 years of age suffer from one or more mental disorders. Among those only 36% receive treatment which also varies in type, duration, and adequacy. The proportion of cases receiving “adequate evidence- based treatments” was estimated to be about 10%.Lowest treatment rates were found for somatoform disorders and substance abuses, highest for psychotic disorders, panic disorder, generalised anxiety disorder, and dysthymia. The data reveal substantial regional differences with regard to treatment rates (e.g. lower rates in regions without universities or institutions offering postgraduate mental health education).The paper concludes that, depending on the diagnosis, a considerable degree of unmet medical needs exist for the majority of people affected by mental disorders. No evidence was found for an excessive supply of health care for the patients suffering from mental disorders or for treatments without an existing clinical need.

L’économie des dispositifs de vérification de l’information : une approche expérimentale / The economics of information check devices : an experimental approach

Le Gall, Rémi 12 December 2018 (has links)
L’économie des contrats complets prédit qu’au sein d’une relation d’agence d’une organisation productive, en présence d’aléa moral, un dispositif de vérification de l’information permet de répondre à la fois à un problème de coopération entre les individus et à un problème de coordination des activités. Cependant, au lieu de discipliner des comportements opportunistes, ce dispositif peut engendrer des coûts cachés et réduire la motivation intrinsèque des agents à réaliser une activité qui leur a été attribuée. Sous certaines conditions, il génère une réduction de l’activité, et une perte en termes d’allocation ce qui nuit à l’efficacité.Dans cette thèse de doctorat, nous avons conduit trois expérimentations contrôlées de terrain avec assignation aléatoire qui visaient à modifier les configurations du dispositif de vérification de l’information afin de résoudre un problème organisationnel propre à trois relations d’agence particulières.Dans notre premier chapitre, nous avons testé l’effet de la variation de la quantité d’informations détenues par les cotisants sur le dispositif de vérification de la déclaration sociale grâce à des messages ciblés contenant des explications sur le pouvoir de contrôle de l’Agence centrale des organismes de sécurité sociale (Acoss) afin de réduire la fraude sociale.Dans notre deuxième chapitre, nous avons testé la réduction de l’intensité de la surveillance électronique de la performance des conseillers d’un centre d’appels sous-traitants afin d’améliorer leur qualité de vie au travail.Enfin, dans notre troisième chapitre, nous avons testé l’effet de la négociation contractuelle du dispositif d’évaluation de la participation des étudiants de licence pendant les travaux dirigés afin d’améliorer leur réussite à l’université. / Economics of complete contracts foresees that within an agency relationship of a productive organization, in the presence of moral hazard, an information check device can address both a problem of cooperation between individuals and a problem of coordination of activities. However, instead of disciplining opportunistic behaviours, this device can generate hidden costs and reduce the intrinsic motivation of agents to perform an activity that has been assigned to them. Under certain conditions, it generates a reduction of the outcome, and a loss in terms of allocation, which is detrimental to efficiency.In this Ph.D. thesis, we conducted three randomized controlled field trials that aimed at modifying the configurations of the information check device to solve an organizational problem specific to three specific agency relationships.In our first chapter, we tested the effect of varying the amount of information held by contributors on the social reporting verification device through targeted messages containing explanations of the control power of the Agence centrale des organisations de sécurité sociale (Acoss) in order to reduce social fraud.In our second chapter, we tested the reduction in the intensity of the electronic monitoring of the performance of advisors of an outsourced call centre in order to improve their quality of life at work.Finally, in our third chapter, we tested the effect of the contractual negotiation of the device which evaluate the participation of undergraduate students during the tutorials in order to improve their success at the university.

Zkouška z češtiny pro trvalý pobyt v České republice / The examination in the Czech language for permanent residence in the Czech republic

Fimanová, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the examination in the Czech language for permanent residence in the Czech Republic. The aim is to identify its basic characteristics, the success rate of the participants and whether it corresponds to the required A1 level. In the theoretical part, basic theoretical concepts of migration and integration and conditions for granting permanent residence in different countries are presented. In the practical part, the analysis itself is elaborated. It consists mainly in the comparison of the exam with the publication Referenční popis češtiny pro účely zkoušky z českého jazyka pro trvalý pobyt v ČR - úrovně A1, A2 and evaluation of its integration potential. Included in the considerations are data on average results and success rates of candidates in the period January 24, 2018 - April 24, 2019. From a didactic point of view, the thesis also deals with the available preparatory materials: a handbook Připravte se s námi na zkoušku z českého jazyka pro trvalý pobyt v ČR. Nový formát testu A1, web portal www.cestina-pro-cizince.cz and related documents. This part evaluates the information about the test and how much the materials correspond to the exam. The results showed that the success rate of candidates is only 61.82% in the period under review. Despite the low results, we...

The Effects of Curricular Change on Student Learning and Well-Being in Biomedical and Clinical Education

Novak, Rachel Jalaire Tomco 03 March 2022 (has links)
The implementation of curriculum change, and innovative pedagogical theory, can help educators and administrators in higher education further the learning gains of students in the sciences. But the introduction of new methods of teaching, or curricular restructuring, can be interpreted by students differently, potentially affecting students' emotional states as well as their relationships with peers. To support not only the learning of students, but also their emotional and social well-being, pedagogical and curricular theory should be enacted in ways that take into consideration the full scope of the student experience. In this dissertation, the implementation of curriculum and pedagogical theory, and the effects of the usage of active learning methods, are examined through student learning gains as well as through any reported social and emotional affects. In the first chapter we examine the history and realization of the integration of clinical and biomedical sciences in the field of predoctoral dental education. In the second chapter, the effects of early experiential learning opportunities are examined via students' progression to clinical competence and students’ self-reported confidence in a predoctoral dental program. In the third chapter, we consider and review how curricular change may affect students' emotional states, their relationships with peers, and if the concept of stereotype threat played any role in the complication observed. Lastly, in chapter four we explore how active learning may benefit, or hinder, the learning of students in an undergraduate anatomy course with social anxiety in a virtual learning environment. Throughout this dissertation, we seek to promote student learning through the use of educational best practices and consider how curriculum and pedagogical changes might also affect the feelings and emotional states of students, for the purpose of building a considerate and effective educational environment.

FARE COMPLIANCE ATTRAVERSO IL CONTRADDITTORIO. UNO STUDIO SUI FUNZIONARI DELL'AGENZIA DELLE ENTRATE / Enhancing tax compliance during cross-examination. A study on tax officials in Revenue Agency.

ROMAGNOLI, LICIA 28 May 2021 (has links)
Nell’ambito della psicologia fiscale, che studia gli aspetti psicosociali alla base del comportamento dei contribuenti, un numero crescente di ricerche sottolinea l’importanza della buona relazione tra i cittadini, professionisti e autorità fiscali, ai fini della tax compliance. Il progetto studia il “contraddittorio”, uno dei principali touchpoint tra funzionari e professionisti fiscali che si svolge in Agenzia delle Entrate. La ricerca è multi-metodo. Il fenomeno è stato dapprima esplorato con l’“etnografia focalizzata”: sono state individuate quattro strategie di engagement utilizzate dalle autorità durante gli incontri. È stato inoltre trovato che l’incontro vis a vis con le autorità stimola fiducia e la percezione di equità del sistema. Nella seconda parte del lavoro, censuaria, diversi aspetti del contraddittorio sono stati analizzati sul piano quantitativo, sulla popolazione dei funzionari in contraddittorio, attraverso una batteria di item (scale già in uso e scale costruite appositamente). Sono stati individuati i principali aspetti di variazione nell’uso delle strategie. È stata studiata anche la relazione tra appartenenza organizzativa e comportamento sul posto di lavoro dei funzionari. I risultati suggeriscono molteplici aree di indagine rispetto al fare compliance, sia “interna” (verso il personale) che esterna (contribuenti), e numerosi spunti per migliorare l’efficacia dell’azione amministrativa. / In the field of tax psychology, which studies psychosocial antecedents of taxpayer behavior, a growing number of researches emphasize the importance of e good relationship between citizen, tax professionals and tax authorities, for enhancing tax compliance. The project explores the “cross-examination” (“contraddittorio”), one of the main touchpoints between tax officials and taxpayers that takes place in Revenue Agency, thought a multi-method research. The phenomenon was first explored in a “focused ethnography”: four engagement strategies used by authorities during the meeting were identified. The effects of vis a vis with the authorities on trust and the perception of fairness towards the tax system were confirmed. In the second part of the work (census), the several features of the cross examination was quantitatively analyzed on the entire population of tax-officials. A battery of items (made up of validated scales and ad hoc scales developed for the purpose) was used. The main aspects of variation in the use of strategies was identified. The relationship between the tax officials organizational belonging and their behavior at work was also studied. The results suggest multiple areas of investigation with respect of engagement, both “internal” (toward personnel) and external (toward clients) of revenue agency, and ideas for improving the effectiveness of tax administration.

Vliv vzdělání na výkon role mediátora / The influence of education on the role of mediator performance

Hájková, Adéla January 2015 (has links)
(in English): This diploma thesis deals with the issue of alternative dispute resolution, mediation in non- criminal matters. The mediation is estabilished in the Act on Mediation and amending certain other acts (the Act on Mediation) No. 202/2012 Coll. in the Legal Order of the Czech Republic, that is the main the aspect in this thesis. This actual topic, (the issue is that it is relatively a new law, which came into effect in September 2012), deals with the personality and educational attainment of registered mediators, particulary prerequisite for the performance of the profession of a registered mediator due to the mentioned law and it examines and compares effeciency in the mediators' exams in the Czech Bar Association and the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic according to the Ordinance No. 277/2012 Coll., about the trials and rewards of mediator. The main goal of this diploma thesis is to find out by means of quantitative research if there is a difference between registered mediators with different previous university education and how it shows in mediation process. The teoretical part of the diploma thesis is devoted to description of the mediation as an alternative dispute resolution, defining the role and duties of mediators and the system of education of mediators.

Sociální aspekty hraní na sociálních sítích / Social aspects of social network gaming

Frühaufová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The thesis entitled "Social aspects of gaming on social networks" focuses on the currently much discussed topic of contemporary digital era. The introductory section presents definitions of related terms, explains the vagueness of the concept of the game on the social networks and presents several possible partitions of these games. Finally, it mentions the development of the phenomenon, whose existence is evident only in the 21st century. The middle part reflects the perception of games on social networks in the perspective of current research in the world and displays a range of gaming using the current statistics. The empirical part of the thesis includes the performance of methodology, which was laid down, by studying the available literature, to achieve the set objectives of this work. These goals are firstly, to establish player's features and find his gaming (on social network) style and, secondly, to investigate the influence of motivation on the player's gaming activity. Research is conducted on a sample of Czech population using questionnaires. The results are compared with the results of the international research for the greater complexity of the obtained image of the games on social networks. In the conclusion there are summary of the author's research and then the obvious...

Prospective Zimbabwean "A" Level mathematics teachers' knowledge of the concept of a function

Nyikahadzoyi, Maroni Runesu January 2006 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The purpose of the study was to investigate prospective 'A' level mathematics teachers' knowledge of the concept of a function. The study was a case study of six prospective Zimbabwean teachers who were majoring in mathematics with the intention of completing a programme leading to certification as secondary mathematics teachers. At the time of the study the six prospective teachers were in their final year of study. Prospective teachers' knowledge of the concept of a function was assessed through task-based interviews and reflective interviews. These interviews, which were done over a period of three months, were structured to capture the prospective teachers' subject matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge for teaching the concept of a function. The interviews were also meant to capture the prospective teachers' underlining pedagogical reasons for their choices of the examples, representations and teaching approaches when planning to teach the concept. As part of the study a theoretical framework for understanding prospective teachers' knowledge of the concept of a function was developed. The framework, which was developed, was used as an analytical tool in analyzing prospective teachers knowledge of the concept of a function. The results of the study indicated that the prospective teachers had a process conception of a function although some of them had given a set-theoretic definition of a function in which a function is perceived as a mathematical object. They also confined the notion of a function to sets of real numbers. Functions defined on other mathematical objects (for example, the differential operator and the determinant function) were not considered as functions by five of the six prospective teachers.

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