Spelling suggestions: "subject:"examination"" "subject:"eexamination""
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EAs.LiT v2: Evolution digitalisierter Hochschuldidaktik durch das E-Assessment-Literacy-ToolMeissner, Roy, Pengel, Norbert, Thor, Andreas 11 March 2022 (has links)
Um Lehrende bei der Qualitätssicherung von E-Assessments vor dem Hintergrund des Constructive Alignment zu unterstützen, wurde bereits 2017 das E-Assessment-LiteracyTool (EAs.LiT) entwickelt und vorgestellt (Thor, Pengel, & Wollersheim, 2017). Mit diesem sollte auf Basis hochschulübergreifender Qualitätsstandards im Bereich E-Assessment technische und personelle Unterstützungsstrukturen zur Effektivierung kompetenzorientierter Lernprozesse und damit verbundener Leistungsüberprüfung etabliert werden, um damit auch den Wissens- und Erfahrungsaustausch von Lehrenden zu unterstützen. Im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Verbundvorhabens tech4comp wurde sowohl das Software-Projekt als auch die Anwendung EAs.LiT im Rahmen einer Major Revision grundlegend überarbeitet und erweitert. Neben dem Ausbau der allgemeinen Funktionalität konzentriert sich die Major Revision auf drei primäre Bereiche: die Unterstützung von Nutzer:innen durch vielfältige Automatismen und ein vollkommen überarbeitetes Nutzer:innenführungskonzept, die verlässlichere, validere und ausgewogenere Ausgestaltung erzeugter Prüfungen durch eine multidimensionale, äquivalenzorientierte Prüfungserzeugung, sowie die Schaffung von Integrationsmöglichkeiten und Anwendung dieser bei im deutschen Hochschulraum verbreiteten Lern-Management- und Prüfungssystemen. [Aus: Einleitung]
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Patientez en prison. La construction des itinéraires carcéraux en centre de détention. / Route of sentencing reductions in prison.Leroy, Aude 18 November 2016 (has links)
Selon le droit de l'exécution des peines, un éventail de mesures judiciaires permet de déplacer un détenu vers l’extérieur des murs, de manière temporaire ou pérenne. Il s’agit d’un ensemble assez flou, appelé aménagements de peine. Un paradigme dominant des politiques publiques enjoint à favoriser les demandes de ces mesures de la part des détenus condamnés. L’idée est d’organiser des voies progressives de sortie. Les acteurs professionnels de la prison et de la justice s’accordent à considérer qu’il s’agit de la meilleure transition entre le dedans et le dehors. Pourtant, l’obtention d’une mesure telle que la libération conditionnelle ou la semi-liberté relève d’un processus très sélectif. Les professionnels enrôlés dans ces activités décisionnelles tiennent compte d’ordres de considérations contradictoires polarisées par, d’un côté, l’idéal de la réhabilitation du condamné, et, d’un autre côté, les préoccupations concernant la récidive. Il en résulte des dilemmes, et un chemin exigeant pour le condamné. Ces exigences, les professionnels leur donnent un sens, ils les transforment en épreuve traversée par un détenu singulier. Cette thèse prend pour objet la manière dont le justiciable, candidat à un aménagement de peine, se voit engagé à suivre un programme institutionnel, un curriculum de la réinsertion. Au cours de cette épreuve, le détenu est conduit à se rapprocher des attentes qui s’expriment à son égard, d’un schéma du bon candidat à ’aménagement de peine. Les gages qu’il doit présenter « enveloppent » tout ce qui fait une personne : gages d’insertion socio-économique, mais aussi gages d’une amélioration de son for intérieur, de son intimité psychique. Ces critères sont objectivés, notamment, par les expertises psychiatriques. Or, d’une manière ou d’une autre, l’ensemble des acteurs professionnels en prison, et même les bénévoles, sont mis à contribution dans ce projet institutionnel, qui prétend considérer comment le détenu a “évolué” en tant que personne. La thèse décrit cette économie morale : les relations de travail sous-tendues, en prison, par une politique pénale qui tend à gouverner les détenus en les enrôlant dans un programme dont on considère qu’il doit être voulu par le justiciable. / According to the law, a range of judicial measures allows to move a prisoner towards the outside of walls, in a temporary or long-lasting way. It is called sentencing reductions. One paradigm dominating public policies orders to favor the requests of these measures on behalf of the condemned prisoners. The idea is to organize progressive ways of release. The professional actors of the prison and the justice agree to consider that it is about the best transition between inside and the outside. Nevertheless, the obtaining of a measure such as the release on parole or the relative freedom is a matter of a very selective process. The professionals enlisted in these decision-making activities take into account orders of contradictory considerations polarized by, on one side, the ideal of the rehabilitation of the condemned person, and, on the other hand, the concerns concerning the recidivism. It results from it dilemmae, and demanding path for the condemned person. These requirements, the professionals give them a sense. They transform them into an meaningfull experience crossed by a singular prisoner. This dissertation takes for object the way the citizen, who applies to a sentencing reduction, get committed to follow an institutional program, a curriculum of the reintegration. During these hardships, the prisoner is driven to get closer to expectations which express themselves towards him/her. He is led into a plan of the good candidate for the sentencing reduction. The wages which he has to present "wrap" all which makes a person: wages of socioeconomic insertion, but also wages of an improvement of its heart of hearts, its psychic intimacy. These criteria are objectified, in particular, by psychiatric examinations. Yet, somehow or other, all the professional actors in prison, and even the volunteers, are put in contribution in this institutional project, which claims to consider how the prisoner "evolved". The dissertation describes this moral economy: the tend to govern the prisoners by enlisting them in a program of which we consider that they must desire to get hired into the programm.
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Advanced Placement English and the College Curriculum: Evaluating and Contextualizing PolicyGonzalez, Jennifer Dawn 16 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis examines the context in which Advanced Placement (AP) English policies are made, examining the political and economic realities that impact policy decisions as well as the discipline-based critiques of the AP English program which have led many writing program administrators (WPAs) and faculty to question existing credit and placement policies. Recent efforts to dramatically expand the AP program have left many questioning whether the AP English experience actually fulfills the promises suggested by the program. After reviewing current literature relating to AP English, this thesis examines the findings of an empirical study conducted at BYU. The study evaluates the outcomes of AP English based on student writing in an actual college setting, focusing on the predictive validity of AP exam scores. Conclusions are drawn from the findings of the study and the review of literature. Recommendations are made for evaluating and designing AP policies that respond sensitively and fairly to all the stakeholders while encouraging WPAs and interested faculty to actively define the role of AP English within the college curriculum.
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Die Erforschung der Kunst: Der Künstler, Maltechniker und Restaurator Kurt Wehlte und die Entwicklung der kunstwissenschaftlichen RadiografieKammer, Monika 17 June 2022 (has links)
Als Maltechniker, Restaurator, Radiologe und Hochschullehrer ist Kurt Wehlte für die Berufsgeschichte der Konservierung-Restaurierung eine wegweisende Persönlichkeit. Seine interdisziplinäre Arbeits- und Denkweise prägte ein Berufsbild des Restaurators, welches bis heute nachwirkt. Anhand seines wissenschaftlichen Nachlasses, insbesondere dem sogenannten Röntgenarchiv, wird die Entwicklung der kunstwissenschaftlichen Radiografie in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts beschrieben und Wehltes Anteil an dieser Entwicklung nachvollzogen. Das Röntgenarchiv dokumentiert seine Tätigkeit als Radiologe zwischen 1931 und 1963 anhand von rund 600 Röntgenaufnahmen, vielfältigem Bildmaterial zu weiteren bildgebenden Verfahren und zahlreichen Schriftquellen.
Unterteilt in Kurt Wehltes Lebensstationen in Dresden, Berlin und Stuttgart wird im Band 1 der Arbeit sein vielfältiges Schaffen beleuchtet und die inhaltliche Verknüpfung seiner unterschiedlichen Tätigkeitsfelder auf dem Gebiet der kunstwissenschaftlichen Radiografie aufgezeigt. Wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Bedeutung erlangten vor allem seine frühen Röntgenaufnahmeserien an Museen in Deutschland für Alan Burroughs Röntgenbildarchiv am Fogg Art Museum der Harvard University Mass./USA. Ebenso seine interdisziplinären Forschungen, in denen er wegweisende verfahrenstechnische Neuerungen entwickelte, neue Erkenntnisse zur Auswertung von Gemälde-Röntgenaufnahmen erlangte und die Unbedenklichkeit der Untersuchungsmethode endgültig nachwies. Kurt Wehlte verdankte seine erfolgreiche Laufbahn auch einem politischen Opportunismus. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Organisationen und Kulturbehörden während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus ist Zeugnis deutscher Kultur- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte.
Band 2 der Arbeit stellt eine neu entwickelte Arbeitsmethode für die systematische Erfassung von kunsttechnologischen Phänomenen im Röntgenbild vor, die ebenso für die Bewertung historischer Röntgenbildauswertungen genutzt werden kann. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der systematischen Erfassung werden anhand von Fallbeispielen diskutiert. Diese sind thematisch mit dem wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Teil der Arbeit über die Röntgenbildkonvolute der Gemälde von Vincent van Gogh und Rembrandt van Rijn verbunden.:Vorwort
I. Die kunstwissenschaftliche Radiografie
Entwicklungen von 1895 bis 1928
II. Das sogenannte »Röntgenarchiv« im Nachlass Kurt Wehltes
Beschreibung des Bestandes
III. Vom Kunstmaler und Restaurator zum Maltechniker und „Röntgenologen“
Dresden 1925–1930
IV. Ein Spezialist für „maltechnische Röntgenographie“
Berlin 1930–1949
V. Die kunstwissenschaftliche Radiografie in Forschung und Lehre
Karlsruhe und Stuttgart 1949–1963
VI. Systematische Auswertung von Röntgenbildern
Erfassung und Verwertung von Bildinformationen aus digitalen und
historischen Röntgenbildbeständen
VII. Schlussbetrachtung
Kurt Wehlte als forschender Maler
VIII. Anhang / As a painting technician, conservator-restorer, radiologist and university teacher, Kurt Wehlte is a seminal figure in the professional history in the field of conservation-restoration. His interdisciplinary way of working and thinking shaped a professional image of the restorer that still has an impact today. Based on Kurt Wehlte's scientific estate, in particular the so-called X-ray archive, the development of art-scientific radiography in the first half of the 20th century and Wehlte's part on it is described. The estate documents his activities as a radiologist between 1931 and 1963 based on around 600 X-radiographs, also a wide range of other technical images, like early UV-photographs and IR-photographs and numerous written sources.
Volume 1, divided into Kurt Wehlte's stations in life (Dresden, Berlin and Stuttgart), sheds light on his multifaceted work and shows how his activities in the field of art-scientific radiography are linked in terms of content. Particular his series of X-radiographs taken in German Museums for Alan Burroughs' Collection of X-radiographs at the Fogg Art Museum (today part of Harvard Art Museums), gained importance in the history of science. The same applies to his interdisciplinary research, in which he developed procedural innovations, gained new insights into the evaluation of X-radiographs of paintings, and definitively proved the harmlessness of the examination method.
Kurt Wehlte also owed his successful career to political opportunism. His cooperation with organizations and cultural authorities during the National Socialist era is also a testimony to German cultural and scientific history.
Volume 2 presents a newly developed working method for the systematic recording of art technological phenomena in X-radiographs, which can equally be used for the assessment of historical X-radiographs evaluations. Possibilities and limitations of systematic recording are discussed. This is based on case studies, which are thematically linked to the scientific historical part via X-radiographs of paintings by Vincent van Gogh and Rembrandt van Rijn.:Vorwort
I. Die kunstwissenschaftliche Radiografie
Entwicklungen von 1895 bis 1928
II. Das sogenannte »Röntgenarchiv« im Nachlass Kurt Wehltes
Beschreibung des Bestandes
III. Vom Kunstmaler und Restaurator zum Maltechniker und „Röntgenologen“
Dresden 1925–1930
IV. Ein Spezialist für „maltechnische Röntgenographie“
Berlin 1930–1949
V. Die kunstwissenschaftliche Radiografie in Forschung und Lehre
Karlsruhe und Stuttgart 1949–1963
VI. Systematische Auswertung von Röntgenbildern
Erfassung und Verwertung von Bildinformationen aus digitalen und
historischen Röntgenbildbeständen
VII. Schlussbetrachtung
Kurt Wehlte als forschender Maler
VIII. Anhang
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Diabetesfoten hos inneliggande strokepatienter: risk, omfattning, och omvårdnadsåtgärderHussein, Ahmed Ghaleb Abdul January 2016 (has links)
DIABETESFOTEN HOS INNELIGGANDE STROKEPATIENTER: RISK, OMFATTNING, OCH OMVÅRDNADSÅTGÄRDERBAKGRUND: Fotkomplikationer är de allvarligaste komplikationerna till diabetes som ofta leder till kostnadskrävande behandlingar och amputation. Stroke resulterar i förlust eller begränsning av tidigare fysiska, psykiska och sociala aktiviteter, inklusive nedsatt förmåga att skydda sina fötter och utföra egenvård. Strokepatienter med diabetes har stor risk att skada sig i den förlamade sidan av kroppen. Nedsatt mobilitet är en riskfaktor som kan orsaka patienten skada. På vårdavdelning för strokedrabbade patienter kan sjuksköterskan genom god omvårdnad och preventiva åtgärder bidra till att risken för utveckling av skada på fötterna hos strokepatienter minskar.SYFTE: Syftet med studien är att kartlägga omfattningen av diabetesfot på en neurologisk klinik samt granska omvårdnadsdokumentationen om preventionsåtgärder hos strokepatienter med diabetes avseende risken att utveckla fotsår.METOD: En retrospektiv journalgranskningsstudie med kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats. Studien genomfördes på en neurologisk klinik på ett universitetssjukhus i södra Sverige. Samtliga journaler N=101 från strokepatienter med diabetes som vårdades på kliniken från 1 januari 2015 till den 20 december 2015 granskades med hjälp av Global Trigger Tool (GTT). Dataanalysen delades i två delar: deskriptiv statistisk analys och manifest kvalitativ innehållsanalys.RESULTAT: Medianåldern är 78 år (41-93 år). Kvinnor n=40, män n=61. Journalgranskningen visade generellt på bristande dokumentation. Riskbedömning för fotsår var inte dokumenterad i någon av journalerna. För patienter som hade dokumenterade fotsår (n= 3) var lokalisationen av fotsår på samma sida som patienten var förlamad. Dokumenterade preventions- och omvårdnadsåtgärder i sängen: (n=12) och i stolen: (n=0). Enligt IWGDF riskklassifikation identifierades (n =12) som har riskfaktorer för fotproblem och fotsår. Dokumentation av omvårdnadsprocessen följdes inte i journalerna.SLUTSATS: Patienterna har hög ålder, är multisjuka och förlamade helt eller på ena sidan av kroppen. Lokalisationen av fotsår på samma sida som patienten var förlamad. Brister i omvårdnadsdokumentation och preventionsarbete medför risk för patientens säkerhet. Studien ger mer kunskap när det gäller risk för utvecklandet av fotsår hos patienter med stroke och diabetes som vårdas på neurologisk klinik. Studien ger ett underlag för att utveckla klinikens kvalitetsarbete och försäkra patientsäkerhet genom att öka kunskap om diabeteskomplikationer och riktlinjer, omvårdnadsdokumentation enligt omvårdnadsprocessen, samt kritiskt tänkande av omvårdnad. Fler studier om fotsår hos strokepatienter rekommenderas. / THE DIABETIC FOOT IN HOSPITALIZED STROKE PATIENTS: RISK, PREVELANCE AND NURSING ACTIONS.BACKGROUND: Complications in the foot is the most serious one of the diabetes. Often, this leads to expensive treatments and amputation. Stroke results in loss or limitation of previous physiological, psychological and social activities and including a reduced ability to protect their feet and perform self-care. Stroke patients with diabetes have a high risk of injury in the paralyzed side of the body. Impaired mobility is a risk factor that can cause patient harm. On the nursing ward for stroke patients the nurse can through good nursing intervention and preventive actions contribute to the risk of developing damage to their feet in stroke patients decreases.AIM: The aim of the study is to explore the prevalence of diabetic foot at a neurological clinic and review the nursing documentation of preventions actions in stroke patients with diabetes with regard to the risk of developing foot ulcers.METHOD: A retrospective medical record review study with quantitative and qualitative approach. The study was conducted at a neurological clinic at a university hospital in southern Sweden. All the records (n = 101) of stroke patients with diabetes who were treated at the clinic from 1 January 2015 to 20 December 2015. The examination was conducted using Global Trigger Tool (GTT). Data analysis was divided into two parts: the descriptive statistical analysis and manifest content analysis.RESULTS: Median age is 78 years (41-93). Women (n = 40), men (n = 61). Journal review showed insufficient documentation. Risk assessment for foot ulcers was not documented in any of the journals. Patients with documented foot ulcer (n= 3), the localization of ulcers is on the same side as the patient is paralyzed. Prevention and nursing actions, (n = 12) documented action in bed, (n = 0) documented actions in the chair. According IWGDF risk classification (n =12) identified as having risk factors for foot problem and foot ulcer. Documentation of nursing process was not followed in the journals.SUMMARY: The patients had high age with multiple comorbidities and paralyzed in the whole or on one side of the body. The localization of foot ulcers is on the same side as the patient is paralyzed. Insufficiency in nursing documentation and prevention work result in risk to patient safety and impaired quality of care. The study provides more knowledge about the risk of the developing foot ulcer for patients with stroke and diabetes who treated in the neurological clinic. The study provide foundation to develop the clinic quality work and ensure patient safety through increasing knowledge to the clinic about diabetic complications and guidelines, nursing documentation in accordance with the nursing process and critical thinking of nursing. More studies of foot ulcers in stroke patients are recommended. Keywords: diabetes mellitus, diabetes foot ulcers, documentation, Global Trigger Tool, journal examination, nursing, prevention,
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Ond tro i varumärkesrätten : Särskilt med avseende på i vilken utsträckning det föreligger officialprövningsskyldighet vid bedömningen av frågor om ond tro / Bad Faith in Trademark Law : Particularly to which extent a duty of ex officio examination exists in the assessment of bad faithWengelin, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Perceptions of High School Mathematics Teachers Regarding the 2005 Turkish Curriculum Reform and Its Effects on Students' Mathematical Proficiency and Their Success on National University Entrance ExaminationsEr, S¿¿¿¿d¿¿¿¿ka Nihan 25 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Reducing the Gap Between Oral and Written Assessment : A Comparison of How Teachers Assess Podcasts and Written Solutions / Att minska gapet mellan muntlig och skriftlig bedömningPalm, Tim, Ulriksson, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Prior to writing our thesis, a course at the Royal institute of technology allowed alternative methods to present our knowledge. We decided to create a podcast. During the process of creating the podcast we started discussing how the examiner would assess this compared to our peers creating written solutions. This resulted in three questions that later became our research questions: How does written versus podcast affect the grading from teachers and teacher students? What parameters should be considered when creating a task for written and podcast? What is the general view among teachers for using pupil-generated podcasts? To answer these questions, we created an experiment and a survey. The experiment aimed to answer the first two questions and gave us the following results: by only altering the format between podcast and written, our participants assessing the podcast were more keen to give forward and comprehensive feedback, while our participants assessing written focused more on what was missing and commented on small details. The second research question was answered by analyzing the task we created for our experiment. We found that source integration is needed to reduce confusion. The survey implies that no teachers were against using pupil-generated podcasts but STEM teachers were more picky on how and when it can be implemented. We hope that this thesis inspires further research in the relatively new area of pupil/student-generated podcasts. / Innan vi skrev vårt examensarbete tillät en kurs vid Kungliga tekniska högskolan alternativa metoder för att presentera vår kunskap. Vi bestämde oss för att skapa en podcast. Under processen med att skapa podcasten började vi diskutera hur examinatorn skulle bedöma detta jämfört med våra kurskamrater som skapade skriftliga lösningar. Detta resulterade i tre frågor som senare blev våra forskningsfrågor: Hur påverkar skriftligt kontra podcast bedömningen från lärare och lärarstudenter? Hur kan en uppgift skapas för att fungera för både podcast och skriftlig bedömning? Vad är den allmänna uppfattningen bland lärare kring att använda elevgenererade podcasts? För att svara på dessa frågor skapade vi ett experiment och en enkät. Experimentet ämnade till att svara på de två första frågorna och gav oss följande resultat: genom att bara ändra formatet mellan podcast och skrift, hade våra deltagare som bedömde podcasten mer fokuspå att ge forward feedback och mer övergripande feedback, medan våra deltagare som bedömde skriftligt fokuserade mer på vad som saknades och kommenterade på smådetaljer. Den andra forskningsfrågan besvarades genom att analysera den uppgift vi skapade för vårt experiment. Vi fann att ett bättre arbetssätt gällande källor behövs för att minska förvirring. Enkäten antyder att inga lärare var emot att använda elevers genererade podcasts menSTEM-lärare var mer kräsna på hur och när det kan implementeras. Vi hoppas att detta examensarbete inspirerar till ytterligare forskning inom det relativt nya området: elev- och studentgenererade podcasts.
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Exploring Routine Sight Testing And The Management Of Eye Disease By Primary Care Optometrists In England, UKSwystun, Alexander G. January 2021 (has links)
Previous research has reported that inequalities exist in uptake of NHS sight tests in relation to socio-economic status, and that community optometric services have potential to improve system efficiency.
The current research found inequalities in sight test outcome related to socio-economic status and the type of practice that a patient visits (multiple, or independent). Patients attending multiples were more likely to receive a ‘new or changed prescription’ relative to ‘no prescription’ compared to patients that attended independent opticians (36-71% more likely). Those living in the least deprived areas were also less likely to receive a new prescription (1-12%) and those aged <16 years were less likely to be referred (9%). The study examining the need for a Minor Eye Condition Service in Leeds and Bradford found it would produce theoretical cost savings, whilst maintaining high patient satisfaction. Subsequently, a MECS was commissioned in Bradford. The study attempting to collect data from MECS across all areas of England found that data is not routinely collected, or shared. The limited data available typically showed that 73-83% of patients were retained in optometric practice with 12-18% receiving a hospital referral. A prospective evaluation of a COVID urgent eye care service found that teleconsultations frequently did not resolve patients’ eye problems (27%). These telephone consultations failed to detect some serious conditions such as scleritis, wet macular degeneration, retinal detachment.
The results from the thesis support the view that the current method of delivering eye care in England is contrary to the public health interest.
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Hofvoorbereidingsprogram vir die laerskoolkind wat onsedelik aangerand is : `n gestaltbenaderingBooysen, Judith Rosemary 30 June 2005 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This study is about the provision of a prototype court preparation programme for the primary school child that had been sexually assaulted. The programme is developed from a Gestalt approach.
Literature regarding several existing court preparation programmes was studied and compared in order to identify certain themes for the child's preparation. Knowledge regarding the court, procedures and the functions of the various role players was conveyed to the child with emphasis on the child's role as witness. The research strategy utilised in the study was that of the intervention research and specifically the D&D-model that comprises six phases. The study incorporates the first three phases plus the first step of the fourth phase. Semi-structured interviews and focus groups were utilised to establish which themes could be addressed to support the child towards being a credible witness. These themes are summarised in the court preparation programme and are addressed from the Gestalt approach. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Spelterapie)
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