Spelling suggestions: "subject:"examination"" "subject:"eexamination""
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Avaliação do padrão de desempenho das equipes técnicas de mamografia frente ao uso de tecnologias digitais / Grading of the performance of the technical mamography teams, in lieu of the use of digital technologiesOliveira, Evelyn Rosa de 07 April 2017 (has links)
Este estudo apresenta uma análise de rejeição, realizada na clínica Diagnóstico Avançado Por Imagem – DAPI, com dados de 647 mamografias rejeitadas realizadas de março a novembro de 2015, antes e após treinamentos realizados com a equipe técnica de mamografia, para análise do desempenho. As informações foram coletadas na base de dados do software de análise de rejeição dos mamógrafos, e incluem: incidência; quantidade de repetições; motivo da repetição; identificação da profissional; compressão do exame rejeitado e do exame aceito. Observou-se que após o treinamento os índices de rejeição por posicionamento (a maior causa das rejeições) foram reduzidos em 2%. Identificou-se que as profissionais desenvolveram critérios mais rigorosos, o que também contribuiu para aumento das repetições após o treinamento. A incidência mais rejeitada foi a Crânio Caudal Direita – CCD, tanto antes (32%) quanto após o treinamento (36%). A análise do desempenho da equipe técnica em relação aos critérios de qualidade em mamografia digital pôde ser realizada, uma vez que houve a análise individual das profissionais para contribuição da qualificação da equipe e aumento da qualidade dos exames. A profissional “A”, que possuía o maior índice de rejeição por posicionamento, após o treinamento houve uma redução de 17% das repetições devido a posicionamento inadequado. Foram identificadas imagens com qualidade aceitável que foram rejeitadas desnecessariamente: 8% antes e 3,6% após o treinamento. Antes do treinamento, a equipe técnica realizava as mamografias com valores de compressão entre 80 a 89 N, e após o treinamento a maioria dos exames foi realizada com 90 N ou mais. Esse aumento resulta em exames com melhor qualidade e menor dose para a paciente. / This study presents a rejection analysis performed at the clinic Diagnóstico Avançado Por Imagem - DAPI, with data from 647 rejected mammograms performed three months before and three months after a training session of the mammography team, to analyze the performance of them after the training. The information was collected in the database of mammography rejection analysis software,these data include: Incidence; Number of repetitions; Reason for the repetition; Identification of the professional; Rejection examination and accepted examination. It was observed that, after the training, the rejection indexes by positioning (the greatest cause of the rejections) were reduced. It was observed that the group developed rigorous criteria, which also contributed to increase the repetitions after the training. The most rejected incidence was Cranio Caudal Right - CCD, both before (32%) and after training (36%).The analysis of the performance of the technical team, in relation to the quality criteria in digital mammography, could be performed by the individual analysis of the professionals to contribute to the qualification of the team and to increase the quality of the exams. The "A" professional, who had the highest index of rejection by positioning, after the training there was a reduction of 17% of the repetitions due to improper positioning. Acceptable quality images have been identified that are rejected unnecessarily 8% before and 3,6% after training. Before the training, the technical team performed the mammograms with values of compression between 80 and 89 N, and after training most of the exams were performed with 90 N or more. This increase which results in better quality tests and lower dose for the patient.
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Evaluation of a decentralised primary health care training programmeMabaso, Suzan Saleleni 01 1900 (has links)
A quantitative, descriptive, explorative design was used to evaluate a decentralised primary health care training programme at a training unit in the Limpopo Province. The study sought to determine to what extent the newly qualified diplomates were able to manage patients appropriately when faced with the realities, such as the shortage of personnel, large numbers of patients, shortage of resources and time constraints in the real situation without the support and guidance from medical practitioners and senior nursing personnel. Data were collected by observing the diplomates as they managed patients with hypertension by making use of checklists. The diplomates were also interviewed by making use of an in interview schedule. The major inferences drawn from this study was that these diplomates were competent in the management of these patients and were satisfied with their abilities and training. / Health Studies / M. A. (Health Studies)
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O processo de definição das diretrizes operacionais para a educação de jovens e adultos : participação democrática das agências do campo recontextualizador oficialGatto, Carmen Isabel January 2008 (has links)
O presente estudo analisa o processo de definição das Diretrizes Operacionais para a Educação de Jovens e Adultos e a participação das agências do campo recontextualizador oficial. Esta pesquisa tratou de dois temas das Diretrizes: idade mínima para ingresso nos cursos e certificação para a EJA. Foi utilizado o conceito de classificação de Bernstein para descrever e analisar as relações entre agências do campo recontextualizador oficial abrangendo, também, o campo recontextualizador pedagógico e as posições dos representantes dessas agências acerca dos temas. O método da observação participante foi utilizado para a coleta de informações em cinco momentos, durante o mês de agosto de 2007 a outubro de 2008. Observou-se a trama de argumentos em cada encontro levando a quatro posições: favorável, contrária, não consensual ou ausência de posição com relação aos temas enfocados. O estudo revela um processo democrático de definição de normas que poderá proporcionar reflexão sobre políticas públicas para a Educação Básica. Os conceitos de modelo de competência e modelo de desempenho de Bernstein serviram para analisar o Exame Nacional de Certificação de Competências de Jovens e Adultos (ENCCEJA), demonstrando que não se trata de exame de competências, mas de verificação de desempenho dos participantes. / This study examines the process of defining the Operational Guidelines for the Education of Young People and Adult and the participation of agencies of the official recontextualizing field. It deals with two issues of the Guidelines: minimum age for admission in the courses and certification for the EJA. Bernstein's concept of classification was used to describe and analyze the relationships between agencies of the official recontextualizing field covering also the pedagogic recontextualizing field and presenting the positions of the representatives of those agencies about the issues. The participant observation method was used to collect information on five occasions during the month of August 2007, and from August to October 2008. The intersection of arguments was observed in each meeting identifying four positions: a favorable one; an opposing one; a no consensus one and a lack of position considering the focused issues. The study reveals a democratic process of defining norms witch will provide reflection over public policies for the Basic Education. Bernstein's concept of competence model and performance model were employed to analyze the National Certification Examination Skills in Education for Youth and Adults (ENCCEJA), demonstrating that it is not an examination of competence but a verification of the performance of the participants.
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The use of case studies for pervasive skills training in ODL accounting educationReyneke, Yolande 06 1900 (has links)
Studies relating to recent curriculum changes implemented by SAICA and CIMA with an increased focus on pervasive skills are limited. The problem addressed in this study related to the challenge faced by ODL accounting education institutions to deliver practice-ready accounting graduates.
This study explored accounting educators’ and students’ perception of whether pervasive skills can be developed effectively through the use of case studies in an ODL environment. The study aimed to determine whether ODL accounting departments should introduce a dedicated case study-based module as part of their curriculum. The perceived level at which case studies should be introduced, challenges and the benefits of case studies in light of their pervasive skills development potential were considered in an ODL environment.
The study revealed that the case study-based approach is effective and that a staggered approach to introducing case studies in existing accounting-related modules tailored for different difficulty levels, would be appropriate. / Management Accounting / MPhil (Accounting Sciences)
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Bewysreg in die Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsregVan der Merwe, George Willem 04 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie proefskrif word daar gekonsentreer op die bewyslas in die nywerheidshof omdat
die nywerheidshof se benadering met betrekking tot die bewyslas verskil van geval tot gevaL
afhangende van die aard van die regshulp waarvoor die party je die nywerheidshof nader.
In die tweede plek volg 'n bespreking van hoe en deur wie die voorlegging van getuienis
aan die nywerheidshof mag geskied, hetsy by wyse van dokumente of getuies en
daarbenewens oak 'n bespreking van watter soort getuienis aan die nywerheidshof voorgele
mag word met spesifieke verwysing na inter alia, klankopnames, videobande en die
resultate van leuenverklikkertoetse. / In this thesis there will be concentrated on the burden of proof in the industrial court
because the industrial court's approach in regard to the burden of proof differs from case
to case, depending on the nature of the legal aid for which the party /ies approaches the
industrial court.
In the second place a discussion will follow of how and by whom the presenting of evidence
can be done, whether by documents or by witnesses, and in addition thereto also a
discussion on which sort of evidence can be presented to the industrial court with specific
reference to, inter alia, taperecordings, video tapes and the results of lie-detector tests. / Private Law / LL.M. (Handelsreg)
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Factors predicting success in the final qualifying examination for chartered accountantsWessels, Sally 11 1900 (has links)
Anyone desiring to qualify as an accountant or auditor is required to pass an examination as
approved by the Public Accountants' and Auditors' Board to establish whether candidates have
attained the required standard of academic knowledge in terms of the syllabi laid down by the
Board, as well as whether they are able to apply that knowledge in practice (P AAB, 1995).
However each year many students fail this very important examination. The reasons for this are
not clear and the purpose of this research is to determine whether: personality; vocational
interests; intelligence; matriculation Mathematics and home language (English/ Afrikaans) results,
predict success in the QE, by comparing a group of successful and unsuccessful QE candidates.
The logistic regression, discriminant analysis and t-test statistical procedures, indicated that:
warmth (A), liveliness (F), rule-consciousness (G), social boldness (H), apprehension (0),
self-reliance (Q2), perfectionism (Q3), tension (Q4), computational interest, social services
interest, mechanical interest, Mental Alertness and matriculation home language, are significant
factors to consider when identifying candidates likely to be successful in the QE. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / MCOM (Industrial Psychology)
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Comparação dos procedimentos de "imprint " e escarificação no diagnóstico da Leishmaniose Tegumentar AmericanaMello, Cintia Xavier de January 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Anderson Silva (avargas@icict.fiocruz.br) on 2012-09-30T22:59:34Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
cintia_x_mello_ipec_pesquisaclinicadi_0002_2011.pdf: 6418751 bytes, checksum: 25c0176616e7ab31ae6bd91f77c3fd69 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-09-30T22:59:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
cintia_x_mello_ipec_pesquisaclinicadi_0002_2011.pdf: 6418751 bytes, checksum: 25c0176616e7ab31ae6bd91f77c3fd69 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro Chagas. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil / A leishmaniose tegumentar americana (LTA) é uma doença infecciosa, causada por parasitas
do gênero Leishmania, que apresenta características complexas em diferentes aspectos. O
diagnóstico, sempre que possível, deve ser feito com base em evidências epidemiológicas,
aspecto clínico e exames laboratoriais. Para pesquisa direta do parasito, são utilizados os
procedimentos de escarificação e “imprint”, sendo a escarificação o método mais rápido, de
menor custo e de fácil execução. Baseado nas características dos exames diretos para a
confirmação dos casos de LTA, o Ministério da Saúde tem incentivado a implantação do
procedimento de escarificação em todos os laboratórios centrais de saúde pública, sendo
importantes tanto o conhecimento dos parâmetros de acurácia deste método quanto a
padronização relacionada a forma de coleta e leitura, para que possa ser aplicado de forma
uniformizada em todo o Brasil. Neste estudo, objetivamos avaliar a sensibilidade dos
métodos diretos (“imprint”e escarificação), comparados com o teste padrão de referência
(cultura). Além disso, buscamos estabelecer critérios de coleta e leitura com fins de
uniformização do método para propor sua aplicação em diferentes regiões brasileiras. A
população do estudo foi constituída de 110 pacientes com suspeita clínica de LTA que foram
atendidos no Laboratório de Vigilância em Leishmanioses (VigiLeish/IPEC/Fiocruz) para
avaliação clínica e coleta das amostras. Dentre os 110 pacientes analisados 40 foram
confirmados com LTA. O “imprint” foi positivo em 28 pacientes conferindo sensibilidade de
70%, a escarificação realizada em borda externa foi positiva em 17 pacientes e em borda
interna em 25 alcançando sensibilidade de 42,5% e 62,5% respectivamente. Além de mais
sensível o material obtido da borda interna da lesão apresentou uma maior quantidade de
células brancas e menos hemácias facilitando a leitura da lâmina. Os parâmetros de acurácia
encontrados para os métodos diretos foram satisfatórios demonstrando que essas
metodologias podem ser implantadas em todo o Brasil para o diagnóstico da leishmaniose
tegumentar americana. / American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis (ATL) is an infectious disease caused by parasites of
the genus Leishmania, which has complex characteristics in different aspects. The diagnosis,
whenever possible, should be based on epidemiological evidence, clinical aspect and
laboratory tests. Imprint and scraping procedures are used for direct detection of the parasite.
Scraping is the quickest, low-cost and easy to conduct. Based on the characteristics of direct
examination for the confirmation of ATL cases, the Brazilian Ministry of Health has
encouraged the implementation of the scraping procedure in all Central public health
laboratories. Thus the knowledge of the accuracy parameters of this procedure and the
standardization of collection and reading methods are important for its application in a
uniform manner throughout Brazil. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the sensitivity of
direct methods (imprint and scraping), compared with the reference standard test (culture).
Besides, we sought to establish collection and reading criteria with the purpose of
standardizing the method to propose its application in different Brazilian regions. The study
population comprised 110 patients with clinical suspicion of ATL who were treated at the
Laboratory of Leishmaniasis Surveillance (VigiLeish/IPEC/Fiocruz) for clinical evaluation
and sample collection. Among the 110 patients studied, 40 were confirmed with ATL. The
imprint was positive in 28 patients granting sensitivity of 70%, scraping conducted in the
outer edge was positive in 17 patients and in the inner edge in 25, reaching sensitivity of
42.5% and 62.5% respectively. The material obtained from the inner edge of the lesion was
more sensitive and presented a larger amount of white cells and lesser red cells, favoring slide
reading. Accuracy parameters found for the direct methods were satisfactory showing that
they may be implemented in all Brazilian regions for the diagnosis of American tegumentary
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O processo de definição das diretrizes operacionais para a educação de jovens e adultos : participação democrática das agências do campo recontextualizador oficialGatto, Carmen Isabel January 2008 (has links)
O presente estudo analisa o processo de definição das Diretrizes Operacionais para a Educação de Jovens e Adultos e a participação das agências do campo recontextualizador oficial. Esta pesquisa tratou de dois temas das Diretrizes: idade mínima para ingresso nos cursos e certificação para a EJA. Foi utilizado o conceito de classificação de Bernstein para descrever e analisar as relações entre agências do campo recontextualizador oficial abrangendo, também, o campo recontextualizador pedagógico e as posições dos representantes dessas agências acerca dos temas. O método da observação participante foi utilizado para a coleta de informações em cinco momentos, durante o mês de agosto de 2007 a outubro de 2008. Observou-se a trama de argumentos em cada encontro levando a quatro posições: favorável, contrária, não consensual ou ausência de posição com relação aos temas enfocados. O estudo revela um processo democrático de definição de normas que poderá proporcionar reflexão sobre políticas públicas para a Educação Básica. Os conceitos de modelo de competência e modelo de desempenho de Bernstein serviram para analisar o Exame Nacional de Certificação de Competências de Jovens e Adultos (ENCCEJA), demonstrando que não se trata de exame de competências, mas de verificação de desempenho dos participantes. / This study examines the process of defining the Operational Guidelines for the Education of Young People and Adult and the participation of agencies of the official recontextualizing field. It deals with two issues of the Guidelines: minimum age for admission in the courses and certification for the EJA. Bernstein's concept of classification was used to describe and analyze the relationships between agencies of the official recontextualizing field covering also the pedagogic recontextualizing field and presenting the positions of the representatives of those agencies about the issues. The participant observation method was used to collect information on five occasions during the month of August 2007, and from August to October 2008. The intersection of arguments was observed in each meeting identifying four positions: a favorable one; an opposing one; a no consensus one and a lack of position considering the focused issues. The study reveals a democratic process of defining norms witch will provide reflection over public policies for the Basic Education. Bernstein's concept of competence model and performance model were employed to analyze the National Certification Examination Skills in Education for Youth and Adults (ENCCEJA), demonstrating that it is not an examination of competence but a verification of the performance of the participants.
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Les moyens d’ordre public dans le contentieux relevant de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne / Grounds of public policy in contentious proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European UnionClausen, Freya 12 October 2017 (has links)
Le moyen d’ordre public joue un rôle fondamental dans le contentieux relevant de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne. Ce moyen peut être défini comme celui qui tend à la garantie des règles et valeurs essentielles de l’ordre juridique européen. Il poursuit une finalité résolument objective et tend à la garantie des répartitions des compétences juridictionnelles et décisionnelles, au respect des formes essentielles de toutes procédures, au respect de certains droits fondamentaux d’ordre essentiellement procédural, voire à la sauvegarde de certaines règles substantielles. Dans l’intérêt objectif de la collectivité des justiciables, ce moyen tend ainsi à garantir les équilibres constitutionnels inhérents à la construction européenne en assurant le rôle de chaque acteur dans le déroulement régulier des procédures. Le moyen d’ordre public joue de manière variable dans l’ensemble des procédures contentieuses relevant de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne. Il est impératif et s’impose tant au juge qu’aux parties. Il doit être examiné et relevé d’office par le juge dès lors qu’il est de nature à influencer la solution du litige. L’obligation du juge s’accommode néanmoins d’une certaine souplesse. Ce moyen peut être invoqué par les parties en dehors des règles de droit commun régissant la recevabilité des moyens. Relevé d’office par le juge ou invoqué par une partie, le moyen d’ordre public doit être soumis au débat contradictoire entre les parties. Un courant jurisprudentiel récent tend ainsi à subjectiviser le régime du moyen d’ordre public au vu des exigences du procès équitable. / Grounds of public policy are of fundamental importance in legal proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). They may be defined as grounds intended to safeguard the fundamental rules and values of the European legal order. They pursue a resolutely objective aim and are intended to maintain the allocation of judicial and decision-making powers, to uphold the procedural requirements of all proceedings, to uphold fundamental rights which are essentially procedural in nature, and even to protect the substance of certain legal norms. In the objective interest of the general public, they are intended to safeguard the constitutional balances forming an integral part of European construction by ensuring the participation of every party in the lawful conduct of proceedings. Grounds of public policy play a variable part in proceedings before the CJEU. They are imperative and binding upon both the Court and the parties. They must be examined and, where they determine the outcome of the proceedings, raised ex officio by the judge. However, the Court’s obligation is subject to some flexibility. Grounds of public policy may be raised by the parties regardless of general admissibility requirements. Whether they are raised ex officio by the Court or put forward by a party, such grounds must be subject to an exchange of argument between the parties. Thus, a recent line of case-law seeks to reconcile the rules governing grounds of public policy with the requirements of the right to a fair trial.
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Stanovení míry soběstačnosti a psychické alterace u obyvatel domova důchodců dotazníkem dle Crichtona / Determination of the stage of self sufficiency and mental alteration of the rest home occupants by using the Crichton royal behaviout rating scaleSEDLÁČKOVÁ, Barbora January 2007 (has links)
The chapter titled Present state focuses on the problem of gerontology and geriatrics. Other chapters include description of the most outstanding neuropsychical and somatic changes in the old-age. Next chapters deal with functional examine and geriatric rehabilitation problem.The objective of the thesis was assessing the extent of self-reliance and psychical changes affecting all the occupants of using Crichton Geriatric Rating Scale.146 seniors were tested according to the Crichton Geriatric Rating Scale.Three hypotheses were stated. It was expected that the results of the Crichton tests would correlate with the results of MiniMental Test. Another hypothesis was that there would be better results of the test done to the people whose family care for them actively. The last hypothesis expected worse results of the people who have been in the retirement home for more than three years.The research has confirmed that the results of the Chrichton test and MiniMental test correlate. Correlation of the Crichton test with the active care and interest of the family for the senior and the length of their stay was not proved.
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