Spelling suggestions: "subject:"excise duty"" "subject:"excise muty""
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Změny daní ze spotřeby v členských státech EU v souvislosti s harmonizačním procesem / Changes in consumption taxes in EU Member States in connection with the harmonization processPLACHÁ, Denisa January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the consumption taxes changes in the Member States of EU in relation with the harmonization process. Its goal is to find out via chosen indicators, whether the influence of the harmonization processes in an area of value added taxes and excise duty, brings Member States of EU closer in an area of consumption taxation. As the main method of data processing is used the cluster analysis for which three indicators of tax burden are selected. Via analysis the cluster processes are used in selected years 2000 and 2017. All Member States are included with the exception of Croatia and that is because absence of the data. The data that are used in the cluster analysis are extracted from the Eurostat and from the database of European Commission. The states are divided according to the similarity of taxation into particular clusters. The results are presented in a form of graphical outputs the so called dendrograms. The conclusion is comparison of researched years according to the harmonization process. According to the cluster analysis results gained via selected consumption tax indicators, there is no converge occurring in 2000 to 2017 between original EU-15 states and the new Member States which have joined EU in 2004 or later.
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Efektivní spotřební zdanění a struktura výnosů v nových a v původních členských zemích EU / Effective taxation of consumption and revenue structure of the old and the new EU member statesVágnerová, Klára January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the comparison of effective taxation of consumption and structure of tax revenues between new and old member states of the European Union. Two predetermined hypotheses were tested in the comparison analysis. Hypothesis I.: New Member States have less effective taxation of consumption than the old ones Hypothesis II.: Revenues from taxes on consumption in the New Member states is different from the yields in the old Member States.Three indicators were tested gradually: implicit tax rate, share of taxes on consumption to gross domestic product and share of taxes on consumption to total taxation. The aim of the thesis was to confirm or to refute predetermined hypotheses and to discuss results of the analysis. In this analysis was used the method Comparison of two means.
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Att få eller inte få återbetalning för energiskatten på elektrisk kraft : eller konsten att inte sätta punkt(skatt) för colocation-verksamheten i Sverige / To receive or not to receive a tax refund on the energy tax for electrical power : or the art of not putting the colocation business in Sweden out of duty.Fornander Bertlin, Josefin January 2019 (has links)
Lättnadsregeln i 11 kap. 15 § LSE ger möjlighet till avdrag för den el som förbrukats i datorhallar. Datorhallsdefintionen avgränsar skattelättnaden till att enbart gälla vissa datacenter enligt 1 kap. 14 § LSE. Skattelättnaderna innebär ett driftstöd, vilket regleras inom statsstödsreglerna. Generellt är statsstöd förbjudet, men Sverige har använt sig av gruppundantaget GBER för att kunna ge stöd till vissa datorhallar med motivationen att det faller in under GBER:s avsnitt för miljöskydd. Dagens utformning av stödmottagar-formuleringen enligt LSE kopplat till skattelättnadsregeln i 11 kap. 15 § LSE uppfyller inte syftet enligt förarbetena rörande skattelättnaderna för datorhallar. Enligt förarbetena framgår det tydligt att syftet är att även colocation-datorhallar är minst lika konkurrensutsatta och elintensiva som andra datorhallar, och därför bör anses lika berättigade till statsstöd som företagsspecifika datorhallar. I 1 kap. 11b § p. 4 framgår dock att stödmottagaren är elförbrukaren, vilket i colocation-sammanhang med största sannolikhet bör ses som colocation-företagens kunder, inte colocation-företagen själva. Detta skiljer sig gentemot de företagsspecifika datorhallarna, vilka förbrukar elen själva i de egna datorhallarna. SKV:s ställningstagande, vilket tolkar begreppet ”förbrukare av el” som ”den som äger utrustningen som elen förbrukas i”, får anses innebära en korrekt tolkning av lagen, så som den nu är utformad. Detta medför att det krävs en lagändring av vem som är stödmottagare i datorhallssammanhang för att syftena med förarbetet ska kunna uppnås. Omformuleringen kan lämpligen ske genom att begreppet stödmottagare, byts från ”förbrukaren av el” till något som tar sikte på själva datorhallen. I nuläget utgår statsstöd till sådana bolag, oavsett verksamhet, som hyr plats för sina servrar hos colocation-datorhallar som uppnår de tekniska kraven på bl.a. installerad effekt för att räknas som datorhall vars elförbrukning ger rätt till stöd. Det skulle möjligen kunna anses att ett så brett spann av stödmottagare inte stämmer överens med vad Sverige angett till kommissionen vid underrättelserna om statsstöd enligt GBER. Eftersom datorhallarna ger många fördelar för Sverige i form av exempelvis inkomster till statskassan och arbetstillfällen, så är det viktigt att Sverige upprätthåller konkurrenskraftiga förutsättningar för att attrahera fler datorhallsföretag. En del av att upprätthålla konkurrenskraften är att ha konkurrenskraftiga regler, däribland konkurrenskraftig prissättning på elen. Jag finner tre lösningar på stödmottagar-problematiken för colocation-företag. Antingen så får man ansöka om stöd istället för att använda sig av gruppundantaget, för att på så vis känna sig säkrare på att stödet blir korrekt utformat, eller separera colocation-regeln från LSE för att komma bort från stödmottagar-problematiken. Det tredje alternativet, vilket jag anser lättast, är att formulera ett tillägg i LSE, gällande vem som anses vara stödmottagare i datorhallssammanhang, exempelvis kopplat till vem som anses vara ägaren till infrastrukturen i datorhallarna. Finlands motsvarighet till vår lättnadsregel slipper uppdelningsproblematiken mellan företagsspecifika datorhallar och colocation-datorhallar, då de ser datorhallsföretagen som skattskyldiga, och då tillämpar en lägre skattesats för elen som datorhallarna förbrukar. LSE skiljer sig dock på flera sätt från den finska lagen. Detta gör att även om inspiration kan inhämtas kring hur fokus bör flyttas för stödmottagar-rollen i datorhallssammanhang till att inbegripa själva datorhallen snarare än elförbrukaren, så är det inte möjligt att kopiera den finska utformningen rakt av heller.
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Lietuvos mokesčių sistemos ekonominė analizė ir įvertinimas / The Economical Analysis and Evaluation of Lithuanian Tax SystemRamanauskaitė, Raimonda 09 September 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe nagrinėjami teoriniai mokesčių sistemos formavimo pagrindai, t.y. mokesčių reikšmė ir būtinumas, vykdant valstybės funkcijas, apmokestinimo principai ir riba, mokesčių našta, pateikiama Lietuvos Respublikos mokesčių sistema. Analizuota Lietuvos mokesčių sistema, atkreipiant dėmesį į pagrindinius mokesčius, t.y. gyventojų pajamų, pelno, pridėtinės vertės bei akcizų mokesčius. Išanalizuotos šių mokesčių pajamų į nacionalinį biudžetą kitimo tendencijos 2004 – 2008 m. laikotarpiu, identifikuojant pagrindinius teigiamus ir neigiamus veiksnius, turėjusius įtakos mokestinių pajamų surinkimui. Kadangi mokesčių sistema kardinaliai keitėsi nuo 2009 metų, išanalizuota kaip keitėsi tų metų pirmo ketvirčio pajamų surinkimas iš pagrindinių mokesčių. Rašant darbą atlikta mokslinės, statistinės, normatyvinės ir kt. literatūros analizė, naudoti loginės analizės ir sintezės, palyginamosios analizės tyrimo metodai, santykiniai dydžiai, grafinis būdas ir kt. / Master‘s thesis covered theoretical elements of forming tax system, i.e. significance and importance of taxes prosecuting functions of government, principals of taxation and its limit, the tax burden, finally, tax system of the Lithuanian Republic is provided. Lithuanian tax system is analyzed, with attention to the basic taxes, i.e., personal income tax, profits tax, value-added tax, and excise duty tax. The study analyzed the tax revenue to the national budget for the 2004 - 2008 m. period, identifying the positive and negative factors bearing on the collection of tax revenues. Since the tax system has changed radically since 2009, analyzed the changes of the year the first quarter of the revenue collection of the main taxes. The analysis of scientific, statistical, normative and other kind of literature is carried out; research methods such as logic analysis and synthesis, comparative analysis, relative values, graphical presentations are applied in the study.
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Porovnání spotřební daně z tabákových výrobků v ČR a státech EU / Comparison of excise duty on tobacco products in the Czech Republic and the EUJÍLKOVÁ, Petra January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with a comparison of excise duty on tobacco products in the Czech Republic and the member countries of the European Union. Its aim is to find groups of countries with similar indicators, to explore the similarities between these countries and to try to identify the possible effects that may cause differences. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part is focused on the characteristics of excise duties and primarily on excise duty on tobacco products. It deals with European Commission directives and minimum excise rates. The practical part deals with selected indicators related to excise duty on tobacco products. These indicators are excise duty on tobacco products as percentage of GDP and percentage of total taxation, specific excise per 1 000 cigarettes as percentage of WAP and excise yield in EUR per 1 000 cigarettes of the WAP. The last indicator is cigarettes consumption per capita, which is not included in the analysis. Data is processed by cluster analysis for the years 2003 and 2014 in computer software STATISTICA 12. The task of cluster analysis is to find groups of countries which are similar. The results of cluster analysis are described in the next chapters. The differences of the individual clusters and the possible influences that these differences may have caused are also described in the last chapters.
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Automobil v podnikání / Car in BusinessFormánek, Aleš January 2009 (has links)
Cars are tightly connected with daily duties of enterprisers. The goal of this Theses is to clarify legal, tax and accounting environment, focusing on cars, where enterprisers are working in and its borders that should not be crossed. Theoretical situations, that can anytime happen when using cars in business, are shown on practical examples.
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Daň z vína z pohledu práva Evropské unie / Taxation of wine from the viewpoint of legal regulations of the European UnionNekovářová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The issues of assurance of sources for national budgets are eternal topics which are apparently current in any phase of the economic cycle, and it holds still more for the period of recession. In response to the outbreak of a financial crisis it is always possible to see the needs of finding new sources of financing of government expenses. Even though taxation of wine is rather a marginal topic in this regard, it is necessary to ask why this is so and whether it is not just this area that hides a large potential. Taxation of wine, however, plays an important role not only as a source of incomes for the state budget, but also as a tool of regulation of consumption of this commodity, which is negatively perceived from the viewpoint of human health. The imposition of taxation of wine does not influence consumers' behaviour only, but it has also impacts on plant production in this sector. At the same time, the entire issue acquires an absolutely different dimension through the fact that the area of taxation of wine belongs among the fields which are subject to harmonisation on the part of the European Union. At the time of globalisation and continually intensifying European integration it is important to be able to gain maximum yields from these aspects of the economy. In connection with harmonisation...
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Mikroekonomická Analýza Veřejných Politik / Microeconomic Analysis for Evidence-Based PolicyJanský, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation thesis is focused on the microeconomic analysis of public policy in the Czech Republic. It consists of three parts, the first two parts deal with the analysis of tax policy; the third part of this thesis is focused on inflation differentials. The first chapter deals with the analysis of value added tax. The rates of value added tax (VAT) have recently changed in the Czech Republic, and I simulate the impact of these reforms. They are an example of changes in indirect taxes that change the prices of goods and services, to which households can respond by adjusting their expenditures. I first estimate the behavioural response of consumers to price changes in the Czech Republic by applying a consumer demand model of the quadratic almost ideal system (QUAIDS) on the basis of the Czech Statistical Office household expenditure and price data for the period from 2001 to 2011. I derive estimates of own- and cross-price and income elasticities for individual households. I then use these elasticities to estimate the impact of the changes in VAT rates that were proposed or implemented between 2011 and 2013, on households' quantity demanded and government revenues. One of the main findings is that the estimated increases in government revenues that take the consumer responses into account are...
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Smoking and tobacco industry is one of the most regulated area in majority of world's countries. It's because of government's effort to reduce the smoking prevalence and to protect the public health. But each individual is responsible for his own health, not the state. One of the most frequent measure taken in the fight against smoking is Tobacco advertising ban. However proportion of smokers in population hasn't decreased when the law came into force in Czech republic. It emerges from a variety of surveys that there's not a signifiicant relation between an advertising and consumption of tobacco products. Another measure is the health warnings on tobacco products, which doesn't influence the quantity of smokers at all. Entire smoking ban in privately owned public places harms the proprietary rights. An increasing of excise duty leads to increase in price of cigarettes and thus motivates consumers to go over to cheap cigarettes or smoking tobacco. At the same time the black market grows. The only impact of regulation is relative decrease of tax revenues as well as products' quality, and the rise in the criminality connected with the tax evasion and the cigarettes' black market.
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Daňové aspekty používání automobilu v podnikání / Tax aspect of usage automobile in entrepreneurshipJíša, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is mainly summarize tax aspects of using car in entrepreneurship in Czech legislation - income tax, value-added tax, vehicle excise duty. Further the thesis focuses on non-tax duties of entrepreneur and current legal regulations in Czech republic with possible changes in taxation. The most interesting tax aspect is usage different tax regulation between Czech republic and Denmark at import of new automobile.
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