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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Therapeutic interventions for lipidinduced insulin resistance in skeletal muscle: mechanisms of action

Lessard, Sarah, not supplied January 2006 (has links)
It has long been known that in addition to disruptions in glucose homeostasis, individuals with insulin resistance have a breakdown in lipid dynamics, often manifested by elevated levels of circulating fatty acids (FA) together with accumulation of lipids in insulin-sensitive tissues, including skeletal muscle. However, little is known about how common therapies used to treat insulin resistant individuals (such as Rosiglitazone and exercise training) improve skeletal muscle lipid and glucose metabolism. Thus, the primary aim of the studies undertaken for this thesis was to enhance our understanding of the mechanisms by which Rosiglitazone and exercise training improve skeletal muscle lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity in two distinct models of insulin resistance. The first investigation determined the effect of chronic Rosiglitazone treatment on the accumulation of lipid metabolites and enzymatic regulators of lipid metabolism in the skeletal muscle of obese Zucker rats. The observation that Rosiglitazone treatment exacerbated the accumulation of muscle ceramide and diacylglycerol in skeletal muscle, while improving glucose tolerance led to the conclusion that this insulin sensitising drug improves insulin sensitivity by mechanisms other than reduction of fatty acid metabolites in this tissue. Accordingly, the second investigation sought to identify an alternative mechanism by which Rosiglitazone treatment may improve skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity. It was found that Rosiglitazone restored AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) á2 activity in the skeletal muscle of obese Zucker rats, providing a potential peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) ã-independent mechanism by which this drug may mediate its insulinsensitising actions. The final experiment undertaken for this thesis determined the independent and interactive effects on Rosiglitazone and exercise training on various aspects of skeletal muscle glucose and lipid metabolism in a model of diet-induced insulin resistance, the high-fat fed rat. Exercise training, but not Rosiglitazone treatment restored skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity in high-fat fed rats. Improvements in insulin sensitivity with exercise training were associated with increased FA oxidation, increased AMPK activity and a normalisation of the expression of the Akt substrate, AS160. In contrast, Rosiglitazone treatment was associated with increased FA uptake and decreased insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle. Exercise prevented the accumulation of skeletal muscle lipids in Rosiglitazone-treated animals when the two treatments were combined. In summary, the results from the studies undertaken for this thesis provide novel information regarding the mechanisms by which two insulinsensitising therapies, exercise training and Rosiglitazone treatment, act to improve glucose and lipid metabolism in skeletal muscle.It has long been known that in addition to disruptions in glucose homeostasis, individuals with insulin resistance have a breakdown in lipid dynamics, often manifested by elevated levels of circulating fatty acids (FA) together with accumulation of lipids in insulin-sensitive tissues, including skeletal muscle. However, little is known about how common therapies used to treat insulin resistant individuals (such as Rosiglitazone and exercise training) improve skeletal muscle lipid and glucose metabolism. Thus, the primary aim of the studies undertaken for this thesis was to enhance our understanding of the mechanisms by which Rosiglitazone and exercise training improve skeletal muscle lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity in two distinct models of insulin resistance. The first investigation determined the effect of chronic Rosiglitazone treatment on the accumulation of lipid metabolites and enzymatic regulators of lipid metabolism in the skeletal muscle of obese Zucker rats. The observation that Rosiglitazone treatment exacerbated the accumulation of muscle ceramide and diacylglycerol in skeletal muscle, while improving glucose tolerance led to the conclusion that this insulin sensitising drug improves insulin sensitivity by mechanisms other than reduction of fatty acid metabolites in this tissue. Accordingly, the second investigation sought to identify an alternative mechanism by which Rosiglitazone treatment may improve skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity. It was found that Rosiglitazone restored AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) á2 activity in the skeletal muscle of obese Zucker rats, providing a potential peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) ã-independent mechanism by which this drug may mediate its insulinsensitising actions. The final experiment undertaken for this thesis determined the independent and interactive effects on Rosiglitazone and exercise training on various aspects of skeletal muscle glucose and lipid metabolism in a model of diet-induced insulin resistance, the high-fat fed rat. Exercise training, but not Rosiglitazone treatment restored skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity in high-fat fed rats. Improvements in insulin sensitivity with exercise training were associated with increased FA oxidation, increased AMPK activity and a normalisation of the expression of the Akt substrate, AS160. In contrast, Rosiglitazone treatment was associated with increased FA uptake and decreased insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle. Exercise prevented the accumulation of skeletal muscle lipids in Rosiglitazone-treated animals when the two treatments were combined. In summary, the results from the studies undertaken for this thesis provide novel information regarding the mechanisms by which two insulinsensitising therapies, exercise training and Rosiglitazone treatment, act to improve glucose and lipid metabolism in skeletal muscle.

The Effect of Combined Moderate-Intensity Training on Immune Functioning, Metabolic Variables, and Quality of Life in HIV-infected Individuals Receiving Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy

Tiozzo, Eduard 01 December 2011 (has links)
Highly-active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has improved the prognosis of HIV-infected individuals. Unfortunately it has also been associated with impaired functional capacity and development of metabolic perturbations which increases health risk. This study tested the hypothesis that a combined cardiorespiratory and resistance exercise training (CARET) intervention may result in significant health benefits in HIV-infected individuals receiving HAART. Thirty-seven HIV-infected men and women, predominantly of lower socioeconomic status (SES), were recruited and randomly assigned to: 1) a group of moderate-intensity CARET for three months or 2) a control group receiving no exercise intervention for three months. At baseline and following the intervention, physical characteristics (body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, and blood pressure), physical fitness variables (estimated VO2max and one repetition maximum for upper and lower body), metabolic variables (fasting glucose and serum lipids), immune functioning (CD4+ T Cell count, CD4/CD8 ratio, and HIV RNA viral load), and quality of life (SF-36 Health Survey) were measured. Exercise participants evidenced increases in estimated VO2max (21%, p < 0.01), upper body strength (15%, p < 0.05), and lower body strength (22%, p < 0.05), while showing reductions in waist circumference (-2%, p < 0.05), and fasting glucose (-16%, p < 0.05). While the control group showed a significant decrease in CD4+ T cell count (-16%, p < 0.05) from baseline, the exercise group maintained a more stable count following training (-3%, p = 0.39). Finally, the exercise participants showed self-reported improvements in physical (11%, p < 0.03) and mental (10%, p < 0.02) quality of life. In conclusion, our study demonstrated that a three-month supervised and moderate intensity CARET program performed three times a week, can result in significant improvements in physical characteristics, physical fitness, metabolic variables, and physical and mental quality of life. Furthermore, the same intervention resulted in more favorable immunological responses following training in HIV-infected individuals of lower SES. Key words: Highly active antiretroviral therapy, HIV, combined aerobic and resistance exercise training, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, and immune functioning.

Slingträning av nedre bålen : en väg tillbaka till löparslingan vid problem med löparknä?

Edvardsson, Mia January 2011 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med studien var att undersöka om slingträning av nedre bålen för individer med löparknä kan ge en reducering av skadeproblematiken. Syftet var även att studera om upplevelsen av smärta och begränsning i aktivitet förändrats hos dessa individer i en subjektiv bedömning. Löparknä innebär smärta på den yttre sidan av knät, mest vanligt hos löpare men även andra idrottare drabbas. Frågeställningar: I vilken omfattning kan slingträning av nedre bålen för individer med löparknä ge en mer funktionell styrka och även större uthållighet? Hur upplever individer med löparknä vid en subjektiv skattning att denna träning leder till en förändring av smärta och begränsning i aktivitet? Metod: Studien genomfördes som en kvantitativ experimentell studie, där en interventionsgrupp på sex löpare med löparknäproblem genomförde slingträning av nedre bålen. Detta skedde två gånger i veckan under sex veckor. Tester av funktionell styrka och uthållighet genomfördes den första veckan, efter tre veckor och efter sex veckor. Testerna innebar ett isometriskt test av höftabduktorer, ett balanstest på ett ben och att samtidigt sträcka sig framåt på samma sida, ett balanstest på ett ben med sträckning över huvudet i frontalplan, och ett test av svag länk vid sidliggande höftabduktion. En kontrollgrupp på fyra löpare utan skador genomförde enbart testerna vid samma tidpunkter. Därtill följde en subjektiv bedömning, i form av skattning på en skala 0-10, av hur individen upplevde smärta av löparknät, samt hur det begränsade hans/hennes aktivitet. Resultat: En signifikant förbättring över tid erhölls i både det skadade och friska benet hos interventionsgruppen i tre av testerna, närmare bestämt isometriskt test av höftabduktorer (51 %), balanstest på ett ben med sträckning över huvudet i frontalplan (8 %), och test av svag länk vid sidliggande höftabduktion (27 %). Ingen förändring erhölls hos kontrollgruppen. Slutsats: Denna studie tyder på att slingträning av nedre bålen för individer med löparknäproblem kan ge en mer funktionell styrka och även större uthållighet. Denna träning kan också vara orsaken till att deras upplevelse av smärta och begränsning i aktivitet tenderade att minska.

Effekte körperlichen Trainings auf eine präexistente Aortenklappensklerose im Tiermodell

Schlotter, Florian 19 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Bisher existiert keine nicht-invasive/ nicht-operative Therapie der Aortenklappenstenose. Als wichtiger Zeitpunkt für eine präventive Maßnahme, zur Verhinderung der Ausbildung einer hömodynamisch relevanten Aortenklappenstenose, kann das Stadium der Aortenklappensklerose angesehen werden. Dieses frühe Erkrankungsstadium verfügt über zahlreiche pathophysiologische Parallelen zur Atherosklerose, für die eine positive Rolle der Prävention durch körperliche Aktivität erwiesen ist. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Durchführung der Sekundärprävention der kalzifizierenden Aortenklappenerkrankung durch körperliches Training. Um mögliche Effekte dieser Intervention zu eruieren, wurden LDLR-/--Mäuse mit bereits bestehenden pathologischen Aortenklappenveränderungen über einen Zeitraum von 16 Wochen körperlichem Training unterzogen. Durch morphologische, serumanalytische, immunhistochemische und Genexpressionsanalysen konnte abschließend eine Quantifizierung der Effekte körperlichen Trainings - in der Zielsetzung der Sekundärprävention - realisiert werden.

Examining the role of the adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase α2 (AMPKα2) subunit on sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium-ATPase (SERCA) expression and function in sedentary and exercise-trained mice.

Morissette, Marc 03 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis determined whether changes in adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity would influence sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) content and function in left ventricle (LV) and skeletal muscle isolated from sedentary or exercise trained mice. The data indicate that AMPKα2 kinase dead transgenic (KD) mice, as compared to wild-type (WT) mice, were characterized by reduced SERCA1a, SERCA2a and higher phospholamban (PLN) protein levels in both cardiac and skeletal muscle. Notably, exercise-training up-regulated myocardial SERCA2a protein content by 43%, as compared to sedentary WT mice. In contrast, exercise-training did not alter myocardial SERCA2a protein content in KD mice. Even so, exercise-training up-regulated SERCA1a protein content in skeletal muscle in both WT and KD mice. Based on these data, it appears that an AMPKα2-mediated mechanism influences SERCA2a content and function in the heart and skeletal muscle, which may contribute to the pathophysiology of models characterized by impaired AMPK activity and impaired calcium-cycling.

Examining the role of the adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase α2 (AMPKα2) subunit on sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium-ATPase (SERCA) expression and function in sedentary and exercise-trained mice.

Morissette, Marc 03 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis determined whether changes in adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity would influence sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) content and function in left ventricle (LV) and skeletal muscle isolated from sedentary or exercise trained mice. The data indicate that AMPKα2 kinase dead transgenic (KD) mice, as compared to wild-type (WT) mice, were characterized by reduced SERCA1a, SERCA2a and higher phospholamban (PLN) protein levels in both cardiac and skeletal muscle. Notably, exercise-training up-regulated myocardial SERCA2a protein content by 43%, as compared to sedentary WT mice. In contrast, exercise-training did not alter myocardial SERCA2a protein content in KD mice. Even so, exercise-training up-regulated SERCA1a protein content in skeletal muscle in both WT and KD mice. Based on these data, it appears that an AMPKα2-mediated mechanism influences SERCA2a content and function in the heart and skeletal muscle, which may contribute to the pathophysiology of models characterized by impaired AMPK activity and impaired calcium-cycling.

Širdies ir kvėpavimo funkcijos bei gyvenimo pilnatvės pokyčiai po ilgalaikių etapinių aerobinių fizinių treniruočių ir rizikos veiksnių koregavimo pacientams sergantiems vidutiniu ir sunkiu lėtiniu širdies nepakankamumu / Cardiopulmonary function and changes of quality of life after aerobic training and correction of risk factors in patients with moderate and severe chronic heart failure

Leimonienė, Lina 11 December 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti širdies ir kvėpavimo funkcijos bei gyvenimo pilnatvės pokyčius po ilgalaikių etapinių aerobinių fizinių treniruočių ir rizikos veiksnių koregavimo pacientams sergantiems vidutiniu ir sunkiu lėtiniu širdies nepakankamumu. • Buvo sukurta aerobinių fizinių treniruočių metodika, paremta pacientų anaerobinio slenksčio vertinimu spiroergometrijos tyrimo metu – pacientams buvo skiriamas fizinis krūvis, kuris 10 proc. mažesnis už jų anaerobinį slenkstį. • Buvo taikyta originali individuali aerobinė fizinė treniruotė su poilsio pertraukėlėmis širdies nepakankamumu sergantiems pacientams. • Taikyta ilgalaikė 6 mėn., trijų etapų, aerobinių fizinių treniruočių ir rizikos veiksnių koregavimo programa. Tarp etapų buvo atliekama spiroergometrijos tyrimas. • Sukurta Niujorko širdies asociacijos širdies nepakankamumo funkcinių klasių pokyčių vertinimo metodika. • Nustatyta, kad sunkiu širdies nepakankamumu sergantiems pacientams ilgalaikės etapinės aerobinės fizinės treniruotės ir rizikos veiksnių koregavimas gerina širdies ir kvėpavimo funkcijos rodiklius (širdies kairiojo skilvelio išstūmimo frakciją, pikinį VO2, MET, nueitą nuotolį 6 minučių ėjimo mėginio metu) bei gyvenimo pilnatvę. • Nustatyta, kad ilgalaikių etapinių aerobinių fizinių treniruočių ir rizikos veiksnių koregavimo teigiamas poveikis išlieka 12 mėnesių pacientams sergantiems vidutiniu ir sunkiu širdies nepakankamumu. Tiriamųjų kontingentą sudarė sergantys vidutiniu ir sunkiu lėtiniu ŠN pacientai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study: to evaluate the cardiopulmonary system and quality of life changes after longterm stage-by-stage aerobic exercise training and risk factors correction in patients suffering moderate and severe chronic heart failure (HF). • Creation of aerobic exercise training methodology based on spiroergometric evaluation of AT – patients undergo physical load 10% less than their AT. • Use of individual aerobic exercise training including rest intervals for patients with severe heart failure • Use of longterm (6 months) stage-by-stage aerobic exercise training and risk factors correction program, including spiroergometry testing. • Creation of evaluative technique (methodology) for changes in NYHA classes. • Establishing that patients with severe HF have improvement of cardiopulmonary function (left ventricular ejection fraction, oxygen uptake – peak VO2, metabolic equivalent of task MET, 6-minutes walk test) and quality of life following longterm stage-by-stage aerobic exercise training and risk factors correction. • Establishment that positive effect of longterm stage-by-stage exercise training persists 12 months in patients with moderate and severe HF. The study included patients with confirmed diagnosis of HF (NYHA classes II–IV) (n = 93). In cardiology setting, exercise training was started in the ward. Before discharge, the patient underwent the testing of cardiopulmo¬nary function (left ventricular ejection fraction, oxygen uptake – peak VO2, metabolic equivalent... [to full text]

Physiological Factors that Modulate Vascular Function: States of Endothelial Dysfunction and Therapeutic Interventions

Deer, Rachel Renee 16 December 2013 (has links)
This dissertation investigated the role of two therapeutic interventions (exercise training and hormone replacement therapy) on two different states of endothelial dysfunction, chronic coronary occlusion and aging. Despite remarkable evidence for the therapeutic benefits of physical activity, the mechanisms by which regular exercise improves vascular function in the setting of coronary artery disease are not fully understood. Similarly, the effects of aging and hormone replacement therapy on vascular function are often paradoxical and poorly understood. Thus, the first project utilized a model of chronic coronary artery occlusion to evaluate the effects of exercise training on cellular and molecular adaptations of collateral-dependent coronary vasculature compared to the nonoccluded control. This study provided new evidence that exercise training concomitantly enhanced the contributions of multiple vasodilator mechanisms, including nitric oxide, prostacyclin and BKCa channels to vascular function in the ischemic heart. Increased contribution of multiple vasodilator signaling pathways after exercise training appears to promote compensation or redundancy to ensure adequate vasodilation and coronary vascular blood flow. The second project utilized a model of aging to evaluate the interactive effects of age and hormone replacement therapy on the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of cerebrovascular function. Although the mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of estrogen on cerebrovascular function have been studied at length, the mechanisms responsible for age-dependent deleterious effects of estrogen are largely unknown. The results of this study revealed that estrogen exerts divergent effects on the cerebrovasculature with advancing age. In younger females, estrogen replacement treatment is beneficial, attenuating vasoconstriction primarily by the COX-1 dependent prostanoid pathway and increased PGI2 production. In contrast, in older reproductively senescent females, estrogen augmented vasoconstriction via the COX-2 dependent prostanoid pathway and increased TXA2 production. A better understanding the mechanisms by which estrogen exerts beneficial versus detrimental effects on the cerebrovasculature may lead to new gender-specific therapeutic agents designed specifically to target the cerebrovascular system and other estrogen-responsive tissues.

Bewegungstherapeutische Effekte bei Patienten mit gestörter Glukosetoleranz

Lehmann, Stefanie 29 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Eine gezielte bewegungstherapeutische Intervention verbessert den Glukosestoffwechsel, reduziert den Grad der Adipositas und belegt einen antiinflammatorischen Effekt. Ungeklärt ist dabei, in welchem Zeitintervall sich die jeweiligen Risikoparameter Adipositas, Glukosestoffwechsel und chronische Entzündungsreaktionen, in einer 12-monatigen Kontroll-Interventionsstudie bei Patienten mit gestörter Glukosetoleranz (IGT) im Vergleich zu einer Rosiglitazontherapie und einer unbehandelten Kontrollgruppe adaptieren. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurden 60 Patienten aus einer Population von 500 Probanden mittels 2-Stunden oralem Glukose Toleranztest (2h-oGTT) als Patienten mit gestörter Glukosetoleranz identifiziert und randomisiert den zwei Therapiearmen, Rosiglitazon- und Bewegungstherapie, sowie einer Kontrollgruppe zugeführt. Es werden dabei die Effekte einer 3-mal wöchentlichen Bewegungstherapie auf den Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist Hip Ratio (WHR), Fasting Plasma Insulin (FPI), Fasting Plasma Glukose (FPG), HbA1c, 2h-oGTT, maximale Sauerstoffaufnahme (VO2max) sowie Interleukin 6 (IL6) und C-reaktives Protein (CrP) nach 1, 6 und 12 Monaten untersucht. Die Bewegungstherapie erzielt nach 1 Monat eine signifikante Verbesserung der Adipositas und des Glukosestoffwechsels. Eine Reduzierung der chronischen Entzündungsreaktion via IL6 konnte nach 12 Monaten erreicht werden. Im vergleichbaren Zeitraum zeigt die Kontrollgruppe keine statistischen Änderungen des BMI, des WHR und der inflammatorischen Parameter. Die Insulinsensitivität verminderte sich in der Kontrollgruppe signifikant innerhalb von 12 Monaten. Unter Applikation von täglich 4 mg Rosiglitazon verbessert sich der Glukosestoffwechsel nach 6 Monaten. Änderungen des Grades der Adipositas und der chronischen Entzündungsreaktion konnten nicht erzielt werden. Die Untersuchungen belegen den hohen Stellenwert der Bewegungstherapie in der Behandlung von IGT-Patienten als Standardtherapieoption. Die Bewegungstherapie sollte mindestens 3-mal wöchentlich als kombiniertes Kraft- und Ausdauertraining bei einer Intensität von 70 - 85 % VO2max und 70 - 85 % 1RM erfolgen.

Einfluss von körperlicher Aktivität auf die Ausbildung einer Aortenklappensklerose im Tiermodell der LDL-Rezeptor-knockout-Maus

Jacob, Saskia 04 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Regelmäßige körperliche Aktivität verlangsamt die Progression arteriosklerotischer Läsionen, reduziert oxidativen Stress und erhöht die Bioverfügbarkeit von Stickstoffmonoxid. Von diesen Vorgängen erwartet man auch eine Verbesserung des Outcomes bei degenerativen Aortenklappenerkrankungen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es den Effekt von körperlicher Aktivität im Sinne einer Primärprävention auf die Ausbildung einer Aortenklappensklerose, die ein frühes Stadium in der Entwicklung einer Aortenklappenstenose darstellt, mit ihrem zu Grunde liegendem Pathomechanismus zu untersuchen. Hierfür wurde das Tiermodell der LDL-Rezeptor-knockout-Maus gewählt, da bereits in Studien die regelhafte Induktion von Aortenklappensklerosen und hämodynamisch relevante Stenosen durch cholesterinreiche Nahrung gezeigt werden konnte. Für die vorliegende Studie wurden 4 Wochen alte LDL-Rezeptor-knockout-Mäuse in 4 Gruppen randomisiert: Eine Kontroll-Gruppe mit normaler Diät und bewegungsarmen Lebensstil, eine Cholesterin-Gruppe mit cholesterinreicher Ernährung und bewegungsarmen Lebensstil, eine regelmäßige Trainingsgruppe mit cholesterinreicher Ernährung und regelmäßiger körperlicher Aktivität (60 min/d, 5 Tage/Woche) und eine gelegentlichen Trainingsgruppe, mit cholesterinreicher Ernähung und körperlicher Aktivität (60 min/d, 1 Tag/Woche) für jeweils 16 Wochen. In der 20. Woche wurden histologische Untersuchungen vorgenommen, die Verdickungen der Aortenklappen in der Cholesterin-Gruppe verglichen zur Kontroll-Gruppe zeigten. Regelmäßige, jedoch keine gelegentliche körperliche Aktivität reduziert signifikant diese Verdickung der Aortenklappe. Die immunhistochemischen Untersuchungen zeigten, dass eine Cholesterin-Diät die Endothelintegrität der Aortenklappe zerstört, wohingegen sie durch regelmäßige körperliche Aktivität geschützt wird. Weiterhin zeigte sich eine Erhöhung der Serum-Myeloperoxidase, der oxidierten Low Density Lipoproteine, der in situ Superoxide, als Marker für oxidativen Stress. Es konnten erhöhte Spiegel für Mac3, als Marker für Makrophagenakkumulation, α-smooth muscle actin, als Marker für Klappenfibrose und der proosteogene Marker Alkalische Phosphatase sowie eine erhöhte Mineralisation in der Cholesterin-Gruppe nachgewiesen werden. Wohingegen die genannten Marker in der Gruppe mit regelmäßiger körperlicher Aktivität erniedrigt nachgewiesen werden konnten. Die Ergebnisse der Polymerase-Kettenreaktion ergaben eine erhöhte Expression der messenger-RNA für α-smooth muscle actin, bone morphogentic protein-2, runt- related transcription factor-2 und Alkalische Phosphatase, als Marker für Klappenfibrose und Proosteogenese in der Cholesterin-Gruppe, dagegen waren sie durch regelmäßige körperliche Aktivität erniedrigt. Darüber hinaus erhöht regelmäßige körperliche Aktivität signifikant die Spiegel von zirkulierendem Fetuin-A, als Hemmstoff der Kalzifizierung verglichen zur Cholesterin-Gruppe. Schlussfolgernd lässt sich sagen, dass regelmäßige, jedoch keine gelegentliche körperliche Aktivität einer Aortenklappensklerose im Sinne einer Primärprävention durch eine Anzahl von Mechanismen, wie dem Schutz der Endothelintegrität, der Reduktion von Inflammation und oxidativem Stress sowie der Hemmung des osteogenen Signalweges, vorbeugt.

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