Spelling suggestions: "subject:"exploitation."" "subject:"lexploitation.""
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Sopsugsystem : I samarbete med Logiwaste AB / Waste disposal system : In cooperation with Logiwaste ABFronda, Lorenzo, Skogström, Anton January 2017 (has links)
Dagens sophantering är inte hållbar då exploateringen blir tätare och samhällenabelastas med mer mängd avfall. För en hållbar utveckling så måste sophanteringen blimer miljö- och funktionssmart.Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka olika sopsugsmodeller för olika ändamål.Undersökningen har sin utgångspunkt följande områden: Sopsugsystemetsuppbyggnad för stationär och mobil anläggning, komponenter i systemen, hållbarutveckling, tillvägagångssätt för nyproduktion respektive ROT-arbeten,användningsområden och intervjuer med kommuner om befintliga system.Informationen om sopsugsystemen har tagits dels från Logiwaste AB genomintervjuer, föredrag, dokument och fem intervjuer med kommuner för att få en verkliginblick hur systemen fungerat.För att kunna genomföra en byggnation av en sopsugsanläggning har vi analyseratbyggtekniska metoder för att uppnå ett renare och hållbart samhälle.Dagens sophantering är inte hållbar för framtiden. De modernasopsugsanläggningarna är ett alternativ till en utvecklad och hållbar sophantering.Vid en fortsatt läsning av rapporten kommer läsaren få en fördjupning i områdenasom tagits upp. / Today's waste disposal is not sustainable as exploitation becomes denser and societiesare loaded with more waste. For a more sustainable development, waste managementneeds to be more environmentally and functional.The purpose of the report is to investigate different waste disposal systems fordifferent purposes. The study is based on the following areas: The contexture of wastedisposal system for stationary and mobile installations, components in systems,sustainable development. New production, renovation and extension approaches.Applications and interviews with municipalities about existing systems.The information about the waste disposal systems has been taken from Logiwaste ABthrough interviews, lectures, documents and five interviews with municipalities to geta real insight into how the systems worked.In order to carry out a construction of a disposal systems we have analyzed buildingtechnology methods to achieve a cleaner and sustainable society.Today`s garbage disposal is not sustainable for the future. The modern automaticwaste collection facilities are an alternative to developed and sustainable wastemanagement.At a further reading of the report the reader will get an indentation in the areasmentioned.
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Managing the Innovation Paradox of Exploitation and Exploration in R&D - : Is measurement of innovation the key to promote exploration?Karlsson, Michélle, Vesterlund, Charlotte January 2018 (has links)
Managing the paradox of exploitation and exploration symbolises the simultaneous pursuit devoting enough resources to exploitation to ensure short-term profits and, at the same time, enough resources to exploration to ensure future organisational viability. Previous research advocates that sustained organisational performance and success highly depends on the interaction of exploitation and exploration or in other words, the balancing act between change and continuity. To strategically balance these contradictory requirements is a challenging task for most organisations since exploitation and exploration require fundamentally different organisational structures, processes, strategies and capabilities. Organisations that possess the ability to balance these contradictory requirements are referred to as ambidextrous organisations, what is evident is however that different ambidextrous strategies bring several distinctive challenges that organisations explicitly must deal with. Past literature advocates that management constitute an important part in creating organisational ambidexterity, but has nevertheless due to differentiations in organisational contexts resulted in ambiguous guidance in how to practically solve the tensions between exploitation and exploration. Scania the initiator of this thesis project, one of the world´s leading manufacturers within trucks and buses for heavy transport applications is sensing uncertainty in what undoubtedly used to be a relatively stable environment. Continues improvements has been a fundamental strategy in R&D for decades but in the face of a potentially disruptive technological shift, Scania senses urgency to leverage the innovation capability they possess, to reclaim the exploration space in order to act and seize upon these uncertainties. The purpose of this thesis is to explore how management can support and sustain the exploration space in a mature R&D department. This study builds upon a qualitative case study limited to a specific R&D department, Truck Chassis Development. To draw parallels and provide a deepened understanding of how the specific context of the organisation affect section managers at Truck Chassis Development in supporting and enabling exploration, interview data from several departments at R&D and sales & marketing is analysed. Results from this research show that there is an overall pressure for exploitation in R&D in general, and that section management encounter several challenges in supporting and sustaining the exploration space. An overall pressure for delivery precision crowds out time for exploration and present performance measurements are found to further add to this challenge since they are, to a large extent designed to measure and follow-up the relatively more certain and superior benefits from exploitation, implying that they tend to induce and support exploitative activities. The research findings provide managerial implications in terms of directing attention towards exploration through measurements of exploration. / Att balansera innovationsparadoxen syftar till den organisatoriska förmågan att tillägna tillräckliga resurser för exekvering för att säkerställa kortsiktig vinst, och samtidigt, tillägna tillräckliga resurser till utforskande för att säkra ett strategiskt framtida läge. Tidigare forskning visar att organisationers långsiktiga överlevnad är beroende av dessa avvägningar, att leverera produkter med högt kundvärde är viktigt för dagens affär men får inte göras på bekostnad av att utforska möjligheter som kan resultera i framtida innovationer. Att strategiskt balansera dessa två perspektiv utgör en stor utmaning för alla organisationer eftersom att exekvering och utforskande aktiviteter kräver helt olika förutsättningar när det kommer till strukturer, processer och strategier. Företag som besitter förmågan att balansera dessa två helt olika perspektiv brukar refereras som tvehänta. Tvehänta organisationer har visat sig balansera dessa två perspektiv på olika sätt, vilka alla medför utmaningar, dock av olika slag. Tidigare forskning har betonat ledarskap och chefskap som viktiga faktorer i skapandet av tvehänta organisationer men har på grund av organisatoriska differentieringar och olikheter resulterat i vaga riktlinjer angående hur man praktiskt löser de utmaningar som uppstår mellan exekverande och utforskande aktiviteter. Scania, initiativtagare till detta arbete är ett av världens ledande tillverkare inom lastbil och buss för tunga transporter. Scania känner osäkerhet i vad som brukade vara en således stabil bransch. Ständiga förbättringar har varit en betydelsefull strategi i decennier för forskning och utveckling, FoU, men inför ett eventuellt teknikskifte inser man att en betydligt större del av arbetet måste syfta till utforskande aktiviteter. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur management kan möjliggöra och främja utforskande aktiviteter i en mogen FoU-avdelning. Den utförda forskningen grundar sig i en kvalitativ fallstudie som är avgränsad till en specifik FoU-avdelning, chassiutveckling för lastbil. För att få en djupare förståelse för ledarskap och det ledarskapsansvar som finns i att främja och stödja utforskande aktiviteter kräver vissa organisatoriska förutsättningar har ett flertal avdelningar inom FoU-organisationen samt sälj & marknad inkluderats i studien. Den utförda forskningen visar att chefer på den undersökta avdelningen möter av ett flertal utmaningar när de försöker möjliggöra och främja utforskande aktiviteter. Det grundar sig främst i ett högt focus på leveransprecision som begränsar chefer i sin roll att stödja och främja utforskande aktiviteter, följden av detta resulterar i begränsat med tid för utforskande eftersom dessa aktiviteter inte prioriteras. Nuvarande prestationsmätning visar indikationer på att ytterligare bidra till dessa utmaningar eftersom de avser att mäta till den största grad, leveransprecision, kvalité och kostnad och där utforskande aktiviteter saknar prestationsmätning. Resultatet av denna studie bidrar med praktiska implikationer för den studerade avdelningen. Eftersom att uppmärksamhet är den mest begränsade resursen har mätvärden för utforskande aktiviteter föreslagits då mätning och styrning av utforskande aktiviteter kan bidra till att dessa aktiviteter uppmärksammas samtidigt som de kan utgöra ett stöd för sektionscheferna i deras roll att främja och stödja utforskande aktiviteter.
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Managing the Innovation Paradox of Exploitation andExploration in R&D : Is measurement of innovation the key to promoteexploration?KARLSSON, MICHELLE, VESTERLUND, CHARLOTTE January 2018 (has links)
Managing the paradox of exploitation and exploration symbolises the simultaneous pursuit devoting enough resources to exploitation to ensure short-term profits and, at the same time, enough resources to exploration to ensure future organisational viability. Previous researchadvocates that sustained organisational performance and success highly depends on the interaction of exploitation and exploration or in other words, the balancing act between change and continuity. To strategically balance these contradictory requirements is a challenging task for most organisations since exploitation and exploration require fundamentally different organisational structures, processes, strategies and capabilities. Organisations that possess the ability to balance these contradictory requirements are referred to as ambidextrous organisations, what is evident is however that different ambidextrous strategies bring several distinctive challenges that organisations explicitly must deal with. Past literature advocates that management constitute an important part in creating organisational ambidexterity, but has nevertheless due to differentiations in organisational contexts resulted in ambiguous guidance in how to practically solve the tensions between exploitation and exploration. Scania the initiator of this thesis project, one of the world´s leading manufacturers within trucksand buses for heavy transport applications is sensing uncertainty in what undoubtedly used to be a relatively stable environment. Continues improvements has been a fundamental strategy in R&D for decades but in the face of a potentially disruptive technological shift, Scania senses urgency to leverage the innovation capability they possess, to reclaim the exploration space in order to act and seize upon these uncertainties. The purpose of this thesis is to explore how management can support and sustain the exploration space in a mature R&D department. This study builds upon a qualitative case study limited to a specific R&D department, Truck Chassis Development. To draw parallels and provide a deepened understanding of how the specific context of the organisation affect section managers at Truck Chassis Development in supporting and enabling exploration, interview data from several departments at R&D and sales & marketing is analysed. Results from this research show that there is an overall pressure for exploitation in R&D in general, and that section management encounter several challenges in supporting and sustaining the exploration space. An overall pressure for delivery precision crowds out time for exploration and present performance measurements are found to further add to this challenge since they are, to a large extent designed to measure and follow-up the relatively more certain and superior benefits from exploitation, implying that they tend to induce and support exploitative activities. The research findings provide managerial implications in terms of directing attention towards exploration through measurements of exploration. / Att balansera innovationsparadoxen syftar till den organisatoriska förmågan att tillägna tillräckliga resurser för exekvering för att säkerställa kortsiktig vinst, och samtidigt, tillägna tillräckliga resurser till utforskande för att säkra ett strategiskt framtida läge. Tidigare forskning visar att organisationers långsiktiga överlevnad är beroende av dessa avvägningar, att leverera produkter med högt kundvärde är viktigt för dagens affär men får inte göras på bekostnad av att utforska möjligheter som kan resultera i framtida innovationer. Att strategiskt balansera dessa två perspektiv utgör en stor utmaning för alla organisationer eftersom att exekvering och utforskande aktiviteter kräver helt olika förutsättningar när det kommer till strukturer, processer och strategier. Företag som besitter förmågan att balansera dessa två helt olika perspektiv brukar refereras som tvehänta. Tvehänta organisationer har visat sig balansera dessa två perspektiv på olika sätt, vilka alla medför utmaningar, dock av olika slag. Tidigare forskning har betonat ledarskap och chefskap som viktiga faktorer i skapandet av tvehänta organisationer men har på grund av organisatoriska differentieringar och olikheter resulterat i vaga riktlinjer angående hur man praktiskt löser de utmaningar som uppstår mellan exekverande och utforskande aktiviteter. Scania, initiativtagare till detta arbete är ett av världens ledande tillverkare inom lastbil och buss för tunga transporter. Scania känner osäkerhet i vad som brukade vara en således stabil bransch. Ständiga förbättringar har varit en betydelsefull strategi i decennier för forskning och utveckling, FoU, men inför ett eventuellt teknikskifte inser man att en betydligt större del av arbetet måste syfta till utforskande aktiviteter. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur management kan möjliggöra och främja utforskande aktiviteter i en mogen FoU-avdelning. Den utförda forskningen grundar sig i en kvalitativ fallstudie som är avgränsad till en specifik FoUavdelning, chassiutveckling för lastbil. För att få en djupare förståelse för ledarskap och det ledarskapsansvar som finns i att främja och stödja utforskande aktiviteter kräver vissa organisatoriska förutsättningar har ett flertal avdelningar inom FoU-organisationen samt sälj & marknad inkluderats i studien. Den utförda forskningen visar att chefer på den undersökta avdelningen möter av ett flertal utmaningar när de försöker möjliggöra och främja utforskande aktiviteter. Det grundar sig främst i ett högt focus på leveransprecision som begränsar chefer i sin roll att stödja och främja utforskande aktiviteter, följden av detta resulterar i begränsat med tid för utforskande eftersom dessa aktiviteter inte prioriteras. Nuvarande prestationsmätning visar indikationer på att ytterligare bidra till dessa utmaningar eftersom de avser att mäta till den största grad, leveransprecision, kvalité och kostnad och där utforskande aktiviteter saknar prestationsmätning. Resultatet av denna studie bidrar med praktiska implikationer för den studerade avdelningen. Eftersom att uppmärksamhet är den mest begränsade resursen har mätvärden för utforskande aktiviteter föreslagits då mätning och styrning av utforskande aktiviteter kan bidra till att dessa aktiviteter uppmärksammas samtidigt som de kan utgöra ett stöd för sektionscheferna i deras roll att främja och stödja utforskande aktiviteter.
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Social Work Student Perceptions of Labor TraffickingMulhern, Margaret 01 May 2014 (has links)
Human Trafficking in Florida is a growing issue that affects individuals and communities on a micro, mezzo, and macro level. Although legislative efforts and changes in agency policies have raised awareness about this problem, limited awareness and research examines awareness of labor trafficking as one form of human trafficking. This exploratory-descriptive study used a convenience sampling technique to explore the perceptions of 45 Bachelors (BSW) and Masters (MSW) level social work students on the prevalence and nature of labor trafficking. The findings from the research show students have a general idea of labor trafficking and believe in equal access to human rights for victims. However, majority of students were unaware of current legislation to aid victims in Florida, and the prevalence of men as victims. Implications from this study show a need for further education within social work policies that aid labor trafficking victims, and a need for additional research to identify specific ways students can learn about human trafficking.
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The implementation of children's rights - working with working children in Somoto NicaraguaSvensson, Jennie January 2010 (has links)
The United Nations' Convention on the rights of the child presents a legislative framework that nations worldwide through their ratification have promised to aim for. Going from theory to practice this field study intends to investigate how the work to implement the children’s rights is carried out in reality by social institutions in Somoto Nicaragua. This essay specifically looks at how a children’s rights approach is performed in the work with working children and will therefore focus on two rights that protrude as relevant to the target group; the right to education and the right to be protected from hazardous work and economic exploitation. Furthermore, this paper considers existent criticism towards the human rights conventions for being Eurocentric in its visions and not always applicable to local conditions. Therefore the perception of working children locally in Nicaragua is examined to see how well this is in accordance with the legislation on children’s rights or if the social institutions have met difficulties in the implementation. Fundamental in the work carried out by the social institutions has been to raise awareness in the society on the children’s rights. The conclusion is that attitudes to working children have gone through a change since the introduction of a children’s rights approach in Somoto, but what remains the major obstacle to implementation is the restricted access to economic resources.
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ANEX: Automated Network Exploitation Through Penetration TestingDazet, Eric Francis 01 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Cyber attacks are a growing concern in our modern world, making security evaluation a critical venture. Penetration testing, the process of attempting to compromise a computer network with controlled tests, is a proven method of evaluating a system's security measures. However, penetration tests, and preventive security analysis in general, require considerable investments in money, time, and labor, which can cause them to be overlooked. Alternatively, automated penetration testing programs are used to conduct a security evaluation with less user effort, lower cost, and in a shorter period of time than manual penetration tests. The trade-off is that automated penetration testing tools are not as effective as manual tests. They are not as flexible as manual testing, cannot discover every vulnerability, and can lead to a false sense of security. The development of better automated tools can help organizations quickly and frequently know the state of their security measures and can help improve the manual penetration testing process by accelerating repetitive tasks without sacrificing results.
This thesis presents Automated Network Exploitation through Penetration Testing (ANEX), an automated penetration testing system designed to infiltrate a computer network and map paths from a compromised network machine to a specified target machine. Our goal is to provide an effective security evaluation solution with minimal user involvement that is easily deployable in an existing system. ANEX demonstrates that important security information can be gathered through automated tools based solely on free-to-use programs. ANEX can also enhance the manual penetration testing process by quickly accumulating information about each machine to develop more focused testing procedures.
Our results show that we are able to successfully infiltrate multiple network levels and exploit machines not directly accessible to our testing machine with mixed success. Overall, our design shows the efficacy of utilizing automated and open-source tools for penetration testing.
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ROP-chain generation using Genetic Programming : GENROPBranting, Jonatan January 2022 (has links)
Return Oriented Programming (ROP) is the de-facto technique used to exploit most of today’s native-code vulnerabilities hiding in old and newly developed software alike. By reusing bits and pieces of already existing code (gadgets), ROP can be used to bypass the ever-present Write ⊕ eXecute (W⊕X) security feature, which enforces memory to only be marked as either executable or writable; never both at the same time. Even with its widespread use, crafting more advanced ROP-chains is mostly left as a manual task. This paper attempts to explore the viability of automating ROP-chain generation by leveraging genetic programming (GP), and describes the implementation and design of the ROP-compiler GENROP in this endeavour. We introduce a novel approach to adapt GP to work within the environment of ROP, which attempts to guide the algorithm and preemptively remove pathways which are known ahead of time to be unable to generate a solution. GENROP is tested by attempting to generate a working payload against a number of binaries, and is then evaluated based on success rate and payload size when compared to angrop (another ROP-compiler). The results show that the algorithm is able to generate functioning payloads in most of the tested cases, although it does perform worse than angrop. This can partly be explained by the fact that GENROP uses gadget definitions generated by angrop, which reduces the potential viability of the ROP-compiler, as more unwieldy but potentially usable gadgets are not available. Additionally, it was found that extensively guiding the algorithm has negative consequences in terms of solution diversity. Relying on faster execution times and more iterations might produce better results. Further work is required to assess whether or not generating ROP-chains using genetic programming is a viable approach.
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Nested Learning: The hierarchical division of labor in exploration versus exploitationUngureanu, Tiberiu Sergiu Vasile 27 October 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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A multi-method study identifying the barriers and solutions to meeting the physical and psychological health needs of young people involved in or vulnerable to sexual exploitationMcClelland, Gabrielle T. January 2011 (has links)
Awareness of sexual exploitation has increased over the past decade. However, physical and psychological health needs, risks, health seeking behaviour and use of health services by sexually exploited young people have been inadequately explored.
Phase 1: descriptive, phenomenological, approach to encourage young people involved in or vulnerable to sexual exploitation to describe their personal accounts of health, risks, health seeking and support.
Phase 2: quantitative methodology consisting of a questionnaire survey with professionals supporting young people involved in or vulnerable to sexual exploitation.
Data analysis
Phase 1: phenomenological approach to data analysis (Giorgi, 1985).
Phase 2: questionnaire data were analysed using software S.P.S.S. and thematic content analysis (Burnard, 2006).
Intentional self harm and substance misuse were concordant themes from phase 1 and 2. Novel themes that emerged from this study included a taxonomy of risk behaviours related to health, and the use of youth offending teams for health support Conclusion
A significant range of physical and psychological health problems were reported alongside risks to health and barriers to health support for sexually exploited young people. Psycho-social vulnerability factors undermine health and impact on health seeking behaviour. / University of Bradford
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"Three meals a day and a place to stay" : Non-waged labor, household formation and the politics of scale on organic farms in the southeastern United StatesMirabito, Dean January 2023 (has links)
Family farms practicing organic agriculture often struggle to make a profit. Unable to pay wages, farms are increasingly recruiting laborers who agree to work without pay, instead receiving food and accommodation. To date, there has been little research examining everyday life in farm households shared by familial owner-operators and non-waged laborers. Based on ethnographic fieldwork at organic farms in the southeastern United States, this thesis describes how farm work, housework and consumption are organized in these households. Situating my analysis within debates on the agrarian question, I investigate how the recruitment of non-waged labor affects the ability of farm-family households to reproduce themselves. My findings suggest that, though farm owner-operators recruit non-waged laborers with the expectation of solving labor challenges, their recruitment produces numerous conflicts internal to the household. I analyze how farm owner-operators deploy scale constructions to defend and legitimize arrangements of productive and social-reproductive work which preserve the ability to self-exploit. I also show how laborer’s bodies are identified as both the problem and the solution in conflicts over consumption. Through attention to the lived experiences of farmworkers, this thesis contributes to debates concerning the social sustainability of organic farming.
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