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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Técnicas para minimizar la degradación provocada por la polarización en las comunicaciones por fibra óptica

Comellas Colomé, Jaume 16 July 1999 (has links)
En els últims anys la importància de la polarització en les comunicacions òptiques ha crescut notablement com resultat de tres grans desenvolupaments:1. L'aparició de l'amplificació òptica ha fet que es produeixi un gran increment en les longituds dels enllaços de fibra monomode, així com en el nombre de dispositius òptics que ha de travessar la llum sense regenerar-se. Com a resultat d'això, petits efectes com la diferència de retards entre els modes amb polaritzacions ortogonals, o petites diferències entre les pèrdues d'inserció per a aquests modes, poden acumular-se a causa de la gran distància a recórrer, esdevenint un paràmetre a considerar en el disseny dels sistemes.2. La possibilitat de la detecció coherent en la qual el receptor és sensible al batut de dos feixos de llum i no només a la potència del feix, ha dut també a haver de considerar el tractament de la polarització com un dels punts d'investigació importants.3. L'última raó per la qual la polarització s'ha convertit en un tema fonamental és l'impressionant increment que s'ha donat en les velocitats de transmissió, que de nou duu que petits efectes es tornin importants per l'extremadament petit temps de bit.L'estructura no perfectament cilíndrica de la fibra òptica durà a les diferents components transversals dels camps a veure índexs de refracció lleugerament diferents, amb el que es produirà acoblament d'energia d'un mode a l'ortogonal i diferències de retard entre els modes. Les imperfeccions de la fibra no són predictibles (les seves causes van des de la pròpia fabricació fins als esforços als que es vegi sotmesa després de la seva instal·lació) pel que es fa difícil una caracterització del problema. Es tractarà d'un fenomen estadístic pel que no es pot solucionar de forma determinista. Aquest treball s'emmarca dintre de l'àmbit de la recerca de solucions als efectes provocats per la polarització en els sistemes de comunicacions per fibra òptica. Els objectius marcats inicialment es van circumscriure a la detecció coherent. L'objectiu fonamental era l'estudi de les diverses tècniques per a solucionar els esvaïments per desadaptació de les polaritzacions en aquest tipus de receptors. No obstant això, en el treball que es presenta s'han inclòs també realitzacions encaminades als sistemes MI-DD, cap a les quals s'han bolcat els nostres esforços durant el període de durada del mateix. Encara que es tracta de filosofies totalment distintes, pràcticament totes les realitzacions pensades per als sistemes coherents podran aplicar-se també als sistemes MI-DD pel que no ha de pensar-se en aplicacions excloents.Les parts en que es divideix el treball són: · Estudi analític de la variació de la polarització de la llum en fibres òptiques. Dintre d'aquesta part s'oferixen resultats que es corresponen amb mesures realitzades sobre fibra i simulacions del comportament de la mateixa, i representen la justificació de tot el treball posterior.· Estudi de les diferents solucions al problema de la polarització en els receptors coherents. Es presenten aquí tots els dispositius dissenyats i construïts així com els diferents algorismes proposats per al control de la polarització. S'exposen tanmateix les mesures realitzades per a la caracterització d'aquests dispositius i la seva integració en un receptor coherent real.· Estudi dels efectes de la polarització en els sistemes MI-DD d'última generació i aplicació dels dispositius dissenyats en aquest tipus de sistemes. En aquesta part s'oferixen algunes prediccions sobre els valors que pot prendre la dispersió deguda a la polarització en enllaços reals. Així mateix es proposa un aleatorizador de la polarització amb aplicació en sistemes amb amplificació òptica. / El trabajo desarrollado en esta tesis doctoral se enmarca dentro del ámbito de la búsqueda de soluciones a los efectos provocados por la polarización en los sistemas de comunicaciones por fibra óptica tanto Coherentes como de Modulación de Intensidad y Detección Directa. El objetivo fundamental es el estudio de diversas técnicas para solucionar los problemas que los efectos de la polarización provocan en dichos sistemas como por ejemplo, los desvanecimientos por desadaptación de las polarizaciones en receptores de detección coherente o la dispersión debida a la polarización (PMD) en los sistemas MI-DD de última generación.Las partes en que se divide el trabajo son:- Estudio analítico de la variación de la polarización de la luz en fibras ópticas.Dentro de esta parte se ofrecen resultados que se corresponden con medidas realizadas sobre fibra y simulaciones del comportamiento de la misma y representan la justificación de todo el trabajo posterior.- Estudio de las diferentes soluciones al problema de la polarización en los receptores coherentes. Se presentan aquí todos los dispositivos diseñados y construidos así como los diferentes algoritmos propuestos para el control de la polarización. Se exponen asimismo las medidas realizadas para la caracterización de los mismos y su integración en un receptor coherente real.- Estudio de los efectos de la polarización en los sistemas MI-DD de última generación y aplicación de los dispositivos diseñados a su solución. En esta parte se ofrecen algunas predicciones sobre los valores que puede tomar la dispersión debida a la polarización en enlaces reales. Asimismo se propone un aleatorizador de la polarización con aplicación en sistemas con amplificación óptica. / Polarization related topics have gained momentum during last years in the optical communications field, due to the advent of three main developments:1. Optical amplification has allowed a great increase in the singlemode fiber lengths, as well as in the number of optical devices that the light must cross without being regenerated. As a result, small effects like the difference of propagation delays between the orthogonal modes, or the small differences between the insertion losses for those modes, can be accumulated due to the great distance, becoming a parameter to consider in the systems design.2. The optical coherent detection, where the receiver is sensitive to the beat of two light beams and not only to the optical power level, has also lead to take into account the light polarization as an increasingly important topic of research, as a mismatch in beams polarizations implies no signal found after the coherent detection.3. Last reason for the high importance of polarization stems from the impressive increase in bit rates that optical communications have experienced. This implies that small effects which could be neglected at lower bit rates appear now as important due to the extremely low bit periods.Therefore, it is clear that in the present and future systems the problems related to the polarization are one of the stumbling blocks to save. The origin of the polarization effects in fibers resides in their non-ideal performance. The not perfectly cylindrical structure of the optical fiber will lead the orthogonal components of the fields to see slightly different refractive indices, and so coupling of energy between modes, as well as different delays will take place. The imperfections of the fiber are not predictable (their causes go from the own manufacture to the stress applied after its installation) reason why a characterization of the problem becomes difficult. It is a statistical phenomenon, so it is not possible to be solved in a deterministic form.This work focuses on the search of solutions to the effects brought about the polarization in optical fiber communications systems. The objectives were initially confined to coherent detection systems. The main target was the study of the diverse techniques to solve the fadings by polarizations mismatch in this type of receivers. Nevertheless, solutions focusing on IM-DD systems have also been included in this work. Even considering that the approaches are very different, the different solutions thought for coherent systems can find their place in IM-DD systems.This work is divided in three parts:· Analytical study of the variation of the light polarization in optical fibers. Within this part results are offered that correspond to measures and simulations realised on fibers characterizing their behaviour. These results give reason for the remaining work.· Study of the different solutions about the polarization problem in coherent receivers. All the devices designed and constructed, as well as the different algorithms proposed for the control of the polarization are presented in this part. The measures realised for their characterization and their integration in an actual coherent receiver are also shown.· Study of the polarization effects in advanced MI-DD systems, and application of the devices designed to overcome polarization related problems. In this part some predictions are offered on the values that can take the dispersion due to the polarization in real links. Also a polarization scrambler to be used in systems with optical amplification has been designed, constructed and tested.

Faraday modulation spectroscopy : Theoretical description and experimental realization for detection of nitric oxide

Westberg, Jonas January 2013 (has links)
Faraday modulation spectroscopy (FAMOS) is a laser-based spectroscopic dispersion technique for detection of paramagnetic molecules in gas phase. This thesis presents both a new theoretical description of FAMOS and experimental results from the ultra-violet (UV) as well as the mid-infrared (MIR) regions. The theoretical description, which is given in terms of the integrated linestrength and Fourier coefficients of modulated dispersion and absorption lineshape functions, facilitates the description and the use of the technique considerably. It serves as an extension to the existing FAMOS model that thereby incorporates also the effects of lineshape asymmetries primarily originating from polarization imperfections. It is shown how the Fourier coefficients of modulated Lorentzian lineshape functions, applicable to the case with fully collisionally broadened transitions, can be expressed in terms of analytical functions. For the cases where also Doppler broadening needs to be included, resulting in lineshapes of Voigt type, the lineshape functions can be swiftly evaluated (orders of magnitude faster than previous procedures) by a newly developed method for rapid calculation of modulated Voigt lineshapes (the WWA-method). All this makes real-time curve fitting to FAMOS spectra feasible. Two experimental configurations for sensitive detection of nitric oxide (NO) by the FAMOS technique are considered and their optimum conditions are determined. The two configurations target transitions originating from the overlapping Q22(21=2) and QR12(21=2) transitions in the ultra-violet (UV) region (227nm) and the Q3=2(3=2)-transition in the fundamental rotational-vibrational band in the mid-infrared (MIR) region (5.33 µm). It is shown that the implementations of FAMOS in the UV- and MIR-region can provide detection limits in the low ppb range, which opens up the possibility for applications where high detection sensitivities of NO is required.

Design and Implementation of an Ion Beam Profiling System

Stude, Joan January 2009 (has links)
The work describes the development of a reliable device for profiling anion beam in the intensity cross section. A sensor head consisting of a Faradaycup in combination with a Channel Electron Multiplier was designedand built together with electronics including power supply and front endelectronics. The design was chosen considering financial and long term lifeaspects. Testing, first calibration and error analysis were done using the ionbeam facilities where the unit is supposed to be installed permanently. Theprofiling system performed as designed and the profile of the ion beam couldbe measured reliably with an accuracy down to the femto ampere range.

Electronic and Magnetization Dynamics of Cobalt Substituted Iron Oxide Nanocrystals

Chen, Tai-Yen 2010 December 1900 (has links)
Knowledge of energy dissipation and relaxation in electron, spin, and lattice degrees of freedom is of fundamental importance from both a technological and scientific point of view. In this dissertation, the electronic and magnetization dynamics of photoexcited colloidal cobalt substituted iron oxide nanocrystals, CoxFe3-xO4, were investigated through transient absorption and pump-probe Faraday rotation measurements. In this dissertation, linearly polarized femtosecond optical pulses at 780 nm were used to excite the weak absorption originating from the intervalence charge transfer transition (IVCT) between Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions of Fe3O4 nanocrystals. The timescale and corresponding relaxation processes of electronic relaxation dynamics of the excited IVCT state were first discussed. Size effect on electronic relaxation dynamics in Fe3O4 nanocrystals is not distinct on the basis of result from this study. One interesting feature of electronic dynamics data of photoexcited Fe3O4 nanocrystals is the creation of coherent acoustic phonons. Information on lattice temperature was obtained by measuring the period of coherent acoustic phonon as a function of excitation fluence and fit into a simple model based on Lamb’s theory. Since optical control of the magnetization can be either through optical or heating mechanisms, quantitative estimation of degree of demagnetization caused by lattice temperature is made by using Langevin function. The result from such estimation indicates the effect of lattice temperature rise on magnetization is too small to significantly affect the magnetization of Fe3O4 nanocrystals. Magnetization dynamics were studied via pump-probe Faraday rotation measurements. Optical excitation with near-infrared pulse resulted in an ultrafast demagnetization in 100fs. The energy of the excited state then relaxed through spin-lattice relaxation (SLR). Effects of surface spin and chemical tuning on the SLR were investigated by comparing the magnetization recovery timescales of nanocrystal with different particle sizes and cobalt concentration respectively. The experimental result is explained by a simple model where interior and surface spins contributed to the spin-lattice relaxation process differently. The observations suggest that spin-orbit coupling of the surface is stronger and less sensitive to stoichiometric variation than the interior spins of the nanocrystals.

Magneto-optical Effects of Magnetic Fluids

Lin, Man-chien 08 July 2001 (has links)
In this thesis, the study of optical properties of magnetic fluid thin films is the main purpose. We measured the intensity of linear polarized laser beam, which passed through our sample, magnetic fluid thin film with external magnetism, to analyze the relationships between magnetic field intensity and magneto-birefringence and magneto-dichroism. According to our experimental results, we ascertain that both the magneto-birefringence and magneto-dichroism are existed. Besides, we found that the difference of index at magnetic fluid thin film changed with magnetic field intensity also. The phenomenon let us believe that magnetic fluid thin film is anisotropy. Moreover, we also applied the statement, which agreed by most physicists to explain what we found from our real measurements.

Development of a new generation of electric current sensors through advances in manufacturing techniques and material design

Swafford, Robert D. 13 January 2014 (has links)
Electrical systems have become ubiquitous, and with them come the need to accurately monitor electric current. The aerospace industry is no exception. Modern aircraft may contain more than one hundred current sensors, each one critical to a properly functioning vehicle. While these sensors function acceptably, several areas have been identified for improvement: size, weight, and cost. Each sensor is bulky, taking up valuable space. They are also costly to manufacture. The existing design is based on the Hall effect, and has remained fundamentally unchanged for decades. With the recent progress in manufacturing techniques and materials, it would be beneficial to reexamine these sensors and determine if improvements can be made using the accomplishments of recent years. Of particular interest are microelectromechanical systems, also known as MEMS. Using a sensor based on MEMS technologies in which design, function, and fabrication are closely intertwined would automatically meet two of the three goals: reducing size and weight. MEMS additionally have the potential to allow existing systems to be miniaturized. Also of interest are advanced materials, some of which can behave as transducers, linking different physical phenomenon. The goal of this dissertation is to use advances in manufacturing techniques and materials, specifically those discussed above, to design a better current sensor. As part of this goal, several potential solutions were studied and optimized. Finally, proof-of-concept prototypes were fabricated and tested to validate the feasibility of the designs and offer insight into continued sensor development.

Faradėjaus efekto tyrimai siauratarpiuose puslaidininkiuose: optinė alternatyva Holo matavimams / Faraday rotation analysis of narrow gap semiconductors: an optical alternative to the Hall test

Clarke, Frederick Walter 11 May 2006 (has links)
The main aim of this work was to develop a method of screening HgCdTe materials for carrier concentration and mobility using Faraday rotation θ and absorption α. Faraday rotation provides N/m*2, where N is the carrier concentration and m* is the effective mass. Since m* was not known in HgCdTe, a Faraday rotation spectrometer was developed to systematically measure it as a function of temperature and Cd mole fraction. Effective masses in n-InSb, and n-GaAs were measured and compared with known values in the literature to validate the method. Mobility is proportional to θ/α. The proportionalities were determined in HgCdTe, n-InSb, and n-GaAs at infrared wavelengths. The dissertation consists of the preface, introduction, three chapters, summary and main conclusions, references, list of publications and abstract (in Lithuanian).

Faradėjaus efekto tyrimai siauratarpiuose puslaidininkiuose: optinė alternatyva Holo matavimams / Faraday rotation analysis of narrow gap semiconductors: an optical alternative to Hall test

Clarke, Frederick Walter 12 May 2006 (has links)
The main aim of this work was to develop a method of screening HgCdTe materials for carrier concentration and mobility using Faraday rotation θ and absorption α. Faraday rotation provides N/m*2, where N is the carrier concentration and m* is the effective mass. Since m* was not known in HgCdTe, a Faraday rotation spectrometer was developed to systematically measure it as a function of temperature and Cd mole fraction. Effective masses in n-InSb, and n-GaAs were measured and compared with known values in the literature to validate the method. Mobility is proportional to θ/α. The proportionalities were determined in HgCdTe, n-InSb, and n-GaAs at infrared wavelengths.


Phelps, Gretchen 01 January 2014 (has links)
This work is comprised of the study of two magneto-optical phenomena: the Kerr effect and the Faraday effect. Neutron physics experiments often utilize polarized neutrons, and one method to generate or guide polarized neutrons involves the use of a system of magnetic super-mirrors. Experience shows that the magnetization of the super-mirror may decay with time; therefore, we implemented the surface magneto-optical Kerr effect (SMOKE) to study the temporal behavior of the magnetization of a magnetized remnant super-mirror sample, where a sensitivity of 0.1 mrad was obtained. Unique to our set-up was the method in which the various magnetization directions were probed. The sample was magnetized prior to insertion into the set-up, and a high precision rotational stage was used to manually rotate the sample to effectively generate a reversal of the magnetic field. Multiple samples from a larger super-mirror specimen were tested, in which no change in the magnetization was detected for one month after sample magnetization. Further studies could increase the sensitivity of the experiment, potentially rendering the method as an application for real-time magnetization monitoring. Polarized 3He nuclei are often used as an effective polarized neutron target at various laboratories, including Jefferson Lab, through the use of spin-exchange optical pumping in a glass cell constructed of GE-180. Utilizing the nuclear spin optical rotation to measure the Faraday effect of polarized 3He would develop a new procedure for polarization monitoring, establish a powerful tool to diagnose the wall properties and thicknesses of the cells used, and the determination of the frequency independent magnetic component of the polarizability would ultimately lead to the extraction of the spin polarizability of 3He. Furthermore, this study has the future implications of being the pioneer experiment for terrestrial dark matter studies. A new triple modulation technique was devised, where a sensitivity of 60 nrad was obtained, and the first ever extraction of the Verdet constant of GE-180 was recorded, an important factor in wall thicknesses and diagnostic investigations for Jefferson Lab. However, a measurement of the nuclear spin optical rotation of a polarized 3He target was not realized, as the measured polarization suggests a Faraday rotation just below the 60 nrad threshold. Nevertheless, the devised triple modulation method proves to be a very sensitive probe in Faraday effect studies, and additional examination of the polarized target for the production of a larger polarization, should yield a measurement of the nuclear spin optical rotation of polarized 3He.

El concepto de estado electro-tónico en Faraday

Romo Feito, José 17 December 1991 (has links)
Sabemos la centralidad que la noción de estado electro-tónico tuvo en la primera formulación de las ecuaciones de Maxwell. El concepto, sin embargo, proviene de Faraday, que lo introdujo a raíz de su descubrimiento de la inducción electromagnética en 1831, y recurrió a él intermitentemente en los años siguientes. La tesis pretende trazar la evolución del concepto en la obra de Faraday.El capitulo 1 se ocupa, en primer lugar, de proporcionar algunos elementos para comprender la situación de la electricidad y el magnetismo en las dos décadas del siglo XIX previas al descubrimiento del electromagnetismo en 1820. Posteriormente se discute el descubrimiento de Oersted, y dos de los resultados más notables del impacto que dicho descubrimiento produjo la electrodinámica de Ampère y el descubrimiento de Faraday de sus rotaciones electromagnéticas. Por último se discuten los primeros intentos de detectar corrientes inducidas, en particular el de Ampère.Es conocido que el descubrimiento de las corrientes inducidas se debe a Faraday. El capítulo 2 se ocupa de dicho descubrimiento y de la primera respuesta de Faraday a las anomalías que presentaba frente a sus expectativas teóricas. El concepto de estado electro-tónico, aquí introducido, resuelve estas anomalías, explicando por qué se interrumpe la primera corriente inducida y por qué se origina una en sentido opuesto al eliminar la fuerza inductiva. En el capítulo se proporciona la fecha en que Faraday leyó en la "Royal Society" una primera versión de la memoria que expone sus primeros resultados sobre la inducción, y se propone una explicación de por qué Faraday difundió una fecha inexacta aceptada posteriormente por todos los estudiosos. Asimismo, se llama la atención sobre un error que Faraday cometió en el sentido de las corrientes inducidas el mismo día en que descubrió la inducción, error que se mantuvo durante tres meses y que es posible seguir mediante las anotaciones de su diario de investigación, cuyo examen permite identificar el momento en que Faraday corrigió su error. Esta circunstancia había sido pasada por alto hasta la fecha. El capítulo termina analizando las razones que llevaron a Faraday al "abandono", en 1832, de su estado electro-tónico. Se sugiere, sin embargo, que ya desde este mismo momento Faraday intentaba armonizar su concepto con el otro que había puesto a punto para explicar la inducción: el corte de curvas magnéticas por el conductor. Desde el punto de vista de Faraday, ambos conceptos eran necesarios para proporcionar una explicación más completa de la inducción electromagnética.El capítulo 3 aborda un tema poco estudiado previamente: la investigación de Faraday, en 1834, del fenómeno de autoinducción. Sin embargo, es aquí donde re introduce el estado electro-tónico en el contexto de la inducción electromagnética. En lo que despuéS iba a identificar como la inducción de la corriente sobre sí misma, Faraday creyó primeramente un fenómeno peculiar de inducción que presentaba indicios del estado electro-tónico abandonado públicamente dos años antes. En el capítulo se explica cómo incluso después de comprender la verdadera naturaleza del supuesto fenómeno peculiar, Faraday mantuvo el concepto de estado electro-tónico y le dotó de una dimensión causal que estaba ausente en su primera formulación.Es suficientemente conocido que Faraday es el descubridor de la acción del medio en la transmisión de la inducción electrostática, acción que veía representada por su concepto de capacidad inductiva específica y la curvatura de las líneas de fuerza inductiva estática. El capítulo 4 discute estos dos temas para facilitar la comprensión de las especulaciones de Faraday, en 1838, sobre la relación entre electricidad y magnetismo. Estas especulaciones se ocupan de dos problemas que tienen un origen común: el principio de unidad de las fuerzas. Este principio, piensa Faraday, exige, por un lado, la correspondencia de la fuerza eléctrica y magnética y, por otro, que el modo de transmisión del magnetismo sea el mismo que el de la electricidad. Para resolverlo recurre a su estado electro-tónico que aparecerá, no sin una cierta ambigüedad, como el estado estático de la fuerza magnética que debe existir para preservar la correspondencia con el estado estático de la fuerza eléctrica, y como el estado que adoptan las partículas de la materia en su transmisión de la fuerza magnética.A raíz de su descubrimiento, en 1845, de la rotación del plano de polarización de la luz por la materia sometida a la fuerza magnética, Faraday creyó encontrar de nuevo indicios de su estado electro-tónico. El capitulo 5 comienza analizando esta investigación, y posteriormente se centra en el papel del estado electrotónico en la sistematización de las ideas de Faraday sobre las líneas de fuerza magnética. Para ello se discute en detalle el artículo crucial "On the Physical Character of the Lines of Magnetic Force" (1852), donde Faraday se plantea el problema de la naturaleza física de dichas líneas. Retomando el tema de la correspondencia entre estados de la fuerza eléctrica y magnética, Faraday reflexiona sobre la naturaleza de las líneas de fuerza magnética, esforzándose en determinar si su naturaleza es estática o dinámica. En el capítulo se propone que la solución de Faraday es considerar que esas líneas tienen una naturaleza dinámica, pero con un fundamento estático que se identifica con el estado electro-tónica. Con ello el concepto de estado electro-tónico llega al punto final da su evolución en la obra de Faraday.El capítulo 6 revisa, en primer lugar, las referencias al estado electro-tónico en la historiografía anterior a la monumental biografía de Faraday que Williams publicó en 1965. Posteriormente se discuten algunos puntos dudosos en la interpretación que hace Williams del concepto de estado electro-tónico, y en las de trabajos posteriores, como los de Agassi, Berkson y Gooding. / This dissertation traces the history, in Faraday's work, of his concept of an electro-tonic state. After a first introductory chapter, chapter 2 examines Faraday's discovery of the electromagnetic induction. It is argued that Faraday made a mistake on the direction of the induced currents right on the same day of his discovery, 29 August 1831. This mistake lasted more than three months and its correction was consequential for Faraday's withdrawal of his electro-tonic state in 1832. As far as I know, Faraday's mistake has been overlooked by Faraday scholars.Chapter 3 focuses on a previously little studied topic: Faraday's study of self-induction in 1834. It is argued that here is where he introduced again his notion of an electro-tonic state, providing it with a causal dimension previously absent.Chapter 4 examines Faraday's appeal to his electro-tonic state in 1838. Two problems demanded this appeal. First of all, Faraday's strong feeling in favour of the necessary existence of a correspondence between states of the electric and magnetic force. Second one, Faraday's conviction about magnetic force being transmitted, as electric force, through the action of contiguous particles.Chapter 5 looks into the role of the electro-tonic state in Faraday's discussion of the nature of the physical lines of magnetic force in 1852. The point is made that Faraday was inclined to consider the lines as having a dynamic nature, but with a static foundation: the electro-tonic state.The last chapter discusses some points in the interpretation of Faraday's electro-tonic state put forward by scholars like Williams, Agassi, Berkson and Gooding.

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