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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le mime grec antique

Watrinet, Chrysi 14 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Le théâtre dans la Grèce Antique a développé quatre genres dramatiques : la tragédie, la comédie, le drame satyrique et le mime. Le Mime est le genre comique qui naît en Grèce dorienne, se développe en Sicile et dont l'évolution se poursuit jusqu'à l'époque hellénistique. Bien qu'il constitue une part importante de l'art dramatique grec antique, il n'y a pas eu jusqu'à nos jours de recherche systématique sur ce type de théâtre. Cette étude a pour but d'explorer ce genre dramatique inconnu. Rechercher son origine, son évolution historique et ses rapports (similitudes et différences) avec les autres genres d'art dramatique, ainsi que ses principaux créateurs constituent les principaux objectifs de cette recherche

One Hundred and Fifty Percent Elasticity

Kessler, Eli Mikael 01 January 2008 (has links)
The sculptural environments I create immerse the viewer in a decrepit vaudevillian past. The sculptures allude to narratives within Community Theater as well as the Drag Show. Making becomes an act; manipulating materials such as synthetic hair and paint are associated with the guise of the makeup artist. Frantic rehearsal logic prevails as a dress is repurposed into a male giant's costume and window blinds are used to construct a boat's deck. This collusion asks the viewer to transgress the boundary of the stage, becoming a voyeur privileged to the world of exiled props and role reversal.

Humor v britských zvukových komediích v porovnání s českými filmovými příklady / The Sense of Humor in the British Sound Comedies in the Comparison with some Czech Film's Examples

MÁDLO, Gabriela January 2010 (has links)
This thesis targets the British sound film especially comedies from 1930{\crq}s till mid 1970{\crq}s because after this period there is greater TV production which took over feature film production. There is described the production of the main studios such as Gainsborough Pictures and Gaumont-British, Ealing Studios and Rank Organisation. I aim then to classify some film styles such as farce, slapstick, burlesque, screwball and romantic comedy, satire and parody. The last target is to find some famous Czech film makers or actors, who worked or are still involed within the British film production. There are name such as Herbert Lom and Anny Ondráková.

Die invloed van die Plautiniese klug op die moderne klug

Ponelis, Karlien 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The present thesis deals with the impact of the ancient Greek farce on modem literature with specific reference to the play Kinkels innie Kabel (1971) by the contemporary Afrikaans author André P. Brink. This play is loosely based on Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors, which in tum derives from Plautus' Menaechmi. Brink's play thus resonates with an entire European tradition. The relationship between the modem and the ancient farce is studied with reference to the concept of comedy. Comic effects, the difference between comedy and tragedy in respect of the handling of vital issues and the comic vision of the playwright are all taken into account. The analysis of the development of Athenian Old Comedy to the Roman Comedy refers to the contribution of Plautus and Terence to the continuation and revitalisation of Greek New Comedy. A comparison of these two playwrights reveals the characteristics of the farce and the difference between farce and comedy. The modem relevance of the farce is studied on the basis of Brink's text. For this purpose Plautus' original plot, the Shakespearian version and Brink's rendition are discussed and compared. On the basis of the similarities and differences in plot, caricaturisation, misidentifications, politics, fantasy, coincidence, irony, farcical violence, mechanical structure, temporal structure and linguistic register, the influence of the ancient farce on its modem counterpart is demonstrated. In addition to farce, Brink employs the classical devices of satire and parody to drive home his (political) message. Finally it is shown that the farcical in Plautus, Shakespeare and Brink serves a significant and serious thematic purpose. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling handel oor die impak van 'n antieke Griekse komedievorm, die klug, op moderne werke en denke. A.P. Brink se verhoogstuk Kinkels innie Kabel (1971) is 'n vrye verwerking van William Shakespeare se The Comedy of Errors. Laasgenoemde werk is weer op sy beurt gebaseer op Plautus se Menaechmi. In sy verwerking van Plautus en Shakespeare laat A.P. Brink die hele Europese tradisie deurklink. Die verhouding tussen die moderne klug en die antieke klug word bestudeer deur te fokus op die term komedie: die verhouding daarvan met lag en hoe die komedie van die tragedie verskil ten opsigte van die hantering van lewensproblematiek en komiese visie van die komedieskrywer, maak deel uit van hierdie bespreking. Die komedie se herkoms en ontwikkeling vanaf die Ou Komedie tot die Romeinse Komedie, val ook onder die soeklig. In aansluiting hiermee word Plautus en Terentius bespreek as twee komedieskrywers wat 'n rol gespeel het in die oorlewering en verlewendiging van die Griekse Nuwe Komedie. Hierdie twee skrywers word ook met mekaar vergelyk sodat die eienskappe van die klug geïllustreer word, en hoe dit in wese verskil van komedie. Die relevansie van die klug in moderne denke word bestudeer aan die hand van Brink se teks. In hierdie verband word daar 'n uiteensetting gegee van die oorspronklike Plautiniese verhaal, die Shakespeariaanse weergawe en die Brinkiaanse teks. Aan die hand van die ooreenkomste en verskille in intrige, karikaturisering, identiteitsvergissings, politiek, die fantasie-element, toeval, ironie, klugtige geweld, die meganiese struktuur, die tydstruktuur en taalregister word die invloed van die antieke klug op die moderne klug geïllustreer. Benewens die klug word Brink se werk ook verder beïnvloed deur twee klassieke middele, met name satire en parodie. Hiermee bring Brink sy (politieke) boodskap tuis. Ten slotte word die dieperliggende temas in Plautus, Shakespeare en Brink se werk bespreek deur aan te toon dat die werk nie net om die klugtige gaan nie, maar ook die meer ernstige.

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