Spelling suggestions: "subject:"FE codels"" "subject:"FE 2models""
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Influence de l’âge et du morphotype sur la réponse mécanique du thorax : étude expérimentale in vivo et analyse numérique à l'aide de modèles EF personnalisés du corps humain / Age and morphotype influence on thoracic mechanical response : in vivo experimental study and numerical analysis using personalized human body FE modelsPoulard, David 19 December 2012 (has links)
Cette étude aborde le problème de l’aggravation du risque de fractures de côtes chez les automobilistesâgés en choc frontal. L’analyse de la bibliographie fait ressortir que les moyens actuels d’évaluationdu risque de fractures ne permettent pas de prendre en compte les différences anatomiques et depropriétés mécaniques du thorax observées chez les personnes âgées. Les modèles éléments finis (EF)personnalisés du corps humain offrent un grand potentiel en tant qu’outil avancé d’évaluation durisque de blessures. Toutefois, des données expérimentales sont nécessaires pour valider ces modèlesdans des conditions réalistes. De plus, le choix du niveau de personnalisation et la sensibilité de laréponse du modèle à celle-ci doivent être évaluées.Des expérimentations in vivo menés sur des volontaires ceinturés en choc léger, de différents âges etanthropométries, ont été réalisées. Ces tests ont permis d’étudier l’influence de l’âge et de lacorpulence sur la réponse mécanique du thorax et ont permis l’obtention de corridors nécessaires à lavalidation de modèles EF personnalisés. La géométrie du modèle numérique THUMS a été adaptée àcelle des volontaires et les propriétés mécaniques du thorax ont été modifiées au vu du vieillissementpour effectuer une analyse similaire dans le domaine lésionnel. Les simulations numériques ont mis enévidence un risque accru de fracture de côtes pour certains modèles personnalisés.Cette étude devrait permettre de mieux estimer le risque de blessure pour les automobilistesvulnérables. Elle devrait contribuer ainsi à promouvoir les modèles personnalisés du corps humaincomme outil avancé d’évaluation du risque de blessures. / This study deals with the topic of increased risk of rib fractures among elderly drivers infrontal impact. The analysis of the literature reveals that actual thorax injury assessment tools do nottake into account for the differences in anatomical features and biological material properties observedbetween adults and elderly. Personalized human body finite element (FE) models have great potentialas improved thorax injury assessment tools. However, experimental data are needed to validate thesemodels under real-world conditions. In addition, the choice of the level of personalization of the modeland the sensibility of the model response to this personalization must be assessed to predict thoracicinjury risk.In vivo sled tests were performed on belted volunteers of various anthropometries and age. These testswere used to assess the influence of age and corpulence on thorax mechanical response and allowed toobtain corridor responses needed to validate personalized FE models. The geometry of the FE modelTHUMS was adapted to the volunteers and the thorax material properties were modified consideringaging to carry out a similar analysis in the injurious domain. Numerical simulations highlighted anincreased risk of rib fractures for specific personalized models.This study should help to better estimate the injury risk for car occupants. It should contribute topromote personalized human body models as attractive thorax injury assessment tool ofvulnerable individuals.
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Modal analysis of pedestrian-induced torsional vibrations based on validated FE modelsChamoun, Simon, Trabulsi, Marwan January 2017 (has links)
Finite element (FE) models serve as the base of many different types of analysis as e.g. dynamic analysis. Hence, obtaining FE models that represent the actual behaviour of real structures with great accuracy is of great importance. However, more often than not, there are differences between FE models and the structures being modelled, which can depend on numerous factors. These factors can consist of uncertainties in material behaviour, geometrical properties and boundary- and continuity conditions. Model validation is therefore an important aspect in obtaining FE models that represents reality to some degree. Furthermore, model verification is also important in terms of verifying theoretical models, other than FE models, in fields such as fatigue-, fracture- and dynamic analysis. In this thesis, two pedestrian steel bridges, the Kallhäll bridge and the Smista bridge, have been modelled in a FE software based on engineering drawings and validated against experimental results with regard to their natural frequencies. Furthermore, in this thesis, a model has been developed in MATLAB based on modal analysis that accounts for pedestrian-induced torsional vibrations, the 3D SDOF model. This model has been verified against the previously mentioned FE models. The aim of this thesis is hence two parted where the first part is to develop three-dimensional FE models of two pedestrian bridges and validate them against measured data regarding the natural frequencies. The second part is to further develop a model for analysing the effect of pedestrian-induced torsional vibrations and to investigate whether the model captures the actual dynamic response of such loading. The results showed that the natural frequencies for the first bending- and torsional mode from the FE models corresponded well to the measured ones with the largest difference of 5 \% obtained for the natural frequency of the first bending mode for the Smista bridge. Furthermore, the 3D SDOF model was able to capture the dynamic response of torsional vibrations with an overall difference of less than 2 \% in comparison to the FE models. The model can be improved by further studying the pedestrian-structure interaction as well as studying the effect of using approximative functions describing the mode shapes. / Finita elementmodeller (FE-modeller) utgör en bas för många olika typer av analyser som exempelvis dynamiska analyser. Därmed är det av stor betydelse att FE-modeller representerar det faktiska beteendet av verkliga strukturer med stor noggrannhet. Ofta är det emellertid skillnader mellan FE-modeller och de verkliga strukturer man modellerar. Dessa skillnader kan bero på en rad faktorer såsom exempelvis osäkerheter i materialbeteende, geometriska egenskaper samt upplag- och randvillkor. Modellvalidering är därför en viktig aspekt i att erhålla FE-modeller som representerar verkligheten i olika omfattningar. Utöver modellvalidering är även modellverifiering viktigt, inte endast för verifiering av FE-modeller utan även för verifiering av andra teoretiska modeller inom områden såsom utmaning-, fraktur- och dynamiska analyser. I detta arbete har två GC-broar, Kallhäll- och Smistabron modellerats i ett FE-program baserat på konstruktionsritningar och validerats mot experimentella resultat med avseende på de naturliga frekvenserna. Vidare har det i detta arbete utvecklats en modell i MATLAB som tar hänsyn till människo-inducerade torsionsvibrationer baserat på modalanalys, benämnd 3D SDOF modellen. Modellen har även verifierats mot de tidigare nämnda FE-modellerna. Målet med detta arbete är således uppdelat i två delar, där den första delen består av att utveckla tredimensionella FE-modeller av två GC-broar samt validera dessa mot mätdata vad gäller de naturliga frekvenserna. Den andra delen består av att utveckla en modell för att analysera effekten av människo-inducerade torsionsvibrationer och undersöka huruvida modellen fångar den dynamiska responsen. Resultaten visade att de naturliga frekvenserna för den första böj- och vridmoden från FE-modellerna motsvarade de uppmätta frekvenserna med en största relativ skillnad på 5 \% för den fösta böjmoden för Smistabron. Vidare visade resultaten att den utvecklade 3D SDOF modellen kunde fånga den dynamiska responsen av torsionsvibrationer med en skillnad på mindre än 2 \% i jämförelse med resultat från de FE-modellerna. Modellen kan förbättras genom att vidare studera interaktionen mellan fotgängare och gångbro samt studera effekten av att använda approximativa funktioner som beskriver modformen.
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Pros and Cons of Using Large Concrete Blocks in an Office Building Structure : Comfort, Stability, SustainabilityBaban, Shwan, Abolfazl, Asliyalfani January 2023 (has links)
In 2019, the cement industry used 280 million tons of oil equivalent, contributing to 7% of totalindustrial energy consumption. This resulted in 2.4 billion tons of CO2 emissions, constituting26% of the industrial sector’s CO2 output and 7% of global energy-related emissions. On theother hand, It is affordable, safe, and readily available, thanks to its construction error resistance. C3C is a company that takes advantage of waste concrete that has been produced and useit to mold concrete blocks that has different functions. This is a big environmental benefit. Themain function of these blocks has been to function as temporary or permanent partitions walls orsafety walls for accidental loads. The aim of this study is to investigate the feasibility and performance of a temporary office structure that is built majorly out of these C3C lego blocks froma comfort, stability and sustainability point of view. This data aids construction professionalsseeking cost-effective alternatives to traditional methods. Retrofitting and cascading offer economic and environmental benefits. Our goal is to discover innovative, sustainable constructionapproaches for future generations. The results show the importance of insulation positioning forthe comfort point of view. To ensure stability and analyse if the separation of the blocks occur,four RFEM models are made with focus on the tensile stresses and uplifting deflection of thewalls. In conclusion, this study provides ideas on how to design a temporary structure usingC3C lego blocks.Keywords: Concrete blocks, C3C blocks, FE models, life cycle analysis, mechanical connections, CO2 emissions.
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Composite timber structures – Ribbed plate design : Evaluation of existing and development of new design methodsMård, Cristoffer January 2022 (has links)
Ribbed plates comprising cross-laminated timber slab, CLT, with glulam beams allow for increased span length compared to pure CLT slabs. At the moment the Eurocodes do not provide any recommendations to design a CLT plate or a ribbed plate. There are handbooks for designing ribbed plates. But are their methods the best suited? Should one use Eurocode’s gamma-method, Timoshenko, shear analogy method or maybe an FE-model? This is difficult to answer, but nevertheless important questions for a structural engineer today. This master thesis investigates some of the different design methods used today in a numerical study. The study compares analytical methods and FE-models by investigating different parameters, like span lengths 6 m, 12 m, and 18 m, or uniform load and point load. Furthermore, this thesis provides guidance and help to apply design methods for ribbed plates. The outcome of the study shows a tendency for the gamma-method and the extended gamma-method giving the lowest deflections and normal stresses in many situations. Thus, there could be a risk of underestimating these properties by using the gamma-method. On the other hand there were consistent results with the gamma-methods compared to Timoshenko- and shear analogy-method which showed more deviations from the extended gamma-method as reference. The Timoshenko-method showed anomalies with thicker CLT. In addition, an Abaqus model with 3D elements and RFEM models with 2D and 1D elements were applied. The Abaqus models gave in general higher deflections and consistent results. Concluding from this thesis the Abaqus model together with the extended gamma-method would complement each other most efficiently in the design process of ribbed plates.
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Modellierung - Simulation des Plasma-Schweißens zur Entwicklung innovativer Schweißbrenner / Modeling and simulation of plasma welding for the development of innovative welding torchesAlaluss, Khaled, Mayr, Peter 06 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
- An Plasmaschweißbrennern treten starke thermomechanische Beanspruchungen aufgrund der ablaufenden thermophysikalischen Teilprozesse auf. Diese können durch funktionsgerechte werkstoffliche, konstruktive und fertigungstechnische Brennergestaltung bewerkstelligt und die Thermobilanz und Lebensdauer der Brenner verbessert werden.
- Anhand des entwickelten strömungs-thermomechanischen/magneto-hydro-dynamischen Simulationsmodells wurden werkstofflich-konstruktive Lösungsansätze für Entwicklung von physikalischen Prozesswirkprinzipien der betrachteten Plasma-Schweißprozessvarianten erarbeitet.
- Differente Einflussgrößen des Plasmaschweißprozesses wurden erfasst, analysiert und ihre Wirkung auf Prozessverhalten und Brennerkonstruktion ermittelt.
- Die damit gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurden für werkstoffliche, technisch-konstruktive Brennerentwicklung bzgl. der Ausführungsgeometrien, Prozessgaszuführung und Brennerkühlung genutzt.
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Analyse de l'influence des paramètres structuraux et fonctionnels d'une cage thoracique sous chargement dynamique a l'aide d'un modèle simplifiéYoussef, Michel 11 October 2012 (has links)
En Union Européenne les accidents frontaux font 28% des accidents routiers et sont responsables de 49% de mortalité, les fractures thoraciques étant la cause principale de décès. Les modèles en éléments finis du corps humain sont un outil important pour la simulation de chocs réels et la prédiction des risques d'endommagement. Cette thèse a permis de développer un modèle simple en éléments finis de la cage thoracique suffisamment souple d'utilisation et facilement paramétrable. Ce modèle est validé expérimentalement avant d'être utilisé pour une étude paramétrique. Cette étude a permis de caractériser l'influence de différents paramètres structurels et géométriques sur le comportement de la cage thoracique sous chargement dynamique. Le travail réalisé au cours de cette thèse est divisé en trois parties : Modélisation de la cage thoracique entière avec des éléments finis de type poutre dont les propriétés mécaniques sont déterminées à partir d'essais de flexion trois points sur des segments de côtes et complétées par des éléments de la littérature, Validation du modèle dont les résultats sont suffisamment proches des résultats des essais de chargement dynamique antéro-postérieur menés par Vezin et Berthet [Vez09], Etude paramétrique sur l'influence paramètres, géométrie des sections droites et géométrie globale de la cage thoracique (inclinaison des côtes, forme et taille globale de la cage thoracique). A partir de cette étude nous trouvons que le module d'Young et l'épaisseur du cortical ont une influence identique sur la raideur globale de la cage thoracique ainsi que sur la rotation et la déformation des côtes. Avec l'augmentation de ces deux paramètres la rigidité du thorax augmente et le taux de compression maximal diminue. D'autre part les côtes tournent plus et se déforment moins. La raideur des liaisons costo-verterbales a une influence directe sur la rotation latérale qui diminue avec l'augmentation de cette raideur alors que les déformations augmentent ; tandis que la raideur globale de la cage thoracique est légèrement modifiée. L'inclinaison des côtes est le facteur ayant la plus grande influence sur la déformation des côtes et donc sur le risque d'endommagement : plus les côtes sont proches de la direction de chargement la raideur de la cage thoracique augmente et la déformation des côtes augmente / In the European Union, 28% of road accidents are frontal impacts which provoke 49% of fatalities where the thoracic fractures are the main cause of death. The finite element models of the human body are an important tool for the simulation of real impacts and the prediction of damage. This thesis has led to develop a rib cage simplified finite element model sufficiently flexible and easily customizable. First, this model is experimentally validated and then used in a parametric study. This study allowed us to characterize the influence of different structural and geometric parameters on the behavior of the rib cage under dynamic loading. This work is divided into three parts : Modeling the rib cage using beam elements whose mechanical properties are determined by three-point bending tests on rib segments and supplemented from literature, Validating the model by simulating the anteroposterior dynamic loading tests led by Vezin and Berthet [Vez09], Performing a parametric study on the influence of the mechanical parameters (Young modulus, stiffness of costo-vertebral joints), the geometry of the rib sections and the overall geometry of the rib cage (ribs slope, shape and overall size of the rib cage). This study permitted to find that Young modulus and the thickness of the cortical have the same influence on the overall stiffness of the chest as well as on the rotation and deformation of the ribs. By increasing these parameters, the stiffness of the chest increases and the maximum compression ratio decreases. Besides, we'll find more rotation and less deformation of the ribs. The stiffness of the costoverterbal joints has a direct influence on the lateral rotation : it will decrease by increasing of the stiffness while deformation will increase. However, the overall stiffness of the chest is slightly modified by modifying the costovertebral joint stiffness. The initial inclination of the ribs accordingly to the load direction has the greatest influence on the deformation of the ribs and therefore on the damage risk. When the ribs are closer to the loading direction, the stiffness of the rib cage and the deformation of the ribs increases
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Modellbildung und Simulation des Plasma-Schweißens zur Entwicklung innovativer Schweißbrenner / Modeling and simulation of plasma welding for the development of innovative welding torchesAlaluss, Khaled Ahmed 21 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Habilitationsarbeit wurden technisch-konstruktive Lösungsansätze basierend auf einem entwickelten strömungs-thermomechanischen/magneto-hydro-dynamischen Simulationsmodell zur Entwicklung/Charakterisierung eines physikalischen Prozesswirkprinzips des betrachteten Mikro- und Hochleistungs- sowie Orbital-Plasma-Schweißprozesses und dessen physikalischer Effekte entwickelt. Dabei wurden die differenten Einflussgrößen beim Plasmaschweißprozess erfasst, analysiert und ihre Wirkung auf Schweißprozessverhalten und Brennerkonstruktion charakterisiert. Die damit gewonnenen Ergebnisse wurden zur werkstofflichen, technisch-konstruktiven Entwicklung der Brennerkopfmodelle hinsichtlich der Ausführungsgeometrien des Prozessgaszuführungs- und Brennerkühlsystems genutzt.
Im Rahmen des erarbeiteten thermomechanischen Simulationsmodells wurden die beim Plasma-Auftragschweißen von Verbundbauteilen auftretenden Temperaturfelder, Verformungen und Eigenspannungen vorausbestimmt, untersucht und analysiert. Mittels des erarbeiteten Simulationsmodells wurden werkstoffliche, konstruktive und fertigungstechnische Maßnahmen zur Minimierung/Beeinflussung schweißbedingter Verformungen und Eigenspannungen simulativ untersucht und bewertet. / In this work, technical and constructive solutions were developed based on simulation models (process and structural) for fluid mechanical, thermomechanical and magneto-hydrodynamic effects. The simulation process included improving and characterising the physical operating principles for micro plasma welding, high performance plasma welding and orbital plasma welding. Also, the physical effects for the above plasma welding processes were studied and analysed. From these different physical properties of the parameters for the plasma welding processes, and their effects on plasma welding process behaviour and torch design were analysed and characterised. The results were used for the development and construction of plasma welding torch models, which included material selection and geometrical design such as, process gas supply design, torch cooling system design, and other related torch designs.
By developing the thermomechanical simulation model, deformations and residual stresses that were generated by heating during the plasma welding process were investigated and analysed. The developed thermomechanical model
included material, structural and welding specifications such as buffering and preheating. Simulations utilizing this model were used in order to reduce the residual stresses and deformations of the welded components.
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Modellbildung und Simulation des Plasma-Schweißens zur Entwicklung innovativer SchweißbrennerAlaluss, Khaled Ahmed 21 February 2017 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Habilitationsarbeit wurden technisch-konstruktive Lösungsansätze basierend auf einem entwickelten strömungs-thermomechanischen/magneto-hydro-dynamischen Simulationsmodell zur Entwicklung/Charakterisierung eines physikalischen Prozesswirkprinzips des betrachteten Mikro- und Hochleistungs- sowie Orbital-Plasma-Schweißprozesses und dessen physikalischer Effekte entwickelt. Dabei wurden die differenten Einflussgrößen beim Plasmaschweißprozess erfasst, analysiert und ihre Wirkung auf Schweißprozessverhalten und Brennerkonstruktion charakterisiert. Die damit gewonnenen Ergebnisse wurden zur werkstofflichen, technisch-konstruktiven Entwicklung der Brennerkopfmodelle hinsichtlich der Ausführungsgeometrien des Prozessgaszuführungs- und Brennerkühlsystems genutzt.
Im Rahmen des erarbeiteten thermomechanischen Simulationsmodells wurden die beim Plasma-Auftragschweißen von Verbundbauteilen auftretenden Temperaturfelder, Verformungen und Eigenspannungen vorausbestimmt, untersucht und analysiert. Mittels des erarbeiteten Simulationsmodells wurden werkstoffliche, konstruktive und fertigungstechnische Maßnahmen zur Minimierung/Beeinflussung schweißbedingter Verformungen und Eigenspannungen simulativ untersucht und bewertet. / In this work, technical and constructive solutions were developed based on simulation models (process and structural) for fluid mechanical, thermomechanical and magneto-hydrodynamic effects. The simulation process included improving and characterising the physical operating principles for micro plasma welding, high performance plasma welding and orbital plasma welding. Also, the physical effects for the above plasma welding processes were studied and analysed. From these different physical properties of the parameters for the plasma welding processes, and their effects on plasma welding process behaviour and torch design were analysed and characterised. The results were used for the development and construction of plasma welding torch models, which included material selection and geometrical design such as, process gas supply design, torch cooling system design, and other related torch designs.
By developing the thermomechanical simulation model, deformations and residual stresses that were generated by heating during the plasma welding process were investigated and analysed. The developed thermomechanical model
included material, structural and welding specifications such as buffering and preheating. Simulations utilizing this model were used in order to reduce the residual stresses and deformations of the welded components.
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Modellierung - Simulation des Plasma-Schweißens zur Entwicklung innovativer SchweißbrennerAlaluss, Khaled, Mayr, Peter 06 June 2017 (has links)
- An Plasmaschweißbrennern treten starke thermomechanische Beanspruchungen aufgrund der ablaufenden thermophysikalischen Teilprozesse auf. Diese können durch funktionsgerechte werkstoffliche, konstruktive und fertigungstechnische Brennergestaltung bewerkstelligt und die Thermobilanz und Lebensdauer der Brenner verbessert werden.
- Anhand des entwickelten strömungs-thermomechanischen/magneto-hydro-dynamischen Simulationsmodells wurden werkstofflich-konstruktive Lösungsansätze für Entwicklung von physikalischen Prozesswirkprinzipien der betrachteten Plasma-Schweißprozessvarianten erarbeitet.
- Differente Einflussgrößen des Plasmaschweißprozesses wurden erfasst, analysiert und ihre Wirkung auf Prozessverhalten und Brennerkonstruktion ermittelt.
- Die damit gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurden für werkstoffliche, technisch-konstruktive Brennerentwicklung bzgl. der Ausführungsgeometrien, Prozessgaszuführung und Brennerkühlung genutzt.
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