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Co-production of inulinase by Kluyveromyces marxianus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in solid state fermentationMolefe, Nnana Mantsopa 02 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences), Vaal University of Technology / Solid-state fermentation (SFF) has emerged as a good method for the production of microbial enzymes such as inulinases. The use of low-cost agricultural plants and agro-industrial residues as substrates in SSF processes provides a value adding alternative to these otherwise under/or un-utilised vegetation. Production of inulinases, using various inulin-containing plant materials as carbon sources was studied using pure and mixed cultures of yeast strains. All substrates resulted in different levels of enzyme activity. A mixed culture of Kluyveromyces marxianus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae produced an extracellular exoinulinase when grown on different types of inulin-containing plant materials. Initial inulinase production was achieved as follows: 10 IU/gds (garlic cloves), 15 IU/gds (parsnips), 10 IU/gds (wheat bran) and 7 IU/gds (amadumbe) by K. marxianus and S. cerevisiae in a mixed culture. The production of inulinases by a mixed culture of K. marxianus and S. cerevisiae under SSF was further optimized by investigating initial moisture content, temperature, carbon source, nitrogen source, inoculum volume and inoculum ratio. The highest inulinase activity attained was in garlic cloves (85 IU/gds), followed by parsnips (65 IU/gds), wheat bran (37 IU/gds) and amadumbe (25 U/gds). The activities yielded 5.6 fold higher inulinase than in preliminary studies. The optimum pH and temperature of the crude enzyme were 5.0 and 50 oC, respectively. The pH and temperature stability of the enzyme was steady for 1 hour retaining about 64% activity. The average inulinase/invertase activity (I/S) ratio of 1.0 by crude inulinases was also observed after 48 hours. The crude extracellular enzyme extracts from the garlic cloves, parsnips, amadumbe and wheat bran were partially purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation and showed a specific activity of 9.03 U/mg, 0.08 U/mg, 4.12 U/mg and 0.133 U/mg respectively. The Km and Vmax values of the inulinase were 21.95 mM and 2.09 μM/min; 19.79 mM and 1.38 μM/min; 31.59 mM and 0.51 μM/min; and 25.74 mM and 0.23 μM/min, respectively. All extracts demonstrated potential for large-.scale production of inulinase and fructose syrup.
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Seleção de leveduras para fermentação com alta pressão osmótica usando processo de fermentação extrativa / Yeast selection for high osmotic pressure fermentation by extractive fermentation processNovello, Alexandra Pavan 09 February 2015 (has links)
Processos fermentativos que visam um salto tecnológico na produção de etanol, que potencialize o processo fermentativo, destaca-se a fermentação extrativa a vácuo. Assim buscou-se selecionar linhagens tolerantes à alta pressão osmótica para serem empregadas em processo de fermentação extrativa. Foram realizadas seleções a partir de 444 cepas de leveduras oriundas da biodiversidade das Usinas Brasileiras, que fazem parte do banco de leveduras do Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira (CTC), tendo como base o meio formulado com melaço e vinhaça para simular a fermentação extrativa. A seleção se baseou em submeter as linhagens às fermentações em condições crescentes de estresse osmótico, buscando destacar linhagens com a tolerância desejada. Para tal, as linhagens em mistura foram submetidas à propagação durante 93 gerações em meios com crescentes quantidades de melaço e vinhaça. Em etapa seguinte, 90 cepas foram isoladas e avaliadas mediante o crescimento (μmax e biomassa) em condição de estresse osmótico e genotipadas. O método usado na genotipagem foi o PCR - microssatélite, o qual permitiu verificar se as cepas resultantes da seleção eram cepas industriais (BG-1, CAT-1, PE-2 e SA-1) ou cepas selvagens e/ou predominantes. Foram utilizados 5 pares de primers representando 5 diferentes loci. A genotipagem e a avaliação do crescimento em condições de estresse osmótico, baseado em características genéticas e fisiológicas, permitiu identificar 24 linhagens com potencial de tolerância a pressão osmótica. As cepas com desempenho superior foram submetidas à avaliação de crescimento em placa e as sete mais tolerantes à pressão osmótica foram selecionadas e utilizadas em reciclos fermentativos empregando-se mosto constituído de melaço e vinhaça. A linhagem com as melhores características para a fermentação com alta pressão osmótica foi avaliada em condições de fermentação extrativa à vácuo. A linhagem selecionada, denominada de F1-5, mostrou-se com grande potencial para a fermentação extrativa quando comparada com a referência CAT-1. / Fermentative processes that aim for technology innovations in the ethanol production, which improve the fermentative process, emphasizing the in vacuum extractive fermentation. So we have selected strains tolerant for high osmotic pressure to be in extractive fermentation process for ethanol production. We 444 yeast strains from Brazilian Mills biodiversity, which Sugarcane Technology Center\'s (CTC) yeast bank, based on a medium formulated with molasses and vinasse, to simulate the extractive fermentation. The selection was based on submiting strains to the fermentation in in high osmotic stress condition, trying to feature strains with desired tolerance, so, the mixed strains were submitted to propagation for 93 generations in medium with increasing amounts of molasses and vinasse. In the following step, 90 strains were isolated and evaluated by growth (μmax and biomass) in osmotic stress condition and genotyped. The method used in genotyping was the PCR - microsatellite, which enable to estimate if resulting selection strains were from industrial strains (BG-1, CAT-1, PE-2 and SA-1) or wild strains and / or prevalent. 5 pairs of primers were used representing 5 different loci. The genotyping and the growth evaluation in osmotic stress conditions allowed identify strains based on genetic and physiological characteristics, making possible to identify 24 strains with a potential tolerance to osmotic pressure. The strains with better performance were submitted to evaluation growth on boards and the 7 most tolerant to osmotic pressure were selected and used in fermentative recycles using medium containing molasses and vinasse. The strain with the best features in the fermentation in high osmotic pressure was evaluated in vacuum extractive fermentation conditions. The selected strain, named F1-5, proved to have a great potential for extractive fermentation when compared to the reference CAT-1.
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Atividade invertásica de células intactas de levedura (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) obtidas por cultivo contínuo / Invertase activity of intact yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) attained form continuos cultureVitolo, Michele 06 April 1986 (has links)
Mediu-se a atividade invertásica de células intactas de levedura (S. cerevisiae) cultivadas por processo contínuo em meio preparado a partir de melaço de cana-de-açúcar, nas seguintes condições: a) aerobiose, com adição de nutrientes ao meio D(h-1): 0,10 e 0,24 Φ (l/l.min): 1 e 2 N(min-1): 500 e 700 b) aerobiose, sem adição de nutrientes ao meio D(h-1): 0,11; 0,14 e 0,23 Φ (l/l.min): 1 e 2 N(min-1): 500 c) anaerobiose, com e sem adição de nutrientes ao meio D(h-1): 0,24 N(min-1): 500 Nas condições referidas obtiveram-se cultivos contínuos em regime permanente e transiente. Realizou-se, também, cultivo descontínuo de células (mosto suplementado, Φ = 2 l/l.min e N = 500 min-1), constatando-se que a atividade invertásica específica (v) variava no decorrer do processo. A análise dos resultados deste ensaio permitiu concluir que a variação de v poderia ser o resultado de um mecanismo de repressão-desrepressão controlado pela concentração de glicose no meio. Outrossim, o valor constante de v no final do processo refletiria o fato de que a enzima na realidade está imobilizada na parede celular. No caso dos cultivos contínuos foi observado que os valores de v, em função do tempo, oscilaram, sendo que o período de oscilação não foi maior que 10 min. Outrossim, deve ser destacado que o P.O.M da atividade invertásica guardou certa dependência com as condições operacionais usadas nos ensaios. Assim, no caso de cultivos em aerobiose com mosto não suplementado o P.O.M de v em regime permanente é menor do que em regime transiente. De outra parte, no caso de cultivos em aerobiose com mosto suplementado o P.O.M foi de mesma magnitude tanto em regime transiente como permanente. Através de balanços materiais adequados foi possível calcular as velocidades específicas de crescimento celular (µ), de consumo de AR (µS) e de consumo de sacarose (µS\'-S) em função do tempo. Em regime transiente não se encontrou nenhuma lei que correlacionasse estas velocidades específicas entre si. Contudo, nos casos em que foi empregado mosto acrescido de nutrientes, verificou-se graficamente que deve existir correlação entre µS e µ(S\'-S), o que evidenciaria o acoplamento existente entre a decomposição da sacarose e o consumo de AR pelas células, intermediada pela invertase. Ressalte-se, também, que v e µ(S\'-S) não mostraram correlação aparente, o que é de se estranhar, pois nas condições de trabalho a hidrólise da sacarase só poderia se dar por via enzimática. Em regime transiente observou-se que a atividade invertásica específica apresentava alguma correlação com a velocidade de crescimento celular (µX). Dependendo das condições do experimento v e µX eram funções crescentes ou decrescentes com o tempo. Esta correlação ficou bem demonstrada nos cultivos em regime permanente, onde v- era função crescente de µX, obedecendo à relação: v- = 0,54 + 10,66 µX (r = 0,94) Em regime permanente foi verificado, também, que: a) µS e µ(S\'-S) para os cultivos em anaerobiose eram superiores àquelas dos cultivos em aerobiose, independente do fato do mosto ter sido ou não suplementado; b) v- diminuia, de acordo com as condições operacionais empregadas, na seguinte ordem: cultivo em aerobiose com mosto suplementado, cultivo em anaerobiose com ou sem mosto suplementado e cultivo em aerobiose e mosto não suplementado; c) o fator de conversão de substrato em microrganismo decresceu na seguinte ordem: cultivo em aerobiose e mosto suplementado, cultivo em aerobiose e mosto não suplementado e cultivo em anaerobiose com e sem mosto suplementado. A correlação existente entre v e µX mostrou que os valores de v determinados referem-se à atividade global da invertase imobilizada na parede celular e não àquela parcela da atividade que gerou os açúcares redutores realmente consumidos pela célula. Além disso, do modo como foi feito o tratamento das amostras, é possível admitir que não ocorreram modificações significativas nas características morfo-fisiológicas das células, representando estas a população existente na dorna no momento da amostragem. Por conseguinte a oscilação de v poderia ser vista como sendo uma variação na interação da invertase com a sacarose, devido aos posicionamentos distintos que as moléculas da enzima teriam na parede celular durante as várias etapas do ciclo celular. / The invertase specific activities of intact yeast cells obtained from continuous cultures on sugar-cane molasse media were determined. The experiments were carried out under the following conditions: a) aerated and supplemented medium: D(h-1): 0,10 and 0,24 Φ (l/l.min): 1 and 2 N(min-1): 500 and 700 b) aerated and non supplemented medium: D(h-1): 0,11; 0,14 and 0,23 Φ (l/l.min): 1 and 2 N(min-1): 500 c) non aerated, supplemented and non supplemented medium: D(h-1): 0,24 N(min-1): 500 The above conditions lead to unsteady and to steady-state cultures. It was observed that the invertase specific activity (v) varied during a batch growth experiment carried out under the following conditions: supplemented molasses, Φ = 2 l/l.min and N= 500 min-1. The observed variation was probably caused by a repression-desrepression phenomenon on the biosynthesis of invertase, controlled by glucose concentration in the medium. Nevertheless, v was approximately constant at the end of the process, which could be explained as a result of the enzyme immobilization on the cell wall. It was also observed that in continuous test v oscillated, and the oscillatory period was not greater than 10 min. Otherwise, it must be enhanced that there were some correlations between average oscillatory period and the experimental conditions. Considering the aerated continuous tests carried out with non supplemented medium, it was found that average oscillatory period in steady-state was lower than in unsteady-state. Nevertheless, in aerated continuous cultures carried out with supplemented medium average oscillatory period was the same, regardless if the system would be in unsteady ar steady-state. The following parameters were calculated: specific growth rate of the yeast (µ), specific consumption rate of reducing sugar (µS) and specific hydrolysing rate of sucrose (µS\'-S). Such parameters didn\'t show any correlation among them during unsteady states. Nevertheless, the curves µS=f(t) and (µS\'-S) = f(t), when supplemented molasses were used, show some correlation between µS and (µS\'-S), which could show a coupling between sucrose hydrolysis and reducing sugar consumption by cells, intermediated by invertase. In spite of the fact that only invertase could hydrolyse sucrose under the experimental conditions used, it wasn\'t possible to find any correlation between (µS\'-S) and v. Otherwise, it was found a correlation between v and µX (growth rate) during unsteady-state. Such correlation was well demonstrated in steady-state tests: v- - 0.54 + 10.66 µX (r = 0.94) The other main features of the experimental results obtained in steady-state continuous experiments are: a) µX and (µS\'-S), for experiments carried out under anaerobic conditions, were higher than the same parameters for experiments carried out under aerobic conditions, regardless if the molasses had been supplemented or not; b) v- varied as follows: (aerated culture with supplemented medium) > (non aerated culture with or without supplemented medium) > (aerobic culture with non supplemented medium); c) the yield factor varied as follows: (aerated culture with supplemented medium) > (aerated culture with non supplemented medium) > (non-aerated culture with or without supplemented medium). The correlation between v and µX was an evidence that the measured values of v represent the total invertase activity of the cell, and has no relation with the fraction of invertase that produced the reducing sugars assimilated by the cells. Otherwise, it seems possible to assure that the sample manipulatian did not affect the cell structure and that, cansequently, the measured enzyme activity represents the actual invertase activity af the growing cells. The oscillatory phenomena could then be considered as a variation of the invertase-sucrose interaction due to different positions of the invertase molecules on the cell wall during the cell growth.
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Potentiels des poly-hydroxyalcanoates (PHAs) bactériens pour l'encapsulation de molécules à visée thérapeutique / Potentials of bacterial Poly-HydroxyAlkanoates (PHA) for the encapsulation of therapeutic moleculesJain-Beuguel, Caroline 14 December 2018 (has links)
Les Poly(HydroxyAlcanoates) (PHA) sont des polymères naturels, biodégradables et biocompatibles, synthétisés par de nombreux organismes, et plus particulièrement des procaryotes. Il existe à ce jour plus de 150 types de monomères de PHA différents, accumulés chez différents genres bactériens, en tant que source d’énergie et de carbone. En effet, les granules de PHA intracellulaires sont produites en réponse à un apport en excès de sources de carbone dans l’environnement (glucides, acides gras…), couplé à une carence en éléments azotés nécessaires à la division cellulaire. De par leur caractère biodégradable et biocompatible, les PHA sont employés depuis plus de 20 ans comme biomatériaux dans les domaines pharmaceutiques et biomédicaux, notamment comme micro/nanovecteurs à visée thérapeutique. Ce doctorat met en évidence des méthodes de criblage moléculaire par PCR pour la sélection de bactéries productrices de PHA, isolées de sites hydrothermaux des océans Atlantique et Pacifique au cours de campagnes océanographiques Ifremer. Selon des protocoles de fermentation standardisés et optimisés, des polymères de poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-4-hydroxybutyrate) P(3HB4HB) d’intérêt biomédical ont été produits, puis des études taxonomiques et phylogénétiques ont été menées pour explorer la biodiversité microbienne associée aux environnements marins profonds. Ensuite, des PHA ont été modifiés par réaction thiol-ène photoactivée afin d’obtenir des copolymères hydrosolubles, adaptés pour l’enrobage de nanoparticules poreuses de type Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOF). La caractérisation physicochimique a été réalisée par différentes techniques, et notamment par SEM et STEM-EDX. Les systèmes hybrides poreux MOF-PHA ont ensuite été évalués quant à leur biocompatibilité vis-à-vis de cellules immunitaires (macrophages), par des tests de cytotoxicité et de prolifération cellulaire. Cette étude met en lumière les potentialités de cette nouvelle génération de nanovecteurs, synthétisés pour augmenter le bénéfice thérapeutique tout en minimisant les effets secondaires sur l’organisme humain. / Poly(HydroxyAlkanoates) (PHA) are natural polymers, biodegradable and biocompatible, synthesized by many organisms, especially prokaryotes. There are over 150 kinds of these polyesters, accumulated in a wide variety of bacteria as carbon and energy storage material. PHA granules are deposited intracellularly when microorganisms are cultivated in the presence of an excess of carbon source (glucids, fatty acids...) together with a nitrogenous nutrient deficiency. Due to their biodegradability and biocompatibility, PHA can be used as biomaterials in medical or pharmaceutical fields, and numerous therapeutic micro/nanovectors have already been developed over the past two decades.The present PhD research project highlighted molecular screening methods by PCR for the PHA producing Bacteria selection, isolated during Ifremer cruises from hydrothermal vents in Atlantic and Pacific oceans.According to standardized and optimized fermentation protocols, poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-4-hydroxybutyrate) P(3HB4HB) polymers of biomedical interest were produced, then taxonomic and phylogenetic studies were performed to explore microbial biodiversity associated with deep-sea environments. Next, PHA were modified by ‘click chemistry’ to obtain hydrosoluble copolymers, suitable for coating high porous Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOF) therapeutic nanoparticles. Physico-chemical characterization was performed using different techniques, and more particularly by SEM and STEM-EDX. MOF-PHA hybrid porous systems were then evaluated for their biocompatibility against immune cells (macrophages), by cytotoxicity and cellular proliferation tests. This study highlights potentials of these new generations of nanovectors, synthesized to increase the therapeutic benefit while minimizing side effects on the human body.
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Seleção de leveduras para fermentação com alta pressão osmótica usando processo de fermentação extrativa / Yeast selection for high osmotic pressure fermentation by extractive fermentation processAlexandra Pavan Novello 09 February 2015 (has links)
Processos fermentativos que visam um salto tecnológico na produção de etanol, que potencialize o processo fermentativo, destaca-se a fermentação extrativa a vácuo. Assim buscou-se selecionar linhagens tolerantes à alta pressão osmótica para serem empregadas em processo de fermentação extrativa. Foram realizadas seleções a partir de 444 cepas de leveduras oriundas da biodiversidade das Usinas Brasileiras, que fazem parte do banco de leveduras do Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira (CTC), tendo como base o meio formulado com melaço e vinhaça para simular a fermentação extrativa. A seleção se baseou em submeter as linhagens às fermentações em condições crescentes de estresse osmótico, buscando destacar linhagens com a tolerância desejada. Para tal, as linhagens em mistura foram submetidas à propagação durante 93 gerações em meios com crescentes quantidades de melaço e vinhaça. Em etapa seguinte, 90 cepas foram isoladas e avaliadas mediante o crescimento (μmax e biomassa) em condição de estresse osmótico e genotipadas. O método usado na genotipagem foi o PCR - microssatélite, o qual permitiu verificar se as cepas resultantes da seleção eram cepas industriais (BG-1, CAT-1, PE-2 e SA-1) ou cepas selvagens e/ou predominantes. Foram utilizados 5 pares de primers representando 5 diferentes loci. A genotipagem e a avaliação do crescimento em condições de estresse osmótico, baseado em características genéticas e fisiológicas, permitiu identificar 24 linhagens com potencial de tolerância a pressão osmótica. As cepas com desempenho superior foram submetidas à avaliação de crescimento em placa e as sete mais tolerantes à pressão osmótica foram selecionadas e utilizadas em reciclos fermentativos empregando-se mosto constituído de melaço e vinhaça. A linhagem com as melhores características para a fermentação com alta pressão osmótica foi avaliada em condições de fermentação extrativa à vácuo. A linhagem selecionada, denominada de F1-5, mostrou-se com grande potencial para a fermentação extrativa quando comparada com a referência CAT-1. / Fermentative processes that aim for technology innovations in the ethanol production, which improve the fermentative process, emphasizing the in vacuum extractive fermentation. So we have selected strains tolerant for high osmotic pressure to be in extractive fermentation process for ethanol production. We 444 yeast strains from Brazilian Mills biodiversity, which Sugarcane Technology Center\'s (CTC) yeast bank, based on a medium formulated with molasses and vinasse, to simulate the extractive fermentation. The selection was based on submiting strains to the fermentation in in high osmotic stress condition, trying to feature strains with desired tolerance, so, the mixed strains were submitted to propagation for 93 generations in medium with increasing amounts of molasses and vinasse. In the following step, 90 strains were isolated and evaluated by growth (μmax and biomass) in osmotic stress condition and genotyped. The method used in genotyping was the PCR - microsatellite, which enable to estimate if resulting selection strains were from industrial strains (BG-1, CAT-1, PE-2 and SA-1) or wild strains and / or prevalent. 5 pairs of primers were used representing 5 different loci. The genotyping and the growth evaluation in osmotic stress conditions allowed identify strains based on genetic and physiological characteristics, making possible to identify 24 strains with a potential tolerance to osmotic pressure. The strains with better performance were submitted to evaluation growth on boards and the 7 most tolerant to osmotic pressure were selected and used in fermentative recycles using medium containing molasses and vinasse. The strain with the best features in the fermentation in high osmotic pressure was evaluated in vacuum extractive fermentation conditions. The selected strain, named F1-5, proved to have a great potential for extractive fermentation when compared to the reference CAT-1.
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The evaluation of malolactic fermentation starter cultures under South African winemaking conditionsVan der Merwe, Hanneli 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With ever increasing pressure on wine producers to lower the financial costs involved in
winemaking to be able to compete in the market, all while maintaining a high level of wine
quality, the focus on maintaining control over all aspects of the winemaking process are
greatly emphasized.
Malolactic fermentation (MLF) is one of the important processes in red wine production.
The advantages of this process, when performed successfully, is widely known and
accepted. One way to gain control over MLF is the use of MLF starter cultures. Starter
cultures usually consist of Oenococcus oeni that has been isolated from grapes or wines
and is in most cases available in a freeze-dried form ready for direct inoculation into the
wine when MLF is desired. Starter cultures are induced into wine and usually ensure the
immediate onset as well as a fast and clean execution of the process. Starter cultures
used in South Africa are in most cases isolated from cooler viticultural regions in the
Northern hemisphere. The constitution of wines from cooler viticultural regions, differ from
those in South Africa, which has a warm climate. The most important difference is the acid
content of the wines which is lower in South African must/wines and results into a higher
pH. The three most important changes that develop in wine during MLF are a decrease in
acidity due to the conversion of malic acid to the less harsh lactic acid, enhanced flavour
and aroma of wine and an increase in the microbiological stability of wine. The decrease
in acidity is very important for wines produced for grapes grown in cool viticulture regions.
In South Africa though, the climate is warm and higher pH’s are present in the musts and
wines and the de-acidification due to MLF is not the main aim but rather the
microbiological stabilisation. One of the compounds that could be produced by lactic acid
bacteria (LAB) is biogenic amines (BA’s). These compounds can be hazardous to human
health. This thesis focussed on the performance of MLF starter cultures in high pH South
African red wines.
The first objective of the study was to stretch MLF starter cultures in high pH red wines
of South Africa. Stretching means to use less than the prescribed dosage or the re-use of
starter cultures. The difference in MLF rate, the influence of the natural occurring LAB and
the levels of biogenic amines formed during MLF were determined for the different
stretching treatments. The results showed that different rates in malic acid degradation
were experienced between the treatments, but in all cases MLF fermentation was completed. Biogenic amines were formed at various levels and the influence of the natural
occurring LAB also played a role.
The second objective of the study was the evaluation of the effect of a wine isolated
LAB (Lactobacillus) and an acetic acid bacteria (AAB), inoculated with a MLF starter
culture had on MLF at different wine pH’s. It was found that especially in the case where
the Lactobacillus was inoculated in combination with the MLF starter culture a possible
stimulatory effect was experienced with regards to malic acid degradation rate. Biogenic
amine concentration was measured at the end of MLF and it was found that no histamine
and tyramine were formed in any of the treatments, while the putrescine and cadaverine
levels were found to be at approximately similar levels for the different treatments.
The third objective was to evaluate the possible influence of commercial tannin
additions and a pectolytic enzyme on rate of MLF and phenolic composition of high pH red
wine. The commercial tannins had possible inhibitory as well as stimulatory effects on the
rate of malic acid degradation especially during the initial stages of MLF, with the highest
dosage having the significant effect. The BA results showed difference in the levels
produced due to tannin additions as well as strain differences could exist. The phenolic
content showed a decrease in colour density, total red pigments, total phenolics and
anthocyanins between AF and MLF.
The fourth objective was to evaluate inoculation time of MLF starter cultures. The
results showed that the fastest AF/MLF time was with simultaneous inoculation of the
yeast and MLF starter cultures. It was also for this treatment where no histamine or
tyramine was detected at the end of MLF compared to the other inoculation strategies
(before the end of AF and after AF).
This study generated a large amount of novel data which made a valuable contribution
with regards to MLF in high pH red wines of South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die druk om wyne van hoë gehalte teen lae insetkoste te lewer om deel te bly van ’n
kompeterende mark, plaas die fokus weer sterk op onder andere die beheer van alle
aspekte van die wynmaak proses.
Appelmelksuurgisting (AMG) is een van die belangrikste prosesse van rooiwyn produksie.
Die voordele van AMG, in die geval van die suksesvolle implementering daarvan is
vandag bekend en word geredelik aanvaar. Een van die metodes om beheer te verkry oor
the proses van AMG is deur die gebruik van AMG aanvangskulture. AMG
aanvangskulture bestaan uit Oenococcus oeni wat geïsoleer word vanaf druiwe of
mos/wyn en is in meeste gevalle beskikbaar in ’n gevries-droogte vorm wat direk in wyn
geïnokuleer kan word. Aanvangskulture word in wyn geïnduseer om die onverpose
aanvang van AMG te bewerkstellig asook om ’n vinnige en skoon deurvoering van die
proses te verseker. Die aanvangskulture wat in Suid-Afrika vir hierdie doeleinde gebruik
word is in meeste van die gevalle verkry uit koue wingerdbou gebiede in die Noordelike
Halfrond. Die samestelling van druiwe van koue wingerdbou gebiede en dié van
Suid-Afrikaanse warm wingerdbou gebiede verskil. Die belangrikste verskil word ervaar in
die suur inhoud, wat laer is in Suid-Afrikaanse druiwe en dus lei tot ‘n hoër pH inhoud. Die
drie mees belangrikste veranderinge wat gedurende AMG in wyn plaasvind is die
vermindering van die suur, as gevolg van die omskakeling van appelsuur na melksuur, die
verbetering van die aroma en geur van wyn en die verbeterde mikrobiologiese stabiliteit.
Die afname in suur is veral belangrik in wyne van koue wingerbou gebiede omdat die
suur-inhoud daarvan soveel hoër is. In Suid-Afrika kan hierdie verlaging in suur egter lei
tot ’n verdere verhoging in die pH wat plat wyne en uiteindelik ’n verlaging in die kwaliteit
van wyn tot gevolg kan hê. Biogene amiene (BA) is verbinding wat melksuurbakterieë
(MSB) kan vorm gedurende AMG en kan ernstige implikasies hê vir die mens se
Hierdie tesis fokus op die evaluering van AMG aanvangskulture in hoë pH rooi wyne
van Suid-Afrika.
Die eerste doelwit gedurende hierdie studie was om AMG kulture te rek en die invloed
daarvan in hoë pH rooiwyn te evalueer ten opsigte van the tempo van AMG, die rol van die
natuurlike MSB te bestudeer asook om die vlak van biogene amiene te bepaal vir die
verskillende behandelings. Die resultate het aan die lig gebring dat die rek van kulture verskille in die tempo van appelsuur afbraak tot gevolg het, maar dat AMG in alle gevalle
wel suksesvol deurgevoer kon word. Die BA’e wat gevorm is, was teenwoordig in
verskillende hoeveelhede.
Die tweede doelwit was om die effekt van die gesamentlike inokulasie van ’n wyn
geisoleerde MSB (Lactobacillus) asook ’n asynsuurbakterie (ASB) met ’n kommersiële
AMG aanvangskultuur op AMG te evalueer. Hierdie eksperiment is uitgevoer by
verskillende pH’s. Daar is gevind dat veral in die kombinasie inokulasie met die
Lactobacillus, die tempo van appelsuur afbraak moontlik gestimuleer was. Geen
histamien of tiramien is tydens AMG gevorm in hierdie eksperiment gevorm nie, terwyl
putresien en kadaverien teenwoordig was teen ongeveer gelyke vlakke vir die
Die derde doelwit was om die moontlike invloed van kommersiële tannien toevoegings
en die toevoeging van ’n pektolitiese ensiem te evalueer ten opsigte van AMG tempo die
fenoliese samestelling van rooiwyn te bestudeer. Verskillende kommersiële tanniene het
’n moontlike sowel as inhiberende uitwerking gehad, veral gedurende die aanvanklike
stadium AMG. Die grootste verskille is waargeneem in die behandelings waar die hoogste
dosisse tannien bygevoeg is. Die BA resultate toon dat verkillende vlakke geproduseer
was en dat hierdie verskille onstaan het as gevolg van verskille in tannien dosisse sowel
as aanvangskulture. Die fenoliese inhoud het ’n afname in kleur intensiteit, totale rooi
pigmente, totale fenole en antosianiene getoon vir die periode vanaf AF tot die einde van
Die vierde doelwit was om the tyd van inokulasie van AMG aanvangskulture te
bestudeer. Die resultate het getoon dat die vinningste tydperk van AF/AMG was
ondervind in die geval waar die gis aanvangskulture gelyktydig met die AMG
aanvangskulture geïnokuleer was. Geen histamine en tyramine het ook in hierdie
behandeling ontwikkel nie, terwyl daar wel vlakke teenwoordig was in die ander
behandelings (inokulasie net voor die einde van AF en na afloop van AF).
Tydens hierdie studie is ’n groot hoeveelheid nuwe data geskep wat ‘n groot bydrae
ten opsigte van AMG in hoë pH rooi wyne vanaf Suid-Afrika kan lewer.
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Seleção de fungos termofílicos para produção de lipase e aplicação na produção de biodieselFerrarezi, Ana Lúcia [UNESP] 18 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
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ferrarezi_al_dr_rcla.pdf: 2316153 bytes, checksum: 70628c1ba7de515160f7ca0246de5404 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / As enzimas são catalisadores muito eficientes e de grande interesse na aplicação industrial. As lipases (E.C. são serina-hidrolases que agem na hidrólise, esterificação e transesterificação de acilgliceróis de cadeia longa. Lipases microbianas têm sido amplamente usadas devido à sua especificidade. Na transesterificação moléculas de triacilglicerol reagem com um álcool na presença de um catalisador formando uma mistura de glicerol e ésteres de ácidos graxos. O biodiesel, definido como ésteres metílicos ou etílicos, tem atraído crescente interesse como uma fonte de energia renovável, substituindo o diesel produzido a partir de combustíveis fósseis. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal efetuar a prospecção de fungos termofílicos que apresentem produção significativa de lipase e, concomitantemente, atividade transesterificante. As linhagens foram selecionadas por detecção de atividade lipolítica em placas de ágar contendo Rodamina B, por fermentação submersa (FSm) e fermentação em estado sólido (FES). Foram testadas linhagens de fungos termofílicos da coleção do laboratório de Bioquímica e Microbiologia Aplicada, sendo Thermomucor indicae-seudaticae N31, Rhizomucor pusillus Myceliophtora sp F2.1.4, Myceliophtora sp M7.7, F2.1.1, F2.1.3 e Thermomyces lanuginosus TO-05 os que mostraram um maior potencial hidrolítico. Estudos adicionais avaliaram a produção de lipase através da modificação da fonte de componentes nutricionais e algumas propriedades físicas na produção de lipase por T. indicae-seudaricae N31 em FSm, e por R. pusillus e T. indicae-seudaticae N31 em FES. Os estudos dos processos fermentativos foram bem sucedidos, havendo um aumento de 16 vezes na produção de lipase de R. pusillus e de 36 vezes na lipase de T indicae-seudaticae... / Enzymes are efficient catalysts and interesting for industrial applications. Lipases (EC constitute a group of serine hydrolases that catalyze the hydrolysis, esterification and transesterification reactions of long chain acylglycerols. Microbial lipases have been widely used for biotechnological applications due to their specificity. In transesterification, molecule of a tryacylglicerol react with an alcohol in the presence of catalyst, producing a mixture of fatty esters and glycerol, Biodiesel, defined as methyl or ethyl fatty esters and has attracted considerable attention as a renewable source of energy, in substitution of fossil fuels. The main goal of the present work is the screening of thermophilic fungi that present outstanding lipase production and in parallel able to perform transesterification reaction. Strains were screened for lipase activity on agar plates containing Rhodamine B, for submerged fermentation (SmF) and solid state fermentation (SSF). The tested thermophilic strains were from the collections of the Biochemistry and Applied Microbiology Laboratory, where Thermomucor indicae-seudancae N31, Rhizomucor pusillus Myceliophtora sp F2.1.4, Myceliophtora sp M7.7, F2.1.1, F2.1.3 and Thermomyces lanuginosus TO-O5 had the highest lipase production. Additional studies attempted to improve lipase production by nutrient source modifications and physicals conditions in FmS by T. indicae-seudaticae N31 and in FSS by T. indicae-seudaticae N31 and R. pusillus. The fermentations studies were successful, with a 16 fold enhancement in lipase yield compared to the initial medim from lipase R. pusillus and 36 fold for the lipase T. indicae-seudaticae N31, both in FES. The lipase from T. indicae-seudaticae N31 cultured in SSF and SmF, exhibited maximum lipolytic activity at 40°C and stability for the pH range from 4 to 8. The enzyme produced by FmS presented maximum activity... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Optimiser l'hydrolyse et l'acidogénèse pour dissoudre et recycler le phosphore des effluents organiques en amont des unités de méthanisation / Optimizing hydrolysis and acidogenesis in order to dissolve and recover phosphorus in organic effluents upstream from methane productionPiveteau, Simon 19 December 2017 (has links)
Le phosphore est un élément crucial pour la vie sur Terre, de par son implication dans les processus bioénergétiques, le stockage et le traitement de l'information génétique. C'est également l'un des nutriments limitants en agriculture, aux côtés de l'azote et du potassium. Depuis la révolution verte au milieu du 20ième siècle, le monde agricole est dépendant des engrais phosphorés à bas coûts, fabriqués à partir d'une ressource fossile et nécessaires à l'amélioration des rendements des cultures à même de répondre aux besoins en nourriture d'une population en forte croissance. Cependant cette ressource, la roche phosphatée, s'épuise progressivement. De plus, son utilisation est très peu efficiente : moins de 20% du phosphore extrait se retrouve effectivement dans la nourriture consommée. L'une des raisons de cette faible efficience est la spécialisation de régions entières dans des productions agricoles spécifiques. Ainsi, les régions spécialisées dans les cultures à hauts rendements ont besoin de grandes quantités d'engrais minéraux alors que les régions d'élevage intensif ont des excédents de lisier sans terres agricoles suffisamment grandes et proches pour servir de zones d'épandage. L'épandage excessif de lisier en Bretagne est la cause première d'eutrophisation des cours d'eau. Le phosphore contenu dans le lisier porcin pourrait être recyclé sous forme de struvite (MgNH4PO4,6H2O), un engrais phosphaté à dissolution lente, très concentré et facilement transportable vers les régions de cultures végétales nécessitant une fertilisation phosphatée importante. Le phosphore du lisier porcin étant initialement présent sous une forme minérale solide, il est nécessaire de le dissoudre avant de le précipiter en struvite. Parce-que la dissolution par acidification chimique est trop chère et implique un mauvais bilan environnemental, le procédé développé lors de cette thèse utilise l'acidogénèse, un procédé biologique au cours duquel la matière organique est convertie en acides organiques en absence d'oxygène, acidifiant naturellement le lisier porcin. Différents déchets organiques ont été testés en tant que co-substrats dans du lisier porcin brut ou digéré, provoquant une fermentation de type lactique lorsque le co-substrat possédait une forte teneur en glucides facilement biodégradables, et une fermentation avec de nombreux acides organiques produits lorsque la teneur en glucides facilement biodégradables était faible. Il a pu être démontré que la fermentation lactique était le fait de bactéries appartenant au genre Lactobacillus, alors que divers Clostridiales dominaient lors des autres fermentations avec la production d'acétate, propionate, butyrate et valérate. Un réacteur en semi continu alimenté d'un mélange de lisier brut de petit pois et de carottes a permis la dissolution de 50% du phosphore total soit 750 mg-P/L. Après centrifugation, 3.4 g d'hydroxyde de magnésium par litre de surnageant a été ajouté afin d'élever le pH à 8 et ainsi précipiter la struvite. 99% du phosphore dissous a alors été abattu. Le solide obtenu contenait 70% de struvite, un léger excès de phosphore et de magnésium, ainsi que de la matière organique. L'acidogénèse permet l'hydrolyse de la matière organique complexe et la formation d'acides organiques. De ce fait, ce procédé de recyclage du phosphore contenu dans le lisier porcin pourrait être implémenté dans les nombreuses unités de méthanisation présentes en Bretagne et qui traitent des effluents animaux ainsi que des déchets organiques d'origine agricole, industrielle et municipale. La struvite obtenue pourrait être vendue dans les régions ayant besoin de fertilisation phosphatée alors que la matière organique du digestat pourrait être maintenue en Bretagne. Un tel procédé réduirait significativement l'eutrophisation due à l'épandage excessif du lisier tout en diminuant les besoins en fertilisants minéraux fossiles grâce à une source alternative aux performances fertilisantes équivalentes. / Phosphorus is a crucial nutrient for life, implicated in cellular bioenergetics as well as storage and processing of genetic information. It is also one of the limiting nutrients in agriculture with nitrogen and potassium. Since the green revolution in the middle of the 20th century, agriculture has relied on increasing amounts of cheap mineral P-fertilizers produced from a fossil resource to improve crop yields and sustain population growth. However, the resource is depleting and its use efficiency is poor: less than 20% of extracted P is actually consumed in food. One of the reasons for this is the specialization of entire regions into on type of agricultural production or another. Thus, regions focusing on high yield crops require large applications of fossil mineral fertilizers while intensive livestock breeding areas cannot find an output for their P-rich manure due to the distance with crop fields in need of P fertilization. Over application of animal manure in Brittany is the main cause of eutrophication in the region. Phosphorus could be recovered from pig manure as struvite, a concentrated, slow-release mineral fertilizer easily transported to crop-oriented regions in need of P fertilization. P in pig slurry is mostly under a solid inorganic form, requiring dissolution prior to precipitation as struvite. Because chemical acidification is too expensive and harmful to the environment, the process developed in this PhD relied on acidogenesis, a biological process in which organic matter is converted to organic acids under anaerobic conditions, thus naturally acidifying the swine slurry. Various organic wastes were tested as organic co-substrates on raw and digested pig slurry, leading to lactic acid fermentation when the co-substrate had a high content in easily biodegradable carbohydrates and a fermentation with diverse organic acids produced at low content in easily biodegradable carbohydrates. Lactobacillus was the genus responsible for lactic acid fermentation and various Clostridiales dominated otherwise, producing acetate, propionate, butyrate and valerate. A reactor was operated with semi-continuous feeding of raw swine slurry and carrot/pea, leading to the dissolution of 50% total-phosphorus or 750 mg-P/L. After centrifugation, struvite was precipitated in the supernatant by adding magnesium hydroxide to increase the pH to 8. 99% of dissolved P precipitated. The solid recovered contained 70% of struvite, a slight excess of P and Mg as well as organic matter. Because hydrolysis of organic matter and production of organic acids occurs during acidogenesis, the process could be implemented in the many anaerobic digestion units installed in Brittany treating animal manure and agricultural, industrial and municipal organic waste. The struvite recovered could be sold to regions in need while the digestate impoverished in P and rich in organic matter could be kept locally. Such process would reduce eutrophication due to over application of pig manure and also reduce the reliance on fossil P fertilizer by offering an alternative source with equivalent fertilizing performances.
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Production de bioéthanol à partir de biomasse lignocellulosique en utilisant des enzymes cellulolytiques immobilisées / Bioethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass using Immobilized Cellulolytic EnzymesPeriyasamy, Karthik 19 March 2018 (has links)
L'objectif global de cette étude était de produire du bioéthanol à partir de biomasse lignocellulosique en utilisant des enzymes libres ou immobilisées de type xylanase, cellulase et β-1,3-glucanase. L'isolement de la souche AUKAR04 de Trichoderma citrinoviride a permis de produire par fermentation solide ces trois enzymes à un taux de 55 000, 385 et 695 UI / gd, respectivement. L’activité biochimique des enzymes libres a été caractérisée en faisant varier différents paramètres : pH, température et concentration en cations métalliques, et les paramètres cinétiques correspondants ont été identifiés. Par la suite, les enzymes ont été immobilisées en phase solide, soit sous forme d’agrégats sans support de type (combi-CLEA), soit par association avec des nanoparticules magnétiques bifonctionnalisées (ISN-CLEA). Ces dernières ont fourni de meilleures performances en termes de stabilité thermique, d’activité et d’aptitude à réutilisation après un temps de conservation prolongé. Le substrat végétal utilisé (SCB : bagasse de canne à sucre) a été prétraité chimiquement par cuisson à l'ammoniac, permettant d’éliminer 40% de la lignine initiale tout en préservant 95% de glucane, 65% de xylane et 41% d'arabinane. L’hydrolyse enzymatique du substrat prétraité a permis une conversion de la cellulose en 87% de glucose, et une conversion des hémicelluloses (arabinoxylanes) en 74% de xylose et 64% d'arabinose, chiffres notoirement supérieurs à l'activité des enzymes libres. L'analyse chimique et structurale du substrat a été faite par spectrométrie ATR-FTIR et DRX, et par analyse TGA. L’étude FTIR a prouvé l’efficacité du traitement enzymatique en montrant que les hémicelluloses et la cellulose subissent une dépolymérisation partielle par l’action simultanée des trois enzymes immobilisées dans les ISN-CLEA. L’étude TGA a montré que la stabilité thermique des échantillons prétraités à l'ammoniac puis traités par des enzymes est notoirement améliorée. L’analyse DRX a montré que l'indice de cristallinité du substrat prétraité à l’ammoniac puis traité par l'ISN-CLEA a augmenté de 61,3 ± 1%, par rapport au substrat avant traitement enzymatique. La fermentation par la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae LGP2Y1 utilisée en monoculture, à partir d’un hydrolysat enzymatique contenant 103,8 g / L de glucose, a produit 42 g / L d'éthanol en 36 h de fermentation. Le rendement métabolique global atteint ainsi environ 79% du rendement théorique. La fermentation en co-culture avec Saccharomyces cerevisiae LGP2Y1 et Candida utilis ATCC 22023 d’un hydrolysat à 107,6 g / L de glucose et 41,5 g / L de xylose a produit 65 g / L d'éthanol en 42 h de fermentation. Ainsi, en co-culture fermentaire, le rendement métabolique global atteint environ 88 % du rendement théorique. / The overall objective of the study was to produce bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass by using free and immobilized xylanase, cellulase and β-1, 3-glucanase. Specifically, this study was focused on the isolation of Trichoderma citrinoviride strain AUKAR04 and it produces xylanase (55,000 IU/gds), Cellulase (385 IU/gds) and β-1, 3-glucanase (695 IU/gds) in solid state fermentation. Then the free enzymes were biochemically characterized such as effect of pH, temperature and metal ion concentration and kinetics parameters. Then the enzymes were subjected to two types of immobilization using carrier-free co-immobilization (combi-CLEAs) method and immobilized on bifunctionalized magnetic nanoparticles (ISN-CLEAs) with higher thermal stability, extended reusability and good storage stability. Liquid ammonia pretreatment removed 40% lignin from the biomass and retained 95% of glucan, 65% of xylan and 41% of arabinan in sugarcane bagasse (SCB). SCB was enzymatically hydrolyzed and converted to 87% glucose from cellulose and 74% of xylose, 64% of arabinose from the hemicelluloses which is remarkably higher than the activity of the free enzymes. Chemical and structural analysis of SCB was done by ATR-FTIR, TGA and XRD. FTIR result showed a successful pretreatment of the SCB raw material. It showed that hemicelluloses and cellulose are partially depolymerized by the action of xylanase, cellulase and β-1,3-glucanase in ISN-CLEAs. TGA studies showed that the thermal stability of the ammonia pretreated and enzymatically treated samples have improved remarkably. XRD results showed that the crystallinity index of the ISN-CLEAs treated SCB increased to 61.3±1% when compared to the ammonia-treated SCB. Mono-culture fermentation using Saccharomyces cerevisiae LGP2Y1 utilized SCB hydrolysate containing 103.8 g/L of glucose and produced 42 g/L ethanol in 36 h of fermentation. The overall metabolic yield achieved was about 79% of theoretical yield. Co-culture fermentation using Saccharomyces cerevisiae LGP2Y1 and Candida utilis ATCC 22023 utilized SCB hydrolysate containing 107.6 g/L of glucose and 41.5 g/L xylose and produced 65 g/L ethanol in 42 h of fermentation. The overall metabolic yield in co-culture fermentation achieved was about 88 % of the theoretical yield.
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Caracterización de levaduras nosaccharomyces para la producción de tequila con un perfil aromático específico / Caractérisation des levures non-saccharomyces pour la production de la tequila avec un profil de saveur spécifiqueSegura García, Luis Eduardo 29 June 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse traite de l'étude de levures non-Saccharomyces (Kluyveromyces marxianus et Pichia kluyveri) du point de vue physiologique lors de la fermentation de moût à base de jus d’agave pour l’obtention de tequila. Il consiste à déterminer comment différents facteurs tels que la source de carbone, d'azote, les concentrations de minéraux (calcium et magnésium) présent dans le milieu, l'aération et la température affectent le métabolisme de la levure et provoque des changements dans la production de composés volatiles durant la fermentation qui peuvent contribuer positivement à la boisson alcoolisée. Les levures utilisées au cours de cette étude ont été obtenues à partir de la collection de microorganismes du CIATEJ, qui ont été isolées à partir de différents procédés de fermentation artisanale de mezcal des états de Oaxaca, Guerrero et San Luis Potosi au Mexique. Sur la base de connaissances préalables disponibles dans la littérature qui démontrent que ces levures non-Saccharomyces sont de bonnes productrices de composés volatiles ainsi que des résultats obtenus, une utilisation de ces levures dans le procédé de fermentation alcoolique pour la production de tequila est considérée. Les résultats montrent que les levures non- Saccharomyces étudiés sont affectées par tous les facteurs étudiés, ils doivent donc être considérés et contrôlés durant le procédé de fermentation pour obtenir la production des composés volatiles recherchés. Les souches étudiées présentent un certain potentiel qui leur permet de se positionner comme possible candidat pour réaliser une fermentation de manière indépendante sans avoir besoin de la présence de Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ou en co-culture avec S. cerevisiae pour obtenir dans les deux cas une tequila plus aromatique par rapport aux produits qui sont actuellement disponibles sur le marché. La connaissance détaillée des besoins physiologiques de la levure, nous donne la possibilité de modifier les composés volatiles présents dans la boisson alcoolisée, en contrôlant les paramètres au cours du procédé de fermentation. / The present work aimed to study how factors such as carbon and nitrogen source, calcium and magnesium concentration (in the medium), aeration or temperature disturb the metabolism of non-Saccharomyces yeasts (Kluyveromyces marxianus and Pichia kluyveri), specifically their impact on the production of volatile compounds during alcoholic fermentation of agave must employed in Tequila elaboration process. The used yeasts were obtained from the collection of CIATEJ strains, which were isolated from artisanal mezcal fermentation processes from the states of Oaxaca, Guerrero and San Luis Potosi in Mexico. It is intended to use the information generated and then using these yeasts in alcoholic fermentation processes for the production of tequila. Based on prior knowledge that non-Saccharomyces yeasts are good producers of volatile compounds desired in alcoholic beverages requested by consumers and the results of this study, the use of these strains is considered for tequila production. The results obtained in the present study revealed that all tested factors disturbed volatile compound production in these non- Saccharomyces yeasts and therefore need to be considered to drive fermentation processes aiming the production of a more aromatic beverage. Some yeast strains showed good potential to perform fermentation without or in co-culture with S. cerevisiae obtaining in both cases a product with more desired flavors compared to products currently on the market. The knowledge about the physiological needs of these yeasts gives the opportunity to modify the composition of the alcoholic beverage, only by controlling the parameters during the fermentation process.
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