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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterization of NDR kinase signalling pathways during septum formation in Neurospora crassa

Heilig, Yvonne 21 November 2013 (has links)
Die Zellteilung/Zytokinese ist ein grundlegender zellulärer Prozess und essentiell für das Wachstum von einzelligen und mehrzelligen Organismen. Reguliert wird dieser Prozess durch komplexe molekulare Mechanismen sowie einer Vielzahl von interaktiven Netzwerken. In Pilzen koordiniert eine Kinase-Kaskade, das Septierungs-Initiierungs Netzwerk (SIN) das Fortschreiten des Zellzyklus mit dem Beginn der Zellteilung und kontrolliert die Septenbildung. Fehlregulation des homologen Hippo Netzwerks in Tieren führt zu Gewebewucherungen und Tumorbildung, was die konservierte Bedeutung dieser Regulationsnetzwerke in verschiedenen Organismen unterstreicht. Obwohl die Septenbildung essentiell für das Wachstum und die Differenzierung von Schimmelpilzen ist, bleibt die Frage wie die Septierung reguliert wird und aus welchen Komponenten sich das SIN Netzwerk in filamentösen Pilzen zusammensetzt bisher noch unbeantwortet. Mit Hilfe von in silico Analysen konnten homologe Proteine für fast alle SIN Netzwerk Komponenten im Modellorganismus Neurospora crassa identifiziert werden. Die Analyse dieser vorhergesagten SIN Komponenten ermöglichte die Charakterisierung der SIN-Kinase-Kaskade, bestehend aus CDC-7, SID-1 und DBF-2 sowie den entsprechenden, regulatorischen Untereinheiten CDC-14 und MOB-1. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass DBF-2 durch SID-1 am hydrophoben Motiv phosphoryliert und aktiviert wird und dass eine SID-1 abhängige Stimulation von DBF-2 durch Zugabe von CDC-7 weiter gesteigert wird. Diese Daten liefern den ersten biochemischen Nachweis für die schrittweise Aktivierung einer dreistufigen SIN-Kinase-Kaskade in Pilzen. Es wurde weiterhin gezeigt, dass die gesamte SIN Kaskade konstitutiv und Zellzyklus unabhängig an den Spindelpolkörpern akkumuliert und dass alle SIN Proteine an kontrahierenden Septen lokalisieren. Demzufolge ist im Gegensatz zu den einzelligen Pilzen die Lokalisation und Aktivität der SIN Komponenten in Synzytium-bildenden Ascomyzeten Zellzyklus unabhängig. Darüber hinaus deutet die Charakterisierung von DBF-2 Mutanten, in denen die beiden regulatorischen Aminosäuren (Ser499 and Thr671) mutiert sind, darauf hin, dass ein dynamischer Phosphorylierungs-/Dephosphorylierungszyklus des Ser499 entscheidend für die Aktivität und Funktion von DBF-2 in N. crassa ist. Diese Daten haben Einfluss auf das allgemeine Verständnis der Aktivierung von NDR Kinasen, denn bisher wurde für NDR Kinasen höherer Eukaryonten eine folgegebundene Phosphorylierung beider regulatorischer Reste angenommen. Der Ste20-verwandten Kinase MST-1 konnte eine Funktion als SIN-assoziierte Kinase, die parallel zu SID-1 agiert, zugeordnet werden. SID-1 und MST-1 werden auf entgegengesetzte Weise von der oberhalb agierenden SIN Kinase CDC-7 reguliert, was nahelegt, dass MST-1 für die Feinabstimmung des SIN erforderlich ist. Lifeact- und Formin-GFP Reporter Konstrukte zeigten, dass in der Δmst-1 Mutante abnormale, kortikale Actomyosin-Ringe gebildet werden, was eine Fehlpositionierung der Septen und die Bildung von unregelmäßigen Spiralen zur Folge hat. Diese Defekte entsprechen partiell jenen der MOR Mutanten. Diese Mutanten weisen ein defektes NDR Kinase Netzwerk auf, welches für das polare Wachstum verantwortlich ist (MOR). Es stellte sich heraus, dass MST-1 mit den zentralen MOR Kinasen POD-6 und COT-1 interagiert und sowohl die SIN Effektor Kinase DBF-2 als auch die MOR Effektor Kinase COT-1 aktiviert. Somit fungiert MST-1 als dual-spezifisches Enzym. Eine weitere Vernetzung beider Signalwege ist durch die Bildung von Heterodimeren gegeben. Die in dieser Studie identifizierten verschiedenen Ebenen der Vernetzung des SIN und MOR, sowie entsprechende Daten aus anderen Modellorganismen wie S. pombe und D. melanogaster, lassen vermuten, dass antagonistische Interaktionen zwischen homologen NDR Kinase Netzwerken ein genereller Mechanismus zur Koordination beider Signalwege darstellt und auch in höheren Organismen konserviert ist. Durch die Annotierung mehrerer Pilzgenome wurden zahlreiche Gene mit einer Homologie zu den S. cerevisiae BUD Genen auch in filamentösen Pilzen identifiziert. Epistatische und biochemische Analysen ergaben, dass das MOR Netzwerk als negativer Regulator der Septenbildung oberhalb des BUD komplex fungiert und dass COT-1 im Gegensatz zu DBF-2, die beiden Septierungsmarkerproteine BUD-3/BUD-4 phosphoryliert. Folglich könnte die Regulation von BUD-3 (und eventuell auch BUD-4) durch COT-1 ein Mechanismus des MOR Netzwerks sein, um die Septenbildung in N. crassa zu inhibieren.

Functional and structural analysis of carbonic anhydrases from the filamentous ascomycete Sordaria macrospora / Functional and structural analysis of carbonic anhydrases from the filamentous ascomycete Sordaria macrospora

Lehneck, Ronny 09 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.

An investigation into the hex1 gene and gene promoter for the enhancement of protein production in Trichoderma reesei / Investigation into the hex1 gene and gene promoter in Trichoderma reesei

Curach, Natalie Claire January 2005 (has links)
Supplementary material to figures contained on DVD only available with manuscript. / Thesis (PhD)--Macquarie University, Division of Environmental & Life Sciences, Dept. of Biological Sciences, 2005. / Bibliography: p. 221-244. / Introduction -- Materials and methods -- Isolation of the hex1 gene from Trichoderma reesei and Ophiostoma floccosum -- Expression of DsRed under the cbh1 promoter and the hex1 promoter with random integration -- Modified expression vectors containing a fusion to a portion of hex1 gene sequence -- Expression of DsRed from the hex1 locus and the phenotypic characteristics of a hex1 deletion mutant -- Summary and concluding discussion. / For Trichoderma reesei to be developed as an effiecient producer of a large variety of proteins, the expression system requires diversification. In particular, the choice of promoters available needs to be broadened to include promoters which are active in conditions other than those conducive to induction of cellulase expression. Using proteomics, the HEX1 protein was identified as an abundant protein of the cell envelope of T. reesei when grown on a range of carbon sources, suggesting that a strong constitutive promoter drives the expression of this physiologically important protein. This thesis is an exploration into the hex1 gene promoter and the role of hex1 in the maintenance of mycelium integrity in T. reesei with consideration for the application of this gene in the further development of filamentous fungi as protein expression systems. -- The single copy hex1 gene and flanking regions were isolated from T. reesei and another biotechnologically important fungus, Ophiostoma floccosum. The fluorescent reporter protein DsRed1-E5 was expressed under the T. reesei hex1 promoter and promoter activity was monitored by fluorescence CLSM and RNA analysis. During the rapid growth phase of a culture, the hex1 promoter was active in a range of carbon sources and three transcipt types with alternative tsp and splicing sites were discovered for the hex1 gene. The distribution of fluorescence throughout the mycelium suggested spatial regulation of the hex1 promoter as well as temporal regulation. The promoter was continually active in the absence of a functional hex1 gene product suggesting that the hex1 promoter is regulated in part, by negative feedback from the endogenous gene product. Interruption of the hex1 gene produced hyphae that leaked excessive volumes of cytoplasm when physically damaged which may be advantageous for the externalisation of selected protein products. The results indicate that the regulation of the hex1 hene promoter is complex and that the hex1 gene is integral to the maintenance of the integrity of the fungal mycelium. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / xv, 244 p. ill

Proteomic analysis of the biological control fungus Trichoderma

Grinyer, Jasmine January 2007 (has links)
Thesis by publication. / "August 2006" / Thesis (PhD)--Macquarie University, Division of Environmental & Life Sciences, Dept. of Biological Sciences & Dept. of Chemistry & Biomolecular Sciences), 2007. / Bibliography: leaves 157-183. / 1. Introduction -- 1.1. Proteomics and two-dimensional electrophoresis -- 1.2. A proteomic approach to study the filamentous fungus Trichoderma -- 1.3. Aims of the thesis -- 2. Materials and methods -- 3. Results and discussion -- 3.1. Method development for the display and identification of fungal proteins by 2DE and mass spectrometry -- 3.2. Discovery of novel determinants in the biological control of phytopathogens by Trichoderma atroviride -- 3.3. Summary and concluding remarks. / Trichoderma harzianum and T. atroviride are filamentous fungi commonly found in soil. Both display biocontrol capabilities against a range of phytopathogenic fungi including Rhizoctonia solani and Botrytis cinerea which are known pests of hundreds of commercially important crops including tomatoes, potatoes, beans, cucumber, strawberries, cotton and grapes. These Trichoderma species secrete a combination of enzymes degrading cell walls and antibiotics to overgrow and kill fungal phytopathogens. They are seen as an environmentally friendly alternative to chemical fungicides currengly used on crops. / A proteomic approach was taken to separate and identify proteins from a strain of T. harzianum with well established biocontrol properties. Several methods were developed in this thesis to display the whole proteome content and several subcellular proteome fractions from T. harzianum. Proteins were separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis and identified by mass spectrometric methods. The resulting proteomic maps represent the first extensive array of cellular and sub-cellular proteomes for T. harzianum. / Cellular protein patterns of T. atroviride (T. harzianum P1) grown on media containing either glucose or R. solani cell walls were compared by differential gel electrophoresis to identify a suite of new proteins involved in the biological control response. Twenty four T. atroviride protein spots up-regulated in the presence of the R. solani cell walls were identified by mass spectrometry and N-terminal sequencing. Proteins identified from this study included previously implicated enzymes degrading cell walls and three novel proteases, vacuolar serine protease, vacuolar protease A and trypsin-like protease. The genes encoding two of these proteases, vacuolar protease A and vacuolar serine protease have been cloned by degenerate primer PCR and genomic walking PCR and sequenced. The gene sequences and protein sequences derived from these genes have been partially characterised. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / 194 leaves ill

Developing Ophiostoma floccosum as a novel expression system

Wu, Caiyan January 2007 (has links)
"This thesis is based on the following articles, referred to in the text by the Roman numerals given below. In addition some unpublished results are presented. I. Caiyan Wu ... [et al] Improvement of the secretion of extracellular proteins and isolation and characterization of the amylase I (amyI) gene from Ophiostoma floccosum [pub. in ] Gene 384: 96-103 -- II. Caiyan Wu ... [et al.] Activity-based identification of secreted serine proteases of the filamentous fungus Ophiostoma. Accepted by Biotechnology letters DOI 10.1007/s10529-007-9333-6 -- III. Caiyan Wu ...[et al.] Expression of a thermostable bacterial xylanase in the filamentous fungus Ophiostoma floccosum. Submitted to Letters in applied microbiology in July 2007." - leaf 9. / Thesis (PhD)--Macquarie University, Division of Environmental and Life Sciences, Dept. of Chemistry & Biomolecular Sciences, 2007. / Bibliography: leaves 100-123. / Introduction -- Materials and methods -- Results and discussion -- Conclusion and future aspects -- References -- Publications I, II and III. / Ophiostoma spp. belong to the Ophiostomataceae family, a large group of ascomycetes, which are the most frequent blue stain fungi isolated from stained wood. Most Ophiostoma species do not compromise the strength properties of wood, but do reduce the aesthetic quality of timber and therefore decrease the economic value of lumber. Some albino variants of O. floccosum and O. piliferum have been used as biological control agents to prevent blue staining. This successful whole organism approach plus the added capability of extracellular protein secretion makes Ophiostoma spp. attractive for industrial application. In addition, Ophiostoma produces only a small range of abundantly secreted proteins in liquid culture, which can facilitate downstream purification of any recombinant gene product introduced into the system. Genes encoding efficiently secreted proteins provide a potential souce for strong promoters for high-level gene expression. These characteristics provide an excellent starting point for the development of a novel expression system. / In this study, UV-mutagenesis was applied to improve protein secretion in Ophiostoma floccosum. Amylase activity was used as an indicator for enhanced protein secretion after repeated rounds of mutagenic treatment. Several mutants of O. floccosum derived by UV mutagenesis were isolated and the total amount of secreted protein was increased by 4 to 6 times. The amylase activity in the culture supernatant of the best mutant (MQ.5.1) was increased by more than 240-fold compared to the initial parental strain. At the same time, the amount of total secreted protein was about six times greater to that of the parental strain. Proteinase profiles in the culture supernatants of several key mutants were characterized for the future matching of an expression host with a particular gene product. N-terminal sequencing of the five dominant proteins separated by SDS-PAGE from the culture supernatant was conducted. Two of the proteins identified were subtilisin-like proteinases and one was a pepsin-like proteinase. In addition, one protein was identified as an_-amylase and one remained unidentified. A 6.5 kb DNA fragment was isolated by Genomic Walking PCR using primers based on the _-amylase amino acid sequence. The amplified fragment contained the entire gene encoding_-amylase (amyl) and its regulatory sequences. Analysis showed that multiple transcripts were generated from the single _-amylase gene locus. / A series of expression vectors containg the _-amylase regulatory sequences and partial amyl gene were constructed. Several selection markers were screened and the hph gene conferring hygromycin resistance under the regulation of the Aspergillus nidulans gpd promoter was chosen and inserted into the amyl expression vectors. The gene encoding a red fluorescent protein DsRed-E5 was used as a reporter gene to test the expression system using mutant MQ.5.1 as host. However, no transformants were obtained by either biolistic transformation or protoplast transformation. Subsequently, an alternative strategy was developed using a thermostable xylanase B as a reporter. Thermostable xylanase activity was detected in the culture supernatants of several transformants. Production of xylanase by transformant SS41 which exhibited high secreted xylanase activity was investigated. Xylanase activity in the culture supernatant of SS41 was visualized by a zymogram gel assay. Two active proteins with molecular masses of around 27 and 30 kDA, which were larger than the predicted Mr of 25 kDA were detected. This is the first report describing successful expression of a recombinant thermostable bacterial enzyme in Ophiostoma. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / 158 leaves col. ill

Controle de microrganismos filamentosos com a utilização de uma solução de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2). / Controle de microrganismos filamentosos com a utilização de uma solução de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2).

Brenda Braga da Costa 01 March 2013 (has links)
O processo de lodos ativados consiste em um tratamento biológico amplamente utilizado nas estações de tratamento, para remoção de matéria orgânica, devido à qualidade do efluente ao final do processo. Essa remoção é realizada por microrganismos que atuam neste sistema como bactérias, protozoários, metazoários e organismos filamentosos, como fungos e bactérias, formadores de flocos biológicos. Para garantir a eficiência deste processo deve haver um equilíbrio da microbiota dentro do reator aeróbio e o controle do número de filamentosos, tendo em vista que seu excesso no sistema pode causar o intumescimento do lodo (bulking) interferindo na qualidade do efluente gerado. O presente estudo teve como objetivo testar a eficiência de uma solução de 0,001% de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) no controle de microrganismos filamentosos em lodos provenientes de duas indústrias, farmacêutica e alimentícia, reduzindo assim os riscos relacionados à utilização desta substância em grandes volumes. Foram realizadas análises microscópicas do lodo para avaliação quantitativa e monitoramento da atividade biológica dos reatores, essa avaliação serviu como base para a análise qualitativa a partir do índice de Madoni (1994) gerando um Índice Biótico do Lodo (IBL). Foram realizados outros testes, como IVL e teste de respiração, sendo os resultados destes testes comparados a fim de avaliar a eficiência da solução de H2O2 e sua interferência no processo. A solução de H2O2 foi eficiente em ambos os experimentos, mostrando através dos testes de TCO e TCOe não haver interferência desta solução no metabolismo da microfauna; os resultados do IBL mostraram uma boa qualidade do lodo para ambos experimentos e a partir desta análise foi observado que a elevação de temperatura, acima de 30,0C, causa interferência no sistema levando a uma redução do IBL. Os resultados de IVL não demonstraram diferença entre os valores dos reatores controle e tratado, porém a avaliação do tamanho dos flocos e filamentos mostrou que o aumento na concentração da solução de H2O2 levou a um controle na quantidade de filamentosos nos reatores tratados que reduziram em tamanho e quantidade. / The activated sludge process consists in a treatment largely used in biological treatment plants for removal of organic matter, because of the quality of the effluent at the end of the process. This removal is accomplished by microorganisms which act in this system as bacteria, protozoa, metazoan and filamentous organisms such as fungi and bacteria, forming biological flocs. To ensure efficiency of this process must be a balance of microbiota in the aerobic reactor and control the number of filaments, in order that its excess in the system may cause sludge swelling (bulking) interfering with the quality of the effluent. The present study aimed to test the efficacy of a 0.001% solution of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in control of filamentous microorganisms in sludge from two industries, pharmaceutical and food, thereby reducing the risks related to the use of this substance in large volumes. Analyses microscopic sludge to quantitative evaluation and monitoring of the biological activity of the reactors, this assessment was the basis for the qualitative analysis from the Madonis index (1994) generating a Sludge Biotic Index (IBL). Other tests were performed as IVL and then breath test, and the results of these tests being compared in order to evaluate the efficiency of H2O2 solution and their interference in the process. A solution of H2O2 was efficient in both experiments, showing through the TCO and TCOe tests, that this solution not be interference with the metabolism of microfauna, the IBL results showed a good quality of the sludge for both experiments and from this analysis revealed that the temperature over 30,0C, causes interference in the system leading to a reduction in the IBL. The results IVL showed no difference between the control and treated reactors, but the evaluation of the size of the flocs and filaments showed that increasing the solution concentration of H2O2 led to control the amount of filamentous treated in reactors which have reduced in size and quantity.

Assimila??o de nitrog?nio e crescimento apical em fungos filamentosos produtores de L-asparaginase

Gon?alves, Aline Bacelar 30 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2017-09-12T18:28:33Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) aline_bacelar_goncalves.pdf: 5988024 bytes, checksum: 24d09b3ca0a2e58cc7aee0ca7ca2528f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2017-09-18T12:57:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) aline_bacelar_goncalves.pdf: 5988024 bytes, checksum: 24d09b3ca0a2e58cc7aee0ca7ca2528f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-18T12:57:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) aline_bacelar_goncalves.pdf: 5988024 bytes, checksum: 24d09b3ca0a2e58cc7aee0ca7ca2528f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / O tratamento das leucemias ? desafiador por v?rios aspectos, entre os quais podem ser destacados os efeitos adversos e a obten??o de op??es terap?uticas de alta qualidade e de custos razo?veis. A utiliza??o da enzima L-asparaginase como agente terap?utico, limita a fonte ex?gena de asparagina, da qual as c?lulas malignas dependem para o metabolismo celular e para a sobreviv?ncia. Essa ? uma op??o que oferece menores riscos ao paciente e ?s c?lulas sadias, que s?o capazes de sintetizar este amino?cido. Neste cen?rio o objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar, entre fungos filamentosos, linhagens produtoras da enzima L-asparaginase. O estudo tamb?m buscou avaliar o efeito da varia??o da fonte de carbono e da raz?o carbono-nitrog?nio no crescimento e na express?o da atividade enzim?tica, a fim de desenvolver meios de cultivo para o processo produtivo. Realizou-se tamb?m um estudo do crescimento apical das tr?s linhagens selecionadas, duas do g?nero Penicillium sp. e uma do g?nero Fusarium sp., em diversos meios de cultivo. O conhecimento gerado sobre as linhagens produtoras e os demais estudos realizados permitiram a obten??o de um meio de cultivo que possibilitou a produ??o enzim?tica em at? 11,45 U.min-1.mL-1 com a linhagem de Fusarium sp. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Ci?ncias Farmac?uticas, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2016. / The treatment of leukemia is challenging in many ways, including the adverse effects and obtaining treatment options of high quality and reasonable cost. The use of L-asparaginase enzyme as a therapeutic agent limits the exogenous source of asparagine, which the malignant cells depend for cellular metabolism and survival. This option offers lower risk to patients and healthy cells, which are able to synthesize this amino acid. Therefore, the objective of this work was to select among filamentous fungi, producing strains of L-asparaginase enzyme. The study also aimed at evaluating the effect of varying the carbon source and carbon-nitrogen ratio in the growth and expression of the enzymatic activity to develop culture media for the production process. It was also carried out a study of the apical growth of the three strains selected, two of the genus Penicillium sp. and one Fusarium sp., cultivated in various culture media. The knowledge about the growth of the strains studied in different nutritional sources and other studies allowed obtaining a culture medium that enabled the enzyme production of 11.45 U.min-1.mL-1 by Fusarium sp.

Fungos associados às onicomicoses : prevalência e suscetibilidade a drogas antifúngicas

Maifrede, Simone Bravim 06 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T13:56:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao-simonebrmaifrede.pdf: 1273260 bytes, checksum: d5439bcf28dc75da348359e5efa529ef (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-06 / INTRODUÇÃO: Onicomicose é a infecção da unha causada por amplo espectro de espécies fúngicas, incluindo leveduras e fungos filamentosos dermatófitos e nãodermatófitos. Devido à variável suscetibilidade dos diversos agentes etiológicos às drogas antifúngicas, o diagnóstico laboratorial vem sendo considerado uma ferramenta importante para se estabelecer a etiologia e auxiliar na escolha do tratamento da onicomicose. Com base na elevada porcentagem de falha terapêutica no tratamento da onicomicose, tem-se evidenciado o interesse na padronização de testes de suscetibilidade in vitro de fungos filamentosos. OBJETIVOS: Estabelecer a freqüência das onicomicoses em relação a outras dermatomicoses; definir a etiologia das onicomicoses através do isolamento e identificação dos fungos; comparar o padrão de suscetibilidade entre fungos dermatófitos e não-dermatófitos às drogas fluconazol, cetoconazol, itraconazol, miconazol, ciclopirox, terbinafina e griseofulvina. MÉTODOS: As amostras clínicas foram colhidas através de raspagem e/ou fragmentação da unha e o exame microscópico direto foi realizado através do tratamento destas amostras com hidróxido de potássio (KOH) a 20% e tinta Parker. As culturas foram realizadas nos meios de ágar Sabouraud dextrose adicionado de 0,05 mg.mL-1 de cloranfenicol e ágar Mycose, incubados à temperatura ambiente e por um período de até 15 dias. A identificação dos fungos filamentosos foi baseada na observação de suas características macroscópicas e microscópicas e os testes de suscetibilidade in vitro a drogas antifúngicas foram baseados no Documento M38-A do CLSI. RESULTADOS: O diagnóstico laboratorial das dermatomicoses foi estabelecido em 69% dos 1.008 pacientes com lesões sugestivas de dermatomicoses encaminhados ao Laboratório de Diagnóstico Micológico do Depto. de Patologia / UFES, no período de 12/03/2004 a 14/08/2008. Onicomicose foi diagnosticada em 333 pacientes e os grupos de fungos mais isolados foram: leveduras 55,6%, fungos filamentosos não-dermatófitos 27,2% e dermatófitos 17,3%. Fungos dermatófitos foram mais inibidos in vitro que fungos não-dermatófitos. As drogas fluconazol e griseofulvina inibiram apenas fungos dermatófitos, enquanto a terbinafina foi a droga que mais inibiu os dois grupos de fungos e em baixas concentrações. A quantificação do inóculo por contagem em hemocitômetro e em placas de ágar Sabouraud revelou que o acerto do inóculo em espectrofotômetro pode ter uma boa correspondência se estabelecido em faixas de transmitância diferenciadas para os diversos tipos de fungos. CONCLUSÃO: É necessário estabelecer o diagnóstico laboratorial das onicomicoses, já que estas podem ser causadas por diversos agentes etiológicos e com diferentes suscetibilidades in vitro a várias drogas antifúngicas. / INTRODUCTION: Onychomycosis is the nail infection caused by a wide spectrum of fungi species, including yeasts, dermatophyte and nondermatophyte mould. Due to the variable susceptibility of the several etiologic agents to the antifungal drugs, the laboratorial diagnosis is being considered an important tool to establish the etiology and to help in the choice of the treatment of onychomycosis. Based on the high percentage of therapeutic flaw in the treatment of onychomycosis, there has been some evident interest in the standardization of the susceptibility tests in vitro of filamentous fungi. OBJECTIVES: To establish the frequency of the onychomycosis in relation to other dermatomycosis; to define the etiology of the onychomycosis by the isolation and identification of the fungi; to compare the pattern of susceptibility among dermatophytes and nondermatophytes mould to drugs such as fluconazole, cetoconazole, itraconazole, miconazole, ciclopirox, terbinafine and griseofulvine. METHODS: The clinical samples were collected by the scratching and/or fragmentation of the nail and the direct microscopic examination was made by the treatment of these samples with potassium hydroxide (KOH) at 20% and Parker ink. The cultures were made in dextrose agar Sabouraud with 0,05 mg.mL-1 of cloranphenicol and agar Mycosel, incubated to room temperature and for a period of up to 15 days. The identification of the filamentous fungi was based on the observation of its macroscopic and microscopic characteristics and the tests of susceptibility in vitro to the antifungal drugs were based on CLSI M38-A reference method. RESULTS: The laboratorial diagnosis of the dermatomycosis was established in 69% of the 1.008 patients with lesions that suggested dermatomycosis sent to the Laboratory of Mycologic Diagnosis from the Dept. of Pathology / UFES, in the period of 03/12/2004 to 08/14/2008. Onychomycosis was diagnosed in 333 patients and the groups of more isolated fungi were: yeasts 55,6%, nondermatophyte mould 27,2% and dermatophytes 17,3%. Dermatophytes were more inhibited in vitro than nondermatophytes ones. Drugs such as fluconazole and griseofulvine inhibited just dermatophytes fungi while terbinafine was the drug which most inhibited both groups of fungi and in low concentrations. The quantification of the inoculum for counting in haemocytometer and in plates of agar Sabouraud revealed that the correctness of the inoculum in espectrofotometer may have established a good correspondence in transmission bands differentiated for the various types of fungi. CONCLUSION: It is necessary to establish the laboratorial diagnosis of the onychomycosis, as these may be caused by several etiologic agents and with different susceptibilities in vitro to several antifungal drugs.

Controle de microrganismos filamentosos com a utilização de uma solução de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2). / Controle de microrganismos filamentosos com a utilização de uma solução de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2).

Brenda Braga da Costa 01 March 2013 (has links)
O processo de lodos ativados consiste em um tratamento biológico amplamente utilizado nas estações de tratamento, para remoção de matéria orgânica, devido à qualidade do efluente ao final do processo. Essa remoção é realizada por microrganismos que atuam neste sistema como bactérias, protozoários, metazoários e organismos filamentosos, como fungos e bactérias, formadores de flocos biológicos. Para garantir a eficiência deste processo deve haver um equilíbrio da microbiota dentro do reator aeróbio e o controle do número de filamentosos, tendo em vista que seu excesso no sistema pode causar o intumescimento do lodo (bulking) interferindo na qualidade do efluente gerado. O presente estudo teve como objetivo testar a eficiência de uma solução de 0,001% de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) no controle de microrganismos filamentosos em lodos provenientes de duas indústrias, farmacêutica e alimentícia, reduzindo assim os riscos relacionados à utilização desta substância em grandes volumes. Foram realizadas análises microscópicas do lodo para avaliação quantitativa e monitoramento da atividade biológica dos reatores, essa avaliação serviu como base para a análise qualitativa a partir do índice de Madoni (1994) gerando um Índice Biótico do Lodo (IBL). Foram realizados outros testes, como IVL e teste de respiração, sendo os resultados destes testes comparados a fim de avaliar a eficiência da solução de H2O2 e sua interferência no processo. A solução de H2O2 foi eficiente em ambos os experimentos, mostrando através dos testes de TCO e TCOe não haver interferência desta solução no metabolismo da microfauna; os resultados do IBL mostraram uma boa qualidade do lodo para ambos experimentos e a partir desta análise foi observado que a elevação de temperatura, acima de 30,0C, causa interferência no sistema levando a uma redução do IBL. Os resultados de IVL não demonstraram diferença entre os valores dos reatores controle e tratado, porém a avaliação do tamanho dos flocos e filamentos mostrou que o aumento na concentração da solução de H2O2 levou a um controle na quantidade de filamentosos nos reatores tratados que reduziram em tamanho e quantidade. / The activated sludge process consists in a treatment largely used in biological treatment plants for removal of organic matter, because of the quality of the effluent at the end of the process. This removal is accomplished by microorganisms which act in this system as bacteria, protozoa, metazoan and filamentous organisms such as fungi and bacteria, forming biological flocs. To ensure efficiency of this process must be a balance of microbiota in the aerobic reactor and control the number of filaments, in order that its excess in the system may cause sludge swelling (bulking) interfering with the quality of the effluent. The present study aimed to test the efficacy of a 0.001% solution of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in control of filamentous microorganisms in sludge from two industries, pharmaceutical and food, thereby reducing the risks related to the use of this substance in large volumes. Analyses microscopic sludge to quantitative evaluation and monitoring of the biological activity of the reactors, this assessment was the basis for the qualitative analysis from the Madonis index (1994) generating a Sludge Biotic Index (IBL). Other tests were performed as IVL and then breath test, and the results of these tests being compared in order to evaluate the efficiency of H2O2 solution and their interference in the process. A solution of H2O2 was efficient in both experiments, showing through the TCO and TCOe tests, that this solution not be interference with the metabolism of microfauna, the IBL results showed a good quality of the sludge for both experiments and from this analysis revealed that the temperature over 30,0C, causes interference in the system leading to a reduction in the IBL. The results IVL showed no difference between the control and treated reactors, but the evaluation of the size of the flocs and filaments showed that increasing the solution concentration of H2O2 led to control the amount of filamentous treated in reactors which have reduced in size and quantity.

Produção de celulases por Gelatoporia subvermispora para hidrólise de material celulósico / Production of cellulases by Gelatoporia subvermispora to cellulosic material hydrolysis

Reis, Cristiane Bianchi Loureiro dos 16 April 2014 (has links)
Several microorganisms are able of producing enzymes responsible for the conversion of biomass to ethanol, such as cellulases. However, studies about diversity and biotechnological application of microorganisms from Pampa biome are still scarce. To try to reduce this knowledge lack, the Gelatoporia subvermispora fungus was isolated from the Pampa biome, resulting in the first occurrence of this specie in Latin America. Commercially, cellulases are produced by submerged fermentation. However, filamentous fungi that are considered good producers of cellulases show better results in solid-state fermentation, mainly by the similarity between the solid medium and the natural habitat of these microorganisms. In order to evaluate the biotechnological potential of the fungi G. subvermispora for cellulases production, rice straw, sewage sludge and sugar cane bagasse were used as substrate. The highest values for the total cellulolytic activity by the method of filter paper (FP) were obtained using sugarcane bagasse as substrate, reaching the value of 3.82 FPU.g-1. The sewage sludge was an excellent medium for the production of xylanase and exo-cellulases, reaching peak activity of 227.97 U.g-1 and 134.25 U.g-1, respectively. The endo-cellulase activity was similar in almost whole substrates tested, as showed in the runs 11 for rice straw (40.75 U.g-1) and 14 for sewage sludge (35.32 U.g-1). Subsequently, cellulolytic enzymes from fungal Gelatoporia subvermispora produced by solid-state fermentation using different substrates were applied to hydrolyze non-treated sugarcane bagasse using indirect sonication. The best results were obtained using sewage sludge as substrate for enzyme production. The mean yields obtained with enzymes produced using sewage sludge, sugarcane bagasse and rice straw as substrates were 72.8, 58.7 and 51.2 g.kg-1, respectively. Regarding the use of ultrasound to carry out enzymatic reactions, the oscillation amplitude presented a negative effect on yield, whereas pulse factor showed to be benefic for the reactions. / Diversos microrganismos são capazes de produzir enzimas responsáveis pela conversão da biomassa em etanol, tais como as celulases, porém, estudos sobre a diversidade e aplicação biotecnológica dos microrganismos do bioma Pampa ainda são escassos. Para tentar reduzir essa lacuna de conhecimento, o fungo Gelatoporia subvermispora foi isolado do bioma Pampa, resultando na primeira ocorrência dessa espécie para a América Latina. Comercialmente, as celulases são produzidas através de fermentação submersa. Entretanto, fungos filamentosos que são considerados bons produtores de celulases apresentam melhores resultados em fermentação em estado sólido. Para avaliar o potencial biotecnológico do fungo G. subvermispora de produzir celulases os resíduos palha de arroz, lodo de esgoto e bagaço de cana foram utilizados como substrato. Os maiores valores de atividade celulolítica total determinados pelo método de papel filtro (PF) foram obtidos utilizando bagaço de cana como substrato, apresentando 3.82 FPU.g-1. O lodo de esgoto foi um excelente meio para a produção de xilanases e exo-celulases, atingindo valores máximos de 227.97 U.g-1 e 134.25 U.g-1, respectivamente. A atividade da endo-celulase foi similar nos substratos testados, como verificado na condição 11 para a palha de arroz (40.75 U.g-1) e 14 para o lodo de esgoto (35.32 U.g-1). As enzimas celulolíticas produzidas pelo fungo Gelatoporia subvermispora foram aplicadas na hidrólise do bagaço de cana por meio de sonicação indireta. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos utilizando o lodo de esgoto como substrato para a produção das enzimas. Os rendimentos médios de hidrólise obtidos através da produção de enzimas utilizando lodo de esgoto, bagaço de cana e palha de arroz como substrato foram 72.8, 58.7 e 51.2 g.kg-1, respectivamente. Com relação à utilização do ultrassom para as reações enzimáticas, a amplitude apresentou um efeito negativo no rendimento, enquanto o fator pulso foi benéfico para as reações.

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