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Zahraniční politika Japonska a její kulturně-historické determinanty / Foreign policy of Japan and its cultural and historical determinantsTaublerová, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the foreign policy of Japan in the period since the Second World War to the present and its cultural and historical determinants. The aim of the thesis is to identify fundamental cultural and historical factors reflected in Japan's foreign policy and in its behaviour in international relations. The thesis comprises analysis of history, culture and foreign policy of Japan and the connections between them. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is focused on the history of Japan. The second chapter concerns Japanese culture and its specifics. The third chapter characterizes Japanese culture using cultural dimensions models by Geert Hofstede and Fons Trompenaars. The fourth chapter focuses on the analysis of Japanese foreign policy. The final chapter attempts to identify the major cultural and historical determinants of Japanese foreign policy.
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Vnímání české kultury zahraničními studenty na ÚJOP a možnosti propagace jeho studijního střediska / Perception of Czech Culture by Students of the ILPS and Ways of Promotion of its Study CentreSedláčková, Daniela January 2010 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis is divided into three sections. The first section describes the activities of the ILPS and characterizes closely the Study Centre in Prague -- Albertov and its courses. The second section deals with differences among cultures, according to Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner, and characterizes Czech culture and the cultures of participants of courses at Albertov. This section also includes a research study on the perception of Czech culture by foreign students and in-depth interviews with two representatives. The last section discusses the promotion of the Study Centre Albertov and proposes concrete ways on how to promote the 6-Week Intensive Czech Language Course and the summer course Czech Language and Culture.
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Cultural Specifics of Management in Multinational Companies / Kulturní specifika managementu multinacionálních firemKřečková Kroupová, Zuzana January 2002 (has links)
Nowadays the world is becoming increasingly economically connected, and cultural diversity of employees is gaining importance as a crucial competitive advantage. Cross-cultural communication ability is becoming a key management skill in multinational firms and is equally important for other employees who are exposed to other cultures in the workplace. This work mainly focuses on cultural specifics of management in multinational firms. The goal of this thesis is to discover how different national cultures influence management of people, particularly work relationships, management tools and organization structures. The author discovers this through cultural dimensions that she updates for the Czech Republic and Slovakia for her work using methodology of Fons Trompenaars. The author tests three hypotheses: about the development of preferences of cultural dimensions in time, differences in preferences of cultural dimensions of Czechs and Slovaks and differences in preferences of cultural dimensions based on people's gender, age and the number of years spent abroad. The work also presents mapping of changes of attitudes in specific work and personal situations of Czechs and Slovaks over a period of time. The work additionally analyzes the influence of economic factors on work attitudes and preferences of cultural dimensions and identifies areas of potential conflicts between the cultures of Czechs and Slovaks in the workplace. It also compares results with other researches about cultural dimensions and cultural standards. The work concludes by presenting culturally specific recommendations for management of Czechs and Slovaks.
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Swedes in Australia - and their thoughts about business communication and cultureGustafsson, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of the thesis is to study Swedes who live in Australia about their thoughts concerning differences between the cultures and their communication styles in the following four areas; Power Distance, Masculinity verses Femininity, Affective verses Neutral, and Time.</p><p>I have chosen a qualitative approach for this study. My research is based on 10 telephone interviews; conducted with Swedes who work for various companies in Australia.</p><p>My theoretical chapter includes theories in the field of communication science and culture. Four scientists’ theories are explained; William B. Gudykunst's Anxiety /Uncertainty Management theory, Edward Hall’s High-and Low-context theory, Geert Hofstede’s national culture theory, and Fons Trompenaars’ culture business theory.</p><p>My research concludes that there are some main differences between the Swedish and Australian culture and between Swedes’ and Australians’ communication style. My research shows that Sweden is a low-power distance, feminine and neutral culture. While Australia is a higher power-distance, masculine and more affective culture, compared to Sweden. My study also confirmed that the time aspect is not as flexible communicated in Sweden as it is in Australia. All these culture differences are reflected in the cultures’ communication style. For example, Swedes are characterized by a team-oriented, open and equal communication style, whereas Australians use a more hierarchical, assertive and unilateral communication style. While group discussions, personal responsibility, and a high flow of information are common in Sweden, Australia is more characterized by delegation and protectiveness of territories, authority, and information flow.</p>
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Swedes in Australia - and their thoughts about business communication and cultureGustafsson, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to study Swedes who live in Australia about their thoughts concerning differences between the cultures and their communication styles in the following four areas; Power Distance, Masculinity verses Femininity, Affective verses Neutral, and Time. I have chosen a qualitative approach for this study. My research is based on 10 telephone interviews; conducted with Swedes who work for various companies in Australia. My theoretical chapter includes theories in the field of communication science and culture. Four scientists’ theories are explained; William B. Gudykunst's Anxiety /Uncertainty Management theory, Edward Hall’s High-and Low-context theory, Geert Hofstede’s national culture theory, and Fons Trompenaars’ culture business theory. My research concludes that there are some main differences between the Swedish and Australian culture and between Swedes’ and Australians’ communication style. My research shows that Sweden is a low-power distance, feminine and neutral culture. While Australia is a higher power-distance, masculine and more affective culture, compared to Sweden. My study also confirmed that the time aspect is not as flexible communicated in Sweden as it is in Australia. All these culture differences are reflected in the cultures’ communication style. For example, Swedes are characterized by a team-oriented, open and equal communication style, whereas Australians use a more hierarchical, assertive and unilateral communication style. While group discussions, personal responsibility, and a high flow of information are common in Sweden, Australia is more characterized by delegation and protectiveness of territories, authority, and information flow.
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Economía política de la reforma de las políticas del Banco Mundial y el Fondo Monetario Internacional en África subsahariana. El caso del Chad.Colom Jaén, Artur 22 October 2009 (has links)
A mediados de los 90 emerge un cuestionamiento del enfoque del ajuste estructural promovido por el Banco Mundial y el FMI en los países en desarrollo, especialmente en África, que lleva a estas instituciones a cambiar su discurso. Las preguntas que guían la investigación son (1) si estos cambios suponen un cuestionamiento real del enfoque del ajuste estructural, y (2) si estos cambios pueden modificar la inserción periférica de África en la economía mundial. El marco teórico del que se parte es el enfoque Centro-Periferia (CEPAL, Raúl Prebisch) y el análisis histórico-estructural. En el capítulo 2 se analizan las bases de dicha inserción periférica, teniendo en cuenta las estructuras económicas africanas, los intentos de cambio estructural más relevante, y la economía política del ajuste estructural, promovido por el Banco Mundial y el FMI a partir de los años 80. En el capítulo 3 se analizan los contenidos de los giros teóricos que se observan en estas instituciones, en particular la conceptualización de la pobreza, la extensión del concepto de buena gobernanza, y el alcance de las condicionalidades tradicionalmente asociadas a sus créditos. Una constatación relevante es que el discurso de las instituciones de Bretton Woods progresivamente va convergiendo con el del resto de actores del sistema de cooperación internacional al desarrollo. La expresión de esta convergencia viene a ser el establecimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio. En el capítulo 4 se analizan con detalle los cambios en la instrumentación de sus estrategias, destacando las políticas de reducción de la deuda multilateral (Iniciativa HIPC), y las estrategias de reducción de la pobreza (Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers, PRSP), constatándose que a pesar del cambio de discurso, los ejes centrales de las políticas del ajuste estructural (privatización, desregulación y apertura), continúan presentes en estos instrumentos. El análisis es relevante en la medida en que la mayoría de países africanos se encuentran inmersos en estas estrategias de reduccion de la deuda, y elaboración e implementación de un PRSP. En el capítulo 5 se analiza la aplicación de esta nueva conceptualización e instrumentación en el Chad, donde desde el año 2001 se está reduciendo deuda multilateral, y desde el año 2003 está en marcha un PRSP. A ello hay que añadir el inicio de la explotación de petróleo en el país desde octubre de 2003, que supone una importante renta petrolera para el gobierno. Estos tres elementos configuran lo que hemos denominado "modelo chadiano de reducción de la pobreza". El trabajo de campo y el estudio de caso determinan que no hay un cuestionamiento relevante del enfoque del ajuste estructural. Como conclusión, se confirma que el giro discursivo y el cambio en la instrumentación de las estrategias del Banco Mundial y el FMI en África no suponen un cuestionamiento del enfoque tradicional del ajuste estructural. Ello también tiene como consecuencia que el modelo periférico de inserción de África en la economía mundial no se verá cuestionado por las estrategias de estas instituciones. / In the mid-90s a raising criticism emerged questioning the structural adjustment approach promoted by the World Bank and IMF in developing countries, especially in Africa. This lead these institutions to change their discourse. The questions guiding the research are (1) whether these changes constitute a real challenge of structural adjustment approach, and (2) whether these changes can modify the peripheral insertion of Africa into the world economy. Chapter 2 explores the foundations of this peripherical insertion, taking into account the African economic structures and the political economy of structural adjustment promoted by the World Bank and IMF from the 80s. Chapter 3 discusses the theoretical content of the drawings seen in these institutions, particularly the conceptualization of poverty, the extension of the concept of good governance, and the scope of conditionalities traditionally associated with their loans. Chapter 4 discusses in detail the changes in implementing their strategies, highlighting policies of multilateral debt relief (HIPC), and strategies for poverty reduction (Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers, PRSP), noting that despite the change of address, the central axes of structural adjustment policies (privatization, deregulation and opening) are still present in these instruments. Chapter 5 discusses the application of this new conceptualization and implementation in Chad, where since 2001, multilateral debt is being reduced, and since 2003 there is an ongoing PRSP. To this must be added the start of oil exploitation in the country since October 2003, meaning a significant rent for the government. These three elements form what we called "Chadian model of poverty reduction. Fieldwork and case study determined that there is no significant questioning of the structural adjustment approach. In conclusion, it is confirmed that the discursive shift and change in the implementation of the strategies of the World Bank and IMF in Africa does not pose a challenge to the traditional approach of structural adjustment. This also has the consequence that the peripheral model of integration of Africa into the global economy will not be questioned by the strategies of these institutions.
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Komparace česko-britských a slovensko-britských kulturních standardů v pracovním prostředí / Comparison of Czech-British and Slovak-British Cultural Standards at Work EnvironmentHolenda, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on identification and mutual comparison of Czech-British and Slovak-British cultural standards at work environment. The main goal of the thesis is to define British cultural standards from both sides, from the Czech one and the Slovak one, and then to compare, whether the information from qualitative research corresponds with theoretical assumptions. The next goal is to find out how much different is the view on this topic from the Czech and from the Slovak perspective, if it is different. At the end of the thesis will be proposed a few suggestions, how Czech and Slovak should prepare for a longer staying in the United Kingdom in order to avoid possible cultural misunderstandings.
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Česko-britské a britsko-české kulturní standardy / Czech-British and British-Czech Cultural StandardsDufková, Gabriela January 2012 (has links)
Despite a close geographical position to the Czech Republic, there are vast differences between the Czech and British cultures. Commonly after arriving in Britain, many Czech nationals experience a cultural shock and do not understand the behaviour of the British people. The same can be said about Britons arriving in the Czech Republic. This makes it important to understand the cultural differences to help both nationals interact successfully with one another. This Master thesis focuses on cultural standards, a concept made by Alexander Thomas. Therefore, this report aims to define the Czech-British and British-Czech cultural standards, whilst comparing them with the theory and then to apply them in a cultural-historic framework. This report will hypothesise that the defined cultural standards do not differ from the standards analysed within the book by Karel Čapek. Other hypothesis of this thesis is: Many Britons see Czech people as over-caring and anxious. In conclusion to this report, the author will provide recommendations to both Czech nationals travelling to Great Britain and also the same for British descendants arriving within the Czech Republic.
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Talianske kultúrne štandardy pohľadom Čechov a Slovákov a ich vzájomná komparácia / Italian cultural standards from Czech and Slovak perspective and their comparisonZacharová, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to identify and more closely analyse Italian cultural standards, specifically from the perspective of Czechs and Slovaks, who came to a closer and more extended contact with the Italian culture. Identification of these standards was based on in-depth personal interviews and the theoretical part of this thesis. This part is focused on terms such as culture, intercultural communication, culture shock, cultural dimensions and standards. The practical part of this work is dedicated to the research itself and its evaluation as well as Italy per se, its history, culture, economy or demography. This work can also serve anyone in closer personal of professional contact with this culture.
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Aspectos económico-contables de las sociedades cooperativasGenovart Balaguer, Juana Isabel 11 March 2013 (has links)
Las cooperativas son entidades de la economía social que se configuran
basándose en parámetros de solidaridad, ayuda mutua y sistemas de
autogestión. La presente tesis, profundiza en el estudio de los aspectos de
orden contable peculiares de las sociedades cooperativas. Se analiza el
ordenamiento jurídico-contable actual que compete a las cooperativas,
examinando su adecuación a las características específicas de estas
sociedades, haciendo especial énfasis, en la información social que deben
revelar. Se proponen mejoras a la regulación contable actual, con el fin de alcanzar una mayor adecuación de ésta, a las singularidades de las sociedades
cooperativas. Se revisa también, la normativa actual que regula el depósito de
las cuentas anuales de estas sociedades, ante los registros competentes,
proponiendo alternativas de mejora a la regulación vigente, para que el citado
depósito de cuentas sea de utilidad para la toma de decisiones económicas de
los usuarios de la información contable
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