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Os guarda-redes de futebol das 1 e 2 ligas e a imaginação e visualização mentalMadeira, João Agostinho Rodrigues January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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An investigation to determine the effect of short term low-dye taping on vertical ground reaction forces in asymptomatic PES planus, cavus and normal feetElphinstone, John Wayne January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Chiropractic)-Dept. of Chiropractic, Durban Institute of Technology, 2005
xvi, 96, [65] leaves : ill. ; 30 cm / Low -Dye taping is a method commonly used in sport participation and normal daily activity (Harradine, Herrington and Wright, 2001). It has been indicated in support of injured structures, decreasing edema and protection against re-injury (Reid, 1992:232). Contrary to these beliefs, studies have shown that low -dye anti-pronatory control is lost after relatively short episodes of exercise (Ator et al., 1991 and Vicenzino et al., 1997). The variations in dynamic foot function with low -dye taping is not well understood, although taping of the foot in low-dye type method has been advocated by many authors (Brantingham et al., 1992, Ryan, 1995 and Chandler and Kibler, 1993).
It was the purpose of this study to investigate the maximum ground reaction force and percentage contact time within 10 demarcated regions of the foot in asymptomatic patient with pes planus, cavus and normal medial longitudinal arches at four time intervals over 24 hours. Having established its baseline function it may serve as point of reference for clinical trials that wish to determine the role of taping as part of the management of symptomatic feet.
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Mikrocirkulace u syndromu diabetické nohy / Mikrocirculation in the diabetic foot syndromeTomešová, Jitka January 2013 (has links)
Abtrakt (EN) In spite of the fact that the diabetic foot syndrome is not considered a marginal complication of the patients with diabetes mellitus any more, its prevalence and incidence is not decreasing. The fact that early diagnosis and treatment or even prevention of foot ulcers is associated with a decrease in healthcare costs and, more importantly, with reducing patients' suffering, applies also in this case. The dissertation work originated in the Diabetologic Center of the Medical department I., University Hospital and Medical Faculty in Pilsen, Charles University in Prague, which has been dealing with diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in patients with diabetic foot syndrome for over 20 years. The examinations for diagnosis of the main etiologic factors, i.e. peripheral neuropathy and impaired perfusion, belong to already routine ordinary procedures here. My task was to move the diagnostics of this complication to earlier stages, even before the development of the ulcers, through diagnosing an impairment in skin microcirculation. The aim of the work was to evaluate reactivity of the skin microcirculation in patients with diabetes mellitus using laser doppler flowmetry and to introduce a new method - iontophoresis. Skin microcirculation assessment has become a center of interest of many studies...
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Sex estimation in bioarchaeological research is paramount for comparative analyses of skeletal remains and developing estimates of other demographic variables. Frequently, sex is estimated utilizing the morphology of pelvic and cranial bones in archaeological skeletal samples. Regrettably, these bones are often damaged, destroyed, or lost and cannot be employed for the estimation of sex. Fortunately, a variety of metric and visual sex estimation methods have been developed on modern skeletal samples with known demography. Disappointingly, due to the population specific nature of many of these metric methods, they cannot be accurately applied directly to alternate skeletal samples. However, these methods can be redeveloped and retested for archaeological skeletal samples if the proper protocol is utilized. This research utilizes the protocol for developing methods of sex estimation on samples with unknown sex developed by Murail et al. (1999). Utilizing select hand and foot bones from four prehistoric Native American skeletal samples from Alabama and Illinois, multiple discriminant functions were developed and tested on both Archaic and Mississippian Period skeletal samples. Furthermore, the four individual site samples were combined into two geographical and two temporal samples, as well as an all pooled sample in order to test the broader applicability of these methods. The results indicate that sex estimation methods can be developed on samples where sex is not known. Additionally, the discriminant functions developed produce high levels of classification for the sites, individually, as well as for the geographic, temporal, and all pooled samples. The latter suggests these functions have broader applicability for these regions and temporal periods. Moreover, the concordance rates for these functions are similar to the accuracy rates when these bones were applied to samples with known sex.
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Et studie om hvilken effekt Range of Motion i en ankel-fod-ortose har på dynamisk balance hos stroke patienterMaansson, Lykke Wilhardt, Petersen, Line January 2018 (has links)
After a stroke, gait and balance are often affected and an orthosis is typically required to facilitate postural control. This study has been conducted to examine how the Range of Motion in an Ankle-Foot-Orthosis (AFO) impacts on stroke patients’ dynamic balance. It was hypothesized that better dynamic balance would be recorded when individuals were wearing a flexible AFO. The tests that was used in this study were the Timed Up and Go test (TUG), and the Center of Pressure (CoP)/Center of Mass (CoM) inclination angle, both in Anterior-Posterior (AP) and Medio-Lateral (ML) planes. The three patients participating in this study were all users, or had been users of AFO’s, and during the study they were asked to wear a customized AFO with the possibility to change the settings to open, flexible and rigid ankle joints. The order was randomized within each patient. No clear pattern was observed across all patients, either in the TUG test or CoP/CoM inclination angles. Further studies are required to explore the impact that AFO flexibility has on dynamic balance in individuals who have had a stroke.
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Early diagnostic of diabetic foot using thermal images / Diagnostic précoce du pied diabétique par images thermiquesVilcahuaman Cajacuri, Luis Alberto 03 December 2013 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'analyser l’utilité de la thermographie dans le cadre du diagnostic précoce du pied diabétique. Un protocole d'acquisition robuste des images thermiques est proposé, ainsi qu'un algorithme spécifique de traitement de ces images. Cet algorithme comporte une étape de prétraitement, suivie d'une segmentation et d’un recalage rigide. Différents paramètres sont ensuite évalués : la moyenne et l'écart type de la température de la voute plantaire de chacun des pieds droit et gauche, de même que le pourcentage des pixels pour lesquels la différence de température entre les pieds droit et gauche est supérieure à 2,2°C. Cela permet de mettre en évidence les régions en hyperthermie. Une étude clinique est menée sur une population de 85 personnes diabétiques. Ces patients sont classés sur critères médicaux dans trois groupes : risque faible, moyen ou élevé. Pour le groupe à faible risque, la température des pieds est proche de 32°C. Pour le groupe à risque moyen, elle descend à 31°C et remonte à 32°C pour le groupe risque élevé. Au stade précoce du pied diabétique, c'est-à-dire entre le risque faible et le risque moyen, la température de la surface plantaire diminue de 1°C : si ce résultat est confirmé par d'autres essais cliniques, cette information peut être utile pour le diagnostic précoce du pied diabétique. Enfin, 9 images sur les 85 étudiées révèlent une hyperthermie significative : cette indication d'hyperthermie peut être d'une aide considérable dans la prévention précoce de l'ulcère du pied et pourrait éviter des complications graves chez ces patients. / The object of the thesis is to analyze the potential of thermography in the early diagnosis of type 2 diabetic foot. The main advantages of thermography are that it is simple to use, non-invasive, contactless, non-irradiant, and fast. A robust acquisition protocol is proposed, as well as a dedicated image processing algorithm. The algorithm includes a pre-processing step, plus a segmentation and a rigid registration procedures. Various parameters are assessed: the mean and standard deviation of right and left feet plantar surfaces temperaure, as well as the percentage of pixels such that the absolute point to point temperature difference between right and left feet is greater than 2.2°C. A percentage greater than 1% indicates significative hyperthermia regions. A transversal clinical study is conducted on a population of 85 persons of type 2 diabetic foot. They are classified in one of these three groups: Low risk, Medium risk, and High risk. For the Low risk group, the mean temperature is close to 32°C. For the medium one, it goes down to 31°C, and increases for the High risk group to a value of 32°C. In the early stage of diabetic foot, i.e. from the Low risk group to Medium risk group, the plantar foot surface temperature is lowered by 1°C: if this result is confirmed by other clinical tests, this information can be useful for the early diagnosis of diabetic foot. Finally, 9 images out of the 85 show hyperthermia, mainly in the heel or toes regions. This hyperthermia indication may be of a substantial assistance in the early prevention of foot ulcer and can help in avoiding subsequent foot amputation.
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Výživná hodnota vybraných odrůd srhy laločnaté (Dactylis glomerata)ŠIMÁNKOVÁ, Karolína January 2017 (has links)
In the Czech Republic, the grasslands constitute an important landscape element and at the same time, they are one of the basic components of horses' and ruminants' rations. Therefore, the fodder quality is important in the connection with production functions of grassland forage, especially concerning the dairy cattle. The aim of the diploma thesis was to monitor changes in the nutritional value during the vegetation and the evaluation of quality indications for selected species of Cock's-foot: three existing varieties and three varieties of the new breeding. Ash, crude protein, spectra fiber, organic matter digestibility index and relative feed value were evaluated. The changes between different phases of the vegetation were identified by raising proportion of CF, ADF and NDF in all varieties analyzed. During the aging of the cover, this process corresponded to deteriorating organic matter digestibility, decreasing relative feeding value and a decreasing tendency of nitrogen compounds. The value of CF in increasing in average from 22.6% up to 28.5%, NDF is increasing from 53.4% up to 60.5% and ADF from 29.3% up to 36.8 %. The digestibility of the organic value decreased from an average of 73.8% to 63.12%. Relative feed value decreased from an average of 114 to 91. During the vegetation, crude protein content also decreased from an average of 15.3% to 8.8%. From the analysis of results we can deduce that the varieties Vega are the best quality, vv115/10 and vv88/10, being nutritionally well balanced. The variety Zora is the worse quality. In terms of digestibility and relative feed values, the varieties of the new breeding are higher quality. These varieties are better with respect to the digestibility and relative feeding value than already existing varieties of Cock's-foot.
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Antropometria do pé feminino em diferentes alturas de salto como fundamento para conforto de calçadosBerwanger, Elenilton Gerson January 2011 (has links)
O cenário brasileiro do mercado de calçados caracteriza-se cada vez mais por consumidores que procuram produtos com maior valor agregado. Para o universo feminino, é perceptível que o fator moda possui relevância vital, mas os requisitos de conforto do calçado ganham cada vez mais importância. Através da união de recursos tecnológicos e da experiência pragmática do setor calçadista, esta pesquisa antropométrica sobre pés femininos procura contribuir com um embasamento científico que traga mais suporte ao processo de desenvolvimento de produto. Neste contexto, a dissertação tem por objetivo organizar e validar uma sistemática atualizada de medição de pés em diferentes posições de altura de salto com base em recursos tecnológicos disponíveis, com os quais é possível mensurar parâmetros antropométricos importantes para o desenvolvimento de novos projetos de formas e calçados. Para a consecução deste objetivo, o trabalho foi embasado por uma revisão e fundamentação teórica que apontou a antropometria como um elemento em comum para estudos sobre biomecânica e ergonomia. A amostra do estudo foi composta por 407 brasileiras adultas, considerando-se a faixa etária entre 16 e 55 anos, sendo realizado experimentalmente com mulheres com residência fixa ou temporária na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre, no Vale do Rio dos Sinos, no Vale do Paranhana e em cidades vizinhas dessas regiões no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O projeto foi aprovado em Comitê de Ética e contou com o uso de equipamentos e softwares que permitiram a investigação proposta pela pesquisa, propiciando desde a coleta de dados antropométricos, tratamento, conversão e leitura dos arquivos digitalizados até a análise estatística destes mesmos dados de modo a permitir a apresentação de resultados coerentes com o objetivo estabelecido. Como resultados, são expostas uma série de características demográficas e dados antropométricos da amostra investigada. A metodologia utilizada mostrou-se consistente, trazendo resultados que contribuem com o trabalho do designer de formas e calçados. Os resultados das medidas das variáveis antropométricas dos pés da amostra foram avaliados em 20 diferentes seções em cada pé, sendo que 2 correspondem a comprimentos, 6 correspondem a perímetros, 6 correspondem a alturas e 6 correspondem a larguras. A variabilidade das medidas apresentadas ratifica a importância do desenvolvimento e fabricação de formas e calçados com perfis diferenciados e instiga a análise pormenorizada de cada variável antropométrica como fundamento para o desenvolvimento de produtos mais adequados à geração de conforto. / The Brazilian footwear market scenery is more and more characterized by consumers who seek products with higher value added. Concerning the women’s world, it is noticed that the fashion concept owns a vital enhancement, but the footwear comfort requirements gain increasingly importance. Through the union of technological resources and the pragmatic experience of the footwear sector, this anthropometric research on women’s feet intends to contribute with a scientific fundamentation which brings more support to the product development process. In this context, this monograph aims to organize and make valid an up-to-date system of feet measurement in different positions of heel height based on available technological resources with which it is possible to measure important anthropometric parameters for the development of new last and shoe projects. In order to achieve this goal, the task was based on a review and theoretical fundamentation which has highlighted the anthropometric as an element in common for studies on biomechanics and ergonomics. The sampling study was made up by 407 female adult Brazilians, taking into account an age range from 16 to 55 years old, being made experimentally with women owning temporary or permanent residence in the Urban Region of Porto Alegre, Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Vale do Paranhana and the neighborhood cities of these regions in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The project was approved by the ethical committee and equipments and software were used which allowed the investigation proposed by the research by assuring from the anthropometric data collecting, adjustments, conversion and reading of digitized files until the statistic analysis of this same data to permit the consistent result presentation according to the objective set. As a result, a set of demographic characteristics and anthropometric data of the sampling investigated are reported. The system used was shown to be consistent, bringing results which help the work of the last and shoe designer. The results of the foot anthropometric variable measures of the sampling were taken in 20 different parts of each foot, considering that 2 corresponds to the length, 6 corresponds to the perimeter, 6 corresponds to the height and 6 corresponds to the width. The variability of the measures presented confirms the importance of the development and production of lasts and shoes with different volumes and it instigates a detailed analysis of each anthropometric variable as a base for the development of more appropriate products to create comfort.
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Souvislosti výsledků Véle-testu a přístrojového vyšetření posturální stability / The relationship between Véle-test results and results of instrumented evaluation of postural stabilityDvořáčková, Terezie January 2018 (has links)
Title: The relationship between Véle-test results and results of instrumented evaluation of postural stability Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between a clinical tool for measuring postural stability, Véle-test and instrumented evalution of the same modality. The observed parameters are COM movement, range of motion in hip joints and in the functional complex of ankle and foot. An additional pedobarographic measurement was performed to define the relationship between Véle-test results and foot loading assymetry. The characteristics of this study suggest that our objective is also to find an approppriate aproach to further objectivization and stardardization of the Véle-test. In the first part of this thesis, I define the theoretical background for the experiment. Also, the current insight of physical therapy and biomechanics on the functional complex of the ankle and foot is described. Methods: The subjects (n=15, mean age 24y) were divided into two groups (S1, n1=7; S2, n2=8) according to the results of Véle test. Further, they underwent instrumented testing by pliance-x® sensing system, a 60s pedobarographic measurement was held in quiet standing. After, the Xsens MVN Link suit for 3D kinematic analysis was applied and the subjects were measured in two different...
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Efeitos da mobilização miofascial plantar no equilíbrio corporal, mobilidade funcional e ativação muscular em idosas / Effects of mobilization myofascial planting in body balance, functional mobility and muscle activation in elderlyMarques, Ana Elisa Zuliani Stroppa [UNESP] 12 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by ANA ELISA ZULIANI STROPPA MARQUES null (anastropa@hotmail.com) on 2016-03-10T12:43:55Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-12 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A manutenção da postura ortostática revela um comportamento inerente ao ser humano, de oscilação postural. Essa contínua oscilação, fornece input vindo da área plantar, para ativação do sistema nervoso central, que resulta em ajustes na manutenção da postura em equilíbrio. O aumento na ativação muscular é uma importante estratégia para suprir a instabilidade, sendo o músculo trapézio superior (TS) um importante marcador de controle postural. No idoso as estratégias de manutenção da postura ficam comprometidas, o que aumenta o risco de quedas e compromete a mobilidade funcional. Assim, entende-se que a qualidade do apoio plantar pode auxiliar a população idosa na manutenção da postura em equilíbrio e menor necessidade de ativação muscular. O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar o efeito da manobra de mobilização miofascial plantar na área de apoio dos pés, bem como a implicação das variações do suporte plantar em postura ortostática, no tempo de manutenção das posturas, no equilíbrio, na mobilidade funcional, na ativação do músculo trapézio superior de idosas. Foram recrutadas por triagem, 28 idosas saudáveis, com 69,03 ±3,32 anos, e divididas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: Manobra (GM) com 15 idosas e Sham (GS) com 13 idosas . O protocolo de manobra foi aplicado, pelo mesmo avaliador, bilateralmente com 5 repetições, divididos em duas semanas. Para o GM foi realizado deslizamentos plantar com vigorosa pressão das mãos do pesquisador, no intuito de alcançar a musculatura intrínseca do pé. No GS, a manobra foi realizada de forma suave, auxiliado por óleo de massagem, para favorecer o deslizamento na pele. A análise dos dados aconteceu em três momentos diferentes: momento antes da primeira manobra (pré), imediatamente após (pós) e no último dia de coleta (D6). Os resultados foram divididos em dois estudos. O estudo1 analisou dados de avaliação de área e de arco plantar, índice do arco plantar, tempo de manutenção na postura unipodal com olhos abertos (TAUoa) e fechados (TAUof) e o teste de mobilidade funcional – Timed Up and Go (TUG). O estudo 2 analisou dados da avaliação como área plantar, e tempo de manutenção nas posturas mais desafiadoras, ativação eletromiográfica do músculo TS no momento pré intervenção, em variações do apoio plantar e após o protocolo de mobilização. No estudo 1 houve significativo aumento, nas condições após a intervenção, somente para o GM, para a área de contato plantar em ambos os pés (F=7,577, p=0,001), no TUG (F=15,099, p<0,001), no TAUoa (F=14,592, p<0,0001) e TAUof (F=3,398, p=0,048) o que mostra efeito benéfico da técnica de mobilização miofascial plantar para o aumento de área de contato, equilíbrio e mobilidade funcional. No estudo 2 houve aumento da atividade eletromiográfica com a redução da base de apoio para os olhos abertos (F=7,456; p=0,0002) e fechados (F=23,019, p<0,0001). Nas condições olhos abertos e fechados notaram-se valores significativos (p<0,0001) para tandem e unipodal. Houve significativo aumento para o GM, para a área de contato plantar em ambos os pés (F=7,577, p=0,001) e pé direito (F=5,332, p=0,011), o tempo de manutenção das posturas desafiadoras mostrou resultados significativos no momento pós (p<0,05), no GM, para tandem complacente olho fechado e para as duas condições em unipodal; já para o D6 o as posturas em tandem rígida olho fechado e unipodal olho aberto foram significativos. Os dados da atividade mioelétrica normalizados não apresentaram significância estatística. Os resultados deste estudo apresentaram efeitos benéficos da manobra de mobilização miofascial plantar para todas as variáveis estudadas, exceto para a ativação do músculo trapézio superior após a aplicação dos protocolos de mobilização. / Maintaining upright posture reveals an inherent to the human behavior, of postural sway. This continuous oscillation, provides input from the plantar area, for activating the central nervous system, resulting in adjustments to maintain posture in balance. The increase in muscle activation is an important strategy to address instability, and the upper trapezius muscle (UT) an important reference for postural control. In the elderly the position of maintenance strategies are compromised, which increases the risk of falls and compromises functional mobility. Thus, it is understood that the quality of support plant can help the elderly population in the maintaining of posture and less need for muscle activation. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of maneuver planting myofascial mobilization the feet support area, as well as the involvement of variations of feet support in standing position at the time of maintenance of posture, balance, functional mobility, activation the upper trapezius muscle older. Were recruited for screening, 28 healthy older, with 69.03 ± 3.32 years, and randomly divided into two groups: Maneuver (MG) with 15 elderly and Sham (SG) with 13 elderly. The protocol was applied by the same appraiser, bilaterally, with 5 repetitions, divided into two weeks. For MG was conducted landslides plant with vigorous pressure from the hands of the researcher in order to reach the intrinsic muscles of the foot. In SG, the maneuver was carried out smoothly, aided by massage oil to encourage the slip on the skin. The data analysis took place in three different moments: the moment before the first maneuver (pre), immediately after (post) and on the last day of collection (D6). The results were divided into two studies. The study1 examined area of assessment data and plantar arch, plantar arch index, downtime in single leg stance with eyes open (SLSeo) and closed (SLSec) and functional mobility test - Timed Up and Go (TUG). Study 2 analyzed assessment data as plantar area, and downtime in the most challenging postures, electromyographic activation of the UT muscle in pre intervention time, in support of changes to plant and after mobilization protocol. In Study 1 there were significant increases in the conditions after the intervention only for the MG to contact plantar area of both feet (F = 7.577, p = 0.001) in the TUG (F = 15.099, p <0.001) in SLSeo (F = 14.592, p <0.0001) and SLSec (F = 3.398, p = 0.048) showing the beneficial effect of plant myofascial mobilization technique for increasing the contact area, balance and functional mobility. In study 2 showed an increase in electromyographic activity with reduced support base to open eyes (F = 7.456; p = 0.0002) and closed (F = 23.019, p <0.0001). In the eyes open and closed conditions were notedsignificant values (p <0.0001) for tandem and single leg. There was a significant increase for the MG for the contact area to plant both feet (F = 7.577, p = 0.001) and right foot (F = 5.332, p = 0.011), the maintenance time of challenging postures showed significant results in post time (p <0.05) in MG for accommodating tandem closed eye and the two-leg conditions; already for the D6 postures tandem rigid eye closed and one-leg open eye were significant. The data normalized myoelectric activity were not statistically significant. The results of this study showed beneficial effects of myofascial mobilization maneuver plant for all variables, except for the activation of the upper trapezius muscle after application of mobilization protocols.
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