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Data acquisition and real-time signal processing in Positron Emission TomographyLamwertz, Leonid 23 August 2013 (has links)
OpenPET was developed to be a scalable and flexible design for data acquisition and signal processing in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) systems. The OpenPET hardware design is mature, but the control software and firmware need further development. In this thesis we developed a software application to connect a host PC with an OpenPET system. We also developed data acquisition firmware that allows data transfer to the host PC. A novel design for an OpenPET coincidence detection processor was proposed, with its basic functionality implemented and validated. A novel method to process PET events in real time was also introduced and validated using simulated data. The feasibility of implementation of this method using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) was demonstrated for our OpenPET system.
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Data acquisition and real-time signal processing in Positron Emission TomographyLamwertz, Leonid 23 August 2013 (has links)
OpenPET was developed to be a scalable and flexible design for data acquisition and signal processing in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) systems. The OpenPET hardware design is mature, but the control software and firmware need further development. In this thesis we developed a software application to connect a host PC with an OpenPET system. We also developed data acquisition firmware that allows data transfer to the host PC. A novel design for an OpenPET coincidence detection processor was proposed, with its basic functionality implemented and validated. A novel method to process PET events in real time was also introduced and validated using simulated data. The feasibility of implementation of this method using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) was demonstrated for our OpenPET system.
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Minskning av simuleringsåksjuka vid artificiell förflyttning i VR / Reduction in simulation sickness from artificial locomotion in virtual realityBoström, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
För att navigera en värld som är större än användarens spelyta så krävs någon form av artificiell förflyttning. Den neurala missmatchningen som skapas vid artificiell förflyttning kan leda till simuleringsåksjuka. För att minska denna simuleringsåksjuka så testas det i denna rapport en metod som dynamiskt sänker användarens FOV vid artificiell förflyttning. Denna metod testades med hjälp av en artefakt som implementerades i två versioner. Den ena versionen implementerade dynamisk sänkning av FOV och den andra versionen saknade dessa ändringar. Artefakten testades på 18 gymnasieelever och resultatet blev att versionen utan FOV ändringarna skapade 8,25% mer simuleringsåksjuka och den hade även lite större spridning i sina resultat av de mellersta 50 procenten. Det skulle vara intressant att utvidga testningen till en större och mindre homogen testgrupp. Det skulle även vara intressant att testa FOV ändringarna med andra typer av artificiell förflyttning samt att testa att endast applicera FOV ändringar vid hastighetsändringar.
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Low Field-Of-View CT in the Evaluation of Acute Appendicitis in the Pediatric PopulationFeller, Fionna 26 February 2018 (has links)
A Thesis submitted to The University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine.
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Low Field-Of-View CT in the Evaluation of Acute Appendicitis in the Pediatric PopulationFeller, Fionna 30 March 2018 (has links)
A Thesis submitted to The University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine. / CT abdomen and pelvis is a widely-used imaging modality used in the evaluation of appendicitis but it carries risks of radiation. A recent retrospective review localizes all appendices (both normal and abnormal) below the level of the L1 vertebral body, obviating the need to scan superior to that level.
This study is a retrospective review of prospectively-collected data from 171 consecutive pediatric patients presenting with clinical suspicion of acute appendicitis and undergoing “low FOV CT.” The low FOV CT uses the L1 vertebral body as the superior aspect of the exam instead of the of the dome of the diaphragm as in standard CT.
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Petrographic Analyses of Late Pennsylvanian Limestones within the Northern Appalachian Basin, USACassle, Christopher F. 07 October 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Kartläggning av flamskyddsmedel till polyester och polyamid / Scanning of flame retardants for polyester and polyamideJohnson, Caroline January 2011 (has links)
Flamskyddande kemikalier används idag inom en hel del olika områden. Ett stort område är textil, där hemtextil är dominerande. Det finns en mängd olika typer av flamskydd på marknaden. Alla har till uppgift att sakta ner brandförloppet eller helt förhindra att en brand uppstår. De halogenerade flamskydden är de mest effektiva men har många kopplingar till miljöproblem. De fosforbaserade och kvävebaserade är snällare mot miljön med mindre effektiva än de halogenerade. Ofta kombineras de fosfor- och de kvävebaserade flamskydden för att få bättre egenskaper på slutprodukten.Denna rapport innehåller, på uppdrag av FOV Fabrics AB, en kartläggning av flamskyddsmarknaden i Europa, med fokus på de produkter som kan tillämpas på material av polyester och polyamid. Målet är att finna flamskyddsmedel för dessa som dessutom är tvättbeständiga samt relativt ofarliga för miljön. De produkter som anses relevanta testas sedan gentemot den internationella brandstandarden, ISO 6941, vilket innebär att en provbit belagd/impregnerad med kemikalien fästs vertikalt i en anordning. Tygprovet utsätts sedan för en horisontell låga i tio sekunder. Därefter görs mätningar på exempelvis den tid det tar tills tygprovet slocknat, samt andel skadat material. Rapporten innehåller även information om övriga tester som utförts, såsom drag- och rivstyrka, tvättbeständighet och färgförändringsmätningar på de produkter som visat tillfredsställande resultat i brandtesterna.Av de nio produkter vi testade fann vi varierade resultat. En del uppfyllde inte våra krav med avseende på flamskydd, och en del visade sig ha mycket dålig tvättbeständighet. Vi fann dock några produkter för båda materialen, två för polyester och fyra för polyamid, som är aktuella att göra vidare tester på. Eventuellt kvävs justering av koncentrationer och appliceringsrutiner för att möta FOV:s önskemål.Flame-retardant chemicals are used today in a lot of different areas. A large area is textiles, where upholstery textiles are dominant. There are many different types of flame retardants on the market, and the purpose is to slow down or completely prevent a fire. The halogenated flame retardant is the most effective but has many links to environmental problems. The phosphorous and nitrogen-based is kinder to the environment but often with less efficiency than the halogenated. When phosphorous and nitrogen flame retardants are combined, the two often get better features.This report, commissioned by the company FOV Fabrics AB, contains a scan of the flame retardant market in Europe, focusing on those products that can be applied to textiles of polyester and polyamide. The goal is to find the flame retardant for these materials, which are also wash resistant and has a relatively low environmental impact. The products that are deemed relevant are then tested against the international fire standard, ISO 6941, which means that a test piece, which has been coated/finished with the chemical, is fastened vertically on a device and then ignited by a horizontal flame for ten seconds. Thereafter, measurements are taken as regards to the amount of time before the test piece burns out and the proportion of damaged material. The report also includes information about other tests conducted, such as tensile- and tear strength, wash resistance and color change. These measurements are made on those products which have shown satisfactory performance in regards to the fire tests.Among the nine products we tested, we found varied results. Some did not meet our requirements for fire protection, and some were found to have very poor wash resistance. We found, however, a couple of products for polyester and four products for polyamide which showed such good results that they are relevant for further testing. Adjustment of concentration and application procedures may be adjusted to achieve the requirements of FOV's specifications. / Program: Textilingenjörsutbildningen
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Virtuella vägmarkeringar för att påverka hastighetsval vid bilkörning : Effekt och upplevelse hos bilförare med respektive utan ADHD / Virtual Road Markings to influence speed choices during driving : Effect and experience amongst drivers with and without ADHDIversen, Katarina January 2020 (has links)
Tidigare forskning har visat att bilförare tenderade att underskatta hastigheten de färdas i med ca 20%. Forskning har även visat att hastighetsupplevelse hos bilförare kan påverkas av ett utökat Field of View (FoV) vilket resulterar i lägre hastighetsval (Pretto et al., 2009; Schütz et al., 2015; Lidestam, Eriksson & Eriksson, 2019). Utöver FoV har även virtuella vägmarkeringar (VRM), visats ha potentialen att påverka hastighetsval genom att bistå bilförare med ytterliggare visuell information kring dennes omgivning (Lidestam, Eriksson & Eriksson, 2019). Attityder gentemot system som syftar till att påverka bilförares hastighetsval har studerats (Wall et al., 2013), med det finns luckor i forskning gällande hur dessa upplevs av bilförare med ADHD. Vidare har även upprepning av körningar med samma konstellationer av visuella stimuli har visats påverka hastighetsval vilket skulle tyda på perceptuell inlärning sker under bilkörning (Lindestam, Eriksson & Eriksson, 2019). Syftet med den aktuella studien var att undersöka huruvida VRM påverkade hastighetsval samt hur de upplevs av bilförare med respektive utan ADHD. Studien ämnade att göra detta genom att besvara följande frågeställningar 1. a. Hur upplevdes VRM? b. Finns det en skillnad i upplevelsen av VRMs mellan bilförare med ADHD och utan ADHD? 2. Vilken effekt har ADHD, FoV, VRM och replikat på självvald hastighet? Resultaten visade att upplevelsen av VRM inte skiljde sig signifikant mellan de två guppen, trots detta skattades samtliga frågor kring upplevelsen av VRM högre av bilförare med ADHD än bilförare utan ADHD. Körningarna rapporterades som signifikant mer koncentrationskrävande av bilförare utan ADHD. Replikat och FoV uppvisade en signifikant interaktionseffekt på hastighetsval. Framtida forskning kan med fördel studera hur VRM kan utformas för att upplevas som mer hjälpsamma samt hur de bör implementeras för att bilförare ska vilja använda dem vid körningar. Det är viktigt att framtida forskning i området även inkluderar bilförare med ADHD för att säkerställa att system som utformas även är gynnsamma för dessa bilförare.
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Performance of the BRITE Prototype Photometer Under Real Sky ConditionsBode, Willem January 2011 (has links)
Wide-field photometry is prone to various degradations, such as atmospheric ex- tinction, varying point spread functions, and aliasing in addition to classical noise sources such as photon, sky background, readout, and thermal noise. While space- borne observations do not suer from atmospheric eects, varying star images over a large sensor and aliasing may seriously impede good results. A measure of the achievable precision of ground-based dierential photometry with the prototype photometer for the BRITE satellite mission is reported, using real sky observa- tions. The data were obtained with the photometer attached to a paramount tracking platform, using the Image Reduction and Analysis Facility Software (IRAF) image reduction and analysis methods as well as the author's own Matlab Code. Special emphasis is placed on the analysis of varying apertures for vary- ing point spread functions, which shows that the accuracy can be improved by taking into account the statistics for each star instead of using a xed aperture. In addition a function is dened, which describes the expected error in terms of instrumental magnitudes, taking into account Poisson distributed noise and mag- nitude independent noise, mainly aliasing. This function is then t to observed data in a two-dimensional least squares sense, providing a calculated aliasing error of 7 millimagnitudes. This function is furthermore rewritten in terms of the stan- dard magnitude B. A maximum magnitude can then be determined for a certain precision, which shows that the Bright Target Explorer (BRITE) can reach a pho- tometric error of 1 millimagnitude for stars with magnitude B < 3:5, assuming the worst case duty cycle of 15 minutes. / <p>Validerat; 20110211 (anonymous)</p>
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A Geometric Framework For Vision Modeling In Digital Human Models Using 3D Tessellated Head ScansVinayak, * 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The present work deals with the development of a computational geometric framework for vision modeling for performing visibility and legibility analyses in Digital Human Modeling (DHM) using the field-of-view (FoV), estimated geometrically from 3D tessellated head scans. DHM is an inter-disciplinary area of research with the prime objective of evaluating a product, job or environment for intended users through computer-based simulations. Vision modeling in the existing DHM’s has been primarily addressed through FoV modeling using right circular cones (RCC). Perimetry literature establishes that the human FoV is asymmetric due to unrestricted zygomatic vision and restrictions on the nasal side of the face. This observation is neither captured by the simplistic RCC models in DHM, nor rigorously studied in vision literature. Thus, the RCC models for FoV are inadequate for rigorous simulations and the accurate modeling of FoV is required in DHM. The computational framework developed in this work considers three broad components namely, the geometric estimation and representation of FoV, visibility and statistical visibility, and legibility of objects in a given environment.
A computational geometric method for estimating FoV from 3D laser-scanned models of the human head is presented in this work. The strong one-to-one similarity between computed and clinically perimetry maps establishes that the FoV can be geometrically computed using tessellated head models, without necessarily going through the conventional interaction based clinical procedures. The algorithm for FoV computation is extended to model the effect of gaze-direction on the FoV resulting in binocular FoV. A novel unit-cube scheme is presented for robust, efficient and accurate modeling of FoV. This scheme is subsequently used to determine the visibility of 3D tessellated objects for a given FoV. In order to carry out population based visibility studies, the statistical modeling FoV and generation of percentile-based FoV curves are introduced for a given population of FoV curves. The percentile data thus generated was not available in the current ergonomics or perimetry literature. Advanced vision analysis involving character-legibility is demonstrated using the unit-cube with an improved measure to incorporate the effect of character-thickness on its legibility.
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