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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SÄCHSISCHE REALITÄTEN: Analysen aktueller Protestphänomene der radikalen Rechten in Sachsen

Krell, Michael, Böhme, Tom 08 May 2024 (has links)
Seit der Covid-19-Pandemie lässt sich die Entstehung einer neuen, zahlenmäßig starken, radikal rechten Protestbewegung beobachten. Aus diesem bundesweiten Trend stach Sachsen als Hotspot der Mobilisierungen hinsichtlich Quantität und Radikalität heraus. Der vorliegende Sammelband versucht zum einen, Erklärungsansätze hierfür aufzuzeigen, und hat zum anderen das Ziel, der Erforschung der sächsischen Corona-Proteste und ihrem Hauptakteur, der regionalistisch ausgerichteten, radikal rechten Partei Freie Sachsen, eine Vielzahl weiterer Facetten hinzuzufügen. Die einzelnen Beiträge fokussieren dabei unterschiedliche Aspekte der Mobilisierungen und sollen zum Verständnis der sächsischen Spezifika innerhalb der Corona-Proteste beitragen. Dieser Band versammelt dabei diverse sozialwissenschaftliche Theorie- und Fachtraditionen, die jeweils aus einer spezifischen Perspektive das untersuchte Phänomen beleuchten, um in der Gesamtschau eine Vielzahl neuer Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. Die Beiträge machen dabei deutlich, dass es sich bei den sächsischen Akteur:innen der Corona-Proteste allgemein und den Freien Sachsen besonders um ernstzunehmende Gegner:innen demokratischer Gesellschaftsordnungen handelt, die in konkreten raumzeitlichen Kontexten entstanden sind und nur aus diesen heraus zu verstehen sind. Damit leisten sie einen wichtigen Beitrag zur theoretisch und empirisch fundierten Analyse radikal rechter Akteur:innen in Sachsen.:1. Freie Sachsen. Eine Einleitung: Böhme/Krell, S. 6 2. Kollektive Sächsische Identität: Kantzenbach, S. 27 3. Sachsen First: Krell, S. 62 4. Zwang zur Freiheit: Böhme, S. 90 5. Vom Vigilantismus zum Rechtsterrorismus: Roth, S. 118 6. Brückenschlag nach rechts außen: Herpertz, S. 148 7. Bautzner Verhältnisse: Bernstein, S. 176 8. Die Stillen Proteste entlang der B96: Schemm, S. 209 9. Die Querfront und der Faschismus: Voigt, S. 236 10. Konservative Politikstrategien in Zeiten autoritärer Zuspitzung: Knauthe, S. 257 11. Immer mitten in die Presse rein: Köhler, S. 285 12. Topoi in der Esoterik: Baumgertel, S. 310 13. Architekturen contra Erinnerung: Thümmler, S. 338 / Since the Covid-19 pandemic, the emergence of a new, numerically strong, radical right-wing protest movement can be observed. The German federal state of Saxony has stood out from this nationwide trend as a hotspot of mobilization in terms of quantity and radicalism. On the one hand, this anthology attempts to provide explanations for this and, on the other, aims to add a number of other facets to the research into the Saxon coronavirus protests and their main protagonist, the regionalist, radical right-wing party Freie Sachsen. The individual contributions focus on different aspects of the mobilizations and are intended to contribute to an understanding of the Saxon specifics within the corona protests. This volume brings together various social science traditions, each of which sheds light on the phenomenon under investigation from a specific perspective in order to gain a multitude of new insights in the overall view. The contributions make it clear that the Saxon actors of the Corona protests in general and the Freie Sachsen in particular are serious opponents of democratic social orders that emerged in specific spatio-temporal contexts and can only be understood from these contexts. They thus make an important contribution to the theoretically and empirically sound analysis of radical right-wing actors in Saxony.:1. Freie Sachsen. Eine Einleitung: Böhme/Krell, S. 6 2. Kollektive Sächsische Identität: Kantzenbach, S. 27 3. Sachsen First: Krell, S. 62 4. Zwang zur Freiheit: Böhme, S. 90 5. Vom Vigilantismus zum Rechtsterrorismus: Roth, S. 118 6. Brückenschlag nach rechts außen: Herpertz, S. 148 7. Bautzner Verhältnisse: Bernstein, S. 176 8. Die Stillen Proteste entlang der B96: Schemm, S. 209 9. Die Querfront und der Faschismus: Voigt, S. 236 10. Konservative Politikstrategien in Zeiten autoritärer Zuspitzung: Knauthe, S. 257 11. Immer mitten in die Presse rein: Köhler, S. 285 12. Topoi in der Esoterik: Baumgertel, S. 310 13. Architekturen contra Erinnerung: Thümmler, S. 338

Pulling back the curtain : an examination of the English Defence League and their use of Facebook

Reynolds, Teddy January 2015 (has links)
As social media becomes an integral part of our daily lives, and groups seek to utilize this medium to facilitate activism, understanding the nature of these communications and the impact of the content on the individual user becomes a valid area of interest. When one then considers that extremist and terrorist groups have found social media to be an inexpensive and effective means for communication, radicalization, recruitment and member mobilization, the need for this understanding becomes critical. This research seeks to provide just such an understanding in its examination of Far-Right English Defence League and their use of Facebook during a period of increased activism and online growth. Important elements of this work include an understanding of the legal and ethical issues surrounding the collection of online content, particularly in extremist environments; the role of traditional media in their coverage of the group and whether the comments of the members reflect the group's mission statement of the characterization of traditional media; the ability to enhance data segregation and analysis through the development and use of specialized software; and most importantly the findings from the data analysis. Contained within these findings is an understanding of the intricacies of online participation in extremist social media. These include insights into overall traffic generation, the use of links within communications and their impact on the member traffic, and how the group narrative put forth by the administrator is reflected in the dialogue of the users. The most important finding was an understanding of individual user participation within the group and how, even with such an inexpensive and pervasive media outlet, activist groups still struggle to overcome the problem of participation. That this knowledge can be applied in a meaningful way in counter extremist and counter terrorism efforts was an interesting and satisfying development.

Politické myšlení a metody oslovování občanů nacionálně sociálního proudu české krajní pravice / Political thought of the national socialist line of the czech far right and the means the national socialists use to address the public

Šůsová, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
The Thesis analyses political thought of the contemporary czech national socialism and the methods the subjects considered to be part of this movement use to address cizizens. Among these subjects are the Worker's Party (of Social Justice), National Defiance and Autonomous nationalists. In the first chapter, the Thesis clarifies the specific background of the czech national socialism focusing on facts, figures and the latest development. Second and crucial chapter characterizes political thought of the czech national socialism. The last part of the Thesis focuses on the topics the before mentioned subjects use to address wide public, on their image, their rhetoric and the means of propaganda they turn to.

Diskurzivní analýza politických postojů prezidenta České republiky Miloše Zemana a krajně pravicových politických stran / Discourse Analysis of Political Attitudes of the Czech President Miloš Zeman and far-right political parties

Vocel, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The key research question of my diploma thesis deals with the problem of whether the President of the Czech Republic Milos Zeman creates the same discourse as far-right political parties in the Czech Republic. The research concerns the social discourse surrounding the current migration crisis facing Europe. In this connection, there is a discourse analysis of the themes of migration, Islam, terrorism, external and internal actors. This research is conducted on the basis of the theory of binaries from Teun Van Dijk, which can be applied to a populist political style characterized by President Zeman and extreme right-wing political parties, among which are analyzed the Workers' Party of Social Justice, National Democracy, Dawn - the National Coalition, Freedom And Direct Democracy - Tomio Okamura and the Citizens' Rights Party. Research data is collected from President Zeman's official communications channels and political parties, including official websites and social networks. Based on a discourse analysis of their political views, it is possible to compare President Zeman and the extreme right-wing parties to each topic and to conclude whether they speak the same or differently about these themes.

Vývoj české krajní pravice po roce 1989 / Development of czech extreme right-wing after 1989

Kameník, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis Development of czech extreme right-wing after 1989 deals with three the most significant far right-wing parties in Czech republic after 1989. These parties are Association for republic - Czechoslovak Republican Party (SPR-RSČ), National Party (NS) and Workers' Party (DS). The only far right-wing body shall, which was able to enforce on Czech political scene and obtain representation in the Parliament was SPR-RSČ. Other two parties were unsuccessful in elections. Thesis has an ambition to make clear, why SPR-RSČ was that successful and other parties were not. But at the beginning of the thesis is explained concept of far right-wing. After this, is a chapter about SPR-RSČ, which was significant political party in the 90's. Nevertheless after unsuccessful elections in 1998 became piece by piece minor political force. Next part refers about NS, which was very unsuccessful in elections, but was able to attract attention of Czech media by its actions. Thesis also include chapter about DS, which was, as the only one after 1989, dissolved by the Supreme Administrative Court. However the party works under the name DSSS and nowadays is the most successful far right-wing party in Czech Republic. After that is a chapter, which clarifies the reasons why was SPR-RSČ successful and the other...

Mládežnické struktury při Dělnické straně sociální spravedlnosti a Komunistické straně Čech a Moravy / Youth Organizations of the Worker's party of Social Justice and the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia

Dytrych, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The Diploma thesis focuses on youth structures that profess to the largest far-right and far-left parties representatives in the Czech Republic. In the far-right milieu it is the Worker's Party Youth, who are closely associated with the Worker's party of Social Justice. On the far-left side of the spektrum, there are formally two entities, that profess to the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia: the Communist Youth Union and the Union of Young Communists of Czechoslovakia. The aim of this thesis is to clarify the extent of real interdependence of these civic associations with a political party, and on the other side, to examine their political extremism level, both in theory and also in the terms of security forces. The thesis further explores to what extent, therefore, these entities are a real threat to the existing democratic system in the Czech Republic.

Dělnická strana (sociální spravedlnosti) / Workers party (of social justice)

Firerová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development and position of the far-right Workers Party (DS) and the Workers Party of Social Justice (DSSS) in the political system of the Czech Republic. The work also includes a theoretical part, dealing with different views on extremism and radicalism. Also discussed is the position of the far-right parties in Central and Western Europe. The main goal is to capture the roots of the Workers 'Party, but also action and ideological bases its successor the Workers Party of Social Justice. Emphasis is placed on the presentation of the party and demonstrations. They are namely the main way to reach supporters. The thesis also analyzes the election results of DS (DSSS) and try to include the party in the Czech party system according to the theory of Giovanni Sartori. There is also a description of the organizational structure of the party and its affiliated organizations. The last chapter discusses the symbolism and iconography of the party.

Exploring Anti-Feminist and Gender Equality Narratives on the Instagram of Female Far-Right Politicians : A Case Study on VOX Representatives

Claramunt Oregi, Araitz January 2022 (has links)
After the Catalan conflict in 2017, the number of female politicians and sympathizers in VOX increased notoriously(Bernardez-Rodal et al., 2020). Moreover, the growing participation and engagement of female audiences suggests that the use of several techniques to attract women (Pilkington, 2017; Mattheis, 2018; Askanius, 2021a) or the use of topics that evoque shared feelings (Dietze & Roth, 2020) could also be unfolding at a great speed in Spain. Thus, wanting to spand knowledge on the mentioned phenomenon, this thesis focuses on the Spanish context and explores how three VOX female politicians benefit from Alternative Influence Networks or AIN (Lewis, 2018) in Instagram and use influencer practices to spread far-righ ideas and sell anti-feminist or gender equality narratives.  For veracity and objectivity this research considered every post in the feed of these representatives for the sampling,obtaining a total of 290 relevant posts which were later analysed following a case study methodology. Theories of mediatization and media power, social media, online Interactivity and AIN, gender politics, and post-feminism and anti-feminism, served to understand the content of the analysed posts and classify them into 5 main topics (1. Anti-Feminism;2. Maternity; 3. Gender Politics and Gender Issues; 4. Targeting Women: Fear for the Spanish Race; 5. Christian values: pro-life and heteronormative love) that were repeatedly manifested in various ways. Main findings include how VOX female politicians benefit from social media to target women and sell far-right ideas through influencer practices and other tactics that are similarly used by other far-right actors. From this we could conclude that the role of female representators in VOX is of great importance to attract female audience by posting sensitive content or aiming at empathy through identification as well as to soften the image of the far-right through fear-based techniques or turning to biology.

Multilevel Approaches to Dealing with the Challenges of Diversity

Ehret, Agnes 12 May 2022 (has links)
In recent years, the role of diversity has become increasingly important and present – both in society and at the workplace. Diversity, that is any attribute that people might use do distinguish between self and others, is a topic that is visible in several areas and that has challenging implications, both for organizations and for society as a whole. It is a multilevel construct that needs a holistic approach - but so far, most of the research on diversity is limited to the team level, without reflecting on implications for other levels and interactions with other levels of diversity. The first objective of this dissertation is to examine whether approaches of organizational diversity research, namely faultlines, are applicable to the societal level and whether they are useful on this level to explain phenomena of societal relevance. Second, we investigate whether diversity trainings on the team-level can help meet these challenges by teaching useful competencies. And third, we explore whether characteristics on the individual level, namely intrapersonal diversity, enable people to overcome the challenges of diversity which will ultimately also contribute to meet the challenges of diversity on the societal level. On the basis of the combination of findings on diversity at three different levels and the introduced multi-level model, new hypotheses at different levels of analyses can be formulated and subsequently tested.:1. Introduction 2. Core Constructs and Conceptual Clarifications 3. Theoretical Framework 4. Status Quo of Diversity Research 5. Overview of the Research Program 6. Does Social Context Predict Voting for Far-Right Parties? A Study on Societal Faultlines and Voting Behavior in East Germany 7. When Diversity is Something New: Enhancing Diversity Beliefs among Apprentices 8. Intrapersonal Diversity: We Like what we are 9. General Discussion / Diversität hat in den letzten Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung und Präsenz gewonnen – sowohl in der Gesellschaft als auch am Arbeitsplatz. Diversität, also jedes Merkmal, das Menschen dazu nutzen können, sich selbst als unterschiedlich von anderen Personen wahrzunehmen, ist in vielen Bereichen sichtbar und stellt sowohl für Organisationen als auch für die Gesellschaft als Ganzes eine große Herausforderung dar. Es ist ein Mehrebenen-Konstrukt, das einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz erfordert – die bisherige Forschung zu Diversität beschränkt sich jedoch größtenteils auf die Gruppenebene, ohne Auswirkungen auf oder Interaktionen mit andere Ebenen von Vielfalt zu berücksichtigen. Das erste Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es zu prüfen, ob Ansätze der organisationalen Diversitätsforschung, namentlich Faultlines, auf die gesellschaftliche Ebene übertragbar sind und ob sie auf dieser Ebene nützlich sind, um gesellschaftlich relevante Phänomene zu erklären. Zweitens untersuchen wir, ob Diversitätstrainings auf Gruppenebene helfen können, diese Herausforderungen zu meistern, indem sie nützliche Kompetenzen vermitteln. Und drittens untersuchen wir, ob Eigenschaften auf der individuellen Ebene, namentlich intrapersonelle Diversität, Menschen dazu befähigen, die Herausforderungen von Diversität zu bewältigen, was letztlich auch dazu beitragen wird, den Herausforderungen von Diversität auf gesellschaftlicher Ebene gerecht zu werden. Auf Basis der Kombination von Diversitätserkenntnissen auf drei unterschiedlichen Ebenen und dem vorgestellten Mehrebenen-Modell können neue Hypothesen auf unterschiedlichen Analyseebenen formuliert und anschließend überprüft werden.:1. Introduction 2. Core Constructs and Conceptual Clarifications 3. Theoretical Framework 4. Status Quo of Diversity Research 5. Overview of the Research Program 6. Does Social Context Predict Voting for Far-Right Parties? A Study on Societal Faultlines and Voting Behavior in East Germany 7. When Diversity is Something New: Enhancing Diversity Beliefs among Apprentices 8. Intrapersonal Diversity: We Like what we are 9. General Discussion

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