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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An observation on the leader¡¦s feeding back for learning and visiting.

Lin, Wen-jyh 22 July 2010 (has links)
It is direct response on a pure reaction that a leader took a learning and visiting. And it means that all of the spirit and style deep in his mine will explosion at any time and any where. Even though account a character later, will be described included a real; aconcept and the other spirit also be exploded and you will find some philosophy of management that you never found before if you carefully. The leader visited to the site of manufacturing that different from around the table in the office and will contact and feel all of the men; products; facilities; the environment and every thing around the site directly. The feeling is really, the reaction is true and the response normally representing the spirit of the leader. The spirit including something will feed back to the men, whom interact with the leader. You will found that a success leader all ways have some character form the feed backs. On the observation we have found some conclusions as follow: 1. A success leader has the modest and studious characters. 2. A success leader has the conscientious and never stop till find out the cause curiously characters. 3. A success leader will sight on the future and carry out the strategies for the futures. 4. A success leader will seek the truth from the facts and take streamlining. 5. A success leader will try to get all of the information and disseminate the useful news in time. 6. A success leader is a disseminator of experience and never limited in the organization or the countries.

Formativ bedömning i de tidiga skolåren : En studie av lärares beskrivning av hur de arbetar med formativ bedömning i matematikundervisningen

Hjelmlund, Gunilla January 2017 (has links)
Studien behandlar formativ bedömning i de tidiga skolåren. Temat är viktigt att undersöka då bedömning för lärande är ett förhållningssätt till kunskap och lärande som ska implementeras i undervisningen. Problemställningen är hur lärare beskriver begreppet och hur lärare beskriver att de arbetar med formativ bedömning i matematikundervisningen. De empiriska metoder som använts är observation och kvalitativ intervju. Fyra lågstadielärare i år 1 och 3 deltog. Samtliga intervjuer spelades in och transkriberades. Resultatet visar att lärarnas definition av begreppet formativ bedömning delvis stämmer med de teoretiska definitionerna. Tre nyckelprocesser var väl implementerat hos samtliga informanter. Den första nyckelprocessen, att veta målet med undervisningen kopplades i intervjuerna ihop med tydliga mål för lektionen. Skillnaderna mellan lärarna kan antas ha samband med deras yrkeserfarenhet. Den andra nyckelprocessen, att ta reda på var eleven är i sitt lärande, kopplades i intervjuerna ihop med matriser. I analysen framkom dock att lärarnas arbete med matriser inte var synliga under observerade lektioner. Den tredje nyckelprocessen, vad som behövs för att komma närmare målet kopplades i intervjuerna ihop med feed back som för lärandet framåt. Resultaten från intervjuer och observationer stämmer delvis med teoretiska definitioner, då lärarnas feed back till eleverna under lektionerna kan definieras som summativa bedömningar snarare än att eleverna ges strategier för fortsatt lärande.

Interactive adjustment of digital controller parameters using a minicomputer.

Koritz, Anne L. January 1972 (has links)
A simple display-interactive system for process control using a small computer is presented which is based on conventional digital filter design methods and accuracy considerations. The system permits gain, lead, and lag-lead compensation of a two-real-pole plant with position offset. The program, written for the PDP-12, allows the user much flexibility in sampling and displaying the step, responses and choosing the compensator parameters. There is also provision for evaluating the system performance (peak time, maximum overshoot, and position offset). This flexibility is provided by organization of the program into large subroutine packages, e.g. graphic display, fixed-point two-decimal-place and double-precision (24-bit) fractional arithmetic routines, compensator difference equations, etc. Discussed are theoretical and practical aspects of the system design and implementation, sources of error, overall structure of the program, including a general flowchart, experimental results, the limits imposed on the program by the computing facilities used, and some suggestions concerning possible extensions of the system. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of / Graduate

Characterization of snail1 and pten transcriptional regulation by snail1: New insights into epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and cell resistance to apoptosis

Escrivà Izquierdo, María 20 June 2008 (has links)
The product of the snail1 gene (SNAIL1) is a transcriptional repressor required for triggering the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). SNAIL1 transcription is induced when epithelial cells are forced to acquire a mesenchymal phenotype. Furthermore, ectopic expression of snail1 in epithelial cells promotes resistance to apoptosis. In this study, we demonstrate that this resistance to ã radiation-induced apoptosis caused by Snail1 is associated with the transcriptional inhibition of PTEN phosphatase. The binding of Snail1 to PTEN promoter increases after ã radiation, correlating with the stabilization of snail1 protein that prevents the association of p53 to PTEN promoter. These results stress the critical role of Snail1 in the control of apoptosis and demonstrate the regulation of PTEN phosphatase by this transcriptional repressor.In this work we also demonstrate that snail1 protein modulates its own expression in tumor cells in a bimodal fashion. Snail1 binds to an E-box present in its promoter and represses its activity. However, in tumor cell lines with low levels of E-cadherin, snail1 stimulates its own promoter. This positive effect prevails on the inhibitory effect, does not require the E-box, and is independent on the SNAG box in snail1 protein. Transcriptional stimulation of SNAIL1 promoter by snail1 is dependent on the activation of NFêB and is negatively modulated by E-cadherin transfection. These results indicate that the expression of snail1 gene can be regulated by its product and by the levels of E-cadherin, and evidence the existence of a fine-tuning feed-back mechanism of regulation for snail1 transcription. / El producte del gen snail1 (SNAIL1) és un repressor transcripcional requerit per a la transició epiteli-mesénquima (TEM). La seva transcripció s'indueix quan les cèl·lules epitelials són forçades a adquirir un fenotip mesenquimal. A més, l'expressió ectòpica d'snail1 en cèl·lules epitelials promou resistència a apoptosi. En aquest estudi varem demostrar que la resistència a apoptosi, induïda per radiació gamma, en aquestes cèl·lules és causada per snail1 i està associada a la inhibició transcripcional de la fosfatasa PTEN. La unió de snail1 al promotor de PTEN augmenta després de la radiació gamma, es correlaciona amb l'estabilització de la proteïna snail1 i impedeix l'associació de p53 al promotor de PTEN. Aquests resultats expliquen el paper crític de snail1 en el control de la apoptosi i demostren la regulació de la fosfatasa PTEN per aquest repressor transcripcional. En aquest treball també varem demostrar que la proteïna snail1 modula la seva pròpia expressió en cèl·lules tumorals d'una manera bimodal. Snail1 s'uneix a una caixa E present en el seu promotor i reprimeix la seva activitat. No obstant això, en cèl·lules tumorals amb nivells baixos d'E-cadherina, snail1 estimula el seu propi promotor. Aquest efecte activador preval sobre l'efecte inhibitori, no requereix de la caixa E i és independent del domini SNAG en la proteïna snail1. L'estimulació transcripcional del promotor SNAIL1 per snail1 és depenent de l'activació de NFκB i és modulada negativament per la transfecció d'E-cadherina. Aquests resultats indiquen que l'expressió del gen snail1 es pot regular pel seu propi producte i pels nivells d'E-cadherina, i evidencien l'existència d'un fi mecanisme de control en la regulació transcripcional de snail1. / El producto del gen snail1 (SNAIL1) es un represor transcripcional requerido para la transición epitelio-mesénquima (TEM). Su transcripción se induce cuando las células epiteliales son forzadas a adquirir un fenotipo mesenquimal. Además, la expresión ectópica de snail1 en células epiteliales promueve resistencia a apoptosis. En este estudio demostramos que la resistencia a apoptosis, inducida por radiación gamma, en estas células es causada por snail1 y está asociada a la inhibición transcripcional de la fosfatasa PTEN. La unión de snail1 al promotor de PTEN aumenta después de la radiación gamma, se correlaciona con la estabilización de la proteína snail1 y previene la asociación de p53 al promotor de PTEN. Estos resultados explican el papel crítico de snail1 en el control de la apoptosis y demuestran la regulación de la fosfatasa PTEN por este represor transcripcional. En este trabajo también demostramos que la proteína snail1 modula su propia expresión en células tumorales de una manera bimodal. Snail1 se une a una caja E presente en su promotor y reprime su actividad. Sin embargo, en células tumorales con niveles bajos de E-cadherina, snail1 estimula su propio promotor. Este efecto activador prevalece sobre el efecto inhibitorio, no requiere de la caja E y es independiente del dominio SNAG en la proteína snail1. La estimulación transcripcional del promotor SNAIL1 por snail1 es dependiente de la activación de NFκB y es modulada negativamente por la transfección de E-cadherina. Estos resultados indican que la expresión del gen snail1 se puede regular por su propio producto y por los niveles de E-cadherina, y evidencian la existencia de un fino mecanismo de control en la regulación transcripcional de snail1.

Var det bra så? : En kvalitativ studie om arbetsrotation och lärande i ICA-butiker

Ahlbom, Adam, Backlund, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie görs inom det arbetslivspedagogiska fältet och behandlar arbetsrotation på ICA-butiker. Syftet är att undersöka hur arbetsrotation sker hos medarbetare inom olika ICA-butiker och vilken betydelse det får för lärandet. Lärandet som undersöks är hur individer kan tillgodogöra sig yrkeskunskap utifrån de läroprocesser och lärandesituationer som uppstår i samband med arbetsrotation. De teoretiska verktyg som används grundar sig i Ellströms feed-forward och feed-back faser, de tre regleringsnivåerna av lärande samt en teori om subjektiva och objektiva handlingsutrymmen. Studien använder sig även av Börnfelts teori om en formell och informell organisation. Den metod som använts är kvalitativ och grundar sig i öppna intervjuer med åtta anställda från ICA-butiker med olika butiksformat, med det syftar vi till ICAs butiksformat; Nära, Supermarket, Kvantum och Maxi. Intervjuerna har transkriberats och analyserats ner till fyra olika teman; Arbetets innehåll, Avvikande situationer, Formellt Medarbetarskap och Informella Relationer. Resultatet visar att om anställda roterar mellan avdelningar eller ställs inför utmaning öppnar det upp individers handlingsutrymme, vilket leder till feed-forward faser som i sig genererar lärosituationer där anställda kan lära sig på en begreppslig- och intellektuell nivå. I flertal butiker bestämmer den formella organisationen det objektiva handlingsutrymmet men studien visar att den informella organisationen kan skapa sitt eget objektiva handlingsutrymme. Detta ställer visserligen krav på att det förekommer ett subjektivt handlingsutrymme i form av kunskap eller erfarenhet. I de butiker där ett tydligt objektivt handlingsutrymme ges tenderar anställda att hjälpa varandra inom och över avdelningar i högre utsträckning. I studien konstateras också att arbetsrotation gynnas av kollegiala relationer. Resultatet av studien kan användas för att vidare studera arbetsrotationens inverkan på lärande. Studien kan med fördel användas av yrkesverksamma inom ICA-butiker i syfte att få ökad förståelse för vilka konsekvenser som kan förbindas med införandet av arbetsrotation. / This paper examines job-rotation in ICA-stores within the pedagogy of working life. The purpose of this study is to determine how job-rotation works in ICA-stores and its relevance to learning from a employee perspective. The area of learning that we are investigating is how individuals assimilate knowledge from their professions through learning processes and situations during a job-rotation. The theoretical tools used in this study are based on Ellströms views on the feed-forward and feed-back phases, on Ellströms three levels of learning to conceptualise the act of learning, and finally on the theory of the subjective and objective spaces of action in regards to the learning situation. The paper mentions Börnfelts theories of formal and informal organisation as well. We used a qualitative method based on open interviews with eight employees from different ICA-stores, varied in both location and size. All interviews have been transcribed and analysed into four themes: The Content of the Work, Daily Obstacles/everyday situation, Formal Teamwork, and Informal Relations. The results of these interviews show that if employees rotate between departments, so called “revolving work tasks,” or face challenges within their own work tasks, the individuals acting space is opened up. This results in feed-forward and feed-back phases, which in turn generate the learning situations where the employees can learn on a conceptual and intellectual level. In several stores, the formal organisation creates an objective space of action for the employees, but the study shows that an informal organisation can also create their own objective space of action. If this is going to happen, employees must acquire a subjective space of action in the form of knowledge or experience. In a store with a clear objective space of action, employees tend to help each other more within and over departments. The study also states that a good relation between coworkers facilitates job-rotation. The results of the study can be used as a basis for further study of the way job-rotation affects learning. The study lends itself well to be used by people now working at ICA-stores, in order to get a better understanding of the consequences that can be connected to the introduction of job-rotation.


Aslan, Sevda Coban 01 January 2006 (has links)
Maintenance of stable arterial blood pressure during orthostatic challenges is a major problem after spinal cord injury (SCI). Since early participation in rehabilitation is critically important in reducing long term morbidity, recovering the ability to regulate blood pressure during therapy is essential for individuals with SCI. The objective of our study was to investigate short term cardiovascular function of able-bodied (AB), paraplegic (PARA) and tetraplegic (TETRA) subjects in response to head up tilt (HUT) as an early indicator of autonomic damage that might forewarn of future orthostatic regulatory problems. We acquired cardiovascular variables from able-bodied (AB; n=11), paraplegic (PARA; n=5) and tetraplegic (TETRA; n=5) subjects in response to HUT. The SCI patients in both groups were in their first two months post injury. Data were recorded at rest and during 7 min each at 20??, 40??, 60?? and 80?? HUT. Techniques used to estimate regulatory capability and reflex activity included: Mean values and spectral power of heart rate (HR) and arterial blood pressure (BP), baroreflex sequence measurements and cross correlation between HR and systolic blood pressure (SBP). An index of baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), baroreflex effectiveness index (BEI), and the percentage occurrence of systolic blood pressure (BP) ramps and baroreflex sequences were calculated from baroreflex sequence measurements. The spectral power of HR and BP, the cross correlation of systolic BP and heart rate (HR) were examined in low frequency (LF: 0.04-0.15 Hz) and high frequency (HF: 0.15-0.4 Hz) ranges. The BRS index was significantly (p andlt; 0.05) decreased from supine to 80o HUT in AB and TETRA. This index in PARA was the lowest at each tilt position in the three groups, and decreased with tilt. The percentage of heart beats involved in systolic BP ramps and in baroreflex sequences significantly (pandlt;0.05) rose from supine to 80o HUT in AB, was relatively unchanged in PARA and declined in TETRA. Both of these indexes were significantly (pandlt;0.05) lowerin the SCI than in the AB group at each tilt level. The BEI values were greatest in AB, and declined with tilt in all groups. Spinal cord injured patients had less power of BP and HR fluctuations than AB in both LF and HF regions. The LF spectral power of BP and HR increased with tilt in AB, remained unchanged in PARA and decreased in TETRA. The HF spectral power of HR decreased in all three groups. The peak HR / BP cross correlation in the LF region was greatest in AB, and significantly (pandlt;0.05) increased during HUT in AB, remained fairly constant in PARA, and declined in TETRA. The peak cross correlation in the HF region significantly (pandlt;0.05) decreased with tilt in all groups, and the SCI group had lower values than AB at each tilt level. We conclude that both PARA and TETRA had a smaller percentage of SBP ramps, BRS, and lower BEI than AB, likely indicating decreased stimulation of arterial baroreceptors, and less engagement of feedback control. The mixed sympathetic, parasympathetic innervations of paraplegics, or their elevated HR, may contribute to their significantly lower BRS. Our data indicate that the pathways utilized to evoke baroreflex regulation of HR are compromised by SCI and this loss may be a major contributor to the decrease in orthostatic tolerance following injury.

Les interventions régulatrices groupales et l'efficacité des équipes de travail : développement et vérification d'un modèle théorique

Aubé, Caroline January 2003 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Využití techniky "360 stupňů zpětné vazby" k evaluaci kompetencí učitelů / Use of technics "360 degree feed back" for evaluation teacher 's competences

Velechovská, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
Key words: 360řfeed back, evaluation teacher's competences, teacher's competences Abstract: The theme of diploma work is evaluation of teacher's competencies. Work verifies possibility to use method of 360ř feedback for this evaluation. Work further describes method of 360ř feedback as a subject of research. Research methods used for verification of usability of 360řfeedback, are questionnaires and interviews. Work focuses on middle school teachers' competencies.

Interpersonální komunikace ve společnosti Holmes Place / Interpersonal Communicatation in Holmes Place Company

Ješinová, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
Title: Interpersonal communication of Holmes Place company Objectives: The main objective of this work is to observe errors in interpersonal communication at Holmes Place, to find the cause of these errors and propose effective solutions on how to avoid it and improve communication within the company. Methods: At this work I used the method of interview and questionnaire survey. The goal was to determine the sample surveyed, to create questionnaires and overall, to evaluate the results. I used interview method to obtain information about the possibilities and traffic of interpersonal communication within the company. Within respondent sample, I evaluate the level of interpersonal communication at Holmes Place. Results: I have found that interpersonal communication at Holmes Place is on a bad level. Correctly answered questions are on a very low-level - only slightly above the 50%. Regardless of senior management, middle management or subordinates, communication within the company is evaluated as insufficient. An important role in this case plays uneducated and untrained personnel. Keywords: Communication, verbal communication, nonverbal communication, distance communication, meetings, conferences, e-mail.

Concurrence et Convergence Fiscales

Ruiz, Fernando M. M. 21 March 2008 (has links)
Le thème général exploré dans cette recherche doctorale est "la Concurrence et la Convergence Fiscales". Examiner les concepts de concurrence et convergence fiscales d'une manière intégrée constitue un objectif important en soi. Cela permet, jusqu'à un certain point, d'apporter une vision innovatrice au problème étudié. Jusqu'ici, la littérature sur la concurrence fiscale ne suggère pas que les taux d'imposition convergent dans l'une ou l'autre direction. Les résultats principaux d'un modèle de concurrence fiscale classique avec des pays symétriques sont que, 1- la mobilité du capital induit un taux d'imposition trop bas par rapport à l'optimum social ; 2- il existe une corrélation négative entre la mobilité du capital et le taux d'imposition sur le capital ; 3- une harmonisation vers le haut des taux d'imposition des capitaux peut produire une amélioration au sens de Pareto. Bien que ces trois points représentent une vision simplificatrice et réductrice d'une longue et riche littérature, ils sont globalement corrects. Un deuxième objectif du travail est de confronter la théorie à la réalité empirique. Cette thèse est composée de "chapitres". Les chapitres 2 à 5 sont constitués, chacun d'un article dans son intégralité. Ceci signifie que le lecteur va retrouver dans chaque chapitre un papier avec introduction, développement et conclusions, et en cas de publication de l'article, une copie de celui-ci dans son format de présentation original. Le chapitre 6 contient les conclusions finales. Bien que chacune des parties constitue un composant isolé, l'enchainement garde un développement logique. Le chapitre 2 définit l'impôt sur lequel on souhaite travailler et présente la littérature sur les taux d'imposition effective avec quelques extensions. Une fois défini l'impôt sur le capital comme l'instrument sur lequel on centre notre attention, le chapitre 3 développe un modèle de concurrence fiscale. Le chapitre 4 observe la concurrence fiscale entre pays et fait un lien avec les mesures de convergence présentées dans le chapitre suivant. D'une manière similaire, le chapitre 5 tente d'observer la convergence fiscale entre pays d'une façon empirique.

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