Spelling suggestions: "subject:"filosofi"" "subject:"ifilosofi""
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In Search of Lost Deterrence : Two essays on deterrence and the models employed to study the phenomenonSörenson, Karl January 2019 (has links)
To deter is central for strategic thinking. Some of the more astute observations regarding the dynamics of deterrence were made during the Cold War by game theorists. This set the stage for how deterrence has come to be studied. A strong methodological element like the research on deterrence’s reliance on game theory requires examination in order to understand what sort of knowledge it actually yields. What sort of knowledge does one acquire when deterrence is viewed through game theoretic models? How do they inform us about the phenomenon of deterrence? To understand the nature of a phenomenon through models requires idealization, which in turn presupposes assumptions. This licentiate thesis investigates the type of knowledge we attain when approaching deterrence from a game theoretic perspective. The two articles presented address two separate but related issues. The first article reviews a debate regarding which deterrence model best capture the phenomena of deterrence, i.e. how models can be compared to one and other. The article presents a framework for comparing models and then appraises how these different deterrence models inform us about deterrence. The second article uses one of the more central deterrence models in order to evaluate how and to what extent the naval operation Atalanta managed to deter the Somali piracy.
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Internet as Aesthetic MediumŠparada, Renata January 2021 (has links)
The dissertation explains the internet as an aesthetic medium, authorship in the medium and platforms’ influence on the medium’s aesthetic function. This is achieved by analysing the actual art that uses the internet as an aesthetic medium. The aesthetic function of the internet as a medium is different from its informative and communicative function. It entails manipulation of the medium defined by the permanent and instant interconnectedness of the digitalised instances or representations of people, things, artificial intelligence and information to achieve a specific aesthetic aim. Internet as a medium, similarly to comics and film, allows for different kinds of authorship. A typical example of art that uses the internet as a medium is a meme. This is because memes involve meta-level discussions and group authorship, elements that are most easily facilitated by the internet as a medium. Art that uses the internet as an aesthetic medium can be single-authored if the sole author manipulates digital interconnectedness in an aesthetically significant way. Besides this general level of how the internet is characterised as a medium, there is a practical level that includes platforms on which artwork is made. These two levels are necessarily connected. Even though platforms also manipulate digitalised interconnectedness, they do not erase the internet’s potential as an aesthetic medium because artists manipulate this already manipulated content.
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Heidegger och Lukács : Förtingligandets problem i Vara och tid och Historia och klassmedvetandeNelsén Nestlander, Philip January 2021 (has links)
The main objective of this essay is to construct a conceptual background to the problem of reification [Verdinglichung] in the works of Martin Heidegger and Georg Lukács, Being and time and History and Class Consciousness. This problem is approached through four main chapters – the method of phenomenology and marxism, the critique of the sciences, the concept of wholeness or totality, and the possibility of a phenomenological marxism. By making a parellell reading of these two works, the hope is to contribute to an understanding of the problem of reification as approached by the phenomenological and marxist perspective, and how these perspectives together might contribute to a better understanding of the problem as a whole.
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Papperslösas rätt till rättigheter : De mänskliga rättigheternas universella anspråk och statlig suveränitetLöfving, Klara January 2020 (has links)
In recent years Sweden has experienced recurrent criticism for neglecting to protect the human rights of undocumented migrants within its borders. This paper explores this alleged neglect by focusing on three different subjects and dimensions of rights, namely everyone’s right to health, children’s right to education, and women’s right to freedom from violence. Key to the contribution of the paper is an outline of how the human rights of undocumented migrants could be implemented in Swedish legislation. The central problem at issue is the often implicit yet strong tension or disconnect between human rights and citizenship. Consequently, the paper examines the universality implied in human rights discourse and normativity on the one hand, and the power of states to control their borders and sustain regimes of citizenship within them on the other. Using Hannah Arendt’s concept of the right to have rights and Seyla Benhabibs approach to fair membership and democratic iterations, the paper probes the possibilities for undocumented migrants to be both included in the Swedish polity and enjoy the respect for their human rights as granted by different conventions.The paper discusses examples of how the human rights of undocumented migrants in Sweden are violated in different ways. Migrants are denied healthcare because of high costs and unclear legislation. Undocumented children’s right to education gets restricted because of their fear to get caught by the police. Abused women with irregular status who are in need of protection often avoid to seek help due to the threat of deportation. The paper reaches the conclusion that the “openness position” as proposed by political actors arguing for porous borders and claiming that universalistic human rights should override national legislation, is compatible with the theoretical reasoning of the text. Laws of firewalls are of special importance to the legal argument of the paper. By establishing safe zones undocumented migrants would be guaranteed access to healthcare, education and protection from violence. Finally, democratic iterations as a precondition for regularization is discussed and equal rights for citizens and the undocumented are considered to offer paths for migrants to both inclusion and increased levels of safety and respect.
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Är tiden kommen för de äldre? : En argumentationsanalys av för-argumentationen för en FN-konvention för äldre personers rättigheterTahiraj, Hyra January 2020 (has links)
The world’s population is ageing and will continue to do so, this demographic change is considered a triumph. However, population ageing has exposed challenges, such as discrimination based on older age which has negative impact on older persons enjoyment of human rights. With it follows the question on how to best protect the elderly and their rights. Some argue that an international (UN) convention on the rights of older people is needed, while other argue against. As there is no consensus to this question the purpose of this thesis has been to examine whether there are sufficient reasons for the advancement of a UN convention on the rights of older persons. To do so, the arguments in favour of such convention has been analysed by considering the effectiveness of conventions on human rights advancement and other relevant documents. Throughout, the thesis has presumed that there is a need for stronger protection for the elderly and that the alternative to a convention is to further advance the protection within the existing international human rights system. The result of the study, based on the arguments analysed and the current practice, shows that, at present, there are insufficient reasons for the advancement of a UN convention on the rights of older persons. It suggests that the potential of strengthening the protection of older people within the international human rights system have not yet been exhausted. The study further reflects the complexity of the question on whether a UN convention on the rights of older people should be advanced. / Världens befolkning åldras och fortsätter göra så, den demografiska förändringen ses som en triumf. Med åldrandet har dock en del utmaningar uppdagats, såsom utbredd diskriminering mot personer på grund av äldre ålder, vilket har negativ påverkan på åtnjutandet av mänskliga rättigheter. Därför följer frågan på vilket vis äldre personer bäst ges skydd som möjliggör åtnjutande av mänskliga rättigheter. En del argumenterar för formulerandet av en FN-konvention för äldre personers rättigheter och en del argumenterar mot. Då det saknas konsensus i frågan är det uppsatsens syfte att undersöka huruvida en FN-konvention för äldre personers rättigheter bör formuleras. Detta görs genom att analysera de för-argument som anges för en sådan konvention genom att beakta konventioners verkan på respekt för mänskliga rättigheter och annat relevant material. Genomgående utgår uppsatsen från att behovet av stärkt skydd för äldre är verkligt och att alternativet till en FN-konvention är att stärka arbetet inom det befintliga internationella människorättssystemet. Resultatet av studien, som baseras på den argumentation som redogörs för och rådande praxis, visar att det inte finns tillräckliga skäl att, i skrivande stund, formulera en FN-konvention för äldre personers rättigheter. Den föreslår att möjligheterna för att stärka äldre personers skydd inom det befintliga internationella människorättssystemet ännu inte uttömts och att det därför finns ytterligare potential att stärka arbetet inom detta. Studien reflekterar komplexiteten kring frågan om en FN-konvention för äldre personers rättigheter bör formuleras.
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Är du på riktigt? : en teoretisk och praktisk studie av autenticitet, äkthet och möblerBjellerup, Jon January 2017 (has links)
Autenticitet och äkthet är ord som används i vardagliga sammanhang, inte bara som konservatorer, utan av alla. Vad menar vi när vi beskriver något som autentiskt eller äkta? Sättet vi använder orden på för att beskriva möbler lämnar mycket till en subjektiv tolkning baserad på vad personen som använder orden har valt att de ska betyda. Att hitta gemensamma betydelser för orden måste prioriteras eftersom det spelar en så central roll inom både handel och undersökning av möbler. En filosofisk paradox blir startskottet till en bättre förståelse för termerna. Resultaten av denna teoretiska analys används sedan som grund i en undersökning av den store möbeldesignern och arkitekten Pierre Jeanneret. Jag anser att det finns en tydlig skillnad mellan de två orden som är viktig att belysa för hur vi för samtal inom konserveringsyrket.
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Fritidsgården : En möjlighet för att förebygga brottslighet hos unga personerMahdi, Sali, Makdissi, Ellie January 2020 (has links)
Studien syftar till att få en ökad kunskap om hur fritidsgårdens personal arbetar med att förebygga och minska ungdomsbrottslighet. Den metodologiska utgångspunkten i denna studie är en hermeneutisk kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Fyra fritidsverksamheter har kontaktats och en respondent från varje verksamhet har intervjuats. Studien utgår från teorierna om KASAM och teorin om sociala band. Resultatet av studien visar att fritidsgårdens syfte är att främja delaktighet bland ungdomarna. Resultatet visar också att det finns centrala faktorer på fritidsgården som kan minska ungdomsbrottslighet. Dessa faktorer kan vara exempelvis starka och positiva relationer mellan personal och ungdomar, känslan av delaktighet, fritidsaktiviteter, personalens kompetens. Det betyder att fritidsgårdens personal arbetar med att förebygga och minska ungdomsbrottslighet.
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On a fuzzy scientific languageDahlstedt, Olle January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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The Phenomenal Approach to Identity over Time : An AnalysisMalmberg, Gustaf January 2022 (has links)
How do we persist over time: What conditions need to be fulfilled for us to remain the same person from one moment to the next? Two theories have dominated the debate for a longtime: the physical and psychological approaches, which are centred on sameness of body and sameness of psychology, respectively. This thesis will focus on a third theory, the phenomenal approach, which defines persistence as the sameness of consciousness. That is, what is required for persistence is a continuous stream of consciousness. In part 1, I will present and analyse two different arguments that advocate for the phenomenal approach and I will also offer criticism for each argument individually. In part 2 I will present criticism that is directed to both arguments and the view as a whole. I will argue that the phenomenal approach to personal identity over time is an intuitive and convincing alternative at first glance but after deeper analysis it is an inadequate and unsatisfactory argument for personal persistence. Both arguments defend the capacity for consciousness as the condition for persistence but neither is able to define what has the capacity for consciousness and how it could persist without consciousness in a meaningful way.
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Philosophical and empirical investigations in nanoethicsGodman, Marion January 2009 (has links)
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