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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att vara en vara : En studie av American Psychos Patrick Bateman

Granath, Elias January 2008 (has links)
<p>My essay is an investigation of American Psychos Patrick Bateman. Why is Patrick Batemans identity one so easily described as shallow and superficial? I discuss theese questions from a marxists point of view putting Bateman in the context of Georg Lukács theories of reification. I compare the structure of Patrick Batemans identity with the idea of an reified identity to se how the mechanisms of reification creates the entity that is Patrick Bateman.</p><p>My conclusion is that one answer to Batemans shallowness is the phenomenon of reification. To get a grasp of how shallowness might be understood I combine the theories of Lukács with Bakhtins idea of the aouthorative discourse.</p><p>If one look upon reification as an aouthorative discourse and one also presume that human existence is social and verbal the conclusion is that Patrick Bateman cannot exist because of what he is an example of. Patrick Bateman has only access to one voice, the voice of consumer capitalism and it is the singularity of Bateman that constitutes his ”not thereness”.</p>

Att vara en vara : En studie av American Psychos Patrick Bateman

Granath, Elias January 2008 (has links)
My essay is an investigation of American Psychos Patrick Bateman. Why is Patrick Batemans identity one so easily described as shallow and superficial? I discuss theese questions from a marxists point of view putting Bateman in the context of Georg Lukács theories of reification. I compare the structure of Patrick Batemans identity with the idea of an reified identity to se how the mechanisms of reification creates the entity that is Patrick Bateman. My conclusion is that one answer to Batemans shallowness is the phenomenon of reification. To get a grasp of how shallowness might be understood I combine the theories of Lukács with Bakhtins idea of the aouthorative discourse. If one look upon reification as an aouthorative discourse and one also presume that human existence is social and verbal the conclusion is that Patrick Bateman cannot exist because of what he is an example of. Patrick Bateman has only access to one voice, the voice of consumer capitalism and it is the singularity of Bateman that constitutes his ”not thereness”.

Heidegger och Lukács : Förtingligandets problem i Vara och tid och Historia och klassmedvetande

Nelsén Nestlander, Philip January 2021 (has links)
The main objective of this essay is to construct a conceptual background to the problem of reification [Verdinglichung] in the works of Martin Heidegger and Georg Lukács, Being and time and History and Class Consciousness. This problem is approached through four main chapters – the method of phenomenology and marxism, the critique of the sciences, the concept of wholeness or totality, and the possibility of a phenomenological marxism. By making a parellell reading of these two works, the hope is to contribute to an understanding of the problem of reification as approached by the phenomenological and marxist perspective, and how these perspectives together might contribute to a better understanding of the problem as a whole.

Varufierade vänner : En studie av tre karriärböcker om influencerskap och deras framställning av relationen mellan följare och influencer

Järverot, Eira January 2019 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks influenceryrket utifrån de tre karriärböckerna Hej, jag heter Mirza och jag är influencer (av Mirza Bico), Yrke: Influencer (av Linda Hörnfeldt) och Digital passion (av Frida Boisen) vars författare själva på olika sätt jobbar med sina sociala medier. Studien bygger på tidigare forskning som gett uttryck för kändisskapet på sociala medier som utmärkande av både närhet till följare och förhållningssättet till sig själv som en vara. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka upprätthållande av den närhet till följare, som visats i tidigare forskning, parallellt med tillgodoseendet av det ekonomiska intresset i att de säljer reklamutrymme på sina sociala medier – vilket får följarna att framstå som kunder. Böckerna analyseras utifrån ett marxistiskt teoretiskt ramverk, med grunden i Georg Lukács teorier och begreppen reifikation och varufiering. Reifikation innebär en anpassning efter kapitalistiska samhällets strukturer och relationer, vilket tar sig uttryck i den borgerliga människans medvetande. Varufiering syftar till processen som gör saker, arbetskraft eller personer till varor. Studien visar att den upplevda närheten som beskrivs till följarna tycks upprätthållas genom objektivering av personliga egenskaper, till att fylla funktionen att få följarna att återvända till kanalen. Den kalkylerbarhet av egenskaperna som framstår i beskrivningarna av relationen liknar en anpassning efter den rationalisering som Lukács menar utmärker det kapitalistiska produktionssättet. Relationen tycks varufieras då företag köper utrymme för att marknadsföra produkter för influencerns följare. Det tycks dock som att en influencer samtidigt behöver förhålla sig till krav på öppenhet och ärlighet gentemot följarna, vilka uttrycks i böckerna, vilket jag tolkar som följarnas önskan efter någonting genuint mänskligt och icke-reifierat. Det ekonomiska intresset tycks tätt sammantvinnat med upprätthållandet av vad som framstår som en nära relation, och ställer krav den marknadsföring som görs att framstå som uppriktig. För att uppnå detta tycks en influencers hela liv reifieras till en arena för det personliga varumärket. Detta kan även ses som ett absurt uttryck av vad C.S Cremin kallar det post-ironiska tillståndet, där kapitalismens kultur inkorporeras i personen.

Kvinnan och tjänsten : En kritisk diskursanalys av det svenska rättsväsendets framställning av kvinnor som befinner sig i prostitution

Andersson, Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
The representation of women in prostitution varies over time and space. This study aims to make visual how women in prostitution are being represented in Swedish judicial system today. The study uses a critical discourse analysis, inspired by Fairclough's three-dimensional model, and is based on a theoretical framework of reification theory, theory of respectability and previous research. The study analyzes 68 court verdicts, published in 2018 on the legal database Karnov Juridik, Kvinnifridspropositionen (Prop. 1997/98: 55) and an evaluation of the law's application and effect (SOU 2010: 49). The study makes visible a two-part image of the woman as occasionally invisible and occasionally defined on the basis of prostitution. The study shows how an overall market discursive perspective through the verdicts relates to a focus on the purchase of sex, rather than the parties involved. The study shows that the focus on the woman in prostitution, which was widely criticized and which the law reform intended to shift towards the sex buyers, continues to stay on the women in prostitution. / Framställningen av kvinnor som befinner sig i prostitution har varierat över tid och rum. Denna studie ämnar undersöka hur svenskt rättsväsende framställer kvinnor i prostitution idag. I studien används en kritisk diskursanalys, inspirerad av Faircloughs tredimensionella modell, och utifrån ett teoretiskt ramverk av reifikationsteori, respektabilitetsteori samt tidigare forskning. Studiens empiriska underlag utgörs av 68 domar, publicerade år 2018 på rättsdatabasen Karnov Juridik, kvinnofridspropositionen (Prop. 1997/98:55) och en utvärdering om lagens tillämpning och effekt (SOU 2010:49). I studien synliggörs en tudelad bild av kvinnan som tidvis osynlig och tidvis definierad utifrån prostitution. Studien synliggör hur ett marknadsdiskursivt perspektiv genom domarna påverkar diskursen genom att fokus riktas mot den sexuella tjänster mot ersättning, snarare än de parter som är involverade. Det kritiserade fokus som tidigare inriktades på kvinnan i prostitution ämnade lagreformen att skifta mot männen, sexköparna. I studien framkommer tendenser av ett fortsatt fokus på kvinnorna som befinner sig i prostitution snarare än sexköparna, som framställs som konsumenter inom ett marknadsfenomen.

Alienationens ansikten : En studie av Karl Ove Knausgårds Min kamp och dess kulturella, mediala och digitala kontext / Faces of Alienation : A Study of Karl Ove Knausgaard's My Struggle and its Cultural, Medial and Digital Context

Lindh, Johan January 2024 (has links)
This essay examines various aspects of alienation in Karl Ove Knausgaard's autobiographical novel My Struggle and its cultural contexts. The overall purpose of the essay is twofold. The aim is to analyze both the depiction and the causes of alienation in My struggle, and to examine how the cultural contexts contribute to the author Knausgaard's experience of alienation. To accomplish this the analysis is divided into two sections. The first part focuses on the literary character Karl Ove and aims to analyze the experience of alienation in the novel. The aim of the second part is, on the other hand, to look at how the cultural context affects the author Knausgaard in an alienating way, mainly how the media landscape and the digitalization of society increases Knausgaard's self-exploitation and the reification of his name. The second part, thereby, reads the novel as a work of autofiction where the author (Knausgaard) and the protagonist (Karl Ove) are treated as one and the same. The theoretical framework of the essay is based upon Rahel Jaeggi's and Hartmut Rosa's definitions of alienation. Altogether, the analysis indicates multiple examples of alienation in My Struggle. The protagonist, Karl Ove, is indifferent to the people and the world around him, and he feels as if he has lost control over his own life. Karl Ove is also unable to combine his two most important social roles in life – as a father and as a writer. Consequently, this leads to an internal division between his conflicting ideals and gender notions. Furthermore, Karl Ove is described as a rootless and formless subject, who is alienated from time and space. Another form of alienation occurs when Knausgaard becomes famous, and his authorship is reified. The reification of Knausgaard's name and face implies that he, as a commodified subject, is linked to the trademark Knausgaard™ over which he has limited control. Also, the results of the analysis suggest that it matters whether you choose to read the book as a novel or as autofiction. As a novel, My Struggle’s ending seems to indicate that the protagonist, Karl Ove, manages to replace his alienation with a meaningful seeing, and that he is able to shift his attention to what really matters in life. If you read My Struggle as autofiction, however, this progress is not that obvious. Rather, it looks as if the uncontrollable autobiographical feedback structure of My Struggle continues in media even after the novel is completed.

EN HANDELSVARA I FEMINISTKLÄDER : En studie av feminism inom mode som exempel på reifikation.

Ljunggren Forsberg, Vilma January 2017 (has links)
This essay aims to establish a marxist perspective upon a phenomena that could be seen as typical neoliberal–femvertising. I have noticed an expanding trend in fashion; the use of feminism as branding. Fashion brands such as Dior and H&amp;M have lately profiled themselves with feminism, framing it as radical as well as feminist. Meanwhile, the theory of reification by Georg Lukács claims that capitalism fools us to believe that we may acccomplish human aims and characteristics through commodities. I will investigate if it is possible to look upon this phenomena as an example of reification? The attempt brings the capitalistic dimension of femvertising into daylight and questions it´s feminist pretense.

Systemmänniskan : En studie om människan, automationen och det senmoderna förnuftet

Bodén, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
How did the conformist “organization man” of modern welfare society turn into the restless and flexible market-rational individualist of late-modernity? And what role did technology play in this transformation? Drawing from inquiries like these, this doctoral thesis deals with topics such as technology, culture, and the production of social consciousness. The aim of the study is to elucidate the historical emergence of late-modern reason, visible in the socio-material process of automation. The study takes two mundane technical innovations as starting points to investigate dominant social values and rationalities embedded in, and emerging from material transformations in the production process of two late modern, Swedish organizations. Covering a period of roughly fifty years (1960–2013), the analysis relies on the interpretation of a variety of both contemporary and archived sources, including interviews, observations, witness accounts and archived material in the form of staff magazines, newspapers, photographs and official documents. While following a hermeneutical tradition of European ethnology the study is also an attempt to enrich its synchronous cultural analysis of everyday life with theory grounded in historical (dialectical) materialism. Along this line of thought the thesis suggests that many of the qualities, values and everyday experiences attributed to late-modernity, such as “flexibility”, “creativity” and “flat organizations” depend on the reification and embedding of modernist social forms, ideas and relations, such as instrumental rationality, routine labour and bureaucratic taxonomy into the material foundation of daily life.

Sangvinolent berättande : En studie av Yu Huas roman En handelsman i blod / Sangvinolent Narration : A Study of Yu Hua's Novel Chronicle of a Blood Merchant

Engdahl, Lin January 2011 (has links)
The present MA thesis analyzes how body and blood functions as historical and narrative elements in Yu Hua's novel Chronicle of a Blood Merchant (1995). In the novel, the story and the plot can not be regarded as disparate items; the two levels of the text are tightly interwoven by what the thesis introduces as a sangvinolent narration. The term conceptualizes the use of blood as a structural element and the thrust of the text, in this case how the ability to sell blood is a prerequisite for the story and the plot. Close readings reveal the structural correlations between the blood-selling main-character Xu Sanguan in the plot on the one hand, and in the story on the other, which can be detected to have, inter alia, an effect on the temporality of the narrative. Themes linked to identity, belonging and survival (performativity, mimicry, reification and alienation) permeate the text. In the novel the body and bodily fluids are sacrificed in order to form and enforce perceptions of identity and societal roles. The rhetorical use of ‘blood and tears’ (Ch. xue yu lei) indicates thematic connections to the Chinese revolutionary literature, and furthermore, the use of flesh and blood can be read in relation to the cannibalistic discourses crucial to Chinese modernity since Lu Xun.

Varan-i-världen : Varan i form och innehåll i En dramatikers dagbok / Being-in-capitalism : The commodity in content and form in Diary of a Playwright

Stark Theander, Ellen January 2022 (has links)
This thesis explores the commodity as a motif in the first volume of Lars Norén’s Diary of a Playwright, as well as how this motif relates to reification and alienation, and in addition is reflected in the work formally. The study is oriented both towards the text’s depiction of the commodity and its reflections on its own depiction. These descriptions are read in light of Marxist theory and through comparisons with Walter Benjamin’s Passagenwerk, where the latter work also forms a connection to Martin Heidegger and Simone Weil in their capacity of important influences for Norén. Much like in the Passagenwek, the commodity acts as a secret structure in Diary of a Playwright. It organises the text and its seemingly disparate elements on a deeper level. The study contributes to a new understanding of one the greatest Swedish writers in the 20th and 21st centuries. Although the diary has not been the subject of much research, the predominant understanding of the work is, as with Norén’s other writings, largely characterised by a psychoanalytic perspective.

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