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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Obesiteit se verband met motoriese en fisieke ontwikkeling en die effek van 'n multidissiplinêre fisieke aktiwiteitsintervensie daarop by 10– tot 12–jarige kinders / Truter L.

Truter, Leani January 2011 (has links)
The increasing prevalence of childhood obesity worldwide is viewed as a global epidemic (World Health Organization, 2010). It is associated with a variety of health problems as well as physical– (cardio–respiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and body composition), and motor proficiency (fine manual control, manual coordination, body coordination, and strength–and–agility) (Asayama et al., 2003:644; Okely et al., 2004:242; Tokmakidis et al., 2006:870). As far as the South African context is concerned, there is little research examining these relationships and the effect of physical intervention there upon, in nine– to 12–year old children. The first and second objectives of this study were to determine whether obesity would influence the physical– and/or the motor proficiency of nine– to 12–year–old South African children. The third and fourth objectives of this study were to determine the effect of a multidisciplinary intervention on the physical– and the motor proficiency of nine– to 12–year–old obese children. For objectives one and two, a cross–sectional study was performed on 280 children (128 boys and 152 girls), with an average age of 10.6 years (±1.05). Anthropometric–, physical– and motor measurements were obtained by the 'Fitnessgram' (Meredith & Welk, 1999) and the 'Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency–II' (Bruininks & Bruininks, 2005). Body mass index (BMI) cut–off points were used to classify the children as normal, overweight, or obese (Cole et al., 2000). The data was analysed with regard to the above–mentioned objectives with the Statistica computer program, by means of descriptive statistics, Spearman rank correlations, and variance analyses. The results show that the physical fitness variables, cardio–respiratory endurance and muscular strength, particularly leg muscular strength, showed significant decreases with an increase in BMI. A progressive, but insignificant, decrease was found in muscular endurance with an increase in BMI, while flexibility showed the weakest relationship to BMI. The motor variables strength–and–agility weakened significantly with an increase in BMI, while fine manual control, manual coordination, and body coordination showed the weakest relationships to BMI. Variance analysis showed further significant relationships among BMI, cardio–respiratory endurance, muscular strength, and running speed–and–agility (p<0.05). It can be concluded that health–promoting physical fitness and the motor proficiency of young South African children are negatively influenced by obesity and intervention strategies are recommended to promote the quality of life of such children. For objectives three and four, an availability random sample of 37 experimental subjects, with an average age of 11 years (±0.99) was taken, where 20 subjects (seven boys and 13 girls) took part in a multidisciplinary intervention programme, and 17 subjects (six boys and 11 girls) formed part of a control group. Body composition, physical–, and motor proficiency were analysed by the 'Fitnessgram' (Meredith & Welk, 1999) and the 'Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency–II' (Bruininks & Bruininks, 2005) during baseline measurements, on completion of the intervention programme, and after a follow–up period of three months. The results, which were analysed with a repeated–measures analysis, Bonferroni–post–hoc analysis, and dependent and independent t–tests, show that the intervention programme brought about a significant change in all the body composition variables, excluding body height. Flexibility, muscular strength, and abdominal muscular endurance, as well as one of the four fine manual control test items (folding paper), two of the 12 body coordination test items (tapping feet and fingers - opposite sides synchronised, and standing on one leg on a line - eyes closed), and six of the seven strength and agility test items (shuttle run, stepping sideways over a balance beam, one–legged stationary hops, one–legged side hops, two–legged side hops, and sit–ups), showed significant differences from the control group on completion of the intervention programme. The results indicate that the intervention brought about differences in body composition and physical– and motor proficiency and also showed a sustainable effect over a period of three months on body fat percentage, subscapular skinfold and leg muscular strength. From this, it can be deduced that young obese children need sustained guidance to be able to maintain the lifestyle adaptations that are required by obesity interventions. It can be concluded that the physical– and motor proficiency of children is negatively influenced by obesity, that a multidisciplinary intervention programme improves the body composition profile of obese children and has a positive effect on the physical– and the motor proficiency of obese nine– to 12–year old South African children, although the effect is not sustainable without ongoing, controlled intervention. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Kinderkinetics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede, motoriese behendigheid en verwantskappe met fisieke aktiwiteit en akademiese prestasie van senior fase leerders : die PAHL-studie / Lizl-Louise van Niekerk

Van Niekerk, Lizl-Louise January 2015 (has links)
Fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede is die onderbou of basis waarop al die vereiste vaardighede en aktiwiteite in die kurrikulum vir Senior Fase Liggaamlike Opvoeding van die Kurrikulum en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV), gebou is. Dit word verder in die literatuur beklemtoon dat die kwalitiet waarmee leerders „n fundamentele bewegingsvaardigheid uitvoer, net so belangrik is soos die kwantitatiewe uitkoms van die uitvoering. Liggaamlike Opvoedingonderwysers behoort dus bewus te wees van beide die kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe vlakke van leerders se fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede in die lig van die vereiste ontwikkeling en inoefening van gespesialiseerde bewegings- en sportvaardighede in die Liggaamlike Opvoedingprogram. Fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede speel verder „n integrale rol in „n leerder se algehele motoriese behendigheid. Die Liggaamlike Opvoeding-onderwyser moet voorts bewus wees van geslags- en etniese verskille in fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede en motoriese behendigheid ten einde effektief in die Liggaamlike Opvoedingprogram te differensieer en by verskillende leerders se vermoëns aan te pas. Verder, aangesien dit die primêre doelstelling van Liggaamlike Opvoeding in die KABV is om leerders te bemagtig om fisiek aktief te wees, is die verwantskap tussen fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede, motoriese behendigheid en fisieke aktiwiteitsvlakke nog „n aspek wat van belang is vir die Liggaamlike Opvoeding-onderwyser in die samestelling van die Liggaamlike Opvoedingprogram. Laastens toon navorsing „n verwantskap tussen motoriese behendigheid en akademiese prestasie. Die doel van hierdie studie was eerstens om die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe stand van fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede by Senior Fase leerders in die Potchefstroom-omgewing te bepaal. Die tweede doelstelling was om die verskille tussen geslagte en etniese groepe ten opsigte van motoriese behendigheid te bepaal. Die derde doelstelling was om die verband tussen motoriese behendigheid en fisieke aktiwiteit te bepaal, en laastens om die verband tussen motoriese behendigheid en akademiese prestasie te bepaal. ʼn Totaal van 239 Senior Fase leerders (98 seuns en 141 dogters), tussen die ouderdomme 13 en 14 jaar het aan die studie deelgeneem. Kwantitatiewe metodologie, met „n eenmalige dwarssnit-ontwerp, is vir die doeleindes van die studie gebruik. Die proefpersone se fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede en motoriese behendigheid is bepaal met behulp van die verkorte weergawe van die Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2 (BOT-2) (Bruininks & Bruininks, 2005), „n kwantitatiewe toetsbattery wat bestaan uit vier komponente, naamlik fynmotoriese kontrole, manipulasie koördinasie, liggaamskoördinasie en krag-en-ratsheid. Vir die kwalitatiewe bewegingsanalise is van die Fundamentele Bewegingspatroonassesseringsinstrument (FMPAI) (Gallahue & Donnelly, 2003) gebruik gemaak. Vir die meting van fisieke aktiwiteitsvlakke is gebruik gemaak van die gestandaardiseerde International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) (Sjöström, 2005). Hierdie vraelys vra die deelnemer om fisieke aktiwiteite van die laaste sewe dae, en ook van ‟n normale week oor die algemeen, gemeet in totale METS (metabolic equivalent – intensiteit van oefening), te rapporteer. Die leerders se akademiese prestasie is gemeet deur gebruik te maak van die gemiddelde akademiese punt (gemiddeld van al die vakke – Afrikaans, Engels, Wiskunde, Lewensoriëring, Geskiedenis, Geografie, Natuur-Wetenskap, Tegnologie, Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe en Skeppende Kunste), op die leerder se rapport aan die einde van die jaar, asook die gemiddelde punte vir die twee vakke Engels en Wiskunde, soos op die rapport aan die einde van die jaar aangedui. Beskrywende statistiek is gebruik om gemiddeldes ( x ), minimum- en maksimumwaardes, en standaardafwykings (sa) met behulp van die Statistica vir Windows rekenaarprogram (StatSoft, 2012) te bereken. Verbande tussen die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe resultate, tussen die motoriese behendigheidtoetse en die fisieke aktiwiteitsvlakke, asook tussen motoriese behendigheidstoetse en akademiese prestasie is ontleed met behulp van Spearman korrelasiekoëffisiënte. Om die praktiese betekenisvolheid van die verbande te bepaal is die korrelasiekoëffisiënt as effekgrootte (EG) gebruik. Ten einde die betekenisvolheid van geslagsen etniese verskille te bepaal, is die data verder geanaliseer deur gebruik te maak van onafhanklike t-toetse (p<0.05) en vir die doel van die interpretasie van praktiese betekenisvolheid van die verskille is effekgroottes (EG) bereken. Uit die resultate van die studie blyk dit dat daar in die kwantitatiewe evaluasie, veral by die wisselspronge, lynloop en eenbeenstand, agterstande by 20 tot 35% van die leerders was. Met betrekking tot die kwalitatiewe uitvoering van die vaardighede was die eenbeenstand by 22.6 tot 24.5% van die leerders nog nie in die volwasse stadium van bemeestering van fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede nie. Die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe tellings het verder by die bonsen- vang- en die dribbel-van-die-bal toetse nie gekorreleer nie, wat daarop dui dat leerders soms kwantitatief, maar nie noodwendig kwalitatief, aan die norme voldoen het nie. Met betrekking tot verskille tussen geslagte en etniese groepe, toon die resultate dat die meisies oor die algemeen beter as die seuns gevaar het, en die Wit leerders beter gevaar het as die Swart leerders in die fynmotoriese koördinasietoetse. Met betrekking tot liggaamskoördinasie het die Wit leerders betekenisvol beter as die Swart leerders in die wisselsprongtoets gevaar. Betekenisvolle verskille is verder met betrekking tot die krag- en ratsheidkomponent gevind, waar die Wit leerders beter as die Swart leerders in die eenbeenspring-item gevaar het, terwyl onderskeidelik seuns en Wit groepe beter resultate as die meisies en die Swart groepe in die opsit- en opstoottoetse getoon het, asook met betrekking tot die totale motoriese behendigheidstelling (totale BOT-2 telling). Wat die fisieke aktiwiteitsvlakke van die proefpersone betref, toon die totale groep ʼn gemiddelde waarde van 489.68 METS per week, wat as matig-aktief geklassifiseer kon word, terwyl die seuns as hoog-aktief en die meisies as matig-aktief beskou kan word. Daar is ook statisties betekenisvolle korrelasies tussen die fisieke aktiwiteitsvlakke en verskeie motoriese vaardighede gevind, sowel as die totale BOT-2 telling by die totale groep en die seuns en meisies afsonderlik. Die motoriese sub-item waar die sterkste korrelasie met fisieke aktiwiteitvlakke in die totale groep asook by seuns en meisies afsonderlik gevind is, was die liggaamskoördinasie-item van die wisselspronge. Laastens toon die resultate met betrekking tot die verband tussen motoriese behendigheid en akademiese prestasie, betekenisvolle korrelasies tussen die verskillende groepe (seuns, meisies en totale groep) se Engelse, Wiskunde en jaargemiddeld en verskeie sub-items van al die komponente van die BOT-2, naamlik fyn-motoriese kontrole, manipulasie koördinasie, liggaamskoördinasie, krag en ratsheid, asook die totale motoriese behendigheidtelling, alhoewel hoofsaaklik met klein praktiese effekte. Die sterkste korrelasie is by al die groepe tussen die jaargemiddeld, asook die Engels en Wiskunde in ‟n mindere mate, met krag en ratsheid, gevind. Die totale motoriese behendigheidstelling het verder betekenisvol gekorreleer met die jaargemiddeld by al die groepe, met praktiese betekenisvolheid van medium effek. Die resultate van hierdie studie beklemtoon die noodsaaklikheid van die bewustheid van en assessering van die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe stand van leerders se fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede deur die Liggaamlike Opvoeding-onderwyser. Die ontwikkeling en instandhouding van fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede behoort dus in die kurrikulum vir Senior Fase Liggaamlike Opvoeding ingesluit te word, ook met die oog op optimale motoriese behendigheidsontwikkeling. Die Liggaamlike Opvoeding-onderwyser behoort verder die Liggaamlike Opvoedingprogram aan te pas by die motoriese behendigheidsvlakke van die verskillende geslagte en etniese groepe in die klas, met spesifieke aandag aan die liggaamskoördinasievaardighede van Swart meisies en Swart seuns, asook krag- en ratsheidvaardighede by meisies en Swart leerders. Die verwantskappe wat gevind is tussen fisieke aktiwiteitsvlakke en motoriese behendigheid beklemtoon voorts die waarde van motoriese vaardigheidsontwikkeling in die Liggaamlike Opvoedingklas ten einde die kurrikulum vir Liggaamlike Opvoeding se doelwit om leerders te bemagtig om fisiek aktief te wees, te bereik. Laastens toon die verwantskappe wat gevind is tussen motoriese behendigheid en akademiese prestasie dat die ontwikkeling en instandhouding van motoriese vaardighede in die Liggaamlike Opvoedingprogram in Senior Fase-leerders se kognitiewe ontwikkeling en akademiese prestasie „n rol kan speel. / PhD (Movement Education), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede, motoriese behendigheid en verwantskappe met fisieke aktiwiteit en akademiese prestasie van senior fase leerders : die PAHL-studie / Lizl-Louise van Niekerk

Van Niekerk, Lizl-Louise January 2015 (has links)
Fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede is die onderbou of basis waarop al die vereiste vaardighede en aktiwiteite in die kurrikulum vir Senior Fase Liggaamlike Opvoeding van die Kurrikulum en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV), gebou is. Dit word verder in die literatuur beklemtoon dat die kwalitiet waarmee leerders „n fundamentele bewegingsvaardigheid uitvoer, net so belangrik is soos die kwantitatiewe uitkoms van die uitvoering. Liggaamlike Opvoedingonderwysers behoort dus bewus te wees van beide die kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe vlakke van leerders se fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede in die lig van die vereiste ontwikkeling en inoefening van gespesialiseerde bewegings- en sportvaardighede in die Liggaamlike Opvoedingprogram. Fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede speel verder „n integrale rol in „n leerder se algehele motoriese behendigheid. Die Liggaamlike Opvoeding-onderwyser moet voorts bewus wees van geslags- en etniese verskille in fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede en motoriese behendigheid ten einde effektief in die Liggaamlike Opvoedingprogram te differensieer en by verskillende leerders se vermoëns aan te pas. Verder, aangesien dit die primêre doelstelling van Liggaamlike Opvoeding in die KABV is om leerders te bemagtig om fisiek aktief te wees, is die verwantskap tussen fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede, motoriese behendigheid en fisieke aktiwiteitsvlakke nog „n aspek wat van belang is vir die Liggaamlike Opvoeding-onderwyser in die samestelling van die Liggaamlike Opvoedingprogram. Laastens toon navorsing „n verwantskap tussen motoriese behendigheid en akademiese prestasie. Die doel van hierdie studie was eerstens om die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe stand van fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede by Senior Fase leerders in die Potchefstroom-omgewing te bepaal. Die tweede doelstelling was om die verskille tussen geslagte en etniese groepe ten opsigte van motoriese behendigheid te bepaal. Die derde doelstelling was om die verband tussen motoriese behendigheid en fisieke aktiwiteit te bepaal, en laastens om die verband tussen motoriese behendigheid en akademiese prestasie te bepaal. ʼn Totaal van 239 Senior Fase leerders (98 seuns en 141 dogters), tussen die ouderdomme 13 en 14 jaar het aan die studie deelgeneem. Kwantitatiewe metodologie, met „n eenmalige dwarssnit-ontwerp, is vir die doeleindes van die studie gebruik. Die proefpersone se fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede en motoriese behendigheid is bepaal met behulp van die verkorte weergawe van die Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2 (BOT-2) (Bruininks & Bruininks, 2005), „n kwantitatiewe toetsbattery wat bestaan uit vier komponente, naamlik fynmotoriese kontrole, manipulasie koördinasie, liggaamskoördinasie en krag-en-ratsheid. Vir die kwalitatiewe bewegingsanalise is van die Fundamentele Bewegingspatroonassesseringsinstrument (FMPAI) (Gallahue & Donnelly, 2003) gebruik gemaak. Vir die meting van fisieke aktiwiteitsvlakke is gebruik gemaak van die gestandaardiseerde International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) (Sjöström, 2005). Hierdie vraelys vra die deelnemer om fisieke aktiwiteite van die laaste sewe dae, en ook van ‟n normale week oor die algemeen, gemeet in totale METS (metabolic equivalent – intensiteit van oefening), te rapporteer. Die leerders se akademiese prestasie is gemeet deur gebruik te maak van die gemiddelde akademiese punt (gemiddeld van al die vakke – Afrikaans, Engels, Wiskunde, Lewensoriëring, Geskiedenis, Geografie, Natuur-Wetenskap, Tegnologie, Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe en Skeppende Kunste), op die leerder se rapport aan die einde van die jaar, asook die gemiddelde punte vir die twee vakke Engels en Wiskunde, soos op die rapport aan die einde van die jaar aangedui. Beskrywende statistiek is gebruik om gemiddeldes ( x ), minimum- en maksimumwaardes, en standaardafwykings (sa) met behulp van die Statistica vir Windows rekenaarprogram (StatSoft, 2012) te bereken. Verbande tussen die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe resultate, tussen die motoriese behendigheidtoetse en die fisieke aktiwiteitsvlakke, asook tussen motoriese behendigheidstoetse en akademiese prestasie is ontleed met behulp van Spearman korrelasiekoëffisiënte. Om die praktiese betekenisvolheid van die verbande te bepaal is die korrelasiekoëffisiënt as effekgrootte (EG) gebruik. Ten einde die betekenisvolheid van geslagsen etniese verskille te bepaal, is die data verder geanaliseer deur gebruik te maak van onafhanklike t-toetse (p<0.05) en vir die doel van die interpretasie van praktiese betekenisvolheid van die verskille is effekgroottes (EG) bereken. Uit die resultate van die studie blyk dit dat daar in die kwantitatiewe evaluasie, veral by die wisselspronge, lynloop en eenbeenstand, agterstande by 20 tot 35% van die leerders was. Met betrekking tot die kwalitatiewe uitvoering van die vaardighede was die eenbeenstand by 22.6 tot 24.5% van die leerders nog nie in die volwasse stadium van bemeestering van fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede nie. Die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe tellings het verder by die bonsen- vang- en die dribbel-van-die-bal toetse nie gekorreleer nie, wat daarop dui dat leerders soms kwantitatief, maar nie noodwendig kwalitatief, aan die norme voldoen het nie. Met betrekking tot verskille tussen geslagte en etniese groepe, toon die resultate dat die meisies oor die algemeen beter as die seuns gevaar het, en die Wit leerders beter gevaar het as die Swart leerders in die fynmotoriese koördinasietoetse. Met betrekking tot liggaamskoördinasie het die Wit leerders betekenisvol beter as die Swart leerders in die wisselsprongtoets gevaar. Betekenisvolle verskille is verder met betrekking tot die krag- en ratsheidkomponent gevind, waar die Wit leerders beter as die Swart leerders in die eenbeenspring-item gevaar het, terwyl onderskeidelik seuns en Wit groepe beter resultate as die meisies en die Swart groepe in die opsit- en opstoottoetse getoon het, asook met betrekking tot die totale motoriese behendigheidstelling (totale BOT-2 telling). Wat die fisieke aktiwiteitsvlakke van die proefpersone betref, toon die totale groep ʼn gemiddelde waarde van 489.68 METS per week, wat as matig-aktief geklassifiseer kon word, terwyl die seuns as hoog-aktief en die meisies as matig-aktief beskou kan word. Daar is ook statisties betekenisvolle korrelasies tussen die fisieke aktiwiteitsvlakke en verskeie motoriese vaardighede gevind, sowel as die totale BOT-2 telling by die totale groep en die seuns en meisies afsonderlik. Die motoriese sub-item waar die sterkste korrelasie met fisieke aktiwiteitvlakke in die totale groep asook by seuns en meisies afsonderlik gevind is, was die liggaamskoördinasie-item van die wisselspronge. Laastens toon die resultate met betrekking tot die verband tussen motoriese behendigheid en akademiese prestasie, betekenisvolle korrelasies tussen die verskillende groepe (seuns, meisies en totale groep) se Engelse, Wiskunde en jaargemiddeld en verskeie sub-items van al die komponente van die BOT-2, naamlik fyn-motoriese kontrole, manipulasie koördinasie, liggaamskoördinasie, krag en ratsheid, asook die totale motoriese behendigheidtelling, alhoewel hoofsaaklik met klein praktiese effekte. Die sterkste korrelasie is by al die groepe tussen die jaargemiddeld, asook die Engels en Wiskunde in ‟n mindere mate, met krag en ratsheid, gevind. Die totale motoriese behendigheidstelling het verder betekenisvol gekorreleer met die jaargemiddeld by al die groepe, met praktiese betekenisvolheid van medium effek. Die resultate van hierdie studie beklemtoon die noodsaaklikheid van die bewustheid van en assessering van die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe stand van leerders se fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede deur die Liggaamlike Opvoeding-onderwyser. Die ontwikkeling en instandhouding van fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede behoort dus in die kurrikulum vir Senior Fase Liggaamlike Opvoeding ingesluit te word, ook met die oog op optimale motoriese behendigheidsontwikkeling. Die Liggaamlike Opvoeding-onderwyser behoort verder die Liggaamlike Opvoedingprogram aan te pas by die motoriese behendigheidsvlakke van die verskillende geslagte en etniese groepe in die klas, met spesifieke aandag aan die liggaamskoördinasievaardighede van Swart meisies en Swart seuns, asook krag- en ratsheidvaardighede by meisies en Swart leerders. Die verwantskappe wat gevind is tussen fisieke aktiwiteitsvlakke en motoriese behendigheid beklemtoon voorts die waarde van motoriese vaardigheidsontwikkeling in die Liggaamlike Opvoedingklas ten einde die kurrikulum vir Liggaamlike Opvoeding se doelwit om leerders te bemagtig om fisiek aktief te wees, te bereik. Laastens toon die verwantskappe wat gevind is tussen motoriese behendigheid en akademiese prestasie dat die ontwikkeling en instandhouding van motoriese vaardighede in die Liggaamlike Opvoedingprogram in Senior Fase-leerders se kognitiewe ontwikkeling en akademiese prestasie „n rol kan speel. / PhD (Movement Education), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Die invloed van sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede op die motoriese ontwikkeling van Graad 1-leerders in die Noordwes Provinsie van Suid-Afrika / Karyna le Roux

Le Roux, Karyna January 2013 (has links)
It appears from the literature that the mastery of motor skills is essential for the optimal development of young school beginners' cognitive, perceptual, sport-specific and emotional skills. Researchers agree that the optimal development and mastering of motor skills occurs during specific sensitive periods in each child's life, and this is why it is important that children are provided with appropriate opportunities to develop these skills. The conditions in which a child grows up appear to be a significant factor influencing motor development during childhood. Environmental factors such as socio-economic conditions seem to play a role in the development of young children 's motor skills . Literature suggests that poor motor development generally occurs among children with insufficient areas for playing, and results from low socio-economic conditions in which the parents have a low income and limited resources. A large percentage of South African children are exposed to low socio-economic conditions that may consequently affect their development. The objectives of this study therefore were to determine the effect of socio-economic conditions on the motor- and object-control skills of Grade 1-learners. Eight hundred and sixteen (N=816) (+0.39 sd) Grade 1-learners with an average age of 6.8 years from 20 different schools in the North West Province, representing five different school types (quintile 1 (low) to quintile 5 (high), participated in the study. The short form (SF) of the "Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency" 2nd edition (BOT-2) (Bruininks & Bruininks, 2005), as well as several subscales (strength and agility and balance) of the longer form (LF) were used to evaluate gross and fine motor development and divide learners into various categories of mastering. The “Test of Gross Motor Development” 2nd edition (TGMD-2), was used to evaluate object control skills and divide subjects into various mastered categories. The data was analyzed by means of analysis of variance correlation coefficients using the "Statistica for Windows" (Statsoft, 2012) program. The results were adjusted for height and age. Two-way frequency tables and cross-tabulations were also used to analyze the data. With regards to objective 1 , the resluts showed that learners from quintile 4 and 5 schools, representing schools from higher socio-economic conditions, scored significantly better than quintile 1 to 3 schools in six sub-items (fine motor precision, fine motor integration, manual dexterity, bilateral coordination, strength and upper limb coordination) of the BOT-2 (SF) (p<0.05) while no differences were found in the LF subscales. Quintile 4 and 5 schools also received significantly better (p<0.05) scores in the SF standard score and percentiles of the BOT-2. The results indicate d> that the motor proficiency of learners from higher socio-economic conditions were better than those of learners from lower socio-economic conditions. With regards to the second objective of the study, the analysis of the results indicated that quintile 5 schools performed significantly better (p<0.05) in throwing, hitting, dribbling, and catching than quintile 1 to 3 schools, while quintile 1 and 3 schools performed significantly better (p≤0.05) in the kicking skill. Quintile 4 and 5 schools also fared significantly better (p<0.05) in the object control standard score than quintile 1 to 3 schools. The group's age equivalent, according to the TGMD-2, was 5.5 years, and ranged from 5.1 years to 5.9 years, indicating a mean age difference of 1.3 years compared with the chronological age of the group. / MA (Kinderkinetics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The effect of a physical and combined health promotion intervention programme on some selected health indicators of South African Colliery Executives / Jeanne Martin Grace (néé Schabort)

Grace, Jeanne Martin January 2006 (has links)
In many countries the focus of the employer's health policy has shifted from the emphasis of treating the disease to the preventative paradigm, which focuses more on the promotion of employees' health. Literature indicates that health promotion programmes have various positive consequences. The aim of this research is therefore to establish some physical, physiological and bio-chemical health profiles of colliery executives in South Africa as well as to determine the effect of a physical and a combined physical and health promotion intervention programme on the parameters mentioned above. Finally, this study aims to determine the effect of a physical and a combined physical and health promotion intervention programme on coronary prone South African colliery executives. In this study an availability, non-randomized sample of 143 white male executives from five collieries, aged 26-58 (x 41.7, ± 7.98 years), was used. These collieries are spread over two South African provinces namely Mpumalanga and Gauteng. Subjects who were on medication that could affect their cholesterol, blood pressure and aerobic fitness values were excluded from the study. The following parameters were used in this study: aerobic fitness, shoulder/arm, strength/endurance (push-ups) abdominal strength/endurance (sit-ups), flexibility, fat percentage, waist-and-hip circumference, body mass index, blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking and leisure-time physical activity participation. ANOVA was used for statistical data analysis - providing descriptive and summarising statistics. One-way analysis of variance was used to determine relationships between variables. The Tukey post-hoc test was used to determine whether certain groups differed statistically significant from each other. It is clear from the descriptive data that flexibility (56.7%), sit-ups (39.7%), aerobic fitness (44.8%), fat percentage (31.4%), BMI (35.7%) and WHR (44.7%) fall into the undesired health zone. Regarding the physiological parameter blood pressure, 16.8% (systolic blood pressure) and 21.7% (diastolic blood pressure) fall into the undesired health zone; regarding the bio-chemical parameter cholesterol, 53.2% falls into the undesired health zone. With regard to some parameters, it appears that the experimental group showed statistically significant changes from Test 1 to Test 3, while the control group showed no statistically significant changes. The reason for this may vary from respondent to respondent already showing "normal" baseline values, probably due to their relative young age (Z=41 years) as to programme preferences and programme adherence. It must, however, be kept in mind that only physical, physiological and bio-chemical parameters were assessed. The health promotion activities focused more on the participants' knowledge empowerment. If these parameters were also included in the assessments the "enriched" programme might have provided some advantages that may have led to long term commitment and behaviour change. Physical fdness intervention (control group) is equally effective in addressing the primary coronary risk factors compared to a programme enriched with health promotion activities (experimental group). However, it seems that the experimental group showed a better response as far as lifestyle change (smoking) and physical activity were concerned. Assessment of other psycho-emotional parameters might indicate a different picture. Respectively 11.7% and 7.6% of the experimental and control group stopped smoking while 20.8% and 16.3% of the experimental and control group respectively reported a higher leisure-time physical activity participation. Regarding aerobic fitness and blood pressure, the average baseline values moved from the high risk category to the "normal" category, while the total cholesterol concentration in the post training values decreased with 12.5% and 14.8% in the experimental and control group respectively. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Human Movement Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Die verband tussen fisieke aktiwiteit, middelomtrek en die gebruik van chroniese medikasie onder Suid-Afrikaanse mans / C. Peek.

Peek, Cornelia January 2012 (has links)
The human body best performs when it is physically active. The consequences of inactivity can bring about many health risks. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between physical activity, waist circumference and medication use among South African men. Men between ages 30 and 65 years (N = 5000, ͞x = 43.2; ± 8.55) were included in this study. With the use of medication, distinction was drawn between various ethnic groups. Subjects selected for this study are members of the same medical aid. The respondents that formed part of a non-random availability population and participated voluntarily were used in this study. According to the results, it appears that out of a total of 4 954 respondents, 58.3% had the lowest incidence of physical activity, 21% were moderately active and 20.7% highly active. WC appears much higher among those that fall within the lowest incidence of physical activity group. No significant difference was observed between moderately and highly active people. There are 11 members in the high Physically Active (PA) category that has the highest WC (X =131.5). When scrutinising the different ethnic groups it is obvious that moderate to high PA is associated with a lower WC. Chronic medication (CM) use is determined on the basis of the registry for chronic medication use of the relevant medical aid. Those who participated in the assessment of waist circumference, CM and PA consisted of 4 964 respondents. In this study distinction was drawn between three medical condition influenced by exercise, namely diabetes, cholesterol and depression and hypertension. The results indicate that CM use is associated with higher WC and reduced kCal consumption. The majority of respondents (78%) do not use medication and 21.9% do. Those that do not use medication showed to have the lowest WC. However, respondents that are highly active and also use CM showed a lower MO than those that are low and moderately active. It can thus be deduced that regular physical activity is directly related to one’s health. / Thesis (MSc (Biokinetics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Die invloed van sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede op die motoriese ontwikkeling van Graad 1-leerders in die Noordwes Provinsie van Suid-Afrika / Karyna le Roux

Le Roux, Karyna January 2013 (has links)
It appears from the literature that the mastery of motor skills is essential for the optimal development of young school beginners' cognitive, perceptual, sport-specific and emotional skills. Researchers agree that the optimal development and mastering of motor skills occurs during specific sensitive periods in each child's life, and this is why it is important that children are provided with appropriate opportunities to develop these skills. The conditions in which a child grows up appear to be a significant factor influencing motor development during childhood. Environmental factors such as socio-economic conditions seem to play a role in the development of young children 's motor skills . Literature suggests that poor motor development generally occurs among children with insufficient areas for playing, and results from low socio-economic conditions in which the parents have a low income and limited resources. A large percentage of South African children are exposed to low socio-economic conditions that may consequently affect their development. The objectives of this study therefore were to determine the effect of socio-economic conditions on the motor- and object-control skills of Grade 1-learners. Eight hundred and sixteen (N=816) (+0.39 sd) Grade 1-learners with an average age of 6.8 years from 20 different schools in the North West Province, representing five different school types (quintile 1 (low) to quintile 5 (high), participated in the study. The short form (SF) of the "Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency" 2nd edition (BOT-2) (Bruininks & Bruininks, 2005), as well as several subscales (strength and agility and balance) of the longer form (LF) were used to evaluate gross and fine motor development and divide learners into various categories of mastering. The “Test of Gross Motor Development” 2nd edition (TGMD-2), was used to evaluate object control skills and divide subjects into various mastered categories. The data was analyzed by means of analysis of variance correlation coefficients using the "Statistica for Windows" (Statsoft, 2012) program. The results were adjusted for height and age. Two-way frequency tables and cross-tabulations were also used to analyze the data. With regards to objective 1 , the resluts showed that learners from quintile 4 and 5 schools, representing schools from higher socio-economic conditions, scored significantly better than quintile 1 to 3 schools in six sub-items (fine motor precision, fine motor integration, manual dexterity, bilateral coordination, strength and upper limb coordination) of the BOT-2 (SF) (p<0.05) while no differences were found in the LF subscales. Quintile 4 and 5 schools also received significantly better (p<0.05) scores in the SF standard score and percentiles of the BOT-2. The results indicate d> that the motor proficiency of learners from higher socio-economic conditions were better than those of learners from lower socio-economic conditions. With regards to the second objective of the study, the analysis of the results indicated that quintile 5 schools performed significantly better (p<0.05) in throwing, hitting, dribbling, and catching than quintile 1 to 3 schools, while quintile 1 and 3 schools performed significantly better (p≤0.05) in the kicking skill. Quintile 4 and 5 schools also fared significantly better (p<0.05) in the object control standard score than quintile 1 to 3 schools. The group's age equivalent, according to the TGMD-2, was 5.5 years, and ranged from 5.1 years to 5.9 years, indicating a mean age difference of 1.3 years compared with the chronological age of the group. / MA (Kinderkinetics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Die verband tussen fisieke aktiwiteit, middelomtrek en die gebruik van chroniese medikasie onder Suid-Afrikaanse mans / C. Peek.

Peek, Cornelia January 2012 (has links)
The human body best performs when it is physically active. The consequences of inactivity can bring about many health risks. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between physical activity, waist circumference and medication use among South African men. Men between ages 30 and 65 years (N = 5000, ͞x = 43.2; ± 8.55) were included in this study. With the use of medication, distinction was drawn between various ethnic groups. Subjects selected for this study are members of the same medical aid. The respondents that formed part of a non-random availability population and participated voluntarily were used in this study. According to the results, it appears that out of a total of 4 954 respondents, 58.3% had the lowest incidence of physical activity, 21% were moderately active and 20.7% highly active. WC appears much higher among those that fall within the lowest incidence of physical activity group. No significant difference was observed between moderately and highly active people. There are 11 members in the high Physically Active (PA) category that has the highest WC (X =131.5). When scrutinising the different ethnic groups it is obvious that moderate to high PA is associated with a lower WC. Chronic medication (CM) use is determined on the basis of the registry for chronic medication use of the relevant medical aid. Those who participated in the assessment of waist circumference, CM and PA consisted of 4 964 respondents. In this study distinction was drawn between three medical condition influenced by exercise, namely diabetes, cholesterol and depression and hypertension. The results indicate that CM use is associated with higher WC and reduced kCal consumption. The majority of respondents (78%) do not use medication and 21.9% do. Those that do not use medication showed to have the lowest WC. However, respondents that are highly active and also use CM showed a lower MO than those that are low and moderately active. It can thus be deduced that regular physical activity is directly related to one’s health. / Thesis (MSc (Biokinetics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

The effect of a physical and combined health promotion intervention programme on some selected health indicators of South African Colliery Executives / Jeanne Martin Grace (néé Schabort)

Grace, Jeanne Martin January 2006 (has links)
In many countries the focus of the employer's health policy has shifted from the emphasis of treating the disease to the preventative paradigm, which focuses more on the promotion of employees' health. Literature indicates that health promotion programmes have various positive consequences. The aim of this research is therefore to establish some physical, physiological and bio-chemical health profiles of colliery executives in South Africa as well as to determine the effect of a physical and a combined physical and health promotion intervention programme on the parameters mentioned above. Finally, this study aims to determine the effect of a physical and a combined physical and health promotion intervention programme on coronary prone South African colliery executives. In this study an availability, non-randomized sample of 143 white male executives from five collieries, aged 26-58 (x 41.7, ± 7.98 years), was used. These collieries are spread over two South African provinces namely Mpumalanga and Gauteng. Subjects who were on medication that could affect their cholesterol, blood pressure and aerobic fitness values were excluded from the study. The following parameters were used in this study: aerobic fitness, shoulder/arm, strength/endurance (push-ups) abdominal strength/endurance (sit-ups), flexibility, fat percentage, waist-and-hip circumference, body mass index, blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking and leisure-time physical activity participation. ANOVA was used for statistical data analysis - providing descriptive and summarising statistics. One-way analysis of variance was used to determine relationships between variables. The Tukey post-hoc test was used to determine whether certain groups differed statistically significant from each other. It is clear from the descriptive data that flexibility (56.7%), sit-ups (39.7%), aerobic fitness (44.8%), fat percentage (31.4%), BMI (35.7%) and WHR (44.7%) fall into the undesired health zone. Regarding the physiological parameter blood pressure, 16.8% (systolic blood pressure) and 21.7% (diastolic blood pressure) fall into the undesired health zone; regarding the bio-chemical parameter cholesterol, 53.2% falls into the undesired health zone. With regard to some parameters, it appears that the experimental group showed statistically significant changes from Test 1 to Test 3, while the control group showed no statistically significant changes. The reason for this may vary from respondent to respondent already showing "normal" baseline values, probably due to their relative young age (Z=41 years) as to programme preferences and programme adherence. It must, however, be kept in mind that only physical, physiological and bio-chemical parameters were assessed. The health promotion activities focused more on the participants' knowledge empowerment. If these parameters were also included in the assessments the "enriched" programme might have provided some advantages that may have led to long term commitment and behaviour change. Physical fdness intervention (control group) is equally effective in addressing the primary coronary risk factors compared to a programme enriched with health promotion activities (experimental group). However, it seems that the experimental group showed a better response as far as lifestyle change (smoking) and physical activity were concerned. Assessment of other psycho-emotional parameters might indicate a different picture. Respectively 11.7% and 7.6% of the experimental and control group stopped smoking while 20.8% and 16.3% of the experimental and control group respectively reported a higher leisure-time physical activity participation. Regarding aerobic fitness and blood pressure, the average baseline values moved from the high risk category to the "normal" category, while the total cholesterol concentration in the post training values decreased with 12.5% and 14.8% in the experimental and control group respectively. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Human Movement Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

The association between physical activity, blood pressure and renin in black African teachers : the SABPA study / Bouwer J.

Bouwer, Juanita January 2011 (has links)
Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine associations between physical activity (PA), blood pressure (BP) and renin in urban black Africans. Methods: The study sample included 137 urban African males (N=68) and females (N=69) (aged 41.53 ± 8.13 and 44.16 ± 7.37 years, respectively), from the North West Province, South Africa. Anthropometric measurements, ambulatory blood pressure and energy expenditure were determined. Actical® accelerometers were used to determine energy expenditure (METS) over a 24 hour period. Fasting blood samples were used to determine fasting blood glucose, serum cotinine (COT), gamma–glutamyl transferase (GGT) and plasma renin. Results: A greater percentage (64%) of African males were hypertensive compared to African females (33.33%). SBP (p<0.001) and DBP (p<0.001) were significantly higher in males than females. Female subjects were more obese (32.00±7.75 kg/m2) whereas males demonstrated an overweight status (27.28±5.86kg/m2). Male subjects displayed overall higher lifestyle risks (BP, smoking, alcohol consumption, HIV–status) than females. Multivariate regression analyses demonstrated an inverse relationship between BP and renin in both males and females, but no associations existed between renin and physical inactivity. Conclusion: PA appeared not to buffer elevated blood pressure in this specific African sample, as no significant associations supported this hypothesis. The results confirm that black Africans display lower renin levels associated with elevated blood pressure. Furthermore, low renin and physical inactivity was not related to indicate elevated BP through elevated SNS activity. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Biokinetics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

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