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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jaunųjų shidokan karatė kovotojų bendrojo ir specialaus fizinio parengtumo kaita metiniame rengimo cikle / General and special physical qualification of junior shidokan karate fighters in yearlong preparation cycle

Juočiūnas, Arturas 09 June 2006 (has links)
In the last decades it is observed that various fighting styles are mixing into one entity, the karate contest in its rules allows various attacking and defense techniques and for that reason the fighters become more and more universal. Shidokan karate technique is formed of karate, boxing, kickboxing, Thai boxing strikes using arms and legs, as well as of throws and painful actions used in various wrestling (judo, free-style, sambo...). Various karate systems were established in order to defend oneself from the assailants using no arms, that is why those who were training in any of the karate systems had to be ready to meet the mortal enemy every moment. The majority of contemporary coaches follow this rule in spite of the fact, that karate have already become sport and not only the way of living or self-defense system. That is why the purpose of this research was to estimate the sportsmen’s physical and functional qualification during the separate stages of the yearlong training cycle taking into consideration its changing, as well as adjusting training loads by setting general and special physical load extents in the training. The purpose of the work: The purpose of this research is to analyse the change of indexes of general and special physical qualification of juvenile fighters in the yearlong cycle of preparation and referring to the achieved results to create an exemplary yearlong cycle training program. In this research were observed 37 juveniles of 14 – 16 years... [to full text]

Moterų futbolo komandos „Vėtra” žaidėjų fizinis ir techninis rengimas metiniu treniruočių ciklu bei jų žaidimo veikla / The players of women football team „Vėtra“ physical and technical training during the year cycle and game activity of players

Motiejūnaitė, Ramūnė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Darbe atlikta Vilniaus moterų futbolo komandos „Vėtra“ metinio treniruočių ciklo analizė, taip pat fizinio išsivystymo, funkcinio pajėgumo, fizinio ir techninio parengtumo kaita metiniu treniruočių metu. Atlikta MFK „Vėtra“ varžybų veiklos bei komandos eksperimentiniu laikotarpiu pasiektų rezultatų analizė. Darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti MFK „Vėtra“ žaidėjų rengimo struktūrą, fizinio, techninio parengtumo ir funkcinio pajėgumo kaitą bei jų žaidimo veiklą ir pasiektus varžybų rezultatus metiniu treniruočių ciklu. Metinio treniruočių ciklo analizė parodė, kad metinė treniruočių struktūra atitiko A. Stulos (1994) rekomendacijas. MFK „Vėtra“ žaidėjų metinis treniruočių krūvis pasiskirstė taip: parengiamaisiais laikotarpiais – 33 proc., varžybų – 58 proc., o pereinamaisiais laikotarpiais – 9 proc. MFK „Vėtra“ futbolininkių fizinio išsivystymo, fizinio ir funkcinio parengtumo testai parodė, jog 2007 metų sezone nežymiai gerėjo fizinio išsivystymo ir funkcinio parengtumo rodikliai. Tik fizinis parengtumas trečio tyrimo metu pablogėjo, nes futbolininkės turėjo ilgas vasaros atostogas, per daug dienų ilsėjosi. Funkcinio pajėgumo rodikliai gerėjo visų trijų tyrimų metu, tačiau nepatikimai (p>0,05). Per eksperimentinį laikotarpį techninio parengtumo testavimo rezultatai parodė, kad MFK „Vėtra“ žaidėjų techninio meistriškumo lygis mažėjo, bet statistiškai nepatikimai (p>0,05). Išliko nepakitę tik kamuolio žongliravimo ir 15 – 20 m perdavimo kaire koja rodikliai. Technikos rezultatų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / A training year cycle of women a football team of Vilnius „Vėtra“ is investigated as well as change of physical development, functional power, physical and technical preparedness during the year cycle. The aim of the work research is analize the structure of training, physical and technical preparedness and change of funcional power, activity of the game and results of competitions of women football team „Vėtra“ duringthe year cycle. The analysis of training year cycle demonstrated A. Stula‘s (1994) recommendations followed in the system were of training the year cycle. The year cycle training strain of women football team „Vėtra“ distributed as following: preparing period – 33 percent, competition period – 58 percent, transition period – 9 percent. The testings of physical development, functional power, physical and technical preparedness of women football team „Vėtra“ showed the index of physical development and functional power improved little in the season of 2007. However the physical preparedness got worse in the time of the third test due to the reason of a long summer holiday. The index of functional power improved during three tests even though they were unreliable (p>0,05). During the experimental period the test results of technical preparedness test showed that the level of technical skills of women football team „Vėtra“ players diminshed however they were a statistically unrelialble (p>0,05). The results of ball jungglery and 15 – 20 m passing of a ball a... [to full text]

VPU „Šviesos“ futbolo komandos fizinis ir techninis rengimas metiniu treniruočių ciklu / Physical and technical training of VPU football team "Šviesa" during year cycle

Gražulis, Donatas 13 June 2006 (has links)
Analizuojamas studentų futbolo komandos žaidėjų rengimas metiniu treniruočių ciklu. / In the work we analyzed training year cycle (2004-2005) of students football team „Šviesa“. We analyzed variation of physical, functional, technical preparedness during year cycle. Aim of our work was to analyze alternation of physical, functional, technical preparedness of students football team „Šviesa“ during year cycle. The analysis of training year cycle showed that training year cycle represents A. Stula‘s (1994) recommendations. 2004-2005 year season was successful for football team „Šviesa“. Team „Šviesa -1“ won I place in „Žaibas“ tournament, III place in LSFL hall football championship, III place in LSFL championship. After results analysis, we can make assumption, that physical loads made in teams „Šviesa“ trainings trained aerobic capacity more than muscular strength and power. Laboratory tests showed that physical development changed slightly, except noticeable fat mass increase from 8,85 to 9,29 kg (p<0,05). Quickness tests indexes changed best of all physical preparedness tests results. Football players made 18 jumps from hexagon middle to outside, the result changed from 15,47 s to 13,93 s (p<0,025). During experimental period significant change of functions of cardiovascular and respiratory systems was observed. Index that reflect this well is Rufje index. This index got reliable better from 6.3 to 4.8 (p<0.025), though during third testing after summer holydays, this index returned to its present level (6.03). During year cycle indexes of pulse rate... [to full text]

VPU kūno kultūros specialybės studentų greitumo, šoklumo ir jėgos rodiklių kaita trečiais - ketvirtais studijų metais / The change of speed, jumping ability and power indexes in the third –fourth year of studies of the physical education students at VPU

Kepežėnas, Vaidas 01 June 2005 (has links)
The physical education of physical education students of the VPU is carried out during the academic sports training and during the training session of a chosen sport. The number of hours of academic sports training differs in the course of four years as well as differ the sports skills of every student. Therefore a scientific problem and a practical need to establish if the system of sports studies by branches has the influence on the level of sports students education, and to identify the changes in third and fourth year of studies, after the students have been through the study programs and have adjusted themselves to the social environment, arise. The goal of the paper is to analyze the indexes of speed, jumping ability and power of the physical education students and to establish their level and changes occurring in the third and the fourth year. One of the key tasks during the physical training is to develop the need in a student for physical education, to form motives which encourage his/her physical activeness, self-development and self-expression. The third year students of physical education, both male and female, were checked up at the laboratory of the VPU in the middle of every academic year. The results of the investigation showed, that the study programs of physical education students, which cover lectures and training, supports or inconsiderably increase the indexes of speed, power , ability to jump and by this provider the opportunity for normal... [to full text]

Lietuvos karo akademijos kariūnų greitumo jėgos ir greitumo kaita studijų metu / Lithuanian Military Academy cadets force quikness and fluctuation of the quikness physicals characteristics duing the studies

Dembinskas, Vilius 16 August 2007 (has links)
Aktualumas. Tyrimai rodo silpną šalies jaunuolių sveikatą ir prastą fizinį parengtumą. NATO šalių ginkluotose pajėgose karių, kariūnų ir karininkų specialiam fiziniam rengimui skiriamas svarbus vaidmuo. Taigi iškyla keletas spręstinų tikslų, tarp kurių – karinei tarnybai tinkamiausių asmenų atranka ir bendrojo fizinio, be specialaus taikomojo rengimo, veiksmingų būdų paieška. Naujumas. Darbe tiriamas Lietuvos karo akademijos studentų kariūnų fizinis parengtumas. Nagrinėjamos 1–2 kurso studentų fizinio parengtumo – greitumo ir šoklumo fizinių ypatybių – 2003–2005 m. kryptys. Tokio pobūdžio darbų nėra daug, todėl tyrimo duomenys turės naujumo aspektą. Mokslinė problema. Kariūnų veikla iš esmės skiriasi nuo sportinės veiklos. Nuolat kintant stojančiųjų į LKA kontingentui ir priėmimo sąlygoms, aktuali yra ši mokslinė problema: kaip tikslingai valdyti kariūnų fizinį rengimą, nuolatos vertinant taikomos fizinio rengimo programos veiksmingumą pagal objektyvius motorinės sistemos kaitos rodiklius. Vieni iš tokių rodiklių yra raumenų galingumo, jėgos ir greitumo rodikliai. Prielaida. LKA studentų kariūnų fizinis parengtumas sparčiausiai gerėja pirmais studijų metais. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti ir įvertinti LKA 1–2 kurso studentų greitumo jėgos ir greitumo rodiklių kaitą studijų metu. Uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti LKA 1–2 kurso studentų antropometrinių rodiklių kaitą studijų metu; 2. Nustatyti ir įvertinti LKA 1–2 kurso studentų kojų raumenų greitumo jėgos rodiklių kaitą studijų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Actuality. Researches show weak health and bad physical qualification of the country‘s lads. In the armed forces of the NATO countries, special physical preparation of soldiers, cadets and officers plays an important role. Also, there are a few purposes to solve, including selection of the people most suitable for military service and searching effective ways for general physical without special applicable preparation. Newness. In the work, physical preparation of the students-cadets of the War Academy of Lithuania is researched. The tendencies of physical preparation of the students of the 1–2 course – physical features of quickness and spring – in 2003–2005 are analyzed.There are not so many works of this kind, so the data of the research is going to have an aspect of newness. Scientific problem. The cadets‘ activity differs from sport activity essentially. As the contingent of the entrants to the War Academy of Lithuania and acceptance conditions are always changing, this scientific problem is actual: how to run physical preparation of the cadets purposefully, evaluate efficiency of the programme of physical preparation applied following objective indicators of alternation of the motor system steadily. Some of these indicators are the indicators of the muscle power, strenght and quickness. Hypothesis – physical preparation of the students-cadets of the War Academy improves mostly in the first study year. Purpose of the research – to establish and evaluate... [to full text]

Tradicinio karate do kovotojų bendrojo ir specialaus fizinio parengtumo kaita metiniu rengimo ciklu / The changes of general and special physical preparedness of karate-do athletes during the yearly cycle training

Balčiūnas, Darius 15 July 2011 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu susidomėjimas kovos menais pasaulyje yra išaugęs tiek Lietuvoje, tiek visame pasaulyje. Karate yra vienas iš kovos menų stilių – tai būdas taip ištreniruoti savo kūną, kad priešininką galima būtų nugalėti tik kūno technika, nenaudojant ginklo Šiandienos karate galima išskirti tris kryptis: karate kaip fizinis menas, kaip sportas ir kaip savigynos būdas. Šiame darbe karate nagrinėjamas kaip sportas, kuriuo užsiima ir Lietuvos sportininkai. Karate kovos vyksta sudėtingomis dinaminėmis sąlygomis, sportininkas kovodamas gali pasirinkti labai įvairią techniką (smūgiuoti rankomis ar kojomis, daryti pakirtimus), todėl yra labai svarbus tiek geras fizinis sportininko parengtumas, tiek specialusis parengtumas bei fizinio pasirengimo rodiklių kaita metiniu rengimo ciklu. Literatūroje pasigendama tokių tyrimų, ypač karate sportininkų testavimo rezultatų, kuriuos būtų galima sulyginti su šių dienų sportininkų rodikliais. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti tradicinio karate - do sportininkų sportinio rengimo programą ir nustatyti bendrojo ir specialaus fizinio parengtumo rodiklių kaitą metiniu rengimo ciklu, kad įvertintume sportininkų bendrąjį ir specialųjį pasirengimą atskiruose etapuose, treniruočių įtaką sportininko organizmui, nustatytume, ar treniruotėse tinkamai dozuojami krūviai ir į ką būtų galima atsižvelgti sudarant kitų metų treniruočių programą. Tikslui įgyvendinti buvo tirtas 5-ių pajėgiausių Lietuvos karate – do sportininkų fizinis rengimas metiniu rengimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Over the past several decades, the martial arts have become an increasingly popular. Martial arts are body, mind, and spiritual practices that originated in China. Karate - do is an empty - handed art - the ability to train your body to the point whereby you can overcome an opponent with one technique without the need for weapons. Three branches of present day karate - as a physical art, as a sport, and as self - defence - are developed. In our work we are used karate as sport, which is practiced in Lithuania too. Karate system consists of techniques of blocking or thwarting an attack and counterattacking the opponent by punching, striking, or kicking, therefore general and special physical qualification of athletes and the changes of indices of general and special physical qualification in different periods of yearly cycle training are very important. There are lack of such kind of studies which results could be compared to our athletes. The purpose of the work is to investigate the structure and content of the training process of karate athletes during the one year cycle of initial training and to analyze the changes of indices of general and special physical qualification of karate fighters in the yearlong cycle. The 5 karate athletes from Lithuania were studied. The indices of physical development, physical fitness and functional capacity were established three times during the year. It was found that in the period of our study the karate athletes indices of physical... [to full text]

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